1 minute read
Tristan Finlay
Paralegal (Finance and Corporate) at Mourant
What made you choose to work for Mourant?
I first worked for Mourant in 2018, through the ‘Life in Finance’ scheme, and became a bursary student in 2019. I always appreciated the friendly and supportive culture alongside an incredible quality of work, and found myself drawn to this after graduating.

What professional training have you done?
I am currently studying parttime towards a Postgraduate Certificate in Finance.
What do you do on an average day?
I tend to listen to Radio 4 on the way to work to keep up-to-date with current affairs. At work, being part of the ‘Finance and Corporate’ team is great, as it is a broad practice area that works on a wide range of matters. At lunch, I try to go for a run to stretch my legs and get some fresh air. Finally, before leaving work I’ll review my recorded time and make sure that it is all accurate before releasing it to the billing team.
What is your next step?
I am hoping to go to London next year to study the law conversion, and then to spend some time there working in the City.
What advice would you give yourself as a graduate considering the experience you have now?
This may be a bit premature, but that there is not one ‘right’ path to follow to get to where you want. Having spoken to numerous lawyers, most seem to have taken a unique journey to where they are today and this has if anything given them an edge. Whether working as a paralegal, or doing something else, you do not need to go to law school straight after university (or at least I hope!).
Age: 21
University attended: Durham University Course: BA History
What did you want to be when you were 8 years old?
A spy
Favourite way to relax: Pub
Favourite place to eat in Jersey: La Capannina (affectionately ‘the Cap’)
Favourite possession: My dog (if she counts…)