MEDUSA REINCARNATED A carefully compiled manuscript of an untold story of a monster, a Gorgon, Medusa herself.
Inside look at Medusa Reincarnated, Opera Australia’s newest show in their new saga of ancient tales. Below Portrait Beauty of Petrification
This operatic experience is about this guardian/protectress as she has never been seen before, or how do we know; anyone who has seen Medusa can never live to tell the tale.
“Power of Subtlety” (Portrait)
“Spikes & Slithers” (Still Life)
Medusa Reincarnated Words Fabio Chiodo Photography Fabio Chiodo
A carefully compiled manuscript of an untold story of a monster, a Gorgon, Medusa herself. Generally referred to as a winged human female with a hideous face and fearless venemous snakes for hair. This document is about this guardian/protectress as she has never been seen before, or how do we know; anyone who has seen Medusa can never live to tell the tale. Going into further detail, a series of portraits, landscapes and still lifes have been constructed to reincarnate the Medusa vibe, followed by a collaboration which merges Medusa with the Opera. In 2016 an untold story about Medusa has been retrieved in what has believed to be Medusa’s Lair. The scripture has been translated by historians and linguists from all over the world
which has finally been edited in english right here. What has been discovered is that this scripture was a prophecy of how Medusa will be reincarnated in the near future. Medusa was an evil goddess, believed to be the daughter of Phorcys and Ceto however author Hyginus (Fabulae Preface) makes Medusa daughter of Gorgon and Ceto. Medusa called the Island of Sarpedon home near Cisthene in Ancient Greece. Medusa was all things evil and was evntually beheaded by demigod Perseus himself to finally rid this world of this monstrous and venomous protectress. The myth was that if Medusa’s head was to be separated from her body she would die, resulting in no more innocent mortals becoming petrified and transformed into stone. For thousands of years Medusa has been distinguished from Earth however did she really die?
“Mind Games” (Landscape)
“He who destroys the monster with snakes for hair will do so with the possibility of her return thousands of years later as a reincarnation of one snake is high”. - Unkown There are numerous speculations about Medusa’s reign over this world but none have been accurate or remotely true as it was and still is believed that the tale of Medusa is just a tale; until now. There have been reports from all over eastern Europe of people disappearing in the middle of the night only to be discovered days later in forests and caves turned to stone. Legend has it that once your eyes meet Medusa’s eyes you will turn to stone and essentially die. One time Medusa was not well as some of her snakes were ill and could only half turn people into stone. The helpless victims of Medusa’s wrath still unfortunately perish but their bodies remain morphed into stone. Several reports from Romania, Turkey and Greece have all depicted similar scenarios about these events, which have prompted historians and theorists to come together and potentially accept the fact that Medusa may not be dead, just in a comatose state. When researching all the scriptures and evidence the archives have on Medusa herself they came across evidence to prove that Medusa was beheaded but only eight of her snakes was connected to her head. Perseus paraded around with the head leaving behind her body in her lair apparently so with one of her runaway snakes. A prophecy found in the archives states “He who destroys the monster with snakes for hair will do so with the possibility of her return thousands of years later as a reincarnation of one snake is high”.
So it’s true, one of Medusa’s snakes has reincarnated in conjunction with her corpse into a new Medusa. This reincarnation must be the reason why people are disappearing and turning into stone, well half stone which means that she is not at her most powerful but could be soon enough and who knows how many people will be statues in one giant museum that is Earth. The prophecy doesn’t mention anything about help from Mount Olympus and any of the gods but does say that they will only get involved in the extreme case of global domination by Medusa or any titans who escape from Tartarus. From November 2014 to May 2015 there were 20 cases of people disappearing and being found partially turned into stone, but from May 2015 to now there have been over 500 people
“Mirror Vision” (Landscape)
evil. It is obvious that the Bronze Staff won’t be easy to find as if it’s the one thing that could kill Medusa and is located in her lair it won’t be on display. victimised by Medusa’s wrath. More and more people are being turned to stone and the more victims found the more of their bodies are being covered in stone meaning Medusa is becoming stronger and could wipe out everyone in the European continent or worse the whole world. With further investigations into the prophecies revolving around Medusa’s return or reincarnation, it has been documented of a Bronze Staff hidden in Medusa’s lair, which can be the only thing to once and for all destroy the monster for good. A team of archaeologists and taskforces have united from different countries to search the lair that has been discovered in the Greek wilderness in hopes of retrieving the Bronze Staff to defeat the
It has taken months and months of tearing through the lair however just as all the hope was diminishing from the mortal union, one archaeologist tripped down a hole in the ground, which lead to a secret area of the lair. The teams gathered the most experienced personnel to explore the tunnels, which were attached to a series of booby traps intended to kill those who entered. With boulders tumbling down to splat those who entered to sharp metallic arrows sling shotting from side to side to stab the living daylights out of Medusa’s enemies it was a tough journey through the catacombs
of Medusa’s lair where only two survived out of six who entered. The Bronze Staff was finally found but barely as the removal of the object caused the whole building to crumble down and be destroyed as Medusa’s last act of safe keeping to ensure no one had the power to defeat her or her beautiful, now eight remaining snakes. Medusa needs to be in the vicinity of The Bronze Staff for her to be affected by its magical capabilities, or long story short, her destruction. On March 31st 2016 Medusa finally came to her imminent death as agents lured her into The Foloi Oak Forest in Greece to use the Bronze Staff for her defeat. It was a tough fight but a successful fight as fighters sacrificed their lives for the greater good so this
monster will not take more lives. The Bronze staff hit the ground and a beam of light exploded from the epicentre and for a few seconds everyone was blinded but not Medusa, this Staff ended up blinding Medusa permanently reversing her curse and turning her into stone which after some time disintegrated resulted in her to be completely destroyed with no hope of return and no possible way to extend her wrath on anymore poor souls. Immediately after Medusa’s second and final destruction The heavens opened up in the sky and all those who succumbed to Medusa’s dreadful attacks in the 21st century rose up to the sky as Zeus himself gracefully thanked the mortals of Earth for destroying this plague from existence.
Medusa will not rise again and will never be a problem again, however she managed to return once, what’s there to say she won’t do it again as we are talking about gods, demigods and magic that is not yet understood by mortals.