Kendall Wilkinson Vignettes

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Kendall W ilki n son V i gn e t t e s Drawing inspiration from global travels and nature, Kendall W ilkinson V ignettes creates an elegant, fashion-inspired style for interiors. The collection harmoniously layers prints, embroideries and wovens in three inspired color books.

Kendall W ilki n son Tr i m mi ngs A c ompel l ing m i x of textural , sol i d -to n e d ta p e s a n d c o rd s t h a t c ombine elev ated cu t t i n g-e dge st yl e wi t h t h e f l e x i b i l i ty o f a c lassic t r im. Ke n dal l W i l ki nson Tri mmi n g s c o mp l e me n t e a c h V ignet t es c ol or pal e t te to cre ate b e a u t i f u l l y l a ye re d i n te ri o rs .


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white ivory grey linen charcoal Li ke t h e refreshi n g g l o w of natural l i gh t p o u ri n g t hrou gh t h e wi nd o ws o f a ci ty apartment, t h e neutral hues of C i tys c a p e tran sform i n teri o rs i n to i nv i t i n g getawa ys .

color book

Bandeau / Mushroom (09)

Colortide / Mushroom (09)

Define / Driftwood (08)

Landline / Driftwood (08)

Passages / Pewter (28)

Bengal Tide / Charcoal (01)

Pebble Wave / Plat inum (02)

Ventura KW / Linen (07)

Watercolor Wave / Parchment (02)

Market Stripe / Plat inum (01)

Canyon Weave / Linen (03)

Agra Emblem / Parchment (02)

Velvet Maze / Charcoal (04)


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aqua teal blue navy Ri ch bl u e s an d s o f t a q u a tones are re mi ni s c e n t of v acat i on i n g a l o n g t h e sce n i c coasts of t h e w o rl d , surrounde d by n a tu re an d t h e be auty o f gl obal desi gn .

Patterndance / Ind igo (24)

Whipstitch / Cerulean (23)

Ipswich / Ind igo (24)

Colortide / Rain (21)

Landline / Rain (21)

Bengal Tide / Sapphire (05)

Watercolor Wave / Sapphire (03)

Velvet Maze / Cerulean (06)

Arboretum / Rain (103)

La Jolla Stripe / Azure (04)

Vendome Velvet / Ind igo (02)

Saranac / Moss (03)

Deco Herringbone / Ind igo (02)


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emerald pine amethyst lavender khaki Garde n s are brou g h t to l i f e wi t h t h e hues o f f l o ra , f a u n a , an d e art h . Ri ch b e rry mi n g l e s wi t h sand an d t h e s o f t g re e n s of sea gl ass. Jewe l to n e s pl ay up state men t p a t te rn s an d textures. E mb ro i d e ri e s weav e t h rough te x t i l e s l i k e i v y tendri l s grow t h ro u g h a garden of wi l d f l o w e rs .

color book

Tranquility / Pine (19)

Patterndance / Amet hyst (13)

Ikatwave / Amet hyst (13)

Define / Emerald (18)

Colortide / Pomegranate (14)

Wooly / Juniper (20)

Agra Emblem / Pine (01)

Martinique / Amet hyst (02)

Follette / Amet hyst (02)

Deco Herringbone / Emerald (04)

Rainstick / Amet hyst (04)

Arboretum / Plum (102)

Jafar / Midnight Orchid (03)

Pyrenees / Plum (04)

A Cal ifor nia nat i v e wi t h a t i m e l e ss s e n s i b i l i ty, K e n d a l l W i l k i n s o n h as emerged as on e of t he n at i on ’s mo s t c e l e b ra te d i n te ri o r d esigner s . Establ i sh i n g h e r e pon ymo u s S a n F ra n c i s c o f i rm i n 1992, K endal l c reate s be spoke re si dence s wi t h a n e mp h a s i s o n b e a u ty a nd c o mfo r t. Her work range s from Pa c i f i c He i g h ts e s ta te s to coast al M ex ican v acat i on getaways . G e o g ra p h i c a l l y, h e r p ro j e c ts s p an t he nat i on and be y on d. Rooted in classical design, Kendall continues to evolve her style. “As designers, we are informed by artistic, cultural, and technological shifts,” explains Kendall of her fluidity. “Ultimately, it’s about bringing the vision of the client to life.” The designer’s portfolio, which includes both commercial and residential spaces,

demonstrates this philosophy throughout. Kendall’s initial introduction to the world of design was through her mother, an interior designer, art connoisseur and style setter, who was instrumental in honing her daughter’s artistic eye. “I learned from my mother to appreciate the value of color, scale, and texture and continue to draw inspiration from the fashion world.” Kendall’s work graces the pages of Architectural Digest, Elle Decor, House Beautiful, Traditional Home, and Wall Street Journal, to name a few. Along with participating in numerous showcases over the years including the San Francisco Decorator Showcase, Elle Decor Showhouse, and LUXE Magazine’s Maison de Luxe Showhouse, she is a sought-after industry panelist. Professionally she served on the prestigious Board of the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art.

To view and purchase from this collection and browse all Kendall W ilkinson fabrics and trimmings, please visit or call 800.999.8200

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