Architectural Archives

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Architectural Archives

a selected design and works by

Fabian Satriana Raspati


Curiculum Vitae

Fabian Satriana Raspati

Born in Bandung, March 13th 1997 +62 81321131213 Education SMA Negeri 5 Bandung

Bachelor of Architecture at

Graduated in 2015

Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITENAS) Bandung Graduated in 2021

Skills & Capabilites Sketch


Adobe InDesign

Watercolour Drawing


Adobe Premiere



Vray Sketchup


Adobe Photoshop


Awards 2nd Prize

1st Prize

Satu Ruang Competition 2019

Sebaris Competition 2019

Universitas Pelita Harapan

Institut Teknologi Nasional

2nd Prize

1st Prize




2019 Universitas Gajah Mada

Universitas Warmadewa Competition 2018


Architectural Archives

Experiences Studio Aliri -

Andramatin -

as architecture intern

as architecture intern

Feb - May 2020

Aug 2018 - Jan 2019

Bridge Making Exhibition


Galeri Yuliansyah Akbar, Bandung

as Decoration Coordinator

Oct 2019

Apr 2018

Bridge Making Exhibition

FSA Annual Exhibition II

Kopi Manyar, Jakarta

Galeri Hidayat, Bandung

Oct 2019

Aug 2016

Bridge Making Workshop

FSA Annual Exhibition I

Critical Context Bandung

Selasar Sunaryo Art Space, Bandung

2019 Unit 02

Feb 2015

Aug 2019 Pranala Associates as architecture intern Jun - Sep 2019


Table of Content



Architectural Archives

Projects Parahyangan Performance Art School


Omah Srawung


Contextual Restroom in Tourist Destination


Pondok Ranji Station


TZ House


Coffee Shop


Bridge as The Living Monument



PPerformance Art School


(final project)

JL. Bujanggamanik Row 21, Padalarang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40553.

Parahyangan Performance Art School Final Project Mentor : Ir. Theresia Pynkiawati, M.T. Ir. Nurtati Soewarno, M.T. Site Area : 25.400m2 Building Area : 9.152m2

The College of Music and Dance in Indonesia has not been widely spread, especially in West Java. The same case with Brutalism Architecture, where today many people “put aside” the name Brutalism because it is considered to have a negative connotation in terms of appearance and function of the buildings. The principles of Brutalism Architecture have actually been lost because there are many modern architectural principles that entered the realm of the architectural world today. With the design of Parahyangan Performance Art School in Kota Baru Parahyangan using Brutalism Architecture, it can manifest architectural euphoria in the brutal era for users and also public today as a medium of education.


Figure of the Faculty Entrance

Figure of the Faculty Theatre

Figure of the Faculty Innercourt

PPerformance Art School


(final project)

In terms of hierarchy and architectural style, Brutalism Architecture is characterized by its simplicity of form, “brut” or concrete material and also the ornament that removed from the building. However, in proportion, a building with the principles of Brutalism Architecture has a gigantic proportion on the scale of building to humans so that the building will feel contrast to the surrounding environment. So architecturally, the design of the building will be a novelty in the sub-urban environment, also socially, this building can educate users and public about architectural concepts and principles that are rarely used in Indonesia today.

Plan of the Faculty of Music and Dance of Parahyangan Performance Art School.

This school is named “Parahyangan Performance Art School” which consists of four (4) study programs as an educational function and several other functions as support. Starting from the issue where Brutalism has a negative connotation in terms of appearance and function, from there it aims to create a novelty in the area and can educate the public in terms of principles and architecture. Both in plan and appearance, and the pieces of the building that are formed simply without excessive ornamentation and have a mega structure or a large building shape but still on a human scale.


Detail Section from the selection part of the building. Top : Roof Detail Bottom : Roster Facade Detail

PPerformance Art School

(final project)

Principal Section of the main building.



The site plan which has a simple pattern with geometric shapes and a formal arrangement. In addition, the building access type also varies, from stairs, ramps and lifts that function as access for every user (both difable and non-difable) of the building. Expression of Brutalism in the exterior is simply geometric shapes with exposed concrete materials, wooden grill, and roster walls. In addition, the building column mostly are cylindrical for safety and have a “stand-alone” impression due to the placement of the columns apart from the walls. This will bring the architectural approach more sublte.

PPerformance Art School

The application of architectural details on the principles of Brutalism Architecture also can be found on the facade of the building for the purposes of light and solar heat entering the building. The principle belongs to its simplicity, so the facade used also has a simple shape with a simple material. In addition to material exploration, there is a vegetation arrangement designed to make this building more alive. Each building mass has its own inner court that functions as a buffer filled with vegetation, including trees, grass, ornamental plants, and others.

Plan, elevation and section of Multi-purpose and Rectorate Building.

(final project)

Figure of Exterior Multi-purpose (left) and Rectorate (right) Building.



Omah Srawung



JL. Gegerkalong Girang, Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, 40153.

Omah Srawung Sebaris 2019 - In Between Urban Motion Team : Fabian Satriana R. Raisa Inaya Rifdaan Juries : Deddy Wahjudi, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D. Eggi Septianto, S.T., M.T. Angky Abiyasa Site Area : 350m2 Status : First Prize

The design of this house began with an issue of “Land Limitations”. In Indonesia, there are many neighboring lives that still far from the word “friendly”. Many live together in one settlement but do not know their own neighbors. The antidote to land limitations and social isolation is co-housing. Reducing the level of isolation between living together, creating social interaction, and a sense of togetherness are expected to overcome existing problems. Maximizing creation of shared spaces other than private spaces is the main reference in designing a co-housing. With this manifestation, design is not just a practice but a form of caring for others.


The site is located in the middle of the Educational Area which most of the people sell/ rent the house to become a comercial building to make a profit from the area. The intensity of the population around the site is categorized as densely populated, so that many houses were built without any design considerations for the surrounding environment. Therefore, this co-housing was built to respond this issue that the community can be aware of the importance of local ecosystem that it will not become a slum and crowded place.

Omah Srawung

This co-housing is divided into 3 houses for 3 families, each house has a living area, kitchen, bathroom and 2 bedrooms. To maintain harmony between neighbors, a communal area is formed including a TVroom, dining room, large kitchen, warehouse, laundry and drying area. With the existence of this communal area, hopefully it can establish good and harmonious relations between neighbors so that anti-social problems do not arise.





Concept Diagram

Figure of the House Unit


Top : Section 1 Middle : Section 2 Bottom Left : : Semi-Basement Plan Bottom Right : Ground Floor Plan



Top : Figure of house side entrance Bottom : Figure of dining in communal area (semi basement)

Omah Srawung


Top : Figure of house front door Bottom : Figure of circulation



Contextual Restoom



Curug Sodong Kembar, Geopark Ciletuh, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat, 43177

Contextual Restroom in Tourist Destination Wiswakharman Expo 2019 Competition Team : Fabian Satriana R. Imam Supratiko Pasca Suraja R. Juries : Andramatin Ir. Eko Agus Prawoto, M.Arch Dr. Ir. Djoko Wijono, M.Arch Naning Adiwoso Kurnia Widiastuti, S.T., M.T. Prof. Ir. Wiendu Nuryanti, M.Arch, Ph.D Status : Second Prize

One of the good handling and processing of public facilities is paying more attention to the concept of management, that harmonizes geological, biological and cultural diversity through the principles of conservation, education and sustainable development. The selection of the Ciletuh Geopark area is due to the many tourist spots that have not made public facilities as a priority in the tourist area. Gemah Ripah Loh Jinawi is a slogan of Sukabumi which means peaceful and prosperous and very fertile soil that inspires, as well as contextuality which is used as a reference in designing this building.


Contextual Restoom

Plan, elevation and section of the contextual restroom



The idea of forming ​​ the building mass is based on a rectangular shape as land optimization, then equipped with a deconstruction form of the “badak heuay” roof which is a typical Sundanese roof which was converted into a roof garden form as a viewing deck into a design idea to follow the contextual existing in the area.

In addition, in order to obtain sustainable public facilities, a “Phytoremediation” system was created for the management of clean water in buildings. Where certain plant systems that work together with micro-organisms in the media that can convert contaminants into less or harmless or even more useful materials.

The viewing deck, which is implemented from the form of a Sundanese roof, can be used by visitors to enjoy the Sodong Kembar waterfall from a higher ground level.





Concept Diagram

Figure of building frontal


Detail Section of Phytoremediation Water System

Contextual Restoom


Top : Figure of Nursery Room Bottom : Figure of Men’s Toilet



Pondok Ranji Station



Jl. Stasiun Pondok Ranji, Rengas, Kec. Ciputat Tim, Tanegerang Selatan, 15412

Pondok Ranji Station Satu Ruang Competition 2019 Team : Fabian Satriana R. Raisa Inaya Rifdaan Febby Aji Fitriawan Juries : Wiyoga Nurdiansyah Hans Susanto Yori Antar Irianto Purnomo Hadi Komunitas Gaun Status : Second Prize

The lack of concern for building design on accessibility for persons with disabilities is the main reference in the process of developing the design of this train station. 10% of people with disabilities in Indonesia live in a risky public space environment, independence is difficult to do. ublic buildings in Indonesia are not disability friendly. In this context, public building’s concern for users needs more attention so that the function of the building can be used optimally.


The current Pondok Ranji station building does not respond to persons with disabilities which results in many people who cannot do activities like other users. In addition, the building is still unable to overcome the problem of the density of users who come because it has relatively small spaces. Therefore, the design of this station expects Pondok Ranji Station is an environmentally friendly public building with all the facilities, guiding blocks, lifts, underpasses and signage are the main focus in facilitating the disabled. In addition, indoor air problems must also be maintained by utilizing semi-outdoor spaces so that air can flow.

Pondok Ranji Station

The planning of Pondok Ranji station is expected to solve the problem of population density and is also disability friendly. Friendly materials are also carried out so that this station can be sustainable for long term. The separation of the entry and exit areas is also planned so that station users do not pile up at one point. The entrance area is made further back than the exit area so that users exiting the station are closer to the main road.





Concept Diagram

Figure of main entrance of the station


Ground Floor Plan of Pondok Ranji Station



Top : Figure of hall way of station perron Bottom : Figure of middle station perron

Pondok Ranji Station


Top : Figure of exit point station Bottom : Figure of ticketing area



TZ House



Andramatin sketches

TZ House Publication for GA Houses 2019 Andramatin Internship Program Principal : Andramatin Project Architect : Lina Madiana Ephraem Joseph Fabian Satriana R. 3D Artist : Ephraem Joseph Fabian Satriana R. Site Area : 331m2

In this project, I had the opportunity to help Andramatin to publish one of his works in the Japanese magazine, GA Houses Magazine. In the process of work, redesigning several elements so that the building becomes more conceptual is one of the references for this publication. Some of the elements that have been changed are the ground floor layout, the sequence from the entrance and also some interior layouts that need changes. It was really fun to work with the architect team as an intern, so i can learn more from them.


Top : Figure of house exterior Bottom : Figure of circulation

TZ House



When the client finished working on the interior of his house, he decided to have a house designed, right next to the one he was already living in. The new house would serve as an annex to a family of four. The annex would have functions which include a gym, a bedroom for one of his two kids, a guest bedroom, a study with living room and dining room. Located in a suburban area of Ciputat, the house is also completed with a garage area, a security post, and a service area.

Blok Plan of TZ House

The building wasn’t necessarily oriented from the main street, but rather the entrance point from the old house. The entrance to the annex starts from the library, joined by a bridge that is slanted to preserve maximum view from the library. The upper gym located in a semi-outdoor space that has a large plane of roof covering to avoid the rain from damaging the equipment, while the lower area could be used for yoga area.


The building has quite a handful number of functions, so it uses mezzanines and interlocking spaces for space efficiency. For the construction, the annex utilizes reinforced concrete for its post and beam structural support. The staggering concrete finish of the architecture is due to the client’s affinity for raw and natural material. The site comes with a surrounding concrete walls that are also incorporated in the final design. The building’s footprint area took up about a third of the whole site, leaving the rest of it for landscaping, greeneries, and waterscape.

TZ House

The finishing of this building is quite raw, with concrete as the main material and ulin wood, some steel engineering, and also glass for the transparent area. However, with the proportion of the building that has many voids and openings, this building does not seem too bulky and also looks lightweight because of the shape.

Plan, elevation and section of TZ House


Top : Frontal figure of the house Bottom : Figure of communal area



Coffee Shop



Jl. Terusan Cisokan Dalam 22-4, Cihaur Geulis, Kec. Cibeunying Kaler, Kota Bandung, 40122

Coffee Shop Comercial Project 2019 Team : Fabian Satriana R. Raisa Inaya Rifdaan Site Area : 800m2 Building Area : 140m2 Status : Preliminary Document

This coffee shop was the first project in 2019, the interesting thing about working on this project is that the client has the same design principle where the area of ​​the coffee shop wants to be made into an open area with a sequence. The work on this project has only reached the preliminary stage due to several obstacles experienced by the client so that this project has not been able to be built. However, the client wants to continue the idea from this preliminary so that it can be realized later.


The initial idea of this ​​ project is to apply contextuality in a building, because this project is located in an old settlement where the majority of the existing buildings are old buildings. Therefore, there needs to be a response to the context so that this building can blend with the surroundings but still in today’s modern architecture. Starting with the use of land as a parking lot, then the building is in the rear position so that users who enter must pass through the hallway to reach the main building. In addition, the main building is roofed, but there is a towering cube building to create a new composition from the front view.

Coffee Shop

The sequences in this building is felt from the entrance which made from narrow pathway, then after passing the curved blocks with mirror material, the users can see a wide field with the building made open on all sides. It also makes a poetic value in this building and also new experience of space.





Concept Diagram

Figure of coffee shop exterior


Plan, elevation and section of the coffee shop



Top : Figure of coffee shop frontal Bottom : Figure of multi-purpose area

Coffee Shop


Top : Figure of main building Bottom : Figure of multi-purpose area






(workshop & exhibition)

Site visit (Day 01)

Bridge as The Living Monument 2019 Workshop & Exhibition Team : Fabian Satriana R. Ari Triawan Mentor : Trianzani Sulshi Artiandi Akbar Exhibited in Kopi Manyar (Jakarta) and Galeri Yuliansyah Akbar (Bandung)

Critical Context 02 “Bridge Making Workshop” is a 10 day workshop program with the aim of understanding the woodworking and making of a wooden bridge. Tectonic is the key word of the workshop theme, the selection of bridge is a representation of “tectonic” itself. There were 6 participants divided into 3 groups with variations of the bridge category. This workshop also train participants to use literacy and narrative without using technology to get ideas for the design of a bridge. The initial results formed from this workshop are 1:20, 1:10, and 1:5 design model.


Set in between the contradicting river banks’ programs, between places intended for the spiritual and the corporeal ends, we propose a monument to celebrate the as-lived binary in the form of a bridge. On one side of the site, there lies the sprawl of informal urban settlement, the ever-expanding Pesantren as well as the cemetery grounds which with one accord, draw a strong impression of such spiritual ends in their presence. Upon the arrival on the area, one may easily acknowledge the spiritual sentiment emitted from the area’s atmosphere, calling to mind about what we feared and desired from God as transcen-



dental relationship with the higher being. On another side of the site, interestingly lies the sports complex, another built environment that one may bears to brace the corporeality of human in either their individual or social existence. We see the living binary from the two opposing sides are related interdependently, as succinct manners in the view of Islamic tradition: The equilibrium in the vertical & horizontal relation, a harmony.v

Initial Ideas and naration of the bridge (Day 02)

Preparation for 1:20 scaled model of the bridge using balsa and plywood (Day 02)


(workshop & exhibition)

Finished 1:20 scaled of wooden bridge model supported by clay as land of the site (Day 04)

Designed as a monument, the bridge is present in a performative way. The bridge that transforms into monumental apparatus once it serves to constitute a specific form of crossing enacted by its user in daily basis. The bridge that lived in two-fold. In its given architectonic, it could represent the narrative which once so comprehensive yet so simple at the same time. The idea of verticality and horizontality are formulated into the shape of its structural module which supported by the diagonal brace, one that may reflects the presence of ‘faith’ to bond human-god connection. By creating a repet itive arrangement, the bridge leads the user

to step constantly and carefully as a physical abstraction of daily worship and Dhikr [the act of remembering Allah]. Here we tried to calculate every part of the bridge referring to the numeral consideration in Islamic tradition, to create a non-personal work as a regard to the shared monument. The bridge, as a row of pillars and a post to hold onto, stands to manifest the spiritual connection of human with the higher being. The bridge, as a pathway and trajectory to pass through, lied down for any men with possible fear, hope, acceptance, and submission.




Top : Finished 1:10 scaled of wooden bridge model Bottom: A custom-made tool jig used to control the part of bridge model making for 1:5 scaled model (Day 8)

(workshop & exhibition)

Figure of 1:5 scaled model of bridge as living monument



Figure of finished model for bridge as a living monument scaled 1:20, 1:10 and 1:5 (Day 10)




(workshop & exhibition)

It was fun to participate in this workshop, learn a lot of new things, especially “making” in architectural studies which can’t be found in formal education. In addition to literacy, which is carried out using a different approach, many more detailed things are learned. There were also many inputs from mentors and guest lectures who attended this workshop and opened their minds more deeply about improving literacy for the design of a bridge. With the goals of making a model of 1:20, 1:10, 1:5, time becomes something very crucial where the last few days of the workshop we have to complete these goals even though it is overtime.

Figure of me and Ari Triawan present our model to attendant on the last day of the workshop (Day 10)

On the last day, the workshop held an open crit which was opened to the public with the aim of evaluating this critical context workshop in front of the public. This open crit is held in the workshop area, each team prepares the results of this workshop in several spots that can be seen clearly by the audience.


Top : 1st Exhibition at Kopi Manyar, Jakarta Bottom : 2nd Exhibition at Galery Yuliansyah Akbar, Bandung



(workshop & exhibition)

Digital illustration for exhibition display


2018, 2019, 2020

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