Don Daniel, founder and creator of The P.I.L.L. Method International, has written a top-rated financial book and it is available now on Amazon. Mr. Daniel is a resident of Huntsville and has been in business with The PILL Method for many years. He has traveled all over the world teaching people this better way of thinking about debt cancellation. www.thepillmethod.com
They Said I was a Nut! by Don Daniel
A Nationally known financial guru called me “a nut!� When he heard my plan for helping families get out of debt, he simply could not believe I had the nerve to propose such a wild idea. My plan focuses on what none of them talk about. Using interest to your advantage. Credit cards are not bad, misuse and misunderstandings about credit debt is bad. Eliminating debt quickly can be clarified with this simple, but highly effective formula: pay less interest, get out of debt sooner; pay more interest, stay in debt longer.Story: The PILL Method, is the most powerful money management tool ever created, and most of the world has never heard about it, until now. This method teaches families to understand how interest works.