Brazilian, 27y.
+55 83 99627-0097
-7.183723550913358, -34.833850265507216

João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil
Architecture and Urbanism, Graduation, Centro Universitário de João Pessoa, UNIPÊ. Brazil. 2016-2021.
Industrial Automation, Technician, IFSP, Campus Boituva – São Paulo.Brazil
High School
E.E. João Moretti. Boituva – São Paulo. Brazil.
Architectural and interior design office.
Period: 1 year.
Activities: Collaborated in the design and development of projects.
Secretary of State for the Administration of Paraíba – SEAD.
Period: 1 year.
Activities: Collaborated in Project developments, monitoring build processes and issues, and organizing administrative routines
Architectural and interior design office.
Period: 2.5 Years.
Activities: Directed the intern team, and collaborated on the development of architectural and design projects.
Microenterprise in the civil construction segment.
Period: 2 Years.
Activities: Collaborated in custom service, developing products and service budges, directing sales and inventory control
2021 2013 2013ACADEMIC HISTORY
Research Project
“Building repertory through architectonic models”

Centro Universitário de João Pessoa, UNIPÊ. 216h
Student representative of the architecture and urbanism course
Research Project
“Update of the climate map of the city of João Pessoa”
Centro Universitário de João Pessoa, UNIPÊ. 216h
International Congress
“Cities: the climate issue”
Organization Commission member.
Centro Universitário de João Pessoa, UNIPÊ. 24h
Extension Project

“Cultural heritage management. Knowledge interfaces”

Centro Universitário de João Pessoa, UNIPÊ. 216h
Class representative
2016 - 2021

Undergraduate Thesis
“Outback and water: analysis of the territorial expansion and development of the municipality of Juru, PB through its hydrographic resources”.

Centro Universitário de João Pessoa, UNIPÊ. Brazil.
Click to access
“Serie of inaugural architecture classes.”
Brasil Arquitetura – Vol.I – Click to access
SIAA Arquitetura – Vol. II – Click to access
Collaboration in the composition development and diagramming of both books.

Beyond the necessity of ampliation to comport a home office, throughout linear draws, the house takes over contemporary characteristics, allowing access for both existent streets and reformulation of the middle sector (living room) and kitchen, to provide practicing and comfort to the family can receive friends and familiars.

All the project starts with the principle of respect for the existing build, their structure, and the minimum intervention to adapt to the new needs program.
The material, as well as the volumetric preposition, were designed to be performed with as minor costs as possible to the client.

KLANGO was born through of fusion of a variety of visual and sensorial languages of Brazilian northeastern regionalism.

The neologism was a mechanism adopted to express the concern between the Imaginarium and tactile, absorbing precepts and building an own language based on change of traditional concepts and forms.
The construction of the identity of the architectural office gets references to the lizard, a characteristic reptile of the outback Brazilian regions. The ability of it to adapt to adverse conditions reflects the traits of power and ID of people and lands. Furthermore, here is intending to integrate tools, concepts, and philosophies in the architecture, design, and urban fields to the project conception, quality, and dynamism, of the rentable way of work and services.


Architectural Project.
Professional work Partnership Matheus M. 2021. Sapé, Brazil.

Academic work
Architectural Study Team: Evelyne A., Cleciane C., Matheus M. 2018. João Pessoa, Brazil.

The project concept was fixed based on the leaf of the castor plant that has a branch from a central core.
The tower was designed through orthogonal lines, coming from the specific modulation containing two rigid cores formed by the pillar-walls association that distribute the loads, weighting the pillars with the smaller sections on the edges.
Therefore, was possible to adequate the structure to the form. The build has a bracing system developed by triangular porches in equidistant points, providing the total crash offered by high resistant columns, to provide greater stability to the structure.

The proposed modulation was designed to allow more possibilities of spaces organization inside the build, creating interaction between structural modulation and architectonic issues


Academic work
Interior Design Study Partnership
Matheus M.
2020. João Pessoa, Brazil

The Project ‘BUBBLES, New ways to see the world’ is the extracted product through a few elements that composes the conceptual dynamic, with the HERMÉS stores characteristics, the PABLO VITTAR theme, and the commercial product: wigs. These elements were primordial to comprehension of the similarity relation between these components, making a commercial stand that represents the new ways to see people and the world and stimulating our discoveries. With that, the challenge was to connect people with new perspectives and allow they’d capable to absorb the message and stimulate the product’s wish. Then, the project is developed on the premise to show users concepts that provoke sensitive visual effects, transforming the presented space, and offering free possibility, self-confidence, and empowerment. The main function of these bubbles is to enhance natural colors, symbolized by acrylic bubbles.

Academic work
Urban Project Study Team: Gleison M., Mario Sergio R., Matheus M. 2020. João Pessoa, Brazil.

The Goiamum Park – the adopted name for this Project referring to a typical crab species of mangrove region taken as the study area – is developed on communicative and directional arrangements, consolidating functions that connect and exert direct influences under paths and usability. The park zoning is decurrent of the need to develop activities at a specific place, beyond the communicative percent of the park with the surrounding population and citizens of João Pessoa as a whole. Those activities are interconnected, directing flows and users’ routes in intuitive and playful forms, inviting them to experience the spaces and precincts through natural landscapes raised for the preexisting fauna. The needs program is a primordial issue to identify the furniture position and their uses, activities, and types of equipment in the park, respecting the local natural conditions, such as topography, hydrography, and green species that constitute the place.

Academic work

The new intern spacial organization it’s the result of the flexibility of space in hosts different activities. One of the first interventions was to identify the macro spaces and their sectorial connections, identifying the potential of a collective educative environment and adding contemporary elements that transit through the neoclassic architecture.

To the intern arrange, the dimensional planning of the furniture if necessary to preserve the amplitude of the space, despite this, increasing the number of users that could occupant the space.
Before, only 3 collective desks, now, a flexible environment that supports 18 users at the same time. The modular furniture allows the easy removal and disassembly of each and offers the possibility of them being used at presentations, exhibitions, and cultural activities. The use of the library was preserved for instance the local social demand and the need for a space for collective studies.

Residence facades.
Project author: Daniela Fabião, 2022.

Residence facades. Project author: Daniela

MM apartment.

Project authors:

Eduardo e Marianna Arquitetos. 2020