Best marijuana strains for insomnia

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Best Marijuana Strains for Insomnia Insomnia is defined as difficulty falling or staying asleep, even when there is ample opportunity. Symptoms of insomnia usually appear in the form of taking a long time to fall asleep, only sleeping for brief periods, being awake for much of the night and waking up too early1.

Types of Insomnia There are two main classifications of insomnia, Acute and Chronic2: 1) Acute Insomnia is brief and usually occurs due to life circumstances, such as upcoming exams, receiving stressful or bad news, financial stress, etc. This type of sleep disruption is fairly common and often resolves itself within one to three weeks. Acute Insomnia results in fatigue, low energy, unbalanced mood, difficulty concentrating and decreased focus. 2) Chronic Insomnia is classified as a sleep pattern that is disrupted at least three nights per week over the course of at least one month. This type of insomnia disorder can be due to changes in the environment, shift work, unhealthy sleep habits, sleep apnea or some other health issue that leads to insufficient sleep. This type of insomnia has similar symptoms as acute insomnia as well as a significantly higher risk of serious health conditions such as: heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and depression. Insomnia is considered one of the most common sleep disorders and is often related to stress. It is estimated that over 1 in 4 individuals have experienced insomnia at least once in their life3 and that 10% of adults suffer from chronic insomnia4. Additionally, insomnia affects women at twice the rate as men and surprisingly, 40-60% of seniors suffer from it as well5.

Current Medication For Insomnia The frustration felt by so many insomnia sufferers who are tired of counting down how many hours they have left to sleep and watching as the sun comes up, knowing they have to stumble through another day running on fumes, is not surprising. While in few cases insomnia can be resolved through life changes such as setting a proper sleep schedule, exercising, taking vitamins and eating better, not all insomnia is so easily fixed. Those who cannot use natural methods to cure their symptoms, are often prescribed sleeping pills. However, these come with serious side effects and are often addictive. Other individuals claim that natural supplements such as chamomile, melatonin and lavender oils help them fall asleep but there is another natural option - cannabis.

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How Cannabis Can Help If you have ever experienced insomnia, you know that lack of sleep is one of the most frustrating experiences - especially when it comes on suddenly. Sometimes you can even pinpoint the reason, but that does not always help you get to sleep. Cannabis is becoming more and more popular for assisting individuals with a variety of ailments, perhaps the most common being sleep. In fact, The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Big Pharma’s Sanofi-Aventi funded a study that showed how THC enabled subjects to fall asleep quicker and easier6. In fact, this has been proven in research going as far back as 19737. Other studies show that marijuana use can reduce REM sleep, further citing its benefits to individuals suffering from PTSD as it reduces dreams8. This is extremely beneficial to individuals who suffer from severe stress or whose insomnia may even be brought on by nightmares caused by a traumatic event. Additionally, marijuana has been shown to increase Stage 4 sleep, which is the deep state of rest where the brain switches off almost completely and heart rate and breathing decrease. This is where your mind and body receives the most restoration9. If you are someone suffering from insomnia and can’t seem to find relief, cannabis is a great alternative.

Best Strains for Insomnia So you have decided to try cannabis to help you get some much-needed rest. The first thing you should know is that Indica strains make the best sleep aids as they tend to have heavier body highs and sleep-inducing effects on the user. Additionally, older and drier bud is better for insomnia than freshly harvested flowers due to increased CBN that results from degradation of THC10. Lastly, while it is tempting to smoke to yield quicker effects, consuming in edible form will help you stay asleep longer. Either way you choose to consume it, these strains have been praised as being great for insomnia: 1. Skywalker OG is a potent Indica-dominant hybrid with intense THC levels of 20-25%. This strain has a heavy high resulting in strong body effects and euphoria, that eventually fades into a deep and peaceful sleep. 2. Granddaddy Purple is a popular strain with THC content between 17% and 27% giving it a powerful kick. This strain delivers an overwhelming body high resulting in relaxation as well as a cerebral euphoria to help fade away stress. 6 8 9 10 7

3. Bubba OG is an indica-dominated hybrid with potent THC levels ranging up to 22% and reaching 25% in some cases. This 20:80 Sativa to Indica ratio makes it perfect for reducing stress and encouraging sleep. 4. Girl Scout Cookies is an Indica-dominant strain with 20% THC. It is a potent bud known for its full-body relaxation and sedating effects. This strain is great for fighting depression and insomnia, but is a powerful psychoactive. A little goes a long way. 5. Purple Kush is a popular strain for those suffering from insomnia. Thanks to its average THC level of 22% its 100% pure Indica genetics, its euphoric and relaxing high will lead you into a deep and powerful sleep. Many of these strains can be easily ordered through our online cannabis dispensary.

Moderate THC Options If your insomnia is caused by anxiety, or you struggle with both, high THC content is not recommended. In fact, it is proven to exacerbate anxiety in many cases and thus, worsen sleep. Cannabis is much stronger and better bud now than it was in the past, with many strains showing THC levels soaring to 25% or higher! A moderately potent strain of 15-18% THC is best for newbies or those struggling with anxiety. Remember, a little goes a long way when you are starting out. Here are our top five moderate THC options: 1. Sugar Kush is a 100% pure Indica with THC levels of 18-20%. It has a sugary taste and candy-coated appearance that results in a relaxing and sleepy high for complete couchlock. 2. Afghan Kush is a very potent Indica. This strain is capable of handling anxiety and insomnia alilke. The THC content of around 20% is moderate but it will quickly put you to sleep. 3. Northern Lights is a pure Indica with an average THC level of 18%. This strain results in a mellow euphoria mixed with heavy physical relaxation helping you to drift off to sleep. However, this one can result in severe munchies so either take right before bed or have a snack on standby. 4. Purple Urkle is another ideal bedtime strain. With average THC levels of 18-20%, this strain brings happiness as well as relaxing users and helping to induce sleep. 5. Unlike the other strains on this list, AC/DC is extremely low THC at 1-2% but has 19% CBD making it as mellow as you can get. This strain does not produce a cerebral high at all and, instead, results in relaxing, anti-anxiety effects to calm the mind and body. You can also try pairing your cannabis with camomile tea or a lavender bath to get the most out of your high. Keep in mind, not all sleep aids work the same way for each person; this is just as true with marijuana. Do some research beforehand and ensure to buy a reputable product that is properly labelled so you know what you’re getting. At Fair Canna Care we pride ourselves on providing

accurate information on our products and maintaining strong quality controls, making it easy for you to buy medical marijuana online in Canada. Check out our F.A.Q. for more information on how our mail-order marijuana service works! Until then, sweet dreams!

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