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Fabio Vignolo | Licensed Architect

CV & selected portfolio

PERSONAL INFORMATIONS Fabio Vignolo Nationality - Italian Date of birth: 15, november 1985 Place of birth: Pinerolo, Turin Address: Via Dominici 12, 10060 Porte, Turin. Italy Phone : M +39 339 460 58 99 E mail: Skype : fabio.vignolo

WORK EXPERIENCE 2010, Founder member of bam! , design collective based in Turin 2010, April to present: Licensed Architect at Studio Galvagno-Leoncedis, Via Balzetti 41, 10098 Rivoli, Torino, Italy Design development of the stage for the Opera House La Valletta - RPBW project 2

EDUCATION 2010 September: MSc in Architecture at Politecnico di Torino. Score 110/110 cum laude and honorable mention and publication. with Alessandro Capello and Paolo Carignano.

10125, Torino, Italy

2010, March to present: Project for a new chapel in Puerto San Julian, Patagonia, Argentina. Under construction (own commission) 2008, May to September: Intership at CARLORATTIASSOCIATI, Quintino Sella 27, 10125 Torino, Italy

2009 Fall/Winter: Visiting Scholar at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Troy, Albany NY State, USA. Parametric design studio with professor Andrew Saunders & Ted Ngai.

2008, May to June: Working collaboration with Prof. Maria Adriana Giusti of Politecnico di Torino for the conservation and refunctionalization project of the Villa Reale in Tirana, Albany

2008: Visiting student in Cracow, Cracow institute of Technology (ERASMUS PROGRAM).

2007, September to December: Intership at STUDIO DI ARCHITETTURA E URBANISTICA ASSOCIATI, Moncalieri, Torino, Italy

2008 September: BA in Architecture at Politecnico di Torino. Score 109/110. Thesis: “Folding Architecture. Structures inspired by origami”.


Mothertongue - Italian

2009, March: Urban and Architecture International Design Workshop in Canelli, Asti, Italy Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT & Politecnico di Torino Tutors: Prof. Shun Kanda

Highly experienced in team working strong in details and construction aspects

2008, September: International Design Workshop: A Bridge-station at Lingotto. Parametric design. Politecnico di Torino & Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Tutors: Prof. Lorena Alessio, Prof. David Riebe.

Informatics skills :

2008, July: International Workshop - Torino World Design Capital, "Complexity Maps" Tutors: Christian Nolds, Enzo Manzini, Paolo Ciuccarelli, Donato Ricci

- Expert user: Adobe suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign), Autodesk AutoCAD,

2008, June: International Design Workshop “Parametrical approch in Architecture”, Generative Components Workshop. Tutors: Maria Ludovica Tramontin (Pratt Institute, NY), Erich Schoenenberger

- Intermediate user: Autodesk 3DS Max,Ecotect, Vray (in Rhinoceros, 3DS Max) - Basic user: Bentley Generative Component, Grasshopper

COMPETITION ENTRIES 2011, March: International design competition - Serlachius museum Gösta extension 2011, April: International competition for the construction of “Nursery school at the Headquarters of the Regione Lazio ”, with Studio ATA - 2nd prize 2

Turin North Area - Ex aequo Honorable Mention (3rd Best Design Proposal)


PUBLISHED PROJECTS & EXHIBITIONS 2011, Spring: Fetured on URBANISTICA n. 145 2010, Spring: “La Metamo2010: Exhibition “Barriera c’entro”: Il futuro di Torino si sposta a nord. La Metamorfosi exhibition 2010: Exhibition “Culture – Nature” during the 12 Mostra internazionale di Architettura La Biennale di Venezia, Arsenale Novissimo, Venezia 2010: Cataloque “Culture – Nature”, curators: Fortunato D’amico, Alessandra Coppa, Ed. Skira Architettura 2010-2009: Exhibition “Memoria Sottotraccia. Segni e forme dell’archeologia”, Museo Archeologico Regionale, Aosta 2008: Exhibition “A Bridge Station for Lingotto, Turin – 15 progetti per la nuova stazione Lingotto”, Salone d’Onore del Castello del Valentino, Torino

OTHER SKILLS & COMPETENCES 2010, since November - Featured writer for the architecture section Archinuok of webzine 2009

Mattone onlus”, involved in promoting and developing autocostruction system based on mud brick for rural context in Africa and South America.

2009-2008: Junior education assistant at Politecnico di Torino, Construction design studio.


Personal interests: contemporary art, blogs, digital and analog photography, skiing, climbing,cycling. Passion for travel and multi-cultural experiences.

SERLACHIUS MUSEUM GĂ–STA EXTENSION Internation design competition - Spring 2011 with bam! and Marco Brizio


The new museum was created as a result of logical graph-established and clear steps, and it is viewed as a fundamental element of the surrounding area.

site plan

Three main axes were identified within the project site. The first axis, a road access to the east, leading to the parking. The second being the main axis of the existing museum. The third axis is the route that comes from nearest town via a tree-lined avenue leading to the lake and the remains of the bridge to the island Taavetsinari. The volume deals with the countryside as identifying the different tracks that mark the territory, the trace of history, the trace of man and ultimately the trace of nature.

program and circulation diagram

The location of the building was decided on the basis of several aspects: the need not to affect the linear park designed by Paul Olsson which is the only similar example of the community. the opportunity to exploit the approaching overlooking the lake as possible to it (where it forms a bay behind the island).

view of the foyer


2nd prize NURSERY SCHOOL FOR THE REGIONE LAZIO HEADQUARTER Internation design competition - Spring 2011 with studioATA



On the wake of the initial suggestion of the forest we defined a coherent organization of space, that meets the functional needs of the creche, its small users, educators and parents. The principles that guided the definition of the project are: readability of the intervention regarding the existing building, to highlight the innovative intervention; clarity of the plant, which makes intuitivethe paths and the space usage; the characterization of space, to make them comfortable, fun and reassuring in the eyes of the child and his parents.

Rooms Services Play grounds Natural green space Artificial green space

paths diagrams

We seek quality characteristics of the interior spaces, designing an environment suitable for children, which meets the requirements of the most modern spaces for childhood: lightness, colors, stimulating and enjoyable shapes and materials, sustainability and integration with the environment.


plan of a single classroom

details of furniture

north elevation


the “tree� unit

view of the connection space

TURIN: URBAN REQUALIFICATION OF SPINA 4 Final thesis MSc in Architecture - Politecnico di Torino - September 2010 with Alessandro Capello, Paolo Carignano


The thesis consists of a Multifunctional-Multilayered building project. It can be viewed as a system composed by distinct elements: three bridge spanning over the avenue and sustained by two low and wide volumes. The masterplan we proposed for the international competition “La Metamorfosi� in Turin had its very core in the urban gate embodied by this multi-tower system. This system was investigated deeply in terms of shape/physical appearance, functions, plans and in its relations with the surroundings. Since they were conceived as a powerful landmark, the towers have a clear and iconic geometry which make them easy to identify. This simple and monolitic shape is challenged on the inside by a wide variety of functions and spaces expressing the multifunctionality of the building. personal tower-system sketches

personal tower-concept sketches site plan

longitudinal section

the inside of the bar with the mobility corridor and the museum

The main concept that guided the design process was the necessary for the new district. To create a multilayered/multifunction building. The towers contain residences (luxury, average and social and cultural functions: many shops and bar/restaurants, a library, winter gardens and even a small auditorium. In the

Taking advantage from the future presence of the underground metropolitan station and of the railway station right aside the avenue, the towers are integrated with the main mobility feature of the city. This happens through the long horizontal “armâ€? which is connected with the metro station underneath. Inside this linear building mobility streams are put side by side with a museum for the city. creates a Hub which realizes the concept of the multilayerd building. the media façade from the avenue

Along with the project for the towers system we carried over the design for the residential settlement which stands separate but near the multi-tower complex. It is another iteration of the methodology of multilayering.

residential tipologies

+105 mq 75-100 mq 55-75 mq 45-55 mq circulation house facilities green







Multilayered housing MULTILAYERED HOUSING


The main feature of the complex is the conceived as a platform: allowing the complete pedestrian crossing of the area while hosting commercial functions and sustaining the housing blocks upon it. A multilayered body once again.



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Therefore the concept of a multilayer D D D






system is not growing in height, though being composed by layers; it is spread over a wide surface in order to put the highest number of shops on the same level.



D 87






the platform with houses standing upon it

The blocks are “lifted� from the public space in some points, allowing permeability of the whole system for pedestrians. At the same time the variable disposition of the buildings give birth to courtyards and small squares (both pubblic and private) On the top of the buildings there are roof villas which enstablish an unpredictable relation of housing on top of a consolidate urban type.

the platform with houses standing upon it

All buildings were conceived as sustainable housing, where solar heating and water reuse match EU standards

LA METAMORFOSI Internation design competition - March 2010 with Alessandro Capello, Paolo Carignano, Graziella Roccella

HONORABLE MENTION (3th best design proposal)


The multilayered city is intended as urban growth neither horizontal nor vertical but developed in several layers laid on top of each other but strictly connected to increase the complexity and the density of the system. The plan will connect the two sides of the “Sempione” Park split by the “Spina” by means of a passage underneath the underground railway; so we have a double mobility layer (by rail and above by road) on top of a park/open space, enlivened bi small commercial services and by a music laboratory/concert space. The urban gate and the residential system combines multiple layers with multiple functions. The towers corresponding to the urban gate host offices, residences and shops. The physical continuity of the system is guaranteed by the platform/square that overpasses “Corso Venezia”; the square is linked with the lower floors of the towers through the mobility system (subway, railway, car traffic).

Metrò system

the park layers


railway system


the masterplan

the park, the residence system and the urban gate

The residencies seek the integration with the existing urban fabric turning the existing road system into pedestrian traffic; the dimension and the microurban district scale coming to life inside the new blocks aim to increase the density of the inner suburban fabric which can sometimes be weak. By reserving the traffic to pedestrian, the modus vivendi of inner suburbs becomes quite similar to the one downtown. The new residential block and commercial platform that spreads over the entire ground level with big openings/yards to bring air and light to the contained functions and create semi-public spaces available to residents and users; the residences above often leave the ground floor empty so that a new semi-public level pops out and allows pedestrians to cross the whole block. This generates a physical connection with the contiguous park. The whole system is supportedby a double level of parking lots both for residents and for users. The urban door clearly defines the North entrance to the city and it’s represented by a system where two towers are connected to another one through an elevated square; the elevated and underground connection between the two parts of the city divided by the “Spina” creates a service and commercial hub which is a cornerstone of the new urban centre of Spina 4. the residences

Metrò system


railway system

housing typologies

Le residenze e il sitema della mobilità the mobility layers system

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN TURIN Design Studio - Spring 2009 - Politecnico di Torino with Alessandro Capello


The elementary school site is located in the suburbs of Turin. Particular attention has been

first floor

activities of the building according to bioclimatic project includes a small lunchroom, an auditorium and a gym that could be used by locals.

the main hall

second floor

ground floor

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN TURIN Internation design workshop - september 2008 Politecnico di Torino - Rensselaer Politechnic Institute

south elevation


structure and materials details

bioclimatic diagram

facade detail

entrance from the street

The brief of the project is to design a school with sustainable technologies. Structures are made out of concrete, but rest of elements come from wood industries, in order to reduce costs (LCC analysis) and improve scholar environment. Solar panels (vacuum system) are integrated in a doble-skin facade on the South elevation to thermoregulate the temperatures inside classrooms. The main hall, used also as a playground during cold season, is a glass box with photovoltaic glass on top and protected by a dynamic “brise-soleil� system that control the amount of light inside this space.

featured in URBANISTICA #145

DESIGNING IN CANELLI Internation urban design workshop - March 2009 Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT & Politecnico di Torino

new life for Belbo

cascade system


Today, river Belbo has no relationship to the town of Canelli and the residents’ lives. We propose to re-integrate Belbo back into the town by shaping the water through a cascading system, re-landscaping the embankments for public use, and introducing new ways to cross the river. By controlling the water and reclaiming the currently neglected lands, Torrente Belbo will become a social aggregation infrastructure that connects three sections of public spaces in Canelli: recreation, culture, and urban horticulture with natural surroundings for indigenous animals and plants.


DESIGNING IN TEHERAN Internation design competition - Spring 2009 with MG2

plans view of the terrace THE PROJECT

A multifaceted ever-changing urban landscape located at the foot of beautiful mountain slopes. An angular building, a contemporary icon and a means of communication for an international world-known brand.

south elevation and section

The project, focused on the concept of contrast, faces the search for architectural solutions by putting together contrasting characteristics such as: A pierced semi-transparent sheet metal (POROUS/OPAQUE) Screened commercial spaces, yet visible at a distance (PRIVATE /PUBLIC) Fortress-like volumes that seem to hover over the ground (MONOLITHIC/LIGHT) Sombre grey outside, colourful transparent glass inserts (NEUTRAL/COLOURFUL). sketches


12th BIENNALE DI VENEZIA Culture-Nature

SOCIAL HOUSING IN SUSA Design studio - Fall 2008 - Politecnico di Torino with Alessandro Capello and Valeria Bruni

residential typologies

Diagram of insider’s needs masterplan


private spaces opened on public spaces and landscape

Since the project site is located in a mountain region near Turin, close to the French border, we consider first of the climate issue. The morfologic strategy was supported by site-analisis driven by Ecotect combined with Generative Components to find the best configuration of our residential units related to solar exposure. Each modular unit is composed by two wodden blocks (10 X 10 m) linked with vertical circulation enclosed in a glass box, a winter garden that minimizes heat loss during winter. Different tipologies: duplex (80 & 120 m2) and simplex (40 & 80 m2).


The construction system was developed considering traditional low-cost dry technique used for cottages. The main structure is made out of wood of alpine forests nearby the site. The rest of elements, wood boards, and other items come from local wood industries waste material, in order to reduce costs and respect mountain context. Thermal insulation is provided using straw bales. Solar panels and radiant systems are integrated in every unit. All Italian thermic and acustic standards have been verified. facade detail and construction system

A BRIDGE-STATION AT LINGOTTO Internation design workshop - September 2008 Politecnico di Torino - Rensselaer Politechnic Institute


By diagramming the syte relationships, we began with three primary bands of activity activities and train station itself). Parametric modeling (Generative Components) allowed junctures. This idea was extended parametrically to the design of the facade system where the modulation of the

performative behavior

skin details

parametrical variations of skin’s elements

pedestrian entrance of the bridge

performative behavior

views into and out of the building. this also allows a legibility of spatial density. The facade is more open in public areas and more closed in private and commercial areas where more wall space is needed. The facade also accomodetes the use of solar panels as well as being operable for the control of natural light.

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