1 minute read
Walk the walk & talk the talk
We ran into Carrie last month and she wanted to announce her departure from the world of office work into the world of walking (animals). We’re suckers for a dog-based photoshoot so we got her into the studio to share her news and establishment of ‘Miss Dolittle’.
You were in property, you’re moving to spend your time with animals, tell us about that move?
Growing up in a house with an animal rights campaigner it became first nature to love and respect animals, I grew up feeling a little more comfortable in the company of animals than I did people and so a deep affection for little furry beings was born. I’ve spent my career trying to prove myself and climb the metaphorical ladder to find it doesn’t actually create happiness. I realise happiness comes from doing what we love with those that we love, creating time and space for that which we value. So, it makes sense to me to go back to my values and embark on this journey and create time to invest in what has meaning to me. Animals, Nature and walking. Weather doesn’t faze me and all that this island has to offer keeps me grounded and grateful so why wouldn’t I?
We see quite a few vans with quirky dog-walker brand names. What is Miss Dolittle going to do differently? Miss Dolittle is going to be offering an all round pet-sitting/ pet-care service. Whether you need your dog walked or boarded, your cat fed and given company or your rabbit and other small furries cleaned out I’m happy to help. All your domestic pet needs covered by one familiar friendly face and I have a loyalty scheme for long-term customers.
When you’re looking after a troupe of four-legged friends, how do you stop them bickering? Positive reinforcement, distraction and treats, lots of treats!!
What’s your favourite walk route and how many miles do you walk in a week?
As someone labelled ‘outdoorsy’ amongst friends I have so many favourites and after 21 years on the island I love being surprised by new scenes. I do particularly love the wildness of the West, Grantez is a beautiful landscape with fantastic views or Portlet Common or Greve D’Lecq woods. It’s hard to choose. My mileage can vary but 20+ miles a week would be an average.
Poo bags on the rear wiper, necessary evil or big no-no? OMG nothing is that necessary! No!! Walk to the nearest bin.