5 Great Ways to Use Kief This potent powder is one of the purest forms of cannabis and often appears as a dry sift. It is produced from the resinous trichomes from the cannabis flower contains a high volume of terpenes and cannabinoids which makes it an effective method to medicate. It is commonly found at the bottom of your grinder when you break bud up for a joint. Companies that produce cannabis typically have large amounts for processing and typically sell it for individuals to use. It is not as commonly available as some other cannabis products, but it can be found in some stores and through online cannabis dispensaries. As the trichomes essentially contain pure THC, which is the compound that makes you feel "high", kief delivers a powerful punch! A little goes a long way with this concentrate. So, what are the best ways to use kief?
Pressing Into Hash One of our favourite ways to use kief is to create hash. Although it is not top-quality hash, kief can still produce a decent product. All that is required is a piece of parchment paper and an iron (or hair straightener). Simply put the kief inside the parchment paper, folding it and holding it between the plates of the straightener or under the iron. The goal is not to burn the paper, but to compress the kief into a block and to heat it slightly. Apply the heat in intervals of 3-4 seconds, flipping the paper between applications so as to press the kief evenely. Make sure to adjust heat or pressure if the kief is still too loose or sticky. Blocks of kief can be sold to be used in cooking, sprinkled in tea or joints or for smoking as it can be consumed similarly to traditional hash.
Make Homemade Kief Cannabutter Similar to making infused cannabutter using the bud, hash or oil, kief can be used to produce a potent homemade cannabutter. Place butter (not margarine) into a pot over medium heat. Once it has melted, add your kief; stir the pot every 10 to 15 minutes for 5 hours. It is a long process, but we promise it will be worth it! After the alloted time, remove your cannabutter from heat, placing it in a heat-proof container (such as a glass bowl or tupperware). Once it has cooled completely, you can cover it and place it in the refrigerator to harden. Once the cannabutter is ready, there are endless uses for it! Some options include using it as a spread on your morning toast, baking it into “special� brownies or cookies or even sprinkling it on popcorn!
Make E-Cig Juice Another way to process the collected kief is by making E-Cig juice to fill cartridges for vaporizers. This method requires vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol, both of which can be bought fairly easily. In addition, you will require a coffee filter, syringes and a double-boil mechanism. For an added option, you can purchase lemon or berry flavoring to give your e-cig juice its own taste. It is recommended to use a ratio of 1:1 vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol. This mixture is added to the double boiler with the kief. Heat the mixture until it has melted and has a smooth consistency. If you have opted for flavoring, add it to the mixture once it has an even consistency and leave it to cook for a few additional seconds. Lastly, pour the mixture into a coffee filter so you are sure to catch any remaining plant material. Once it cools, it is ready to use! The syringe will make it easy to fill your cartridge and then you can enjoy the benefits of your homemade vape oil.
Kickstart Your Day With a Powerful Morning Bevvy Another great use for kief is to sprinkle it into your morning coffee or afternoon tea. Kief will only work in hot beverages, as the heat activates the cannabinoids - don't waste it in a cold drink! This is an easy way to consume cannabis orally, but it is not as strong as baking. So why not share a special cup with a special friend?
Smoke It The last way to use kief, is to simply smoke it! You can add it to a pipe, sprinkled in a joint or vape it. If you are using it in a joint, grind your bud as normal and mix the kief in. As a result, when you pack your joint, the kief is spread more evenly. Smoking in a pipe is simple, as you just need to pack it with the kief. However, kief is highly potent, so be careful if you have a larger bowl. Lastly, you can put some kief in your vaporizer as you would with bud.
Buy Cannabis Online FairCannaCare is an online cannabis dispensary that has kief available at $8 / gram. In addition, they stock a variety of other products including flower between $2 and $7 per gram, shatter between $15 and $25 a gram, edibles, oils, CBD isolate and hash! FairCannaCare makes it easy to buy cannabis online. Click here to shop now!