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The Truth In all my fettered body My blood thickens and blackens To draw the truth Only the plain truth To draw the plaits of sadness And the picture of suppressed love To draw out breaths scenting The essence of things

Abu Harees : "Overlooking Color in quest for the abstract truth" An artist , regardless of his own realm , is always in quest for the abstract truth. The truth is not an evasive apparition that has to be seized in hand , but it's an essence that we must confess it's permanent existence and be always after it in an everlasting search. Let's consider the case of our artist , Abu harees who summons us to witness his new masterpiece that he called "The Abstract Truth". He's asking us to study his new artistic project that is utterly different from his twenty-year old experience. He seems to introduce an explanation or an answer to the existential question of this particular artistic period. He has taken it for duty to disclose and illuminate the colorful horizons of his own biography and his artistic history via two distinct colors: "White & Black". This new experience goes far as to represent a colorful adventure that is evident to the one who is able to perceive the truth. That's why it's not easy to indulge in the course this experience unless a philosophical attitude is taken before hand. These new masterpieces are considered as a specific step forward on the part of the artist , not only because they are based on the two distinct colors "White & Black" , but because they have wounded their way to the optical controversy. This controversy is inherent in the in closure of the white area. This is obvious when we know that the artist starts with drawing white and black colors on the symbolic

and existential basis. The artist acts as if he were trying to get rid of the fetters of the tyrannical impression of the colors. That's why the artist avoids drawing white background in favor of the black perspective in his pieces. Maybe this is due to the difficulty and complicatedness of drawing the white effects right from the start. The artist's pieces include – besides the color effects-various tiny optical logs like the image of the moon that is regarded as a central hero in some of his small pictures. The moon appears as if it were a symbol of illuminance through which the abstract truth appears distinct in the Ocean of darkness. The artist's pieces also include a number of small inscriptions and a number of interfering symbols. There – in these inscription – are longitudinal curves that are smoothly sliding inside the arteries of the optical script. They are logs that are trying to shape out persons or simple places. They are more like a blurred or vague truth intended to be envisioned by the artist. You could just see apparitions or some foggy images that are more like vanishing movie shots appearing on the cinema screens to effect memorial events. In fact we don't have irony relating the name of the Exhibition: "The abstract Truth" to the symbolic color distinction because the artist wants to bring it home to us that his artistic pieces are mere simulations of life. Life is full of hardships and comforts , joys and sad nesses , hopes and desperations and finally white spots as black spots. It's out of question that the artist himself has experienced those ironies and contradictions in dealing with his fellow human beings. The artist is evidently conscious of the pessimisms of life.

That melancholy attitude of the artist is apparent in the dominance of the black color in his pictures and in the withdrawal of the white area. The black is sieging the white , even tries to eclipse it or obliterates it's identity. The artist wants to absent the false life that tries to absent the abstract truth. Sami Jeraidi Artist & Literary critic 2010 C. 1431 e.

Abu Harees and the Truth Compatible colors , Distinct colors and severely contradicted colors are some of the bases of plastic art. Handwriting , space , area , mass , light and shadow are all some other elements of plastic art. In my view , drawing in white and black is far more difficult than painting using different colors. That's true since the artist has to implement his drawings using only two distinct colors in order to simulate a complete realm of shade and other elements that are naturally different. The artist has got to put into consideration that it is difficult to delete something or to retrieve it. Only one mistake in drawing in inks may mean to tear up the whole frame immediately. The two distinct colors white and black are definitely difficult to work with as it's evident from the work of so many artists in the Arab nation or in the international world. Consider, for example , the Russian artist "Kazimier Malivitce" when he dealt with the white colors. Through his

famous series "The white" he was able to attain the summit of the art called "Non-Resemblance" or what's called "NonSubjective". He was able to introduce the simplest forms of briefness and stenography in shape and in color. One of the Arab artists is "Shadiah Al Qushairy" from Egypt who was inspired by the two distinct colors, "the white and the black" to depict human faces. Her point of view was that the two distinct colors white and black are not two opposing things but each one integrates the other harmoniously. Why don't we respect this point of view? We must respect it since color helps the artistic work. We are not concerned with examining the work or showing the aesthetic aspect on the basis of just a narrow look there are certain scientific criteria that must be put into consideration when the artist introduces his work giving his intellectual perspective and showing his uneasy misgivings. The se misgivings prospect for comfort and solution. The Saudi Artist "Faez Abu Harees" adores the black color as an essential element in so many of his inscriptions. Aesthetically and professionally the artist adds up to this color architectural features and some motivating inheritance. It's obviously tangible in his pieces of black and white in the previous period. And I can be as a creditable witness because I have always follow his artistic works inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. However , in his group of works that he named "The Abstract Truth", he doesn't focus on the logical aesthetics that is inherent in his pictures, but there is always something that hi is attracted to. Something that hi is attracted to according to his own view and visions and according to his beliefs and challenges that could be perceived by the witness

who is able to discern the hidden truth. It is completely vague to the common witness. And in order to bring the artists view home to you, let's fathom the depth of his works. We will find two surfaces the artist has been dealing with to form an idea he aims to: The first surface is drawing on a rectangular piece of cloth using Ecrelic colors and pastes in order to render it different and distinct as when touching. This approach achieves harmony and this result requires tactful and smart observing of the work. The second surface is drawing on foils of white brass using the black printing ink. In this work Abu Harees is able to give a compound appearance from the black color and white surface of the brass foil. This is to introduce a number of pictures listed under the name: "The school of abstraction" that give the witness a first impression that there is a realm somewhere , where the people are featured with relation of attractions and repulsions, the same as the case with our real life. The same as what is going on in our real life of joys and sufferings , richness and poverty and all that's hidden in the unknown world. Therefore those varied classes of people need social integration and mutual sponsorships. This is an essential requirement that well look forward to everywhere. Only there , that the truth is enshrined. It's difficult to change our notions unless we have sincere self criticisms against our souls that insinuates wrongs to us. It's the bright side of human life , it's the white where as the other side which is the black one and the beautiful one that requires challenge to deal with according to a sublime view and thought that we can find easily with artist Abu Harees. By plastic Artist\ Saeed Al Alawi 1\6\1431 e. – 15\5\2010 C.

Critical Reading By Dr. Iman Hassan El Montaser Umol Qura University – The Holy Makkah It's through the far depth of History and it's words that are aureoles with the illuminations of pride and dignity , it's through the present with it's sufferings and sad nesses dose artist Abu Harees inscribe his alphabets in a fine featured inscription and with a subtle tool and dim color and inherent ornaments that Harees renders the human beings and places their real meanings . Harees, pictures are rich in inspiring marks and appealing grooves in such a way that he can tell us the abstract truth of our real entity and our present that's wrapped in sufferings and pains. It's there in a certain spot between those two distinct colors "White & Black" does the Artist's spirit abide with his

abundant and accumulating memories. Only then can there be harmony and agreement in expressions full of contemporary and everyday implications. There , where research and experimentation is done and there , where revelation is clearly before the one who witnesses the artist's pictures. Only there through the log of compatibility between the two distinct color's "White and Black" can the witness understand the artist's pieces. Artist Abu Harees leads his life in his own infatuated realm full of sufferings , pains and worried misgivings. And here I may quote the wise saying: "Too bright light as well as utter darkness , both don't allow our eyes to see well". However , in Harees pieces in his exhibition named "The abstract truth" , We can see neither sheer brightness nor utter darkness. On the contrary we can feel beautiful embrace and harmonious compatibility between the two contradicted color's aiming to divulging the abstract truth to every witness. Only there can we feel the aesthetic , artistic and constructive values. We can also see how the depicted lines are related and how the minute elements and details appeal to the witness , The witness is encouraged to peruse the truth surrounding him through the tiny elements of the piece hi is witnessing. Abu Harees , experience in his Exhibition "The Truth" results in nothing but the product of the long time practices and experimenting and the product of possessing the right artistic tools. It's also the product of his serious contemplation in life through his deep insight.

Abu harees was born in the Holy Makkah in 1375 e. Abu harees is the founding member of the headquarters memory and the founding member of the Arab plastic artists. He is also the founding member of the artistic essence group. More over , he is a member in the American university (C.A.A). Abu Harees setup four private exhibitions before and shared in a number of exhibitions inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Abu Harees pieces are acquisitions in the homes of some businessmen and elite women-women of high social status – and in the governmental headquarters as well as in different Embassies. Abu Harees is honored by a good number of awards and certificates of appreciation, the most out standing of them is the first place in the Arabic Calligraphy competition in the contemporary Exhibition 1424 e.

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