The latest skincare trend is fitness, but for your face | by

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IS FACE YOGA EFFECTIVE? Yes, Face Yoga is very effective because increasing blood circulation, oxygenating your cells, and nourishing your body inside and out. In one study, testers who facially exercised for 30 days over two months, then every other day for three months, reported an increased fullness in their cheeks, making them look nearly three years younger. “It’s a really great natural solution to regain your youthful appearance and a great alternative to Botox and plastic surgery.

Face Exercise Should be Performed for About a Minute. Strech The Neck With assistance from your hand, drop the head towards one shoulder, stretching in the direction of the hand. Repeat on the other side.

Cheek Lifter Open mouth and form an O, position the upper lip over the teeth, smile to lift cheek muscles up, put hands lightly on the top part of the cheeks, release the cheek muscles to lower them, and lift back up. Repeat.

Face Exercise Should be Performed for About a Minute. Focus on Forehead Place your hands on your forehead. Your little fingers should be pressing the skin above the eyebrows, and the rest of the fingers should keep the skin on the forehead from wrinkling.

Cheek Lifter Place two fingers under your chin, past the chin bone to the soft area underneath your tongue, and gently press upward. Now take your tongue and push it into the roof of your mouth. Do this 10-20 times with your tongue.

Let’s quickly recap YOUR FACE, then dive into a few at-home and simple Facial Exercises you can start practicing today. Follow Us:

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