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7.2/ Circular economy

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The Environment

Fabbri believes that thecircular economy is of great importance to ensure the long-term environmental, social and economic sustainability of the company Given this conviction, a number of initiatives have been launched over time in order to reuse discarded production waste, reduce waste of resources, and generally reduce consumption through practices capable of increasing the circularity of the company and its products.

Normally, in addition to the waste generated by ordinary company management, Fabbri generates waste, organic and otherwise, related to the production of products, including packaging.

In line with the current market trend, Fabbri 1905 is paying special attention to packaging, which is essential to protect and preserve food products during transport, distribution and storage, but which can generate significant amounts of waste. Recently, glass syrup bottles have been replaced by PET bottles, which represent a fully recoverable packaging that can be disposed of in plastic waste collection together with the cap and label. Currently, other initiatives are being considered for the revalorisation of PET waste, by carrying out, with the support of the Technical Department and the Purchasing Department, trials of purchasing bottles made from recycled material. For some types of plastic packaging further sub-sorting is carried out to enhance recovery. For example, for CER 0150102 plastic packaging, which covers all types of plastic packaging (HDPE, PELD, PET, etc.), HDPE cisterns/drums are kept subdivided and sent to direct recovery operations, thus avoiding subsequent sorting that often generates more waste and residues.

Packaging waste made of paper, cardboard, wood, glass and metal is used to make new packaging or other objects.

In order to avoid food waste, Fabbri 1905 donates products, which, although edible, are no longer marketable, to various associations dedicated to the recovery of foodstuffs: in 2022, goods worth around €40,000 were recovered. In addition, Fabbri supplies part of the edible production waste to a third company for compost production. Finally, solutions are being studied for the reuse of waste materials as by-products for energy production by external entities.

In general, the waste generated that cannot be reused is managed and sent to recovery processes by authorised external operators.


Total energy consumption of which paper and cardboard of which toner of which tin plate of which glass of which plastic (secondary packaging) of which plastic (secondary packaging)


*”Other” includes ceramics, multicomposites and displays


Total waste generated paper packaging plastic packaging

Sources: loading and unloading registers, FIR, MUD; Ecos management software.

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