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Lorinda Scott lorinda@fabmags.co.za
Justin Scott justin@fabmags.co.za
Michaela Naidoo michaela@fabmags.co.za
We acknowledge and embrace the fact that our community is changing as more people move into the area and that they are passionate about contributing to it. We have leadership who is truly vested locally and able to establish a sound, robust framework that guides expansion and, more importantly, is adopted by the community. Lastly, it includes us, the community, who have a real passion for the Midlands and don’t want to see it fundamentally change. I may oversimplify it, but if you’ve got the macros sorted out then the micros should be easier to manage, right?
Brita Kleinhans brita@fabmags.co.za
061 063 2202
Nina Lambrecht sales@fabmags.co.za
073 494 0212
Lucille Wendler lucille@fabmags.co.za
083 747 3694
Sharlene Odayar sharlene@fabmags.co.za
It was good to grab a coffee this week with one of the top contributors to our magazine, and good friend, Tim Johnson. We chatted about several evolving and developing communities we work with or are involved in. The discussion got me thinking about how, at FabMags, I’ve watched some communities start to burn bright and then taper off while others have continued to shine year after year.
There is no question in my mind that the Midlands is one of those communities that is burning brighter every year. While this is great news (and we love great news!), it also presents a challenge as we’d like the growth to be both sustainable and well-managed. know that’s easier said than done, however, we don’t want to see what is the essence of the Midlands eroded over time but rather adopted as the foundational element in its ongoing growth.
How do we know if we’re doing it right? That’s a tough question to answer but if I had to take a stab at it think we’re doing most of it right in these areas.