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What’s on TV now ? EPG Project - Fabien Mahé // One Over Zero - Dec. 2014

Build an new EPG, with a new way of searching programs.

The Speech

The actual EPG have not a clear interface and efficient way to find what you want. That’s why we have to give a new way of thinking of this process. The goal of this project is to redefine the EPG with a focus on the user. How can I use it efficiently ?

It’s all about the context. You can have a lot of people watching TV at the same time, on the same program but never in the same way. All users are different, by their habits, preferences, etc. This project must be adaptable to any person who watch TV.

The biggest challenge is about showing the best information. In a group of 200 TV programs you have only 10% of “interesting programs” for one user. A hierarchy of information is necessary for a better information. And this hierarchy must be adaptable according to the user.

eleg this

Review 1

Simple, gant & clear, s is the grid.

The Idea

Review 1

A grid ... Again ?!

The basic EPG has been already a grid. But the worst one for the user. It’s not clear and in terms of UX, this is not really efficient. A lot of action for too much information at the same time. Clarify this table is a priority. Take the categories of programs instead of the channels is a good starting point.

Build a grid for the user who propose to him the best of what’s on TV now.

The Beginning First reflexion

After the searching part I made those 2 early concept. I base those concept on 3 key components : Categories, Schedule & Key word. For a better information you have to filter it. The representation of this information is a grid because of an adaptable way of thinking.



This project is a found on the shazam way of thinking. Push a button and you get yo program. With this “button” on the middle the screen you can select your filters and afte single tape on it, the grid appear. You can sl for see more content and you can change yo filters whenever you want. It’s one of the simpl way to get a good UX with a tiniest link betwe the user and a resu



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Review 1


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One program

classic grid

This one is just about searching and ding programs. You have this menu (always ible) divide in 2 parts. First, the categories, angeable just with a slide or a tape. Below this u can see all other search content : channel, y word & schedule. The grid take the most of the space for etter view of information. On each program u can see essential informations like category, hedule & title. Title Schedule, description

The Grid First screen design After a review on the 2 previous concept, this screen design came out. We kept the shazamlike concept with the direction of a single menu which is quickly accessible. The grid is the same as before, it takes all the space and the menu is reduce to the side. What you see first is a what’s on TV now. You can slide left or right for adjusting the time and see other programs.


The menu is on the left side of the screen. Tape on it and it will expand. With this menu you can choose the category, add different keyword. You can choose only one category per research and add keyword for a better result.



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Review 1

Program As the previous screens, we can find on one program different informations. With all the “brand� around the categories we can easily find what is the category of a program because of the text and the icon for the menu on the left. Moreover, there is the title and the schedule.


The Grid

Adaptable on any other device

Categories A beginning of classification

Review 1

Cons Hierarchy of information Not enough hierarchy


The result is too much hazardous

Time You don’t have a good representation of time


Efficient but not interesting


Review 1

hat about an explorer ?

The Idea

Review 2

Into the matrix ...

Give to the user the possibility to navigate into programs is a “funny” way to discover what you want to watch. The point is that the user can see what’s on TV now and filter what he want with categories and his own navigation into the timeline. All of the programs are display by their advancement. It means that your position into those programs determine the “when” those programs are.

Let the possibility to the user to navigate into all those programs.

Grid & Program First ! Informations The first question is : How can I display this information ? According to the previous concept, we keep the system of the grid. But with a little bit of changes, especially with the shape. If you change a square for a hexagon you can have more possibilities of display.

Review 2

Programs Each program have basic informations. Certain of this informations have to be visible to the user.



Game of Thrones S05 Premiere

129 Game of Thrones S05 Premiere

Menu & Navigatio Menu In this concept, the menu is also your “pointer�, so you have always access to it. With a tape on it you can choose the category of the result. This menu appears alone on the home screen for giving a starting point to the research.


5:02 AM

Wednesday 5 October

What ?


Review 2

on Navigation Navigation is about let the user having freedom of movement. You can slide in all directions and zoom in/out for seeing more result. You navigate in a snapshot of what’s on TV now and after. If you zoom out enough you can see the mini map (next page).


5:02 AM

Wednesday 5 October



The Timeline “Past” -D

No +D


Review 2

It’s all about time

ow +5

All the programs are display according to their advancement. This timeline is kind of a “mini map” where you can choose a starting point, a schedule. It’s a way to see the entire program of what is already begin and what will begin in 5 to 30 minutes.

Future ++

Review Why a review ? The previous concept missed an important point. The position of a program in the time is important, but the relation between two programs must be with this component. This review is about rearrange the concept to have a view where programs are in relation by the time.

3 levels

The idea for this review is to make 3 differents level of views. Bring an order to the different view and keep the feel of navigation. Each level are separated by an interaction like a zoom in or out, or a swipe for expand or get back.

Global Vision



Review 2

Global vision

With a zoom out you can have a global vision with more programs. This is the “navigation” part. If you want to see those programs in a more “classic” way with a clear timeline you can expand with a swipe with 2 fingers.

Home When you open the app you can see hazardous propositions of what’s on TV now. This is for a first proposition, maybe you can find your program.


If you tape on a program on any screen you can go to his detail page with description, schedule and have other informations about it.

Home & Detail Home As you can see, there is a grid. For the first screen you have a quick view of what’s on TV now. The menu is always visible and with a tape on it you can choose the category for the research. “Tonight” is for have a quick snapshot of what’s on TV tonight. The most of people watch TV around 20h, that’s why this button is here, have the possibility to see what you can watch tonight.

Review 2

Detail This screen propose an entire view of a program. A big picture bring you the universe of the program along with a little description. You can see other information that supplements. This page show you also the advancement or the “status� of the program, in 5 minutes or tonight.

Global vision Navigation view As the previous concept, this one have the same concept of navigation. A little more programs on the screen. This screen is a snapshot of what’s now or at any moment you want.

Spo rt


Pittsburgh vs Philadelphia

NHL Hockey


Review 2

Expand view With a simple swipe with 2 fingers you can expand(1) the “navigation view� for a list with the time. In this view you can have the perspective of the advancement of a program. All the relation between programs are here.

Swipe right with 2 fingers (1)

The Saved Save your favorite This is a good functionality for programming your TV night or follow your favorite serie. You can have notification like an alert for telling you that your saved program begin. It’s in the menu and you can access to this one with a swipe.

Review 2

How to saved ? On every detail page you have this button with a plus. Click on it and it’s automatically added to this page where you can see all your saved program.

Interaction Map Back

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Global list

Review 2





Tape Slide Zoom

Pros The Grid

Adaptable on any other device

Categories A beginning of classification

3 Levels Little hierarchy of informations

UX It’s coherent


Good functionnality for following programs

Review 2


Result The result is too much hazardous


Not enough filters


Maybe not enough clear


Review 3

rn programs into a RSS feed.

# # #

The Idea

Review 3

Follow is the new search

The point is that each user are different. Each person have his own way to watch TV, own preference or own schedule. So each user should be able to choose what he want to see on his EPG. Personalize the EPG according to my preference. It’s the biggest point of this review. An EPG should be able to give me the better information for a more efficientness.

Take an EPG like a RSS app, where programs are news.

The Feed What I love ?

This page is the “What I love” section. When you open the app for the first time, the app asks you some question about what you love to build a “profile”. After that when you open the app you arrive on the “What I love” section.

Review 3

The Feed

All the feed is like this. With any category you see the same display. The timeline on the left side is divided in 2 parts : “Already begin” and “In ?? min”. You can see all the programs which are currently running and the future one.

The Sidebar General

It’s the most important part of this review. There is all user’s filters. You can see the basic categories(1) and you can add(2) other personal categories. Like in a RSS app you can organize and filter all the content from TV. Each user have his own preferences so let him choose what he can see from “his” EPG. Moreover this sidebar is accessible in any case. You can always access to this menu with a simple slide(3).


Obviously you can manage all those filters and choices.

What I love

Special Categories We can easily imagine some “event categories”, like the FIFA World Cup for example. In this category you might see all the match of the tournament. And even you don’t want to know all the match’s schedule, imagine that you be able to choose your favorite team. All those big event in a year may influence a TV program. You may have the choice to see it or not and add it or not to your feed.

The “What I love section” is about all the content you like. On the first connection on the app, you have to say what type of content you like to watch.

Review 3

Add a category (2)

Basic Categories (1)

Swipe right with 2 fingers (3)

The Details General

This is a presentation of one program. The accent is on the image because TV is about seeing something. All the colour around this image is about the category of the program. On this screen you have all the possible informations about a program.


Here, it’s a movie so all the graphic elements are red. Those elements have to brought a kind of brand on the program for a quick view of what kind of program I’m going to watch.

Advancement You can also see the advancement of the program. Basically you have two possibility : already begin or not. If it’s already begin, you can see the status “Now” and a progression bar. However, you can see the status “Tonight” or for example “In 5 min” and the schedule.


And of course you have all the basic elements of description. A synopsis of the movie, the show or anything else. And some informations about actors and other.

Review 3

The Saved Save your favorite This is a good functionality for programming your TV night or follow your favorite serie. You can have notification like an alert for telling you that your saved program begin. It’s in the menu and you can access to this one with a swipe.

Review 3

How to saved ? On every detail page you have this button with a plus. Click on it and it’s automatically added to this page where you can see all your saved program.

Configuration Add a category

This is the most important feature in this concept. It’s about make a filters, for your research, with your criterions. It’s the possibility to personalize your program. The fact is that you can’t give to the user the best information with 200 programs in the same time. All people are different and have their habits and preferences. That’s why you have to filter the information, in this case, with a “personal category”.


It’s all about personalization on this page, so the configuration is essential. You can manage all your category and your “profile”. Your profile is simply the DNA of your program, what you like principally.

Review 3

Pros The Feed

Convenient for a new usability of an EPG

Categories A beginning of classification

The Menu Always present

UX Simple & fast


Good functionnality for following programs


Best filters for best informations

Review 3



Not can’t see a lot of result at the same time


To much freedom in the navigation

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