12 minute read
ARK Crystal Increases Coherence What This Means For Your Health
By Ty Johnson
Advanced Resonance Kinetics (ARK) Crystal technology is the product of more than 30 years of research and development. While this particular product is one amazing example of work developed by world renowned physicist Nassim Haramein and his team, the research they’ve conducted is driving the progression of technological applications in some of today’s most critical fields, like personal wellness, agriculture and space exploration. Torus Tech has successfully utilized their Harmonic Flux Resonator (HFR) to indefinitely influence the quantum resonance of Ark Crystals in a way that allows them to retain a consistent vibrational spin engendered by the coherent field dynamic of the HFR. Ark Crystals are designed to restructure molecular alignment at its core, making water more bioavailable for consumption as well as aiding in the achievement of biological coherence. Now, what does this mean in English?!
Understanding the Science
If you ask the team over at Torus Tech, you’ll most likely get an answer like, “The ARK crystal is precision geometric quartz (PGQ), manufactured via hydrothermal synthesis over two and a half years. Each PGQ is then treated by the HFR, modulating it with a specific frequency designed to stimulate the piezoelectric axis of the crystal, coupling the crystal with certain modes of the quantum vacuum fluctuations, and formally classifying it as PGQmem (precision geometric quartz modulated electromagnetically). The ARK Crystal is precision engineered to specifically couple with the structure of the vacuum to harness that energy and allow our bodies to access that energy, generating greater system coherence, vitality, and well-being.” Let’s break this down.

Nassim Haramein and his team use crystalline quartz crystals with a tetrahedral molecular geometry matching that of the water molecule and the fundamental geometry of the quantum field. This allows for structural synchronicity or resonance to occur in a systematic way. Torus Tech points out, “It is perhaps no coincidence that 90% of the Earth’s crust is silica (such as quartz), and 71% of the surface is water. The dynamic energetic interaction of these two substances comprising most of the surface is one reason Earth is such a hospitable place for life to thrive.” The geological composition of our home planet not only creates an energetic haven for humans to live, it also generates a unique access point into the unified space memory network and quantum field.
Water is able to express itself through a vast variety of beautiful life forms here on Earth, largely in part due to the composition of our planet. We can thank the makeup of Earth, and its silica crust, for providing water with the right resources to act in a highly intelligent manner. Silica crystals become even more adept at increasing the information storing ability of water when they are treated with Torus Tech’s HFR.
“The HFR, inside of a copper isolation chamber, produces a spinning superfluid plasma via a rapidly rotating magnetic field (with a double torus topology),” shares Haramein’s team. Nassim and the team at Torus Tech have engineered the HFR to couple their silica ARK Crystals with a vibrational spin, naturally occurring in the quantum vacuum. As a result, these electromagnetically modulated crystals have an extremely impactful effect on one of our most important resources, water.
Restructuring Water
When water interacts with the harmonic resonance of an ARK Crystal, it gains a stronger point of access into the spacememory network, and restructures itself to store more energy/information. This highly intelligent (coherent) water is increasingly bioavailable to plants.
You might be thinking, “How can my water be smarter?” By coupling ARK Crystals with the vibrational fluctuations of the quantum vacuum, the crystals are able to serve as an access point into the spacememory network and the information stored in the quantum field. When water becomes potentiated (or structured) its capacity to hold information and energy increases, making it more bioavailable to plants.
Higher crop yields, increased nutrient density and decreased water consumption are some of the benefits that can be seen from an agricultural perspective. Biological systems respond drastically to their environment. The energy and quality levels of a plant’s water can be one of the most important determinants of overall success.
Empirical investigations have already demonstrated major benefits to the biological system from the ARK crystal.
More specifically, a series of experiments on plant biology have and continue to be performed as an effort to validate the “modulatory ordering effects” (potentiation or improvement) of water when exposed to the ARK crystal. The team has produced both plant specimens and water samples displaying differences in several physical properties when compared to the control (plants and water that had not been affected by the ARK Crystal). There are major indications from a personal health standpoint, as water makes up a tremendous amount of the human composition.
Personal Wellness
Since our bodies are hydrodynamic systems, wearing the ARK crystal is designed to increase connection with the vital energy of the quantum vacuum. With an increased ‘bandwidth’ to process the information stored in the unified spacememory network, the water inside of us is able to function on a more coherent axis. Highly structured water is easily absorbed by the cell, allowing for efficient and effective transportation of nutrients and waste through the body. ARK crystals come with a wearable pendant accessory, and they look pretty rad, too!

A Word from the Expert
Our team spoke with biophysicist
William Brown of Torus Tech and the International Space Federation to get an insider’s take on what sets ARK apart from other wearable technologies out there today. He explains, “The ARK Crystal is the only wearable technology that has been engineered from first-principles science and unified physics to specifically couple with the energy of the quantum vacuum, maintaining a constitutive and indelible connection with the ubiquitous field of information and energy flow. Utilizing the high precision geometric crystal resonator technology, the ARK Crystal connects with the natural biocrystalline oscillators of the body via resonance, enabling the body to maintain and increase its own molecular coherence and highly coupled-states. We believe these high-coherence states of the body are foundational to health and wellness, so maintaining and increasing these states have far-reaching benefits.” The team has taken its roots in theoretical physics into the realm of research and development to advance some of the most important technological implications of our near future.

Along with personal health benefits, there are many macro scale improvements that could potentially result from the work of Torus Tech and the International Space Federation. Brown let’s us in on what the big deal is all about, “Being able to engineer materials with unique quantum states, like maximal molecular coherence, will enable remarkable technologies like room-temperature superconductors, spintronic memory storage devices, quantum computers, and will enable the understanding of how to boost and strengthen the coherent states of our bodies’ own cellular systems, which is a quintessential feature of health and wellness. These kinds of breakthrough technologies emerge from understanding matter and energy at the most fundamental levels, so concordant with being able to engineer and synthesize high coherence molecular systems will come the understanding and the means to engineer spacetime for extracting energy from the vacuum, controlling gravity, and extending healthy life-span. This will change our global civilization to the greatest extent imaginable and will enable humanity to truly thrive and prosper.” It doesn’t get much more macro than that, well, for us humans anyway! Curious how one’s personal perspective might shift from years of research into the connected universe through the lens of unified physics and the spacememory network? When asked how life changes when we view ourselves and the universe from an energetic perspective, Brown unveiled, “When we understand that we are a part of a limitless and ubiquitous field of energy then conceptions of separation and isolation become no longer tenable to hold in one’s mind. It is understood that all things are a part of and connected via a fundamental field of information and energy flow, that there are no separate or isolated systems, and that the universe is an immensely complex network of entangled subsystems evolving unitarily towards higher and higher levels of coherence, integral interconnectedness, and organizational synergy. It is then understood that what you do to the environment and those around you, you are doing to yourself, so selfless altruism becomes an operational imperative in one’s daily life.” This point of view offers unique insight into the way our understanding of the world shapes our mindset and approach to life.
Backed by the Best
Some of the biggest names in ‘Biohacking’ have taken to ARK Crystals, and are loving the experience. Dave Asprey himself, commonly recognized as a pioneer of the field, is one notable fan of Haramein’s work. He often wears his crystal when hosting Bulletproof Podcasts, has done unboxings and even publicly invited Haramein to be a guest on the show! Other supporters have mentioned an overall increase in their state of wellness, slowing down of emotional responses to people and/or situations and improved mental and physical coherence.
Big Picture
Operating on the forefront of modern physics and engineering, Haramein and his team are redefining our world, starting with empty space. When we give empty space the definition of a quantum vacuum (a substantive quantized medium filled with harmonic zero-point energy oscillations). What was once nothingness can now be seen as a vast sea of energetic oscillations. Even more incredible is the fact that many physicists believe these oscillations to be the source of all mass, form, and structure in our physical world. There is an entanglement present amongst this quantum energy, so that all of the unified spacememory network is systematically related. It is this unified spacememory network that connects all things, creating coherence, order, and systems intelligence. ymore info: www.arkcrystals.com www.torustech.com www.spacefed.com www.resonancescience.org

By Ty Johnson
i lluminating Insights: Exploring Life’s Mysteries with Biophysicist, William Brown

In the vast expanse of knowledge that encompasses the fields of biophysics, cosmology, and human evolution, few individuals possess the depth of expertise and visionary outlook as biophysicist William Brown. Renowned for his groundbreaking work at Torus Tech, his contributions to the Resonance Science Foundation, and his affiliation with the International Space Federation, Brown has emerged as a respected authority in the scientific community.
Along with his impressive credentials, Brown has an extraordinarily unique perspective of life; one that transcends the traditional boundaries of scientific inquiry. Driven by a profound belief that every individual is intricately connected to the energetic and informational fabric of the universe, Brown explores the realms where science and spirituality converge. His insights have challenged conventional paradigms and are helping to shed light on the interconnectedness of all things.
As we embark on this intellectual journey, we will explore the true essence of life. Brown envisions individuals as more than just isolated beings, emphasizing participation in a dynamic, universal dance of energy and information. Through his research, he has explored the concept of a unified spacememory network, proposing that our individual experiences and memories are intricately woven into the fabric of the cosmos, creating a “web” of interconnectedness. By exploring Brown’s knowledge and perspectives, we hope to illuminate a deeper understanding of life’s entangled mysteries.
From your perspective, as someone who is on the front lines of these groundbreaking studies and technologies, what do you perceive as the actions we can/should collectively take to optimize the energy and space that we live in? In other words, how do you envision the knowledge/information you’ve discovered being optimally incorporated into daily lives and/or local/global systems in an effort to improve individual experience(s) and/or planetary health?
There is the “big picture” application, which is a direct utilization of the ubiquitous energy that permeates all space—what is known as zero-point energy fluctuations of the quantum vacuum. We are in a veritable sea of energy—this substantive nature of space is what causes the Lamb shift and the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron (just to give a few examples). So, we see its very real energetic effects in nature, and the next step now is to develop technology that can shape space in such a way that quantum energy is accessible—this is called spacetime engineering.
Once this limitless, clean energy is accessible by technological means, we can stop and reverse global damage. Instead of pumping tremendous amounts of waste energy into the biosphere, destabilizing an inherently nonlinear system, we can use our nearly-free energy surplus to remove and sequester excessive waste products from pollution. We will also be able to stop many extractions of resources from many ecosystems and apply the nearly-free surplus energy to restoration. It will fundamentally alter all of human civilization.
Can the unified spacememory network explain how telepathic communication may be possible (if two or more people are simultaneously accessing or processing the same bit of info, or even if one individual releases information into the universal field which is then received by the other)? Perhaps certain thoughts are sending specific signals, and with practice, individuals can focus their intent/signaling, or even their receptive ability, just like we can practice/train other forms of sensory skills.
Yes, the unified spacememory network does explain how telepathic communication is possible and how it is occurring all of the time. In a certain sense, your very mind is functioning via telepathic communication of information, because consciousness is not produced as an epiphenomenon of neuronal activity of the brain. The spatiotemporal electromagnetic activity of the brain is involved in reception and transmission of consciousness/thoughts with the intrinsically quantum entangled network of the Field—what I call the entanglement nexus of awareness.
From this, we know that electromagnetic activity in one person’s localized region will be spatially correlated with other regions of the Field, via the intrinsic quantum entanglement of the zeropoint energy density, and because the energy density is so great that it connects space in the multipleconnected Einstein-Rosen bridge network. So, information can be, and is, transmitted nonlocally all of the time.
There is also the kind of strong correlation (quantum entanglement) that occurs when two individuals are interacting closely and consistently. Eventually, there will be so much classical and quantum exchange of information between them that the electromagnetic spatiotemporal patterns of their brains will synchronize.
There is also the kind of strong correlation (quantum entanglement) that occurs when two individuals are interacting closely and consistently. Eventually, there will be so much classical and quantum exchange of information between them that the electromagnetic spatiotemporal patterns of their brains will synchronize, and their brains will form the same pattern of activity at the same time, such that they transmit/receive the same thought at the same time (this would be an example of strong, direct telepathic communication).
It happens all the time, but usually people are not aware enough to realize it, and because there is such a misconception about the way our consciousness and minds work, it is disregarded because the presumption is that telepathic communication is not possible or is very rare. In fact, tele-empathic communication was around long before animals developed auditory communication;it is the basal form of communication between organisms.
How do you believe humans can/ will evolve as we understand and develop our relationships with individual and collective energy fields (like the biofield)? As projects like Elon Musk’s Neuralink are taking a mechanical approach to human evolution, do you have an outlook or opinion on what may still be discovered about the natural evolutionary potential of humans, and how this path might be affected by mechanical interference? Further, just like mercury fillings were an instant fix for cavities and were then linked to long term poisoning, could there be negative effects linked to the use of such invasive technologies/implants such as Neuralink, or even an opportunity cost of missing out on natural evolutionary advances of the brain no longer necessary due to changes made? ymore info: www.novosciences.org www.resonancescience.org www.arkcrystals.com www.torustech.com www.spacefed.com

Humanity has a choice on which direction it wants to go with consciousness interface technologies and//or brain-machine interface technologies. Historically, humanity has not used any guiding principles or forethought in the development and implementation of technology, and controlling interests often choose options that promote centralized control and detrimental outcomes. A good example of this is the development of electrical energy transmission in the early 20th century. Electrical energy can be transmitted wirelessly (the discovery of electromagnetic waves in the late 1880s by Heinrich Hertz was via the wireless transmission of electrical power of distance). Nikola Tesla was building long-distance wireless energy transmission infrastructure. However, controlling special-interest groups realized that it would be much more beneficial to their narrow personal interests to sequester electrical energy distribution to wired transmission, and thus the entire countryside was strung up with wires.
Now, we have another opportunity to make a choice: do we want to go wireless, or start plugging wires into our brains?
There are some applications for brain-machine interface technologies.
For example, to restore mobility to paraplegics. However, even in that case/scenario, the benefits of direct hardwiring, like Elon’s Neuralink, are fleeting. There are already much better methodologies that are based on knowledge of how the brain and neuromuscular system actually work (via spatiotemporal electromagnetic patterns that are in feedback-feedforward circuits with discretized synaptic activity),versus the erroneous model of brain-as-computer, which is what Elon’s Neuralink predicated on (I presume he is an adherent of the neurocomputational model).