Fabien Proust - Product designer for humans

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Hi! My name is Fabien, I am a french heavy rock and crumble lover, recently graduated as a product designer/manager from l’École de design Nantes Atlantique and IEMN-IAE, mainly specialized in industrial/product design based on human experience but to be honest with you,

I am looking for a junior designer position!

Responsible Innovations as my Master Degree option. L’École de design Nantes Atlantique 2012 - 2014 (Nantes, France)

Product Design as a two year option.

L’École de design Nantes Atlantique 2010 - 2012 (Nantes, France)

User-centered reflection design based on social innovations, services and health-care issues. End of studies project about every day diabetes treatment.

Management and Strategy as my second Master Degree. IEMN-IAE 2013 - 2014 (Nantes, France)

Company development formation taking in account economical aspects in order to lead a project toward the market.

Use concerns, usability of materials, making a concept real, and communicating it.

Industrial design assistant at Charlwood Design.

sept 2012 - Jan 2013 (Melbourne, Australia)

A six month experience through a professional methodology, team development and managing projects with clients until industrialisation.

Industrial design assistant at Bluelarix Designworks

July 2014 - Jan 2015 (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Seven month working on industrial product development through a human-centered methodology, design engineers approach and prototyping.

And so ? I believe that design is a tool making particular part of your life easier. Through a user-centered understanding, this process can be applied to consumer products as well as medical ones. This specific approach makes then products better adapted and integrated to every day habits. The idea is then to improve the intimate relationship between objects and users.

Cargobike OlĂŠ Bearing tool Naja

an easy and healthy way of transportation.

or how to improve meal time autonomy for people in retired houses.

simplify and improve a technical movement.

a new way of living diabetes.


an easy and healthy way of transportation.

The bike is nowadays considered as new way of mobility. During a six month internship at Charlwood Design in Melbourne, Australia, I have had the occasion to work on such a subject. Cargocycles, a renting bike company in Melbourne, asked us to think about a new kind of bike. It had to consider professional and leisure habits in the city. Here is my first professional project that I could manage, from the strategy level to concept design. It has been supervised by one of my colleague Dean Beanstead. 2013 - Charlwood Design - Melbourne, Australia.


from a client request to first strategic orientations.

First difficulties I have been through was to understand clearly what this project was about. A bike that could fit a Melbourne postman as well as a family visiting the city. What do they need? How much space do they require? Many questions that led to a market overview and to a first strategic orientation.

Why would it be better for them to use a bike?

What is it going to do?

What would they carry?


How two differents uses will be combined?

Who is it made for?

Where is going to be used?

What kind of professionnal would use this bike and why?


Smith & co. Long John

Fietsfabriek CargoBike 995

Nihola Family

Fietfabriek BF 18

Fietsfabriek Bakfiets Classic

Urban Arrow




Gazelle Caddy


This overview allowed me then to analyse different way of carrying either people or goods. It was also about understanding specific shape languages that a particular use is speaking. From this step, my supervisor and I chose to go for a robust, performance and unique bike.







a visual birth out of words.













The main goal of this project was to create a new frame using existing wheels and technical parts. Once ergonomic dimensions were defined and fixed, sketches began. Different kinds of inspirations were used always keeping the strategy in mind. Shapes, technical aspects, every element were drawn before to get to 3D development.

easy to assemble

Strong lines

avoid sharp angles for a better comfort?


final concept result.

This bike has been developed to be as light as possible thanks to a tubular structure. But in order to make it even more practical, we decided with the client to think about a new way of sending the full bike. It ended on a complete disassembled product. Every element fit in a regular size box making easier the delivery service. The new owner needs then to assemble it by himself. I quit the project when I left the company. Here are some visuals about the last version I have developped. 1100






Solidworks - Keyshot - Photoshop



or how to improve meal time autonomy for people in retired house.

Eating autonomously is an important every day pleasure lost with ages. On the occasion of a one week personal project workshop with FHF (French Hospital Federation), the problematic has been asked. The goal was to find a simple and easy solutions thanks to a process of understanding by experiencing personaly. 2013 - Nantes - L’École de design Nantes Atlantique


dive in the subject and understand from inside.


medical equipment


A benchmark was my first step to oversee the subject. I realized that escaping this medical atmosphere for a short moment is a true important aspect. But to consider every user, the reflexion had to take care also about the staff using those tools everyday.

canteen wise

But how to get as close as a real experience? An empathy experimentation has been realized. I blocked few of my articulations with cardboard to feel every hard movements. Everything gets difficult, grabbing a glass or even a fork, A very simple conclusion came up, eating by using one hand would make this moment way easier.


Analyse the empathy experience until ideations and modeling.

better understanding with asymetric shape

how to deal with draft angles?

strong identity adapted spoon what kind of interaction?

Cross the observation step to create ideas. After this inner-vision experience, observations led to different answers. At this stage, drawings and models were important to visualize answers and test them, but it wasn’t easy to get to a proper answer yet. Models and sharing knowledge helped me centering my development to reach a final concept.


A two tools set improving the ability of having food by yourself.

This plate concept use a simple way of grabbing the food. Everything is about a small gesture that children do, pushing everything with their fingers. Here, fingers are transformed into this adapted spoon and important edge. The principle is to push the food against this side area perfectly stabilized by rubber part. One hand is then needed. This project has been exposed at Salon de l’Autonomie et de la Santé (Health and autonomy Fair) in Paris in 2013.

Solidworks - Keyshot - Illustrator

Bearing tool

simplify and improve a technical movement.

Releasing a bearing from a wheel is quite a complex task usually badly realised. Zeleritas, a new sport brand company asked the agency, Bluelarix Designworks, to think about a new way of realising the inside bearing. Working in a team with Eelco Siebring, we developed this new tool for roller and skate users. 2014 - Amsterdam - Bluelarix Designworks

Bearing tool

a technical ergonomy.

When I started to work on this project, the technical aspect and way of working were already defined. I then began to explore the ergonomic aspect and how to make this product completely communicative about its function. how to see the target from above?

squeezing? what would be the more convenient shape?

after ergonomy, shapes.

recognize the top pushing area

Bearing tool

from the prototype to the market.

Once we decided a final version of this product with the client, the project has been prototyped to test it. Place it on the wheel helped by the tube, push the top-front area, and squeeze. Quick and easy. It was a very good and complete subject to work on taking in account teamwork, modeling, sketching, prototyping until final production. (3D realized by Eelco Siebring, Rendering and pictures by myself)

Keyshot - Photoshop - Illustrator


a new way of living diabetes.

Diabetes is nowadays a major hidden problem. During one year, I have worked on this particular issue as my end of studies project. Personally working with a French association of diabetic persons (AFD 44), I developed this prospective concept with people involved in the problem. The goal, reach an answer improving their treatment and everyday life. 2013/2014 - Nantes - L’École de design Nantes Atlantique


integrate it, dig it, experience it, live it.

As a designer but also as a human being, I first explored this unknown subject. First difficulties, understand diabetes. But how? I had the opportunity to work with patients and doctors. They litteraly teached me. At this right moment I realized such a project would be more about a human experience than anything else. Empathy is the ultimate tool to feel the problem, to see it, to live it. During one month, I have acted almost like a diabetic person. I quickly understood that diabetes was not just about the treatment but mostly about its way of living and its everyday reflex.

glycemy checker

one use needles.

insulin pen stripes for blood samples stinger for blood dropes


ref lexion through shared knowledge.

Even if this project is of course about medication, I choosed to orientate my reflexion around a concept that could be way more accepted for new patients (like I was during my experience). But I pushed this step forward by exposing those ideas directly to patients and conferences. Feedbacks that I received helped me to guide my reflexion in order to obtain a concept suiting them.

plug smartphone?

opening quickly easy access to treatment play with interactions

customizable fabric part interchangeable inhaled insuline compartments Inhalation lid bracelet housing structure lid batteries computer plug calculating system blood sugar sensor wireless transmitter


a new way of living diabetes.

The word Naja comes from a family snake venerated by ancien egypt civilization. It symbolizes revival and eternity. Here, Naja is a connected bracelet using existing inhaled insulin recharges technology and painless micro-waves glycemia sensor. It transforms the type 1 diabetes treatment in an easier and more acceptable way for everyday life. Those two integrated technologies allow to remove every single day injections and stings. It makes the treatment less scary than the current one, changing completely the vision of diabetes.

Solidworks - Keyshot - Photoshop


a self-care product.

Autonomy and control for the user were the guide lines of this project. Even if the product itself allows to see diabetes differently, a related application gives a complete new overview. You can then see your blood sugar instantaneously and being aware of any hypo or hyperglycemia coming. This is a new way of treating diabetes. This project is prospective, but it is for me a way of working I would love to keep in every projects. Recently, Naja has been exhibitied in Design l’expo in Nantes. I hope this project would put foreground the problematic of diabetes and every chronical diseases.

home community and daily news alert signal of a high or low bloodsugar level. bloodsugar results summary.

Indesign - Illustrator - photoshop

advice of treatment from the app depending on results. settings for bloodsugar alerts personnal doctor informations

find a pharmacy for recharging insulin containers and find a doctor near your area.

I feel glad you read this. Thank you for watching and looking forward to hearing from you.

want to be in touch? fabien.proust@yahoo.fr

fabien.proust @ yahoo.fr

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