2 minute read
English speaker, and grow up with the language, music and some of the food. I have to say Portuguese food is still my favourite between the two! There are times where you don’t feel like you belong to either one. I’m not Portuguese to the Portuguese community, but I’m not 100% English to the English community, you don’t really belong all the time. But I’m proud to be a bit of both.

If you could change or improve something in Jersey what would it be?
Affordable living and accommodation. This is such a beautiful Island, and so many Jersey born people are leaving. Many of those who moved to Jersey and were a part of i, have left or are planning on leaving because you simply cannot afford to live in a place that’s in decent condition with our wages. Let alone supporting ourselves in terms of utilities, food and living costs.
What is the best thing you like in Jersey?
I love the diversity we have in Jersey. We have different foods, cultures, people all making one big melting pot here. I think we should embrace that we have the honour of experiencing different personalities and walks of life on this small Island.
What inspires you?
My family and friends inspire me daily, they are the strongest, most willing people I have met. These people know who they are. Be it their laughter, voices, vulnerability, strength, humour, love and care are just inspiring.
Hi Joana, can you introduce yourself?
I’m Jo and I’m 21 years old. I work in a Jewellers full time and also at a food shop part time. My favourite thing to do is just listen to music in my downtime and relax after busy days and weeks. Saturdays are always nice to sit at the church as most people are off work, and it’s just peaceful, a way to quiet the mind for an hour.
What is it like to be 21 years old in 2022?
Being my age in 2022 is definitely not easy. I mean it’s not like I can compare it to anything. But be it, social standards, pressure, work, dating, renting or trying to invest in property; it’s all very superficial and social-media led. I’m not saying it’s all negative, but I hear stories of people when they were my age and it just seems so much more fluid and natural. There is so much pressure on my generation and the new generation to be perfect and have everything planned or calculated already. But I think a little less pressure, and more listening/understanding is what we need.
You were born in Jersey, but your parents are Portuguese. Could you share something about your experience growing up with twp different cultures?
I loved growing up with two cultures. I was blessed to experience the language, especially phrases that are only known to the Portuguese community, oh and especially the food! But I’ve also loved having that ability to be a fluent
What are you thankful for?
I’m thankful for my line of work. We get to be a part of special occasions. I work in Goldsmiths on Queen Street and we love interacting with people; smiling and being a part of experiences. I’m also thankful again for my family and friends, they really do support me through the good and the bad.
What would your super power be and why?
My superpower of choice would be teleportation. Not that original but I would like to be able to visit family in Madeira and Portugal whenever I want to!