Unicorns by, Diana Cooper Guardian Angels by Tom T. Moore Articles on: Angel Altars - Archangel Michael Archangel Raphael - Archangel Gabriel Featured Artwork: Lisa Iris and Sue Miller Real Angel Messages
Featuring podcasts about Faeries including Gossamer Winged Fairies, Unicorns, Mermaids, Elves, Gnomes And more! Free on iTunes!!!
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The Faeries and Angels Magazine TM
All Material © The Faeries and Angels Magazine 2010 All Rights Reserved. Editor in Chief: Adrienne Dumas Contact Us at Send Submissions to:
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Contents: Introduction to the Angels by Adrienne Dumas Unicorns by Diana Cooper Interview with Lisa Iris Creating an Angel Altar by John Pacifico The Romance Angels by Adrienne Dumas Archangel Michael by Adrienne Dumas Interview with Sue Miller Archangel Raphael by Andrea Dombecki What is a Guardian Angel by Tom T. Moore Messages from The Angels Archangel Gabriel by Calista
Artwork Featured: Lisa Iris Michael “Warble” Finucane Sue Miller
Cover Artwork:
“The Faeries and Angels Maga“Mystic Rose” by Lisa Iris zine” does not warranty any of the services or products advertised in this magazine. Opinions and factual statements expressed herein are the responsibility of the authors and are not necessarily endorsed or verified by this magazine, nor do advertisements necessarily constitute endorsement by the magazine, it’s publisher or editors.
Angels are known as messengers of God. They communicate the loving God/Goddesses messages for us through our intuition and inspiration. The angels are also great healers, protectors and guides. The Angels can assist us in healing any physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual dis-ease.
They can also serve as our guides and protectors. Every person is born with a Guardian Angel, having chosen this Guardian Angel to be with him or her before they are born. Each person is also born with a Solar Angel, who has existed with them through their many incarnations on earth and on various other planets and realms. The Angels are not to be confused with our human Spirit Guides, for Spirit Guides are beings that we have known at least once in Our human Spirit Guides serve as our guides after being educated on the Other Side about how to be a Spirit Guide and thus they serve to be at our side throughout our life, guiding us and helping us to stay on the right path in life. Artwork Š Lisa Iris
Angels, however, have never been human. Some believe that there are beings known as "Human Angels", who are Angels who incarnate either for a brief period or a full lifetime on earth. I believe this is a possibility, due to the changes that need to be made on our planet, but I believe that the Human Angels will only be human once in order to assist in that way. The Angels were created out of the God/Goddesses love and light; they exist for love and light; and they are eternal beings of love and light. Their purpose is to remind us that we too are beings of love and light and they assist and guide us in living a life that reflects the reality of the God/Goddess, which is the reality of love and light. You can call upon the Angels at any time and for any reason. There are many Angels all throughout the Omniverse. The Omniverse is full of many planets, stars, galaxies, universes, realms, dimensions and realities. Continued on the next page . . .
(Continued . . . ) Each of these planets, stars, galaxies, universes, realms, dimensions and realities have an abundance of Angels and otherworldly/heavenly beings that assist all beings in connecting with the God/Goddess and the eternal truths of love and light. Article Š Adrienne Dumas 2010.
Artwork © Michael “Warble” Finucane
A few years ago I was sitting in the garden under the shade of a tree with my laptop on my knee, finishing my novel, The Web of Light. Suddenly I became aware of a presence beside me, not an angel but a high frequency white energy. All at once I realised it was a unicorn. He imparted to me that unicorns are not just creatures of myth and magic but they are seventh dimensional ascended horses who had to withdraw from Earth when the energy devolved at the fall of Atlantis. And now they were returning to help people who hold a vision beyond themselves. They had come to those who have a soul desire to serve humanity, to assist them by giving them dignity, confidence and the strength to carry on in the face of opposition. He added that unicorns grant wishes to the pure in heart and support the innocent. Over the next few years I became more and more aware of unicorns. They were in my garden and in the woods when I walked. One evening Mother Mary came in and asked me to get on with writing a book on unicorns. When I pointed out that I was happy to do so but did not know enough about them, she told me to spend a week with them! Just like that. I cleared my diary and the magic started. As they touched me with their wonderful energy and downloaded information to me I could feel my essence changing. As soon as you think about or read about unicorns your frequency rises and you attune to their high pure light. In The Wonder of Unicorns I share my experiences and many stories people have told me of their meetings with these wondrous creatures. Unicorns are powerful healers and here are two of the healing stories I share in the book. The first is Kathleen’s story. She was a drink, drug and tobacco addict, who told me that she attended a seminar a year earlier when I introduced everyone to their unicorns. She was a drink, drug and tobacco addict, who told me that she attended a seminar a year earlier when I introduced everyone to their unicorns. (Continued on the next page . . .)
She continued that on that day in the meditation, her unicorn wrapped her up like a baby and pierced her heart with his horn. She felt incredibly safe. From that moment everything changed. She released all addictions, all of them, and opened up to her spiritual gifts. She became clairvoyant and could feel other people’s feelings. Two years later I saw her again. She had trained to become a counselor and help others. She wanted to thank me, though really it was the unicorns who healed her. When she talked to me Kathleen was glowing with light and I could feel the unicorn presence around her. I heard the second story in Africa. A little four year old girl was deeply traumatized after she witnessed her elderly grandparents being brutally beaten up by thugs who had broken into their home. The child was so shocked that a year later she wouldn’t sleep in her own bed and had constant nightmares. Her parents took her to the doctor, to psychiatrists, psychologists and healers but nothing helped her. Then her mother bought my unicorn CD and played it to her daughter before bedtime. The child listened to it throughout and then fell into her first deep sleep since the attack. She still insists on listening to it every night even though she knows it by heart. Thankfully she is now sleeping throughout the night and in her own bed. She is a happy safe child again thanks to her connection with the unicorns and her trust that they will look after her. Many people ask about the difference between angels and unicorns. Very simply it is that angels bring you the wishes of your heart while unicorns grant soul desires, those things that satisfy you deeply and help you fulfill your pre-life contract. The unicorns want to help you to open up spiritually and psychically so they impressed on me many games and exercises for adults and children to practice which will help you to develop your innate gifts. The Wonder of Unicorns is for adults and children alike. I love the unicorns and have a corner in my garden dedicated to them. I think of them and talk to them often and want to end with this reminder. Remember that, if you often think about unicorns and you have a desire to help the world, a unicorn will soon be with you. Article Š Diana Cooper. Diana Cooper received an angel visitation during a time of personal crisis, which changed her life. Author of 17 books in over 20 languages, she has inspired thousands of people to fulfil their spiritual potential. Well known for her work with angels, ascension and the wisdom of Atlantis, she was asked by the unicorns to write her new book The Wonder of Unicorns. She was then guided to write about the phenomenon of Orbs, and the extraordinary energies they offer and has completed Enlightenment Through Orbs as well as Ascension Through Orbs. Through her guides and angels she enables people to access their spiritual gifts and psychic potential and also connects them to their own angels, guides, Masters and unicorns.Diana is the Principal of The Diana Cooper School, a not for profit organisation which offers certificated spiritual teaching courses throughout the world. Visit her website today at
Magazine: Your artwork is truly inspirational and beautiful. We at "The Faeries and Angels Magazine" are truly delighted to have you featured! Where do you get your inspiration from? Thank you Adrienne! "The Faeries and Angels Magazine" is the most beautiful website ever. Thank you for supporting all things creative and for sharing a philosophy of delight! My inspiration comes from what I yearn to experience or make visible. I'm motivated to express an inner life and create an alternative world for myself and others. In some cases, my paintings declare who I am by what I've overcome. Perhaps all art is autobiographical but artists serve by expressing states of being we all can share.
Magazine: We love that you have paintings of Goddesses, Gods, Angels, Faeries, Mermaids and other mystical beings - do you feel that you have a strong connection with these beings? I look to these beings because they are eternal and being human is a challenge. We yearn for fairies, mermaids and enchantresses as something projected outside ourselves, yet we embody all things "other worldly" to the extent that we treasure our lives. We've been in the middle of a synchronistic, simultaneous awakening for many years. Our spirituality, sexuality, dreams and mythology have merged as experiencing the "mundane" as sacred. The gods and goddesses live as archetypes of human potential. (continued on next page . . .) Artwork Š Lisa Iris
My generation's consciousness shift has been a fun ride, from "We are the people our parents warned us about" to "We are the people we've been waiting for". My painting "Gemini" illustrates the idea that the angels we seek live in our actions. I'm not implying that the spiritual realm exists in imagination; it's a huge, multidimensional reality. Our metaphors are valentines to the felt but unseen. I've felt the magnetic pull of the ocean as a kind of music so why not paint mermaids? How many of us have been comforted by the presence of love in an empty room? Now the unseen is making itself known in unprecedented ways. Orbs dropping by for family photos or dancing around us like snow flakes attests to that.
Magazine: Are you trying to convey a message with your artwork? The message is the inner life of the painting's subject. I'd like to affirm the joys and desires of the viewer so that the painting is a means to self exploration.
Magazine: Can you tell us about any new or upcoming projects you are working on? Our interview inspired White Wolf Gallery to design "The Angels and Fairies Calendar" which will be renewed or revised each year. You recently featured Rhiannon Barkemeijer de Wit and her wonderful Guided Meditation CDs. I'm delighted that my artwork will appear with Rhiannon's chanelled affirmations on "Affirmative Journey Candles". The candles' purpose is to empower personal intentions to realize one's true potential. Light 'em up! I took time off to move home to Fort Erie, Canada to be with family and transformed a floor in my home, into an art gallery /enchanted chill zone! Everybody's invited! :-) Sitting in the gallery, what I dream of painting next is this: there are beautiful goddesses on one wall, and there are gorgeous warrior angels on the other wall and they should get together! It's time to paint an experience of love. A new life is before me and it's time to express appreciation for it all. But the room needs a unicorn first! (Continued on Next Page . .
All Artwork Š Lisa Iris
Magazine: Who are some of your favourite artists and authors? I'm nourished by the visual narrative of Victorian art, the exquisite melancholia of the Pre-Raphaelites, the intrigue of the Symbolists and Decadents, and the charm of illustrators like Maxfield Parrish. Audrey Flack is a great airbrush artist who is now a sculptor. She was, and continues to be at the forefront of expressing the Divine Feminine in the arts We met several times and she was gracious enough to encourage me. I read a lot about Buddhism. The zeitgeist of the 60's also resonates as a visual inner psychedelic revival of art nouveau, social surrealism, a whiter shade of pale filtering through stained glass windows casting shards of jewelled light, a fantasy of wild tenderness and utopian invention free of delusion . I hold onto any imagery painted or written that's love and life affirming. In the words of Molly Bloom ..."YES!" *See more of Lisa’s Artwork Throughout Our Magazine.
Artwork © Lisa Iris. Interview by, Adrienne Dumas Lisa's artwork courtesy of White Wolf Gallery Be sure to visit Lisa Iris’s website at
Lisa’s Bio: Lisa’s sensual and spiritual artwork beckons to you from media as diverse as videos, CD’s, printed media, jewelry, fabric art, perfume, candles and decals.
Represented by White Wolf Gallery, Lisa has collaborated with such luminaries as Hay House author Doreen Virtue, Ph.D, composer Medwyn Goodall, Canadian Art Cards and Simar Media. Artwork © Lisa Iris.
The Faeries & Angels Magazine We are so Happy to Announce That our Magazine is now Officially going Into Print! Each new edition will be Quarterly! So with each New season of the Year, Be sure to order a copy of “The Faeries and Angels Magazine!� Directly from our website at See You There!!! 8
by John Pacifico and The Angels
Artwork © Lisa Iris
For the longest time I’ve been getting intuitive nudges to make an angel altar for my home. I kept putting this off since I had no inclination to build one, but could not dismiss the fact that the angels thought it was a good idea. So after much consideration I decided to finally make one, since I could not deny my intuitive feelings. It’s been said that angel altars are a wonderful way for you to gift the angels with a place to dwell in your home. It’s as if you’re asking them to set up, along with your help, a small space for them in your home that’s just for them. Also the energies of this small space will be different and vibrate a bit higher than anywhere else. It’s as if you’re making a higher vibrating abode which in turn will radiate this energy outward to the rest of your house. All you need to do to start is by asking the angels, your guardian angels, the angels of making angel altars and any other angels you wish to work with (in my case I felt the need to include archangel Rafael), to help you construct this alter. Tell the angels you wish their input, and guidance to make this altar very special and joyful and blissful and healing. You can tell them anything you wish and even ask them to give you wonderful ideas of what to put on it. I know from my first recollections, that I had this “pull” towards ringing the altar with small pieces of rose quartz, I actually had a vision of this, a quick flash presented itself in my mind (I mention this because as soon as you decide to make an altar and ask the angels for help, ideas and quick flashes or inner pictures of what the angels suggestions would be will flood your mind). I have all sorts of crystals on my altar as well as an angel stature given to me by a dear friend, I have a white angel candle plus some pictures of angels…. but I think the most important thing on my alter are photographs of loved ones, which make it very special indeed.
In an angel book called “Spirit Guides and Angel Guardians” by Richard Webster, there is a whole chapter which can be very helpful to this process. I’d like to put in some of the information from this chapter just to give my readers an idea of what’s out there:
The energy was definitely spiritual, but there seemed to be nothing special about the table. It was made of mahogany and was obviously very old. On top were several framed photographs, including one of the friend I was staying with. I was still standing in front of this table when our hostess returned. Sarah stood in the doorway, a halfsmile on her face, waiting for me to say something. “This table,” I said. “There’s something spiritual about it. I could feel it as soon as I walked in. What is it?” Sarah beamed. “I’m glad you can feel it,” she said. “It’s what keeps me going. That’s my angel altar.” Over dinner she told me about her altar “It stared as a place where I could call on my guardian angel,” she explained. “It was not originally an altar. I just wanted somewhere in the house where I could feel especially close to my guardian angel, and I also wanted a place for her. It worked out better than I thought it would.” Sarah began by placing a Bible on the table, thinking that this would make the table and immediate surroundings more spiritual. “But it didn’t work,” she told us. “It only began working when I put a few of my most valued possessions on it” After a week or two I changed them to see what would happen. Then I tried crystals, and finally I put my precious photographs on it. For some reason, that really made things hum. My altar has transformed the whole house. It used to be gloomy and sort of sad, but now it’s vibrant and happy. The house seems to have moved from permanent winter into perpetual summer.” “How do you contact your guardian angel at your altar?” “That’s easy.” Sarah smiled. “She comes whenever I want, but I always feel so close to her when I’m by the altar. I sit down in that chair over there, and immediately start talking, and my angel responds.” “What else do you do with your altar?” “Everything that comes in or goes out of the house stops at my altar for a second or two. Even the groceries, I believe that putting things on my altar blesses them. If I have a gift for someone, I always rest it on my altar after I’ve wrapped it. That gives the present so much more power and energy. It goes straight on my altar and gets charged with angel energy.” “What do the photographs do?” Sarah shrugged. “I think it must be because they’re photographs of people I love. Those feelings of love must make it a special spot for my angel.” In closing Richard Webster has this to say about making your own angel altar: “By setting up an angel altar and using it regularly, your relationship with your guardian angel, and the entire angelic kingdom, will become closer than ever before. You probably know what it feels like to have a special close friend with whom you can freely discuss anything at all. If you use your angel altar, your relationship with your guardian angel will be thousands of times better than that. Your angel altar can transform your life.” Excerpted from “Spirit Guides and Angel Guardians” by Richard Webster. Continued on next page . . .
I’d like to include a short channeled message from the angels about altars: “Greetings our beloved friends! We wish you the very best of holiday tidings! Building a small altar just for the angels in your home can have such wonderful energetic affects on everyone who lives there that we would like to suggest you give yourself this gift of an angel altar this Christmas season. The power, the love, the healing, the bliss the heavenly angels can bestow upon you while sitting near your altar can be amazing. We the angelic kingdom will be very happy to help you set this up. Just ask us, and we’ll immediately get to work for you. Our beloved energies will blend with yours and become this incredible symphony of love. Please invite us in, we would love to dwell in your homes, and in turn help you create heaven on earth. The key here with this altar is bringing us closer, asking us to be with you all the time, and making us all loving friends. We know this may sound a bit hum-drum but the energetic consequences of this will be astounding. Do consider this wonderful gift to yourselves. We share this with you and intend to be as present in your life as you’ll allow us to be. Think of us often, ask us as many questions as you desire, call out to us for help all day long, for we never tire of your requests, our love for you spands universes. Come join us in the heavenly fun of being in the presence of the Creator, grow close to us and feel our energies blend. As always, we wish you all the best, this holiday season can be a profoundly spiritual one, one of such warmth and love that you’ll be forever wondering why you waited so long to share our presence.” With love and blessings, The Angels”
© 2008 John Pacifico. John Pacifico has been in direct communication with the angels for years. He is also a massage therapist and Reiki master. He gives Angel Readings and teaches workshops at the Learning Light Foundation in California.
The Romance Angels By, Adrienne Dumas
The Romance Angels come in different shapes and sizes. There are the larger romance angels, such as the Archangel Haniel who is the guiding angel of romance, Love and beauty. She oversees romantic relationships, family relationships and even our relationships with friends, co-workers, customers, bosses and community. She helps to ensure harmony between all people in various relationships. All that you need to do to receive her assistance and guidance is call upon her and ask her to serve as a "guide" in all of your relationships. She can also assist you in having and keeping positive energies in your home (which helps to keep peace between family members and those who come to visit). With romantic relationships she also guides the couple with spiritual growth, emotional well-being, as well as keeping the "flame" lit in the relationship. She can give you guidance and better understanding regarding your romantic relationship. If you ever need help or assistance regarding romance, she is a great angel to call upon. She can also help to infuse you with a new-found sense of romantic feelings for your partner no matter how long you have been together and visa-versa (it will only really work with a partner who is willing to experience romantic feelings for you). Other Romance Angels include the baby angels who are often called The Cherubim. It's my understanding that there are baby angels, though it is very rare that people see these angels. We have all seen images and paintings of these little angels in artwork and many wonder "why would angels look like little babies and children?" It is my belief (from what these angels are communicating to me) that these angels manifest into this form to remind us that we are all Gods holy children and that the love, innocence and preciousness of little children is the closest replication of our true self here on this Earth. Jesus said, "Be ye as little children" meaning remember your innocence and preciousness as the Holy Child of God existing only as Love in the Heart and Mind of God. All is forgiven. We are still innocent and free. One story of these baby angels came from one of my friends who told me that when her father was a young boy, he had seen these little baby angels! His mother was very sick with a fever and he was feeling afraid for her. All day he would check on her, even though he was much too young to really be able to help her. At one moment when he went to check on her he said that he opened the door and saw two small golden staircases on each side of his mothers shoulders. These staircases reached "all the way to heaven" he had said. Continued on next page ...
His mother was asleep and he could see little baby angels walking up and down the staircases. He knew that they were healing and helping her! Not too long after he had seen them, his mother felt completely better and no one could fully explain why. However, he knew why. So, these little baby angels can help us in a wide variety of ways. The Romance Angels that are baby angels often carry little golden bows and arrows, much like what some say Cupid looks like (with golden hair as well). But these arrows shoot arrows of Love and romance. They don't "make" someone fall in love for that interferes with our Free Will. However, they can give us "shots" of love and romance, infusing us with these wonderful, delightful and very often healing energies. They can also help us to experience more beauty within and around us as well as to experience more playfulness, happiness, cheerfulness and a sense of wonder and awe.
Romance Angels Meditation:
Visualize yourself sitting on a beautiful beach. Now imagine that you are wearing loose, comfortable clothing. Feel the wind blowing gently in your hair and the sun shining gently on your face. Visualize a beautiful glowing white light completely surround you. Know that you are safe and protected. To the right of you walks a beautiful, large female angel. She has sparkling pink wings and a pink aura. She radiates a beautiful and amazing glow around her. As she is walking closer to you, feel yourself embracing her loving energy. She says to you, "I am the Archangel Haniel. I bring you many gifts.� As she stands beside you, she reaches up into the sky and brings down a glowing ball of white light that also has a pink glow around it. She says to you, "This is a representation of Gods all loving energy. This ball of light will assist you in remembering your existence as Love and nothing else." She asks for your permission to place this ball of light into your heart centre, your heart chakra and you gladly say "Yes." As she places the ball of light into your heart centre, feel yourself embracing Gods all encompassing Love. Breathe this Love in. Allow some time to allow this Love to fill your entire heart and mind. Now Haniel reaches up into the sky and brings down a smaller ball of light that is sparkly pink. She says, "If you desire a romantic relationship in your life, this ball of light will help you to vibrate with the higher energies of romance, beauty, peace, cheerfulness, playfulness and awe." She asks for your permission to also place this ball of light into your heart centre. You gladly say "Yes" and as she places the pink sparkly ball of light into your heart centre you feel playful, romantic energy filling your heart and your entire body! You feel joyful and gladdened that you now are vibrating with this higher energy!
Just now, the baby angels begin to surround you and they shower you with sparkling pink light which lifts you up. They ask you to visualize your romantic partner as being with you on this beach (If you have no romantic partner as of yet, they ask you to simply imagine what this partner may look like and to acknowledge that he or she is on the way - the form doesn't matter as much yet, but the feelings and intentions do). They begin to also shower your partner with this sparkling light energy. They are blessing your union and infusing it with love, romance, joy, peacefulness, playfulness and mutual respect. Now visualize yourself holding hands with your partner as you stare off into the beautiful tropical sunset. Imagine that the sunset is glowing the most beautiful golden and pink light energy. Now slowly look over at your partner. As you both look into each others eyes. Say to him or her, "I acknowledge you as the Light and the Love of God. We are ONE. We are Love and Light and nothing else." Now imagine that together you look up at the beautiful sunset and together you begin to pray, "Dear God, please bless our relationship. We pray dear God that our relationship may be used for your healing purposes. May we see each other as we truly are and work together to release our beliefs in separation. Thank You God. We Love you and we acknowledge your Love for us and our existence as Love in Your Holy Mind. And so it is. Amen." Now slowly begin to bring yourself up out of your meditation, looking about the room. Thank the romance angels for their healing, loving and joyful energy! (c) Copyright Adrienne Dumas 2010. Adrienne Dumas is the editor and creator of the magazine “The Faeries and Angels Magazine.” She is also the creator of The Faeries and Angels Radio Network. and
Angel Realm Radio Listen to Adrienne Dumas’ podcast About Angels called “Angel Realm Radio” Available to download for FREE On our website at Also available for FREE on iTunes!
The Angel of Protection
Artwork © Lisa Iris
whose name means "Who is as God" is the patron Angel of divine protection. Archangel Michael is known as the Angel of strength, protection, and truth. This is the main Archangel to call upon if you are feeling afraid or in danger. This Archangel is very powerful. He carries a sword of light and also a healing baton. He also has a cobalt blue cloak that shields us from harmful energy. You can visualize Archangel Michael’s sword as either metal, a living flame, or a sword that radiates white light. This sword of light cuts away all darkness of fear, illness and other negative emotions that might be within us or around us. Archangel Michael also has a band of Angels that work with him known as "The Band of Light". These Angels work with
Archangel Michael to clear away negative energies.
Archangel Michael and The Band of Light, Please be with me now. Please clear away any and all negative, harmful, and dark energies and entities that might be around me, my home, and my place of work. I ask that you clear these energies away with your mighty swords of Light. Please also fill and surround me, my home, and my place of work with the Divine White Light of the Holy Spirit. Thank You. In love and light, love and light, love and light. Etheric Cords are like invisible cords that we have attached to certain people, places and things, or that people have attached to us, due to issues of dependency, attachment and fear. These cords drain our energy. To remain free of these etheric cords, while also feeling love and compassion for all, we can ask Archangel Michael to cut away these cords.
Archangel Michael, Please cut any etheric cords that may be keeping me attached to any person, place or thing including my attachments to fear. May the God/Goddess bless all situations in my life and all who were attached to me or of whom I was attaching myself to. Thank You Archangel Michael. In love and light, love and light, love and light. Article © Adrienne Dumas 2010.
The Faeries & Angels Magazine Purely Magickal . . . Divinely Inspired . . .
You Don’t want to miss a single issue!
Magazine: You have so many wonderful pieces of artwork. Where do you get your inspiration from?
Sue Miller: I get my ideas and inspiration from LIFE. There are ideas everywhere I look….and I’m always on the lookout for possible painting ideas 24 -7. Ideas also appear in my dreams. I do keep track of them all. I use many of my adorable art students and my nieces for models in my paintings. I always spend a lot of time preparing for a painting and get everything necessary ready ahead of time. That way, when I begin actually painting, I’m ready to go forward without having to stop the flow. I also get very inspired by the holidays and love to paint art that depicts the different holidays and seasons. I love to decorate my home inside and out for each holiday and I find that this also helps inspire my art students. People come here and never want to leave. Since I’ve done so many holiday paintings, I change my wall displays for each one. Everybody gets a kick out of how I welcome each holiday and season with my original paintings. I’m also very inspired by nature and her great gifts of little creatures, flowers and trees. When studied in detail, a simple thing like a snowflake becomes such a beautiful, complex wonder of nature. Unfortunately, in today’s fast paced life, many of these wonders seem to go unnoticed and unappreciated. Nature is so full of lessons in balance and beauty for everyone. I think artists have a mission in life to bring forth these beautiful details that God generously gives to us. It is ultimately humankind’s job to take care of these things and cherish the environment. Our “full greed ahead” culture has really taken its toll on God’s gifts. My husband and I live on a lake and often get visits from assorted waterfowl. It’s so interesting to study the wild life here. I try to weave all of this into the details of my art work. Last summer we had nine humming birds that fed in our feeders every day. Thanks to them, we were able to photograph many magical moments. We have chipmunks, squirrels, bunnies.. bears…deer,,, all sorts of interesting wildlife and little critters that are so precious to study. I am also an art book collector and have a vast reference gallery in my art studio. So, ideas are always following me around just waiting for the blank canvas to come out.
Magazine: Are you trying to convey a message with your artwork? Sue Miller: Yes, as an artist I always like to convey a positive message. I love to spread hope and inspiration. There just isn’t time or energy for negativity. My tendency is to at least try to disappear from the harsh realities of life and paint my own little happy world. (Continued on next page . . .)
Art is a great device to bring about an awareness of nature and all of the magic around us. The realms of fairies and angels offer great possibilities for communicating important environmental issues. I tend to think it’s important for today’s young people to be more aware of environmental issues since they are the caretakers of tomorrow’s world.
Magazine: Can you tell us about any new, upcoming or current projects you have going on?
Sue Miller: I am always working on the next painting. I often have several going at once. My husband and I have been busy promoting out first art and poetry book called FUNTASY™ Fun-ToSee Art. There’s more information about our book on my website. We’re already beginning to make plans for our next book. It has been very rewarding working on a family project and seeing it have such a positive outcome. I have some other exciting new projects in the works which will all be announced on my website as they come to fruition.
Magazine: When do you know that a painting is done? Sue Miller: It’s often very hard to know when a painting is finished. I try to live with each new painting and study it for days, even weeks after I “think” it’s finished. This allows me to become more objective over time and determine if it needs more work or not. I’ll often photograph a new painting and study it on my computer screen. That also helps me determine if it’s finished. See the next page for more of Sue Millers Art
Sue Miller Sue Miller is a professional artist/art teacher. She was a commercial artist for 20 years before leaving that field to pursue her painting career and teach art in her home studio. Sue's art work is presently licensed to several companies including Peter Stone Jewelry, Up Your Art, The Fairy Society, Heaven and Earth Designs and Pacific Trading. Sue's paintings have recently graced the covers of several books and magazines and she has also been the subject of numerous interviews and feature articles in many internationally read magazines. Sue and her musician husband, Vern, have recently released "FUNTASY Funto See Art," a book of original art and poetry. The book is described as a place where wit and spirituality meet brush and palette. The book can be ordered at Sue can be contacted at
Artwork Š Sue Miller
Archangel Raphael By, Andrea Dombecki
Artwork 漏 Andrea Dombecki
Archangel Raphael is the Archangel Of Healing. He helps with physical and emotional healing. He is also great at healing pets. Call on him to oversee your health care and help you live a healthy life style. He cannot interfere with free will so he must have our permission to intervene. Simply say or think Archangel Raphael can you help me! Imagine his green healing light surrounding you. You can call on his Green Healing blanket to cover yourself or others while they sleep. Archangel Raphael is a good motivator to eat healthy and exercise. His colour is Green and his stone is Malachite.
A Message from Archangel Raphael- "My dear friends know that I am at your service! Please ask me to help you release any pain or suffering! Miracles are possible! have faith and know I am a call away. Call on me for yourself or send me to loves ones. I will be there to comfort you and work miracles! I can help you find the right doctor or healer. I will guide you to your highest good. Rest assured that you are not alone, I am here to help you! Health and well being is your natural state! I always work for your highest divine good."
Archangel Raphael can assist in Releasing addictions 路 To help overcome food craving and be motivated to eat healthy- "Dear Archangel Raphael please release all cravings for foods that are NOT for my highest good. Please cut all cords to these, all are healed for the highest good of all. Please help me be into tune with the highest good of my body." 路
To release emotional habits of worry, anxiety, fear etc. "Dear Archangel Raphael please
clear away all negative emotions. Allow me to feel my true feeling of love and joy, Help me make new emotional habits of happiness, trust, excitement, and love."
To release addictions to cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, caffeine etc- You can also call on him
to help someone else over come addictions to substances. "Archangel Raphael please help me or ______ to overcome any addictions to this substance now in grace! Please cut all cords. All are healed for the highest good! Thank you Archangel Raphael"
Call On Archangel Raphael to Remove Physical Pain: Archangel Raphael please sweep away any discomfort I feel physically or emotionally with your giant green healing wings! Thank you! Call on him to help release stress! Release how the relief will come, it can come instantly or it can also become in the form of a treatment, helpful person or medicine. He will bring you the perfect help for your needs!
Healing visual: He pours this soothing green energy through your crown chakra and baths your energy system with this soothing green healing light effortlessly clearing any energy blockages! Archangel Raphael is the angel to call on to work through doctors. Archangel Raphael can give us guidance with any health issues we are having- He points out the stressful cause and guides us in the direction of a resolution. Prayer for healing for yourself or someone else "Dear Archangel Raphael please guide me! I am willing to let go of this struggle. I am willing to accept perfect divine health! I deserve it! Dear Archangel Raphael Please guide me to be healthy in all ways!. I surrender this situation to you. Thank you for your help and for holding me in your loving arms!"
Releasing trapped emotions From our past experiences we hold emotions in our aura. It is good to clean out these emotions so that we are free to move forward with a clean slate! Archangel Raphael can help us let go of any toxic emotions that we are holding in our bodies. Archangel Raphael please pour your green healing light through us and let it wash away all hate, resentment, anger , judgment or any other toxic emotions that we are holding on too. Please clear all negative emotions in my family or work place effortlessly. Any memories that come up let go of with love. Let the angel light gently wash all these grievances away. Archangel Raphael please remove all negativity that was sent out by us or that was sent to us. We Forgive ourselves or the others for this and all is well.
Archangel Raphael support for healersIf you are any type of healer call on Archangel Raphael to work with you and guide you! Ask him to assist you as you perform healings. You are a team! Archangel Raphael Reading- we can talk to Archangel Raphael whenever we want. Lets tune into him now and see what he has to say Let's ask him“How can I nurture my well being?� When I asked Archangel Raphael this question this is what he said: Get Plenty of fresh air, sunshine, exercise, and enjoy healthy eating! Live a stress free, peaceful and loving life. Bless all and do not carry around negative emotions. Have a positive attitude! Do what makes you happy! Spend time with people you love, watch uplifting movies, read uplifting books. Spend time with the sky, clouds, sunsets , ocean, trees. and flowers. Nature brings balance to you. Drink lots of water! know you are supported by a loving universe!
Journey to Archangel Raphael's Temple of Healing: Close your eyes Take some deep breaths, let go of all concerns and imagine that you are curled up in your bed at night time. Two healing angels come to your side. The angels say that they would like to bring you somewhere and angel wings appear on your back. They open the window and you fly out with them up into the sky past the stars and clouds. They are holding your hands. One angel is on each side. You are going up far into the sky, there is a giant green temple amongst the clouds, it is a giant Roman looking temple with giant pillars. This Is Archangel Raphael's temple of healing. You see that it is glowing with green light. You land in front and walk up the stairs to a giant open door way. The frame is encrusted with giant green stones emeralds, malachite,and amazonite. You walk inside and there is a giant room. The ceiling is 100 feet. In the center of the room there is an orb made of green light on a pedestal. It is about 10 feet in diameter. This orb is radiating healing energy. You can feel it as you walked in. A great sense of peace and comfort overwhelms you. People are standing around it with their hands up and absorbing it's beautiful healing energy. Healing angels are flying over your head! They are playing harps and the music is so beautiful! These healing angels are supervised by Archangel Rapahel. They are here to surround the earth and all it's inhabitants with healing energy whenever we need it. You stand in front of this orb with your hands open. The healing energy surges into your hands and throughout your entire body. All your cells are awakened to their divine perfection. They are being rejuvenated and relaxed! Your vibration is raised to a place of perfect peace and you feel so safe and comforted. Archangel Raphael comes to greet you. " Welcome to my healing temple! He gives you a big hug and assures you that everything is ok and he is always here to help." He then says "I teach people how to connect with the universal healing energy frequency! I will attune you to my healing energies if you would like! " He stands beside you behind your heart chakra and shows that your heart is the receiver for this energy. it is like a satellite~ You feel your heart light up with this wonderful feeling and is streams out your hands and radiates to the world around you! He draws symmetrical angelic symbols made of light over your chakras- these have the Universal divine energy blueprint to awaken cells to their perfection. You are now attuned to Archangel Raphael healing frequencies. Now you are connected to my healing energies and there is an infinite well of this healing energy available! You can come to this place anytime you would like to recharge. Archangel Raphael says that he is always with you! He is here to support you in your Earth life. You are never alone. He gives you a big hug and your aura is now glowing with this green healing energy! Now the angels fly you back home to your bed. Thank you Angels! Now come back to this room and feel the earth underneath your feet. Move your fingers and toes. You are now attuned to Archangel Raphael's Healing frequency. Archangel Raphael will stay by your side as long as you like. Š 2010 Andrea Dombecki (continued on next page)
Andrea Dombecki is a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, a Reiki Master and an artist. Visit her website at to learn more about her, to view her artwork, read her articles or to order an Angel Reading.
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By, Tom T. Moore © 2010 Have you ever pondered the question of what exactly is a Guardian Angel? I know I did. So when I was able to communicate with my own Guardian Angel during what I call “active” meditations, I had lots of questions to ask. Here are some basics. Guardian Angels are “whole” or complete souls, not fragments of souls as you and I are. They are also very advanced souls, and are known as “golden light beings” because of their knowledge and the light they radiate. The Creator of this universe created only about five percent of these golden light beings. The rest were created by other creators and were attracted to this creation because it’s so special. There are a little over one million golden light beings that act as our Guardian Angels. Each handles an average of 6,000 “clients” and some a lot more, such as my Guardian Angel Theo, who was one of the first of the golden light beings to be attracted to this creation; he handles over 19,000 “clients.” And keep in mind that each Guardian Angel takes care of all the fragments of these souls in all their life times, AT THE SAME TIME. You’ve probably heard that time is an allusion that was created for us. Theo says even he’s amazed at the furious rate everything is handled. A lot of people ask me about how to find out what their Guardian Angel’s name is. Theo said that I couldn’t even pronounce his angelic name, as our vocal cords are not capable of doing so. He says that labels or names are not a big deal where they are and said that I could call him “Tom, Dick, or Harry,” but that “Tom” might be a little confusing in my meditations. So just name your Guardian Angel what you wish to call it. I asked Theo how long he’s been doing this service and he said over a million years. When I asked how long in the future would he continue he said 7,000 years. That seems like such a short time in comparison, so I asked why and was told, “Every experiment has a beginning and end.” Guardian Angels are not allowed to assist us, unless we request assistance. The only exceptions to this rule are if our life is in danger and our “soul contract” calls for us to continue to live—or they can also “whisper in our ear” as Theo calls it, giving us advice and information on a subliminal level. Listen for those messages and try and recognize when you receive them! It’s that “gut” instinct many people speak of. (Continued on next page . . . )
Theo told me that a Guardian Angel can appear physically if your life is in danger and there is no one there to save you. I asked what was the longest time he had been physical and he said two hours where he helped not only his “client” but also several others. He said these circumstances are known far in advance so there is no lag time in acting. I asked if a Guardian Angel monitors us every minute of every hour? “In a way yes. We are on a moment’s call to assist you, so we do keep pretty close tabs on what you’re doing and if we can “whisper in your ear” anything that will assist you. It’s a meticulous job as you can appreciate, because you must make many decisions each day. As you have read before, a life on earth is equal to several lives on other, less demanding worlds, because you have free choice.” I asked how they acquired the knowledge to help each one of the people they service, and he said they can draw upon the knowledge of billions of lives simultaneously so that the correct assistance can always be given. The easiest way I found to request assistance is by requesting “Benevolent Outcomes” for all sorts of things in my daily life. I even wrote a book about it. They will joyfully assist us in even small, mundane things such as finding a parking space, but you have to ask! You can ask for the PERFECT job for you, the PERFECT mate, and the PERFECT home. Just give you Guardian Angel a little time to set those circumstances up for you. Your Guardian Angel is there for you—so ask! So I asked if there was anything I had not asked that people would want to know about Guardian Angels? “Only to remind everyone that you have so much assistance on this side of the veil. Request Benevolent Outcomes, and ask for assistance in your work and in your relationships to let us guide you along the best path. We always have your best interests at heart, as we love you dearly.”
About the Author Tom T. Moore is an entertainment industry CEO and speaker, who distributes motion pictures and TV programs internationally. His books, The Gentle Way: A Self-Help Guide For Those Who Believe in Angels (ISBN # 1-891824-60-0, Light Technology) and his new The Gentle Way II: The Story Continues give many more suggestions for requesting Benevolent Outcomes. Visit his website at
Archangel Haniel Message: Grace, an Open Heart and a Quiet Mind
"Beloved Earth Angels. I Am the Archangel Haniel. I bring with me today the energies of Love, Beauty, Grace, Harmony and a Quiet Mind. I have come today to help bring healing energy to all of your relationships and to help you to experience more GRACE each day. To experience grace, you must become an open and peaceful vessel for grace to flow through. I can assist you in attaining a quiet mind. Simple sit in seated meditation and call upon me. Let your mind become still and quiet. Go to that quiet, peaceful place that resides within you - and which resides within all that is. This is your true home. Once you are in-tune with this quiet space, stay there for at least half an hour each day. Then invoke the energies of grace to work through you throughout the day. Miracles will unfold before your eyes. These Miracles will also help with your relationships. Let grace lead the way in all of your relationships. See your beloved friends, family members, children and partner as the Light of God that they are. You can only see them truly when you are in right-minded thinking and this can only happen when you take the time each day to get quiet and go deep within. You can also call upon me to help bring more beauty and harmony into your life and relationships. I am sending Pink and Golden flames of Light to each and every one of you now. Take a moment to accept and receive this energy now. This energy will OPEN your heart so that you receive an influx of Love and Grace daily. I Love You. " (c) Copyright Adrienne Dumas 2010.
"Hello Dear Ones! We are the Angels of Family Harmony. We watch over you and your family ensuring their protection and well-being. You may call upon us at anytime for assistance with any family issues. We can send healing energy your way to any family member. We can bring comfort for those in your family. We can also help to restore harmony, peace and well-being to your family and home when there seems to be trouble, anger, fear or frustration. Just call on us and we will be there! Today, please call on us to be with your family. Visualize that we are surrounding your home and each person within your family. We are filling your home and your aura's, bodies and minds with peaceful and loving energy. See pure white light surround you and each family member, your home and your vehicles now." Article Š Adrienne Dumas 2010.
Archangel Gabriel By, Calista Introduction Archangel Gabriel is one of my favourite Archangels to work with as she is the ultimate spiritual coach! She reminds us that regardless of our background, we have God's strength pouring through us at all times, and she can help us fearlessly tap in to this power. Gabriel helps to reassure us that it's safe to stand in ones own power and by doing so we are protected at all times. Gabriel is often referred to as the messenger angel and she certainly loves to help writers, journalists, teachers to deliver healing messages. She is often depicted with a trumpet for this very reason, delivering good news to people and helping bring in information that can aid their ascension. Gabriel emphasizes the importance for not only spiritual lightworkers, but for all of mankind, to hold the perfect intention of peace and harmony upon the earth, and to hold the light and love of the divine always. Gabriel works with mothers and children during all phases of conception, childbirth, adoption and parenting, as well as helping us to nurture our inner child too – so important in this modern day of busy living! Gabriel also helps anyone whose life purpose involves art or communication. If you are involved in these professions do call in Gabriel to guide and support you when needed.
Colour Therapy Archangel Gabriel operates on the fourth ray of spiritual light – the White Ray – that links to the Sacral chakra. This energy centre is located a few centimetres below the navel and relates to one's personal power, desires, social interactions and our base emotions. The Sacral chakra resonates with the colour orange, a colour often associated with Gabriel, along with white, copper and gold. These wonderful hues collectively represent harmony, purity, order, joy and discipline. You can bring in the qualities of Gabriel and the White ray by simply wearing or eating foods rich in these colours, by bathing in them with vegetable / colour dyes (as the ancient Atlanteans did!) or by brining in to your home flowers and plants rich in these colours. White lilies are a particular favourite of Gabriel's and carry her resonance. As Gabriel's energy is linked to the element of water, you may feel more close to her by visiting beaches, riversides etc. In fact, when you invoke Gabriel it certainly feels like you are visiting a beautiful beach as her energy is so uplifting and reviving, providing a sense of freedom like no other.
When to call on Gabriel You may want to invoke Archangel Gabriel when: – You feel like you've strayed from your souls path ...she can help you find purpose again. For this pay extra attention to the information received when dreaming and meditating. –
Health issues related to the bladder, kidney or prostate and lower back problems.
– –
If you are having trouble communicating with people Gabriel can assist you. Child conception, fertility, birth, adoption, parenting and supporting your inner child.
Creative projects such as art, writing and dancing.
Crystals & Oils that resonate with AA Gabriel You can compliment your communication with Gabriel, or help to bring her qualities by using the following items: – Crystals (any white or copper/gold/orange coloured crystals) such as Moonstone, Snow Quartz, Golden Topaz, Honey Calcite, Natural Citrine. – Aromatherapy oils such as Jasmine, Sandalwood, Rose and Mandarin as well as herbs such as Calendula and Opium.
“I am Archangel Gabriel and I am working through Calista to deliver a message of peace today. I would like to discuss divine communication; the relationship you have with yourself, those around you and that of the Divine Creator. Always speak the truth that is in your heart, not the mind that can over-analyse and judge. When you are in connection with your heart, then communication can flow freely like water, with no thought of personal gain, attack or malice. Learn to communicate with yourself. Listen to your true feelings, not the mask or egoself that you may show to others. Listen to your innermost thoughts, feelings and insights from dreams, meditation and through communication with the higher realms. Let only these messages align with your being to help further your path here on Earth. Remember to give yourself patience and time to heal emotional wounds, do not cover them up but face them dear ones. Seek the truth behind them in order to heal completely. Listen out for their true message, for it is there. By allowing a deeper connection with yourself you are also contributing to a better world around you. As Calista will show you with the work of Dr. Emoto, intention, words and prayer effect the elements, they can change the molecular structure of water, the very imprint of life. This demonstrates the interconnectedness of your world and the importance of working with your own thoughts and feelings to change the reality you live in. (Continued on Next Page . . . )
Send love and light to your inner systems, to the water that makes up three-quarters of your physical body. Daily see this water filled with light, peace and divine purity, and in time any physical dis-ease will dissipate. Each time you shower or bathe send the water the same light essence. Give to it the intention of cleansing, not just to cleanse your physical body, but emotional, mental and spiritual bodies too. Thank and bless the water you take in to your body, let it be purified through your intention to heal and harmonise your whole being. Each time you walk past water, stop and send it your healing. This is a simple and loving act that will have a major impact on the planet's systems, enriching the animal and plant life within as well as fortifying the water that you drink. Just for a moment hold the thought, the pure intention that all the oceans, lakes, rivers, streams are now at this time filled with the glorious light and love of the divine. See the water in your mind's eye turn to a shimmering gold. See the water remain at this high vibration for as long as you can and repeat the exercise often. You can learn so much from water dear ones. Draw from its ever-flowing, ever-evolving nature. Allow your being to become as the element of water, let it flow as liquid to release any fears that you may have, any blocked or held emotions, allow them to flow away from you with ease. Replace these feelings with divine light as you allow for a more positive stream of change and optimism to flow to you. Respect who you are right now. See the depth and clarity of your emotions, but do not be ruled by them. Know that by being true to how you feel and allowing open communication with yourself is not only bringing about positive changes for your being, but also the world around you as well”
As Gabriel said in her message, it is important to bless the water we drink and take in to our bodies as well as the water we use to cleanse our bodies. She would like us to take time to send positive thoughts and light to water within us as well as the bodies of waters around the planet – to the lochs, streams, lakes and oceans etc. She mentioned the wonderful work of Dr. Emoto – a Japanese scientist who has confirmed that water is living, that is has a memory and consciousness and that it can change depending on what thoughts, words, pictures are exposed to it. For years he has been researching the importance of water and has constructed many experiments placing words, music, prayers around bottles of water, freezing the water and then taking photographs of the water to reveal the most beautiful crystal structures of the water. He found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts, forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colours. The implications of this research create a new awareness of how we can positively impact the earth and our personal health. On the next page, we see the effect of exposing different words to the same sample of water. The picture on the left shows what happened to the water when it was exposed to the words ' you make me sick'. No crystals have been formed and the shape of the sample is dull and has a random appearance. Whereas the picture on the right depicts what happened to the water when it was exposed to the words ' love and gratitude'. This resulted in a beautiful crystal formation. (Continued on Next Page . . .)
Exposed to words – 'you make me sick'
Same water exposed to words – 'love and gratitude'
Emoto contuined to test water that had been exposed to different types of music. Here we see the same sample of water exposed to heavy metal music on the left and a Mozart symphony on the right. Again intricate, crystal structures were created from being exposed to the positive, optimistic music as opposed to those that is deemed negative, containing profanity and dark thought forms.
'Heavy metal (negative) music
Mozart symphony (positive) music
Emoto leads on from the work of Enstien who said that “everything is energy”, and Di Vinci who famously quoted that “water is the driving force of all nature”. We can clearly see that water retains memory, that it can be affected by its environment. If you think that the water you drink travels the world and is recycled in homes and businesses all the while retaining the information it picks up from these environments. As our bodies are made of about 71% water then we can start to appreciate that how we treat ourselves will be embedded in the water within us. This is what Gabriel is reinforcing in her message. That it is so important to create a more positive outlook if we want to increase the joy and longevity of our lives. So do take time to bless, thank or simply send love to the water within you, to the water you drink, wash with, as well as to the planet's oceans, rivers and streams. You can also call on the White Ray or Archangel Gabriel to bless any water. This will not only bring you a more fulfilling, happier life but also aid the positive development of the planet. Article © 2010 Calista. All Water Images © Dr. Emoto
Calista is a UK-based teacher, writer and therapist working with every realm of creation to bring forth messages, love and wisdom through her meditation CDs, books and workshops. She has also brought the world the first Ascension Kits to attune people to the realms of the Elementals, Angels, Ascended Masters and Deities. You can read more about these attunement kits and Calista's healing work at
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