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Sustainable Development Goals at Faber-Castell
The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015. Five pillars3 were defined, which precede the 17 sustainability goals (with 169 sub-goals) as a code of conduct. The UN’s sustainability goals reflect the most important factors for the creation of a world community by 2030 that is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. It is groundbreaking in this respect that all associated states of the United Nations have committed themselves to the concrete goals and that a broad civil society has worked together to develop the goals. In order for the ambitious goals to be achieved, all central actors – from the general population, science, states, local authorities and the private sector – are called upon to participate in Agenda 2030 and the change process. Faber-Castell, too, wishes to make a contribution and integrate the relevant SDGs into its strategy.
As a first step, Faber-Castell prepared an environment analysis in order to prioritise the 17 goals in terms of their relevance to the company and to define fields of action. The goals already set by Faber-Castell were compared and associated with the SDGs. In the coming years, the analysis and work on the United Nations’ goals will be integrated into the stakeholder survey for 2020 and further concrete goals and indicators will be defined on the basis of the results.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations