Etwin news

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eTwin News Getting to know each other Welcome, in this issue of our magazine, we are going to talk about videoconferencing and our experiences along the academic year.The three schools have worked together on this project and we wanted to meet each other, but as we could not have a face to face meeting, so we used Skype and we have shared really funny experiences!

MAGAZINE ­ ISSUE 02 October 2015

SKYPE Skype has been a useful tool. We have met each other thanks to Skype.

3 COUNTRIES Our three countries have been in touch and have shared different experiences.

ICT New technologies have been important to develop this project.

Did you know...? The first version of Skype for PCs was published in 2003. The name comes from the expression “Sky Peer­to­peer”, but it was made short to Skype.

Skype became popular because of voice calls using the Internet, but now it is mainly used to do videoconferencing. There have been weddings using Skype, job interviews, different messages from celebrities to their fans and even operations in hospitals.


During the first Skype meeting, we could see each other’s classrooms and we talked about our schools and our cities. Unfortunately, we had to finish just when we started to discuss our favourite football player, one of our favourite topics!!

The first video conference of the project was in October, just when we started it.

The Polish teacher said after the meeting: "As you can see from my students' faces we had lots of fun" (Magdalena Brodzinska)

One of us also posted the following comment:"I liked the lesson very much. We talked about our favorite subjects." (Aleksander Nabrzeski)


The meeting was really interesting and motivating. When it finished, we started thinking about new topics to discuss in the next conference.

As the conversation was interrupted because the lesson had to finish, we continued the talk on the forum, where our Polish friend answer the question their Spanish friends asked him: "All I wonna say is when you guys ask me about my favourite football player and I say "I don't like football" because I'm not football fan. i love you guys" (Davide Cappellaro)

"In my opinion we should do it often , because it is a great way to learn how converse and learn abuot traditions of other countries . I was really nervous before speaking but in the end it was really funny :) (Elia Deiuri)

Christian Fioresco also estated "The Skype meeting was very interesting, it was a bit difficult to understand but it was a very funny experience and a good way to learn English!"

Italy Spain

We talked Lorem ipsum about dolor what sit amet, we were consectetuer going to doadipiscing during elit. Easter our Ut a sapien. holidays. Aliquam We were aliquet also purus verymolestie interested in dolor. Integer knowing our school quis eros subjects, ut eratour posuere routines dictum. after Curabitur school anddignissim. our favourite Integer places orci.toFusce visit invulputate their cities. lacus We were at ipsum. also curious Quisque about in libero football necplayers, mi laoreet actors volutpat. and singers Aliquam from the erosother pede, country. scelerisque quis, tristique cursus, placerat convallis, velit. ligula.

SKYPE After the meeting, the students as usual Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer posted some comments on the forums. They adipiscing elit. expressed their opinions about the Ut a sapien. Aliquam aliquet purus molestie conversation.

SKYPE Nikolas wrote:"In our skype meeting I had a lot Lorem ipsumit dolor sit amet, consectetuer of fun, because was really funny ask some adipiscing elit. questions about our traditions and cultures. I was Uttimorous a sapien.when Aliquam molestieit. really I hadaliquet to talkpurus but I enjoyed


The videoconferences usually last more or less the same as a lesson, but time runs quickly and we always think they could be longer. Federico Vittori wrote: "I think our skype meeting was a fantastic experience. I learned to make a dialogue with other people. I'm really liked to answer questions about our food. I hope to do it again !"

We had this meeting in March, during the first lesson of the day. We felt sleepy but it was a good way to start the day!!

We are sometimes nervous when the video conferences start, but then we relax and enjoy!

As you can see on the pictures, we use our mobile phones to read the possible questions we prepared to ask our friends.

Poland Spain


SKYPE We also talked about the different dishes of Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer our countries and asked questions to each adipiscing elit. other about the ingredients we normally use. Ut a sapien. Aliquam aliquet purus molestie

This meeting took place at the beginning Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, of March and just like in previous video consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut a sapien. conferences, we had great fun talking to Aliquam aliquet purus molestie dolor. each other. Integer quis eros ut erat posuere dictum. We talked about our hobbies, interests, Curabitur dignissim. Integer orci. Fusce school subjects, and we compared what vulputate lacus at ipsum. Quisque in different activities we usually do after libero nec mi laoreet volutpat. Aliquam school. We also discussed the different eros pede, scelerisque quis, tristique timetables we have at school or the cursus, placerat convallis, velit. ligula. different subjects we have.

SKYPE The conversation was interesting because Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer we talked about the preparation of dishes. It adipiscing elit. was helpful to make those dishes afterwards!


Some comments after the meeting: Samuele Polese, "In my opinion it was awesome.I really like it because for me, it's the best way to make new friendshipsand to learn something of other culture like polish culture.I hope we can remake a similiar experience." Maja Turowska, "This skype was awesome. I learn so much about you, I hope that you like too."

One main topic of discussion was the names of our towns, Gorzรณw Wielkopolski and Gorizia sound similar, above all if you consider that the German name of Gorizia is Gรถrz.

VideoconferencingeTwin is great! News Getting to know each other

Before the videoconferences, we prepare some notes that help us in the conversation. We sometimes get into groups and prepare questions we want to ask to our partners. They are usually very interested in knowing things about our friends from other countries.

Skype has been a very useful tool because: ­ We have had the chance of meeting each other and talk about different topics. ­It has been really fun and motivating. ­We have been able to use what we learn during the English lessons in real life. ­It is a good way to practice how to ask questions and answer them. ­It is also a great practice of listening and speaking (the two more difficult skills for a lot us) ­We can act as a group and organise ourselves to ask questions about different topics.

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