February 2017 Free Events Calendar

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Free Events February 2017

February is

Library Lovers’ Month

In honor of Library Lovers' Month, we’re collecting “Love Notes.” Tell us why the library is important to you; write your note on a post-it ... index card ... cocktail napkin … back of a receipt … whatever you have handy. Drop your note off at your local branch or send an email to librarynews@fairfaxcounty.gov.

Burke Centre Library 5935 Freds Oak Road Burke, VA 22015 703-249-1520 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 1, 10:30 Library Playdate Let's get together for play, song, and fun. Age 1-2 with adult.

Need assistance with your taxes?

Help is available at the library

Thursday, Feb. 2, 2:00 Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) Each month we will focus on one of these subjects with stories and activities appropriate for preschoolers. Age 4-5 with adult.

VITA Tax Assistance

Thursday, Feb. 2, 6:30 LEGOs in the Library LEGOs await you and your imagination. Bring a friend or make new ones while you build. Age 6-12.

Chantilly Regional Library Saturdays in Feb. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Thursdays in Feb. 6-8:30 p.m.

Fridays in February, 11:00, 11:45, 12:30 One-on-One English Practice Practice speaking, reading and writing English with a volunteer partner. Age 13-adult.

IRS-certified volunteers help taxpayers who earned up to $54K in 2016. Adults. No registration necessary.

Kingstowne Library Saturdays in Feb. 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

Richard Byrd Library Saturdays in Feb. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Thomas Jefferson Library Saturdays in Feb. 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

AARP Tax Assistance

IRS-certified volunteers from AARP Foundation Tax-Aide offer free tax preparation; preference given to those 50 and older. No registration necessary. Centreville Regional Library Tuesdays in Feb. 4-8 p.m. Wednesdays in Feb. 1-5 p.m.


Sherwood Regional Library Daily except Sundays in February 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and 5-8 p.m.

Don’t forget to register...

You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.

Saturdays in February, 10:00, 11:00 Genealogy One-on-One Research your family history with a genealogy volunteer using library online resources. Adults. Saturdays, Feb. 4, 18, 10:30 Teen Advisory Board (TAB) Young adult volunteers work together to help the library develop programs and services of interest to their peers. Everyone welcome. Attend a meeting and find out more. Age 13-18.

Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary

Centreville Regional Library

Saturdays, Feb. 4, 18, 2:00 Comics Club Interested in Manga, Anime, and/or Graphic Novels? Join us for bi-weekly meetings to share your favorite stories, characters and drawings. Age 13-18. Saturdays, Feb. 4, 18, 2:00 Creative Writers Group Do you enjoy writing fiction, poetry, non-fiction and/or memoirs? Join us to discuss and give/get feedback on fiction, poetry, non-fiction and/or memoirs in progress. Teen volunteer facilitates. Age 13-18. Mondays, Feb. 6, 13, 27, 2:00-2:30 Walk-in Tech Clinic Help with eBooks, mobile devices and basic computer skills. Bring device account IDs and passwords. Adults.* Mondays, Feb. 6, 13, 27, 6:45, 7:30, 8:15 One-on-One English Practice Practice speaking, reading and writing English with a volunteer partner. Age 8-adult. Mondays, Feb. 6, 13, 27, 7:00 English Conversation Practice speaking English with others and improve your skills. Adults.* Tuesday, Feb. 7, 7:00 Burke Historical Society: Creating a Fairfax County Slavery Index Curious about the history of enslaved African-Americans in Fairfax County? Fairfax Circuit Court Historic Records Center’s Heather Bollinger, will discuss creating a slavery index from county records. Adults. Wednesday, Feb. 8, 10:30 Alphabet Soup Join us for stories and activities about letters in the alphabet. Age 3-5 with adult.

Thursday, Feb. 9, 2:00 Read! Build! Play! Let's read a story, build with DUPLOs, and have fun with friends while building early literacy skills. Age 3-5 with adult. Thursday, Feb. 9, 6:30 Furry Friends Book Club Book club with animals in every story. Call branch for title. Copies of the book are at the information desk for check out. Read the story before the program. Age 10-12. Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1:00 Burke Centre Book Club Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng. Adults.* Wednesday, Feb. 15, 10:30 Little Acorns Stories, rhymes, and activities about nature. Age 3-5 with adult. Thursday, Feb. 16, 4:30 Magic Tree House Club Let's read and talk about Dragon of the Red Dawn (#37 in series) and travel with Jack and Annie to Edo in ancient Japan to discover one of the four secrets of happiness. Children read the book before the program. Age 6-9. Tuesday, Feb. 28, 1:30 Short Book Conversations Join a lively discussion of Wesley the Owl by Stacie O'Brien. Adults.


14200 St. Germain Dr. Centreville, VA 20121 703-830-2223 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Library eBook Tech Help Get your library eBook questions answered. Walk-in hours Mondays from 8-9 pm and Wednesdays from 1-2 pm. Bring your library card and device. No prior experience required. All ages. Ask a Librarian Reserve a free 30-minute session with a librarian for personalized research help. Call branch to request an appointment. Teens and adults. Wednesdays in February 11:00, 12:00 Thursdays in February, 10:00, 11:00 Saturdays in February, 1:00, 2:00 Sundays in February, 2:00, 3:00 One-on-One English Conversation Practice English with a volunteer tutor. Call to register. Limited to once per week. Adults. Wednesdays in February, 1:00-5:00 Tuesdays in February, 4:00 AARP Tax Assistance Preference given to older adults. Adults.* Wednesday, Feb. 1, 7:00 Starlight Storytime Stories and fun for the whole family. Pajamas and stuffed friends welcome. Age 4-8. Thursday, Feb. 2, 11:00 Small Wonders Stories and activities. Age 13-23 months with adult. Continued on next page


Thursday, Feb. 2, 4:30 Youth Watercolor Club Learn how to compose and create watercolor paintings from a local artist. Materials supplied. Age 9-16. Saturday, Feb. 4, 10:30 Thriving Three to Fives Stories and activities. Age 3-5 with adult. Saturdays, Feb. 4, 11, 25, 12:45 GIVE Tutoring High school honor students provide free homework help and tutoring to younger students in elementary school. School age.* Saturdays in February, 3:00 Practice English Conversation Group-Saturdays English language conversation practice opportunities for adult learners of English. Volunteer led program. Adults.* Monday, Feb. 6, 10:30 Disney's Beauty and the Beast Come enjoy Disney's original animated version before the release of the live action movie next month. Refreshments provided. Bring a blanket/ pillow if you like to sprawl out. 90 minutes, rated G. All ages. Monday, Feb. 6, 2:00 Civil War Survival Join Historian Allison Hartley and re-enactors from the 42nd Virginia Company One. Drill, help with laundry, learn games that kept people busy and the important role our community played in the war. Grades 5-8. Mondays, Feb. 6, 13, 20, 7:00 ESL Book Club Adults learning English meet to discuss a book chosen by the group. Ask for title. Adults.*


Tuesdays in February, 10:30 Advanced English Conversation Group Drop-in conversation group for ESL speakers who want to improve their skills. Adults.*

Thursday, Feb. 16, 7:30 Book Nerds A book club for fifth and sixth graders. February's book selection: Moo by Sharon Creech. Copies will be available at the information desk. Age 9-12.

Thursday, Feb. 9, 11:00 Tuesday, Feb. 21, 11:00 Time for Tots Stories and activities. Age 2-3 with adult.

Wednesday, Feb. 22, 7:00 A Novel Society Call for book title. Adults.*

Saturday, Feb. 11, 10:30 Really BIG Numbers The GMU experimental geometry lab presents hands-on, activities that will leave kids in awe of the limitlessness of numbers and of their own imaginations. Grades 4-6. Monday, Feb. 13, 6:30 Saturday, Feb. 25, 10:30 LEGOs Kids' Club Thousands of LEGOs await you and your creativity. Come with friends or make new ones while you create. Age 6-12. Wednesday, Feb. 15, 11:00 Baby & Me! Stories and activities. Birth-12 months with adult. Wednesday, Feb. 15, 7:00 Starlight Storytime Stories and fun for the whole family. Pajamas and stuffed friends welcome. Age 4-8. Thursday, Feb. 16, 11:00 Thriving Three to Fives Stories and activities. Age 3-5 with adult. Thursday, Feb. 16, 3:00-6:00 Third Thursday Fun and Games Island Games will match your gaming interests and abilities with varied games for teen and grade school participants. Parents welcome to play. Age 6-adult.

Don’t forget to register...

You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.

Monday, Feb. 27, 1:00 Sully Book Club Call for book title. Adults.*

Chantilly Regional Library 4000 Stringfellow Rd Chantilly, VA 20151 703-502-3883 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Basic Internet and Microsoft Office Tutoring Get one-on-one help with computers, basic Microsoft Office applications and navigating the internet. Call the library to schedule an appointment. Adults. Book-a-Librarian Reserve a free 30-minute session with a professional librarian for personalized research help. Call branch to request an appointment. Adults and teens. eBook Office Hours Call for an appointment and get your eBook questions answered. Bring your tablet or eReader and library card. Adults. One-on-One English Conversation Practice your English with an ESL volunteer. Register in person only. Call branch for details. Adults.

Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary

Wednesday, Feb. 1, 11:00 Groundhog Day Storytime Join us for a special Groundhog Day celebration. Age 2-5. Wednesdays, Feb. 1, 22, 3:00, 4:00 Small Wonders Rhymes, songs, stories and activities for you and your baby. Build an early literacy foundation for your child while enjoying time together. Age 1223 months with caregiver. Wednesday, Feb. 1, 7:00 Mystery Book Club Discuss The Decagon House Murders by Yukito Ayatsuji. Adults.* Thursday, Feb. 2, 10:30 PJ Library Book Buddies Storytime Read selections from the PJ Library of Jewish books and music and make a craft to take home. Contact Jennifer. DeAngelis@jccnv.org of the Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia for more information. Siblings welcome. Age 2 1/2-5 with caregiver. Thursdays, Feb. 2, 9, 23, 2:00 Storytime for Three to Fives Early literacy program with stories and activities. Age 3-5 with caregiver. Thursdays in February, 6:00 Saturdays in February, 10:00 VITA Tax Assistance IRS-certified volunteers help taxpayers who earned up to $54K. Adults.* Thursdays in February, 7:00 English Conversation Group Practice your English with other students. Adults. Friday, Feb. 3, 4:30 Passport to Fun Explore languages and cultures through crafts and games with the Chantilly High School Language Honor Societies. Grades 1-6.

Saturday, Feb. 4, 10:30 Kaleidoscope Storytime: An Adaptive Storytime Family sensory storytime focusing on the strengths and adapting to children on the autism spectrum and with other developmental challenges. Stories, songs and movement in a welcoming atmosphere. All ages. Mondays, Feb. 6, 13, 27, 10:30 Wednesday, Feb. 15, 3:30 Bouncin' Babies Build an early literacy foundation for your child while enjoying rhymes, songs, stories and activities for you and your baby. Birth-11 months with caregiver. Mondays, Feb. 6, 13, 27, 11:30 Small Wonders Build an early literacy foundation for your child while enjoying rhymes, songs, stories and activities for you and your baby. Age 12-23 months with caregiver. Mondays, Feb. 6, 2:00 Author Event Meet Michael J. O'Brien, author of We Shall Not Be Moved: The Jackson Woolworths’ Sit-In and the Movement It Inspired. Book available for signing and purchase. Teens and adults. Monday, Feb. 6, 4:30 Bookalicious! Book discussion group for 3rd and 4th graders. Ask for title. Age 8-9. Monday, Feb. 6, 4:45 Number One Budds: Book Buddies for First Graders Read the book at home and come to our book club to talk about it. This month's title is Piper Green and the Fairy Tree by Ellen Potter. Grade 1. Mondays, Feb. 6, 13, 27, 6:30 Writers of Chantilly Share your work, give and receive feedback in a supportive setting. Adults.*


Tuesdays in February, 10:30 English Conversation Group Practice your English with other students. Adults. Tuesdays in February, 10:30, 11:30 Toddlin' Twos Early literacy storytime with stories, songs and activities. Age 2 with caregiver. Tuesday, Feb. 7, 7:00 Books and Bites A book discussion group for teens. Join us as we discuss a popular YA novel and share some snacks. Ask for title. Grades 9-12. Wednesdays, Feb. 8, 15, 22, 10:30 Read! Build! Play! DUPLO® Storytime Have fun with your little one while building early literacy foundations for reading success. Age 18-35 months with adult. Wednesdays, Feb. 8, 15, 22, 11:30 Read! Build! Play! DUPLO® Storytime Have fun with your little one while building early literacy foundations for reading success. Age 3-5 years with adult. Wednesday, Feb. 8, 7:00 Pajama Party! Bring your favorite cuddly friend and a blanket. Wear your pajamas and get ready for a rockin' good time. Age 3-5 with caregiver. Wednesday, Feb. 8, 7:30 Chantilly Book Discussion Group Island Beneath the Sea by Isabel Allende. Adults.* Fridays, Feb. 10, 24, 2:00 Ready for School Storytime Early literacy storytime program for children ready to be on their own without caregivers or siblings. Age 4-5. Continued on next page


Friday, Feb. 10, 4:30 Kinder-Budds: Book Buddies for Kindergarteners A book discussion group for girls and boys. Kindergarteners. Sunday, Feb. 12, 1:30 The Unruly Theatre Project Join us for a workshop where a professional teen acting company uses comedy performances in unconventional ways to foster creativity, counteract stress and have fun. For families with students in grades 4 and up. Monday, Feb. 13, 4:45 Budds to the Second: Book Buddies for 2nd Graders A book club for boys and girls in 2nd grade. Read the book at home and come to our book club to talk about it. This month's title is Never Box a Kangaroo by Nancy Krulik. Grade 2. Tuesday, Feb. 14, 3:30 LGBTQA+ Book Club A book discussion group focusing on LGBTQA+ themes. Ask for title. Grades 9-12. Tuesday, Feb. 14, 4:00 The Unruly Theatre Project Learn the art of improvisation from the professional young adult actors of the Alden Theater's Unruly Theatre Project in this fun, interactive workshop. For students in grades 7-8.

Tuesday, Feb. 14, 5:00 The Unruly Theatre Project Learn the art of improvisation from the professional young adult actors of the Alden Theater's Unruly Theatre Project in this fun, interactive workshop. For students in grades 9-12.


Wednesday, Feb. 15, 7:00 Adventures in Art Join us as we explore the exciting world of art through a combination of stories and art projects. Come dressed to get messy. Age 4-7 with caregiver.

City of Fairfax Regional Library 10360 North Street Fairfax, VA 22030 703-293-6227 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Genealogy Help Desk Bring your family history stumpers to an expert. Make an appointment at the Virginia Room desk or call 703-2936227, option 6. Adults.

Tuesday, Feb. 21, 7:00 Magic and Mayhem A book discussion group for girls and boys. Ask for title. Grades 7-8. Wednesday, Feb. 22, 7:30 The End (or is it?) Book Group Book discussion group for boys and girls. Ask for title. Grades 5-6.

One-on-one English Conversation Practice Practice speaking English with a volunteer tutor. Call to make an appointment. Adults.* Personalized Internet/Microsoft Office Tutoring Learn how to use the web. Call for appointment. Age 13 & up. Tales to Tails Read aloud to a friendly, trained therapy dog. Call for dates and times or register online. Age 6-12.

Saturday, Feb. 25, 10:30-11:30 Peaceful Paws Children on the autism spectrum or with other developmental challenges may especially enjoy reading to Dakota, a gentle, trained therapy dog. Bring your own book or choose one we provide. Parents and siblings are welcome to join. Call or sign up online for a 15-minute session. All ages. Tuesdays, Feb. 14, 28, 2:00 Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2:00 Monday, Feb. 27, 2:00 Korean Storytime for Three to Fives Early literacy program in Korean with stories and activities. Age 3-5 with caregiver.

Don’t forget to register...

You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.

Wednesdays, Feb. 1, 15, 10:30 Drop-In Storytime Enjoy stories and songs, building your child's early literacy skills. Age 2-5 with adult.* Thursdays, Feb. 2, 16, 10:30 Mother Goose Storytime Enjoy stories, songs and fingerplays. Birth-23 months with adult. Mondays, Feb. 6, 13, 27, 11:00 Tuesdays in February, 2:00 Thursdays in February, 7:00 Library Tech Help Get your library-related electronic resources questions answered. Includes help with eBooks and compatible devices. Adults.* Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary

Saturday, Feb. 4, 10:30 Fire Safety Puppet Show Enjoy a Fire Safety Puppet Show presented by the City of Fairfax Fire Department as part of the Chocolate Lovers' Festival. All ages.* Saturday, Feb. 4, 2:00 Kaydee Puppets-Chocolate-Dipped Tales Celebrate the City of Fairfax Chocolate Lovers' Festival with this colorful Kaydee Puppets presentation. Cosponsored by Friends of the City of Fairfax Regional Library. All ages.* Saturday, Feb. 4, 3:30 Be Our Valentine! Enjoy music with Cody & BJ as part of the City of Fairfax Chocolate Lovers' Festival. Cosponsored by Friends of the City of Fairfax Regional Library. All ages.* Sunday, Feb. 5, 2:00 Chocolate-Covered Fairy Tales Enjoy storyteller Gary Lloyd as part of the City of Fairfax Chocolate Lovers' Festival. These stories melt in your ears, not in your hands. Cosponsored by the Friends of the City of Fairfax Regional Library. All ages.* Sunday, Feb. 5, 3:30 Jonathan Austin Magic and Juggling Let Jonathan entertain you as part of the City of Fairfax Chocolate Lovers' Festival. Cosponsored by the Friends of the City of Fairfax Regional Library. All ages.* Monday, Feb. 6, 2:30 Breakout! Can you unlock the box in time? Solve a series of clues as a group to unlock the box and break out. Age 12-18. Tuesdays in February, 10:30 Morning English Conversation Group Practice speaking English with others and improve your skills. Adults.*

Chocolate Lovers’ Festival Events at the Library Enjoy these special events at the City of Fairfax Regional Library during the City of Fairfax Chocolate Lovers’ Festival: Saturday, Feb. 4 10:30 • Fire Safety Puppet Show presented by the City of Fairfax

Fire Department 2:00 • Kaydee Puppets-Chocolate-Dipped Tales 3:30 • “Be Our Valentine!” music program with Cody & BJ

Sunday, Feb. 5 2:00 • Storyteller Gary Lloyd’s Chocolate-Covered Fairy Tales 3:30 • Jonathan Austin performs magic and juggling Tuesdays in February, 7:00 Evening English Conversation Group Practice speaking English with others and improve your skills. Adults.* Thursday, Feb. 9, 10:30 Preschool Storytime Build your child's early literacy skills while enjoying stories, songs and activities. Age 3-5 with adult. Saturday, Feb. 11, 10:30 Family Math Games Come as a family to try our games. Build your children’s math and logic skills while having fun. Games for all levels with tips for parents to use at home. All ages. Saturday, Feb. 11, 2:30 Microsoft Excel Introduction to creating spreadsheets with Microsoft Excel. Age 13 and up.


Wednesday, Feb. 15, 4:30 Make and Take Reuse materials and craft supplies to make your own unique masterpiece. Age 6-12. Thursday, Feb. 16, 12:30 Thursday Afternoon Reading Group Call for title. Adults* Thursday, Feb. 16, 7:00 Family Movie Night: “Despicable Me 2” Everybody loves minions. See their second film appearance in which they help the world's most super-bad turned super-dad fight against evil. Snacks provided. All ages.* Saturday, Feb. 18, 10:30 Family Storytime Enjoy stories, songs and activities chosen for families. Age 2-6 with adult. Continued on next page


Saturday, Feb. 18, 1:00, 2:00 English Conversation Practice Oneon-One Free program to improve your English language speaking skills. Receive 45-60 minutes one-on-one English conversation practice with a volunteer tutor. Adults. Tuesday, Feb. 21, 7:00 Tuesday Evening Book Discussion Call for title. Adults. Wednesday, Feb. 22, 4:30 Bilingual Storytime Build your child's early literacy skills while enjoying stories, songs and activities in English and Spanish. Age 3-5 with adult. Thursday, Feb. 23, 10:30 Toddler Time Join us for stories, songs and activities. Library staff share with children a love for books while parents learn to cultivate early literacy skills. Age 2-3 with adult. Saturday, Feb. 25, 11:00 Meet the Author Local author Dr. Larrie D. Ferreiro will speak about his new book, Brothers at Arms: American Independence and the Men of France and Spain Who Saved It, which recasts the American Revolution in a revealing new light. Adults and teens. Saturday, Feb. 25, 2:00 Growth and Inspiration through Volunteering and Education (GIVE) Volunteers from Thomas Jefferson H.S. and Robinson H.S. offer tutoring in math, reading, writing, science, social studies and ESL. School age.* Monday, Feb. 27, 10:15, 11:15 Music and Movin' with Miss Susan Join Miss Susan for singing and moving to music with your little ones. Cosponsored by Friends of the City of Fairfax Regional Library. Age 6 months-5 years with adult.


Dolley Madison Library 1244 Oak Ridge Ave. McLean, VA 22101 703-356-0770 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Wednesdays in Feb., 10:00, 11:00, 7:00 Mondays, Feb. 6, 13, 27, 10:00 Tuesdays in February, 10:00, 11:00 One-on-One English Conversation Practice Practice speaking English with a volunteer partner. All levels welcome. This program is limited to one session per week per person. Adults. Wednesdays in February, 10:30 Treasured Three to Fives Early literacy storytime with stories, songs and activities. Age 3-5 with adult. Wednesdays in February, 7:00 Tuesdays in February, 1:00 English Conversation Group Practice conversational English in a group setting. Adults.* Thursday, Feb. 2, 11:00 "And the Winner Is..” Book Club Join writer/scholar Amanda Holmes Duffy for a discussion of The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes, the 2011 Man Booker Prize winner. Adults.* Thursdays in February, 1:00 English Conversation Group Practice conversational English in a group setting. Adults.* Friday, Feb. 3, 11:30 Friday Fun Storytime Enjoy stories and activities to celebrate Groundhog's Day. Age 2-5 with adult.

Don’t forget to register...

You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.

Saturday, Feb. 4, 11:00 Take Your Child to the Library Storytime Bring your child for early literacy storytime fun. Birth-5 years with adult. Mondays, Feb. 6, 13, 10:30 Bouncing Babies Rhymes, songs, stories and activities for you and your baby. Build an early literacy foundation while enjoying time together. Birth-11 months with caregiver. Tuesdays, Feb. 7, 21, 28, 10:30 Tiny Toddlers Early literacy storytime with stories, songs and activities. Age 1-2 with adult. Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2:00 Mobile Tech Tuesday at Dolley Bring your smart phone or tablet to learn about basic functions of your mobile device-or move beyond the basics if you're ready. Space is limited, registration is recommended. Adults. Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1:30 Storytime Fun Come for stories and activities about Valentine's Day. Age 2-5 with adult. Tuesday, Feb. 14, 7:00 Book Discussion Group Join us for a discussion of City of Thieves by David Benioff. Adults. Thursday, Feb. 16, 10:15, 11:00 Moving and Music with Miss Susan Start moving and singing about Valentine's Day. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Dolley Madison Library. Age 8 months-5 years with adult. Thursday, Feb. 16, 7:00 Model Investment Club Learn about investing following an investment club model. New visitors welcome. Adults.

Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary

Tuesday, Feb. 21, 4:30 Magic Tree House Book Club Join Jack and Annie on a Magic Tree House adventure each month with book discussions, games and activities. Check with the information desk for the current title. Age 6-8. Monday, Feb. 27, 4:00 The Unruly Theater Project Workshop Learn the art of improvisation from the professional young adult actors of the Alden Theater's Unruly Theatre Project in this fun, interactive workshop. Grades 6-8. Tuesday, Feb. 28, 4:30 Lands and People Book Club Join us as we discover a new country and culture each month. Grades 4-6.

George Mason Regional Library 7001 Little River Turnpike Annandale, VA 22003 703-256-3800 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Internet Tutoring Enhance your internet, computer and Microsoft Office skills working one-onone with a tutor. Please call ahead for availability and to register for a session. Adults. Wednesday, Feb. 1, 7:00 Yarn-Aholics Calling all potential and existing knitters and crocheters. Come join us to discuss, learn and share knitting and crochet ideas and projects. Adults.* Thursday, Feb. 2, 10:30 Bouncin' Baby Storytime Short stories and songs for you and your baby. Caregivers will be provided with boardbooks to read and time to socialize with other adults. Age 5-18 months.

Thursdays, Feb. 2, 16, 23, 2:00 Tuesdays, Feb. 14, 21, 28, 2:00 English Conversation Group Practice and improve your English. Adults.*

Thursdays, Feb. 9, 16, 23, 10:30 Time for Tots Stories and activities supporting early literacy skills. Age 18-36 months with adult.

Friday, Feb. 3, 4:45 LEGOs in the Library Use your imagination and make new friends. Age 6-12.*

Saturday, Feb. 4, 10:30 Soul in Motion Enjoy West African drumming, song and dance. Cosponsored by the Friends of George Mason Regional Library. All ages. Saturday, Feb. 4, 2:30 Drop-in Junior Chess Club Calling all chess lovers. Join us to play and learn new moves. Age 8-14.* Monday, Feb. 6, 10:30 Playdate Cafe Join other caregivers to socialize while kids play with LEGO®, DUPLO® and enjoy other activities. All ages with adult.* Tuesdays in February, 2:00, 7:00 One-on-one Research and Writing Tutoring During a 50-minute conversation, learn research tips, improve your writing and work on your current writing or research project. Sessions can include essays, cover letters, creative writing, brainstorming and citations. Bring a copy of your work. High school-adult. Wednesday, February 8, 7:00 Library Board of Trustees Meeting A max. of 10 people may speak during the public comment period. To sign up to speak, call 703-324-8324. Adults.*


Saturday, Feb. 11, 11:00 Minwha; Korean Folklore Painting on a Fan Paint your very own Korean fan, once a symbol of artistry and storytelling. Korean folklore painter Jungsoon Spizer will lead the workshop. Age 16-adults. Saturday, Feb. 11, 1:00 Book to Movie Series Join us for popcorn and a movie. This month we'll be watching "The Wiz." All ages. Monday, Feb. 13, 10:15, 11:15 Music and Movin' with Miss Susan Join Miss Susan for songs and dance designed to enhance your child's early literacy and fine motor skills. Cosponsored by the Friends of George Mason Regional Library. Age 9 months-5 years. Monday, Feb. 13, 7:00 Make It Monday Adult Craft Create heartfelt valentine cards for those special people in your life. Adults. Tuesday, Feb. 14, 10:30 DUPLO® Tuesday Encourage creativity and engage with other children in play with DUPLO® building blocks. Age 3-5 with adult. Tuesdays, Feb. 14, 21, 28, 6:30 Excel for Beginners This 4-part series will teach you the basics of creating spreadsheets and how to enter and use data. Adults. Continued on next page


Thursday, Feb. 16, 2:00 George Mason Book Discussion Group Join us for a discussion of The Space Between Us by Thrity Umrigar. Adults.

Thursday, Feb. 16, 7:00 Color Me Calm Join us for a relaxing evening of grown up coloring. Supplies provided. Adults. Saturday, Feb. 18, 10:30 Kofi Dennis Performs Enjoy African drumming and rhythms with artist Kofi Dennis. All ages. Tuesday, Feb. 21, 10:30 Storytime for Threes to Fives Join us for stories and activities that support and reinforce early literacy skills. Age 3-5 with caregiver. Thursday, Feb. 23, 7:00 Fact-Checking 101 The first answer isn't always the best one. Learn how to use search engines better, get some tips on how to tell fact from fiction, and find some "go-to" trustworthy sources on- and off-line. Adults. Saturday, Feb. 25, 10:30 Saturday Drop-in Storytime Bring the family and enjoy storytime at the library. Reinforce and support early literacy skills as we lay the foundation for reading success. Birth-6 years. Saturday, Feb. 25, 2:00 F.R.E.E.D. Historical Re-enactment F.R.E.E.D.'s mission is to educate the public about African American Civil War soldiers and the women who supported the fight for freedom through re-enactments and dramatic readings. Age 12 and up.

Monday, Feb. 27, 10:30 Time for Tots Stories and activities supporting early literacy skills. Age 18-36 months with adult. Monday, Feb. 27, 2:00 Protect Yourself from Fraud and Identity Theft An inside look at how scammers think, how to safeguard against identity theft and fraud, and what to do if you or someone you know has been a victim. Presented by the staff of AARP. Adults. Tuesday, Feb. 28, 10:30 Building Blocks Encourage your child's creativity and meet new friends. Soft building blocks will be provided for free play. Age 3-5 with adult.

Great Falls Library 9830 Georgetown Pike Great Falls, VA 22066 703-757-8560 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Wednesdays, Feb. 1, 8, 10:30 Toddler Time A high energy program featuring stories, songs, dance and activities. Come have a blast while learning. Age 2-3 with caregiver. Wednesdays in February, 4:30 Pokémon League Drop-in and play Pokémon with your friends. Age 5-15. Fridays in February, 10:00 Playdate Cafe Adults with children come to play and have coffee and meet new friends. Mondays, Feb. 6, 27, 10:30 Baby Lapsit Join us for stories, songs, rhymes and fingerplays. Bond while building an

10 Don’t forget to register...

You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.

early literacy foundation. Birth-24 months with caregiver. Mondays, Feb. 6, 13, 1:00 Spanish Chat Informal Spanish group conversation. Adults. Monday, Feb. 6, 4:00 The STEAM Team Learn about science, technology, engineering, art and math by working through a hands on experiment. Age 6-12. Tuesdays, Feb. 7, 28, 10:30 Little Learners Get ready to read with interactive stories, play, songs, dance and crafts. Caregiver attendance is optional but encouraged. Age 4-5. Thursdays, Feb. 9, 23, 11:00 Great Falls Writers Group A support group for writers. Adults. Friday, Feb. 10, 1:00 Foreign Policy Association's Great Decisions Program Learn about foreign policy issues in a seminar atmosphere. Cosponsored by the Great Falls Senior Center. Adults. Monday, Feb. 13, 4:00 Kids Craft Hour: Rainbow Magic Do you love the Rainbow Magic series? What about fairies? Make your own fairy wings, wands or flower crown. Age 5-12. Wednesday, Feb. 15, 10:30 Morning Book Group Call branch for title. Adults. Thursday, Feb. 16, 7:30 Evening Book Group Darkness Visible by William Styron. Adults. Saturday, Feb. 18, 10:30 Dads and Donuts Storytime Calling all dads! Grab the kids and head to the library for snacks, stories and quality time. Birth-7 with adult. Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary

Saturday, Feb. 18, 3:30 DaVinci Drone and Coders Meet-Up Learn about building, maintaining, customizing and coding drones. All levels welcome. All ages. Wednesday, Feb. 22, 4:30 Pokémon League Drop-in and play Pokémon with your friends. Age 5-15.

Wednesday, Feb. 8, 10:30 Babytime Rhymes, songs and stories with music for you and your baby. Come enjoy time with your child while building an early literacy foundation. Birth-18 months with adult.

Herndon Fortnightly Library

Thursday, Feb. 9, 4:30 LEGO® Club Come have fun, use your imagination and keep your engineering and problem-solving skills flowing with an abundance of LEGO® bricks. Age 5-12.

768 Center St. Herndon, VA 20170 703-437-8855 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Fridays, Feb. 10, 24, 12:30-1:30 Mondays, Feb. 13, 27, 7:00-8:30 Personalized Technology Tutoring Need help with eBook downloads, or creating Word documents? Sign up for a 1/2 hour session with a technology tutor. Adults.

Wednesday, Feb. 1, 10:30 Babytime Rhymes, songs, stories with music for you and your baby. Come enjoy time with your child while building an early literacy foundation. Birth-18 months with adult. Saturdays, Feb. 4, 18, 10:30-11:30 Dog Tales Read aloud to Truman, a trained therapy dog. Bring your own book or choose one from the library. Call or sign up online for a 15-minute session. Age 5-12. Saturdays, Feb. 4, 11, 25, 10:30 Growth and Inspiration through Volunteering and Education (GIVE) Volunteers from Thomas Jefferson H.S. and South Lakes H.S. offer tutoring in math, reading, writing, science and social studies. School age. Tuesday, Feb. 7, 10:30 Precious Preschoolers Early literacy program with stories and activities. Age 3-5 with adult.

Saturday, Feb. 11, 1:00 Web Development for Teens Teens Transforming Technology invites students to join this 6-month workshop series to learn how to become full-stack web developers. Students will work on HTML/CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap, React.js, Node.js and much more. By the end, they will be well on their way to becoming certified full-stack web developers. Age 13-17. Monday, Feb. 13, 10:30 Toddlers and Twos Early literacy storytime with stories, songs and activities. Age 19-36 months with adult. Monday, Feb. 13, 7:00 Writers Group All levels of writing experience are welcome to join our group to receive support and feedback. The group reviews works-in-progress from up to 3 members each month. Adults.


Tuesday, Feb. 14, 10:30 Riverbend Park for Preschoolers Our Furry Friends Presented by Riverbend Park and cosponsored by the Friends of the Reston Library (STEAM). Age 3-5 with adult. Wednesday, Feb. 15, 10:30 Babytime Enjoy time with your child while building an early literacy foundation through rhymes, songs, stories and music for you and your baby. Birth-18 months with adult. Friday, Feb. 17, 10:30 Sensory Music Class: Wee Got The Beat, Too! Family program for children with sensory needs. Learn socialization through music, rhymes, songs and movement. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Reston Library. Age 6 months-5 years with adult. Tuesday, Feb. 21, 1:30 Preschool Game Day Bring your preschooler and engage in fun and educational games with your little one. Age 3-5 with adult. Thursday, Feb. 23, 4:30 Crafty Pen Pal Club Make and exchange crafts and letters with a pen pal from a Florida Library. Grades K-5. Saturday, Feb. 25, 10:30-11:30 Dog Tales Read aloud to Copper, a trained therapy dog. Bring your own book or choose a book from the library. Call or sign up online for a 15-minute session. Age 5-12. Monday, Feb. 27, 10:30 Toddlers and Twos Early literacy storytime with stories, songs and activities. Age 19-36 months with adult.


John Marshall Library 6209 Rose Hill Dr. Alexandria, VA 22310 703-971-0010 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. eBook Clinic for Seniors Get your eBook questions answered. Learn how to use OverDrive to download free eBooks and eAudiobooks. Bring your charged device, your passwords and your library card. Call for an appointment. Adults.* Wednesdays, Feb. 1, 22, 10:30 Tots and Tales Come for an Early Literacy storytime. Birth-23 months with adult. Thursday, Feb. 2, 2:00 English Conversation Practice your English in a relaxed setting. Adults.* Fridays in February, 10:30 Preschool Movie Morning Bring your blanket and a snack and enjoy the movie, "Jake and the Never Land Pirates." Age 2-5.* Saturday, Feb. 4, 10:30 Take Your Child to the Library Early Literacy Storytime Bring your child to an early literacy storytime. Birth-5 years with adult. Saturday, Feb. 4, 11:30 LEGO® Free Play Bring your imagination and create a masterpiece with LEGOs. Age 6 and up.* Saturdays in February, 1:00 eBook Workshop Learn how to use OverDrive to download free eBooks and eAudiobooks. Please bring your charged device and library card. Adults.*


Saturday, Feb. 4, 2:30 Tween Movie Afternoon Bring your own snacks and enjoy the movie "Kubo and the Two Strings" (rated PG). School age.* Monday, Feb. 6, 10:30 Police Are Our Friends: Meet Officer Eggers Stories and activities that feature a visit from Officer Alice Eggers from the Franconia Police Station. Age 2-3 with adult. Wednesday, Feb. 8, 10:30 A to Zoo Storytime Stories and activities. Age 3-5 with adult. Thursdays, Feb. 9, 16, 23, 2:00 English Conversation Practice your English in a relaxed setting. Adults.* Monday, Feb. 13, 10:30 Police Are Our Friends: Meet Officer Eggers Stories and activities that feature a visit from Officer Alice Eggers from the Franconia Police Station. Age 3-5 with adult. Wednesdays, Feb. 15, 27, 10:30 Fun for 2s & 3s Stories and activities. Age 2-3 with adult. Thursday, Feb. 16, 7:15 Book Discussion Group Join us to discuss Wildflower: An Extraordinary Life and Mysterious Death in Africa by Mark Seal. Adults.* Saturday, Feb. 25, 10:30 Your Wild Neighbors: Owls, Hawks and other Raptors Raptor Conservancy of Virginia presents "Your Wild Neighbors." Come to observe and learn about falcons, hawks and owls. All ages.

Don’t forget to register...

You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.

Kings Park Library 9000 Burke Lake Rd. Burke, VA 22015 703-978-5600 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Fridays in February, 10:00 English Conversation Group Practice your English conversation skills in a friendly and encouraging group. Adults.* Fridays in February, 1:00 Basic Computer Skills Training Learn basic computer skills with our one-on-one technology volunteers. Adults. Fridays in February, 2:00 Keeping Up With Kids-Learn About Flickr, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter & Skype Learn the basics with our one-onone technology volunteer about the social networking tools that can help you stay in touch with your kids and grandkids. Adults. Saturday, Feb. 4, All Day Celebrate Take Your Child to the Library Day! Have fun celebrating the library with various crafts and activities for the whole family. All ages.* Mondays, Feb. 6, 13, 27, 2:30 Spanish Conversation Group Practice and improve your Spanish with a native speaker. Adults.* Monday, Feb. 6, 4:30 Kids' Poetry Workshop: Create a Valentine’s Day Card Join poet Sherri Shunfenthal to hear fun poems, learn about writing them and create a unique Valentine's Day card for someone special in your life. Age 6-12. Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary

Tuesdays in February, 10:30 Polish Conversation Group Practice and improve your Polish with a native speaker. All levels. Adults.* Tuesday, Feb. 7, 10:30 Preschool Storytime Stories, songs and fun for your preschooler. Age 3-5 with adult. Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2:00 Tech 101: Intro to iPads Learn the basics of using an iPad, including how to browse the internet with Safari, send email, use the app store and change settings. Bring a charged iPad and your Apple ID. Adults.

Tuesday, Feb. 14, 7:00 Calling All Guys Book discussion group for boys. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. Age 9-12 with adult.

Tuesday, Feb. 21, 6:30 Evening Book Discussion Group 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami. Adults.*

Wednesday, Feb. 15, 10:30 Small Oneders Rhymes, stories, songs and activities for you and your toddler. Age 12-23 months with adult. Wednesday, Feb. 15, 4:30 Youth Sketching and Watercolor Painting Club Enjoy sketching and watercolor tips from a local artist. Paper, pencils and paints supplied. Age 9-16.

Wednesday, Feb. 22, 4:30 Chess Club Learn openings, strategies, tactics, and more. Players paired with others of similar skill. Cosponsored by Friends of the Kings Park Library. Age 8-16 only.

Thursday, Feb. 16, 7:00 America's First Ladies Local historian, author and guide Mary Lipsey will amaze you with stories of First Ladies Martha Washington, Lucy Hayes, Frances Cleveland and Edith Wilson. Adults and teens.*

Saturday, Feb. 25, 12:00, 12:30, 1:00, 1:30 Resume & Cover Letter Review Clinic This one-on-one clinic will give you the edge on the path to the job you want. One appointment per person per day. Adults.*

Saturday, Feb. 11, 11:30 Sensory Storytime Multi-sensory storytime geared toward children with special needs featuring interactive stories, songs and social interaction. Age 5-9 with adult.

Saturday, Feb. 18, 1:15 Virginia's Indian Heritage: History and Impact Anthropologist and historian Dr. Karenne Wood of the Virginia Indian Program will discuss the history and culture of Virginia's Native American people and communities. Cosponsored by the American Association of University Women. Adults and teens.*

Saturday, Feb. 25, 10:30 Mandarin Chinese Conversation Group Practice and improve your Mandarin Chinese with a native speaker. Adults.*

Monday, Feb. 13, 4:30 Science & Stories Introduction to science topics with stories, songs, nonfiction and mini-experiments. Age 4-6 with adult.

Tuesday, Feb. 21, 1:30 Afternoon Book Discussion Group I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban by Malala Yousafzai. Adults.*

Tuesday, Feb. 14, 4:30-6:00 Paws to Read Practice reading with Wylie or Fenton, trained therapy dogs. Call or sign up online for a 15-minute session. Age 6-12 with adult.

Tuesday, Feb. 21, 4:30 LEGOs in the Library Use your imagination and make friends with our LEGO® bricks free build. LEGOs provided by the Friends of the Kings Park Library. Age 5-12.

Tuesday, Feb. 7, 7:00 Open Mic Night at Kings Park Musicians wanted! Are you an amateur acoustic musician or group looking for a venue? Call for details and booking schedule. All ages. Saturday, Feb. 11, 10:30 Sensory Storytime Multi-sensory storytime geared toward children with special needs featuring interactive stories, songs and social interaction. Age 2-4 with adult.


Monday, Feb. 27, 7:00 Let's Hear It for the Girls! All girls book discussion group. Lily's Crossing by Patricia Reilly Giff. Age 9-12. Tuesday, Feb. 28, 7:00 Pokémon Club Bring your Pokémon trading cards to trade or play the Pokémon game. Age 6-12.* Tuesday, Feb. 28, 7:00 Friends of the Kings Park Library Board Meeting Friends of the Kings Park Library will hold their Board Meeting. Adults.


Kingstowne Library 6500 Landsdowne Centre Alexandria, VA 22315 703-339-4610 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Blizzard Book Club Warm up your winter with some cool books. Pick up a reading log at the information desk, read five books of your choice and get a prize from the Treasure chest. Age 5-12. Wednesdays in February, 10:15 Thursdays in February, 7:00 English Conversation Conversation group for people learning English. Adults.* Wednesday, Feb. 1, 12:15 Daytime Book Discussion The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. Adults.* Thursdays in February, 7:00 Girls Who Code Club Learn Core4 computer concepts that form the basis for all programming languages. All levels of computer skills welcome. Students are expected to attend all sessions. Call the info desk to register, 703-339-4610. Grades 6-12. Saturdays in February, 9:30 VITA Tax Assistance IRS-certified volunteers help taxpayers who earned up to $54K. Adults.* Saturday, Feb. 4, All Day Take Your Child to the Library Day Stories and activities for all kids to enjoy. All ages. Mondays, Feb. 6, 13, 27, 6:30, 7:00 Tuesdays in Feb., 12:00, 12:30, 1:00 Internet and MS Office One-on-One One-on-one sessions with a technology volunteer. Call for an appointment. Adults.


Tuesday, Feb. 7, 10:30 Early Words Early literacy program with stories and songs. Age 12-23 months with adult. Tuesdays in February, Feb. 7, 1:30 Genealogy One-on-One Discover your family history with a genealogy volunteer using library online resources. Call for an appointment. Adults. Tuesday, Feb. 7, 7:00 Resilience in the Face of Adversity Dr. Margaret Tolbert discusses her book Resilience in the Face of Adversity as part of a celebration of Black History Month. Adults and teens. Wednesday, Feb. 8, 10:30 Friday, Feb. 24, 10:30 Baby & Me Babies learn and develop through play, socialization and the sharing of books. Have fun while your baby plays. Age 1-11 months with adult. Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2:00 Kingstowne Center for Active Adults (NCAA) Book Group Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth by Reza Aslan. Meet next door at KNCAA. Cosponsored by KNCAA. Adults.* Friday, Feb. 10, 10:30, 11:15 Wee Got The Beat Socialization through music and activities designed to foster learning, social skills and creativity. Program will be repeated but only register for one event. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Kingstowne Library. Age 6 months-5 years with parent. Saturday, Feb. 11, 10:00 Friends of the Kingstowne Library Book Sale Gems and finds for all readers. All ages.*

Don’t forget to register...

You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.

Saturday, Feb. 11, 12:30-1:30 Wag a Tale Register to read to one of our therapy dogs. Call or sign up online for a 15-minute session. Age 5-12. Monday, Feb. 13, 10:30 Terrific Twos Early literacy program with stories and songs. Age 2 years with adult. Tuesday, Feb. 14, 7:00 Second Tuesday Book Group Contact the branch for title. Adults.* Friday, Feb. 17, 10:30 Child & Me Yoga Enrich your family time together on the yoga mat. Breathing exercises, poses, music and storytime will be used to guide you through a fun time together. Bring a yoga mat or beach towel. Age 1-3 years with adult. Tuesday, Feb. 21, 10:30 Preschool Computer Coding with Scratch Jr. Preschoolers can enjoy fun activities and learn basic computer coding skills using Scratch Jr. Age 4-5 with adult. Monday, Feb. 27, 10:30 Rainbow Readers Early literacy program with stories and songs for children. Age 3-5 years with adult.

Lorton Library 9520 Richmond Highway Lorton, VA 22079 703-339-7385 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Hot Reads for Cold Nights Adult Winter Reading Challenge Read three books between January 2nd and February 28th and get a prize. Pick up a reading log at the Lorton Library. Adults. Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary

Thursday, Feb. 2, 7:00 Jammin' Book Party Explore fun stories and games. Snacks provided. Age 9-12. Fridays in February, 10:30 Tuesdays in February, 10:30 English Conversation Group Practice speaking English with others and improve your skills. Adults.* Saturdays in February, 12:00 One-On-One Computer/Technology Help One-hour session with a technology volunteer for help with basic computer skills, navigating the Internet and eReaders. Call for an appointment. Adults. Saturday, Feb. 4, 2:00 Lorton Junior Chess Club Practice playing chess or learn the moves. Age 8-12. Tuesdays in February, 12:00 Financial Literacy Book Club Create a financial wellness plan and improve your credit score. Adults. Wednesday, Feb. 8, 11:00 Friends Are Important Stories about friends. Age 2-3 with adult. Thursdays, Feb. 9, 16, 23, 6:00 Homework Help Drop-in homework help for students up through 12th grade.* Saturday, Feb. 11, 9:00 Second Saturdays with Supervisor Storck Meet with your Board of Supervisors Representative Dan Storck to discuss your concerns. Monday, Feb. 13, 11:00 Small Wonders Songs, fingerplays and stories. Age 1223 months with adult.

Saturday, Feb. 18, 11:00-12:00 Paws to Read Practice reading aloud to a trained therapy dog. 15-minute sessions available. Age 6-12. Wednesday, Feb. 22, 11:00 President's Day Stories about our Presidents. Age 3-5 with adult. Monday, Feb. 27, 7:00 Lorton Evening Book Conversations The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry, a novel by Gabrielle Zevin. Adults.*

Martha Washington Library 6614 Fort Hunt Rd. Alexandria, VA 22307 703-768-6700 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 1, 4:30 LEGO® Club Create and build with LEGOs. We provide the LEGOs, you bring the imagination. Grades K-6. One-On-One Internet/Computer Training One-hour session with a technology volunteer for help with basic computer skills and navigating the Internet. Call for an appointment. Adults. Saturday, Feb. 4, 1:00 Take Your Child to the Library Day Celebration Celebrate the library with crafts, games, stories and more. All ages.* Monday, Feb. 6, 10:30 Baby and Me! Stories, songs and movement activities with an element of play for you and your little one while building an early literacy foundation. Birth-12 months with adult.


Monday, Feb. 6, 7:00 Cliffhanger Book Club This read-aloud event is sure to leave you in suspense! Snacks provided by the Friends of the Martha Washington Library. Grades 5-6. Wednesday, Feb. 8, 10:30 2s and 3s Together We Love the Library. Seasonal stories and activities for toddlers. Age 2-3 with adult. Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1:00 Martha's Midweek Movie: “Murder on the Orient Express” Based on Agatha Christie's novel of the same name, this 1974 film stars Albert Finney as Christie's famous detective Hercule Poirot. Adults.

Thursday, Feb. 9, 5:00 Valentine Crafternoon Make Valentines and other heart inspired crafts. Grades K-6. Monday, Feb. 13, 10:30 Small Wonders Stories, songs and movement activities with an element of play for you and your toddler while building an early literacy foundation. Age 13-23 months with adult. Monday, Feb. 13, 7:00 Cliffhanger Book Club Too This read-aloud event is sure to leave you in suspense. Snacks provided by the Friends of the Martha Washington Library. Grades 3-4. Tuesday, Feb. 14, 7:00 Martha's Tuesday Evening Book Discussion Group A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler. Adults.* Continued on next page


Wednesday, Feb. 15, 1:00 Genealogy Learn about resources for tracing your family history from our Virginia Room Librarian. Adults. Thursday, Feb. 16, 1:30 Library Afternoon Stories and activities for preschoolers. Age 3-5 with adult. Thursday, Feb. 16, 7:00 Martha's Poetry Discussion Group Discuss the poetry of Langston Hughes. Adults.* Saturday, Feb. 18, 2:00 Martha's Family Movie Matinee This month's movie is "Storks" (rated PG, 87 minutes). Snacks provided by the Friends of the Martha Washington Library. All ages.* Tuesday, Feb. 21, 10:30 Stories and More Crazy Hat Day. Stories and activities about hats and other winter wear. Age 4-5 with adult.

Oakton Library 10304 Lynnhaven Place Oakton, VA 22124 703-242-4020 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Wednesday, Feb. 1, 10:30 DUPLO®! Read! Build! Play! DUPLO® play storytime to help develop and reinforce early literacy skills. Have fun with your little one while building early literacy foundations for reading success. Age 18-36 months with adult.

Tuesday, Feb. 28, 7:00 Martha's Mystery Book Discussion Murder with Peacocks by Donna Andrews. Adults.*


Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1:00 Mystery Book Club Join in the monthly unraveling of a whodunit or thriller. The February selection is Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult. Adults.* Tuesday, Feb. 14, 7:00 Money Matters Monthly group discussion focuses on personal finance and investing. Read Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. Adults.*

Wednesdays in February, 10:30 eBook/eReader Instruction Learn about library eBooks and eAudiobooks and how to access them with your PC or compatible device. Adults.*

Wednesday, Feb. 15, 10:30 Toddler Tales Stories and activities for you and your toddler. Age 2-3 with adult.

Friday, Feb. 3, 10:30 Exploring the Inner Artist Unleash creativity and foster confidence through the art making process while exploring different art media. Age 3-5 with adult.

Thursday, Feb. 16, 7:00 Oakton Book Discussion Group Join Oakton's book discussion group. What is Left the Daughter by Howard Norman. Adults.*

Saturday, Feb. 25, 2:00 Ice Station Nautilus Rick Campbell, author of Ice Station Nautilus will discuss his new book, a submarine thriller. Adults and teens. Monday, Feb. 27, 4:30-5:30 Read to the Dog Practice your reading skills by reading to our pal Luca. Call or sign up online for a 15-minute session. Grades 1-6.

Wednesday, Feb. 8, 10:30, 11:30 Small Wonders Short stories for you and your child. Age 13-23 months with adult.

Friday, Feb. 17, 4:30 Exploring the Inner Artist Unleash creativity and foster confidence through the art making process while exploring different art media. Age 6-12. Saturday, Feb. 4, 2:00 Retirement Workshop Series Join Financial Advisor, Albert Wu, for a 2-Part workshop series on retirement: Part 1: Social Security, Feb. 5; Part 2: retirement income, March 5. One-time registration for both programs. Adults. Mondays, Feb. 6, 13, 27, 10:30 English Conversation English practice for non-native speakers. Adults.*

Don’t forget to register...

You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.

Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2:30 Job Club Discuss and learn skills to obtain employment and succeed in the workplace: career exploration, resume writing, job search tools and preparing for an interview. Adults, age 17 and older. Wednesday, Feb. 22, 10:30 Playdate Cafe Toys and play space for children. Coffee and conversation for grownups. Birth-5 with adult.*

Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary

Monday, Feb. 27, 4:30 LEGOs in the Library Have fun and make new friends. Hundreds of LEGOs await you and your creativity. No registration needed. Age 5-12.* Tuesday, Feb. 28, 12:00 Homeschool Literature Group: High School Consider new points of view as you discuss challenging books with other self-motivated home school students. Book: Merchant of Venice, William Shakespeare. Grades 9-12.* Tuesday, Feb. 28, 12:00 Homeschool Literature Group: Middle School Come join this fantastic youth group for friendship and discussions of classic literature and Newbery Award Winning Books. Read: The Wheel on the School, by Meindert DeJong. Middle school students.*

Patrick Henry Library 101 Maple Ave. East Vienna, VA 22180 703-938-0405 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 1-Friday, Feb. 10 Adult Winter Reading Club Read five books before February 10 and turn in your book log to be entered in a drawing for a gift card from Patrick Henry Friends. Adults.

and using basic software. Drop-in help only. Call for schedule. Adults. One-to-One English Conversation Practice English conversation skills with a library volunteer. Call to register. Adults. Wednesday, Feb. 1, 4:00 First Wednesdays with Supervisor Hudgins Stop by and share any concern you may have on any issue with Supervisor Cathy Hudgins. Adults.* Fridays in February, 10:00 English Conversation Group Practice your English conversation skills in a group. Adults.* Fridays in February, 3:30 Pokémon League Learn and play. Age 5-18.* Saturday, Feb. 4, 2:00 Survival Strategies with Best-selling Author Tim MacWelch Learn how to survive anything with best-selling author and survival expert Tim MacWelch. Book available for sale and signing. Adults and teens. Saturday, Feb. 11, 10:30 Babies and Books Join us for stories, songs and rhymes. Birth-23 months with adult. Monday, Feb. 13, 1:00 Knitting Group for All Bring your knitting projects, share tips and enjoy conversation. Adults.*

Vienna Arts Society-Winter Exhibition Various artists will be displaying artwork with a winter theme in the Patrick Henry meeting room. All ages.*

Tuesday, Feb. 14, 11:30 Rock-a-Bye Baby Join us for an early literacy-enhanced storytime, featuring rhymes, stories and songs. Birth-12 months with adult.

Drop-in Computer Tutoring A volunteer tutor is available during certain hours to assist you in using the internet, setting up an email account,

Wednesday, Feb. 15, 10:30 Treasured Threes-Fives Join us for stories, songs and rhymes. Age 3-5 with adult.


Thursday, Feb. 16, 1:00 Classic Books Discussion Group Join writer/scholar Amanda Holmes Duffy for a discussion of Jamaica Inn by Daphne Du Maurier. Adults and teens.* Thursday, Feb. 16, 4:00-5:00 Woof and Paws-Read to a Dog Need a little reading help? Call or sign up online for a 15-minute session to read to a reading therapy dog. Age 6-12. Friday, Feb. 17, 10:30 Adult Coloring De-stress and meet new people while working on detailed coloring pages for adults. Coloring pages and colored pencils provided or bring your own. Adults and teens.* Tuesday, Feb. 21, 10:30 Small Wonders Join us for an early literacy-enhanced storytime, featuring stories, rhymes, songs and activities for you and your child. Age 12-23 months with adult. Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1:30 Picture Book Time Join us for stories, songs and rhymes. Age 2-5 with adult. Thursday, Feb. 23, 1:00 Patrick Henry Book Club The Aviator's Wife by Melanie Benjamin. Adults. Monday, Feb. 27, 10:30 Toddlin' Twos Join us for stories, songs and rhymes. Age 2 with adult. Monday, Feb. 27, 7:00 "Not Just for Teens" Adult Book Club Are you an adult who loves YA lit? If so, join us for discussion and fun. February's title will be Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler. Adults.


Pohick Regional Library 6450 Sydenstricker Rd. Burke, VA 22015 703-644-7333 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 1, 7:00 Pohick Writers' Roundtable Discuss your work with other writers. Adults.* Thursdays in February, 10:00 Walk-in Tech Help Clinic Help with eBooks, mobile devices and basic computer skills. Bring device, account IDs and passwords. Adults.*

Tuesday, Feb. 14, 7:00-8:30 Hearts in the Stacks Scavenger Hunt Enjoy a light-hearted game of findand-seek in the library. Light refreshments and prizes. Adults. Wednesday, Feb. 15, 10:30 Kid Science: Parachutes Learn how parachutes work and make your very own. Feel free to bring a small lightweight toy and then be ready to make a parachute for it. Age 4-6. Saturday, Feb. 18, 10:30 LEGOs Kids Club Use your imagination to build with thousands of LEGOs. Come with friends or make new ones while you create. Cosponsored by Friends of the Pohick Regional Library. Age 6-11.

Sunday, Feb. 26, 3:30 Burke Centre Historical Society Presents: "Jazz In and Around Burke" Learn about this area's connections to jazz, past and present. Program covers local jazz festivals, instruction and radio. Adults. Monday, Feb. 27, 4:30 Our First Book Club A book club for boys and girls. Have fun discussing a book with additional activities. Read Nate the Great and the Snowy Trail by Marjorie Sharmat. Grades K-2. Tuesday, Feb. 28, 10:30 Math Adventures Join us for a story and a fun activity all about math. Build your child's math and early literacy skills. Age 3-5 with adult.

Wednesday, Feb. 8, 10:30 Babies Blossoming Join us for songs, rhymes, stories and activities for baby and you. Start building early literacy skills for your baby. Birth-11 months with adult.

Tuesday, Feb. 21, 10:30 Tales for 2s: I Love My Library Celebrate Library Lovers month with stories, songs and activities for library fans. Build early literacy skills while having fun. Age 24-35 months with adult.

Thursday, Feb. 9, 4:30 Chess Club Learn openings, strategies, tactics and more. Players paired with others of similar skill. Cosponsored by Friends of the Pohick Regional Library. Age 8-16.

Tuesday, Feb. 21, 7:00 Pohick Evening Book Discussion Group The Destiny of the Republic by Candice Millard. Adults.*

Saturday, Feb. 11, 1:00-2:00 Read to the Dog Read aloud to a trained therapy dog. Call or sign up online for a 15-minute session. Age 6-12.

Wednesday, Feb. 22, 10:30 Small Oneders Join us for stories, rhymes and activities for you and your toddler while building early literacy skills. Age 12-23 months with adult.

Calling All 5 to 12-Year-Old Artists During the month of February, bring us a drawing, painting or two-dimensional collage (maximum length/ width 20"). Limit: One submission per artist per season. Age 5-12.*

Thursday, Feb. 23, 7:00-8:30 Chocolate Delights: a Taste Adventure Join our delicious chocolate-tasting session. Engage your senses and learn more about this tasty confection. Adults.

Wednesdays, Feb. 1, 21, 10:30 Toddler Storytime Join us for fun stories, songs and fingerplays. Age 2 with adult.

Tuesday, Feb. 14, 10:30 Stories for 3-5s: Valentine's Day Join us for some Valentine's Day fun with stories, fingerplays and activities. Build early literacy skills with your child. Age 3-5 with adult.


Don’t forget to register...

You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.

Reston Regional Library 11925 Bowman Towne Dr. Reston, VA 20190 703-689-2700 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary

Thursday, Feb. 2, 10:00-9:00 Friday, Feb. 3, 10:00-6:00 Saturday, Feb. 4, 10:00-5:00 Sunday, Feb. 5, 1:00-5:00 Reston Friends Mystery and Adventure Book Sale The Friends of the Reston Regional Library will hold a Mystery and Adventure Used Book and Media Sale on Thursday, Feb. 2 through Sunday, Feb. 5. Come and pick your "poison" at the library. All ages.* Thursday, Feb. 2, 10:30 Gymboree Music II Dance and sing to a new musical style each month including Latin, Rock 'n' Roll, Classical and more. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Reston Regional Library. Age 16-18 months with adult. Thursday, Feb. 2, 7:00 Millennials Book Club Interested in discussing great books and connecting with other Millennials? February's title is The Murder Room: The Heirs of Sherlock Holmes by Michael Capuzzo. Adults, early 20s to early 30s. Friday, Feb. 3, 10:30 Flannel Friday Early literacy-enhanced storytime featuring flannel stories, rhymes and songs. Age 3-5 with adult. Friday, Feb. 3, 2:00 VIP Reston Support for individuals with vision impairment. Adults. Friday, Feb. 3, 5:00 TGIF: Free Friday Marcia Wines brings the art of storytelling to the Greater Reston Arts Center located at 12001 Market St. #103, Reston. See her bring stories to life this season in the gallery. All ages. Saturday, Feb. 4, 11:00 Codeducate Comes to Reston Regional Library Join us for our workshops and have fun learning how to code. Bring your

computer and let the coding begin. Age 10-18. Mondays, Feb. 6, 23, 10:30 Little Twisters Storytime Yoga Join us as we read a classic children's book, then act it out using fun yoga poses and creative movement with a certified children's yoga teacher. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Reston Regional Library. Age 3-5 with adult. Tuesdays, Feb. 7, 22, 10:30 Baby Steps Storytime An interactive storytime for you and your child. Age 12-23 months with adult. Tuesdays, in February, 7:00 Spanchats Join our ongoing Spanish conversation group. All levels from beginner to fluent are welcome. Adults.* Wednesday, Feb. 8, 10:30 Wednesday Morning Book Club Island Beneath the Sea by Isabel Allende. Adults. Wednesday, Feb. 8, 7:00 Color Me Happy Relax, unwind and turn loose your inner artist in our adult coloring session. Coloring pages, pens and pencils provided. Adults. Thursday, Feb. 9, 10:30 Musical Valentine’s Day Fun with Miss Susan Enjoy singing, moving and playing instruments with your favorite little valentine. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Reston Regional Library. Age 9-24 months with adult. Thursday, Feb. 9, 7:00 Teen Advisory Board (TAB) Meeting Get the opportunity to be part of this leadership experience and share your ideas about how to make the library a wonderful place for teens. Age 13-18.*


Saturday, Feb. 11, 11:00 Kids Flicks: “Finding Dory” Join us for this delightful family film about Dory, the forgetful blue tang fish. All ages. Saturday, Feb. 11, 12:00 Young Adult Writing Workshop Get together with other teens to share your creative writing. Age 13-18.* Sundays, Feb. 12, 19, 26, 2:00 The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century A six-part lecture series on World War I presented by Dr. Harry Butowsky. Adults.* Monday, Feb. 13, 10:30 Gymboree Music I Discover melody, pitch and rhythm while building a repertoire of joyful songs. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Reston Regional Library. Age 6-16 months with adult. Tuesdays, Feb. 14, 27, 10:30 Baby Lapsit Enjoy nursery rhymes, songs and stories and build early literacy foundations for your child while enjoying time together. Birth-11 months with adult. Tuesday, Feb. 14, 7:00-8:00 Read to the Dog Read aloud to a trained therapy dog. Bring your own book or choose one from the Library. Call or sign up online for a 15-minute session. Age 5-11. Thursday, Feb. 16, 10:30 Sensory Friendly Storytime This multi-sensory storytime is geared towards children on the autism spectrum and children who are sensitive to sensory overload. Birth-5 with adult. Continued on next page


Thursday, Feb. 16, 4:30 Geronimo Stilton Book Discussion Group Join Geronimo Stilton in Paws Off, Cheddarface! where the strangest things are happening. The residents of New Mouse City keep telling Geronimo about all the things he can’t remember doing. Age 8-10.

Saturday, Feb. 18, 11:00 Frying Pan Farm Park at Reston Library Learn about the day-to-day differences between 1920's farm life and yours. Meet a duck, hear a story and complete a craft to take home. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Reston Regional Library. Age 6-11.

Friday, Feb. 17, 2:00 Great Decisions Series Watch the film and participate in the roundtable discussion. The topic for February is "Trade and Politics." Discussion materials available at the info desk two weeks before the event. Light refreshments will be served. Adults.

Tuesday, Feb. 21, 7:00 Sam's Book Club Join former library director Sam Clay for a lively book discussion. February's title is Boston Girl by Anita Diamant. Adults.*

Wednesday, Feb. 22, 7:00 Ah-Choo! Family Storytime Bring your favorite stuffed animal for a check-up from "Dr." Wines. All ages. Thursday, Feb. 23, 7:00 Dollars and Sense Monthly group discussion focuses on business leaders and markets. We will be discussing Higher Returns from Safe Investments by Marvin Appel. Adults. Thursday, Feb. 23, 7:00 Teen Advisory Board (TAB) Meeting Get the opportunity to be part of this leadership and share your ideas about how to make the library a wonderful place for teens. Age 13-18.

English as a Second Language Program at Reston Regional Library ONE-TO-ONE ENGLISH CONVERSATION Multiple one-on-one practice sessions with a volunteer are available each week. Sign up begins every Monday at 1 p.m. at the information desk or by phone. PRE-BEGINNERS With Maureen, Wednesdays, 10-11 a.m. BEGINNERS With Sandra, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10-11 a.m. With Ivan, Fridays, 10-11 a.m. INTERMEDIATE With Richard C., Mondays, 10-11 a.m. With Juanita, Mondays, 4:30-5:30 p.m. With Susan, Wednesdays, 1-2 p.m. With Sharoni, Wednesdays, 2-3 p.m.

ADVANCED With Richard C., Thursdays, 10-11:30 a.m. With Mary, Fridays, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. CONVERSATION & PRONUNCIATION With Richard C., Mondays, 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. VOCABULARY BUILDING With Sharoni, Mondays, 12:30-1:30 p.m. SPEAK & WRITE With Sandy, Mondays, 1:30-3 p.m. DIALOGS & GRAMMAR With Judy, Tuesdays, 11:15-12:30 p.m. PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING With Sandy, Thursdays, 1-2:30 p.m.

SPRING 12-WEEK COURSES (Regular attendance is required) GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY: Advanced Level With Paul, Thursdays, 6:30-8:15 p.m. Starts January 19, registration begins on Jan. 5 at the Info Desk. U.S. CITIZENSHIP EXAM: Advanced Level With Tim, Saturdays, 10-11 a.m. Starts February 18, registration begins on Feb. 4 at the Info Desk. U.S. CITIZENSHIP EXAM: Beginner Level With Mr. & Mrs. Shields, Mondays, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Starts February 27, registration begins on Feb. 13 at the Info Desk.


Don’t forget to register...

You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.

Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary

Saturday, Feb. 25, 11:00 Minute to Win It Can you win it in a minute? In this program, you will have 60 seconds to win at fun, silly games. Age 8-12. Saturday, Feb. 25, 2:00 Cinema Classics: “Il Postino” In this bittersweet romance, a timid postman falls in love with the most beautiful woman in his village but he's too shy to tell her how he feels. Movie is Italian with English subtitles. Adults.* Tuesday, Feb. 28, 10:30 Music and Movin' with Miss Susan Join Miss Susan for singing and moving to music with your little ones. Cosponsored by the Friends of Reston Regional Library. Age 9-24 months with adult.

Richard Byrd Library 7250 Commerce Street Springfield, VA 22150 703-451-8055 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 1, 10:30 Mother Goose Time Join us for stories and songs. Birth-13 months with adult. Wednesday, Feb. 1, 11:30 Sensory Storytime In partnership with the Infant and Toddler Connection, this welcoming storytime is geared toward children with special needs and children sensitive to sensory overload. Birth-3 with adult. Thursday, Feb. 2, 7:00 Springfield Writers' Group Share your work; give and receive feedback in a supportive setting. Adults.*

Saturday, Feb. 4, 10:00 Take Your Child to the Library Celebration Celebrate “Take Your Child to the Library.” Create a craft to take home. All ages.

computers available, bring a laptop to be on the safe side. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Richard Byrd Library and Coder DOJO of Northern Virginia. Registration necessary. Parent must be present if under 10 years old. Age 7-17.

Saturdays in February, 10:00 VITA Tax Assistance IRS-certified volunteers help taxpayers who earn up to $54K per year. Adults.*

Tuesday, Feb. 21, 7:00 Classics Book Club Call the library for this month's title. Adults.*

Tuesdays in February, 7:00 English Conversation Group Practice and improve your English. Adults.*

Wednesday, Feb. 22, 10:30 Farm Animal Frolic Join us for stories and activities about farm animals. Age 3-5 with adult.

Wednesday, Feb. 8, 10:30 Fun with Ones Enjoy books, songs and rhymes in a special storytime just for ones. Age 12-23 months with adult.

Monday, Feb. 27, 4:30 Hidden Pond Monday: Tracking Track interesting animal life. Presented by the staff of Hidden Pond Nature Center. Cosponsored by the Friends of Richard Byrd Library. Age 6-12.

Thursday, Feb. 9, 1:30 Afternoon Book Club Join our afternoon book club, make new friends and chat about books. This month’s title: The Summer Before the War by Helen Simonson. Adults.* Tuesday, Feb. 14, 7:00 Bedtime Storytime Come in your pajamas, bring your favorite stuffed animal and enjoy bedtime stories and music. Birth-5 with adult. Wednesday, Feb. 15, 10:30 Time for Twos Join us for a storytime focusing on early literacy skills just for twos. Age 2 with adult. Thursday, Feb. 16, 7:00 Springfield Writers' Group Share your work, give and receive feedback in a supportive setting. Adults.* Saturday, Feb. 18, 2:00 Coder DOJO: Teaching Kids to Code at Richard Byrd Library Learn to code, develop websites & apps and create games. Limited amount of


Sherwood Regional Library 2501 Sherwood Hall Ln. Alexandria, VA 22306 703-765-3645 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Winter Reading Club Read five books and select a prize. Cosponsored by the Friends of Sherwood Regional Library. Birth-12 years. Throughout February, 10:00-6:00 AARP Tax Assistance Free tax help. Preference given to older adults. Arrive one hour before session closes. Adults. Basic Personalized Computer Tutoring One-hour sessions with a technology volunteer. Call for appointment. Adults. Continued on next page


Thursdays in February, 10:30, 7:00 Fridays in February, 10:30 English Conversation Conversation group for people learning English. Adults. Thursday, Feb. 2, 10:30 Terrific Twos and Threes Stories, fingerplays and songs. Age 2-3 with adult. Fridays, Feb. 3, 17, 10:30 One Story Wonder Join us for a story followed by indoor play. Age 2-5 with adult. Saturday, Feb. 4, 11:00 Take Your Child to the Library Craft Roundup Enjoy the library and make a book craft with your child. Age 5-12 years. Monday, Feb. 6, 4:30 Flashlight Readers Book discussion group. Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry. Age 8-12. Tuesday, Feb. 7, 10:30 Sensory Friendly Storytime In partnership with the Infant and Toddler Connection, this multi-sensory storytime is geared toward children with special needs, children on the autism spectrum and children sensitive to sensory overload. Birth-3 with adult. Tuesday, Feb. 7, 6:45 Sherwood Poetry Read-Around Share your poems in a small group setting on the first Tuesday of each month throughout the year. Adults. Wednesday, Feb. 8, 10:30 Rising Words, Rising Images Book discussion. Roots by Alex Haley. Age 13-18. Thursday, Feb. 9, 10:30 Little Explorers Storytime Join us for an early literacy-enhanced storytime featuring rhymes, stories and songs. Birth-23 months with adult.


Saturday, Feb. 11, 10:30 Saturday Storytime: Valentine's Day Join us for some Valentine's Day fun. Stories, songs and fingerplays. All ages. Tuesdays, Feb. 14, 28, 10:00 Harmony Heritage Singers Bi-monthly rehearsals of the Harmony Heritage Singers. Adults. Thursday, Feb. 16, 10:30 Preschool Storytime Join us for stories, songs and fingerplays. Age 3-5 with adult.

Thomas Jefferson Library 7415 Arlington Boulevard Falls Church, VA 22042 703-573-1060 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Kid's Winter Reading Program Read five books and choose a prize from the treasure box. Participate as many times as you like. Age 3-16.*

Thursday, Feb. 16, 7:00 Teen Advisory Board (TAB) TAB Team Meeting. Age 13-18.

eBook Office Hours Call for an appointment and get your eBook questions answered. Bring your eBook reader and library card. Adults.

Tuesday, Feb. 21, 10:30 Little Explorers Storytime Join us for an early literacy-enhanced storytime featuring rhymes, stories and songs. Birth-23 months with adult.

Wednesday, Feb. 1, 10:30 Time for Twos Early literacy storytime with songs, stories and activities. Age 2-3 with adult. Thursdays in February, 4:30 Tuesdays in February, 6:30 Practice Your English English conversation group for people learning English. Adults.*

Tuesday, Feb. 21 & 22, 6:30 Introduction to Excel Learn about data entry, row and column control, data formatting and sorting, formulas and page layout. Two-day class. Must know how to use mouse and keyboard. Adults. Thursday, Feb. 23, 10:30 Child & Me Yoga Enjoy stories, songs, and poses to teach caregivers and children techniques for breathing, moving and relaxing. Bring a yoga mat or beach towel. Age 1-3 with adult.

Don’t forget to register...

You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.

Saturdays in February, 9:30 VITA Tax Assistance IRS-certified volunteers help taxpayers who earned up to $54K. Adults.* Monday, Feb. 6, 10:30 Musical Revolution-U.S. Army Drum and Fife Corps Join us for a special performance of Revolutionary War music and instruments by the U. S. Army Drum & Fife Corps. All ages. Tuesdays, Feb. 7, 14, 21, 4:45 Kids' Chess Club Learn to play chess. All skill levels welcome. Age 8-16.

Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary

Wednesday, Feb. 8, 10:30 Preschool Storytime Songs, stories and activities to build a strong literacy foundation for preschoolers. Age 3-5 with adult. Monday, Feb. 13, 4:30 Flashlight Readers Too Book Club Enjoy a snowy adventure with Capture the Flag by Kate Messner. Read book before meeting so we can discuss. Books available at the info desk. New members welcome. Age 8-12.

Tuesday, Feb. 14, 7:00 Writers' Group Writers share work for mutual tips. Adults. Wednesday, Feb. 15, 10:30 Small Wonders Rhymes, stories, songs, and activities for you and your baby. Build an early literacy foundation for your child while enjoying time together. Age 1223 months with adult. Thursday, Feb. 16, 1:00 Book Discussion Group Uncommon Carriers by John McPhee. Adults. Tuesday, Feb. 21, 10:30 Music and Movin' with Miss Susan Join Miss Susan for a celebration of music and movement. Cosponsored by the Friends of George Mason Regional Library. Age 9 months-5 years with adult. Wednesday, Feb. 22, 10:30 Preschool Storytime An early literacy-enhanced storytime featuring rhymes, stories and songs. Age 3-5 with adult.

Tysons-Pimmit Regional Library (Temporary Site) 7700 Leesburg Pike, Suite 134 Falls Church, VA 22043 703-790-8088 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sat.: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Small Book Sale Saturdays 10:00-2:00 Friends of the Tysons-Pimmit Library will host a small book sale every Saturday down the hall from the temporary location of the Tysons-Pimmit Regional Library at 7700 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22043 Suite 137. All ages.

Woodrow Wilson Library 6101 Knollwood Dr. Falls Church, VA 22041 703-820-8774 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Snowy Day Reading Club Pick up a winter reading log for our winter reading club by reading five books. Come in and get a prize out of our treasure box. Age 3-7. Wednesday, Feb. 1, 10:30 Toddler Storytime Stories and activities for age 2-3 with an adult. Wednesdays in February, 1:00 English Conversation Group Practice and improve your English. Adults.* Wednesdays in February, 4:00 Chess Club Beginners and advanced players are invited to play chess and other strategic games. Age 5-15.


Thursday, Feb. 2, 4:00 Coloring for All Take a bit of time for yourself, turn on your imagination and love of coloring to come color with us. Some supplies provided. All ages. Monday, Feb. 6, 12:00 Movie Matinee Bring a cozy blanket and get tangled in Disney's "Tangled." All ages. Mondays, Feb. 6, 13, 27, 4:30 Game Day Learn and play board and card games at your local library. All ages. Tuesdays, Feb. 7, 21, 10:30 Baby and Me Storytime Books, rhymes and interactive fun for babies and caregivers. Birth-23 months with adult. Thursday, Feb. 9, 5:00 A Jane Austen Movie Night Fall in love with Jane Austin's "Pride and Prejudice," starring Keira Knightley. Rated PG-13. Teens and adults. Wednesday, Feb. 15, 10:30 Love and Friendship Storytime Hugs, love and friendship stories. This interactive storytime includes books and activities. Age 3-4 with adult. Thursday, Feb. 16, 6:30 Movie Night at the Library Who could ever love a beast? Join us for a cozy evening watching Disney's classic movie, "Beauty and the Beast." All ages.


John Marshall Library Closing John Marshall Library is expected to close March 4, 2017, to undergo renovation. Stay tuned for more details.

Saturday, March 11 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Keynote speaker

Nina LaCour


Meet your favorite authors of young adult fiction at a free event featuring panel discussions, book signings, food and games.

Find Out About Our New

Photo by KR



Admission is FREE, register online at

s Before Kinde ok r o B

rten ga

1301 N. Stafford St., Arlington, VA 22201


Washington-Lee High School

Guests include Nina LaCour, Ibi Zoboi, Katie McGarry, Will Walton, Renee Adhieh, Brendan Kiely and Julie Buxbaum.

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Program

Pick up a flyer or ask at the information desk.

Presented by Fall for the Book, One More Page Books, Fairfax County Public Library, Arlington County Libraries, Loudoun County Public Library and Arlington Public Schools with other sponsors listed on the NoVa Teen website.

Marketing and Communications, Fairfax County Public Library, 12000 Government Center Pkwy., Suite 324, Fairfax, VA 22035, 703-324-3100. Š2016 Fairfax County Public Library.

A Fairfax County, Va., publication February 2017 To receive this information in alternative formats call 703-324-8380 or TTY 703-324-8365. Printed on recycled paper

Editorial Staff: Mary Mulrenan Ted Kavich Bobbie Conners Nancy Gravatt

Graphics Staff: Gwen Jones Whitney Chambers

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