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change their body and then tell other people their body is achievable, giving false standards and hope; do not ever take drugs to change your body, they are extremely harmful. Silly fitness equipment, like EMS and waist trainers, some of these are harmful and not natural for the body to use. What are the most important factors a person needs to take on in terms of changing their body and becoming fit and more healthy?
The first is your mindset, you need to be disciplined, committed and willing to struggle. Not being influenced by friends and social activities. Communicating with their personal trainer regularly and being honest about their habits and out of gym activities.
How do you think Social Media and in particular, Instagram negatively affects both men and women?
My advice is to eat fresh, non-processed foods. If you look at a label and it has many different ingredients, especially with long words on it then it cannot be healthy. For example, fish is fish, nuts are nuts, greens are greens (nothing is added – they are healthy). Don’t snack, don’t overeat, and don’t consume too much sugar. Avoid bad fats and eat plenty of good fats. Avoid or cut down on your dairy and refined and high GI carbohydrates. Don’t follow a diet that was not made for you, everyone is different and not everyone can eat the same foods. Our diets are specific to how your bodies hormones are functioning and your body goals.
What do you dislike about the fitness industry?
Photoshopped pictures and videos. Fake bodies (butt implants and injections), we can change our body naturally and look better. People on social media pretending to embrace fitness because it’s cool and not because they really want to get healthy. Personal trainers who keep showing how good their own body is. Fitness supplements - they are a are a scam, the best way to change your body is using wholesome food. Personal trainers that have taken drugs to
Social media has become a bragging ground for the insecure and those that need social approval from others. This is a one-way ticket to unhappiness for the influencer and consumer who strives to achieve something that is unrealistic. Today, people give too much value to the superficial, when they do not know the reality of the person making a post. It could be far different than what they portray. They only show their best bits! There is huge danger in comparing ourselves and not valuing our true self. We lose our identity and use false examples as a gauge for our success. To prevent this, we need to work on our minds, promote and acknowledge the smart and not superficial. Love doesn’t come from likes on a post, if comes from working on ourselves and helping those around us.
What are your tips or advice for anyone who wants to change their life and get super fit and healthy?
You need to assess everything in your life. This includes your environment friends and who is around you, reminding yourself why you want to do this. Get professional help, we cannot develop without help. Make sure the help is stable minded and lives the life they preach honestly. Set big goals, but make small but positive improvements daily and work on your mind first, everything else follows.
Instagram @abs.sharma, Whatsapp: +971 5440 08632, www.absthecoach.com