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Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World Lessons in Harmonious Living
The ancients of Khemit—Egypt— understood that everything that we perceive originated from nothing or no-thing within the infinite potentials of the primordial waters of Nun. All experience is an illusion of consciousness experiencing itself through the perception of the expression of individuated aspects of itself.
By Patricia Awyan Lehman
This deep knowing is expressed within the myths and legends of the pantheon of Egyptian Neteru (gods and goddesses) that ultimately portray a vast knowledge about the energetic structure of our cosmos and its universal laws. They were never intended to be perceived as gods as we understand the term today— they were meant to be symbolic representations of impersonal principles operating throughout our perceived universe. The Neteru were not static or linear principles, rather they were understood to be in constant transformation as they migrated through our perceptions of time and space.
Everything presented symbolically in ancient Khemit had at least seven different levels available for interpretation, depending on the observer’s level of awareness. These are the different lenses through which anyone can perceive reality. For example, if you perceive the world through your base chakra, you will see a world perceived as physical matter expressing through linear patterns of time. However, the alchemists who undertook years of discipline and secret ritual would also see at least seven layers of time and space bending and folding in cyclical patterns of perception. These levels can be associated with the Chak-Ras or inner suns. The goal is to bring the levels into harmonic resonance within the self, in order to achieve a greater depth of wisdom to navigate that which is experienced without.

The ancients also had a higher awareness of and a deeper connection to nature. They had a much greater sensitivity to the patterns of its natural flow, and the underlying principles that govern the universe. They knew how to build their structures in resonance with the patterns of this flow, and harness these currents to enhance their agricultural processes as well as their own health and levels of consciousness.
Everything presented symbolically in ancient Khemit had at least seven different levels available for interpretation, depending on the observer’s level of awareness. These are the different lenses through which anyone can perceive reality. For example, if you perceive the world through your base chakra, you will see a world perceived as physical matter expressing through linear patterns of time. However, the alchemists who undertook years of discipline and secret ritual would also see at least seven layers of time and space bending and folding in cyclical patterns of perception. These levels can be associated with the Chak-Ras or inner suns. The goal is to bring the levels into harmonic resonance within the self, in order to achieve a greater depth of wisdom to navigate that which is experienced without.
Divinity was expressed to ancient Egyptians as the Neteru, whose mythologies provide universal knowledge of who we are and the ways in which we perceive reality through our physical senses. Their myths and imagery contain profound coded symbols that reflect many levels and depths of interpretation. It was the Hanuti, or priests of Amun, who later manipulated the retelling of the ancient stories to promote their own political agendas. Naturally, this occurs as humanity’s level of consciousness devolves through natural cycles. We begin to identify ourselves as our individual bodies, and lose our sense of connectedness to our outer world. In doing so, we make ourselves susceptible to agendas that instill fear and anger. The ancients also had a higher awareness of and a deeper connection to nature. They had a much greater sensitivity to the patterns of its natural flow, and the underlying principles that govern the universe. They knew how to build their structures in resonance with the patterns of this flow, and harness these currents to enhance their agricultural processes as well as their own health and levels of consciousness.

Once understood, this ancient knowledge is capable of generating an extraordinary shift in our perception of ourselves and our relationship to the rest of the universe. Our entire concept of what reality is would be shattered.
How did we stray so far from this innate knowing? How can a finite mind understand infinity?
When we grasp the concept of nonlinearity, we open the gate to the infinite possibilities of the eternal heart-driven mind. When we can envision the symphony and dance of light, sound, color and shape that combine to award us the gift of life, we can become the magicians that weave these vibrations into exquisite living tapestries. In thinking of this higher concept of spirituality, it is important to note that it is not the same as religion. There is no word for religion before modern times, because the concept simply did not exist. Our concept of religion was created to control and tax the general public when people gathered together at the beginning of civilization. Indigenous knowledgeholder Abd’el Hakim Awyan taught that this systemization began in Egypt with the priests of Amun, whom he labeled as the Hanut. He taught that the Hanut, known as “the undertakers”, controlled the people through the manipulation of their “KA”—their vital physical sense or “lifeforce”. Our modern phrase “in cahoots”—colluding or conspiring in secret—is most likely derived from the ancient Egyptian KA-Hanut. These priests also introduced the concept of a physical death and judgment.
Prior to this time, it was understood that the cyclical flow of life was infinite, as reflected in the cycles of nature. Their term for death was “westing”, likened to the path of the sun as it rises and sets, only to rise again and again.

The Hanut preached about judgment, proclaiming that the deceased’s heart would be weighed against a feather. If heavier than the feather, the deceased would be eaten by Ammit, the beastly “devourer of the dead”, and lost forever. Even today, there remains the understanding that a heart without regrets—or being light-hearted—is beneficial for overall well-being.
The teachings of death and divine judgment are impactful in any childhood as they initiate control and spark fear through the introduction of agendas. The Hanut developed a system of separation and created boundaries within the temple structures and political organizations based on a tiered hierarchy. Prior to this, individuals shared the right to enter all areas of the temples to explore their relationship with the divine. Spirituality had once been enjoyed as a personal connection to the infinite fluidity of our environment on Earth and in the heavens above—the archetypal forces of nature that they called Neteru.
People are awakening globally, demanding their basic human rights be returned to them, and discovering their truths for themselves. Everything outside ourselves is an illusion, and the golden chalice can only be found within. When we transmute our fear and anger, we begin to rediscover senses and abilities we forgot we had. We step into our power with wisdom that maintains inner balance and vibrant health.
Understanding the significance of each Neter within the pantheon of ancient Egyptian Neteru can enrich our awareness and invoke the spirit of the universal force of nature that they represent. Everything we sense as experience is a holographic reflection of what exists in the “space in between” our perception of physical form in this polarized, interactive expression of consciousness in a three-dimensional reality. The Neteru provide a map to understand the way in which consciousness experiences itself and unfolds in a great cosmic breath of perceived life.
As we enter into a new age of awareness, it may be time to question our core beliefs; our perception of reality, including everything we’ve been told as fact about who we are, where we have been, and where we are going.
Opening our hearts to our unlimited potentials and possibilities can release us from the prison of labels and programs that limit our thoughts in the matrix of our minds.
It is the exhalation and inhalation of self that marks our own Hero’s Journey into and out of separation consciousness. As individual aspects of one heart, we all long for the complete freedom to express ourselves and to return home to experience ultimate bliss within the unified heart of consciousness.
The indigenous elders of our world are in agreement that we are very rapidly moving out of a Dark
Age of conscious awareness and entering into another Golden Age of enlightenment. As the sun creeps up over the eastern horizon, it is shedding light in many areas where shadows once prevailed. The ancient Egyptians referred to this stage or age as Kheper, “the new dawn”, and it was symbolized by the winged scarab. People are awakening globally, demanding their basic human rights be returned to them, and discovering their truths for themselves. Everything outside ourselves is an illusion, and the golden chalice can only be found within. When we transmute our fear and anger, we begin to rediscover senses and abilities we forgot we had. We step into our power with wisdom that maintains inner balance and vibrant health.

The incredible achievements of the ancient Egyptians have elicited speculation and inspired numerous theories. Much has been written to address the perfection of the Great Pyramids’ sacred geometric structural form and alignments on Earth and in the heavens. As a Hall of

Records, it contains universal codes and secrets, including large stone statues that are brilliantly crafted in almost perfect symmetry, appearing to be alive. How did the Ancient Egyptians quarry, transport, and erect blocks of stone weighing upwards of two hundred tons? When viewed from our understanding of modern building practices, they are often considered to be impossible feats for human beings of that time to achieve. In fact, many people throughout history have chosen to believe that aliens or living gods fashioned the pyramids.
Perhaps we were the living gods?
Hakim was adamant in his belief that it was the ancient Egyptians who achieved these great physical wonders, because they had access to many more senses than we have today. They had a deep connection to nature, and recognized and felt its inherent currents. They knew how to harness these currents with implosive technologies that were in sync with the natural flow of environmental elements, thus creating a harmonic resonance that enhanced their wellbeing.
Our current explosive building technologies damage the earth along with its living organisms. How did we lose this ancient wisdom? How did our perception of reality transform?

Many experts note that the dominant hemisphere in our brains has slowly shifted from an intuitive, artistic and emotional right-brained perspective to an analytical, rational, and intellectual left-brained perspective.
As a result, we often do not even see what’s in front of our eyes.
“Inattention Blindness” research by psychologists Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons corroborates this and is featured in the 2010 book, The Invisible Gorilla. In the video of the experiment, six subjects passed a basketball and we were challenged to count the number of passes. Many subjects discovered they were so focused on counting that they failed to spot a person in a gorilla suit stroll through the experiment room, thump his chest, and walk off. This phenomenon is called “inattention blindness”, and many of us regularly experience it in our daily lives. When we focus so intently on the road in front of us, we often lose sight of and appreciation for the beautiful scenery that surrounds us.
In a broader sense, much of humanity’s focus began to narrow with the advent of the written language, accelerated by the invention of the Gutenberg printing press. Nature’s classroom was replaced by books and newspapers, and eventually televisions and computers. Our focus continues to narrow more readily today as we are mesmerized by our mobile phones, social media, and video games.
We are hypnotized by our electronic gadgets; travel and live in synthetic structures; overindulge in synthetic food and drinks; and treat the diseases these activities create with synthetic medicines. Our social culture has encouraged us to believe that this is the desired good life that will make us happy.
However, a life that is lived out of harmony with universal laws will only weaken and destroy us and the environment we inhabit. We are kept in survival mode with fear-inducing agendas on our economic and global future. In addition to nondestructive forms of free energy, there are suppressed and/or forgotten ancient agricultural technologies that can provide enough abundance to feed and clothe every one of us. And yet, what if everything we think we are experiencing is an illusion of our own creation? Traditional science has focused its theories and research on a universal reality that is driven by matter. It all too often neglects to take into account that which exists in the “space in between” matter. Energy, light, and waveform are described as changes in terms that relate to matter as we view it in this current moment. What if our perception of matter transforms due to perceptual changes in our conscious awareness? In our quantum world, nothing can be accomplished without the approval of a very connected mass consciousness. When we accept ideas into our thought patterns, even on a casual level, we allow for new possibilities to exist. We are bombarded by entertainment and fabricated news stories that are designed to frighten and corral us into mindsets that hold us hostage within their control mechanisms. More importantly, the emotion of fear itself can immobilize and weaken us until we become completely ineffectual and destructive to ourselves and others. Where are you placing your attention?
Our three-dimensional physical bodies receive signals through our senses, such as touch, sight, smell, and sound, which our brains interpret into information. This information can be stored and passed down in our DNA for centuries, and then activated through our experiences with many different types of symbols including written language, mathematics, sacred geometry, sounds, fragrance, and architecture. According to Hakim, we have additional senses that can be activated as we interact with powerful ancient sites. As we awaken these senses, we can also interact with the Akashic realm—an incredible universal field or matrix of infinite wisdom and knowledge.
Our threedimensional physical bodies receive signals through our senses, such as touch, sight, smell, and sound, which our brains interpret into information. This information can be stored and passed down in our DNA for centuries, and then activated through our experiences with many different types of symbols including written language, mathematics, sacred geometry, sounds, fragrance, and architecture.
When you understand the nature of consciousness and the universal mind, you will begin to realize the importance of where we focus our attention. Raising your level of awareness and opening your scope of vision will enable you to see and feel your own inner truths. Empowerment, peace, compassion, and positive expressions of love come as a result of being in resonance with your natural environment. When we can transmute our inner polarity and utilize both hemispheres of our brain, marrying spirituality and science, we can begin to feel and trust in a universal energy that can be harnessed to maintain peace and prosperity.
This innate knowing comes from a direct connection to all that exists—a unity consciousness. This is what the ancients knew, and they left many clues to find this inner balance for ourselves. It all starts with a deeper observance of the laws and flow of our natural world, so take your first steps and begin.
