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Best Practices for Working With Sales Reps
New Manufacturers: Best Practices for
Working with Sales Reps
By Tami Murphy, Grand Prix International
Selling to customers across the country can be daunting. How do you keep your company top of mind for your retail customers, how do you track when your retail customer will need a reorder, and how do you keep them up to date on new products, specials, inventory, and other relevant topics?
You can do this with an inside sales team who will add to your overhead, or you can hire independent sales reps across the country who get paid as they sell. Neither way is wrong, a company just needs to decide which is the better option for them.
If your company decides having independent sales representatives is the correct path, then here are the basics to get you started on a successful journey with your independent sales team.
Baseline Premises
1. You want to scale your business and you don’t have the desire or perhaps the human resources and/or the financial resources to do it internally. Independent sales reps are the best avenue for you to grow your business.
2. Independent sales reps are your partner, not the enemy. Besides you and your loved ones, they want your business to succeed the most. BE THEIR PARTNER! 3. Keep in mind, as the manufacturer, you have three customers to keep your product line in front of: • Sales representative • Retail buyer • Consumer
Respect, Communication, and Responsiveness are going to be the foundation of a good working relationship with your independent sales team.
Set the stage on how you will work together. I cannot stress enough how important communication is between you and your sales reps.
1. Work with each rep group principal to establish the best method to communicate with their group. Here are some options: • Is it bi-weekly/monthly newsletters to principals? • Quarterly calls with principals? • Monthly newsletters to all reps? • Quarterly call to check in with each rep?
2. Set sales goals with your rep principal’s input. Have regularly scheduled meetings with the rep principals to discuss the progress of their team on reaching their sales goals. Work together on any adjustments and support that are needed for the rep group to meet their goals.
3. Set up an advisory board of sales reps to meet monthly or quarterly. Use this advisory board for input on sales promotions and new products, and for them to share what’s going on with independent retailers.
4. Don’t forget what information your sales reps can provide you. They are your “boots on the ground.” They will see trends, find out what retailers are worried about, know what stores are doing for events, and a host of other things you want and need to know about the specialty retailer.
Status Check on the Basics
It is your responsibility as the manufacturer to provide the tools your sales reps need to properly sell your product line.
1. Do your sales reps have all the materials they need to sell your line? • Samples • Physical catalogs AND price sheets • Digital file of catalogs, price sheets, product images and usable social media posts • Current list of customers in their territory.
You need to identify house accounts in their territory and share your house account policy. • Product line spreadsheet including this information: - Sku - Upc - Title - long descriptor - short descriptor - keywords for search engines - awards won - link to web page on your site - dimensions and weights - case pack quantities - wholesale price - MSRP - MAP Price
2. Do you have a system in place to forward sales leads to the appropriate sales rep?
3. Does your rep know how to properly submit an order? And do you confirm receipt of that order?
4. Do your rep principals know how and when you’ll pay commissions?
5. Do you have a spreadsheet of all sales reps with names, addresses, email address, cell phone number?
The left hand should always know what the right hand is doing for NO SURPRISES!
Things you should be communicating on a regular basis to your sales representatives:
1. Your standard terms and your special sales promotions. Yes, it is important to regularly supply this information to your sales reps because they have many lines. Remember that the sales rep is your first customer, so keep your line and pertinent information top of mind for them. Also, don’t overcomplicate your sales promotions. Short-flash promotions are typically not appreciated as a normal course of action. Follow the KISS rule on promotions (Keep It Super Simple).
1. Inventory status
2. Any reviews or press coverage your products or company has had or awards won
3. Your policies on selling on Amazon, Faire and any other third party sites 4. Any policy changes or price changes
5. Sales leads (your policy on house accounts vs rep accounts)
6. Communication you’ve had with a customer on an issue or a compliment
7. All reps should be on your retailer mailing and email lists for promotions/ newsletters that you send to customers
Parting Thoughts
Having a good relationship with your sales reps comes down to communication, providing them what they need to do their job and mutual respect. Spend the time building that relationship. ASTRA