Facet5 - Understanding Personality

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A global multi-lingual measure of personality driven by a passion for development

Welcome from the authors


Facet5 Our story


Facet5 Facts


Global presence


Facet5 Lifecycle


Facet5 Products


Facet5 Personal Profile


Facet5 Modules


SpotLight Suite


TeamScape Suite


Strategic Leadership Review (SLR)


Audition Suite


BackDrop 22 ToRQ 23 Facet5 A coach in your pocket!


Haven’t found what you’re looking for?


Facet5 Practitioner Workbench


Facet5 Support and Learning Centre


Join our Global Practitioner network


© NL Buckley 1984–2016 info@facet5.com.au


Welcome from the authors Thank you for taking the time to look at Facet5. Facet5 is the result of over 25 years of development using sound psychometric methods to create a model of personality that supports people development in all its forms. Not heard of us? Well we have been told that Facet5 is the best-kept secret!

As psychologists we adhere strongly to scientific principles but as practitioners we know that nothing works unless it is easy to understand and apply. Our mission has been to turn reliable data into information that is presented in the most practical and usable way possible. Facet5 has taken us to many countries and we are proud to have partnered with numerous advisors and organisations who have shown us what they need. We saw that most issues are global, but we have also seen the idiosyncrasies.

Not all nationalities are the same. Not all cultures are identical. There are differences and these need to be understood and acknowledged for any measure of personality to remain relevant today.

Norman Buckley

So whatever your interest in people development and wherever you need to apply it, the Facet5 family can provide support and guidance.

Rebekah Williams


Facet5 Our story Our story begins in the mid 1980s when the assessment industry was expanding at a rapid rate. Organisations now had a choice between the traditional, wellresearched models of personality and a growing number of simpler, but well marketed measures, that appeared to provide results in a more accessible way. The professional press discussed the problems of sacrificing quality and substance for ease of use, especially when the data was being used to make important decisions about people. As psychologists we had nailed our colours to the mast but could not deny that our models were complex and required a high level of training and experience. The data required ongoing expert interpretation and insights gained tended to fade once the psychologist had left the building. So what to do?

As Norman recounts, an epiphany occurred when a concerned HR director invited him to explain the issues to the HR managers of a large conglomerate. ‘I had given my talk and we had stopped for questions when a manager, who was well known for his use of one of the most popular “easy to use” measures, opened with both barrels …’ Manager: I have three questions. First, does it tell me anything at all? Norman: Well yes. Not sure what or how reliably but it probably tells you something. Manager: Second, do I cause any damage using it?

Three years later Facet5 was launched as the first ‘Big 5’ measure in Europe. The content of this booklet tells how the story has unfolded so far. Facet5 has stood the test of time and shown how a robust single model and a common language can lend background, perspective and a framework to any developmental activity. And the story is by no means finished. Facet5 is being keyed to organisational objectives and used as the foundation for custom training and development programs. It is also being linked to other well-known models so that prior knowledge is not abandoned. It is incorporated.

Norman: Well probably not depending on how you use it. Manager: Third, what have you got, as a representative of Organizational Psychology, that’s as quick, easy to use and gives me more? Norman: Umm – nothing (looking a bit sheepish). After a perfectly timed pause Manager: Then why don’t you shutup, go away and come back when you have! ‘Now that, I thought, is a design brief! What we need is something that has ease of use and psychometric integrity.’

Facet5: Towards Understanding … ourselves, others and the interaction between


Facet5 Facts

40+ 32

We speak over 40 languages


Available in 32 languages

Over 20 report types that cover the spectrum of individual, team and organisational development reporting

42 42 Norm Groups for meaningful comparison

4000 40

A global network of over 4000 active practitioners

42 National Character Research across 42 countries

30 A growing network of 30 Partners distributing in over 40 countries and regions


Global presence Facet5 is represented by 30 partners that distribute in over 40 countries and regions. Partner country Other regions supported

Australia Pacific Region New Zealand Indonesia Singapore Malaysia Thailand Vietnam Myanmar Laos Hong Kong Macau Taiwan China Japan

South Korea India Turkey Greece Spain Italy Switzerland Austria Luxembourg Netherlands Belgium France Germany Cyprus Denmark

Norway Sweden Poland Lithuania Finland Russia Baltic States Hungary Slovakia Czech Republic Bulgaria Serbia Moldova Macedonia Bosnia and Herzegovina

Romania United Kingdom Ireland United States of America Costa Rica Canada Brasil Argentina Chile Colombia Peru Ecuador Mexico Guatemala Nicaragua


Facet5 Lifecycle Facet5 provides understanding beyond the initial Profile. It applies a common framework and language to aid decision making at every stage of a person’s journey through an organisation. Data, captured once, is interpreted in different ways to inform and guide specific questions. Consistency of approach promotes a depth of understanding and ensures effective use of the investment.

Selection Ensures the right fit for the team and organisation – by matching the individual to the required organisational values and culture. Supports fit-to-role by defining behavioural success elements before selection. Provides consistency of process to recruitment and selection with tailored interview guides.

Integration Describes the motivations, drivers and work preferences – for early successful integration in the role. Helps establish a strong manager – employee relationship. Provides development planning opportunities within the first three months.

Teamwork Strengthens team and individual relationships and understanding. Provides a common language to assist teams with communication, feedback and issues relating to team performance. Focuses teams on what is required to deliver their work through identifying team strengths and potential risk areas.


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Supports coaching and development processes with insightful information and tailored reports for coaches.

Integrates with existing leadership development frameworks and processes, embedding into leadership development programs easily.

Enables helpful performance conversations, by facilitating the ‘leader as coach’ approach for stronger employee development. Identifies and manages strengths and areas of stretch successfully.

Provides rich insights into personal style and how to lead individuals and teams, underpinning observed behaviour for sustainable development. Builds effective change leadership capabilities.

Talent Identifies emerging talent, allowing for focused development planning in current and for future roles. Assists in identifying and growing the required organisational capabilities. Integrates into assessment and development centres.

Culture and change Defines and describes the culture in a common language. Communicates the essence of the organisation – ‘who we are and what we stand for’. Defines the ‘current’ and ‘ideal’ state of a culture and the role individuals will play in achieving it.

Separation and exit Supports employees on the next step of their career journey. Provides meaningful exit conversations to ensure advocacy by the employee. Ensures the right talent for the right time.


‘Life Personality is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism, the way you play it is free will’ Jawaharlal Nehru


Facet5 Products Module Reports Looking at specific applications

SLR Provides focused leadership development



To match profiles to required behaviours

Evaluates high level problem solving skills


Foundation Profile

For team development

The core Facet5 factors

SpotLight For development and coaching

BackDrop Evaluating culture change


Facet5 Personal Profile Facet5 is a well-established personality model that combines strong psychometric credentials with practical applications. It is a natural language model with five main factors and 13 sub-factors to give a fine grained picture. There is minimal use of idiom or localised language to make it easy to understand across cultures.

The Facet5 questionnaire takes 15–20 minutes to complete and is the foundation of Facet5. Available in 32 languages the report and questionnaire languages are independent so a questionnaire completed in Mandarin in Shanghai can be reported in Portuguese in Sao Paolo. Scales are normative and reported as Sten scores. Practitioners can select from over 40 sets of norms and can change these whenever required. Norms cover language, gender, industry sector and function which allows users to find the norms best suited to their needs. There is a built in impression management process using sophisticated response latency algorithms. This gives faith in the accuracy of the reported profile and gives information for targeted conversations about the respondent’s mindset.

Facet5 is a self-service model. Results are available immediately upon completion. Clients can access their profiles 24/7. There is no limit to the number of times a report can be created using different norms and languages. There is no additional cost for extra reports.

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The Facet5 Global Partner network provides local support as required.

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1 1 2 3

Benefits Full Big5 model plus sub-factors. Fast completion time. 32 languages. 40+ available norms. Global support network. Self service delivery model.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10











Facet5 Modules Facet5 reports are the cornerstone of self-awareness.

People tell us they are: • meaningful • use everyday language not jargon • are easy to use and understand • provide the ‘aha’ moment • are positive without glossing over issues • provide practical help and guidance


Foundation Report

Five main factors

Family Portrait

Graphical report with narrative interpretation.

The classic Facet5 profile. Benefit The simple graphical layout provides instant recognition and understanding.

Narrative report summarising the Facet5 Profile. The Family Portrait summarises the overall picture into one of 17 different Family Portraits. Each portrait provides:

Thirteen sub-factors

• a Word Picture

Showing main factor and sub-factors with interpreted behavioural comments.

• the contribution to a team

Benefit Factor breakdown allows further support to detailed interpretation.

• the person as a leader

Word Cloud Summarises the overall theme. Benefit The word cloud provides a straightforward description of the key themes.

Word Cloud Discover your profile with our unique word cloud that provides a straightforward description of the key themes or your personality.

• how to manage the person

• key motivations Benefit Gives a compact interpretation of the Facet5 profile: a shorthand for people to see where they are similar to and different from others in order to: • build positive relationships • increase work effectiveness • build self-awareness using a common language that drives understanding and connection



Leading Edge

Work Preferences

Searchlight maps Facet5 data onto a standardised competency model. It then produces a narrative report against 6 generic competencies.

People have different needs and motives and respond differently. Research proves the importance of relationship between manager and staff member. Leading Edge uses the classic Transformational and Transactional Leadership model to provide 17 different strategies for managers to use.

Work Preferences shows:

Benefit With Leading Edge line managers can tailor their relationship with staff on a one-to-one basis. Each person is seen and responded to as an individual. This tailored approach is also highly effective as part of an on-boarding process. When relationships are first forming Leading Edge helps to set the baseline.

Ideal for development workshops, participants can review both their current role and possible future roles to see how well they match. The report is also valuable for individual career counselling at any stage.

• Leadership • Interpersonal • Communication • Analysis and decision making • Initiative and effort • Planning and organising For each competency Searchlight identifies expected behaviour and areas of potential risk. A version of Searchlight can be created mapped to an organisation’s competencies. Benefit Summarises work relevant skills and focuses on strengths while still highlighting areas to look out for. Maintains a positive balance but doesn’t gloss over risks. Uses easy, work related language.

• core drivers influencing work preferences • which aspects of a role will appeal • which will be demotivating using a bank of ‘role behaviours’ relating to individual Facet5 elements.

Benefit Provides a base for career development discussions. Allows people to review current roles and aspirations in clear behavioural terms


SpotLight Suite

SpotLight on Development SpotLight focuses Facet5 on personal development. Whether through guided individual development workshops or a formal coaching programme, work effectiveness can be improved dramatically. SpotLight can be embedded into group development programmes or can provide the foundation for a formal coaching exercise. The SpotLight suite consists of three separate but interlinked reports. Online resources and facilitator materials build capability quickly and ensure powerful results.


Provides the framework for individual coaching, supporting coaches with the framework to build a complete Coaching plan.

Coaching relationship

Coaching readiness

Technique Affinity

Coach personality

Client personality

SpotLight improves individual learning and development outcomes through heightened self-awareness and action planning . SpotLight uses a five-point development model covering:

Making decisions and setting goals Engaging with and consulting others Focusing on people and tasks Managing your work and commitments Responding to stress and identifying risk

Benefit The SpotLight structure allows discussions to focus on practical work issues not theory.


Within each of these domains SpotLight identifies:

SpotLight provides a tailored development guide:

Strengths Strengths are things you do well. They require little effort, come naturally to you and will be seen by others.

Benefits Delivery requires focus. The development guide helps people to decide where to focus efforts.

Risks A Risk appears when take your Strength to extremes. Then it works against you. It can become a weakness.

SpotLight on Coaching

Frustrations Frustrations arise when others are different from you. They work differently and that causes tension. Challenges Your Challenges are potential development goals related to your Risks and Frustrations. Benefit SpotLight shows what is happening, what the effect is and what to do about it.

Effective coaching increases performance by up to 80%

The SpotLight for Coaching model adds two unique reports: Coaching Readiness Some people respond quicker to coaching than others. Research has shown the key elements of Coaching Readiness. This report shows how a client is likely to respond. Coaching Readiness analyses the gap between the client and this ‘ideal’. Gaps are highlighted so the coach can build a coaching model tailored to the individual. Specific commentary shows the important issues. Benefit Each client’s needs are recognised up front. People are not all treated the same.

SpotLight Affinity The Affinity report shows: • Where the Coach adds strength to the relationship • What the risks in the relationship are • What frustrations the Coach may encounter – the hotspots between the two • What is the Challenge for the Coach? How can the Coach make this work? Benefit Coaches can identify ‘hot spots’ at the beginning of coaching and work with them.

Affinity: a close connection marked by community of interests or similarity in nature or character


TeamScape Suite

Facet5 Snapshot

TeamScape applies proven team collaboration methodology to identify team dynamics.

An alternative is the Snapshot. This plots the centroids of a group of Facet5 profiles. This is ideal for seeing trends in larger groups. These trends can be linked to Working Styles or even Corporate Culture.

TeamScape shows:


• the culture of the team,

TeamScape can generate multiple reports depending on the need.

• how relationships are likely to work • how the work will be managed and delivered TeamScape is used when: • forming new or reforming teams • supporting teams through change • integrating new team members Key features • Researched data sets, identifying Orientation to Conflict, Tactics and Proportionality • Extensive on-line resources, designed to support any team based intervention, including workshop outlines and exercises • Resources build facilitator capability quickly and powerfully • Individual, easy-to-read TeamScape report shows each member’s profile and preferences relative to the whole group

Facet5 Overlay The simplest but a very effective way of comparing profiles is the overlay. Here up to 30 profiles can be compared visually. Benefit Team behavioural similarities and differences become obvious building individual and team understanding. Shows the diversity within the team and where to access differing styles to get the work done.

Benefit A snapshot shows trends in behaviour that effect team functioning and allows team members to understand others’ personal style.

Work tactics TeamScape also provides information on how work is managed. Following a process or breaking the rules? Benefit Teams can recognise individual strengths in process and allocate roles accordingly. Allows teams to have the right people doing the right roles!

Proportionality Reaction to stress and pressure. Do people overreact, underreact or have a balanced response to stress Benefit Identifying people’s likely reaction to stress allows teams to predict and manage difficult situations better.


Conflict Resolution

Work Cycle

Approach to discord and conflict. Research shows the links between Facet5 and well known Conflict Resolution drivers. This element identifies team members’ natural styles. An optional multi-rater extension can compare this to what is actually happening in the team

Shows how people organise their work, manage conflict and respond to stress and pressure. The model details how individuals or teams will go about:

Benefit Understanding conflict preferences minimises the negative impact of disputes and improves working relationships. Conflict is seen as constructive and natural.

• generating ideas • evaluating options • decision making • implementing decisions

Benefit Understanding the work cycle pressures in a team shows where support, training or other development can be applied. Allows for targeted support, training and development to ensure maximum team performance.


Strategic Leadership Review (SLR) Leadership development is critical to organisations. One of the best known models in the western world is the Transformational and Transactional leadership. The SLR combines a Facet5 Personality Profile and a 360-degree review of Transformational and Transactional leadership, in a plain language, easy-to read report.

The unique combination of personality and 360-degree data, is underpinned by a large database of existing leadership data and a powerful prediction engine. This means the SLR analyses and predicts leadership behaviours and development like no other tool. The SLR accepts unlimited reviewers from up to 5 viewpoints.

SLR enables organisations to: • outline the strengths, challenges and degree of ‘stretch’ required for leaders to deliver organisation strategy • create relevant, data driven development suggestions, embedded in development systems used in organisations around the world • integrate with existing leadership development frameworks and processes Benefits Combines behavioural trends with objective feedback. Development suggestions are organised to produce relevant and helpful guidance. An easy-to-read report converts data to information.

Self perception The SLR shows how realistic a leader’s self-perception is. Are they self-enhancing or selfdiminishing? This can then be related to core personality. Benefit Self-awareness is the cornerstone of any self-development. Increased self-awareness allows people to focus energies on what you do best and adapt to circumstances as they arise.

360 review For each of the 7 leadership dimensions the SLR gives a detailed 360 review. It also shows how well this objective feedback matches the expectation from Facet5 Benefit Leaders can see exactly how they are perceived and where strengths lie. Positive behaviours are identified through evidence based review from the people who matter.


Development Guide

Reviewers Comments

By comparing the prediction to the actual results the SLR identifies the areas where fastest improvement can be made. And those that may be more difficult.

The SLR captures and reports free narrative where required

Benefit Some behaviours are easier to develop than others. The SLR Development Guide identifies where the fastest gains can be made.

Benefits The content of this narrative provides a subtle understanding of core feedback themes. Reviewers natural language is captured and reflected. If required text can be exported and analysed using sophisticated content analysers.


Audition Suite

Step 1 Define the role

Audition is Facet5’s way of linking individuals to specific roles or behavioural requirements. Audition is ideal when an organisation knows what it is looking for or where empirical research has identified preferred behaviours.

Audition will show:

Audition delivers:

• the behavioural requirements of a role

• an objective view of a role

• how well an individual fits a role • how a manager and direct report will relate (the Spotlight Affinity Report can also do this) • how individuals and teams match key competencies such as innovation

• a clear mapping of an individual to a role • a comparison between individual behaviours and role requirements

• Charts showing the desired behaviours in Facet5 form • A ‘copywriter’s guide’ giving the preferred language to use when describing the role • A Word Picture of the ‘ideal’ candidate in behavioural terms The Role Template delivers an objective, clearly defined understanding of a role Benefit Identifying the critical behaviours is the foundation of effective selection or development.

Step 2 Compare candidates This report maps a group of people to a template. They are scored and ranked to show how the group matches the ideal. Benefit Organisations can see who has the best overall fit within the group. People with similar overall matches can be differentiated accurately.


Step 3 Match candidate to role Maps a Facet5 profile to an Audition template. It shows the closeness of fit and where the gaps are. Using a traffic light system, the most significant gaps are highlighted and interpreted. Benefit Organisations can see the ‘fit’ between person and role instantly. Gaps are identified and development paths created.

Step 4 Interview with tailored behavioural interview guide The interview guide provides a structure for a behavioural or situational interview based on the Audition analysis. Benefit Structured interviews are a fair, objective and valid way of identifying top talent. All candidates are viewed though the same objective lens.



Factor Breakdown shows the current and aspirational states

BackDrop shows the ‘current state’ and the ‘ideal state’ of organisational or team culture. How the organisation sees itself and how it would like to be seen. The culture is described using a common language.

BackDrop also maps the personality data of change teams in order to understand how the transformation is likely to take place. BackDrop is founded on four key Culture elements: • influence or acceptance • innovation or adaptation • people or things • collective or individualistic Key features • Based on sound contemporary psychological theory • Questionnaire consists of 11 questions and can be taken in 10 minutes • Data overlays and snapshots show orientations to change

With BackDrop organisations can: • define the aspirational culture and understand the challenges moving to it • identify the roles individuals will play in achieving it • develop relevant, informed change plans to increase the likelihood of success • understand individuals’ likely response to change, stress and pressure

Desired change is shown graphically Benefit Organisations and individuals can see at a glance the future direction using a familiar structure.

BackDrop combines the views of multiple reviewers. Benefit Organisations can see at a glance where the biggest changes in behaviour will be needed.

People respond differently to change The Change Matrix shows how individual team members will contribute to the change process. Are they: • change agents? • transformers? • anchors? • non-aligned? Benefit Change plans are individualised. The impact of change for each person is shown separately. Further benefits • Since BackDrop is fully integrated with Facet5, personal profiles can be used further for coaching and development purposes • BackDrop defines and describes the culture in a common language • BackDrop communicates the essence of the organization – ‘who we are’ and ‘what we stand for’


ToRQ ToRQ (TailOred Reasoning Questionnaire) is an advanced evaluation of job relevant decision-making skills. ToRQ combines cutting edge testing processes with the power of personality to produce the next generation of cognitive assessment.

ToRQ moves beyond just cognitive power and looks at the effect of personality on performance. It is the combination of capability and character that provides the most accurate measure of an individual’s potential. Key features of ToRQ • Twelve questions • Four levels of difficulty • Difficulty level automatically managed through the assessment • TorQ is not timed • Questions can be selected in any order

Benefits Relevant: ToRQ items are work samples created to match the modern working environment. Secure: ToRQ items are created ‘on-the-fly’ using precise design rules. No two items are ever identical so answers cannot be copied and leaked Realistic: ToRQ uses Computer Adaptive Test processes to ensure people are faced with questions that are realistic for them. Fair: ToRQ incorporates Response Latency Analysis to discriminate between people who differ in the speed with which they get to an answer. Whether people are quick or slow ToRQ will measure accurately. Comprehensive: ToRQ can be used at any level from school leaver to graduate or managerial.


Facet5 A coach in your pocket! Facet5 provides online tools for individuals to access and apply the insights from their profile bringing your Facet5 Profile to life in a practical, hands on way.

This is an essential support tool to help understand how to navigate and develop successful relationships. The site allows you to compare your personality style to that of another person. The insightful data helps you to build solid working relationships with a focus on: • what is your personality strength that you bring to the relationship • identifying the potential risks that may work against you • identifying the frustrations that arise when working with people different to you • and importantly provide you with a development challenge to grow your relationship Key features • Create an account, and save profiles for ease of access and comparison • Access your Spotlight and Facet5 Profile online • Compare profiles quickly with a new layout and the ability to switch between views • Compare 40 countries personality profiles based on our global National Character research • Development challenges to help you to take action


Available on all devices

Versatile application

The Facet5 online site has been built as a web app. This means that it uses a browser to access and display the information. It can be used on all devices that have an internet browser, including desktops, tablets and smart phones.

Here are some ways to use Facet5 online system within your teams: • After a debrief to reinforce learning • As part of a coaching session to help build a strong coaching relationship • As part of a team development session • Supporting managers with building strong working relationships in their 1:1 meetings • Helping with understanding on how different culture work with the country comparison feature


Haven’t found what you’re looking for? Did you know that all of our products have been based on a client need? If you can’t find what you are looking for we are happy to discuss research and development partnerships with you. Our strong evidence based approach and robust research methodology generate outcomes that work at a very practical level for your organisation

Our recent research work Practical research A global Talent Management Consultancy • Creation of a development guide to link personality to defined Assessment Centre competencies • Identification of behavioural drivers for Innovation in a large management group A multi-national pharmaceutical company • Creation of a Transformational Leadership model for Commercial executives • Cross Cultural assessment process now running for over 20 years A Multi-national financial services company • Implementation of modified corporate culture and alignment of individuals An Asia Pacific Telco • Implementation of on-boarding process for new hires

Specialist Executive Development Consultancy • Creation of development process to develop Conversational Leadership skills Pure research Hungarian university • Cross cultural response patterns Australian university • Relationship between personality factors and cognitive results UK university • Evaluation of the link between personality and an established measure of corporate engagement Asian think tank • Identification of an Asian Leadership model • Evaluation of country differences across South East Asia


Facet5 Practitioner Workbench

Facet5 Support and Learning Centre

The Facet5 Practitioner workbench is a powerful web based application available 24/7 that enables Facet5 Practitioners to manage all aspects of their Facet5 account. The Facet5 Workbench allows the Practitioner or approved administrator to login securely via a web browser where they can administer respondents completion of the Facet5 personality questionnaire through to printing all reports and materials for their workshops.

At Facet5 we believe in supporting our Practitioners with worldclass learning and materials. When you become accredited in Facet5 you are provided access to our extensive online learning and support centre.

The powerful reporting engine allows you to make quick and easy comparisons of individuals online and to produce detail reports for Individual, team and organizational development. The Facet5 Practitioner Workbench, Facet5 Personality Questionnaire and reports can be branded with your company logo. Over 20 reports are available online at the click of a button.

A rich resource of learning videos, facilitation resources and tools, and instructions materials it is supported by a global network of partners who speak over 40 languages with extensive experience across the spectrum of individual, team and organization development.


Join our Global Practitioner network

‘Facet5 Accreditation has been the start of an amazing journey of discovery for me. I feel I am now better able to support my clients with meaningful solutions and outcomes that meet their needs.’ Jessica Symes

Who can apply? No specific knowledge or experience is required. It is a natural home for professionals engaged in individual, team or organisational development. But we welcome anyone with a curiosity about people and an interest in the connection between personality, relationships and performance. What will I have to do? The first step will be to complete a two-day Facet5 accreditation. The programme is interactive, practical and fun. You will leave with a sound understanding of the Facet5 model, where it fits in the field of personality assessment, the breadth of its application and sufficient knowledge and materials to de-brief a Facet5 Profile. What happens next? You can now begin your journey as a Facet5 practitioner with access to all the support and resources you need to become as much of an expert as you choose to be. The power of Facet5 lies in its utility and we make it as easy as possible for you to incorporate it into a broad range of learning and development processes. Time is valuable and the following should ensure that yours is spent more on delivery than on working out how best to do it.

You will be given a unique account name and password to the Facet5 Practitioner Portal. This is our dedicated online resource comprising a secure Workbench and Learning and Support Centre. The Portal allows you to manage and store your Facet5 data. You can issue invitations, review profiles and download reports at any time and from anywhere in the world. The Support and Learning Centre covers the full range of Facet5 applications. It contains case studies, articles, videos, images and a comprehensive set of training manuals, facilitation guides, tool kits and materials. If you cannot find what you need, you have access to a global community of practitioners and Facet5 learning and development experts. Your local Facet5 Partner is on hand to offer their advice and support and we have active LinkedIn and Facebook groups You will be kept up to date about our range of continuing development and learning options including ‘Train the Trainer’ programs and Advanced practitioner workshops. How do I apply? Contact your local Facet5 partner or visit our website facet5global.com for a list dates and locations.

We believe every great partnership begins with a conversation. Our extensive global partner network means there is an expert close at hand who speaks your language and understands your business. facet5global.com

‘Thank you for your work and dedication in supporting the development of our people and teams with Facet5. It is refreshing to work with an external partner who comes to the table as though they are one of us’ Lisa Brubaker Manulife/John Hancock

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