Powerpoint introduction to SaxoWebTrader_EXTERNAL

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SaxoWebTrader www.saxowebtrader.com

1 account – 3 trading platforms: Client Profile - Account(s) configuration - Enabled instruments - Trading conditions

ID + Password

Log into the saxo webtrader web site, at www.saxowebtrader.com

Roll over your cursor over “Login� and choose Demo.

Type in your User ID and password. If you do not remember your user and password contact us by Email: dis@saxobank.com and I will provide you with one.

Tick the box and click Enable.

Read carefully And if you agree Press accept

We will close all windows by clicking on the x

Click on the “Add Module” down pointed arrow.

Click on “Forex Spot Trade”

Click on the “Add Module” down pointed arrow.

Choose “Trade Board”

Type your preferred currency pair, for example EURUSD, by marking the text in the window and typing in the pairs name.

After typing EURUSD click the Enter Button. If you have more than 1 results, move with the arrows and then press Enter.

Type another instrument name that you wish to add to the trade Board.

Adding the US Dollar/Japanese Yen, by typing USDJPY.

Expand the “Add Module” once again.

Choose “Open Positions” under “Account”.

As you may see, we do not have any open positions for the moment. So let’s mark the amount, using the left click of the mouse.

Type 200000 at the amount box. Please note that the amount is always related to the left currency. In our case we will trade 200000 EUROs. When the right amount was entered, click on the “Buy” or “Sell” buttons.

Click OK to close the confirmation window. You may have a print as well.

Let’s click on the “+”, situated on the left side of the instrument, in order to expand all related positions.

You may, either close the position using the Blue X, relate a limit order using the Green icon, or place a stop loss order using the red one.

Closing the position immediately is very simple, just click the highlighted green price.

After clicking the Limit order icon, tick the box to add a related stop order as well. You may have only one related, or two related orders, as you prefer.

Please amend the limit “Price� for the related orders. You may have to scroll down to view the entire window.

Confirm your orders by clicking the green “Place Orders” button. Both “Order type” and “Duration”, are dynamic.

Click OK to close the order confirmation, either print a copy.

Both icons for the Limit and the Stop order, have disappeared. It indicates that related orders have been placed.

Expand the “Add Module”.

Choose “Open Orders” under “Tools”.

The “Open Orders� window, shows the two related orders. You may Change/Create/Cancel one or cancel all orders, using the various buttons.

Expand the “Add Module” one more time.

Choose “Account and Margin Summary” under “Account”.

The “Account and Margin Summary�, windows gives you online information regarding your account value and utilization.

1 account – 3 trading platforms:

One account - Three platf orms Now your Saxo Bank account gives you access to three interlinked platforms: SaxoWebTrader, SaxoTrader and SaxoMobileTrader. You can open a position on one platform, and monitor and close it on one of the others. SaxoW ebTrader benef its The new SaxoWebTrader builds on the award-winning SaxoTrader platform, delivering professional trading tools to private investors and traders. No downloading or installation required. One account gives you access to three platforms. Trade 160+ FX crosses including gold and silver pairs, 6000+ CFDs with more asset classes available soon. User-friendly interface with customizable functions.

Danny Israel | Senior Financial Associate Direct Phone: +45 39776234 Toll free from Israel: 1809450310 Toll free from Belgium: 0800 78545

Thank you.

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