Marketing Facebrasil Print: • Brazilian Grocery Stores • Hotels • Brazilian Business Newsstands: • 70% of the distribution in Metro Orlando-Kissimmee • 20% of the distribution is in Central and South Florida • 10% of the distribution is in Brazil RJ an SP Digital: • Weekly e-blast to 8.000 members • Find out more at
Double Page 17 x 11 in Bleed 17.5 x 11.25
Full Page 8.5 x 11 in Bleed 8.75 x 11.25
2.5 x 10 in
1/2 Page 7.5 x 5 in
facebrasil 1/4 Page 3.5 x 4.75 in
Footer 7.5 x 2.5 in
Ad Size
1/8 Page 3.5 x 2 in
1/8 Page 3.5 x 2 in
1/8 Page 3.5 x 2 in
1/8 Page 3.5 x 2 in
1/8 Page 3.5 x 2 in
1/8 Page 3.5 x 2 in
1/8 Page 3.5 x 2 in
1/8 Page 3.5 x 2 in
Price list - Amount calculated by Ad Size Ad Size Full Page 1/2 Page Footer/Slidelong 1/4 page 1/8 Page 2a, 3a, 4a, cover
Monthly 1 time 1200 650 500 350 150 3000
Semiannual 6 times 840 500 450 250 175 2250
Annual 12 times 720 400 360 200 100 1500
Media Settings Close Format: • 11” x 8.5” Open Format: • 11” x 17” Number of pages: • 64 full color pages Monthly Circulation • 5,000 issues
General Information: Ad File Information • All electronic ads must be Mac compatible Accompanied by color proof • Preferred Format: Adobe Acrobat (PDF). All reslting PDFs must be in press resolution CMYK. All Fonts Embedded • Files converted to CMYK Safety All live matter must be 1/4 inch from trim on all sides • Gutler Safety: 3/16 inch each side (total 3/8ince) Any Advertising created by the production department of Facebrasil Magazine is subject to production charges. Advertising material delivered past deadline my be subject to addtional charges. Ad Production per insertion: • Full Page: $275 • Half Page: $175 • Others sizes $75 Please send the files smaller than 2MB to:
Ano 1 - Edição 06 - 2011
A cara do Brasil -
moda &mulher O armário da mulher moderna
Aconteceu em Orlando Agenda cultural e a noite em Orlando Opções diferentes para diversão em Orlando
Localize-se em Orlando, usando o facemapa pag.36
02 - janeiro 2011
A Invasão Brazuca Ano 1 - Edição
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A cara do Bras
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Os preso eannotes 5/31/2011 12:30:29 PM
de um nov
bem estar
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imidade brasi
Café uma unan
acebrasil is a magazine that can be either found in the printed or digital version, bringing information about entertainment and also about many different areas from Culinary to Techonology and Politics. Its articles are written by specialists in many areas and they encompass local and worldwide news. Facebrasil magazine is distributed to Hotels and main businesses located in the International Drive and 192 axis.
prós e contras.
negócios & cia
al semanal dea lançam jorn
de anuncios grát
IdeaBrazil e BeeI
Orlando, Localize-se em apa pag.26 usando o facem
moda&mulhe Dicas para quem
quer trabalhar
no mundo da
Gastronomia stino” Tradicional bolo
Ano 2 - Edição 14 - 2012
rde “Panettone No ! toque natalino de laranja com
5 AM 12/20/2010 11:03:4
face2.indd 1
Social Media
A cara do Brasil -
Quebrando Paradigmas Mudando estratégias, se adequando a novas realidades e repensando o que não se imaginava mudar Orlando vai superando desafios e vencendo a crise.
T \PXb
Brasileiro no podium da Formula Rolex Uma matéria especial na coluna esportes
O organizador de novos rumos Paulo Maia é o nosso face do mês
Somos o que comemos Na coluna saúde tudo sobre bons hábitos alimentares
Localize-se em Orlando Página 26
Os melhores descontos e ofertas
Um novo e completo guia de serviços e negócios
9d]cT bT P ]Úb ]^ 5PRTQ^^Z