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ASTRA Launches New Website and Member Portal

ASTRA is working each day on making the memberonly area of the website more beneficial to members. It is truly a work in progress. As of the print deadline of this issue of Toy Times, the following points are specific nuances to note as we continue to add and improve the portal and website.

If you login and pull up the community boards, in the All Members Community board there is a sidebar of downloadable

info, including the updated membership directory in excel format and ASTRA Logos.

Each membership tier has a limit to how many members you can add. For the members you add into your company account: if they fill in their home addresses, they will receive the Toy Times Magazine at their home. We do not list in our membership directory spreadsheet the individual members, only the companies that are members.

Individual members can be searched online only, per the request of many members that did not want their individual emails to be on the downloadable

Why Join ASTRA?

ASTRA members are leaders who have a positive influence on the economy, culture, and creativity of the communities they serve.

ASTRA provides members with access to networking, education, discounts, business products, and services to assist our members as they grow their business.


SALES REP GROUPS and SALE REPS: there is a now a field for you to put in your territory. Rep Group Principles - you can list your Rep Group coverage. Individual Reps – you can list your specific territory in your profile.

Staff emails are found in the About Tab, Staff. Click the envelope under each staff member’s profile information for their email.

ASTRA will continue to keep members updated in the ASTRA Star that goes out to members every other week.

Still can’t login? Contact Ashlee Cammack at acammack@astratoy.org or Jenna Stirling at @jstirling@astratoy.org

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