a. faricha mantika
portfolio 2023 selected works
hello, nice to meet you My name is A. FARICHA MANTIKA, I go by the name ‘FARICHA’ (fa-ree-cha). I graduated with BA in Political Science from Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia. I have a great interest in graphic design. I am also a fast learner and an adaptive person. As part of my academic life, I routinely engaged in discussions related to my study and currently helps run an independent and collaborative discussion platform, Development Study Club. In addition, I also write book reviews and articles to be shared through a co-managed blog, Kedai Resensi Surabaya, related to social politics, pop culture, and literature. Where I also get to infuse a splash of creativity through my design for both platforms. Apart from academic life, I’ve been using my keen interest in art by developing my graphic design skills over the past 5 years. While also involved in the online media and publishing industry, I get to experience working as a book editor, book translator, book cover designer, and layout designer. This portfolio showcases my works used in digital and printed mediums. Among those are logos, infographics, graphic illustrations for digital media articles, book cover design, book layout design, and other personal project.
editorial graphics/illustration 6—9 infographics 10—15 book cover design 16—19
logo 20—21 event poster 22—23 personal project 24—25
editorial graphics /illustration
I’ve been designing editorial illustration for articles published in online platforms. Most of the design presented for opinion or news articles in the field of social science. My approach is to use a digital collage, where the editor usually also ask for a photograph to be incorporated into the design. type of work editorial graphics/illustration client Berpijar.co tools Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator
article title (p.6) Membaca New Social Movement Kelompok Pro-Demokrasi Hong Kong Terhadap UU Keamanan Nasional
article title (p.7-top) Corona Berpeluang Menjadi Kisah Seram untuk Generasi ke Depan
article title (p.7-bottom) Pendidikan oleh Semua Bangsa
type of work editorial graphics/illustration client Kempalan.com tools Adobe Photoshop
article title (p.8) George Kahin, Patriot Amerika Serikat dan Nasionalis Indonesia
article title (p.9-top) Pita Putih di Lengan, Bagai Menyambut Oposan dengan Karpet Merah
article title (p.9-bottom) Keadaban Anies dan Bunga-bunga Tersenyum Kembali
Info— s c i h p a r g type of work infographics client nal Surabaya/perso Kedai Resensi project
tools op Adobe Photosh script Reza M. Hikam tika an & A. Faricha M
e following Presented in th s ed infographic pages are select sonal blog, I made for per and book microblogging, edia content. club’s social m
type of work infographics
tools Adobe Photoshop
client Klub Seri Buku
script A. Faricha Mantika
type of work infographics
tools Adobe Photoshop
client Klub Seri Buku
script /varied
Book Cover Design My interest in books has also cultivated my interest in book publishing. It becomes natural that I involved in the making of book, that is its interior and exterior (layout and book cover).
type of work book cover client /varied tools Adobe Photoshop
type of work book cover client Bawaslu Jawa Timur /draft tools Adobe Photoshop
type of work book cover client Opsi Press /draft tools Adobe Photoshop
The followings are logo I designed for the purpose of online media, community, research institute, and personal blog.
type of work logo
type of work logo
type of work logo
client Center for Extremism, Radicalism, & Security Studies/research institute
client KB. MURBA/personal project, bookstore
client Kedai Handai/personal project, resto
tools Adobe Illustrator
tools Adobe Illustrator
tools Adobe Illustrator
type of work logo
type of work logo
client Klub Seri Buku/community
client Development Study Club/ community
tools Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
tools Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
Event Posters
My design works in community and online media was also creating visual content for social media. Including posters for event held by communities and visual content for social media feeds.
type of work event posters client /varied, community tools Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
Thank you for staying with me throughout these pages! This is the last section of my portfolio where I’d like to take you through personal design projects I also enjoy doing.
type of work digital collage, poster client /personal project tools Adobe Photoshop
thankyou! terimakasih! for taking the time to check my portfolio. please let me know if you’re interested to work with me.
instagram atlant__18