E-FOLIO A wrap up activity of the course Technology for Language Learning, Armando Pelicó Joaquín
EDUCATIONAL BLOG NAME: Educational Blog. DESCRIPTION: It is a blog designed to connect the education community through a virtual environment.
INFOGRAPHIC NAME: INFOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION: An infographic a popular form of content marketing that can help you simplify a complicated subject or turn an otherwise boring subject into a captivating experience. Ideally, an infographic should be visually engaging and contain a subject matter and data that is appealing to your target audience …something that is truly ‘link worthy’ or ‘share worthy’.
TUTORIAL MOVENOTE NAME: MOVENOTE DESCRIPTION: With Movenote you can express your presentation with emotions. Simultaneously you can provide documents parallel to your video performance. Movenote synchronizes the video and the side content for you when recording the presentation. https://movenote.com/v/LAYeoKY8Msm
VOKI DESCRIPTION: Voki is an educational tool that allows users to create their very own talking character. Voki characters can be customized to look like historical figures, cartoons, animals, and even yourself!
https://www.google.com.gt/search?ei=ZxQNWrT6DMPsmAG1uZLABg&q=what+is+voki&oq=wh at+is+voki&gs_l=psy-ab.3...11645.12987.0.13523.
POWTOON DESCRIPTION: PowToon is a user-friendly and intuitive animation software. Anyone can create engaging, animated videos with a professional look and feel.
https://www.google.com.gt/search?q=what+is+powtoon&oq=what+is+powtoon&aqs=chrome.. 69i57.3102j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
EDUCAPLAY DESCRIPTION: Educaplay is a free website which lets teachers create a wide variety of different educational interactive resources. These can then be linked to, or embedded into your blog/VLE. Activities that you can create include: Listen and read dialogues.
https://www.educaplay.com/en/editarActiv idad.php?action=editarActividad&idActivida d=3354901
https://www.google.com.gt/search?q=what+is+educaplay&oq=what+is+educaplay&aqs =chrome..69i57.2665j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8