h o n g
fa n g t i n g
Z hong
F angting
我叫钟芳亭,出生于 1995 年 3 月 21 日。 我是一名富有激情的设计师, 现居上海。2018 年毕业于英国南安普顿大学的温彻斯特艺术学院,就读
交互设计(Communication Design)专业,并成功获取硕士学位。曾 在四川外国语大学重庆南方翻译学院就读视觉传达设计,并于 2017 年获 得艺术学士学位。点击这里可以浏览我研究生阶段的项目及研究。
Hello! My name is Fangting Zhong, born on 21 March 1995 and I am a passionate Designer. I finished my BA in Visual Communication Design at CNTC of SISU in Chongqing, China in 2017 then went to England to study for MA in Communication Design at Winchester School of Art. Here you will find nine projects and a link documenting my relevant MA research.
25th Sep 2017 – 30th Sep 2018
Master of Arts (Communication Design) Winches
30thSep 2013 – 30th Jun 2017
Bachelor of Arts (Visual Communication Desig
Sichuan International Studies University (CNTC o
11th Mar 2019 – Now Play&Pause 创意咨询,上海,插画师 / 视觉设计师
Play&Pause Creative Agency, Illustration for SPD
30th Nov 2016 – 3rd Feb 2017 Nooji 设计工作室,成都,自由视觉设计师
Nooji Design Studio, Freelance,VI Design for Cr
10th Apr 2016 – 2nd Jul 2016 重庆元禾大千艺术品有限公司,重庆,平面设计实习生
C h o n g q i n g Yu a n H e D a Q i a n A r t w o r k http://www.cqyhdq.cn/, Chongqing, China
ster School of Art, UK
gn) Nanfang Translators College of
of SISU), Chongqing, China
DB(Bank), Puma, Radley, etc, Shanghai, China
reation Film Studio, Chengdu, China
Co., Ltd., interned and helped with website design,
Excellence Award in the 8th National College St China 2016
First Prize in Students’ Works Exhibition of the C 2015
National First-class Scholarship, China 2014
First-class Scholarship of CNTC of SISU, Chongq
tudents Advertising Art Competition,
NTC of SISU, Chongqing, China
qing, China
Here you will find nine projects and a link documenting my relevant communication
n design research.
设计这个网站的目的是去储存记录我在温彻斯特 艺术学院就读交互设计研究生课程的学习过程,
其中包括了 9 个项目。 我可以利用这个网站去反 思自己所学,并有机会向其他人展示我的作品。
This website is designed to document my MA study at WSA, university of Southampton, which includes nine projects. It gives me an opportunity to review and reflect on what I’ve learnt during master course and represents my works to other viewers.
TRUST TELLER 研究调查发现协同消费大最大痛点是—不信任感导致的低参与度。
这份报纸通过收集大量真实故事,提倡协同消费的生活方式。其次, 利用报纸作为媒介使得居民也可以相互传阅内容,使得项目本身成 为协同消费的一部分。完整调查过程,请点击。
The Newspaper, Trust Teller, is designed to promote the concept of a sharing lifestyle and to raise awareness of sharing through illustration and through real stories from everyday life. My idea is to distribute my newspaper to various people, with a view to their subsequently sharing this newspaper with others. Full Project
在这个项目中,我经过了调研 - 理解听众 - 找到挑战 - 寻找解决方案 反思 / 调整方案 的一个设计循环过程,也是基于我在研究生阶段学
习到的设计思维之一:5C Modelling。通过利用各种用户调查手
靠调研的设计。我试图去阅读关于协同消费的各种方面的文献报道, 并找到了一份来自 PWC 的报告。我从这份共享经济的报告调查并
事物是需要建立在亲近关系的人的推荐之上。因此我做了一副关于 体验一种协同消费的 User Experience Map 让我关注于一个需要 解决的问题。
Through final project, I have moved from doing a design as an aesthetic activity to a deeper research-based way by using various research methods and testing skill. As I mentioned before, my final project lasted from the second semester until the end of this studying year, research occupied my main plan. I was trying to search any fields of topics about collaborative consumption as I could. I found a report about the sharing economy from PwC that many people would not trust sharing until they are recommended by someone they trust. Thus, I made the user experience map by using the sense of empathy and my primary research information as a user research technique to help me myself to focus on a certain problem.
完整调查过程,请点击 / Full Project
24: RESONANCE 在该项目中讨论自我认知。 我的昵称是 24, 由此每次朋友或 是自己在路上碰见了 24 相关的一切事物都会让我们相视一笑, 我称这种感觉:共鸣。
This is a personal project that allows me to discuss self identity. My nickname gradually developed into a simple number: 24. When I encounter anything to do with number 24, an indescribable feeling takes over me. That is the reason why the project tittle is 24: Resonance.
24: Resonance in exhibition place
这本书囊括了一切我在生活中观察到的及对我有着重大意义的,关于 24 的数字的事物。 灯光装置是由
短不同的 LED 灯带组成:一根 1 米长,象征着生命本身的长度;一根 2 米长,意味着我真实走过,并
的人生。由此,当观赏者阅读这本书,就变成了他们见证我生命本身长度的短线,而我观察着他们这一 成了那条长线,我仍然走着那条我走着的路。
The book contains many people I have met or things I have noticed, which have profound impact
with regards to number 24. The installation is composed of two different lengths of LED stripes, o 1 metre and other with 2 metres. The longer one symbolises the real path I have walked through
and the shorter one represents the existence of life in this world. The viewer reading this book be
part of the shorter LED stripe representing my life's existence, consequently becoming part of the LED stripe, becoming part of the path I have taken.
24: Resonance the book
由 2 根长
on me,
one with my life,
e longer
UNIVERSE 曾在成都无早销售 On sale in Wuzao Independent Book Shop, Chengdu Universe 是 4 张一套的明信片。当人们寄出明信片,宇宙的
概念就从一方传至了各方。每张明信片的主题是过去,现在, 未来和平行宇宙。每一张又意味着不同时期。
Universe is a set of four postcards. It’s a freelance piece of work. My aim is to convey the idea of communication. When people send a postcard to others, the ‘universe’ is delivered from each other. There are four themes in this project: past, present, future and multiuniverse, each of which presents the common understanding of universe in different eras.
Universe postcards front
Universe postcards back
THE BEATLES 该项目是个人对披头士文化在中国大陆地区的宣传。 这本立体
书借用了无印良品 CD 播放机的外形。它包含 4 个部分,并采用
披头士乐队的四首歌曲代表着 4 个年龄阶段。同时该项目包含 一个定格动画:https://vimeo.com/289457223
This is a self-initiated work saluting to the Beatles. It is a pop-up book based on the shape of MUJI CD player and is designed to promote Beatles in China. It includes four parts, each of which represents a song from this band and a stage of people’s life. I have also made a stop-motion.
Yellow Submarine from the Beatles
Free as a bird from the Beatles
Yellow Submarin
Free as a bird
ne from the Beatles
from the Beatles
When I’m sixty-four from the Beatles
Revolution from the Beatles
In this part, pictures of Chairman Mao presents the b o o k a n d C Y N . R e g r e t t a b l e , I f i n d t h e r e ’s n o u s e t o study this book. Ironically, nobody could live without the paper money carrying the portrait of chairman Mao. Thus, I notice if one takes a part for the whole, he would suffer lost.
1 It sings a child’s daydream. Children have no worries and troubles. Therefore, I choose this unreasonable children’s song. Happy childhood is the first stage of life.
Free as a bird was r of John Lennon. The but people who are in their last stage of losing relatives and f
Yo u n g g u y s h a v e a l w a y s b e e n t h i r s t y f o although they don’t know who will be th accompanies themselves at the age of 64. Pau this song when he was just 16 years old. Th affection made him excited. This is the second of life. People will turn crazy one day. In th what appears in people’s mind is the beautiful f
eleased fifteen years after the death e most terrible thing is people will die still alive will remember all. People f life have to suffer from the pain of friends.
r love, he one ul wrote he pure d stage hat day, future.
1. 这是关于孩子白日梦的一首歌。孩子总是无忧无虑的。因此
我选择这首毫无逻辑的童歌作为人生的第一个阶段, 开心的童年。 2. 年轻人总是渴望爱情,尽管谁也无法预料在 64 岁时谁在陪伴 自己。保罗麦卡特尼在 16 岁时写下这首充满激情的情歌时,也 正值自己陷入情窦初开的美梦幻想。这一阶段的年轻人,也总会 有这样纯情的阶段。
3. 在这一阶段,歌词中的“毛主席的照片”被具象为着一本书与
也无法成 功”。可我很 遗憾地 发现学习这本书并没有任 何用处。 讽刺的是印着毛主席头像的人民币反而更加让着迷。人在中年时, 需要惆怅的事情太多,最明显的,那大概就是金钱了。
4. 自由如鸟在约翰列侬死后的第 15 年终于发布了。人生最可怕 的事情不过于死亡,可生者永远记得死者。年岁已老,不得不面
SNACKAPPY 这是一个为帮助就读于南安普顿大学的大学生利用自动售卖机 APP
购买饮品与小吃的项目。在调查过程中发现许多学生因为课程紧凑, 课间时间非常紧张,其设计目的就是为解决购买食物需要前往食堂 超市,且超市频繁排队与缺货的问题。点击查看完整项目。
Sea Green is a vending machine app that allows student in University of Southampton to remotely order snacks and drinks via cellphone in advance to solve out-of-stock problem and nochange problem. Full Project Click Here.
research/ 调查采访
Lo-fi Prototype
Hi-fi Prototype
RESEARCH 这个项目是一个我基于 5C Modelling 的又一个案例。
通过收集信息,理解消费群体,提出挑战及概念,创新 及合作而设计的一个自动售卖机 APP。
我通过采访调查从而获取一定数量的一手资料。同时通 过对比同类软件,阅读相关文章去完善采访问卷的问题 设 置。 为 了 理 解 用 户, 我 一 方 面 去 列 举 关 于 iPhone 的
Affordance 特性。同时分析了 PACT(人群,行为,情
景及设备)从而画出 Persona。由此,我在准备思考创 意的过程中,非常容易得出消费者的痛点,更好去解决
实际问题。 通过多次建立早期低保真的模型去测试整个 软件流程的流畅性,再利用 Adobe XD 进行高保真的流 程模拟。
This project is a good example to verify the steps advocated by 5C modeling. I collected data and information mostly by interview and observation with mates as primary research to get enough quantity samples and research similar survey or article as secondary research. To comprehend the user group better, on the one hand, I tried to find all the affordance of design carrier such as iPhone 7. On the other hand, I analyse PACT and make personas as well as the scenario. Thus, when it comes to conceptualizing the strategy I can do some brainstorm and select the most promising ideas. Lo-Fi Prototype and test help me to keep my focus on targets in the early stage so that when I make a Hi-Fi digital prototype.
我的调查方法分为两大类:一手资料与二手资料。其中运用的手段包括,利用共情心理成为 使用者,观察并采访使用者; 其他同类 APP 的使用体验。
My primary research contains be the user, interview and observation. Secondary Research is based on worldwide vending machine apps.
以小组进行采访,并整理资料将用户分为三种群体: 售卖机从未使用者,常使用者,不常使用者。每两 个人组队去采访每一种使用者群体,从而提炼出用 户 Persona。我采访了 15 名学生,去了解他们的 零食及饮品习惯,和远程支付的相关体验。 We are required to do research in a team. After 2-day observation, we divided users into 3 group: User who never used the vending machine in campus. Rarely-user Frequently-user
Each two becomes a new small team to finish one persona of each user group.
I interviewed 15 students in WSA to figure out their snack and drink demanding, cellphone model as well as the trust of mobile payment.
User Flow
由此,我希望通过设计一个移动端的自动售卖机 APP,去帮助消费者快速购买零食饮品,并尽可能避 售卖机种货品未及时补货及货品常会卡住在售卖机的尴尬情景。
此外,添加利用支付宝,PayPal 快捷支付,减轻了许多国际学生不必要的现金支出。 在调查过程中,我发现大部分学生的手机型号为 iPhone 7.
My aim is to make the whole process faster by typing what user want or choose from their saved list in homepage, and show the stock information in the early stage to solve the out-of-stock problem. To deal with stuck problem, I put help button in the order page so that avoid wasting time to tap Menu. By voice to collect product will attract other students’ attention which is another way to encourage purchase, I think, since many student actually never used the vending machine and even never noticed it.
Quite a lot international students are studying here. This app allows not only mobile banking payment but also Alipay and PayPal.
Based on my research, iPhone 7 is the most popular screen size.
Information Architecture
Please watch th
看 视频展示
he Final Video
ALICE 这是本科毕业作品。将《爱丽丝梦游仙境》通过 12 副插画表现, 并印刷在 18 米长的丝缎上制成举行风琴折页书籍,使读者能 够边走边读,沉浸故事之中。
This is my BA final project. It is an illustrated accordion book printed on 18-metre long silk and designed is to encourage readers to interact with the story of Alice by walking and viewing through these twelve illustrations.
UNBRIDLED 以故宫藏品,石青色缎绣彩云蓝龙绵甲为原型设计的围裙—
围所欲为。借用其元素:五彩丝线绣正面团龙、祥云、海水、 及如意作为装饰纹样,寓意如意吉祥,围裙宛如铠甲般坚固 并保护着穿戴者。
This apron is inspired by Mineral-blue Armor from the Palace Museum. Decorated with cloud dragons, waves, and auspicious emblems(ruyi), which means Auspicious in Chinese culture, the apron is designed to protect the user as the armor does.
* 浦发银行商业插图 /Illustration for SPDB(Bank)
n it!
RADLEY 618 Royal Ascot 皇家赛马会是属于贵族的奢华聚会, 更是世 界潮流的风向标。以 # 英国 618 来了 # 为主题,提前宣传
张予曦的四套赛马会装,每款装扮搭配一个 radley 主推包 包,在微博和微信同时举办 H5 互动活动 -- 由用户来猜一猜
张予曦将以哪一套 Look 现身 Royal Ascot。 猜中的人将赢 得这款装扮中包包的优惠券。
The Royal Ascot is a posh party which leads the fashion trend of the world. With #the Mid-Year shopping
festival is coiming# as the theme, we will promote four Royal A scot style outfits of Zhang Yu x i i n a d va n ce . A n d ea c h d re s s i s e q u i p p e d with a Radley bag. At the same time, people can
take part in the activities via Weibo and WeChat to guesses which dress she will take in Royal Ascot. The one with the right answer will gain the coupon for a handbag.
*Radley London H5
*Radley London 海报 /Poster
SUGARLAND SUGARLAND 是一家下午茶餐厅。它的主题则是一口甜品 的诱惑。我选用方糖与仙境作为元素。
SUGARLAND is a afternoon tea room. Its slogan is Sugar is a lust & bite into wonderland. For this VI
design, I use the cube sugar and the wonderland of Alice as elements to show the characteristics of this shop.
* 百年孤独 / 书籍设计
* 大学生广告大赛 / 全国优秀奖
* LOGO 练习
* 独立影片工作室 / 品牌升级
Lucy in the sky with diamonds, 2017, inspired by the Beatles’ song
Summer says, 2016, inspired by coastline of Cuba
Inspired by
y The Dance, Henri Matisse
I would welcome an opportunit with you at your ea
Telephone: +86
Email: zhongfang
ty to discuss my qualifications arliest convenience.
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