aPril 2010
P.O. Box 72786, Fairbanks, Alaska 99707
Vol. 10, Issue 4
State of the Arts Published monthly by fairbanks arts association
13th Annual Dredge Poetry Festival
Saturday, April 24 2pm Chatanika Gold Dredge • 29 mile Steese Highway
waTErColor CorNEr
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gallEry ExHIBIT
DrEDgE poETry
CHarlIE’S Box SoCIal
“Promoting contemPorary and traditional arts in alaska’s interior”
13th Annual Dredge Poetry Festival April 24th, 2pm At the Chatanika Dredge, 29 Mile Steese Highway For more information call Fairbanks Arts Association: 456-6485 ext. 227, seth@fairbanksarts.com or visit our website at www.fairbanksarts.org This years Dredge Poetry Festival is Dedicated to Marjorie Cole, one of the founders of this festival. People are invited to read from Marjorie Cole’s work, bring their favorite poems to share, or to read their own original work. Bring poetry, a sack lunch, thermos or water bottle, blanket, cushion or rug for comfortable seating and WARM clothes! This is an outdoor event, rain or shine!
Sponsored by
Fa i R B a n k S a R t S a S S o C 123982_13678 i at i o n Fairbanks Arts Association was established in 1966 to promote and support thexarts 3.25" 4.5" in the Fairbanks area. The Association is funded by private, corporate, and foundation memberships and donations, City of Fairbanks, Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska State BW Council on the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Arts. With assistance from professional staff and charitable volunteers, the Association provides services in five areas: Visual, Literary, Performing, Community Arts and Arts Education. FAA also helps to raise funds for other arts groups, provides technical assistance and support for arts programing, encourages and advises individual artists and beginning organizations, sponsors workshops and presents educational forums. Staff June Rogers, Executive Director , ex 225 june@fairbanksarts.org
Melissa Hougland, Associate Director, ex 226 melissa@fairbanksarts.org
Kim Rowley, Special Projects, ex 222 kim@fairbanksarts.org
Seth Schwartz, Program Coordinator, ex 227 seth@fairbanksarts.org
Maria Schmidt, Bookkeeper/Office Manager, ex 223 maria@fairbanksarts.org Board of Directors Lorraine Peterson, President Marcella Hill, Vice President Rebecca Burns, Secretary Myrna Colp, Treasurer
Members: Joan Stack Shane Hurd Darleen Masiak Calaya Williams Carol Wilbur Daron Crass Martin Miller
FAA Phone: (907) 456-6485
We’re proud to be upstaged While we’re proud of our long tradition of helping to bring arts and entertainment to our community—we’re even prouder of every occasion when talented artists and performers outshine our contributions. Wells Fargo is proud to celebrate the Fairbanks Arts Association. wellsfargo.com
© 2009 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. Member FDIC (123982_13678)
Fairbanks arts association
April 2010
123982_13678 3.25x4.5 bw 1
8/4/09 12:47 PM
Charlie’s pARTy for the Arts An Old-Fashioned Box Social
Fairbanks Arts Association is pleased to announce the return of Charlie’s Old Fashioned Box Social. This fun and unique fundraiser will revisit a custom of days gone by. Since the beginnings of this country, a Box Social was a great way to raise money for a worthy cause. Traditionally, a young lady prepared a tasty lunch, which was packed in a pretty basket or box and put up for auction. In addition to winning the lunch, the gentleman with the highest bid also won the company of the lady who prepared it. While we won’t be auctioning off the company of the box-maker, Charlie’s Old Fashioned Box Social will feature live music, a cash bar and, of course, the specially prepared boxed dinners that will be up for auction. Silent auction and out cry auction items will also be featured during this special fundraising event. Join in the fun – volunteer to decorate and donate a box or a basket with dinner for two for the auction. Ask your friends and neighbors to join you in enjoying
May 20, 6:30 p.m. a relaxed evening at an old fashioned social. Charlie’s Box Social will be held on May 20th from 6:30 to 9:00pm in the Exhibit Hall of the Alaska Centennial Center for the Arts in Pioneer Park. Tickets for this enjoyable evening fundraiser are $15 and include a non-alcoholic drink and dessert. Be sure to call 456-6485 for more info!
CAlling All volunteerS!
Project Volunteers Needed
Fairbanks Arts Association offers you the perfect opportunity to integrate service and love of the arts into volunteerism!
The Fairbanks Film Festival
March 27- assisting with set up and take down, ushering and other duties
VSA, Very Special Arts Festival
April 12 - we need help with Set Up and decorating April 13 - assisting with art project stations
Other volunteer options include being a docent in the Bear Gallery, distributing fliers, general office tasks and assisting with various special events.
You can help! Please call 456-6485 ext. 226 if you would like to volunteer. April 2010
Fairbanks Arts Association is currently working on a project to document public art around Fairbanks and we need your help! We are looking for folks to help with the documentation of the art (i.e. photos, GPS, description) but also find the art that is already out there. Do you have public art in your neighborhood? at your workplace? Are you willing to take some photos and descriptions? Please let us know! Call 456-6485 ext.226 or email Melissa@fairbanksarts.org if you can help!
Fairbanks arts association
f a i r b a n k s
a r t s
a s s o c i a t i o n
.:: Reading Series ‘10 You are invited to the annual
english graduate organization (ego) reading Featuring:
Doug Cost: Poetry Melina Draper: Poetry Kevin Eib: Nonfiction Amy Hartley: Poetry Ryan Henderson: Fiction Kate Hove: Fiction Ann Johnson: Nonfiction Carol Kaynor: Nonfiction Kyle Mellen: Fiction Tom Moran: Drama Jessica Ste Croix: Fiction Stuart Ste Croix Brooke Sheridan: Poetry Lance Twitchell English Graduate Organization
April 3 and April 10, 7pm @ the Bear Gallery • FREE
Alaska Centennial Center for the Arts at Pioneer Park, 2300 Airport Way
Fairbanks arts association
April 2010
2010 Artisan Expo & Sale • Call for Entries Application deadline: Saturday, May 1 at 5 PM The 2010 Artisan Expo & Sale – Friday, November 19 and Saturday, November 20 – marks the beginning of the holiday season at the University of Alaska Museum of the North. Approximately 25 artists from Alaska and the circumpolar North will be invited to sell their work in the museum’s lobby and adjoining spaces. Key Dates: May 1: Deadline for applications June 1: Artists notified of selection June 15: Artists confirm participation; deposit due October 1: Full payment due November 19-20: Event dates More information: ArtisanExpoSale@gmail.com.
G i f t
S h o p
A r t i s t
o f
“Mandala” by Heather krawiec, one of the artists in the UA Museum of the North’s first Artisan Expo & Sale.
t h e
M o n t h
Mary Ann Fortune Art is Raven through My Heart! I am an artist in Fairbanks, Alaska and it is with great enthusiasm I share my love of nature with you through my artwork. I introduce my Raven sculptures to you with both pride and excitement, each one with a unique personality. They are created on an armature of paper mache, wood and metal. Their final layer of texture is done using an acrylic gel. It is in the final stages of the sculpture that the personality of the Raven is complete and it is named. My creative spirit soars with the welcome these Ravens have received throughout the community. Commissioned orders are not only welcomed, but encouraged! The inception of my whimsical feathered artwork began in 1994, creating 3”x 4” “Birch Eggs”. The interior of each is lined with two different types of moss. Arranged on top of the moss lining is a myriad of woodland material. Bits and pieces of shelf mushroom, spruce cones, grass seed, low bush cranberry leaves, flowers and different types of moss and lichens. Perched on the foreground in each is a little bird I have feathered with layers of acrylic paint for visual authenticity. There are two variations of the Birch Egg shells. The ones built to be hung do so by a gold wire loop. Those built to stand do so with tree roots used as their legs. I proudly own a copyright to the Birch Eggs. I have variations of my woodland material artwork of which the subjects on all pieces remain my hand painted birds. April 2010
Fairbanks arts association
Alaska Dance Theatre (ADT), founded in 1981, mission is to promote dance through performance, professional education and advocacy in Alaska and to provide a place within the dance community for local and visiting artists to expand their creative talent while nurturing discipline, confidence, fitness and the experience of movement. Believing that dance is for everyone, Alaska Dance Theatre strives to keep its programs affordable to a wide range of the population.
Alaska Dance Theatre produces collaborative work by providing dancers and choreography for numerous artistic projects with other arts organizations in Anchorage, as well as self producing concerts and presenting contemporary dance companies in our Eagle Street Studio’s Alice Bassler Sullivan Theatre. Alaska Dance Theatre is proud to have been the recipient of the 2005 Governor’s Award for Outstanding Arts Organization.
Fairbanks arts association
April 2010
Gallery exhibit
Interior Artisans XXV :: Juror Tony Crocetto Juror :: Tony Crocetto Originally from Philadelphia, Tony Crocetto was active in the Philadelphia art scene between 1980 and 1991, where he exhibited in numerous juried shows and won several awards. He now resides in Talkeetna, Alaska, where he has lived for the last 15 years. Tony is known for his intimate, impressionistic plein air paintings of the local landscape as well as free form expressionistic mixed-media abstracts that find their inspiration in the subconscious. His works, whether landscape or abstract, are informed by confident brushwork and a keen sense of color and composition. Tony has exhibited in Talkeetna, Anchorage, Fairbanks, Homer and Denali Park, where he was Artist-in-Residence for the Denali Foundation in 1994. More recently, his work was selected for exhibit at Coos Art Museum, Coos Bay, OR; the traveling Survey of Alaskan Abstract Art Invitational 2009 and is currently exhibiting work in “Confluence/ Influence”, an Invitational at the MTS Gallery in Anchorage. In 2004 he was invited to exhibit in the Netherlands as part of the Holland/Alaska Cultural Exchange. His work is in permanent collections at SuValley High School, Philadelphia Sketch Club and many private collections from Europe to Alaska.
Exhibit Dates: April 2-May 1 Opening Reception: Friday, April 2, 5-7pm Juror’s Lecture: Monday, March 29, 7pm Gallery Hours: Tuesday- Saturday, Noon-6pm, Bear Gallery All events and exhibits are held in the Alaska Centennial Center for the Arts, Pioneer Park April 2010
Fairbanks arts association
eT R bAll A T s h noRT Ring gAlA sp
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Opera Fairbanks
m m and 8p p 2 , 4 2 l i Apr 2pm April 25, ckets. herr
pIZZA COn FUnGHI directed by
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Call 451-
eduard Zilberkant
April 17, 7pm Eagle’s Lodge on 1st Ave. This production is a FUND RAISER for Breadline (Stone Soup Cafe), the $50 ticket includes Pizza and Wine.
Fairbanks Symphony Orchestra preSentS:
Beat Beethoven 5K
April 10 at 11 AM
Race Fundraiser at the UAF Patty Ce nter
The Alaska Trio in
April 11 at 4 PM,
Davis Concert Hal
Concerto Compet
ition Winners Concert
April 25 at 4 PM, Davis Concert Hal l Featuring soloists Charlie McNeill Violin, Kendra Frey – Viol in, Sasha Bult-Ito – Piano, Eva Tillitt – Violin , Jamina Gerl – Pi ano accompanied by Ed uard Zilberkant an d the Fairbanks Symphon y Orchestra Please call the Sym phony Office: 4745733 or visit ww
w.FairbanksSymph on
lor Society
Fairbanks Waterco
ion Demon4 s• 6tr-9apt.m . May 1
incess Hotel Copper Room, Pr
Call 389-2114
To submit calen informatio dar n please ema , il melissa fairbanks @ arts.org or call 45 6-6485 ext.226
UAF’s Math in a Cultural Context First Friday • Friday, April 2
UAF Bowers’ Building 2175 University Ave, South, Suite 101 5-8 p.m. • 474-6996
Sculptor Lacie Stiewing
presents a solo exhibition
Exhibit of books and materials, as well as a show featuring the artwork of Putt Clark.
April 19-30 Opening reception: April 22, 5-7pm UAF Art Gallery
Fairbanks Concert Association preSentS:
For more information contact Carol Hoefler, UAF Art Department Administrative Assistant at 907.474.7530 or fyart@uaf.edu
Sharon Isbin & Mark O’Connor in concert April 9 at 8pm, Hering Auditorium. An Evening with Ira Glass April 26 at 8pm, Hering Auditorium. Tickets available at Grassroots Guitar, online at alaskatix.cm or by calling 490-2858. More info at fairbanksconcert.org
Theater UAF presents
VinegAR Tom a play with song by Caryl Churchill Stephan Golux Directed by new Theatre UAF faculty member Live at UAF’s Lee H. Salisbury Theater Viewer and parental discretion is advised
April 24-May 2
’s Box Office: Tickets: $7-$14 at the Wood Center or Theatre UAF 474-7751, www.uaf.edu/theatre/season
April 2010
Ts: AlAsKA ARrTwiits h the
Are you familia ne Call for Entry onli ? application system Learn more in the teleconference, r Applying “Technical Tips fo Through CAFÉ” ble@ RSVP to andrea.no 69-6605 alaska.gov or 907-2 0 or for March 30 4-5:3 April 13 4-5:30
Fairbanks arts association
Society Corner Dawn Crass
Dawn Crass has lived in ten of the 50 states in the U.S. and traveled extensively throughout the country and abroad. In 1994 she moved to Alaska and at last felt she had arrived home. She divides her time between Fairbanks and Pelican, Alaska, fishing, kayaking, hiking and painting. Dawn has studied painting at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks and under the direction of Vladimir Zhikhartsev, Gael Murakami and Karen Austen. Her work has been in juried shows at the University of Alaska, the Bear Gallery and the New Horizons Gallery. The University of Alaska also holds one of her pieces in its permanent collection. Dawn is a member of Fairbanks Arts Association, Fairbanks Watercolor Society and Anchorage Watercolor Society.
5th Annual Design Alaska Wild Arts Walk
Friends of Creamer’s Field is looking for artists, musicians, writers and storytellers for the 5th annual Design Alaska Wild Arts Walk which will take place Sunday June 6th from Noon to 5pm at Creamer’s Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge. The event is a walking tour of artists displaying and demonstrating their work at stations located near the Farmhouse Visitor Center and on the refuge trails. This is an opportunity ARCTIC CHIROPRACTIC ARCTIC CHIROPRACTIC forARCTIC area artistsCHIROPRACTIC to create, display, and FAIRBANKS FAIRBANKS FAIRBANKS sell their work. Applications must be DR. Sundby, Robert Lewis, DC DR. Jessica DC DR. Jessica Sundby, DC postmarked on or before May 7th, DR. Jessica Sundby, DC With: With: Treating: Treating: ~ chiropractic adjusting Treating: ~ headaches and neck pain ~ chiropractic ~ headaches and neck an pain application With: adjusting 2010. To obtain and ~ myofacial release ~ myofacial release ~ muscle and and joint pain ~ muscle and joint pain •headaches neck pain •chiropractic adjusting ~ physical therapy ~ physicalcontact therapy ~ back pain andjoint stiffness ~ backinformation, pain and stiffness more please •muscle and pain and rehabilitation •myofascial release and rehabilitation ~ sprains and strains ~ sprains and strains •back pain and stiffness ~ conservative caretherapy and rehabilitation ~ conservative care •physical Friends of Creamer’s Field at 452-5162 •sprains and strains •conservative care “Life is good when you’re pain free.” “Life is good when you’re pain free.” or online at www.creamersfield.org . “Life is good when you’re pain free.” 308 Old Steese Hwy (Northgate Square)
907.451-PAIN (7246)
308 Old Steese Hwy (Northgate Square)
(Northgate Square) 907.451-PAIN (7246) 10 308 Old Steese HwyARCTIC CHIROPRACTIC Fairbanks arts association
April 2010
907.451-PAIN (7246)
to u o y k n a Th
rs ! e e t n u l o our v
ther hirley Odsa S n Vi Robinso ayle Miller G ill pson m o h Marcella H T a n i t s Chri k r a l C a r Barba Cora Cook Hugh n Nancy Mc en Hickma e l l o C Flein n a V t e beary r g r Ma ngela Rose A inning Lee Harris d n e l G y r r en Te s s i r o J u o nbuel Mary L eggy Birke P Liz Bent
Committee Meetings: Literary Arts April 19 at 5:30 p.m. Cinema Committee April 20 at 5:30 p.m. Visual Arts April 21 at 5:30 p.m. All meetings are in the Bear Gallery, 3rd Floor of the Alaska Centennial Center for the Arts, Pioneer Park, 2300 Airport Way. All meetings are subject to change. For more information call 456-6485 ext. 227.
Th an k Yo u a rtEX pO Vo lu ntee rs !
T h a n k Yo ute e rs ! lu n a r tEX pO Vo a n ze n
te rs o n lo r ra in e pe s ia k D a r le e n Ma rns re be c c a B u r C a ro l W il b u S h a n e H u rd My r n a C o lp + Do re e n F is h Fa m ily
K a r in Fr liz Be nt in Jade M cla il l Ma rc e ll a H n buel pe g g y Bir ke r, J r. J o h n K o h le fe r G in ny S c h a le r Ma r tin M il
The CrafT MarkeT • Local Alaska Artwork • • High Quality • • Wholesale & Retail •
• Tools • Gifts • Jewelry Supplies • Mon-Sat 10 to 7pm
401 5th Avenue Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-452-5495 thecraftmarket@yahoo.com April 2010
Fairbanks arts association
Tun dra Carava n FNa pot latch Dan cers Dan ce The ate r Fai rba nks Boy Sco ut Tro op 47 pav va inupia q Dan cers pio nee r par k pic kers You ng phi lippino Dan cers You ng Native Fiddle rs Ed Venture lou ise Kow als ki
The Alaska State Council on the Arts (ASCA) Percent for Art Program announces a Call for Artists for the State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish, Anchorage Sport Fish Hatchery - Anchorage, Alaska Total Budget for Art: $700,000 USD Submission Deadline: Thursday, April 22, 2010 This Public Art RFQ for interior and exterior artwork is open to all statewide and national artists and teams of artists. To view the RFQ and apply, Artists must register through www.callforentry.org
In a Nick
Thank you!
By Cheryl Joens • Episode 4 “Hurricane Cindy has now dissipated into several local storms and a great deal of rain….” The being that came riding in on the back of gale force storm winds was making his way through the torrential downpours. He pulled his hat down low over his brow after neglecting to put it on until the water was streaming down his face. He smiled, he loved the rain in his face,
but it would look more natural for this place if he wore the hat. Now, if everything went as planned, well to a reasonable degree anyway, this world would change significantly. The big question would be how well the inhabitants would adjust to the changes. The changes could become permanent if the majority had a certain mindset. That was the biggest variable in his…
Fairbanks Arts Association is pleased to help foster and support artists of all genres. For the next year we will feature the science fiction series In a Nick by Cheryl Joens. To learn more about FAA’s programs, please contact Melissa@fairbanksarts.org.
their….calculations: human thought. In a short period of time he would have sown all the seeds of change that he carried with him. With the speed of the winds around him and the torrential rains the future was set in motion. That made him smile and when he smiled he looked so human. “Now”, he thought, “only time will tell...”
When asked to be the volunteer of the month, I hesitated as I often do when asked to do something just out of my comfort zone; then I just said yes, and thank you. Since then, I’ve taken some time to consider why I choose to volunteer. I believe that service work is important in our lives, it gives me hope for our future. So even when the task is a stretch (like making calls at fund raising time!) I am grateful to have the opportunity to provide service to the community, by giving a few hours to the Arts Association which directly and indirectly makes such positive contributions to the qualify of life in Fairbanks. To work and play with those I meet at FAA events inspires me to be more creative in my life. Thanks for all you do!
VolunTeer SpoTlighT - rebecca burnS