3 minute read
Off Balance?
Amidst the challenging events of 2020 were countless lessons to be learned, one being the impact of our home, our surroundings, on our well-being. To that end, OHLALA taps a feng shui expert who combines her expertise in and passion for the ancient practice with interior design and wellness to create spaces that are in harmony with their dwellers.
While the concept of feng shui is a novelty on the pages of OHLALA, it’s anything but new – experts suggest it has been around for over 6,000 years. But for those still wondering what it is, let us break it down. Feng shui – literally “wind-water” – is a pseudoscientific practice originating in ancient China that claims to use energy forces to harmonise individuals with their environment. How? By arranging the pieces in living spaces in order to create balance with the natural world. And at a time when we’ve mastered the art of staying in, feng shui is more important than ever.
Elaborating on how the role of feng shui has evolved over the course of 2020, Simone Osswald of SO Feng Shui Design says, “This year has indeed made people more conscious of their home surroundings. Being forced to stay at home and spending more time inside their four walls has changed the operations of their daily lives and shifted their attention towards arranging their homes to their new operational needs. People decluttered their rooms, redecorated their homes, and set up home offices. Even those unfamiliar with the concept of feng shui have unconsciously and naturally applied this ancient technique for themselves. Feng shui is indeed about creating a feel-good home with positive energies.”
And speaking of feeling good, we can’t help but discuss how mental health has been a hot-button issue for the last few months. “Mental health issues such as anxiety and depression can have a variety of causes and, in some cases, one’s physical environment can contribute to these health issues,” she says. “Blockages such as overwhelmingly cluttered spaces and unsuitable furniture placements can simply be remedied by decluttering and rearranging furniture pieces in a way that supports the positive energy flow throughout the entire home. Feng shui for the home can be compared to the practice of acupuncture for the body – once the blockages are removed, positive energy can flow again and bring us back to balance and harmony.”
As for the execution of feng shui principles? “We first need to understand the existing energies,” says Simone. “This is an exercise carried out by a professional feng shui practitioner, who has studied the calculation of energies through compass readings and formulas, and knows how to address serious and harmful imbalances in health, life, and financial matters. Just like a physiotherapist who has studied how to unlock bodies and ease pain, feng shui does not follow a one-size-fits-all formula when it comes to life-changing solutions. However, there are universal rules for spaces that can improve the overall energy flow in our homes to support general well-being – without pretending to change our lives.”
She suggests that we start by decluttering, one of the most popular and effective methods to facilitate a smooth flow of energy. “Clutter hinders an even qi flow, blocking our personal energy. Like acupuncture for the body, good feng shui ensures a smooth flow of energy in our homes, resulting in ease of mind and spirit. With everyone staying at home these days, clutter can accumulate easily and quickly, resulting in stress and an overwhelming state of mind. Feng shui advocates decluttering as a major home detox at least once a year. However, we can use our current time at home for thorough spring-cleaning sessions and an ongoing decluttering regimen.”
Simone also brings our attention to drawers, bookshelves, and wardrobes, all of which tend to contain too many things, thereby hindering the flow of qi throughout the entire space. “The rule of thumb is don’t keep items that you haven’t used for the last 12 months in your home. This is a good time to give away what you no longer need to those in need. Sort and tidy up the things you’re keeping and carry out five-minute ‘clutter checks’ throughout the day to ensure your home supports a positive state of mind at all times.”
Furthermore, she advises us to avoid furniture with sharp edges, keep walkways unobstructed, opt for natural materials, and decorate with plants in order to uplift the overall mood of a space. “You could compare this approach to the practice of yoga, which might not cure acute pain, but generally helps you stay flexible.”
As for taking self-care to the next step? Simone explains that we can actually create our very own “wellness oasis” at home as opposed to heading to a spa or retreat. “Based on my Second Nature© concept, there are a few tips on how to incorporate feng shui wellness into your home:

• Put on some relaxing background music with the volume on low.
• Put on your favourite ‘comfort’ clothes, especially if they’re freshly washed.
• Open the doors and windows to refresh the qi in all rooms.
• Turn on an air diffuser with your favourite essential oil in the rooms where you spend most of the day.
• Turn off all electronic devices in the bedroom, including the Wi-Fi router, at night for radiation-free and therefore deeply regenerating sleep.
• Make your home beautiful by decorating with items that are meaningful to you or those you simply find pleasing and uplifting.”
Head to www.so-fengshui.com to contact Simone Osswald and learn more.