Lookbook OLOW AW19

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Cet autre côté du globe je ne l’ai découvert que l’année dernière, à 36 ans, lorsque zigzagant à travers des pays merveilleux j’ai enfin ouvert la page qui me concernait. En Hanoi et les rizières au nord, j’y ai reconnu mon grand-père ; en Saigon et le Delta du Mekong, les récits fantasques de mon original de père.

D’un bout à l’autre de mon histoire s’étendent très exactement 10 116km à vol d’oiseau. Ce n’est pas rien une distance à 5 chiffres, ça fait des heures et des heures de vols.


The towns, alive with the bustling, deafening sound of two-wheelers, people playing badminton in the squares, and the aromas of citronella, coriander and tropical fruits wafting through the air from the market stalls.

I only discovered it last year, that other side of the world, when, at 36 years old, zigzagging across wonderful countries, I finally opened the chapter that concerned me. In Hanoi and its northern rice fields, I recognised my grand-father; in Saigon and the Mekong delta, the whimsical tales told to me by my quirky father.

As the crow flies, my story takes place over exactly 10 116 km, beginning to end. A five-digit distance, meaning hours and hours of flights - that’s quite something!


Valentin Porcher - Co-founder

In this unique area, with its familiar smells of Vietnam, China, Cambodia and more, its locals have meticulously reproduced a life dreamt up 10 116 km away.

At once a working-class symbol and standard bearer of history, social diversity and openness, the 13th arrondissement of Paris is similar to its counterparts in New York or London, a complete change of scenery. I find it all here, that magic I fell head over heels in love with. Part of my family now lives here, in these huge concrete tours of the Olympiades neighbourhood.

Away from all this, bright green hues and conical hats appear, the karstic mountains emanate from the mist and the buffalos gently pamper the earth.

Dans les villes ça s’agite dans un bordel assourdissant de deux roues, ça joue au badminton sur les places et sur les étals se mélangent les parfums de citronnelle, coriandre et fruits tropicaux. En s’éloignant, le vert quasi fluo et les chapeaux coniques apparaissent, les montagnes karstiques sortent de la brume et les buffles bichonnent la terre. A la fois ouvrier et porte étendard d’Histoire, de mixité et d’ouverture, l’arrondissement numéro 13 de Paris est comme ses semblables de New York ou Londres, un îlot de dépaysement. Je la retrouve un peu ici toute cette magie dont je suis revenu follement amoureux. Une partie de ma famille vie désormais là, dans ces immenses tours de béton de la dalle des Olympiades. Ce quartier unique, aux senteurs du Vietnam, de Chine, du Cambodge et d’ailleurs, où se reproduit méticuleusement une vie rêvée à 10116km d’ici. Valentin Porcher - Co-fondateur

C’est un arrondissement avant tout populaire. Au 19ème siècle, c’était même l’un des plus gros quartiers ouvriers de la capitale. On y trouvait différentes industries, comme par exemple les usines Beghin Say ou la chocolaterie Lombart (1ère entreprise de chocolat en France). Mais aussi bon nombre de menuiseries, tanneries, serrureries, brasseries...

Le 13ème de Paris c’est quoi plus précisément?

Un peu d’Histoire avant de rentrer dans le vif du sujet de la collection.

Nowadays, it is mainly known as being the biggest Asian district of Paris.

Above all, the 13th is a working-class arrondissement. In the 19th century, it was even one of the capital’s largest working-class neighbourhoods. Lots of industries set up shop there, like the Beghin Say factories or the Lombart chocolate factory (the first chocolate company in France). As well as many joineries, tanneries, locksmiths, breweries…

So what is the 13th arrondissement of Paris?

A little bit of history before we delve into the heart of the matter.


Aujourd’hui, il est surtout connu pour être le plus gros quartier asiatique de Paris.

In the early 1980s, the first Vietnamese refugees arrived there, followed by further waves primarily from Cambodia, Laos, and China.


Vers 1937, le Maître japonais Mikonosuke Kawashi Shi-Han (introducteur du Judo en Europe) y avait même son Dojo. Au début des années 80 les premiers réfugiés Vietnamiens y sont arrivés, suivis par d’autres vagues en majorité cambodgiennes, laotiennes, puis chinoises.

Not an especially touristy area, walking around it is still an adventure in its own right and offers a total change of scenery.

Around 1937, Japanese master Mikonosuke Kawashi Shi-Han (who introduced Judo in Europe) even built his dojo there.

Relativement peu touristique, s’y promener est pourtant un voyage à part entière et un dépaysement total.


TANG KHAKI 100% wool

TANG CAMEL 100% wool

GLA GLA NAVY 100% cotton

GLAGLA GREEN 100% cotton

SOUVENIR By Felicity Mashall 100% polyester

SOUVENIR By Felicity Mashall 100% polyester

WANDER CAMEL Corduroy - 100% cotton

WANDER NAVY 100% wool

1981 GREEN 100% wool

1981 NAVY Corduroy - 100% cotton


CHANDAIL 80% wool 20% polyamid

ETHNO GREY 80% wool 20% polyamid

ETHNO NAVY 80% wool 20% polyamid


DRUKKIN BLUE 50% merino wool 50% acrylic

AVERSE BURGUNDY 50% wool 50% polyamid

AVERSE NAVY 50% wool 50% polyamid

YATO OFF-WHITE 80% wool 20% polyamid

YATO GREEN 80% wool 20% polyamid

YAMATO 100% wool

RUSTIC 80% wool 20% polyamid

FLUIDE BURGUNDY 50% wool 50% polyamid

FLUIDE OFF-WHITE 50% wool 50% polyamid

FLUIDE CAMEL 50% wool 50% polyamid

MARSOUIN NAVY 50% wool 50% acrylic

MARSOUIN GREY 50% wool 50% acrylic

MARSOUIN CAMEL 50% wool 50% acrylic

TONTON OFF-WHITE 80% wool 20% polyamid

TONTON GREY 80% wool 20% polyamid

STANDING GREY 100% merino wool

STANDING GREEN 100% merino wool

KAWASHI GREY 50% merino wool 50% acrylic

KAWASHI NAVY 50% merino wool 50% acrylic

LOMBART NAVY 85% cotton 15% wool

LOMBART GREY 85% cotton 15% wool


LINEA 100% organic cotton

SMILE By Francesco Ciccolella 100% cotton

KANDEL By Severine Dietrich 100% cotton

ENVOL By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

ENVOL By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

ARTI By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

ARTI By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

TACHIKI GREY By Julie Guillem 100% cotton

TACHIKI GREY By Julie Guillem 100% cotton

TACHIKI NAVY By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

TACHIKI NAVY By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

LANTERNE 100% organic cotton

LANTERNE 100% organic cotton

HAPPY GREY By Francesco Ciccolella 100% cotton

HAPPY GREY By Francesco Ciccolella 100% cotton

HAPPY BURGUNDY By Francesco Ciccolella 100% organic cotton

HAPPY BURGUNDY By Francesco Ciccolella 100% organic cotton


MASSENA 100% cotton

TARTAN 100% cotton

OLYMPIADES 100% cotton

NEBULO 100% cotton

ARTISE 100% cotton


SAIGON BLUE 100% cotton

KEP 100% cotton

VINO 100% cotton


ALBERT SHORT 100% cotton

ALBERT LONG 100% cotton

MIRANDA 100% cotton

TOLBIAC 100% cotton

ALESIA 100% cotton

SUN By George Greaves 100% organic cotton

HUA By Studio Tokek 100% organic cotton

KARST By Felicity Mashall 100% organic cotton

FISH By Felicity Mashall 100% organic cotton

MOVES By Felicity Mashall 100% organic cotton

TIGERS By Elenia Beretta 100% organic cotton

TRAFFIC By Jean-Michel Tixier 100% organic cotton

BEDDY By Simon Landrein 100% organic cotton

BEDDY By Simon Landrein 100% organic cotton

DRUNK By Jean-Michel Tixier 100% organic cotton

DRUNK By Jean-Michel Tixier 100% organic cotton

MOUFLES By Jean-Michel Tixier 100% organic cotton

MOUFLES By Jean-Michel Tixier 100% organic cotton

BONSAI By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

BONSAI By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

TABLE By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

TABLE By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

BOL OFF-WHITE By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

BOL OFF-WHITE By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

BOL NAVY By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

BOL NAVY By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

MONGOLFIERE BURGUNDY By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

MONGOLFIERE BURGUNDY By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

MONGOLFIERE NAVY By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

MONGOLFIERE NAVY By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

YOGA OFF-WHITE By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

YOGA OFF-WHITE By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

YOGA BURGUNDY By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

YOGA BURGUNDY By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

BASKETBALL PEAR By Hello Marine 100% organic cotton

BASKETBALL PEAR By Hello Marine 100% organic cotton

LOVE APPLE By Hello Marine 100% organic cotton

LOVE APPLE By Hello Marine 100% organic cotton

BARBE OFF-WHITE By Jean-Michel Tixier 100% organic cotton

BARBE GREY By Jean-Michel Tixier 100% cotton

BIERE OFF-WHITE By Jean-Michel Tixier 100% organic cotton

BIERE GREY By Jean-Michel Tixier 100% cotton

MOON OFF-WHITE By Francesco Ciccolella 100% organic cotton

MOON GREY By Francesco Ciccolella 100% cotton

PHOTOMATON By Simon Landrein 100% organic cotton

PHOTOMATON By Simon Landrein 100% organic cotton

PORCELAINE By Elenia Beretta 100% organic cotton

PECU By Salva Di Marte 100% organic cotton

SAKE By Elenia Beretta 100% organic cotton

POLAROID By Elenia Beretta 100% organic cotton

SUN By George Greaves 100% organic cotton

SUN By George Greaves 100% organic cotton




CHINO GREY 50% cotton 50% wool

CHINO GREY Corduroy - 100% cotton

SWING CAMEL Corduroy - 100% cotton

SWING KHAKI 50% cotton 50% wool


ITA BURGUNDY 100% cotton

ITA GREEN 100% cotton

CHOISY GREY 50% cotton 50% wool

CHOISY KHAKI 50% cotton 50% wool

LAO CAMEL Corduroy - 100% cotton

LAO NAVY Corduroy - 100% cotton

COUSTEAU CAMEL 50% merino wool 50% acrylic

COUSTEAU OFF-WHITE 50% merino wool 50% acrylic

COUSTEAU BLACK 55% wool 20% silk 25% polyamid

LEON BURGUNDY 50% wool 50% acrylic

LEON NAVY 50% wool 50% acrylic

LEON CAMEL 50% wool 50% acrylic

LEON BLUE 50% wool 50% acrylic

MERINO GREEN 100% merino wool

DUSS BURGUNDY 55% wool 20% silk 25% polyamid

DUSS KHAKI 55% wool 20% silk 25% polyamid

DUSS OFF-WHITE 55% wool 20% silk 25% polyamid

DUSS NAVY 55% wool 20% silk 25% polyamid

KARAOKE By Noémie Kraze 78% cotton 20% polyamid 2% elasthane

BOWLING By Noémie Kraze

78% cotton 20% polyamid 2% elasthane

MAKI By Noémie Kraze

78% cotton 20% polyamid 2% elasthane



SUSHI By NoĂŠmie Kraze 100% cotton

ARTI WOMAN By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

ENVOL WOMAN By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

KANDEL WOMAN By Severine Dietrich 100% cotton

SMILE WOMAN By Francesco Ciccolella 100% cotton

LAMPION 100% organic cotton

LAMPION 100% organic cotton


ASIA WOMAN By Elenia Beretta 100% organic cotton

FISH WOMAN By Felicity Marshall 100% organic cotton

HUA WOMAN By Studio Tokek 100% organic cotton

TIGERS WOMAN By Elenia Beretta 100% organic cotton

BOL OFF-WHITE WOMAN By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

BOL NAVY WOMAN By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

BONSAI OFF-WHITE WOMAN By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

BONSAI NAVY WOMAN By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

LOVE APPLE WOMAN By Hello Marine 100% organic cotton

PORCELAINE WOMAN By Elenia Beretta 100% organic cotton

MONGOLFIERE NAVY WOMAN By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

MONGOLFIERE BURGUNDY WOMAN By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

YOGA OFF-WHITE WOMAN By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

YOGA BURGUNDY WOMAN By Julie Guillem 100% organic cotton

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