2008 Facilities & Destinations Planner Guide

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Facilities & Destinations


The Premier Venue & Resource Directory For Association & Corporate Meeting Planners

Facilities &Destinations



For Association & Corporate Meeting Planners

2 3 6 8

The Orange County Convention Center ranks as the nation’s second largest convention facility, featuring 7 million sq. ft. of combined meeting and public space… 32


State-of-the-Industry: In depth interview with John H. Graham, President/CEO, ASAE & The Center for Association Leadership on the issues and challenges facing the meetings industry in 2009… 8

PhotoView: Exclusive pictures from the 2008 ASAE & The Center for Association Leadership Annual Meeting and Exposition … 12

PLANNER GUIDE DIRECTORY NORTHEAST LAKE GEORGE AREA IN NY’S ADIRONDACKS .............52 MEADOWLANDS EXPOSITION CENTER ..................*24, 52 RHODE ISLAND CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX ...........................*34, 55 ROCHESTER RIVERSIDE CONVENTION CENTER ............................................*38, 53 SCANTICON HOTEL AND CONFERENCE CENTER ............................................*45, 54 MID-ATLANTIC CHARLESTON CIVIC CENTER ........................................57 SOUTHEAST ARTHUR R. OUTLAW MOBILE CONVENTION CENTER ............................................*26, 47 BATON ROUGE CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU ...........................................*16, 50 DAYTONA BEACH AREA CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU ....................*19, 48 GREATER F T. LAUDERDALE/ BROWARD COUNTY .................................................*20, 48 JACKSON CONVENTION COMPLEX .................................51

NORFOLK CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU ..........53 ORANGE COUNTY CONVENTION CENTER .............*32, 49 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ............................................*44, 56 MIDWEST KANSAS CITY CONVENTION & ENTERTAINMENT FACILITIES ..............................*23, 50 MONONA TERRACE CONVENTION CENTER ...........*28, 58 UNIVERSITY CENTER ..............................................*43, 49 WEST AUSTIN CONVENTION CENTER......................................56 OKLAHOMA CITY CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU ...........................................*30, 54 PROVIDENCE WARWICK CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU ...........................55 PUERTO RICO PUERTO RICO CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU ...........................................*36, 58 SHERATON PUERTO RICO CONVENTION CENTER HOTEL & CASINO .............*40, 58 * Exclusive Facility Spotlight

Facilities & Destinations Planner Guide






THE DEBUT OF THE FACILITIES & DESTINATIONS PLANNER GUIDE he Facilities Media Group has been around since 1988, and like most media companies, we’ve evolved and gone through a few transitions—sometimes tough transitions. Of course, part of this transition was our commitment to develop a serious web presence with our online publication, facilitiesonline. A news and information source for planners of conventions, trade shows, meetings, exhibitions and other events, facilitiesonline has become the fastest growing website for meeting planners on the internet. Our online publication continues to be an effective complement to our print publications. What you are reading is now is the latest augmentation of The Facilities Media Group family of publications—the Facilities & Destinations PLANNER GUIDE. This publication joins Facilities & Destinations SuperBook, which features our annual Industry Awards and Facilities & Destinations CONFERENCE, which focuses on small to mid-size meeting venues. The Facilities & Destinations PLANNER GUIDE, while another “Essential Tool” for Meeting Planners, has the distinct mission of providing a comprehensive reference guide of all varieties of meeting venues & CVBs. With an industry as dynamic and competitive as ours, planners, as well as venues and destinations, needed an additional directory publication. The fact of the matter is, even though these are challenging times, with economic uncertainties and rising travel, there continues to be a rising number—and need for—meetings and events. The Facilities & Destinations PLANNER GUIDE is designed as a tool to help meeting planners maneuver through these challenging times by optimizing your planning decisions. The core of Facilities & Destinations PLANNER GUIDE is the Planner Guide Directory (starting on page 47). This “just the stats,” format offers an extensive overview of leading venues and destinations throughout North America. A quick reference throughout this section are our own “Planner Guides” (on pages 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57 & 63), which showcase a selection of venue & destination executives with meeting info factoids to help meeting



and event planners best select a facility—as well as help find off-site attractions and entertainment and dining spots to enhance the meeting experience. In addition to essential factual information, perspectives are also required when making meeting planning decisions. Planner Perspectives (page 6) is a column that debuts in this debut issue, offering informed opinion about important issues facing meeting planners. This Planner Perspective is penned by Bill Hallock, an agent with Keppler Speakers, and explores Green Meetings, an issue that can no longer be ignored by both the planner and the venue manager. John H. Graham IV, CAE is President and Chief Executive Officer of the American Society of Association Executives & The Center for Association Leadership. This association represents more than 24,000 association executives and meeting planners, representing more than 11,000 organizations, including trade, industry and professional associations, individual membership societies and voluntary organizations. Graham, who has been at the helm since 2003 and has 30 years experience with associations and meeting planning, discusses the state-of-theindustry and the challenges meeting planners will face in the upcoming year in our SPOTLIGHT FEATURE (page 8). Those are some of the highlights of our debut issue of the Facilities & Destinations PLANNER GUIDE. Putting together this new magazine has been an exciting and rewarding experience for the everyone here at The Facilities Media Group. We hope you find it to be an essential tool in planning your meetings, conventions, trade shows, exhibitions, expositions and other events.

Facilities & Destinations 2008

Volume 17 No. 2


© Copyright 2008 by Bedrock Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Opinions expressed in by-lined articles and advertising copy are not necessarily those of the publisher. Advertisers are responsible for all costs, damages and claims regarding advertising insertions. Facilities & Destinations is published once a year by Bedrock Communications, Inc., 6 East 46th Street, Room 301, New York, NY 10017. Telephone: (212) 5324150. Fax: (212) 213-6382. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Facilities & Destinations, 6 East 46th Street, Room 301, New York, NY 10017. Printed in U.S.A. Cover ad space is available by contacting a Facilities & Destinations advertising account executive at 212-532-4150 x103. Printed in Canada.


Timothy Herrick

Editorial Director Therrick@facilitiesonline.com

Facilities & Destinations PLanner Guide

Facilities & Destinations


ince the Facilities Media Group (FMG) has been presenting our annual Awards of Excellence to Meetings Destinations, Meetings Venues and Public Assembly Facilities throughout North America. Our Awards recognize excellence in service, management, personnel, as well as the physical facility itself. Awards of Excellence are decided by the opinions of those involved in site selection and meeting management—meeting and event planners—in other words, FMG’s readership. Facilities & Destinations SuperBook caters to the large meeting venues and destinations, including Convention Centers, Convention & Visitors Bureaus, and Meeting Hotels. Because of this scope, we have created three categories of Awards: PRIME SITE AWARDS given to the top convention and exposition centers; TOP DESTINATION AWARDS, which recognizes top destinations and the bureaus that promote them and service meeting planners and attendees; and the H.O.T.E.L. (Hotels on The Elite List) Awards, which is given to leading meetings hotels and resorts. For this year’s winners, see pages 8-9, or visit our website, www.facilitiesonine.com. What may be surprising, but to us


here at the Facilities Media Group, is always gratifying is the diverse, cross-section of venues and cities represented by the award winners. Some win several years running, others are the first-time winners, but with the marketing chit-chat about First, Second, & Third-Tier Markets, these awards are evenly distributed throughout North America, to cities and venues both large and small. Since the awards are voted on by the readership of this publication—i.e., meeting and event planners—the criteria is not based on location marketing, but how that venue or destination made success possible for the meeting or event. Have you and your organization been particularly impressed with a venue or destination utilized for your Convention, Trade Show, Exhibition, Exposition or Meeting in the last three years? Did the venue or destination staff play a noticeable role in the success of your event? Now is the chance to make your opinion heard by participating this exciting industry-wide recognition of Excellence. Please take the time to fill out and send in the Awards ballot below, or cast your votes on www.facilitiesonline.com. Winners will be announced in the 2009 Facilities & Destinations SuperBook.


for the top Convention Centers, Exposition Centers, Destinations, CVBs, or Meeting Hotels & Resorts your organization has used for its conventions, tradeshows, meetings or comparable events in the last three years.


Name of Nominee _______________________________________________ Check Award You want to nominate the above for: ___ Prime Site (Convention Centers, Exposition Centers & Other Large Meeting Venues) ___ Top Destination (CVBs or Similar Agency representing a city or destination) ___ H.O.T.E.L. (Meeting Hotel & Resort) Name, Title:_____________________________________________________ Organization: ___________________________________________________ Phone:__________________________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________ Describe the Meeting or Event ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ May we contact you?



Please Fill Out Form & Mail Your Vote To: Facilities & Destinations 6 East 46th Street, Suite #301, New York, NY 10017 or Fax it to: (212) 213-6382

Winners will be showcased in the Facilities & Destinations 2009 SuperBook Issue—Deadline is December 1, 2008. All votes will be kept confidential!


Facilities & Destinations PLanner Guide




ideal place to plant the seed for these ideas in your organization or industry. Speakers have the ability to inspire audiences, change attitudes and turn the tide. It can be the start of consensus building. When meeting planners bring attendees together with people who have dedicated their lives to preserving the environment or who have helped companies turn a profit while implementing ecofriendly business practices, those planners, too, become the catalyst for positive change.

s organizations continue to “go green,” there are many advantages to hosting a speaker who discusses sustainability and green issues. Primary among these benefits is that organizations that do can stay on the leading edge of a trend that is affecting every single industry. It used to be that sustainability and environmental speakers showed only how it is possible to turn a profit while being socially responsible. Today, however, these speakers can also provide long-term strategies to overcome high energy costs and how using sustainable practices and products will build your business for the future. These benefits are very pertinent to today’s convention audiences.


The most important thing for any organization to realize is that it is possible to improve your competitive advantage by being environmentally friendly. The two are not contradictory. In fact, more and more, in today’s economies—and it is a trend that will only grow into the future—whether or not businesses survive and thrive depend directly on their ability to adapt to new energy and environmental realities. When you are thinking of bringing in an environmental speaker, consider the immediate needs of your organization. What is most important to you and your business—Stories about green companies that have turned great profits? Learning about the next frontier in green jobs, products and services? Inspirational stories about environmental protection pioneers? Or, how companies or organizations can best implement green and sustainable practices and policies?

“The fact of the

Deciding on what aspect of going green should be the first step into selection a speaker on this subject. Of course, a not-insignificant byproduct of bringing in a “green speaker” and turning your organization’s attention on such issues is that people like to do business with companies that are environmentally conscious and that employees like to work for companies that make a difference. Green awareness, environmentally sustainable practices, and energy efficiency and conservation are attributes professionals specific to an industry as well as the general public now look for and often demand. A “green speaker” is a good place to start towards these goals.

A meeting—whether it is a smaller corporate meeting, or a committee or regional meeting of a larger association—or one of the featured speakers at a general session of a convention—is the


The fact of the matter is, no industry or profession can ignore the need for environmentally friendly practices and products. No matter what the obstacles—whether its perceptions in the marketplace or cost concerns— green issues are here to stay, are constantly evolving and need to be addressed…Now! The right environmental speaker will take into account the particular challenges and opportunities facing your specific industry. The best speakers will address your specific company in a unique way, helping everyone involved embrace sustainability, thus making a genuine difference in the future of your business. Right now is the time to be for meeting planners to be on the leading edge of this issue, because it certainly isn’t going to go away for a long, long time.

matter is, no industry or profession can ignore the need for environmentally friendly practices and products.”

An agent with Keppler Speakers for over five years, Bill Hallock has helped meeting planners find just the right speaker for hundreds of events. As a trusted advisor and valuable planning partner, Bill keeps up on the latest trends in speaking to keep planners on the cutting edge of their industries. In this special guest column, Bill shares his insights on sustainability speakers.

Facilities & Destinations PLanner Guide


MEETINGS MUST STAY RESPONSIVE TO ATTENDEES IN TIMES OF CHANGE A Spotlight Interview with John H. Graham IV, CAE, the President and Chief Executive Officer of the American Society of Association Executives & The Center for Association Leadership BY T

HERRI Editorial Director



o one will be surprised that there are more questions about the economy in this Spotlight Feature than in previous Facilities & Destinations interviews. It was nearly impossible to have a conversation in 2008 without the issue of the economy coming up, much less an in-depth Q&A with John H. Graham IV, CAE, the President and Chief Executive Officer of the American Society of Association Executives & The Center for Association Leadership. Those in the business of planning, conducting and attending conventions, trade shows and meetings are concerned— with good reason— how dire economic news will change their industry. And while assessing the economy might be the starting point of this interview, the insights and opinions offered by Graham truly explore several of the crucial changes impacting Meeting Planners, the organizations they serve, the individuals who attend their events and the venues they book. When it comes to change, Graham is candid in his observations, and not without a healthy dose of clear-eyed optimism. In fact, weathering change seems a defining attribute of his career. Graham became President and Chief Executive Officer of the American Society of Association Executives in 2003 and during the first year at the helm, the two leading organizations representing association executives— the ASAE and the Greater Washington Society of Association Executives, merged into a new organization, ASAE & The Center for Association Leadership, representing more than 24,000 association executives and industry partners from more than 11,000 organizations. Prior to being at the helm of change at the ASAE, Graham served the American Diabetes Association for 24 years, including 13 as Chief Executive Officer. In his tenure as CEO, ADA quadrupled in size, from $50 million to $200 million in annual revenues and successfully moved from 53 independent, separately incorporated affili-


“As the

meeting industry is rapidly changing, the number of new events and services available for association members is growing.”


ate organizations to a nationwide organization with one staff, one budget and one plan. In terms of Associations adapting to change and optimizing the opportunities change inevitably brings, the role of conventions, trade shows and meetings can be critical. What is clear that at the head of an organization representing leaders of organizations is a professional who is a committed advocate of better meetings. And, as meetings are affected by the economy and other social forces in a variety of ways, Graham’s advice to Meeting Planners seems true in both good times and bad—“Associations and Meeting Planners have to remind professionals of the importance of attending a meeting.”

Facilities & Destinations: Compared to other segments of the economy, do associations suffer more or less during periods of economic slowdowns? John H. Graham: Associations represent many different segments of the economy and behave in a similar fashion to the industries they represent. The U.S. economy is currently showing signs of a slowdown, some associations may also experience burdens imposed by the economy. Some associations experience lower member retention and decreased revenue.

F&D: Does the impact of a slower economy cut across the board, or is it more industry or profession specific? Graham: The impact of a slower economy is much more industry specific. Since the U.S. economy is currently experiencing housing and mortgage crises, associations affiliated with those sectors might

Facilities & Destinations PLanner Guide

also experience a slowdown. Realtors, home builders, financial services, mortgage brokerages and various banking sectors are clearly being more impacted in the current economic downturn. Attendance for those meetings are down. There is a six-to-nine month lag time in the meetings market, but those sectors of the economy have been in trouble since the beginning of the year. The healthcare and medical sectors, may not be robust, but they are flat or just a little bit ahead. F&D: How should Meeting Planners respond to troubled economic times? Graham: When people are in uncertain times, they need to stay current on their industry and profession. Meetings enable you to do that. Being visible in an industry and networking is more important during downturns. Attending a meeting has to be seen as a value creator. Associations and Meeting Planners have to remind professionals of the importance of attending a meeting. That importance must be how the meeting is positioned and marketed. In uncertain economic times, planners may want to do things like reduce registration fees, provide scholarships, and have career and job counseling as part of the program.

ry simultaneously to attract the most members. At ASAE & The Center, we want to make sure that our expo floors represent a small ratio of exhibitors to attendees so that our members can interact with the highest number of exhibitors. And vice versa— the exhibiting companies want to show their products and services to as many attendees as possible. Education and networking are equally important. We want our members to walk away from our education sessions and feel like they have learned something new and important to their profession. At the same time, they want to network with fellow participants, make new contacts and reconnect with old friends during networking events. As to General Sessions, members are asking for more content and less entertainment. They want information that is relevant to their jobs.

“With new

F&D: How has meeting planning evolved for Association Executives? Graham: So much has changed over the years, including meeting planning for associations and their staff. Most associations now have more resources set aside for meetings and events planning. Association staff are also more creative on how they allocate their resources when planning events. Association members also have an important input in association events. They provide very valuable feedback and suggestions to association event planners and indicate what is important to them.

technology, the trade show is being extended in virtual time throughout the year. It starts with face to face interaction.”

F&D: Has membership feedback changed? Graham: Yes. What we are seeing, first of all, is that the feedback from members is more immediate. People email on the spot, and there are blogs and other internet social networking sites, like MySpace. So, associations are not only getting more solicited— and unsolicited feedback—you are getting that feedback in real time, about the meeting as that meeting is going on. F&D: How can a meeting planner make effective use of all this feedback? Graham: The trick is knowing what to ask, to get to the heart of the issue, cut to the chase. That way, the information will not just be current, and fresh, but more useful. Feedback is transmitted more quickly, so you have to be able to monitor it, and react to it as quickly. F&D: If we break down a large scale “convention” into the following categories: Education—Exhibition Floor—General Sessions— Networking Events—which of these categories are showing the most change and/or which one are ASAE members looking towards the ASAE to provide new information and the most guidance? Graham: In my opinion, associations need to develop each catego-

F&D: Are large meetings getting smaller or are small meetings getting larger? Graham: As the meeting industry is rapidly changing, the number of new events and services available for association members is growing. Some events will remain large, like major conferences and expos, but at the same time we will see an increase in number of smaller events, organized in smaller, local markets. F&D: What do you think accounts for the increase in the number of “second tier” CVBs, smaller destinations and meeting hotels exhibiting at ASAE events? Graham: Smaller CVBs have realized the value of their participation in ASAE & The Center events and want to expand their business reach from regional to national levels.

F&D: What has this growth, in both the number and types of meetings, meant for the association executive? Graham: The number of meetings is increasing because there are a number of different issues and topics that association executives want to explore. This also shows an increased demand for meetings organized in local markets. Many association professionals prefer local events because they are easier to get to and not as expensive as the large, national events. F&D: Prior to your present position, you served a13-year tenure as CEO of the American Diabetes Association, during which time the organization quadrupled in size. What role did meetings & conventions play in this expansion? Graham: Following the process of unifying separately incorporated groups to a single national association, ADA’s annual meeting was a unifying event to all its members. I’m sure those who attended the meeting for the first time following the unification, were able to experience what the new organization had to offer. That being said, the real growth was fueled by establishing a nationwide, uniform fundraising program. F&D: When the ADA became more of a single entity, how did that effect its meetings and conventions? Graham: ADA’s meetings certainly became much more credible for the membership, which includes mainly scientists and Continued on page 63

Facilities & Destinations Planner Guide







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The 2008 ASAE & The Center for Association Leadership Annual Meeting and Exposition, hosted by the San Diego Convention Center in August, attracted 3,124 association executives and meeting planners, 2,302 exhibitors and 840 other participants. For additional ASAE & The Center coverage & other industry news, go to www.facilitiesonline.com. For an in-depth interview with John H. Graham IV, CAE, President and CEO, ASAE & The Center, turn to page 8.

Located at the southeastern tip of South Carolina, the Hilton Head Island area features beautiful and newly renovated conference hotels and resorts. (left to right) Courtenay Casson, Sales Manager, of the Westin Hilton Head Island Resort & Spa, which recently completed $5 million in renovations Jack Reed, Director of Sales, Hilton Head Island, the destination’s CVB, and Ryan Galvin, Senior Sales Manager, Hilton Head Marriott Resort & Spa, which in 2008 unveiled a $20-million dollar makeover, including the 6,400-square-foot “Spa Soleil.”

Judy Dyer, (left), Associate Director of Sales, and Nancy Elksnitis, Senior Sales Manager, of the Caribe Royale Orlando, All-Suites Hotel & Convention Center, which features 150,000 square feet of meeting space and the adjacent Buena Vista Suites, All-Suites Hotel, which features additional meeting space and handles overflow from the Caribe Royal.

Sally Gardiner (left), Director of Convention Sales, Daytona Beach Area Convention & Visitors Bureau, and Lori Hunter, Director of Sales, Ocean Center. Daytona Beach, one of the premier meetings destinations in Florida, not only features the 60,000sq.-ft. Ocean Center, but 1,300+ guest rooms, 200,000+ square feet of meeting space, city-wide, world-class great restaurants, and exciting entertainment venues.

The Green Bay story now includes more than 4,000 guest rooms and nearly 70,000 square feet of meeting and convention space. Promoting the destination appeal of this Wisconsin city were Jo Ann Rogers, (left), Director of Sales, Holiday Inn City Center, and Beth Peters, Director of Sales, Greater Green Bay & the Lake Shore Convention & Visitors Bureau.

Cleo Battle, Vice President of Sales & Services, Richmond Metropolitan Convention & Visitors Bureau, and Linne DiIorio, Senior Sales Manager, Greater Richmond Convention Center, promoted the array of meeting opportunities available in Virginia’s capital city.

Marlies Palazzolo, Director of Sales for the Blue Chip Casino Hotel in Michigan City, Indiana, which in addition to the Grand Ballroom (Room Capacity: 320) and the Great Lakes Ballroom (Room Capacity: 220), plans to open a 20,000-square-foot convention center in 2009.

The meetings and conventions appeal of Atlantic City—the Oceanside destination that is “always turned on,”—includes beaches, casinos and the Atlantic City Convention Center. Spreading the word at the ASAE & The Center for Association Leadership’s 2008 Annual Meeting & Exposition (left to right) were Patricia Laveglia, National Sales Manager, Tropicana Atlantic City, Gary Musich, Vice President/Sales, Atlantic City Convention & Visitors Authority, Joan Mooney, Executive Director of Hotel Sales, Trump Entertainment Resorts, Patrick McCormick, Trump Taj Mahal, and Brian Schoeffel, Account Executive, Vista Convention Services.

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The rebirth of Niagara Falls, New York as a growing Northeast meetings destination continues, with a new conference center, new hotels and a new entertainment district. At the ASAE convention were Linda Persico, (left) CMP, Association Sales Manager for the Conference Center Niagara Falls, and Natalie Driscoll, Association Sales Manager for the Seneca Niagara Casino & Hotel, promoted the exciting combination of classic & cutting-edge that is the new Niagara Falls.

The Palm Springs Desert Resort Communities Convention and Visitors Authority represents Cathedral City, Desert Hot Springs, Indian Wells, Indio, La Quinta, Palm Desert, Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage. The CVA’s team at the the ASAE & The Center for Association Leadership’s 2008 Annual Meeting & Exposition included: Rene Casey, Director of Sales, Paula Helm, Senior Sales Manager of the Palm Springs Convention Center, and Michelle A. Morgan, Regional Director of Sales.

Dana Markel, Executive Director, Omaha Convention & Visitors Bureau, informed meeting planners and association executives about the many features of Omaha as a destination, including the magnificent 250,000-square-foot Qwest Center Omaha Convention Center, a technology-rich venue just five minutes from the airport that boasts a glass-enclosed skywalk linking it and the Qwest arena to the Hilton Omaha.

Margaret Colón, Director of Sales & Marketing at the Puerto Rico Convention Center is spotted with her favorite magazine at the ASAE & The Center for Association Leadership’s 2008 Annual Meeting & Exposition in San Diego.

Patrick Sheftic, Director of Sales, Oncenter Complex, and Katie Nielson, Sales & Event Services Manager, Syracuse Convention & Visitors Bureau, promoted Syracuse as a meetings destination, highlighted the city’s versatile Oncenter Complex, which includes: the Convention Center at Oncenter, the War Memorial Arena at Oncenter and the Civic Center Theaters at Oncenter.

Trina Mays Barton, Sales Manager, for Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, Il—with 100,000+ square feet of meeting space, the venue is a premier meeting and conference destination in the Midwest, hosting meetings ranging from a retreat for 20 to a tradeshow for 10,000 and more.

In addition to the 150,000-squarefoot Charleston Area Convention Center Complex Charleston, South Carolina has a growing downtown district and several new meeting hotels. Pictured (left to right): Ami Calhoun, Sales Manager, Francis Marion Hotel, Chris Hendrix, CMP, Assistant Director of Sales, Charleston Area Convention & Visitors Bureau, Liza Edgerton, Sales Manager, Charleston Marriot and Traxy Wombel, Senior Sales Manager, Charleston Harbor Resort & Marina.

The Knoxville Convention Center features 500,000 square feet of total meeting space including 19 meeting rooms, a 27,300-square-foot ballroom, 120,000-square-foot Exhibit Hall and an additional 30,000 square feet of outdoor meeting space. Rebecca Williams, Sales Manager for the Knoxville Convention Center, is promoting this jewel of a venue in Tennessee, nestled in the heart of the Smokey Mountains.

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Technological Features Rated one of the most technologically advanced convention centers in the country, this gigabit rated facility moves voice, video, and data at over one billion bits per second. The Austin Convention Center offers a variety of in-house services including complimentary Wireless Internet access, redundant high-speed Internet II access, plug and play capabilities, and an on-site technical staff to help with networking needs.

A premier facility located in the heart of the capital city’s downtown business district, the Center spans six city blocks.


winner of the Prime Site Award every year since 1995, the Austin Convention Center has emerged as a leader in the convention and meeting market. A premier facility located in the heart of the capital city’s downtown business district, the Center spans six city blocks with 374,255 square feet of exhibit and meeting space. The five column-free exhibit halls, totaling 246,097 square feet, accommodate 1,289 10’ X 10’ exhibit booths. Seven ballrooms ranging from 3,896 to 43,300 square feet in size, and 54 meeting rooms and show offices totaling 61,440 square feet, complete the four-story convention center. Ample parking is provided in two parking garages with a total capacity of 1,700 spaces.

Hotels Austin offers more than 25,000 hotel rooms, with 5,500 located downtown, including the 800-room Hilton Austin adjacent to the convention center. Additional nearby hotels include: Four Seasons Hotel Austin; Courtyard by Marriott; Residence Inn by Marriott; Hilton Garden Inn Austin Downtown; Radisson Hotel & Suites; Hampton Inn & Suites Downtown; Driskill Hotel; Omni Austin Hotel Downtown; and Intercontinental Stephen F. Austin Hotel. Austin by Night After conventions and meetings wrap-up each night, attendees may choose to enjoy Austin’s entertainment districts, the Warehouse District and famous Sixth Street. The Austin Convention Center is just down the street from the city’s vibrant nightlife, where visitors can also enjoy everything from fine dining in four-star restaurants, to down-home barbecue and authentic Tex-Mex.

As the Live Music Capital of the World, Austin echoes with the sound of country, rock ‘n’ roll, blues, jazz and Tejano. On any given evening, one can find live music playing in nearly 200 different venues. Austin by Day During the day, visitors can enjoy the capital city’s many historical attractions, including the State Capitol, the LBJ Presidential Library, the Texas State History Museum, the Blanton Museum of Art, and many more museums and art galleries. Or, one can experience the beauty of central Texas, captured by downtown’s Lady Bird Lake, bordered by 10 miles of trails enjoyed by runners, walkers and cyclists. Surrounded by three lakes and a network of parks, Austin offers the perfect environment for enjoying the best of nature.

Austin ➤ Hotels: 5,500 downtown hotel rooms; adjacent 800-room Hilton Austin ➤ Airport: Austin-Bergstrom International Airport, eight miles from facility ➤ Nearby Attractions: State Capitol, Sixth Street Entertainment District, Warehouse Entertainment District, University of Texas, LBJ Presidential Library, more than 20 museums including The Texas State History Museum, dozens of art galleries and historical attractions, Lady Bird Lake.

FAST FACTS: Location: Downtown Austin Total Area: spans six city blocks Exhibit Space: 246,097 contiguous sq. ft., column free Ballrooms: 43,300 sq. ft. level 4; 23,418 sq. ft. level 1 Meeting Space: 54 meeting rooms totaling 61,440 square feet Technology: Gigabit rated facility, wireless Internet access, plug and play capabilities

AUSTIN CONVENTION CENTER 500 East Cesar Chavez Street, Austin, TX 78701 (512) 404-4000 • Fax: (512) 404-4416 • www.austinconventioncenter.com


Facilities & Destinations PLanner Guide

Facilities & Destinations Planner Guide




earching for a setting that offers a truly distinct flavor for your next meeting or convention? Then look no further than Baton Rouge. Offering competitive resources for meetings in one of the fastest growing cities in the South, Baton Rouge also boasts abounding opportunities to experience the history, culture, music, food and magic of Louisiana. Located on the banks of the Mississippi River, the newly-expanded Baton Rouge River Center has completely transformed downtown Baton Rouge. The entire complex, including the Arena and Theatre for the Performing Arts, as well as the new Exhibition Hall, includes more than 200,000 square feet of new and renovated space, and incorporates state-of-the-art exhibition, meeting, concession and kitchen facilities. More and more meeting planners are discovering Baton Rouge as a truly unique cultural and entertainment center, ready to welcome meetings and conventions of every size. The River Center is centrally located near numerous hotels, entertainment venues, retail space, historical attractions and riverboat casinos. Additionally, the facility is near some of the most extraordinary restaurants in the area. From the distinct tastes of the local cuisine to the soulful sounds of blues and gospel, this is a city that celebrates life to the fullest. Spend a night on the town at one of the many live music clubs or try your luck at the Belle of Baton Rouge Casino and Hollywood Casino. Come delight in the extraordinary cuisines unique to Louisiana. Fall in love with our blend of Cajun, Creole, African American, French and Spanish flavor. Whether you’re across the country or just up the River, our city is easy to get to. It’s easily accessible from several major cities via the newly-renovated Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport, now offering daily non-stop flights to

several of the nation’s largest business and government centers. The Baton Rouge Area Convention & Visitors Bureau provides complete convention services free of charge for all convention and group meetings in our area: proposal solicitation assistance, pre-registration assistance, pre-convention counseling, on-site registration, local publicity assistance, welcome bags, tour information, city information, area brochures, convention badges and much more. Savor the south in Baton Rouge, it’s delicious fun!

BATON ROUGE AREA CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 359 Third Street Baton Rouge, LA 70801 • 1-800-LA ROUGE • www.visitbatonrouge.com


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The Daytona Beach Area: Way More Than A Beach


n addition to the Ocean Center, the area offers an array of other unique meeting facilities including the world-famous Daytona International Speedway/Daytona 500 Experience; the News-Journal Center in downtown Daytona Beach; the historic oceanfront Bandshell and Oceanfront Park; the Mary McLeod Bethune Performing Arts Center; Peabody Auditorium; and the area’s most famous asset – the beach. Home to approximately 13,000 hotel rooms, groups meeting in the Daytona Beach area will find accommodations to fit any budget. Several hotels have recently undergone multi-million dollar refurbishment projects, including the Daytona Beach Resort & Conference Center which unveiled its $30 million transformation in February 2008. The Daytona Beach area is a great place for work and play. The area’s legendary 23 miles of sparkling beaches are perfect for castle building, cycling, jogging, fishing or just relaxing in the sun. A popular golf destination, the area is home to several championship greens that make it an ideal spot for year-round golfing fun. Unique shopping and dining spots can be found along Beach Street in historic downtown Daytona Beach and along Granada Boulevard in Ormond Beach. The area's newest shopping, dining and entertainment complex, Ocean Walk Shoppes at Ocean Walk Village is the perfect place for fun. Enjoy the 10-cinema theater complex, restaurants and plenty of apparel and gift stores all just steps away from the Atlantic Ocean. New resort spas also await visitors. The area’s newest, Terra Acqua Day Spa at the Daytona Beach Resort & Conference Center, joins The Spa at the Hilton Daytona Beach Oceanfront Resort, Indulge at The Shores Resort & Spa, the Vacation Therapy Spa at Ocean Walk Resort and Ocean Waters Spa at The Plaza Resort & Spa in offering visitors a complete respite that rejuvenates the mind, body and spirit.

Airport & Transportation Conveniently located in Central East Florida, the Daytona Beach area is easy to reach via Interstate 95 and Interstate 4. Direct flights from the Atlanta and Charlotte metro areas to Daytona Beach International Airport depart daily via US Airways and Delta. CVB Services The Daytona Beach Area Convention and Visitors Bureau offers a variety of convention support services to meeting planners including assistance with site inspections, volunteers, vendor contacts and online RFPs. To plan your next meeting or convention in the Daytona Beach area contact: Sally Gardiner, Director of Convention Sales Daytona Beach Area Convention and Visitors Bureau 101 N. Atlantic Avenue , Daytona Beach, FL 32118 (800) 858-6444; (386) 254-4500 • Fax: (386) 254-4512 • www.oceancenter.com

Facilities & Destinations Planner Guide



Greater Fort Lauderdale has a knack for making every meeting planner a hero.

MEETING SPACE Spanning three floors, the Broward County Convention Center features 600,000 sq. ft. of flexible function space highlighted by cool Florida décor and an eye-catching waterfront location. You’ll feel right at ease amid dramatic skylights, lofty ceilings, bronze sailfish sculptures and unique underwater motif carpeting. And with style comes substance, such as reliable electrical and telephone service, a first aid room and a full range of lighting and sound controls. Portable performance stages, wall partitions, full dance floors, risers and an elevated seating riser system allow for complete versatility. Within these surroundings, four spacious exhibit halls total nearly 200,000 sq. ft. on the first floor. Meanwhile the second floor has a multitude of rooms for break-out sessions. You’ll also find an array of hightech bells and whistles, such as a 1,300-sq.-ft. Executive Teleconference Suite, WiFi hotspots, video conferencing and high-speed Internet access.


rom a gorgeous beach chic setting to the state-of-the-art meeting facilities of the Broward County Convention Center, Greater Fort Lauderdale has a knack for making every meeting planner a hero.

terminal to connecting superhighways. And it’s only five minutes from the Broward County Convention Center, major hotels, beaches and Port Everglades, the world’s largest five-star cruise port. TECHNOLOGY Throughout the facility, you’ll find a fiber-optic Cat 5 and Cat 6 infrastructure with Ethernet connections in meeting rooms, exhibit spaces and lobby areas. High speed Internet access is accomplished via T-1 lines as well as available ISDN lines. A Cyber Café and conveniently located kiosks put PCs at your fingertips. Of course, you can’t have next-level technology without tech support. That’s why you’ll enjoy on-site Internet support 24/7. Virtual meetings are easy with video conferencing capabilities throughout the facility.

FOOD & BEVERAGE Five-star food service is a given at the Broward County Convention Center. In fact, this was the first convention center to be awarded the prestigious Confrerie de la Chaine des Rotisseurs award. The expert catering staff and large kitchens are equipped to handle groups from 10 to 10,000, providing everything from coffee breaks to elegant sit-down meals, accompanied by unparalleled service and dazzling presentation.

RECREATION & ACTIVITIES The palm-fringed beaches, yacht-lined waterways, great golf, cultural attractions and designer shopping of Greater Fort Lauderdale prove that it’s possible to mix business and pleasure. Just a short drive from the Broward County Convention Center, Downtown Fort Lauderdale is where’s happening. Explore the shops, galleries and restaurants of trendy Las Olas Boulevard and the Riverwalk Arts & Entertainment District, which includes the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, Florida Grand Opera, Museum of Discovery & Science and Blockbuster® 3D IMAX® Theater, and Museum of Art of Fort Lauderdale. Throughout the year, Greater Fort Lauderdale’s calendar is filled with events that provide for unique party venues and ways to unwind, including arts festivals, concerts from jazz to rock, stand-up comedy and Broadway shows. For more information and schedules, visit sunny.org.

AIRPORT AND TRANSPORTATION Getting around Greater Fort Lauderdale is a breeze. When you step off your plane into the terminal at Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport, you’ll immediately see that Greater Fort Lauderdale considers convenient, user-friendly transportation a top priority. Everything at the airport has been updated, from its parking garage and

ACCOMMODATIONS Lodgings are one more detail you won’t lose sleep over. Hold a meeting or convention in Greater Fort Lauderdale and you’ll have 3,500 hotel rooms within one mile of the Broward County Convention Center that’s out of the 30,000 hotel rooms in great locations throughout this spectacular destination, from Hollywood to Deerfield Beach.

G R E AT E R F O R T L A U D E R D A L E / B R O W A R D C O U N T Y C O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R 1950 Eisenhower Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 (954) 765-5900 • Fax: (954) 763-9551 • www.sunny.org/meetings


Facilities & Destinations PLanner Guide

Green–powered meetings start here. Green goes with everything, especially great meetings. From the planting of native trees in local parks to help offset the carbon footprint of groups, to certified Florida Green Lodgings, and conservation initiatives taken on by the 600,000 sq. ft. Broward County Convention Center, it is easy to Plan.It.Green in Greater Fort Lauderdale. Choose from 33,000 hotel rooms — including 2,500 committable rooms within two miles of the Convention Center, located just two miles from the Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport. And know that your meeting is powered by the people of our Sunsational Service Team, one of our most precious renewable resources. Visit www.sunny.org/meetings for our digital Meeting Planners Guide. Or call (800) 356-1662.

K A N S A S C I T Y C O N V E N T I O N & E N T E R TA I N M E N T FAC I L I T I E S KANSAS CITY CONVENTION AND ENTERTAINMENT FACILITIES The Kansas City Convention and Entertainment Facilities are located in the heart of the Kansas City, Missouri’s downtown convention and entertainment district. Located just 20 minutes from the Kansas City International Airport, the convenient location assures convention attendees will arrive with ease. The eight-square-block convention and special-event facility offers 388,800 square feet of column-free exhibit space on one floor, plus a brand new 46,400-square-foot Grand Ballroom. The Convention Center is made up of 48 state-of-the-art meeting rooms in various sizes. The facilities also include the Music Hall, a 2,400-seat fine arts theater, and Municipal Auditorium, a 10,400-seat arena.

KANSAS CITY CONVENTION AND ENTERTAINMENT FACILITIES – GRAND BALLROOM The new ballroom structure is a monumental engineering and architectural achievement. Initially challenged by the spatial limits posed by Interstate 670, an inventive plan was proposed by the project designers that allowed the ballroom to span the busy section of the interstate and also create connectivity to the Crossroads District. The completed building boasts a 3,000-guest seating capacity ballroom that can be sub-divided into three rooms for smaller events, several smaller spaces that can be utilized for smaller functions and an innovative lighting system. This progressive structure has been awarded a LEED® Silver Rating by the U.S. Green Building Council, which will provide lower energy consumption, water conservation, renewable energy utilization, and improved indoor comfort levels related to daylighting and air quality.

Facilities & Destinations Planner Guide

301 West 13th Street, Suite 100, Kansas City, MO 64105 (816) 513-5000; (800) 821-7060 • Fax: (816) 513-5001 www.kcconvention.com



Meadowlands Expo Center also offers great demographics and it maintains a group-friendly facility with liberal work regulations.


ith great facilities, nearby sports, plenty of shopping, low hotel rates and the Big Apple only minutes away—why wouldn't you meet here? Almost any size or any type of group will find the perfect accommodations and hospitality at the SMG-managed Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus, New Jersey. For instance, the Meadowlands is only minutes from New York City, the Capital of the World; and, it is in relatively close proximity to three major international airports. Then there are five major hotels within walking distance of the facility with fabulous room rates that are about one-third less than New York City's rates. Finally, rounding out its appeal, are a stadium, an arena and even a racetrack three miles away as well as movie theaters and dozens of restaurants. Located in the Harmon Meadow Complex of the Secaucus community, the Meadowlands Expo Center also offers great demographics and it maintains a group-friendly facility with liberal work regulations. This cuts red tape, has added value on planning budgets, and allows planners to hand-carry merchandise and setup their own displays.

Vital Stats For groups that range from 5,000 at a banquet to a tradeshow with almost 400 exhibit booths, the Meadowlands Exposition Center offers: ➤ 61,000 sq. ft. of contiguous, dedicated exhibit space with 20-ft. ceilings ➤ Accommodations for 336 large exhibit booths or 392 standard booths ➤ Two drive-in doors and four loading docks on street level for easy access ➤ Seating for up to 6,000 attendees, concert or theater-style ➤ Catering for up to 5,000 people ➤ Large, all-purpose lobby for registration, receptions or additional exhibit space ➤ 6,000 free parking spaces ➤ Five carpeted meeting rooms totaling 3,578 sq. ft. Technological Capabilities Technological capabilities at the Center include T1, ISND, Internet and satellite uplink support. Teleconferencing and simulcasting to other locations are also available. And, on the exhibit floor, the electricity is "flown from the air." Also of note is a newly-designed Web site that informs the public about upcom-

ing events at the center. This Web site features the latest technology allowing the user to access a virtual tour of the facility and gain more specifics about the building, services and the surrounding area. Professional Service Onsite is a professional staff to work one-on-one with planners with special needs and budgets. Plus, there are event coordinators, in-house decorators and other support personnel to make any event a flawless event. For food and beverage, the Meadowlands has also renovated and restructured their operations to better suit the individual needs of each event held at the facility. There are also three food concession stands, all of which also have been recently renovated. Hotel Partners Five national chain hotels are within a walking distance of the Meadowlands Exposition Center. Together they total approximately 1,000 guestrooms and there are another 1,500 rooms in the nearby area. Some of the major properties include: Holiday Inn • Embassy Suites • Hampton Inn Hyatt • Courtyard by Marriott

Things to See & Do During freetime hours, meeting attendees can enjoy some 40 restaurants and a wide range of shopping opportunities—including the Secaucus Outlet Center with over 100 shops and the equally popular Jersey Gardens Mega Mall. More than that, the Meadowlands is three miles from Giants Stadium, IZOD Center and the Meadowlands Racetrack; and who would miss out on a short trip to the Big Apple, only minutes away. All in all, this is one of few facilities in the country that has the world's greatest city at its feet. Transportation Part of the Meadowlands' attraction to meeting planners is that it can be easily reached by three international airports: JFK, LaGuardia and Newark International Airport. And, only 12 minutes from the facility is the Teterboro Jetport. For driving enthusiasts, Newark is also in close proximity to major interstates including the New Jersey Turnpike and the Garden State Parkway. Also, both the New York and New Jersey transit system schedule stops right at the door.

MEADOWLANDS EXPOSITION CENTER Secaucus, New Jersey (201) 330-7773 • www.mecexpo.com


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Facilities & Destinations Planner Guide


A R T H U R R . O U T L AW M O B I L E C O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R


Facility Specifications The 317,000-gross-square-foot Center includes: ➤ 100,000-square-foot exhibit hall ➤ 42,000 square feet of meeting rooms and ballroom/banquet facilities ➤ 52,000-square-foot pre-function area ➤ Covered walkways and crosswalks to adjacent hotels ➤ Waterfront location complete with outdoor terraces and riverwalks ➤ Innovative, architectural design that yield a bright, airy atmosphere Facility Technology The Arthur R. Outlaw Mobile Convention Center provides the latest in technological advancements, which includes high speed wireless fidelity technology (WIFI standard 802.11x). The speed is T-3, which is equal to 30 x T-1 or 20 x the speed of a DSL line and can accommodate everything from a handheld computer to video conferencing. The security is the highest government standard at a 156 WEP encryption. The Center’s clients are able to utilize this 21st Century wireless network at affordable rates and gives them the flexibility of Internet access anywhere in the facility. Hotel Partners Thousands of hotel rooms await guests visiting Mobile. Step into a room that has welcomed guests for 140 years, with the hush of history all around. Find a reasonably-priced chain hotel, historic inn, lavishly decorated B&B, or modern high-rise, within a short hop of downtown districts and connected, via skywalk, to the Convention Center. Mobile’s accommodations are scattered throughout the city, each offering unique advantages.

The Convention Center, overlooking Mobile Bay, has been the catalyst for development along the waterfront.

Food & Beverage The Center’s food and beverage service is provided by SAVOR MOBILE catering by SMG. Large or small, complex or simple, SAVOR MOBILE brings exceptional quality, flexibility and service to every event planned at the facility. Accessibility Mobile is easily accessible by both ground and air transportation. Airline access is through hub cities, assuring one-stop flights. And, Mobile’s ground location at the intersection of I-10 and I-65 allows a smooth flow of delegates in-and-out of the city, enabling a more productive meeting experience.

Attractions Mobile has endless activities, whether you enjoy history, the arts, outdoor activities, science or technology, there is something for everyone. Visitors can explore museums, historic forts, breathtaking gardens and the Mobile River and Delta systems. Guests can play on our award winning golf courses or relaxing on the beautiful beaches along the Gulf of Mexico. Attractions now include Mobile as the homeport for Carnival Cruise Line’s exciting cruises to Mexico!

ince opening its doors in September 1993, the Center has served as the centerpiece for the revitalization of Downtown Mobile and played host to hundreds of thousands of conventioneers. The Convention Center, overlooking Mobile Bay, has been the catalyst for development along the waterfront, including the adjacent Cooper Riverside Park, Mobile Landing and a Carnival Cruise Terminal. When completed, Mobile landing will include a maritime museum, vistors center, shops and restaurants. In addition a $162-million office tower and adjacent Battle House Hotel is now open!

The Mobile Convention Center has experienced more than a decade of enormous success.

Renovations The convention center has recently installed 13,200 square yards of Woven Axminister Carpet. The Axminister Carpet is 100% nylon and is machine woven for the best performance and superior appearance retention. The carpet is often used in high, heavy traffic settings and is a time-tested product that has proven to last longer and look better. “In addition to being one of the highest quality carpets, the carpet was specifically designed for the convention center,” said Bob Brazier, the facility General Manager. “The carpet designs reflect Mobile's rich history and traditions which will enhance the image of the Mobile Convention Center and the City of Mobile in future years,” he added. Included in the carpet’s design are renderings of several of Mobile’s most historic buildings such as Barton Academy, the GM&O Building and City Hall. Other familiar Mobile imagines included in the design are the Battleship USS Alabama, Fort Conde’s cannons, Mardi Gras beads and the Bienville Square fountain. The Manufacturer of the new carpet is Tai Ping Carpets Americas Inc. Sanders Hyland Corporation of Mobile was awarded the contract to install the new carpet.

ARTHUR R. OUTLAW MOBILE CONVENTION CENTER One South Water Street, Mobile, AL 36602 (251) 208-2100 • Fax: (251) 208-2150 • www.mobileconventions.com


Facilities & Destinations Planner Guide



It’s Unforgettable Winner of numerous awards for its architectural design and level of service, the state-of-the-art Arthur R. Outlaw Mobile Convention Center is second to none. Located on the waterfront in downtown Mobile, the 317,000 gross square-foot center includes a 100,000 square-foot Exhibit Hall, 42,000 square feet of meeting room and ballroom/ banquet facilities, and a full-service kitchen offering gourmet catering. Other amenities consist of a VIP lounge overlooking the Exhibit Hall and Mobile River, covered concealed loading docks, direct covered access to 1,800 parking spaces and adjacent hotel, and an experienced staff specializing in custom-made trade shows and conventions.

“The Perfect Gulf Coast Location” In addition to being functional and affordable, the Mobile Convention Center is conveniently located for people-pulling power. •The largest metropolitan area between New Orleans, Louisiana, and Tampa, Florida •750,000 people within a 50-mile radius •A Sunbelt location easy to access by air and ground

The Mobile Convention Center is unforgettable and it helps you think about value in a whole new way. Here you’ll not only find the most value for your budget, you’ll find out how it feels to be a valued client. One WaterStreet Street•• Mobile, Mobile,AL AL36602 36602••334/415-2100 251/208-2100 One South South Water


MONONA TERRACE CONVENTION CENTER Madison, Wisconsin: An Inspiring Place for Smart Meetings. Madison, Wisconsin, combines exceptional facilities with the intellectual and emotional capital needed for meeting success. Home to the renowned University of Wisconsin–Madison, the vision of Frank Lloyd Wright, the insight of Aldo Leopold and a majestic Capitol built upon an isthmus alive with cultural arts, engaging intellectual pursuits and a wealth of recreational opportunities. Madison is the place for smart meetings. Monona Terrace, the crown jewel of Madison’s cultural isthmus, recently became the first convention center in the nation to be LEED-EBcertified at the Silver Level as a “green” building. To earn its silver certification from the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Existing Building (LEED-EB) program, the Convention Center invested in initiatives to increase recycling rates, utilize green cleaning products, and promote clean energy use and conversation. Monona Terrace has become a symbol of sustainability for the community of Madison and inspiration to all those who choose to visit the city. Accommodations More than 8,000 hotel rooms are available to groups in Madison, with 1,000 rooms within walking distance of the Monona Terrace® Convention Center. Accommodation styles run the gamut from first-class convention hotels, such as the 240-room Hilton Madison (the headquarters hotel for the convention center), to limited-service hotels and budget-conscious motels. Bed and breakfasts are another attractive choice in Madison, and several provide services and amenities appropriate for executive attendees. Convention Facilities The Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Monona Terrace® Convention Center is a touchstone for both the Madison community and groups coming to the city. Sweeping lines and vast, arched windows typify the structure, which offers

dramatic surroundings for groups. In total, Monona Terrace Convention Center offers 85,000 square feet of meeting and exhibition space. Highlights of the center include: ➤ 37,200-square-foot Exhibition Hall that accommodates 212, 10' x 10' booths ➤ 13,524-square-foot Madison Ballroom, divisible by four ➤ 7,000-square-foot Grand Terrace serves as pre-function space for the Madison Ballroom or use on its own as a magnificent indoor event space ➤ 68,000 square feet of rooftop gardens may also be reserved for events One John Nolen Drive, Madison, WI 53703 (608) 441-3942 • Fax: (608) 258-4950 • www.mononaterrace.com

© 2008, City of Madison

Dining, theater, art, music, shopping and more are only a short walk from our lake views. So no matter what’s on your agenda—seminar or sushi bar, breakout session or jam session—Monona Terrace in Madison can accommodate you. For more information, call 800.373.6376 or visit mononaterrace.com.


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Meet In Oklahoma City

Recently, the Bureau unveiled a new logo that captures the spirit of Oklahoma City’s vibrancy. The logo encompasses a background scene with cowboy boot-shaped buildings, a starry sky and the State Capitol. The mid-range of the logo shows a river with two figures in a double rowing shell. And, the foreground shows plenty of rich, green grass. The bright colors and images convey the vibrancy of a capital city steeped in western heritage with a fun nightlife and lush outdoor assets.

We are gaining more and more recognition as a destination and future years look very strong for Oklahoma City.

“Oklahoma City has seen a tremendous increase in the number of visitor attractions and infrastructure it offers, but the dramatic change to the city’s landscape has not reached many audiences beyond city limits,” said Mike Carrier, President of the Bureau. “The new logo is critical to changing people’s perceptions and impressions of the city.” Booking conventions and meetings remains a major part of the Bureau’s focus. In partnership with the City of Oklahoma City and the Oklahoma

Capturing the true essence of today’s Oklahoma City is no small feat, but the Oklahoma City Convention & Visitors Bureau is covering a lot of ground in marketing Oklahoma City to the region, nation and world.

State Fairgrounds, work is underway to assess what is needed for Oklahoma City to move from a tier three to a tier two convention and tourism destination. “There’s no doubt things are happening in Oklahoma City because of the city’s MAPS (Metropolitan Area Projects) program but it is time to look at the next generation of needs from meeting facilities, to the convention center and other amenities,” said Carrier. “That’s why we’ve commissioned a report to determine the best course of action for elevating our convention destination status.” Oklahoma City plays host to meetings and conventions of all sizes including Sonic, America’s Drive-In and Pre-Paid Legal Services. “We have experienced steady and consistent growth in the meetings and conventions business year over year,” said Elizabeth Buckley, Director of Convention Sales & Services. “We are gaining more and more recognition as a destination and future years look very strong for Oklahoma City.”

Sports events and meetings are also coming to Oklahoma City at a rapid pace. From welcoming the array of equine events, to rowing, softball and much more, the city is on the map when it comes to sports. For more information about Oklahoma City, go to www.visitokc.com or call 800-225-5652.

Oklahoma City At-A-Glance

World Airport. The Devon River Cruisers ferry people into downtown from the Meridian corridor using the Oklahoma River.

Downtown – An approximately eight square block area in the heart of downtown that encompasses 1,615 hotel guest rooms in seven properties. These are primarily full service hotel guest rooms accounting for 12% of the total guest rooms. Also located within these boundaries are the Cox Convention Center, Ford Center, Bricktown and other major attractions.

North – There are approximately 5,000 hotel guest rooms in 50 properties accounting for 37% o f the total guest rooms in Oklahoma City. The primary attractions in this area are the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum, the Oklahoma City Zoo, Science Museum Oklahoma and the ASA Softball Hall of Fame complex.

Meridian –There are approximately 5,000 hotel guest rooms in 40 hotels which comprise 37% of the total guest rooms in Oklahoma City. Significant demand generators are State Fair Park and Will Rogers

South – There are approximately 2,000 hotel guest rooms in 30 hotels which comprise 14% of the total guest rooms in Oklahoma City. This area is exclusively limited service properties with locations primarily along highways I-35 and I-240.

O K L A H O M A C I T Y C O N V E N T I O N & V I S I TO R S B U R E A U 189 West Sheridan, Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 297-8912; (800)225-5652 Fax: (405) 297-8888 • www.visitokc.com


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Tropical ambiance and colossal space are just the beginning.

Exhibitor Mobile Connection brings the capabilities of a service desk directly to the show floor, where roaming EMC representatives will respond to exhibitor requests on the spot, so they never have to leave their booths for assistance.

OCCC’s GOLD KEY PARTNERS The OCCC is also proud to be the only convention center in the country to partner with the world’s most famous theme parks—Universal Orlando‚ Resort, SeaWorld‚ Orlando and WALT DISNEY WORLD‚ Resort With offices right on-site, OCCC’s Gold Key Partners are always available to help show management and their exhibitors plan dynamic entertainment and events. From theme park tickets to private events at theme parks and resorts, plus entertainment and networking opportunities at a variety of amazing on-site venues and dining complexes, OCCC’s Gold Key Partners will help make any Orlando meeting experience unforgettable.

ORLANDO’S ORANGE COUNTY CONVENTION CENTER UNLOCKS THE SECRET TO MEETING SUCCESS It’s simple: superb hospitality, flawless service and total convenience. These elements define the attendee experience, affecting how they feel, how well they’re able to network and how they perceive the event as a whole. If any one of them falls short, so does the event. One venue that recognizes this reality is Orlando’s Orange County Convention Center (OCCC). Here, tropical ambiance and colossal space (7 million square feet in two buildings, connected by an open-air pedestrian walkway) are just the beginning. The OCCC also offers an outstanding level of service—one that has cemented the Center’s position among the world’s premier meeting and trade show destinations.

OCCC’s SERVICES OCCC’s broad offering of show management and exhibitor services, ranging from catering to telecommunications, is considered one of the finest in the convention industry, and contributes to the Center’s reputation as one of the best places in the country to hold a meeting. The Center’s Marketing Executives and Sales Managers are dedicated to providing clients with an experience that is flawless from beginning to end. For every size and type of event, these seasoned professionals provide solutions that exceed everyone’s expectations, and will ensure that your needs are communicated efficiently during the client servicing process. OCCC’s Event Managers are certified meeting professionals with the highest level of industry experience. They will assist show managers with planning the logistical details of their convention, trade show or special event. Serving as the main conduit for OCCC communication and information – before, during and after the show – these dedicated team members ensure the most complete, productive and enjoyable experience for both show planners and attendees. For the optimum exhibitor experience, OCCC Show Managers and exhibitors turn to the Center’s Exhibitor Services Department. Individual Exhibitor Service Representatives assigned to every OCCC event will ensure total satisfaction. Beyond the services offered on the show floor, this team can provide custom web pages hosted by the OCCC, bonus amenities for your Top 20 Exhibitors, and coordination of pre-event meetings. For maximum convenience, the OCCC’s

NEW DEVELOPMENTS Orlando, Florida, a city already renowned for its world-class hospitality, entertainment and business offerings, is adding to its appeal with a number of new developments in the Orange County Convention Center area. Upon completion, the following developments will add nearly 2,150 rooms to Orlando’s current 113,000-room inventory, making this center of hospitality more welcoming than ever. Hilton Convention Center Hotel: Construction has begun on a new 1,400-room Hilton Convention Center Hotel, which is scheduled to open in the summer 2009, and will be the f irst hotel to connect to the Center’s North/South Concourse by a pedestrian sky bridge. Peabody Hotel: The Peabody Orlando has broken ground on a 750-room expansion this fall, adding a 32-story, 750-room guest tower. Plans include two pedestrian bridges, connecting the hotel with the Convention Center’s North/South and West Concourses. And, the pace of change shows no sign of slowing. Even as these projects approach completion, new plans are being laid every day that will give Orlando and Orange County Convention Center even more to offer.

ORANGE COUNTY CONVENTION CENTER West Concourse - 9800 International Drive; South Concourse - 9899 International Drive; North Concourse - 9400 Universal Blvd., Orlando, FL 32819 (407) 685-9800; (800) 345-9800 Fax: (407) 685-9876 • www.occc.net


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The Complex offers outstanding facilities, amenities and service in a convenient location. The RICC features a 100,000 contiguous square-foot exhibition hall, a 20,000 square-foot ballroom, 23 meeting rooms, two adjacent garages, and the Rotunda Room, a special function space offering spectacular city views. The RICC has continually received the Facilities & Destinations Prime Site Award.

those flying into Providence, nearby Warwick’s T.F. Green Airport is just a short, ten-minute drive from downtown.

There are 5,500 hotel rooms in the Greater Providence area, and 2,200 of them are within one mile of the RICC Complex.


rovidence, Rhode Island seamlessly blends the urban sophistication of a big city with the graceful charm of a small town. The city is known for its rich history, arts and culture, and nationally acclaimed dining. The Rhode Island Convention Center Complex, which consists of the Rhode Island Convention Center (RICC) and the Dunkin’ Donuts Center (DDC), is located in the heart of the city, within steps of hotels, restaurants, theaters and boutiques.

Warwick, RI is centrally located, and within easy reach of just about any destination in Rhode Island. Warwick features miles of scenic coastline and spectacular views, and offers additional hotel, dining, shopping and entertainment options. Recognized as one of the country’s hottest culinary destinations, Providence is home to Johnson & Wales University, the world’s largest culinary educator. Many of the university's chefs remain in Providence after graduation, which is reflected in the city’s much-lauded dining scene. From authentic ethnic foods to seafood fresh from Narragansett Bay, the city’s vast array of restaurants offers something for everyone.

The adjacent 13,000-seat DDC recently unveiled its $80 million renovation with a grand re-opening in September 2008. More than 35,000 square feet was added to the DDC, now connected to the Convention Center via skywalk. The DDC features 31,000 square feet of arena space with a ceiling height of 90 feet, a 25,000 square-foot concourse, a new 12,000 square-foot lobby, two party suites and two loges, a new restaurant, and five renovated meeting/hospitality rooms.

The famed Rhode Island School of Design is also located in Providence, and as a staunch supporter of the arts, the city has become a haven for artists and entertainers. With the Contact: largest number of working Neil Schriever artists in the country, Vice President of Sales Providence boasts an eclectic mix of galProvidence Warwick leries, theaters and museums. Convention & Visitors Bureau

There are 5,500 hotel rooms in the Greater Providence area, and 2,200 of them are within one mile of the RICC Complex. Providence is easily accessible for event attendees, with about 25 percent of the United States’ population living within 500 miles of the city. The Amtrak train station is within walking distance of the RICC, and offers rail service throughout the Northeast Corridor. For

Lauded as one of the “Top Ten Up-andComing Travel Destinations in the World” by The Wall Street Journal, Providence is the perfect location for your next event.

144 Westminster Street Providence, RI 02903 (401) 456-0237 Fax: (401) 273-7046 nschriever@pwcvb.com www.pwcvb.com

P R O V I D E N C E W A R W I C K C O N V E N T I O N & V I S I TO R S B U R E A U 144 Westminster Street, Providence, RI 02903 (401) 456-0237 • Fax: (401) 273-7046 • www.pwcvb.com


Facilities & Destinations PLanner Guide

Facilities & Destinations Planner Guide






Total Space:

580,000 gross sq ft 53,882 gross sq m

Meeting Rooms:

15 individual rooms that subdivide into 28 breakout rooms

Total Exhibit Space:

152,700 sq ft 14,186 sq m subdivides into three halls, all on one level.

Level 1:

Four rooms that subdivide into 10 rooms

Level 2:

Eleven rooms that subdivide into 18 rooms


From 80 to 500 attendees using theater

Ceiling Height:

Seven at 15 ft / 4.6 m and eight at 16 ft / 4.9 m

39,500 sq ft / 3,670 sq m subdivides into two sections

Mezzanine Suite:

4,000 sq ft / 372 sq m function space for over 400 attendees overlooking exhibit floor

96,000 sq ft / 8,928 sq m

BALLROOM – level 3

Meeting Space: Ballroom Space: Public Circulation and Concourses:

36,200 sq ft / 3,363 sq m 15 rooms on two levels, 28 breakout rooms


One divisible into two sections, one section at 14,000 sq ft / 1,301 sq m and one at 25,500 sq ft / 2,369 sq m

EXHIBIT HALL – level 1


145 ft / 44.2 m x 278 ft / 84.7 m

Total Exhibit Space:

152,700 sq ft / 14,186 sq m


4,388 theater; 3,290 banquet; 4,158 reception

Exhibit Halls:

Main hall subdivides into three halls: one at 40,900 gross sq ft / 3,800 gross sq m, one at 40,500 sq ft / 3,762 gross sq m, and one at 71,300 gross sq ft / 6,624 sq m

Ceiling Height:

From 26 ft / 7.9 m to 45 ft / 13.7 m


12,800 sq ft / 1,189 sq m of space with an open view to the San Juan Bay


268 ft / 82 m x 574 ft / 175 m


16,965 theater; 12,710 banquet; 16,075 reception

LOCATION – Centrally located in Isla Grande, San Juan, the gateway to all that Puerto Rico has to offer.

Support, Service and Administration:

200,000 sq ft / 18,580 sq m

Ceiling Height:

30 ft / 9.1 m

Largest Access Door:

22 ft / 6.7 m wide x 27 ft / 8.2 m H

Convenient to Old San Juan, Condado, Hato Rey, and Miramar, as well as Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport.

For more information call: 1-800-214-O420 email info@prconvention.com or visit www.prconvention.com



The architecture was inspired by the Island of Puerto Rico. The technology

No Passport Required

was inspired by NASA. 580,000 square feet of the most advanced, flexible, and impressive meeting space in the heart of the Caribbean. Where high-speed connectivity, the latest audiovisual systems, and seamless service For More Information,

help meetings flow as smoothly as the lines of the building. Add to this a new convention hotel to be completed by 2009, plus nearby hotels and resorts adding or renovating more rooms every day. Meeting in Puerto Rico will never be the same.

Call the Puerto Rico Convention Bureau 1-800-214-0420 or 787-725-2110




Technological Features Located in a community known around the world for its high-tech expertise, the Rochester Riverside gets high marks for handling all types of technology needs. Extensively wired with T1 lines as well as providing wireless access throughout the facility, this convention center easily meets every group’s high-tech and communication needs with “no problem” solutions.

We are New York state’s only one-stop convention facility.


onveniently located in the heart of Rochester, N.Y., the Rochester Riverside Convention Center enjoys a scenic setting on the Genesee River with outdoor patios and balconies providing wonderful views. It also offers the convenience of enclosed walkway connections to large hotels and parking garages.

Other Features “We routinely offer services not found at most other convention centers,” says Executive Director Joseph A. Floreano, CFE. “One example is our in-house food and beverage operation, including two pastry chefs. In addition, our Riverside Productions and Riverside Catering divisions can even assist groups utilizing space in other places throughout the region. Basically, we are New York state’s only one-stop convention facility.” With Rochester’s 12 colleges and universities, world-famous corporations, and growing number of high-tech firms, there are also plenty of local speakers and other resources available from this combination of educational, business and research expertise. Personalized service and a can-do attitude are additional features that meeting planners really appreciate. According to Dr. Steven E. Schopp, Executive Administrator of the New York State School Music Association, “What I most enjoy about working with the Rochester Riverside Convention Center—aside from a general professionalism that is the rule rather than the exception—is the friendly, positive attitude of staff at every level. These are people I like to work with and that, combined with a first-class facility, makes the Riverside an outstanding convention venue.” Hotel Rooms More than 1,100 rooms in a trio of major hotels connect with the Rochester Riverside Convention Center to create a compact convention district in the center of the city. There is a 362-room Rochester Plaza, 465-room Clarion which is going through a $6-million renovation of its

facility, and 336-room Hyatt Regency, which recently completed a $16-million renovation of its facility. Delegates also enjoy the convenience of walking between hotels and the Convention Center in minutes using the enclosed skywalk system or scenic riverside walkway.

Nearby Attractions Several entertainment districts surround the Rochester Riverside with their restaurants and cafés, coffee houses and pubs, dance clubs and music halls, theatres and more. Sports venues within a few blocks include Frontier Field, home of Rochester’s professional baseball team, and the Blue Cross Arena, where professional hockey and lacrosse are played in addition to hosting large concerts and other events. Also nearby is PAETEC PARK, the city’s new soccer stadium plus outdoor music venue, and the recently restored historic Armory with space for sporting competitions, concerts and other events all taking place at the same time. Rochester also boasts numerous museums, including two National Historic Landmarks—George Eastman House International Museum of Photography and Film and the Susan B. Anthony House—plus the acclaimed Strong National Museum of Play, which also houses the National Toy Hall of Fame. Waterway attractions range from the historic Erie Canal to new developments along the Genesee River from Corn Hill Landing to the beaches and boardwalk at Lake Ontario.

Destination Features Rochester is the northern gateway to the magnificent Finger Lakes region with its rolling hills, lush valleys and 11 namesake lakes. It is also a region becoming famous for its more than 100 vineyards, excellent wines and numerous “wine trails.” With the recent addition of the New York Wine and Culinary Center in nearby Canandaigua, the wineries and farmer’s markets of the Finger Lakes region offer delegates meeting in Rochester wonderful day trip options for pre- or post-conference enjoyment. Distance to Airport The Greater Rochester International Airport—serviced by more than 170 flights daily—is an easy, stress-free, 10-minute drive from the Rochester Riverside Convention Center’s front door.

ROCHESTER RIVERSIDE CONVENTION CENTER 123 East Main Street, Rochester, NY 14564 (585) 232-7200 • Fax: (585) 232-1510 • www.rrcc.com


Facilities & Destinations PLanner Guide



ocated in the Puerto Rico Convention District between the office, family or friends. A full-service Business Center is airport and historic Old San Juan, the new Sheraton Puerto also equipped with a wide range of office machines and Rico Convention Center Hotel and Casino offers the perfect services for any last minute or unexpected needs. retreat for your next association gathering. For unforgettable When your event adjourns, your guests will relax and The hotel is ideally situated to offer both convenience and an enjoy the tropical locale with a wide range of great fun and excite- amenities and services. You’ll find an expansive fouratmosphere of inspiration. There’s no passport required to land in San Juan, and the hotel is just a short drive from the airport. story-high sun deck with amazing views across the Bay of ment, you only You and your guests will be just moments from the renowned San Juan. An infinity pool, whirlpool and adults-only wadneed to take a shopping, dining and entertainment of Old San Juan. ing pool offer great outdoor fun. To help you stay in shape However, for unforgettable fun and excitement, you only you’re on the road, the hotel offers a fully equipped short stroll from when need to take a short stroll from your room. The onsite casino fitness center, as well as a rejuvenating, full-service spa features 16 gaming tables, 500 of the latest slot machines and your room with six treatment rooms. exceptional entertainment options. Within the convention For your dining pleasure, you’ll find exceptional catercenter area is also home to numerous dining, shopping and ing options from our experienced culinary team. Several nightlife venues. additional restaurants are also available onsite, including The state-of-the-art facility can easily accommodate every a poolside bar & grill to help everyone make the most of event, from the largest gatherings to most intimate meetings. Within the their relaxation time. hotel, you’ll find 35,000 square feet of flexible function spaces throughout As the day draws to a close, you’ll retire to 503 spacious and revitalizing nine distinctive meeting spaces. The expansive 17,000-square-foot San guest rooms in Puerto Rico. Our contemporary rooms and suites offer highJuan Grand Ballroom can easily accommodate as many as 1,800 guests. speed Internet access, large flat screen televisions, single-cup coffee brewAnd for a more casual atmosphere, a 57,000-square-foot outdoor sundeck is ers, well-lit work areas and the signature Sheraton Sweet Sleeper® Bed. available to take advantage of the beautiful tropical weather. For an added level of convenience, guests can upgrade to the exclusive Club The adjacent Puerto Rico Convention Center offers an additional 580,000 Level rooms, each featuring a private outdoor terrace and upgraded in-room square feet of additional exhibit and meeting space. The center is one of amenities, as well as access to a private lounge. the largest and most technologically advanced in the Caribbean and welThe Sheraton Puerto Rico Convention Center Hotel and Casino invites comes groups of as many as 10,000. you to come experience a new approach to Caribbean events. Book a meetGetting down to business is a pleasure at the Sheraton Puerto Rico ing before December 31, 2008 for any 2009 event and you’ll receive 3% off Convention Center Hotel and Casino. The hotel is the first in the Caribbean master billed charges (including room revenue, food & beverage and meetto offer The Link @ Sheraton, featuring high-speed Internet access in a ing rooms), as well as up to 100,000 Bonus Starpoints. Complete an RFP comfortable setting—so it’s easy and rewarding to stay in touch with the online at sheraton.com/puertoricoconventioncenter or call (787) 993-3500.

S H E R ATO N P U E R TO R I C O C O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R H OT E L & C A S I N O 200 Convention Boulevard, San Juan, PR 00907 (787) 993-3500; (800) 325-3535 Fax: (787) 993-3525 • www.sheraton.com/puertoricoconventioncenter


Facilities & Destinations PLanner Guide



Need to research venues for your event or meeting? Facilitiesonline has the most up-to-date news, information and listings available. The best part is, it’s all on a user-friendly, easily accessible website. One stop shopping for all your market research needs!


estled in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Charlottesville, Virginia, the University of Virginia Alumni Association, Alumni Hall, is the place for your next event. The newly renovated Jefferson Ballroom completed in January 2007, now holds up to 400 guests for a seated event. 7,064 square feet of meeting space, with three main rooms that can handle groups of 10 to 400. Available for receptions, conferences, meetings, and events of all types, Alumni Hall is open to all and features on-site parking, choice of 14 area caterers, and additional outdoor and indoor meeting spaces.


211 Emmet Street, Charlottesville, VA 22903 (434) 243-2665; Fax: (434) 243-9080 www.alumni.virginia.edu/reservations


Facilities & Destinations PLanner Guide

SCANTICON HOTEL AND CONFERENCE CENTER GUESTROOM SUMMARY All 160 Guest Suites in the Scanticon Hotel are equipped with whirlpool baths, a microwave, refrigerator, wireless internet access and more! AMENITIES The Scanticon offers an extensive 3,000-sq-ft. Health and Fitness Center with nautilus and free weights and a racquetball court. Outdoor Garden pool. 24-Hour Business Center for all your copy, fax and internet needs.

Scanticon Hotel and Conference Center MEETING ROOM OVERVIEW The Scanticon was specifically created to be a premier conference site. All designed for comfort and function and is officially approved by the International Association of Conference Centers. The Scanticon Hotel and Conference Center is located in the Valley Forge Convention Plaza, also home to the Valley Forge Convention Center and the Radisson Hotel Valley Forge.

Facilities & Destinations Planner Guide

DINING & ENTERTAINMENT OVERVIEW The Scanticon features three restaurants and a nightclub on property. No matter what you're craving, you are sure to find it right on site! Café Soleil for fluffy omelets, Chumley's Sports Bar for a juicy burger and pasta, Chumley's Fine Dining for the steak lover, Blue Grotto for a delicious Italian meal and Ice Nightclub to dance the night away! LOCATION OVERVIEW Located in the heart of the Valley Forge business district, adjacent to Valley Forge National Park and minutes from the King of Prussia Mall, the largest mall on the east coast. Minutes from the Pennsylvania Turnpike, I-76, I-476, Route 202 & 422. 20 minutes from the Philadelphia Premium Outlets. 1160 First Avenue, King of Prussia, PA 19406 (610) 337-2000 • Fax: (610) 768-0183 • www.VFConventionCenter.com




Situated in upstate New York, just 50 miles north of Albany, the Lake George Area in NY’s Adirondacks is easily accessible via the Adirondack Northway, I-87. Amtrak is conveniently located in nearby Fort Edward and the local county airport and Albany International Airport are in close proximity, making it a cinch for your meeting attendees to arrive and depart.

Our natural attractions allow for creative team building options.

Upon arrival, you’ll find that the Lake George Area offers convenience. Lodging, attractions, dining and entertainment are all centrally located and attendees will have easy access to leisure time activities such as golf, shopping, lake cruises, cultural attractions and other amusements. And with over 400,000 sq ft. of versatile exhibit space to choose from, site selection’s a breeze! From traditional conference centers and exposition halls to rustic, Adirondack-themed lodges and private island resorts, our diversity guarantees your meeting will be the highlight of the year.

f you’re a meeting planner looking for a unique destination with a small town feeling and big city attractions, all amongst a panoramic Adirondack backdrop, look no further. We invite you to make your next meeting unforgettable in the Lake George Area in NY’s Adirondacks.

Plan to take time out from the meeting agenda to explore our mountain trails, lakes and rivers. Our natural attractions allow for creative team building options. Organize an outdoor day and your attendees can challenge themselves on an Adirondack adventure course with zip lines, swings and rope bridges, practice learned skills on a group kayak excursion or test their communication and teamwork while taking to the skies in a parasailing adventure over the lake.

We wrap it all up with great convention services. The Warren County Tourism Department looks forward to exceeding your expectations at each step of the planning process. Our representatives will take the time to understand your plans and suggest resources and services. We offer an online RFP form for efficient response to your meeting proposal and can assist you with site inspections, publicity, promotional materials, welcome bags, hospitality exhibits and occupancy tax funding assistance. Let us help you get your plans underway. We have an unforgettable meeting reserved just for you in The Lake George Area of New York’s Adirondacks.

LAKE GEORGE AREA IN NY’S ADIRONDACKS Warren County Tourism Dept. , 1340 State Rt. 9 , Lake George, NY 12845 (518) 761-6575; (800) 365-1050 ext C844 Fax: (518) 761-6368 • VisitLakeGeorge.com


Facilities & Destinations PLanner Guide


ARTHUR R. OUTLAW MOBILE CONVENTION CENTER 1 South Water Street Mobile, AL 36602 (251) 208-2100; Fax: (251) 208-2150 www.mobileconventions.com Director of Sales and Marketing: Shana Jordan

“The Gulf Coast’s Premier Meeting and Convention Facility!” Snapshot: The Arthur R. Outlaw Mobile Convention Center is located on the banks of the Mobile River. Outside are river walks, terraces, a private meeting planners’ office, and a covered crosswalk to connecting hotel. The beautiful state-of-the-art facility is one of the premier Convention Centers in the country. Winner of numerous awards for its architecture and service, the Convention Center takes full advantage of its superb waterfront setting.

Meeting Space: 317,000 sq. ft. of meeting/exhibition space; 18 meeting rooms; 15,500-sq-ft. Ballroom; 100,000-sq.-ft. Main Exhibit Hall. Venue Features: T1 wireless internet; VIP lounge overlooking the Exhibit Hall and the Mobile River; Ballroom stage and two dressing rooms; Meeting planners & show manager offices adjacent to the Exhibit Hall and VIP Lounge; Registration secured storage area; Full-service kitchen with complete corridor access; Two permanent concession stands (one with outdoor seating). Convention/Guest Hotel Rooms: 1,000 Committable Downtown Hotel Rooms (walking distance to the Convention Center); 5,500 city-wide. Transportation: 20 minutes from Mobile Regional Airport. Attractions: 5 Rivers Delta Resource Center, Bellingrath Gardens, Carnival Cruise Lines, Cooper Riverside Park, Fort Conde' Welcome Center, Gulf Coast Exploreum, Mobile Carnival Museum, Museum of Mobile, and USS ALABAMA Battleship. See Ad on Page 27

P L A N N E R G U I D E S Oscar McGaskey KANSAS CITY CONVENTION & ENTERTAINMENT FACILITIES ➤ 388,800 sq. ft. exhibit space &,

62,000 s. ft. meeting space ➤ Sprint Center, Kansas City Jazz

Museum & Power and Light District ➤ 1,500 guest rooms within walking

distance of convention center Page: 52

Robin Cuneo MEADOWLANDS EXPOSITION CENTER ➤ “ Your Cost Efficient Alternative

To NYC!” ➤ 60,000+ sq. ft. of

meeting/exhibition space ➤ 1,000 hotel rooms within

walking distance Page: 50

FACILITIES & DESTINATIONS LISTING INDEX A-Z Arthur R. Outlaw Mobile Convention Center ..............47 Atlantic City Convention Center...................................52 Austin Convention Center .............................................56 Baton Rouge Area Convention and Visitors Bureau...50 Boston Convention & Exhibition Center......................50 Charleston Civic Center.................................................57 Daytona Beach Area CVB/ Ocean Center Convention Complex............................48 Direct Energy Centre .....................................................59 Fairplex............................................................................48 Fresno Convention & Entertainment Center ...............48 Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center ...............56 Greater Columbus Convention Center ........................53 Greater Fort Lauderdale/Broward County ...................48 Jackson Convention Complex ......................................51 Javits Center ...................................................................52 John S. Knight Center....................................................54 Kansas City Convention & Entertainment Facilities .............................................50 Knoxville Convention Center ........................................55 Lake George Area In NY’S Adirondacks ......................52 Meadowlands Exposition Center..................................52 Facilities & Destinations Planner Guide

Midwest Airlines Center ................................................57 Monona Terrace Convention Center............................58 New Orleans Morial Convention Center .....................50 Niagara Fallsview Casino Resort...................................59 Norfolk Convention and Visitors Bureau......................56 Oklahoma City Convention & Visitors Bureau.............54 Orange County Convention Center .............................49 Pennsylvania Convention Center ..................................54 Providence Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau .......................................55 Puerto Rico Convention Center ....................................58 Quebec City Convention Centre ..................................59 Rhode Island Convention Center Complex.................55 Rochester Riverside Convention Center ......................53 Salina Bicentennial Center ............................................49 Scanticon Hotel and Conference Center .....................54 Sheraton Puerto Rico Convention Center Hotel & Casino..............................58 The Metro Toronto Convention Centre .......................59 University Center ............................................................49 University of Virginia Alumni Association.....................56 Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre ................58 47


FRESNO CONVENTION & ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 848 M. Street Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 445-8100; Fax: (559) 445-8110 Director of Sales & Marketing: Claudia Arguelles www.fresnoconventioncenter.com

“We’re Always at the Heart” Snapshot: Multi Facility Complex, including the elegant and spacious Fresno Convention Center Exhibit Hall, the very functional Ernest Valdez Hall, the historic William Saroyan Theatre and the newly-remodeled Selland Arena. Adjacent to the Robert A. Schoettler Conference Center.


seats 3,000 theater style or 2,400 banquet style; 11,000-seat Selland Arena; 2,359-seat Saroyan Theatre, whose lobby can be used for 38-48 Exhibit Booths. Robert A. Schoettler Conference Center features a 13,129square-foot ballroom that may be divided into 7 salons for 50 to 340 people or 90 8’ x 10’ booths. Venue Features: Exhibit Hall includes on-site, full-service catering kitchen; Executive conference room/show office with built-in bar, multiple phone lines & T1 connections; voice and data technology throughout; drive-in access from covered loading dock directly onto exhibit floor. Transportation: Six miles from Fresno Yosemite International Airport. Nearby Attractions: Yosemite National Park, Grizzlies Baseball @ Chuckchansi Park.com.


101 N. Atlantic Avenue Daytona Beach, FL 32118 (800) 858-6444; (386) 254-4500 Fax: (386) 254-4512 www.oceancenter.com Director of Convention Sales Daytona Beach Area Convention and Visitors Bureau: Sally Gardiner

Daytona Beach: Way More than A Beach Snapshot: Located in the heart of the Daytona Beach Resort Area and just 400 feet from the Atlantic Ocean, the Ocean Center is the area’s premier meeting facility. The Ocean Center is currently undergoing a $76-million expansion that will nearly triple its size. Meeting Space: 205,536 sq. ft., including: 37 meeting rooms; 11,715-sq.-ft Ballroom.


FAIRPLEX 1101 W. McKinley Ave. Pomona, CA 91768 (909) 623-3111; Fax: (909) 623-9599 Director of Sales: Melissa Tapia www.fairplex.com

“Southern California’s Event and Entertainment Center” Snapshot: Fairplex is Southern California’s most diverse event location attracting more than 3 million annual visitors. Home of the L.A. County Fair since 1922, the facility is also the premier location for consumer shows in Southern California, hosting more than 350 events per year.

Convention/Guest Hotel Rooms: 247 suites. Transportation: Fairplex is just 9 miles from Ontario International Airport and 45 freeway miles from LAX, and also is easily accessible via three major freeways. Attractions: Retail establishments, restaurants, the 18-hole Mountain Meadows Golf Course, cultural facilities, an art district, historic sites, nightlife and other amusements. Just a short drive away are theaters, museums, sports arenas, local mountain retreats, Disneyland, Knott’s Berry Farm, Universal Studios to the west, and Victoria Gardens’ al fresco shopping to the east.

Meeting Space: 11,000 sq. ft. of meeting space, including 11 meeting rooms; 325,000 sq. ft. of exhibition space, with exhibit halls ranging from 10,000 sq. ft. to 105,000 sq. ft.; 6,400-sq.-ft. ballroom; 787-seat theater. Venue Features: Large, column-free, air-conditioned exhibit halls ranging from 33,600 sq. ft. to 105,000 sq. ft.;

Meeting Space: 66,371-sq.-ft. Fresno Exhibit Hall that can be used as three separate halls; column free space, 11,628-sq.-ft. pre-function lobby; 30 meeting rooms; Valdez Hall features 32,000 sq. ft. of column free space and


Wifi capabilities; On-site newly renovated Sheraton Suites Fairplex hotel, a 12-acre KOA/RV Park with 185 fullservice sites and parking for more than 30,000 vehicles.


Exhibit Space: 173,767 sq. ft., including 94,695-sq.-ft. Main Exhibit Hall. Arena: 42,000 sq. ft; 9,500 seats. Hotel Rooms: 13,000 Transportation: 5 miles from Daytona Beach International Airport Attractions: The Daytona Beach area is home to 23 miles of sparkling beaches; top notch golf and tennis facilities including LPGA International and the United States Tennis Association’s Florida Tennis Center; Daytona Lagoon; Ocean Walk Shoppes; several new spas and restaurants, unique shopping, and an array of family and cultural attractions; Daytona International Speedway; the News-Journal Center; the historic oceanfront Bandshell and Oceanfront Park; the Mary McLeod Bethune Performing Arts Center; Peabody Auditorium. See Ad on Page 19

THE GREATER FORT LAUDERDALE/ BROWARD COUNTY CONVENTION CENTER 1950 Eisenhower Blvd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 (954) 765-5900; Fax: 954 763-9551 www.ftlauderdalecc.com Assistant General Manager: Terry Kuca

The premier Oceanside convention center located in South Florida’s “Venice of North America”! Snapshot: One of the premier large meeting venues in the Southeast, the Greater Fort Lauderdale/Broward County Convention Center recently completed a $34-million expansion that increased the facility to 600,000 square feet. The Center is bigger and better than ever, ideally positioning it for meetings of all types and sizes. With a renowned, five-star food and beverage department, famous for its intricately carved ice sculptures, gourmet seated meals and a selection of snack carts, any meeting held at the Center is sure to be a success.

Meeting Space: 349,514 sq. ft. of meeting/exhibit space; 32 meeting rooms; Three Ballrooms, including 30,000-sq.-ft. Grand Floridian Ballroom, 20,000-sq.-ft. Floridian Ballroom, and 10,000-sq.-ft. Palm Ballroom; 250,486 sq. ft. of Exhibit Space, including 64,887-sq.-ft.-Main Exhibit Hall; 15,000-seat Theater. Venue Features: wifi; webcasting; CAT 5; on-site kitchen; Breezin’ Java/Cyber Café which features eight permanent terminals and at least eight more plugin table locations for laptops, Starbuck’s coffees, as well as specialty foods & beverages and television monitors tuned CNN/MSNBC news. Transportation: Fort LauderdaleHollywood International Airport. Convention/Guest Hotel Rooms: more than 33,000 hotel rooms at a variety of hotels, resorts and Superior Small Lodgings. Attractions: More than 4,000 restaurants; 23 miles of “sun-kissed” Fort Lauderdale beaches, Las Olas Blvd Entertainment District, Broward Performing Arts Theater; Bonnet House;The Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale; Fish Restaurant; Riverwalk; International Swimming Hall of Fame and Museum. See Ad on Page 47

Facilities & Destinations PLanner Guide


ORANGE COUNTY CONVENTION CENTER West Concourse - 9800 International Drive; South Concourse - 9899 International Drive; North Concourse - 9400 Universal Blvd. Orlando, FL 32819 (407) 685-9800; (800) 345-9800 Fax: (407) 685-9876 www.occc.net Senior Director/Sales, Marketing, Event Management and Exhibitor Services: Yulita Osuba

“The Center of Hospitality” Snapshot: Orange County Convention Center (OCCC) ranks as the nation’s second largest convention facility, featuring 7 million sq. ft. of combined meeting and public space in two remarkable facilities and provides a total of 2.1 million square feet of exhibition space with adjacent covered dock access. The Center is located in one of the most beautiful and entertaining places in the world - Orlando. Meeting/Exhibition space: 74 meeting rooms/235 breakout rooms; 62,182-sq.-

ft. multi-purpose room; 2,643-seat Chapin Theater and a 160-seat lecture hall. 2.1 million sq. ft. of exhibit ion space, 1.1 million sq. ft. of which is contiguous; two 92,000 sq. foot general assembly areas; three full-service restaurants; 8 food courts; and three business centers. Venue Features: WIFI; interior plasma directional monitors; DMS directional signs on Universal Boulevard and on International Drive; DMS signs with video feed capabilities; in-house audio & intercom system; direct on-line show management & exhibitor services ordering; internet café set-ups; telecom & webcasting services; three covered loading docks; 173 truck bays; and onsite parking for 6,227. Convention/Guest Hotel Rooms: Surrounded by 113,000 hotel rooms. Transportation: 12 miles to Orlando International Airport (MCO). Attractions: Universal, SeaWorld, Walt Disney World; upscale shopping; 10,000 fine dining seats. See Ad on Page 33

525 S. State Street Chicago, IL 60605 (312) 924-8000; Fax: (312) 924-8100 www.universitycenter.com Sales Manager: Mark Calderone Sales Associate: LaChandra Simon

Conference Chicago Snapshot: This new property is conveniently located in downtown Chicago and offers a new and exciting environment for large to small conferences at extremely competitive rates. It is a perfect setting for your executive board meeting, seminar, workshop, training session or retreat. During the summer, University Center offers full-service overnight accommodations.

Geraldine Bordelon BATON ROGUE AREA CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU ➤ New 70,000-square-foot

exhibition hall ➤ 9,000 hotel rooms ➤ Arnold Palmer-designed The Bluffs

on Thompson Creek golf course Page: xx

John Robertson CHARLESTON CIVIC CENTER ➤ 50,000-sq.-ft.Grand

Convention Hall ➤ 4,000+hotel rooms ➤ Tri-State Racetrack

& Gaming Center Page: XX





Classroom Seating: 80 Meeting Technology: Meeting spaces feature white board, projection screen and has wireless internet access. Some meeting rooms are equipped with an LCD projector, DVD player, VHS player, Copy Cam and one lavaliere microphone. Audio/visual equipment, computer data projection and video conferencing available. Food & Beverage: On premise catering provided; onsite restaurant. Lodging: 504 guest rooms. Amenities: During the summer, University Center offers full-service overnight accommodations, including use of the building’s recreation area, fitness center, outdoor terrace and dining area. Guests also have the added benefit of access to kitchen and laundry facilities. Transportation: 17 miles to O’Hare Airport; steps away from all CTA train lines. See Ad on Page 43

Overall Meeting Space: 15,000 sq. ft. Number of Meeting Rooms: 10 (meeting rooms range from 435 to 2,400 sq.ft.). Exhibit Space: 2,400 sq. ft. Theater Seating: 175

Facilities & Destinations Planner Guide

SALINA BICENTENNIAL CENTER 800 The Midway P.O. Box 1727 Salina, KS 67402-1727 (785) 826-7200; (888) 826-SHOW Fax: (785) 826-7207 Manager: Keith Rawlings www.bicentennial.org

“Mid America’s Meeting Place” Snapshot: The Bicentennial Center in Salina, Kansas qualifies as one of the most versatile public assembly facilities in the Midwest. Meeting Space: More than 45,000 sq. ft. of meeting space; 18,360-sq.-ft. Exhibition Hall, a 120’ x 153’ configuration that divides neatly into 4 aisles of trade show booths, with floor-to-ceiling moveable walls and column-free space; accommodates 2,000 people with temporary seating and staging or 1,000 for sit-down banquet; 17 meeting rooms— Six of the rooms, designed for groups of 50 or fewer, measure 19’6” x 27’ and can be reconfigured into a single room large

enough for 150 people. Two other rooms measure 20’ x 44’ and accommodate up to 100 people each; versatile Arena converts easily into an excellent auditorium, theater, sports facility, or exhibition hall with over 21,000 square feet of floor space (104’ x 203’), a 48foot ceiling (maximum to steel), and seating for up to 7,500 guests and includes two large concession areas, four large restrooms, team-style and plush dressing rooms, and a 14’ x 17’8” overhead-door entrance designed to accommodate virtually any exhibition equipment or vehicle. Venue Features: High Speed Wireless Internet; All rooms column free; Separate sound and air conditioning system for each meeting room; Excellent lighting and acoustics. Extra circuits are available for special staging effects. Convention/Guest Rooms: 2,000 hotel rooms in the city of Salina. Transportation: five miles from Salina Airport. Attractions: Smokey Hill Museum; Salina Art Center, Rolling Hills Wildlife Adventure; downtown shopping district.




Exhibition Hall, with a capacity for 335 10x10 booths; 1,897-seat Theater.

BATON ROUGE AREA CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU 702 North Boulevard Baton Rouge, LA 70802 (225) 383-1825; (800) LA-ROUGE Fax: (225) 382-1253 Executive Vice President Sales and Marketing: Renee Areng www.visitbatonrouge.com

“Authentic Louisiana at Every Turn” Snapshot: Located right on the legendary Mississippi River, the Baton Rouge River Center provides excellent world-class meeting space. The entire complex features more than 200,000 square feet of new and renovated space, including a new 70,000-square-foot exhibition hall.

Venue Features: State-of-the-art grid system with conduits for all services, including electric, Internet, phone, and water; on-site, full service catering available; CVB provides complete convention services. Convention/Guest Hotel Rooms: 9,000 in the Baton Rouge Area; 4,500 committable for citywide events. Transportation: The Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport is within 10 minutes of downtown and the River Center. Attractions: Few cities offer the diversity of culture and entertainment found in Louisiana’s state capital; Alligator Bayou Swamp Tours; Nottoway; Houma’s House; Shaw Center for the Arts; The Bluffs on Thompson Creek, designed by legendary golfer Arnold Palmer. See Ad on Page 16

Meeting Space: 8 meeting rooms; 125,000-sq.-ft. ballroom arena; 100,000-sq.-ft. of total Exhibit Space, including a 70,000-sq.-ft. Main


NEW ORLEANS MORIAL CONVENTION CENTER 900 Convention Center Boulevard New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 582-3023; Fax: (504) 582-3032 Vice-President of Sales & Marketing: Tim Hempill Director of Sales: Keith Levy www.mccno.com www.mccsitetour.com

“Same great meeting place, now with a new look” Snapshot: Recently renovated with a $60-million makeover, the Morial Center has a brand new look complete with quality flooring and furnishings throughout. Just like any other makeover, only our appearance has changed—we’ve still got 1.1 million square feet of exhibit space and 140 meeting rooms, located in the heart of one of the most colorful cities in America.


184,000-sq.-ft. Main Exhibit Hall. Venue Features: Free Wireless Internet, Internet II Abilene Network Capability, and Informational Plasma Screens located throughout the building; Transportation & Visitor Information Desk, Close proximity to public transportation.

BOSTON CONVENTION & EXHIBITION CENTER 415 Summer Street Boston, MA 02210 (617) 954-2000; Fax: (617) 954-2299 www.massconvention.com Executive Director: James E. Rooney

“Stunning Architecture. Superior Service. Unsurpassed Technology.” Snapshot: Designed with input from association and corporate meeting planners as well as trade show producers worldwide, the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (BCEC) delivers more customerfocused features, greater flexibility, and more state-of-the-art services than any other convention center. Flexible, easily configured spaces make the BCEC the perfect choice for both large and small-scale events. Meeting Space: More than 300,000 sq. ft. of meeting space; 84 meeting rooms; 40,020-sq.-ft. Ballroom; 516,000 sq. ft. of Exhibition Space, including


Meeting Space: 232, 827 sq. ft of meeting space; 140 meeting rooms; 36,448-sq.-ft.-ballroom; 1.1 million sq. ft of flexible exhibit space, 4,000seat Conference Auditorium. Venue Features: High speed internet, Wi-fi in public areas, videoconferencing, satellite uplinks and downlinks, video streaming, webcasting, state-ofthe-art audio/visual capabilities; on-site technological support. Two luxurious ballrooms, spanning 32,000 and 36,000 square feet respectively. Convention/Guest Hotel Rooms: 20,000 hotel rooms. Transportation: Approximately 14 miles from the airport. Attractions: Within walking distance of world-renowned fine dining, attractions, entertainment; French Quarter, Riverwalk, Garden District, Aquarium of the Americas, Children’s Museum, World War II Museum; Audubon Zoo.

Convention/Guest Hotel Rooms: 35,000. Transportation: two milles from Logan International Airport. Nearby Attractions: Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Boston Harbor, Downtown Boston, Fenway Park, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Museum of Fine Arts, Black Heritage Trail, The Freedom Trial, Museum of Science.

KANSAS CITY CONVENTION & ENTERTAINMENT FACILITIES 301 West 13th Street, Suite 100 Kansas City, MO 64105 (816) 513-5000; (800) 821-7060 Fax: (816) 513-5001 www.kcconvention.com Executive Director of the Kansas City Convention Center: Oscar McGaskey

City of Fountains… Heart of the Nation…Kansas City, Missouri Snapshot: No matter how your attendees define fun, they’ll find it in Kansas City. From elegant shopping and fine dining to thrilling theme parks and historic jazz clubs, the City of Fountains offers a great mix of exciting attractions within minutes of the Convention & Entertainment District. The eightsquare-block convention and entertainment facilities can accommodate every need with 388,800 sq. ft. of columnfree contiguous exhibit space, 62,000 s. ft. of meeting room space, a 2,400-seat

renovated Music Hall, a 10,700-seat renovated arena and over 100,0000 sq. ft. of unique outdoor festival and reception space. Meeting Space: 62,000 sq. ft. of meeting space, including 48 breakout rooms. Ballroom: New, state-of-the-art 40,500-sq.-ft. ballroom can be expanded to 46,484 sq. ft.; divisible into 3 separate rooms; controllable digital day-lighting system. Exhibit Hall: 388,800 sq. ft. Hotel Rooms: 1,500 guest rooms within walking distance of convention center. Transportation: 20 minutes from the Kansas City International Airport. Nearby Attractions: Sprint Center, College Basketball Experience, Negro Leagues Baseball Museum, Kansas City Jazz Museum, Power and Light District, City Market, Kemper Arena, Arrowhead Stadium, Kauffman Stadium, Nelson Art Gallery, Country Club Plaza, Nelson-Atkins Museum, Kansas Speedway, Argosy Casino, Harrah’s Casino, Ameristar Casino. See Ad on Page 23

Facilities & Destinations PLanner Guide


JACKSON CONVENTION COMPLEX 105 E Pascagoula Street Jackson, MS 39201 (601) 960-2321, (877) 383-MEET Fax: (601) 960-2584 www.jacksonconventioncomplex.com General Manager: Linda McCarthy

Where Mississippi Meets the World Snapshot: Built to stringent green-facility standards, the new JCC features 85,000 sq. ft. of divisible space, encompassing a 60,000-sq.-ft. exhibit hall, a 25,000-sq.-ft ballroom, and 33,000 sq. ft. of lobbies, concourse, and registration areas. The venue can accommodate no less than 425 exhibit spaces and includes multiple easy-access loading docks, a gleaming 9,000-sq.-ft. kitchen, and two full-service concession areas – all accented by the very latest in fiber optic technology, Wi-Fi capability, and state-ofthe-art sound. The complex is conveniently located within walking distance of many fine restaurants, hotels, and entertainment venues downtown.

Meeting Space: 128,000 sq. ft. of meeting space, including 23 meeting rooms, 25,000-sq.-ft. Ballroom and 60,000-sq.-ft. Exhibit Hall. Total Exhibit Space: 85,000 sq. ft. Theater: 6,000 total capacity. Technology: State-of-the-art telecommunications and audio-visual; Plasma screen monitors and electronic directional signage throughout; CAT 5 wiring and communication data ports throughout; Satellite and television cable distribution. Other Venue Features: Fenced staging and load-in dock area; Movable wall divider system; Easily accessible freight elevators; Ballroom and exhibit hall rigging points; Acoustic wall panels in exhibit hall; Business Center; Separate ballroom Entrance from Street. Transportation: 12 miles Jackson International Airport Nearby Attractions: The Eudora Welty House & Gardens, The new Mississippi Museum of Art; Russell C. Davis Planetarium; One of the oldest governor’s mansions in the US; The new Mississippi Children’s Museum. See Ad on Cover 2

Facilities & Destinations Planner Guide

P L A N N E R G U I D E S Joseph A. Floreano ROCHESTER RIVERSIDE CONVENTION CENTER ➤ 1,100+ rooms connected to center ➤ 100,000 sq. ft of

meeting/exhibition space ➤ 90 vineyards

(N.Y. State Wine Country!) Page: XX

Carol Anne Abbott UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ➤ 7,064 sq.ft. meeting space/newly

renovated Ballroom ➤ High-speed wireless Internet &

LCD projectors ➤ 300+ guest rooms onsite &

2,500+ in vicinity Page: xx



MEADOWLANDS EXPOSITION CENTER 355 Plaza Drive Secaucus, NJ 07094 (201) 330-7773; (888) 400-EXPO Fax: (201) 330-1172 www.mecexpo.com SMG Regional General Manager: Robin Cuneo

“MEC Is Your Cost Efficient Alternative To NYC!” Snapshot: A convenient and costeffective facility in the Northeast, Meadowlands Exposition Center, a nine-time Prime Site Award Winner, features more than 60,000 square feet of dedicated meeting/exhibition space and state-of-the-art facilities and onsite services. Meeting Space: 64,758 sq. ft. square feet of contiguous, dedicated exhibit space, including a 61,000-sq.-ft. Main Exhibit Hall; 20-foot ceiling heights; accommodations for up to 400 exhibit booths; five meeting/seminar rooms;


flexible lobby for registration, reception or additional exhibit space; Seating for up to 6,000 attendees, concert or theater-style. Venue Features: T-1,Wireless Internet, satellite uplink support, “flown from the air” electric, teleconferencing capabilities; Catering facilities for up to 5,000 dinner guests; three newly-renovated concession stands; Onsite Decorating Services; 2 drive-in doors and 4 loading docks on street level for easy access; over 3,000 free parking spaces. Convention/Guest Hotel Rooms: 1,000 hotel rooms within walking distance; additional 1,500 rooms within a five-mile radius. Transportation: Seven miles from Newark Liberty International Airport; adjacent to a network of major highways. Nearby Attractions: Minutes from Manhattan; surrounded by six major hotels and approximately 40 restaurants and eateries; Meadowlands Sports Complex, which includes Giants Stadium, IZOD Center and the Meadowlands Racetrack. See Ad on Page 25


JAVITS CENTER 655 West 34th Street New York, NY 10001 Tel: (212) 216-2000 Fax: (212) 216-2588 www.javitscenter.com VP Sales & Marketing: Doreen Guerin; dguerin@javitscenter.com; (212) 216-2103 Director of Sales & Marketing: James Hamilton; jhamilton@javitscenter.com; (212) 216-2186 Sales Manager for Special Events: Anne Houlihan; ahoulihan@javitscenter.com; (212) 216-2006

“Marketplace for the World” Snapshot: Glass-enclosed structure stretching five blocks along the Hudson River. Meeting Space: More than 1.8 million sq. ft of space; 760,000 sq. ft. of exhibit space on three different levels, including 405,000 sq. ft. Main Exhibit Hall; can be divided into 10 halls; capacity for 102 meeting rooms; Special Events Hall can seat up to 3,300 for theater-style meetings, and up to 2,700 for banquets and receptions; more than 100 function


ATLANTIC CITY CONVENTION CENTER One Miss America Way Atlantic City, NJ 08401 (609) 449-2000; Fax: (609) 449-2090 General Manager: Charlie Beirne www.atlanticcitynj.com

"Your Northeast Business Address" Snapshot: The Atlantic City Convention Center is designed to incorporate and reflect Atlantic City’s seaside location. The venue has won the prestigious “Award of Excellence in Architectural Design” from the Pennsylvania Society of Architects. The facility occupies a site of nearly 31 acres, making it one of the East Coast’s largest Convention Centers.

Venue Features: The Center’s 45 meeting rooms feature soundproof panels, assisted listening systems and voice, video and data communications capabilities; MATV connection for audio and video playback from point to point makes possible an “in-house television station” for event promotion and messaging; New plasma information screens; high-speed capabilities; State-of-the- Art Database incorporating sales and operations enhancing facility efficiency. Convention/Guest Hotel Rooms: 10,000. Transportation: One hour from Philadelphia International Airport; 20 minutes from Atlantic City International Airport. Attractions: Atlantic City Boardwalk Hall, 11 casinos, beaches, boardwalk, several brand outlet and retail shopping attractions, vibrant nightlife entertainment and upscale dinning.

Meeting Space: 595,700 square feet of meeting space; 500,000 contiguous exhibit square feet of space; 45 meeting rooms, surrounding the expansive atrium lobby and total 109,100 square feet. Room dimensions range from 11,880 square feet to 672 square feet.


rooms for seminars and hospitality suites. Also 65,000 sq. ft. of dedicated registration space with terrazzo floors. Venue: On-site kitchen can prepare 5,000 meals simultaneously; electronic media include Visitor Information System, exterior marquee, Javits TV network utilizing 65+ plasma screens and a 14’ X 18’ Jumbotron information display with graphics capabilities, video wall. Service Partners: Centerplate, FedEx Kinko’s, Hudson News and Golden Touch Transportation Services. Technological Features: wifi available throughout the building. Convention/Guest Hotel Rooms: 72,500 hotel rooms in Manhattan. Transportation: Riverfront location minutes from Midtown Manhattan; three major airports, 13,000 taxis and limousines, 4,500 buses, 500 subway stations, and countless feeder roads. Distance to nearest airports: LaGuardia Airport – 8 miles; JFK Airport – 15 miles; Newark Airport– 12 miles. Nearby Attractions: Times Square, Broadway theaters and museums.

hotels and unique outdoor event space. From Adirondack-themed lodges to private island resorts, our diversity is what makes us so special!

LAKE GEORGE AREA IN NY’S ADIRONDACKS Warren County Tourism Dept. 1340 State Rt. 9 Lake George, NY 12845 (518) 761-6575; (800) 365-1050 ext C844 Fax: (518) 761-6368 VisitLakeGeorge.com Meeting Promoter: Tanya Brand

Betcha’ we can make you smile! Snapshot: The Lake George Area in NY’s Adirondacks is a 4-season destination filled with adventurous meeting possibilities. Whether its whitewater rafting, boat cruises, hiking or horseback riding, Lake George promises big fun and beautiful views for your gathering. World class attractions, year-round recreational activities, a multitude of lodging and dining options, along with a ever expanding array of quality meeting space, all make us an ideal and unique meeting and event site choice.

Sagamore Resort: 26,000 sq ft meeting space, including 10,080-sq.-ft. ballroom, indoor pool & spa,18-hole golf course, 5 restuarants; 330 guest rooms. Six Flags Great Escape Lodge: Adirondack Theme, 200 guest rooms and 38,000 sq ft. indoor waterpark. 4,800-sq.- ft. . Ballroom; 7 additional meeting rooms. Fort William Henry Resort & Conference Center: 18 acre estate overlooking Lake George with 15,000 sq. ft. of meeting space; 13 conference rooms; 196 guest rooms available. Services: Warren County Tourism Dept. offers resource assistance, on-line RFPs, Site Inspections, Hospitality Exhibits, Promotional Materials and Occupancy Tax Funding Assistance. Transportation: located off I-87, midway between Manhattan and Montreal and only 3 hours from Boston; 50 Miles north of Albany International Airport and approx. 10 miles from local Floyd Bennett Memorial Airport See Ad on Cover 3

Meeting Space: 400,000 + sq. ft of meeting/exhibit space including conference centers, exposition halls, meeting

Facilities & Destinations PLanner Guide


ROCHESTER RIVERSIDE CONVENTION CENTER 123 East Main Street Rochester, NY 14564 (585) 232-7200; Fax: (585) 232-1510 www.rrcc.com Executive Director: Joseph A. Floreano, CFE

“Do it better at the Rochester Riverside where you and your event are always the center of our attention!” Snapshot: Conveniently located in the heart of Rochester, N.Y., the Rochester Riverside Convention Center enjoys a scenic setting on the Genesee River with outdoor patios and balconies providing wonderful views. It also offers the convenience of enclosed walkway connections to large hotels and parking garages.

Venue Features: Extensively wired with T1 lines; wireless access throughout the facility. Convention/Hotel Rooms: More than 1,100 rooms connect with the Rochester Riverside Convention Center—362-room Crowne Plaza, 465-room Clarion, and 336-room Hyatt Regency, which recently completed a $16-million renovation of its facility. Transportation: 10-minute drive to Greater Rochester International Airport. Attractions: Several entertainment districts surround the Rochester Riverside with restaurants and cafés, coffee houses and pubs, dance clubs and music halls, theatres and more; Frontier Field; Pae-Tec Park; restored historic Armory; George Eastman House International Museum of Photography and Film; Susan B. Anthony House; National Museum of Play; National Toy Hall of Fame; Boardwalk at Lake Ontario; more than 90 vineyards and numerous “wine trails”; New York Wine and Culinary. See Ad on Page 39

P L A N N E R G U I D E S Neil R. Schriever PROVIDENCE WARWICK CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU ➤ Rhode Island Convention Center

Complex ➤ Comprehensive Planner Support by

Convention Team ➤ Dynamic downtown with world-

class cuisine. Page: 55

Shana Jordan ARTHUR R.OUTLAW MOBILE CONVENTION CENTER ➤ “The Gulf Coast’s Premier Meeting

and Convention Facility!” ➤ 317,000 sq. ft. of

meeting/exhibition space ➤ 1,000 Committable Downtown

Meeting Space: 100,000 sq. ft of meeting/exhibition space; 22 meeting rooms; 10,028-sq.-ft. Ballroom; 49,275-sq.-ft. Main Exhibit Hall; 5,000-seat Theater.

Hotel Rooms; 5,500 city-wide. Page: 47


GREATER COLUMBUS CONVENTION CENTER 400 N. High St. Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 827-2500; (800) 626-0241 Fax: (614) 827-2659 www.columbusconventions.com Regional General Manager: Craig Liston Senior Director of Sales: Sherry Fish, CMP

Snapshot: The 1.7-million-square-foot Greater Columbus Convention Center is an award-winning facility located in the heart of a vibrant entertainment district and within 550 miles of two thirds of the nation’s population. Managed by SMG, the Greater Columbus Convention Center is an exhibitor-friendly venue welcoming more than 2.5 million guests annually to the country’s 15th largest city. Meeting Space: 99,410 sq. ft. of meeting space; 61 meeting rooms; 25,000sq.-ft. Ballroom; 15,000-sq.-ft. Ballroom; Five exhibit halls, including 336,000-sq.-ft. Main Exhibit Hall and a total Exhibit space of 426,000 sq. ft.

Venue Features: DS3 high-speed Internet network, wireless hotspots, online ordering of exhibitor services, fiber-optic connections to all spaces; onsite Food Court & Shops, caterer and business center, 33 loading docks and 3 drive-in ramps, connected to four hotels by enclosed walkway, more than 3,000 facility parking spaces with 10,000 additional parking spaces nearby. Convention/Guest Hotel Rooms: 2,600 committable hotel rooms with 22,000 citywide. Transportation: Port Columbus International Airport is located 10 minutes from the Greater Columbus Convention Center. Attractions: More than 100 restaurants, casual eateries, fun nightspots and attractions within walking distance of the convention center;The Cap at Union Station, an architectural work of art that connects the convention district to shopping and dining; Nationwide Arena, home of the NHL Columbus Blue Jackets and the Arena Football League’s Columbus Destroyers; German Village/Brewery District; Center of Science and Industry (COSI) and Franklin Park Conservatory.

Facilities & Destinations Planner Guide




sq. ft. of total exhibit space; 105,000 sq. ft. Meeting Room complex with 21 meeting rooms and a 25,000 sq. ft. Ballroom; 15,000-seat Arena. General Manager - Gary Dejardins.

full-service, on-site culinary department. Clients receive professional service from the Center’s Director of Food Service and Executive Chef.

JOHN S. KNIGHT CENTER 77 E. Mill Street Akron, OH 44308 (330) 374-8900; (800) 245-4254; Fax: (330) 374-8971 www.johnsknightcenter.org Vice President/COO: Gregg Mervis

“The Center of an All-America City”

Convention/Guest Hotel Rooms: Adjacent Downtown, 364; Summit County: 5,000+. Transportation: 11 miles from Akron Canton Airport; 30 miles from Cleveland Hopkins International Airport. Attractions: National Inventors Hall of Fame, Canal Park Stadium, Akron Civic Theatre, The University of Akron, E.J. Thomas Performing Arts Hall, Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad, Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens, Lock 3 Live, Akron Art Museum, Summit Artspace & Cuyahoga Valley National Park.

Snapshot: Located in the heart of downtown Akron, the John S. Knight Center is one of Ohio’s premier meeting and exposition facilities. Event planners value our accessibility, flexibility and attention for detail.

Main Meeting Venue: Cox Business Convention Center (405-602-8500; www.coxconventioncenter.com) — 100,000 sq. ft. Exhibit Hall can be divided into 8 smaller halls or combined with the Arena floor for 132,000


1101 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 636-3300; (800) CALL-PHL Fax: (215) 636-3327 www.PhiladelphiaUSA.travel Vice President/Convention Services: Patricia Kraft Hilpl

“Philadelphia – Be at Liberty to Meet” Snapshot: When you meet in Philadelphia, you get more than a venue, you get a good mix of work and play. The Pennsylvania Convention Center, known for its beauty, flexibility and location in the heart of Center City, as well as five-star dining, tax-free shopping, and ease in traveling in, out and around the city. Meeting Spaces: Currently, the Pennsylvania Convention Center stretches over six city blocks, providing a total of 610,000 sq. ft. of meeting/function space that easily accommodates the needs of


189 West Sheridan Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 297-8912; (800)225-5652 Fax: (405) 297-8888 www.visitokc.com Director of Convention Sales & Services: Elizabeth Buckley (405) 297-8952 • ebuckley@okccvb.org

Snapshot: Oklahoma City has it all— from the historic Old West in Stockyards City to the vibrant energy of Bricktown, the city’s lively entertainment district. Our museums hold artistic treasures and our sports venues have something for everyone. Choices abound for an experience you’ll cherish.

Meeting Space: More than 55,000 sq. ft. of total meeting/exhibit space, including 16 meeting rooms, 12,000sq.-ft. ballroom, 30,000-sq.-ft. Main Exhibit Hall. Venue Features: State-of-the-art audio and video services, wireless Internet connectivity, video conferencing & video streaming technologies; a



Venue Features: wireless internet service and access speeds up to one Gigabit available; four (4) FREE prefunction wi-fi zones; meeting rooms and ballroom equipped with state-ofthe-art audio-visual equipment; SMG Video Conferencing Services available. Hotel Rooms: 1,680 rooms in Downtown Oklahoma City and 15,000 citywide. Transportation: 10 miles/15 minutes from Will Rogers World Airport. Nearby Attractions: Bricktown Dining & Entertainment District—a vibrant urban neighborhood with a variety of new canal-side restaurants, clubs, music venues and attractions., OKC National Memorial & Museum, Oklahoma City Museum of Art; Myriad Botanical Gardens; AT&T Bricktown Ballpark; Ford Center; Civic Center Music Hall; Oklahoma City Zoo; National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum. See Ad on Pages 24,31


meetings/conventions large and small. The Convention Center has more than 440,000 sq. ft. of exhibit space, including a 315,000-sq.-ft. Main Exhibit Hall; 33,000-sq.-ft. ballroom and 52 meeting rooms offering an additional 120,000 square feet; 6,300-sq.-ft., 600-seat theater. Once complete, the expanded Convention Center will provide planners a total of one million square feet of saleable space (700,000 square feet of exhibit space, 541,000 square feet of which is contiguous); the largest amount of ballroom space of any convention center on the East Coast at 93,000 sq. ft.; and a total of 87 meeting rooms. Venue Features: Free wireless Internet with Internet access up to one Gigabit; an internal fiber optic backbone, and data cabling throughout the entire facility. Convention/Guest Hotel Rooms: 10,000 rooms in city; 3,682 within two-minutes of Pennsylvania Convention Center. Transportation: 20 minutes to Philadelphia International Airport. Attractions: More than 20 major performing arts facilities, including venues for ballet, jazz, drama and musical theater; more than 200 restaurants in Center City.

SCANTICON HOTEL AND CONFERENCE CENTER 1210 First Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406 (610) 265-1500; Fax: (610) 768-0183 www.ScanticonValleyForge.com Vice President of Sales and Marketing: Candice Ellesin

Valley Forge, A premier destination for your exceptional event Snapshot: The Scanticon was specifically created to be a premier conference site. All designed for comfort and function and is officially approved by the International Association of Conference Centers. The Scanticon Hotel and Conference Center is located in the Valley Forge Convention Plaza, also home to the Valley Forge Convention Center and the Radisson Hotel Valley Forge. Meeting Space: Over 150,000 sq. ft. of flexible meeting space between the Scanticon, Radisson and Valley Forge Convention Center, including: 61

meeting rooms; 8,865-sq.-ft. Ballroom; 54,000-sq-ft., 3,800-seat theater. Exhibit Space: 108,000-sq.-ft. of Exhibit Space, including 54,000-sq.-ft. Main Exhibit Hall. Technology: Wifi in all guestrooms and public space; On-site Audio Visual Company. Multi-Level Ballroom, The Waterford, features state-of-the-art Audio Visual with built in screens, plasma televisions, sound system and different lighting scenes. Food & Beverage: The Scanticon features three restaurants and a nightclub on property—Café Soleil, Chumley’s Sports Bar, Blue Grotto, and Ice Nightclub. Guest Rooms: 160 Guestrooms in the Scanticon Hotel; The adjoining Radisson Hotel offers an additional 328 guestrooms. Amenities: 3,000-sq.-ft. Health and Fitness Center; Outdoor Garden Pool; 24-Hour Business Center. Transportation: 25 miles to Philadelphia International Airport. Attractions: Located in the heart of the Valley Forge business district, adjacent to Valley Forge National Park; King of Prussia Mall. See Ad on Page 45

Facilities & Destinations PLanner Guide


PROVIDENCE WARWICK CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 144 Westminster Street Providence, RI 02903 (401) 456-0200; Fax: (401) 273-7046 www.GoProvidence.com Senior Vice President: Neil R. Schriever

Get Closer Snapshot: The Providence Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau books meetings, conventions, trade shows and events of any size in Providence, Warwick, and surrounding areas. Our knowledgeable staff is ready to assist in ensuring a successful event. Largest Meeting Venue: Rhode Island Convention Center Complex, includes: 23 meeting rooms; 20,000-sq.-ft. Ballroom; 137,000 sq. ft. of total Exhibit Space, 100,000-sq.- ft. 13,000seat Dunkin Donuts Center Marketing Services: PWCVB works closely with meeting planners to help


RHODE ISLAND CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX One Sabin Street Providence, RI 02903 (401) 458-6000; Fax: (401) 458-6500 www.riconvention.com Senior Director of Sales and Marketing: John J. McGinn, CEM

Snapshot: The Rhode Island Convention Center Complex, which includes the Rhode Island Convention Center (RICC) and the Dunkin’ Donuts Center (DDC) arena, is located in vibrant downtown Providence. With a 100,000 square-foot exhibition hall, a 20,000 square-foot ballroom, the elegant Rotunda Room, 23 meeting rooms, and two adjacent garages, the RICC is committed to providing an exceptional event experience. Meeting Space: 23 meeting rooms; Largest Ballroom - 20,000 sq. ft; Main Exhibit Hall - 100,000 sq. ft. (Total Exhibit Space -137,000 sq. ft.); 13,000seat arena (DDC)

boost attendance, including targeted email blasts, postcard mailings, reciprocal Web links, pre-promotion at prior year’s meeting. Customized interactive maps; access to a stock photo library; promotional DVD; attendee Web site/microsite; collateral materials including visitor guides, maps, brochures; welcome banners throughout city; welcome signage in member establishments. Hotel Rooms: 200 rooms located less than one mile RICC, 5,500 in Greater Providence area Destination: Providence, Rhode Island is brimming with rich history, natural beauty, and stunning architecture. The city’s compact downtown area—where the stunning Rhode Island Convention Center is located—makes it an extremely walkable city, with hotels, great restaurants, and stellar shopping all within blocks of each other. Transportation: easily accessible by plane, train or highway, and about 25 percent of the United States’ population lives within 500 miles of the city.

P L A N N E R G U I D E S Tanya Brand LAKE GEORGE AREA IN NY’S ADIRONDAKS WARREN COUNTY TOURISM DEPT ➤ 400,000 + sq. ft of meeting/exhibit space ➤ Conference Centers, Exposition Halls,

Meeting Hotels, Outdoor Event Space ➤ The Six Flags Great Escape &

Splashwater Kingdom & Designer Outlet Shopping Page: xx


See Ad on Page 51

➤ 374,255 sq. ft, including

54 meeting rooms ➤ 5,500 downtown hotel rooms ➤ Sixth Street Entertainment District

& Warehouse Entertainment Page: xx

New Features: adjacent DDC unveiled $80 million renovation Sept. 2008, adding 35,000+ sq. ft., and skywalk connection to RICC. DDC includes: 31,000 sq. ft. of arena space with 90 ft. of ceiling height; 25,000-sq.-ft. concourse, 12,000-sq.-ft.; 2 party suites; 2 loges; restaurant; 5 renovated meeting/hospitality rooms. Technology: full T1 connection to the Internet. All meeting/exhibit space hardwired with CAT 5e, with a fiber-optic backbone. Onsite technology staff. Hotel Rooms: 5,500 in the Greater Providence area, with 2,200 within one mile of of RICC Attractions: Aldrich Mansion, Bank of America Skating Center, Culinary Arts Museum at Johnson & Wales University; Providence Black Repertory Company; Providence College Friars Basketball; Providence PAC; Providence Place Mall; Rhode Island School of Design Museum; Roger Williams Park Zoo; Trinity Repertory Company; WaterPlace Park; WaterFire Providence. Transportation: T.F. Green Airport is 8.5 miles from RICC See Ad on Page 35

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KNOXVILLE CONVENTION CENTER 701 Henley Street Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2543 Knoxville, TN 39702 (865) 522-5669; FAX: (865) 329-0422 General Manager: Mary Bogert www.knoxvilleconventioncenter.com

“Southern Hospitality - All Day. Every Day” Snapshot: The Knoxville Convention Center is located in the heart of downtown Knoxville, nestled in the Great Smoky Mountains. Whatever your needs — from meeting space and in-house catering to state-of-the-art technology — you can bet the convention center has what you are looking for.

30,000 square feet of outdoor meeting space. Meeting Space: Internet access; Plasma Screen Directional Signage; In-House Catering Department; In-house A/V and Decorating contractors; More than $1 million in artwork displayed throughout the center. Convention/Guest Hotel Rooms: 1,407 rooms downtown. Transportation: Knoxville is located within a day’s drive of half the nation’s population and is centrally located between three major interstates (I-75, I-40 and I-81). McGhee Tyson Airport is only 15 minutes from downtown Knoxville. Nearby Attractions: Downtown Knoxville features unique restaurants, eclectic shopping and nighttime entertainment and a wide variety of cultural, museums and historic places.

Meeting Space: 500,000 square feet of total meeting space; 19 meeting rooms; 27,300-square-foot ballroom; 120,000-square-foot Exhibit Hall; 57,000-square-foot, fixed theater style, tiered seating Lecture Hall; additional



AUSTIN CONVENTION CENTER 500 East Cesar Chavez Street Austin, TX 78759 (512) 404-4000; Fax: (512) 404-4416 www.austinconventioncenter.com Director of Austin Convention Center Department: Mark Tester Director of Sales: Ann Perkins

Snapshot: Rated one of the country’s most technologically advanced convention center, the Austin Convention Center has a convenient downtown location near the city’s famous entertainment districts. The facility spans six city blocks with five column-free exhibit halls, seven ballrooms and 54 meeting rooms.


Ballroom; 3,940 in North Ballroom. Technology: Gigabit-rated building (voice, video and data move at over 1 billion bits per second); complimentary WiFi, running on a CISCO powered gigabit Ethernet infrastructure; redundant high-speed, 100 mg/sec. Internet II access; plug and play capabilities; on-site technical staff. Venue Features: Flexible and practical floor plan; 18 loading docks; 2 parking garages; pre-function spaces offer views of downtown Austin. Hotel Rooms: 5,500 downtown hotel rooms. Transportation: 8 miles to the AustinBergstrom International Airport. Attractions: State Capitol; Sixth Street Entertainment District; Warehouse Entertainment District; University of Texas; LBJ Presidential Library; Texas State History Museum; dozens of museums and art galleries; Lady Bird Lake with ten miles of trails. See Ad on Page 15

Meeting Space: 374,255 sq. ft, including 54 meeting rooms and a 43,300sq.-ft. Ballroom. Exhibit Space: 5 contiguous Exhibit Halls with 246,097 sq. ft. of total Exhibit Space: Theater Seating: 20,333 in Exhibit Halls; 2,291 in South


of Lake Grapevine, the world-class Relache Spa, and unique shopping.

GAYLORD TEXAN RESORT & CONVENTION CENTER 1501 Gaylord Trail Grapevine, TX 76051 (817) 778-1000; Fax: (817) 778-1149 www.gaylordtexan.com Public Relations Manager: Martha Neibling

“Everything Under One Roof!” Snapshot: The Gaylord Texan Resort is a total destination offering world-class meeting facilities, impeccable customer service, exciting entertainment and recreation-all onsite. Sitting high on a bluff overlooking the sparkling waters of Lake Grapevine, this awe-inspiring resort welcomes guests to an authentic Texas experience. Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center features 1,511 luxury rooms, sophisticated meeting and convention space, five signature restaurants, live entertainment nightly at Glass Cactus nightclub on the shores


Marriott features 60,000 sq. ft. of meeting/invent space, including: 45 conference/meeting rooms; 14,400-sq.ft. Ballroom, 2,000-seat Theater and 3 concierge levels.

NORFOLK CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU 232 East Main Street Norfolk, VA 23510 (757) 664-6620; (800) 368-3097 Fax: (757) 628-6452 www.norfolkcvb.com

NCVB/Vice President of Sales: Donna Allen Marriott Norfolk/Director of Sales and Marketing: Cathy Grieve (757) 628-6410

Snapshot: Set in the heart of the historic district of Norfolk, with its vibrant, revitalized waterfront, worldclass shopping, delectable dining, and unforgettable museums, Norfolk Waterside Marriott and Waterside Convention Center is an unparalleled choice for successful meetings, events and business engagements. Meeting Space: The Waterside Convention Center features 55 meeting rooms and 121,000 sq. ft. of convention space and only blocks away from the Norfolk Scope Arena, which has an additional 85,000 square feet of meeting space. The Norfolk Waterside


Meeting Space: 400,000 sq. ft. of overall space, 69 meeting rooms, 50,000sq.-ft. ballroom, 180,000-sq.-ft. exhibit hall plus 17 dedicated loading docks, 29,000-seat theater. Venue Features: Fiber-optic cable, category 5E and Cat 3 cable, with a flexible DS3 pipe for backbone bandwith that will support requests for ISDN, T1 and T3 communications. Guest Rooms: 1,511 luxury units, including 127 suites. Transportation: Six minutes from DFW International Airport.

Technology: Wired and wireless highspeed Internet access in all public areas, guest rooms and meeting rooms. Other (Norfolk Waterside Marriott) Features: Shula’s 347 Steakhouse; Indoor pool; Whirlpool; Fitness center; The Dining Room restaurant. Convention/Guest Hotel Rooms: 405 guest rooms (Norfolk Waterside Marriott); more than 1,200 rooms within walking distance of convention center. Transportation: 9 miles from Norfolk International Airport. Nearby Attractions: MacArthur Center Mall; Chrysler Museum of Arts; Hermitage Foundation Museum; Hunter House Victorian Museum; MacArthur Memorial; Norfolk Tides AAA Baseball at Harbor Park; Schooner Virginia; The Norfolk History Museum at the Willoughby-Baylor House; Victory Rover Naval Base Cruise; Virginia Zoological Park; Norfolk Admirals AHL Hockey. See Ad on Page 53

UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 211 Emmet Street Charlottesville, VA 22903 (434) 243-2665; Fax: (434) 243-9080 www.alumni.virginia.edu/reservations/ Reservation Coordinator: Carol Anne Abbott

“Your Home on the Grounds” Snapshot: Nestled in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Charlottesville, Virginia, the University of Virginia Alumni Association, Alumni Hall, is the place for your next event. Alumni Hall’s spacious facilities are ideal for banquets, receptions, board meetings or conferences. Alumni Hall features 7,064 square feet of meeting space, with three main rooms that can handle groups of 10 to 400. The newly renovated Jefferson Ballroom— completed in January 2007—now holds up to 400 guests for a seated event. Available for receptions, conferences, meetings, and events of all types,

Alumni Hall is open to all and features on-site parking, choice of 14 area caterers, and additional outdoor and indoor meeting spaces. Meeting Space: 7,064 sq. ft., includes 3 meeting rooms, Jefferson Ballroom (4,320 sq. ft .); Annex (1,332 sq. ft .); Terrace (2,738 sq. Ft); Board Room (1,104 sq. ft.); Small Conference Room (308 sq. ft.). Food & Beverage: 14 approved area caterers for you to select from for the event. Technology: High-speed wireless Internet throughout the building, LCD projectors available in the ballroom and board room. Lodging: 300 rooms within walking distance & over 2,500 in the vicinity Transportation: Charlottesville Airport 8.9 miles. Nearby Attractions: John Paul Jones Arena, Monticello, Michie Tavern, Ashlawn-Highland See Ad on Page 44

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CHARLESTON CIVIC CENTER 200 Civic Center Drive Charleston, WV 25301 (304) 345-1500; Fax: (304) 345-3492 www.charlestonwvciviccenter.com General Manager: John Robertson

“Center of Excitement” Snapshot: The Charleston Civic Center is the convention and entertainment centerpiece of Charleston, hosting the majority of the state’s premier conventions, trade shows, entertainment, sporting and corporate events. As one of the most flexible facilities in the MidAtlantic region, the Charleston Civic Center is comprised of four versatile venues—The Charleston Convention Center, The Civic Center Coliseum, The Municipal Auditorium, and The Civic Center Little Theater.

accommodate up to 256 standard booths and can be divided into four areas; The Municipal Auditorium 3,483 seats; The Little Theater 738 seats; Civic Center Coliseum offers over 30,000 sq. ft of event/exhibition space with seating for up to 13,600 and accommodates 160 10’x10’ booths. Venue Features: Distinctive Gourmet serves as exclusive, on-site caterer. Parking: On-site parking for 2,000 vehicles; additional parking to more than 4,000 vehicles within a three-block area. Transportation: Yeager Airport is a five-minute drive to the facility. Convention/Guest Hotel Rooms: Over 4,000 hotel rooms (1,750 within one mile of the Civic Center). Attractions: Charleston Town Center, located across the street from the complex, is one of the largest urban shopping centers in the country; The WV Capitol Complex; the Clay Center for the Arts & Sciences; the Avampato Discovery Museum; The Capitol Market with a variety of specialty shops, Tri-State Racetrack and Gaming Center as well as the new West Virginia Power Baseball Park. See Ad on Page 17

Meeting space: 86,000 sq. ft. of Class A event space; 18 break out rooms; The Grand Convention Hall offers over 50,000 square feet of Class A meeting/exhibition space, enough to

P L A N N E R G U I D E S Rosa M. Luke PUERTO RICO CONVENTION CENTER ➤ 580,000+ sq. ft. of

meeting/exhibition space ➤ 6,000+ Convention/Guest Rooms ➤ Resorts, Night Life, Restaurants

& new “Paseo de las Fuentes,” Page: xx

Laura Cornell MONONA TERRACE CONVENTION CENTER ➤ “where business and inspiration meet” ➤ Spectacular multi-level structure,

250,000 sq. ft. of meeting/exhibit space State Street—eclectic shops, restaurants and outdoor cafes Page: xx

➤ Museum Mile &


ing/banquet rooms; 37,500-sq.-ft. ballroom; well-appointed pre-function areas on all. Other Venue Features: Power, data and phone connections are plentiful throughout venue; high-speed connections to corporate WANs, and a wide range of phone and video services. State-of-the-art projection, sound, and lighting; on-site IT staff.

MIDWEST AIRLINES CENTER Milwaukee, WI (414) 908-6000; Fax: (414) 908-6010 President/CEO: Richard A. Geyer www.wcd.org

Snapshot: The Midwest Airlines Center offers outstanding service, flexible, comfortable facilities and a setting in downtown Milwaukee, now nationally recognized as a fun, friendly and exciting destination. The Midwest Airlines Center is adjacent to the 12,700-seat U.S. Cellular Arena and the 4,087-seat The Milwaukee Theatre, offering excellent options for general sessions, entertainment and other functions tied to conventions. Meeting Space: 188,695-gross-sq.-ft. exhibit hall is divisible into four halls of, ranging from 31,000 sq. ft. to 63,000 sq. ft with 90-foot minimum spans between pillars; additional 39,360 sq. ft of meeting space can be divided into 28 breakouts or as few as six meet-

Convention/Guest Hotel Rooms: linked by skywalk to the 484-room Hyatt Regency-Milwaukee and the 729-room Hilton Milwaukee City Center; Seven other hotels are within three blocks or connected by skywalk. Milwaukee has about 3,000 rooms downtown and over 12,000 citywide. Transportation: General Mitchell International Airport, serving 14 airlines and some 90 cities, is only eight miles from downtown. Attractions: Public Museum; Public Market; the Milwaukee Art Museum; Pier Wisconsin; the Harley Davidson Museum (opening Summer 2008); Miller Park is among the most breathtaking, fan-friendly baseball parks.

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14,000-sq.-ft Ballroom. The 68,000 sq. ft. of rooftop gardens can be reserved for events.

MONONA TERRACE CONVENTION CENTER One John Nolen Drive Madison, WI 53703 (608) 261-4100; Fax: (608) 261-4049 Sales/Event Services Manager: Laura Cornell, CMP www.mononaterrace.com

“Where business and inspiration meet.” Snapshot: The Frank Lloyd Wrightdesigned Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center is located in heart of Madison’s vibrant downtown on the shore of Lake Monona. This spectacular multi-level structure features public promenades, meeting rooms with striking lake views, extensive rooftop gardens and the attached Hilton Madison. Meeting Space: 250,000-sq.-ft., 5-level facility; 85,000 sq. ft. of meeting/exhibit space; 23 meeting rooms; 40,000-sq.-ft. Main Exhibit Hall; 5,540-sq.-ft. Lecture Hall, seating 320;

Venue Features: Wireless access is available throughout Monona Terrace with excellent coverage; Monona Terrace is one of only a handful of convention centers offering Internet 2 access; Special amenities include a greeter at the main entrance to assist guests, business center, gift shop, art/ exhibit area and expansive areas for registration and information needs. Convention/Guest Hotel Rooms: 240-room attached Hilton Madison, 1,000 rooms within walking distance of Monona Terrace, more than 8,000 hotel rooms are available to groups in Madison. Transportation: Madison is accessible by air from every major metro area in the country and is served by the Dane County Regional Airport. Monona Terrace is a 10-minute drive from the airport. Attractions: The State Capitol building. Museum Mile offers six fascinating museums, plus several art galleries for browsers and collectors alike. State Street – Madison’s famed pedestrian mall. See Ad on Page 28

200 Convention Boulevard San Juan, PR 00907 (787) 993-3500; (800) 325-3535 Fax: (787) 993-3525 www.sheraton.com/ puertoricoconventioncenter Director of Sales & Marketing: Willie Chin

You don’t just stay here. You belong Snapshot: Plan your event in paradise. Opening in November 2009 and superbly situated amidst the Puerto Rico Convention Center District facing the Bay of San Juan, the Sheraton Puerto Rico Convention Center Hotel and Casino will be a truly remarkable landmark in the district. Our hotel will be just 10 minutes from the international airport and five minutes from historic Old San Juan. The Convention Center is immediately adjacent and the San Juan Bay Marina is easily accessible as well.


Edificio Ochoa 500 Tanca, Suite 402 San Juan, PR 00901 (800) 214-0420; Fax: (787) 725-2133 Associate Vice President Sales: Rosa M. Luke www.prconvention.com

“Meeting in Puerto Rico will never be the same” Snapshot: The Puerto Rico Convention Center, the largest in the Caribbean and the most technologically advanced throughout the Caribbean and Latin America, offers more than 580,000 sq. ft. of total space and the latgest ballroom in the Caribbean (39,500 sq. ft.). Meeting Space: 36,200 sq ft of meeting space, including 15 meeting rooms on two levels, divisible into 28 sections; 4 on level one and 11 on level two; 39,500-sq.-ft. Ballroom, which subdivides into two sections and can seat

See Ad on Page 37





3,934 Theater Style; 1,900 Banquet Style, 4,158 Reception Style and 2,616 Classroom Style; 152,700 sq. ft. of exhibit space, including one Exhibit Hall which subdivides into three halls: 40,900 sq. ft., 40,500 sq. ft. and 71,300 sq. ft.; 16,965-seat theater. Venue Features: Wireless (Wifi) in the public area in front of the Business Center; High Speed Internet Access in the Meeting rooms, Ballroom and Exhibit Hall; Telephone Access in the Meeting rooms, Ballroom and Exhibit Hall; Business Center. Convention/Guest Rooms: Over 6,000. Transportation: five miles from Luis Muñoz Marin International Airport. Attractions: Centrally located in San Juan, the gateway to all that Puerto Rico has to offer. Directly adjacent to Old San Juan, business and resorts hotels, restaurants and night life. The Center is adjacent to the new urban park, “Paseo de las Fuentes,” 113-acre waterfront development featuring promenades, walkways, fountains and play.

Meeting Space: 35,000 sq. ft., including 9 breakout rooms; 16,290-sq.-ft. Ballroom; (150,000 sq. ft. available at adjacent Puerto Rico Convention Center); 1,480 Theater Seating. Technology: Audiovisual equipment; High-speed Internet access; 24-hour Business Center. Venue Features: Spa; Casino; Fitness center; Professional event staff; on-site catering team; (580,000 square feet of function space in the adjacent Puerto Rico Convention Center). Lodging: 503 Guest Rooms. Distance to nearest airport: 7 miles from (SJU). Transportation: 7 miles fromLuis Muñoz Marin International Airport. Destination features: The new Puerto Rico Convention Center District features dozens of night spots, restaurants and shops some of the Caribbean’s premier entertainment options. The hotel has a new casino featuring non-stop action, including 500 slot machines and 16 table games. Attractions: Old San Juan; San Juan Bay Marina; El Yunque Rain forest. See Ad on Page 41

6,500 sq. ft.; Expansion, due to be completed in 2009; will triple combined meeting/exhibition space to nearly 500,000 sq. ft.

VANCOUVER CONVENTION & EXHIBITION CENTRE Suite 200, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC, Canada V6C 3C1 (604) 689-8232; (866) 785-8232 (North America only) Fax: (604) 647-7232 www.vcec.ca Director of Sales: Gayle Morris

“More. On All Levels” Snapshot: Spectacular, multi-level, waterfront venue, originally built for Canada Pavilion for the World’s Fair Expo in 1986, the Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre will triple its size as this beautiful Canadian city prepares to host the 2010 Olympic & Paralympics Winter Games. Meeting Space: Flexible pre-function and function space totals 133,000 sq. ft. on two levels, including a 91,000-sq.-ft. column-free exhibit hall; divisible into three halls and a 16,000-sq.-ft. columnfree ballroom; divisible into three rooms; 20 meeting rooms from 500 to

Venue features: Unique “scratch kitchen” on-site caterer utilizes fresh, local products without additives, avoids canned goods, disposable utensils and dishes. Green Features: Designated a Powersmart Convention Centre by BC Hydro; Awarded “GO GREEN” certificate from the Building Owners and Managers Association. Convention/Hotel Rooms: 13,000 quality hotel rooms within easy walking distance. Transportation: Vancouver International Airport. Attractions: Edgewater Casino, Tantra Waterfront Lounge & Grill at Lonsdale Quay Hotel, Giggle Dam Dinner Theatre, Grouse Mountain, The Peak of Vancouver, H.R. MacMillan Space Centre, Vancouver Art Gallery, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, Vancouver Maritime Museum, Harbour Cruises & Events, Vancouver Museum, Vancouver Aquarium, M&M Salmon Fishing Charters, Playland @ the PNE, VanDusen Botanical Garden, Prince of Whales Whale Watching.

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DIRECT ENERGY CENTRE 100 Princes’ Blvd. Toronto, Ontario M6K 3C3 (416) 263-3020; Fax: (416) 263-3029 www.directenergycentre.com Director of Sales & Marketing: Laura Purdy

Snapshot: Direct Energy Centre is Canada’s largest exhibition and convention centre with over 1 million square feet of exhibition space. We are conveniently located at Exhibition Place in downtown Toronto, with 35,000 hotel rooms citywide. Toronto’s Pearson International Airport is host to 50 global air carriers and is only 12 miles from Direct Energy Centre. Direct Energy Centre is one of the world’s most environmentally responsible exhibition and convention facilities. The venue includes a Presentation Theatre with 100 Permanent fixed seats, a 8,200-seat arena and a 20,000-seat open-air stadium on-site.


Meeting Space: 1,072,000 sq. ft. of meeting/exhibit/event space, including 23 meeting rooms; Conference Centre expansion scheduled for 2009. Services: In-house catering and concessions department available. On-site parking for 7,000 vehicles. Transportation: 12 miles/20 minutes from Pearson International Airport. Attractions: Air Canada Centre; Scaramouche Restaurant; Hockey Hall of Fame; Le Montmartre Restaurant; The Distillery Historic District; Campbell House Museum; Black Creek Pioneer Village; Textile Museum of Canada; Bata Shoe Museum; Campbell House Museum; Royal Ontario Museum, Clarke Museum; Scarborough Historical Museum; Thomson Memorial Park; MZTV Museum of Television; CBC Museum; Benares Historic House and Visitor Centre.


THE METRO TORONTO CONVENTION CENTRE 255 Front Street West Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5V 2W6 (416) 585-8000; Fax: (416) 585-8198 www.mtccc.com V.P. Sales & Marketing: John Houghton

“Our PEOPLE are the centre” Snapshot: The Metro Toronto Convention Centre is Canada’s #1 trade and convention facility and one of the finest in North America. With more than 2 million square feet of state-ofthe-art space, it is considered a worldclass, tier-one facility. Since its opening in 1984, the MTCC has hosted approximately 12,000 events and has entertained nearly 40 million guests. From 10 people to 10,000. From board meetings to gala balls and everything in between, MTCC is the answer for the right room, the right catering and the right people.

NIAGARA FALLSVIEW CASINO RESORT P.O. Box 300 6380 Fallsview Boulevard Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada L2E 6T3 (888)-FALLSVUE Conference/Convention Sales Phone: (888) 222-3353 (905) 374-3598; Fax: (905) 374 0291 General Manager: Steve Wolstenholme www.fallsviewcasinoresort.com

Snapshot: The Niagara Fallsview Casino Resort is a 2.5-million-squarefoot complex that includes more than 3,000 slot machines and 150 gaming tables, a 368-room five-star hotel, finedining restaurants, 50,000 square feet of meeting/conference space, a health spa, a retail facility, a 1,500-seat theatre and much more! Located on a stunningly landscaped eight-hectare property, the Niagara Fallsview Casino Resort overlooks one of the most famous views in the world – Niagara Falls.

Meeting Space: 50,000 square feet of meeting/conference space; 28,000-sq.ft. Grand Hall that can be divided into 5 smaller rooms; 1,500-seat Avalon Ballroom. Venue Features: Every hall and meeting room is wired for state-of-the-art audio, visual and presentation capability as well as high-speed data ports and flexible power supplies capable of supporting the latest in trade show booths and equipment; 24-hour access to a seven-bay loading dock as well as dedicated staff to assist with load-in and load-out. Convention/Guest Rooms: 368 rooms. Transportation: The nearest international airports serving Niagara Falls include Buffalo Niagara International and Lester B. Pearson (Toronto) International. Attractions: Niagara Fallsview Casino Resort offers several upscale retail outlets and restaurants, including the resort’s signature restaurant, 17 Noir, and the 750-seat Grand Buffet; the Avalon Ballroom; the 365 Club; the Splash Bar; several championshipcaliber golf courses; more than 50 wineries.


space; 2 multi-purpose ballrooms encompassing 78,000 sq. ft.; 1,330-seat John Bassett Theatre. Technology: High-speed Internet access using a T3 connection; Wireless Internet access; Customized wired and wireless data networks; Customized voice networks; Digital PBX; Virtual internal networks; On-site technical support. Venue Features: in-house services include: Audio-visual; Simultaneous translation; on-site catering; Telecommunication; Banking/ATM and exchange services; Guest Services desk in the main entrance of each building. Convention/Guest Hotel Rooms: 12,000 first-class hotel rooms within walking distance of the Centre. Transportation: 20-minute drive from Pearson International Airport. Attractions: Theatre district is a five-minute walk from the doors of MTCC; Air Canada Centre; Rogers Centre; Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament; StageWest All-Suite Hotel & Theatre Restaurant; Guinness World Records Museum; Jackson-Triggs Niagara Estate Winery.

Meeting Space: 460,000 sq. ft. of flexible exhibit space; 64 furnished meeting rooms that cover 104,000 sq. ft. of

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tion of up to 3,500 attendees with an exhibition and a single-event capacity of up to 7,500 attendees.

QUEBEC CITY CONVENTION CENTRE 1000, boul. René-Lévesque Est (418) 644-4000; (888) 679-4000 Fax: (418) 644-6455 www.convention.qc.ca President/CEO: P. Michel Bouchard

Snapshot: The Quebec City Convention Centre is located right in the heart of downtown Quebec, a dynamic international metropolis. Unique underground walkways link the center to lodging, shopping, parking, restaurants, nightlife and other cultural attractions. Meeting Space: The eco-friendly complex contains a 75,000-sq.-ft. exhibit hall, a 34,500-sq.-ft. convention hall, a 25,000-sq.-ft. multipurpose room and 30 meeting rooms with a total of 35,000 sq. ft. Ample public space (232,000 sq. ft.) can welcome a conven-

Technological Features: AVW TELAV for audiovisual needs and services; AXION for sound and lighting for shows, banquets and exhibitions; and VIDEOTRON for high-speed Internet services. Venue Features: Onsite Catering by Capital. Convention/Guest Hotel Rooms: 2,000 hotel rooms within a short distance from the centre; 12,000 guestrooms located throughout the area. Transportation: Jean-Lisage Airport is approximately 25 minutes from downtown. Attractions: Dynamic downtown with restaurants, night club and shopping; Old Quebec historic district; Montmorency Falls Park; world famous Ice Hotel; Winter Carnival; L’Astral revolving rooftop restaurant; Albert Gilles Art Museum & Boutique; Parc des Champs-deBataille; Shrine of Sainte-Anne-deBeaupré; Notre-Dame de Québec Basilica-Cathedral; Musée Edison du Phonographe.


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DealCenter, LLC Take the work out of trade show networking 340 Royal Poinciana Way-Suite 317/#345 Palm Beach, FL 33480 (866) 430-3023; Fax: (201) 624-7316 www.deal-center.com Director of Business Development: Michael Corr mcorr@deal-center.com

Keppler Speakers 4350 N. Fairfax Dr., Suite 700, Arlington, VA 22203 (703) 516-4000; Fax: (703) 516-4819 www.kepplerspeakers.com Senior VP for Sales and Marketing: John Truran

Plasticard Locktech International The World’s Largest Hotel Key Card Manufacturer 605 Sweeten Creek Industrial Park Asheville, NC 28803 (800)752-1017; Fax: (828) 210-4755 www.plicards.com Sales Manager: Linda Russell

Experient THE SOURCE FOR INTEGRATED MEETING AND EVENT SOLUTIONS For more information on Experient Contact: Amy Munn (866) 516-1461 amy.munn@experient-inc.com www.experient-inc.com

The DealCenter is a turnkey product for trade show, conference or expo organizers. DealCenter, LLC works with trade show, expo or conference management companies to provide an online meeting system that enhances the peer-to- peer networking at the event for attendees and exhibitors. The DealCenter team also provides on-site management of the physical DealCenter or meeting area as well as all technical and customer support for all DealCenter users. The DealCenter team creates a customized, password-protected website that allows attendees and exhibitors to log on, view one anothers’ profiles and invite prospects and customers to meet on-site at the event. The DealCenter offers meeting planners a useful service that helps their sponsors, exhibitors and attendees realize measurable ROI from the event.

With Keppler Speakers, creating memorable meetings never felt so easy. With over 25 years of experience, we provide you solid, seasoned expertise, making speaker selection stress-free by managing all of the details. Keppler Speakers saves you precious time by matching you with speakers who are right on target. From proven performers to dynamic rising stars, our speakers bring fascinating, real stories and a gift for inspiring audiences.

PLI produces key cards & other products for hotels, meetings, conventions, events, and advertising. We also manufacture a full line of gift cards, membership cards and loyalty cards. PLI key cards put your message directly in the hands of hotel guests & meeting attendees. Your logo and message will be seen by guests 10 times a day. Event key cards capture attention, provide maximum exposure and allow guests to absorb your message. Custom keycards welcome and reach out to attendees, make your guests feel special and allow you to provide a personal touch.

Experient is the source for integrated meeting and event services. Formed in August 2006 (by joining industry leaders Conferon, ExpoExchange and ITS), Experient is the single contact for all Meeting Management, Trade Show Production and Registration and Housing needs. As your partner, Experient will become a member of your team, understanding all the goals of your event, and use proven techniques, creative methods and powerful industry connections to provide a distinct and memorable event experience and drive your business. The Top seven reasons why Experient is the best choice to be your integrated meeting and event partner: (1) Integrated resources; (2) Economies of scale; (3) Single source efficiency; (4) Best practice sharing; (5) Experienced people; (6) Leadership role; (7) Consultative approach.


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Planner Briefings

Your Products & Services Resource Directory

Smart City

is a full-service communications provider across the nation and one of the world’s largest communications providers to convention centers and hospitality venues. Smart City provides technologies that make their cities smarter places to work, live, and play. Making the world smarter. One city at a time. ®

Conventions: Information: (888) 446-6911 or (702) 943-6000 • Email: csr@Smart City.com Hospitality: General: (407) 828-6938 • Video Conferencing: General: (407) 828-6900

Cvent, Inc

Cvent, Inc. is the largest online event registration company in U.S., offering online registration, eMarketing, and data analy(866) 318-4358 sis for meeting and marketing professionals. Cvent’s tools vastFax: (703) 226-3502 ly improve attendance, efficiency, and cost effectiveness for www.cvent.com your meetings and events. The company is used by 5,000+ Reggie Aggarwal, Founder and Event/Marketing Professionals, used to plan over 50,000 Chief Executive Officer events per year; has sent more than 125 million email invitations, has increased the average attendance for its clients by 21% and decreased costs by an average of 47%.

P]ga pda Cqaooskng Kqp kb ?dkkoejc ] Ola]gan Why go it alone? We are your trusted advisors. With an average 15 years in the industry, our agents know the speakers and know the process. We save you time by understanding your exact needs and delivering speakers who are right on target.

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Continental Airlines “Work Hard. Fly Right.” For travel reservations to cities in the U.S., Canda Mexico: (800) 523-FARE www.continental.com Continental Airlines features a special program for event & meeting Planners—MeetingWorks. With Continental MeetingWorks, planners can receive discounted airfaire, and earn credits redeemable for an array of Travel Rewards, including round trip travel and upgrades. Booking and participation in the program can be done entirely online. MeetingWorks is for 10 or more guests traveling to an event from two or more originating cities. The benefits of this program include: Discounts off applicable published fares; Global zone fares; Customized flyers to promote the discounts; Your organization can earn productivity credits towards upgrades; Presidents Club passes, Presidents Club membership; domestic travel certificates and Continental currency coupons.


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124 Horizon Dr., Verona, WI 53593 (877) 626-3824; Fax: (800) 233-9787 www.pcnametag.com Nick Topitzes, President ntopitzes@pcnametag.com sales@pcnametag.com

Elizabeth Buckley OKLAHOMA CITY CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU ➤ 1,680 rooms downtown,

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MEETINGS MUST STAY RESPONSIVE TO ATTENDEES IN TIMES OF CHANGE researchers, and folks interested in improving the lives of people who have been diagnosed with diabetes. As a unified organization, the ADA was able to attract more attendees to its meetings, which only continued to grow in the long run. F&D: It’s been four years since the American Society of Association Executives, the Greater Washington Society of Association Executives, the ASAE Foundation, and The Center for Association Leadership joined together to become the ASAE & The Center for Association Leadership. What has been the benefit of this joining these organizations together? Graham: Organizations choose to partner for many different reasons, but when it comes to ASAE & The Center and the organizations that were involved in the merger, the main benefit was ultimately to create a stronger professional home for the association community. I think ASAE & The Center today is a much more vibrant, innovative and customer-focused organization than any of the previous entities was on their own. F&D: What were the major challenges in completing this unification? Graham: As with any merger, I think there were some challenges associated with melding two relatively distinct cultures and not losing anything in the process that was worth preserving. I think we were able to do that very effectively. There was not a lot of posturing in the process, and everyone involved was keenly aware of what we were working toward on behalf of the association community and what we needed to do to get there.

Continued from page 9

F&D: One of the most exciting events for ASAE & The Center in 2008 year was the first-ever Global Summit on Social Responsibility. What stands out to you as the most important accomplishment of this event? Graham: The Global Summit on Social Responsibility was a huge achievement for ASAE & The Center and the greater community of associations and nonprofit organizations that committed to this very important issue. We hosted the Summit last spring and have been working very diligently to continue the momentum and the aspirations of our members and friends. It was the first meeting where we had participants on site, along with folks who participated at a total of 19 connected sites across the world and online. It was truly a global experience and we made some very important commitments to be more socially responsible. A number of different projects emerged during the event with commitments to further explore each idea following the Summit. Everyone is very excited about our efforts and we are looking forward to taking the next steps. F&D: How can an awareness of, and a commitment to, social responsibility be part of a meeting, convention or trade show? Graham: Personally, I think that all organizations should adopt a social responsibility initiative and work closely with staff, members and stakeholders to become more socially responsible. Even the smallest steps, like starting a recycling campaign or adopting a local school, can have a big impact on the greater community. The meetings and conventions industry has a lot of potential to update the way we’re doing business with respect to social responsibility. Continued on page 64

Facilities & Destinations Planner Guide


Continued from page 63

And this is something that many organizations that represent this industry have already implemented. Their commitment to social responsibility is portrayed in the increased number of green meetings and events, for instance. Many organizations took steps to reduce their impact on the environment, starting with reducing handouts and paper waste, and providing reusable bags and reusable water bottles. F&D: What is the biggest challenge now for Association Executives and how has the ASAE responded to that challenge? Graham: Anytime you have a sluggish economy, you have to make sure everything you’re doing as a membership organization is responsive, timely and absolutely essential to your constituency. Another challenge we see is around oversight, and the increased scrutiny all types of tax-exempt organizations are encountering from Congress, the IRS, the media and other outside entities. We are living in an environment where disclosure and transparency are important, but we also want to be certain additional requirements imposed on the community don’t hamper their ability to carry out their essential purpose. F&D: What are the leading issues convention planners face in this new century? Graham: Although it’s impossible to predict what will change in the upcoming years, it’s very likely that many members will be affected by the rising price of gas and airline travel. We might see some emerging trends where associations organize meetings in

locations easily accessible to a majority of attendees and adjust costs of their events to be more affordable with the rising costs of transportation. I also believe we continue to feel the effects, post 9/11, of the difficulty of obtaining a visa to come to the U.S. This is especially true of those meetings with large international attendance. F&D: What change in the meetings and convention industry is something you wouldn’t have been able to conceive of when you started in this profession? Graham: The transformation, particularly with trade show, from a three-day event once a year to a 24/7 - 365 day event. With new technology, the trade show is being extended in virtual time throughout the year. It starts with face to face interaction at a physical trade show and is continued through virtual interaction and then renewed again at the trade show. This increases the ROI for both the customer and supplier, and they are better able to monetize their relationship. F&D: Will it replace the “physical” trade show? Graham: No. It adds value to the relationship between the two parties, but you will still need the face-to-face experience. The exciting thing is that you can do both.




Arthur R. Outlaw Mobile Convention Center.........27

MPI ...............................................................................7

ASAE & The Center ..................................................10

Norfolk Convention and Visitors Bureau ................53

Austin Convention Center........................................15

Oklahoma City Convention and Visitors Bureau29, 31

Baton Rouge Convention and Visitors Bureau.......16

Orange County Convention Center........................33

Charleston Civic Center ...........................................17

PCMA .........................................................................42


PLI ...............................................................................61

Daytona Beach Area

Providence Warwick

Convention and Visitors Bureau ..............................19

Convention and Visitors Bureau ..............................51

Facilities Media Group ............................................C4

Puerto Rico Convention and Visitors Bureau .........37

Greater Ft. Lauderdale/Broward County ................21

Rhode Island Convention Center Complex ...........35

HSMAI ........................................................................18

Rochester Riverside Convention Center.................39

Jackson Convention Complex ................................C2

Scanticon Hotel and Conference Center................45

Kansas City Convention

Sheraton Puerto Rico

& Entertainment Facilities ........................................23

Convention Center Hotel & Casino ........................41

KEPPLER Speakers ....................................................60

SMG/K’nekt ..............................................................4-5

Lake George Area In NY’S Adirondacks ................C3

University Center.......................................................43

Meadowlands Exposition Center ............................25

University of Virginia

Monona Terrace Convention Center.......................28

Alumni Association ...................................................44 Facilities & Destinations PLanner Guide

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