1 minute read
Viraj Kotedia
Paralegal (Litigation) at Mourant
What made you choose to work for Mourant?
While still at school, I applied to the Mourant Bursary Student Scheme. Fortunately, I was offered a place and received on-going support and experience from the firm while at university. The assistance I received from Mourant was invaluable and I was fortunate enough to meet some great people along the way. From this, I decided that Mourant would be a great place to gain further experience and develop my career – an award winning prestigious firm with an inclusive and supportive culture.
What professional training have you done?
I completed my LLB at Warwick University and I am currently in the process of completing the Legal Practice Course (LPC).
What do you do on an average day?
My main tasks consist of legal research; drafting documents; discovery exercises; corresponding with clients; drafting knowledge articles; and assisting with the preparation for court hearings. During lunch, I like to spend my time outdoors with friends.
What is your next step?
I’m currently looking for a role in London where I continue my legal career using the skills and knowledge I’ve built during my time at Mourant whilst experiencing more of city life. I aim to qualify as a Solicitor in the next few years.
What advice would you give yourself as a graduate considering the experience you have now?
Even if you feel like you may not be in the right place, remember that no experience is wasted experience. The breadth of law means that any skill developed will be transferable to a legal career. The best way of knowing what you enjoy and what is right for you is to get stuck into as many different areas as you can!
Age: 22
University attended: University of Warwick Course: Law LLB
What did you want to be when you were 8 years old? Professional cricket player
Favourite way to relax: Exercising - playing sport (particularly cricket)/going to the gym
Favourite place to eat in Jersey: El Tico/Anything by the beach
Favourite possession: My Grandfather’s fleece