Beat the heat! Stock up today All Ice Cream prices are at manufacturers’ listed prices and L Lewis discounts apply. *Prices correct at time of printing, but due to current climate, promotions and current prices are subject to change. www.lewis-chester.co.uk | Tel: 01244 323624 JUNE 2024 ICE CREAM & FROZEN FOOD DEALS Offers Valid 1st June - 30th June 2024 orders@lewis.lls.com www.lewis-chester.co. u k 1 2 WestminsterRoad,Chester CH23BBTel:01244 323 6 2 4
For more information please visit our website at www.consortfrozenfoods.co.uk MINIMUM ORDER 6 UNITS Follow us on... 3 All promotions are correct at the time of publishing. Froneri reserves the right to withdraw or alter promotion at any time. Not to be used in conjuntion with any other offer. Pricing is at the discrestion of the retailer. JUNE PROMOTION BUY ANY 5 GET 1 FREE AT RRP WORTH £50.40 BUY ANY 9 GET 2 FREE AT RRP WORTH £105.60 NEW NEW ON TV NOW FREE 49028 FREE 48776 FREE 49028
Burgess Hill 01444 870111 Ashford Kent 01233 647355 Email sales@consortfrozenfoods.co.uk Please use codes 4 Follow us on... BUY ANY 4 aND GET RRP* £1.50 £36.00 CASE PRICE WORTH All Wall ’s impulse li ne s are included in the promotion *RRP is recommended retail price. Pricing is at the sole discretion of the retailer 1 Nielsen GB Total Cover, 52 wks to 30/09/23 #1 KI ds OOH SKU 1 #2 KI ds OOH SKU 1 #1 AdUlT RE f RE sH bR and 1 ImPU lse b EST sell ERS PROmot I on nEw! nEw! nEw! nEw! #1 FI ll E d con E bR and 1 cOre RanGE 3 of THE Top 5 b EsT sEllI ng I mpulsE IcE c RE ams a RE Ma gnum 1 FREE 1626
Burgess Hill 01444 870111 Ashford Kent 01233 647355 Email sales@consortfrozenfoods.co.uk Please use codes 10 Follow us on... All promotions are correct at the time of publishing. Froneri reserves the right to withdraw or alter promotion at any time. Not to be used in conjuntion with any other offer. Pricing is at the discrestion of the retailer. JUNE PROMOTION AT RRP WORTH £24 £36 AT RRP WORTH OR BUY ANY 3 GET 1 FREE BUY ANY 3 GET 1 FREE ON TV NOW FREE 72925 FREE 34265
Burgess Hill 01444 870111 Ashford Kent 01233 647355 Email sales@consortfrozenfoods.co.uk Please use codes Follow us on... 6 Al l Wall’s impulse lines are included in the promotion RRP is recommended retail price. Pricing s at the sole discretion of the retailer. ** Nielsen GB Total Cover, 52 wks to 30/09/23 Magnum RRP* £2.20 CaliPpo RRP* £1.50 £80.00 Ca SE p RICE Wo RTH core RangE BUY aNY 6 aND GET 2 casES oR imPulse bEST sellERs pRomotion 3 of THE ToP 5 b EsT sE ll Ing ImP uls E IcE c RE ams a RE Magnum 1 #1 KI ds oo sKu #1 Ad ulT RE f RE sH bR and 1 #1 ll E d con E bR and 1 nEw! nEw! nEw! H UFS24479 Calippo Magnum [INDIES 6+2] DIRECT A4L BM AW.indd 1 08/04/2024 13:02 #1 AdUlt refresh brand 1 3 of the top 5 best selling impulse ice creams are Magnum 1 #1 Kids OOH Al l Wal l’s impulse lines are included in th e promotion *RRP is recommended retail price. Pricing is at the sole discretion of the retailer. 1: Nielsen GB Total Cover, 52 wks to 30/09/23. Magnum rRp* £2.20 Calippo RRP* £1.50 Solero rRp* £1.80 £125 CaSe pRiCE WorTh core RangE BUY aNY 9 aND Get 3 casES SKU or imPUlse bEST sellERS pROmotion #2 Kids OOH SKU 1 #1 filled cone brand 1 nEw! nEw! nEw! FREE 1626 FREE 1626 FREE 4604 FREE 4609 FREE 7279 FREE 7279 FREE 7422
Follow us on... All promotions are correct at the time of publishing. Froneri reserves the right to withdraw or alter promotion at any time. Not to be used JUNE PROMOTION WORTH OR BUYANY3 GET 1 FREE ON TV orders@lewis.lls.com | Tel: 01244 323624 | www.lewis-chester.co.uk For more information please visit our website at www.consortfrozenfoods.co.uk MINIMUM ORDER 6 UNITS Follow us on... FREE CASE OFFER STARBURST CASE WORTH £49.50 AT MSRSP BUY ANY 4 CASES AND GET A CASE OF STARBURST OR MARS FREE MARS ICE CREAM CASE WORTH £48 AT MSRSP NEW FREE 62647 FREE 1485
27825 8x8 RSP £2.50 TLP £13.65 30647 8x8 RSP £2.50 TLP £13.65 24233 8x6 RSP £2.50 TLP £13.35 42206 10x6 RSP £2.00 TLP £12.79 79422 8x6 RSP £2.00 TLP £10.70 37664 10x6 RSP £2.00 TLP £12.50 43918 12x3 RSP £1.50 TLP £12.00 54922 12x3 RSP £1.50 TLP £12.00 orders@lewis.lls.com | Tel: 01244 323624 | www.lewis-chester.co.uk MINIMUM ORDER 6 UNITS June DEALS 2024
Follow us on... COME TO LEWIS FOR THE FULL BEN & JERRY’S RANGE! PROMO PRICE £24.99 Nett price promo RRP £4.99 35424 86979 18269 1841 80183 58114 76340 92543 82557 orders@lewis.lls.com | Tel: 01244 323624 | www.lewis-chester.co.uk MINIMUM ORDER 6 UNITS
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EURO’S BIG 6173 2486 7500 5083 7755 POR 25% Just £15.00 Saturday 1st June to Sunday 30th June 91169 80061 41910
34190 PM 2.99 G/F DEEP Pepper 7x411g RSP £2.99 TLP £17.25 12033 PM 2.99 G/F DEEP Cheese 7x421g RSP £2.99 TLP £17.25 53085 PM 2.50 B/E Chk Curry FOC 6x400g RSP £2.50 TLP £12.25 FREE 36895 PM 2.50 B/E Chk Tikka FOC 6x400g RSP £2.50 TLP £12.25 FREE BUY ANY 2... Choose 1 of the following free! 36% POR June DEALS 2024 orders@lewis.lls.com | Tel: 01244 323624 | www.lewis-chester.co.uk MINIMUM ORDER 6 UNITS
28529 Ristorante PRIMO Pollo Funghi 7x380g RSP £4.50 TLP £24.99 PP £22.99 42136 Ristorante PRIMO Salame Piccante 7x350g RSP £4.50 TLP £24.99 PP £22.99 27% POR 27% POR Premium Ristorante, Preferential Price! 48063 PM £2.89 G/F Garlic Bread 7x218g RSP £2.89 TLP £16.39 PP £13.99 48862 Garlic & Herb Slices 12x260g RSP £1.99 TLP £18.99 PP £17.50 Great Value BreadsGarlic 27% POR 31% POR 72451 PM 3.25 G/F Takeaway Cheese 6x426g RSP £3.25 TLP £15.75 PP £13.99 25837 PM 3.25 G/F Takeaway Pepperoni 6x410g RSP £3.25 TLP £15.75 PP £13.99 28% POR 28% POR Top savings on Takeaways June DEALS 2024 orders@lewis.lls.com | Tel: 01244 323624 | www.lewis-chester.co.uk MINIMUM ORDER 6 UNITS
PM2.49 Sharwoods Sweet/Sour 6x375g RSP £2.49 TLP £11.25 PP £9.99 33% POR 23614 PM2.49 Sharwoods Chow Mein 6x375g RSP £2.49 TLP £11.25 PP £9.99 33% POR 23228 Sharwoods Chicken Curry 6x375g RSP £2.49 TLP £11.25 PP £9.99 33% POR 12920 PM2.49 Sharwoods Chicken Korma 6x375g RSP £2.49 TLP £11.25 PP £9.99 33% POR 76728 PM2.49 Sharwoods Chicken T/Masala 6x375g RSP £2.49 TLP £11.25 PP £9.99 33% POR ONLY £9.99!! 58229 PM 2.50 Youngs Mariner Pie 12x300g RSP £2.50 TLP £23.99 PP £18.99 64736 PM 2.50 S/S Spicy Fries 8x250g RSP £2.50 TLP £16.25 PP £13.99 Great Savings! 26441 PM 2.50 Youngs Admiral Pie 12x300g RSP £2.50 TLP £23.99 PP £18.99 28353 PM 2.50 S/S Patatas Brava 8x250g RSP £2.50 TLP £16.25 PP £13.99 30% POR 37% POR 37% POR 30% POR orders@lewis.lls.com | Tel: 01244 323624 | www.lewis-chester.co.uk MINIMUM ORDER 6 UNITS June DEALS 2024
61591 PM2.75 K/S Chic Din UNIT 6x400g RSP £2.75 TLP £13.20 PP £12.20 98710 PM2.75 K/S Cott Pie UNIT 6x400g RSP £2.75 TLP £13.20 PP £12.20 96693 PM2.75 K/S Fish Chip UNIT 6x400g RSP £2.75 TLP £13.20 PP £12.20 93263 PM2.75 K/S BeefCurry UNIT 6x460g RSP £2.75 TLP £13.20 PP £12.20 66781 PM2.75 K/S Beef Din UNIT 6x400g RSP £2.75 TLP £13.20 PP £12.20 76312 PM2.75 K/S Beef Stew UNIT 6x400g RSP £2.75 TLP £13.20 PP £12.20 10584 PM2.75 K/S ChicCurry UNIT 6x450g RSP £2.75 TLP £13.20 PP £12.20 Save £1 per case! 26% POR June DEALS 2024 orders@lewis.lls.com | Tel: 01244 323624 | www.lewis-chester.co.uk MINIMUM ORDER 6 UNITS
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orders@lewis.lls.com | Tel: 01244 323624 | www.lewis-chester.co.uk MINIMUM ORDER 6 UNITS June DEALS 2024 96357 SFC S/Fri Chicken Dipper 14x170g RSP £1.29 TLP £13.75 PP £11.50 55870 SFC Boneless Box 6x500g RSP £4.50 TLP £22.45 PP £19.50 PROMO PRICE 28% POR 36% POR Birds Eye Best Sellers - Promo price 11851 PM 2.89 B/E Crispy Chicken 2’s 12x170g RSP £2.89 TLP £28.99 PP £26.99 15114 PM 2.79 B/E 4 Chicken Burger 12x200g RSP £2.79 TLP £27.75 PP £24.99 38909 PM £2.99 B/E 8 Cod Fish Fingers 12x224g RSP £2.99 TLP £30.55 PP £28.99 Great Savings! 23206 PM 2.49 B/E Pot Waffles 10x567g RSP £2.49 TLP £19.99 PP £16.99 51870 PM 2.69 Mc Hash Brown CASE 15x525g RSP £2.69 TLP £32.99 PP £27.50 32% POR 32% POR
orders@lewis.lls.com | Tel: 01244 323624 | www.lewis-chester.co.uk MINIMUM ORDER 6 UNITS Burgess Hill 01444 870111 Ashford Kent 01233 647355 Email sales@consortfrozenfoods.co.uk Please use codes 28 DEALS 2024 Part of the American Ranch Range 70524 American BBQ Chicken Wing 12x500g RSP £3.45 TLP £30.75 92756 American Hot/Spicy Wings 12x500g RSP £3.45 TLP £30.75 47863 American S/F Shred Chick 12x500g RSP £3.99 TLP £38.99 94187 American Salt Shred Chick 12x400g RSP £3.99 TLP £38.99 96519 American Shredded Chick 12x400g RSP £3.99 TLP £38.99 66310 American Smoky S/F Strips 12x320g RSP £3.69 TLP £36.29 47863 American Peri Peri 12x400g RSP £3.99 TLP £38.99
Great Price on Youngs Favorite Fish Lines 97128 PM £1.50 Youngs 4 Fish Cake 12x200g RSP £1.50 TLP £14.49 PP £12.50 18464 PM £3.00 Youngs 10 Cod Fingers 12x250g RSP £3.00 TLP £29.75 PP £25.00 94182 PM 2.50 Youngs Flipper Dips 12x250g RSP £2.50 TLP £23.75 PP £19.00 31% POR 31% POR 37% POR Promo price 24257 PM £4.50 Youngs C/S 4 Fish Battered 8x400g RSP £4.50 TLP £28.99 PP £23.99 10520 PM £4.50 Youngs Breaded 4 Fillets 8x400g RSP £4.50 TLP £28.99 PP £23.99 Save £5.00 a case! 33% POR 33% POR 69854 PM £3.00 Youngs Fish/Butter 8x280g RSP £3.00 TLP £19.49 PP £16.50 49678 PM £3.00 Youngs Fish/Parsley 8x280g RSP £3.00 TLP £19.49 PP £16.50 31% POR 31% POR June DEALS 2024 orders@lewis.lls.com | Tel: 01244 323624 | www.lewis-chester.co.uk MINIMUM ORDER 6 UNITS
800mm (W) 650mm (D) 880mm (H) Comes with ice cream worth over £620 RRP* 680mm (W) 650mm (D) 880mm (H) VISTA 6 VISTA 12 leD VISTA 18 leD 802mm (W) 875mm (D) 1363mm (H) Deal price: £1629 +VAT SLIM MAXIVISION 1253mm (W) 875mm (D) 1363mm (H) Deal price: £1729 +VAT MAXIVISION 1500mm (W) 650mm (D) 880mm (H) Deal price: £849 +VAT *Value of ice cream at RRP+VAT. For the avoidance of doubt, retailers are free to set their own retail prices. Wall's products supplied may differ from those shown, list of actual stock supplied with each freezer available on request. **3 years warranty is subject to the condition that the branding provided by Unilever remains unchanged 3 years from the date of delivery. We reserve the right to change any of the freezer branding without notice. All values are correct at the time of being printed. Orders subject to Unilever UK LTD. terms of business. See www. wallsrefrigerationsolutions.com for details. Wall's branded freezers are purchased subject to a condition that the customer agrees to stock Wall's impulse ice cream at a minimum of 70% of the freezer space and the unit will remain Wall's branded for 3 years from delivery, however the remaining space can be used for any ice cream of your choosing. I.e., a 12-basket freezer should contain 9 baskets of Unilever branded products. Unilever UK LTD. Registered in England & Wales NO 00334527. Registered office: 3 St James Road, Kingston Upon Thames, KT1 2BA. Comes with ice cream worth over £600 RRP* Comes with ice cream worth over £800 RRP* Comes with ice cream worth over £800 RRP* Comes with ice cream worth over £450 RRP* 12 BASKETS 12 BASKETS 18 BASKETS 18 BASKETS 6 BASKETS FREe STANDARD DElIVERy 3 yEaRS FULl PARTS & LABOUR WARRaNTy** Deal price: £699 +VAT Deal price: £539 +VAT WALl’S TOp SElLing ice creAmS WALl’s 2024 c ABiN ET BUnDle DeA LS email orders@lewis.lls.com or call 01244 323624