Free Events May 2017
Workshops, artists, vendors, prizes, food trucks, cosplay and more!
Library Comic Con
Chantilly High School
4201 Stringfellow Road, Chantilly, VA Saturday, May 13, 2017 • 10 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
"Geek out" at our celebration of comic books, science fiction, fantasy, TV, movies and more, featuring Gene Luen Yang, author of the Secret Coders and Avatar: The Last Airbender series. Family-friendly costumes encouraged. Books available for sale and signing. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Chantilly Regional Library. Kids, teens and adults.
Burke Centre Library 5935 Freds Oak Road Burke, VA 22015 703-249-1520 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Mondays, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2:00-3:30 Walk-in Tech Clinic Help with eBooks, mobile devices and basic computer skills. Bring device account IDs and passwords. Adults.* Mondays, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 6:45, 7:30, 8:15 One-on-One English Practice Practice speaking, reading and writing English with a volunteer partner. Age 8-adult. Mondays, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 7:00 English Conversation Practice speaking English with others and improve your skills. Adults.* Wednesday, May 3, 10:30 My Gym Develop your child's large motor skills with exercise and games. Funded by the Friends of Burke Centre Library. Age 1-3 with adult. Wednesday, May 3, 11:15 My Gym-Siblings Develop your child's large motor skills with exercise and games. Funded by the Friends of Burke Centre Library. Age 1-5 with adult.
Friday, May 5, 10:10, 10:50 Music and Movin' with Miss Susan Enjoy songs and dance that enhance your child's early literacy and motor skills. Cosponsored by the Friends of Burke Centre Library. Age 9 months-5 years.
Fridays, May 5, 12, 19, 11:00, 11:45, 12:30 One-on-One English Practice Practice speaking, reading and writing English with a volunteer partner. Age 13-adult. Saturday, May 6, 1:00 Teen Book Club Let's meet once a month to recommend and discuss books we have read or would like to read. Age 13-18. Tuesdays, May 9, 16, 30, 10:30 Qi-gong Exercise Learn about Qigong (Chee-Gong), a gentle form of exercise combining simple movements, self-massage and breathing techniques. Adults. Tuesday, May 9, 1:00 Burke Centre Book Club The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey by Walter Mosley. Adults.* Tuesday, May 9, 6:00 Coloring Cafe Color while enjoying soothing tea and music. Supplies provided. Adults. Wednesday, May 10, 10:30, 11:15 Making Music Together Enjoy an approach that incorporates song, play, and dance for the entire family. Age 6 months-5 years with adult.
Thursday, May 18, 4:30 Magic Tree House Club Let's read and talk about Eve of the Emperor Penguin (#40 in series). Age 6-9. Tuesday, May 23, 1:30 Short Book Conversations Join a lively discussion of The Bookshop by Penelope Fitzgerald. Adults. Wednesday, May 24, 10:30 PJ Library Book Buddies Join us to read about Jewish traditions and make a craft to take home. To learn more visit www.jconnect. org/home/families/pj-library. Age 6 months-5 years with adult. Saturday, May 13, 27, 10:30 Teen Advisory Board (TAB) Teen volunteers help develop library programs and services of interest to their peers. Age 13-18.
Centreville Regional Library 14200 St. Germain Dr. Centreville, VA 20121 703-830-2223 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Friday, May 12, 10:15, 11:00 Child & Me Yoga Kids learn that exercise is fun and healthy using stories, songs, and poses. Bring a yoga mat or beach towel. Age 1-3 with caregiver.
Saturday, May 13, 2:00 Teen Arts & Crafts Paper art: chains and lanterns, Zentangle and Doodles and velvet board coloring. Age 13-18.
Don’t forget to register...
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
Walk-in hours Mondays, 8:00-9:00; Wednesdays, 1:00-2:00 Library eBook Tech Help Get your library eBook questions answered. Bring your library card and device. No prior experience required. All ages.
Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
Wednesdays in May, 11:00, 12:00 Thursdays in May, 12:00, 1:00, 7:00, 8:00 Saturdays in May, 11:00, 12:00, 1:00, 2:00 One-on-One English Conversation Practice English with a volunteer tutor. Call to register. Limited to once per week. Adults. Thursday, May 4, 3:00-9:00 Friday, May 5, 10:00-6:00 Saturday, May 6, 10:00-5:00 Sunday, May 7, 1:00-5:00 Book Sale The Friends of Centreville Library offer a wide selection of gently used books, movies and music. All ages.* Wednesdays, May 10, 24, 7:00 Starlight Storytime Stories and fun for the entire family. Pajamas and stuffed friends welcome. Age 4-8. Thursday, May 11, 11:00 Small Wonders Stories and activities. Age 13-23 months with adult.
Saturdays, May 13, 20, 27, 3:00 Practice English Conversation Group-Saturdays English language conversation practice for adult learners of English. Volunteer-led program. Adults.*
Wednesday, May 17, 7:30 Getting into College: Finding the Right Fit Author Julia Ross gives tips on your college search, area of study and how to pay for it. Teens and adults. Thursday, May 18, 11:00 Tuesday, May 30, 11:00 Time for Tots Stories and activities. Age 2-3 with adult.
Monday, May 15, 6:30 Saturday, May 27, 10:30 LEGOs Kids' Club Thousands of LEGOs await you and your creativity. Come with friends or make new ones while you create. Age 6-12. Mondays, May 15, 22, 7:00 ESL Book Club Adults learning English meet to discuss a book chosen by the group. Ask for title. Adults.* Tuesdays, May 16, 23, 30, 10:30 Advanced English Conversation Group Drop-in conversation group for ESL speakers who want to improve their skills. Adults.*
Thursday, May 11, 4:30 Youth Watercolor Club Learn to compose and create watercolor paintings from a local artist. Materials supplied. Age 9-16.
Tuesday, May 16, 10:30 Ms. April's Musical Storytime Enjoy singing, reading books, dancing and playing instruments. Supports early literacy skills. Age 2-5 with adult.
Thursday, May 11, 7:00 Civil War Lecture “General Civil War Medicine� by Author and Historian Gordon Dammann. Cosponsored by the Bull Run Civil War Roundtable. Adults plus school age and up.*
Tuesday, May 16, 7:00 Whet Your App*etite-Virtual Reality and Google Cardboard Apps Join us to explore a collection of Apps for smartphones and try out virtual reality apps using Google Cardboard. Bring your smartphone. Adults.
Saturday, May 13, 10:30 Thursday, May 25, 11:00 Thriving Three to Fives Stories and activities. Age 3-5 with adult.
Wednesday, May 17, 11:00 Baby & Me! Stories and activities. Birth-12 months with adult.
Thursday, May 18, 3:00-6:00 Third Thursday Fun and Games Match your gaming abilities with a wide range of games for teen and grade school participants. Parents welcome. Age 6-adult. Thursday, May 18, 7:30 Book Nerds A book club for fifth and sixth graders. May's book selection: The Best Bad Luck I Ever Had by Kristin Levine. Copies available at the information desk. Age 9-11. Saturday, May 20, 12:45 GIVE Tutoring High school honor students provide free homework tutoring to students in elementary school. Grades K-6.* Monday, May 22, 1:00 Sully Book Club Princess by Jean Sasson. Adults.*
Wednesday, May 24, 7:00 Art at the Library May theme: "Portraits." Beginners to expert artists are all welcome. Bring your own art supplies. Refreshments provided. Bring a hand mirror and sketchbook. Teens and adults. Continued on next page
Wednesday, May 31, 7:00 A Novel Society The Commonwealth by Ann Patchett. Adults.*
Chantilly Regional Library 4000 Stringfellow Rd Chantilly, VA 20151 703-502-3883 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Basic Internet and Microsoft Office Tutoring Get one-on-one help with computers, basic Microsoft Office applications and navigating the internet. Call the library to schedule an appointment. Adults. Book-a-Librarian Reserve a free 30-minute session with a professional librarian for personalized research help. Call to request an appointment. Teens and aduls. eBook Office Hours Call for an appointment and get your eBook questions answered. Bring your tablet or eReader and library card. Adults. One-on-One English Conversation Practice Practice your English with an ESL volunteer. Register in person only. Call branch for details. Adults. Monday, May 1, 4:30 Bookalicious! A book discussion group for girls and guys. Ask for title. Grades 3-4. Wednesday, May 3, 7:00 Mystery Book Club A discussion of The Secret Place by Tana French. Adults.*
Thursday, May 4, 6:00-9:00 Friends of Chantilly Library Pre-Sale for Friends Members Only Find bargains and treasures. Cash, check or credit card. Can pay annual membership dues at the door. Adults. Friday, May 5, 10:00-6:00 Saturday, May 6, 10:00-5:00 Sunday, May 7, 1:00-5:00 Friends of Chantilly Spring Book Sale Find bargains and treasures. Cash, check or credit card. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Chantilly Regional Library. All ages.* Mondays, May 8, 22, 6:30 Writers of Chantilly Share your work; give and receive feedback in a supportive setting. Adults.* Tuesdays, May 9, 16, 23, 30, 10:30 Thursdays, May 11, 18, 25, 7:00 English Conversation Group Practice your English with other students. Adults. Tuesday, May 9, 3:30 LGBTQA+ Book Club A book discussion group focusing on LGBTQA+ themes. Ask for title. Grades 9-12.
Wednesdays, May 10, 24, 3:00, 4:00 Mondays, May 15, 22, 11:30 Small Wonders Rhymes, songs, stories and activities for you and your baby to build an early literacy foundation. Age 12-23 months with caregiver. Wednesday, May 10, 7:30 Chantilly Book Discussion Group Best Boy by Eli Gottlieb. Adults.* Thursday, May 11, 10:30 PJ Library Book Buddies Storytime Read selections from Jewish books and music; make a craft. Contact Jennifer of the Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia for more information. Age 2 1/2-5 with caregiver. Friday, May 12, 4:45 Kinder-Budds: Book Buddies for Kindergarteners A book discussion group for girls and boys. Kindergarteners.
Tuesday, May 9, 7:00 Books and Bites Join us as we discuss a popular YA novel and share some snacks. Ask for title. Grades 9-12. Wednesdays, May 10, 24, 10:30 Tuesdays, May 16, 30, 3:30 Read! Build! Play! DUPLO® Storytime Have fun with your little one while building early literacy foundations for reading success. Age 18-35 months with adult. Wednesdays, May 10, 24, 11:30 Tuesdays, May 16, 30, 4:30 Read! Build! Play! DUPLO® Storytime Have fun with your little one while building early literacy foundations for reading success. Age 3-5 with adult.
Don’t forget to register...
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
Saturday, May 13, All Day National Train Day: A Model Railroad Display by the National Capital Trackers Enjoy model trains traveling across an expansive track (setup in meeting room); specialists will be on hand to answer your questions. All ages. Saturdays, May 13, 20, 27, 10:30-1:30 A Neighborhood Plant Clinic Master Gardeners provide horticultural tips, techniques and advice to home gardeners. Adults.* Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
Mondays, May 15, 22, 10:30 Wednesday, May 17, 3:30 Bouncin' Babies Rhymes, songs, stories and activities for you and your baby to build an early literacy foundation. Birth-11 months with caregiver. Monday, May 15, 4:45 Number One Budds: Book Buddies for First Graders Read the book at home and come to our book club to talk about it. Call for title. Grade 1. Tuesdays, May 16, 30, 10:30, 11:30 Toddlin' Twos Early literacy storytime with stories, songs and activities. Age 2 with caregiver. Tuesday, May 16, 7:00 Pajama Party! Bring your favorite cuddly friend, a blanket and wear your PJs. Age 3-5 with caregiver. Wednesday, May 17, 7:00 Adventures in Art Explore art through stories and art projects. Come dressed to get messy. Age 4-7 with caregiver. Thursdays, May 18, 25, 2:00 Storytime for Three to Fives Early literacy program with stories and activities. Age 3-5 with caregiver. Friday, May 19, 2:00 Ready for School Storytime Early literacy storytime for children ready to be on their own without caregivers or siblings. Age 4-5. Friday, May 19, 4:30 Passport to Fun Travel the world, explore languages and cultures through crafts and games with the Chantilly H.S. Language Honor Societies. Grades 1-6.
Saturday, May 20, 12:30 LEGO® Mania K-2 Show off your LEGO® building skills. Grades K-2. Monday, May 22, 4:45 Budds to the Second: Book Buddies for Second Graders Read the book at home and come to our book club to talk about it. Call for title. Grade 2. Tuesday, May 23, 7:00 Magic and Mayhem Discuss the book with your classmates. Ask for title. Grades 7-8. Saturday, May 27, 10:30 Kaleidoscope Storytime: An Adaptive Storytime Family sensory storytime focusing on the strengths and adapting to children on the autism spectrum and with other developmental challenges. All ages.
One-on-One English Conversation Practice Practice speaking English with a volunteer tutor. Call to make an appointment. Adults.* Personalized Internet/Microsoft Office Tutoring Learn how to use the Web or increase your skills. Call for appointment. Age 13 and up. Mondays in May, May 1, 11:00 Library Tech Help Get your library-related electronic resources questions answered. Includes help with eBooks and compatible devices. Adults.* Monday, May 1, 6:30 Jewelry for Mom Come work on a handmade Mother’s Day beading gift for or with Mom. Age 13-adult.
Tuesday, May 30, 2:00 Korean Storytime for Three to Fives Early literacy program in Korean with stories and activities. Age 3-5 with caregiver.
Tuesdays in May, 10:30 Storytime at Old Town Square Come across the street to Old Town Square to hear some stories, weather permitting. Age 2-5 with adult.*
Wednesday, May 31, 7:30 The End (or is it?) Book Group Book discussion group for boys and girls. Ask for title. Grades 5-6.
Tuesdays in May, 10:30 Tuesday Morning English Conversation Group Practice speaking English with others and improve your skills. Adults.*
City of Fairfax Regional Library 10360 North Street Fairfax, VA 22030 703-293-6227 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Genealogy Help Desk Bring your family history stumpers to an expert. Make an appointment at the Virginia Room desk or call 703293-6227, option 6. Adults.
Tuesdays in May, 2:00 Thursdays in May, 7:00 Library Tech Help Get your library-related electronic resources questions answered. Includes help with eBooks and compatible devices. Adults.* Tuesday, May 2, 4:30 American Girl Tea Party Bring your favorite doll. We will share books and light refreshments. Age 6-12. Continued on next page
Tuesdays in May, 7:00 Tuesday Evening English Conversation Group Practice speaking English with others and improve your skills. Adults.* Wednesday, May 3, 10:30 Storytime with a Deputy Sheriff Join a deputy from the Fairfax County Sheriff's Office for stories, songs, rhymes and other activities to build your child's early literacy skills. Age 4-5 with adult. Thursdays, May 4, 25, 10:30 Mother Goose Storytime Enjoy stories, songs and fingerplays while laying a foundation of early literacy skills for your baby. Birth-23 months with adult. Saturday, May 6, 11:00 Forgotten Fairfax: Henry Copperthite and the Burke, VA Racetrack Mike Copperthite will speak about his great-great grandfather–pie company founder and racetrack owner. Pie will be provided. Adults. Saturdays, May 6, 13, 20, 2:00 GIVE- Growth and Inspiration through Volunteering and Education Volunteers from Thomas Jefferson H.S. and Robinson H.S. offer tutoring in all subjects and ESL. School age.* Monday, May 8, 10:30 PJ Library Book Buddies Enjoy storybooks about Jewish holidays and values and make crafts to take home. Cosponsored by PJ Library and Growing Jewish Families of the JCC of Northern Virginia. Age 6 months-5 years with adult. Mondays, May 8, 15, 22, 4:30 Crazy 8s Math Club Join the club where you’ll run and jump and make a mess while learning math concepts. Cosponsored by Bedtime Math. Grades K-2.
Wednesday, May 10, 1:00 Job Club Join us for facilitated group discussions and learn skills that will help you obtain employment and succeed in the workplace, such as career exploration, resume writing, job searching, networking, interview preparation, and other employability skills. Age 17 and up. Wednesday, May 10, 7:00 Family Movie Night: “Bolt” A famous super-dog TV star believes his super powers are real. Snacks provided. All ages.* Thursday, May 11, 10:30 Preschool Storytime Build your child's early literacy skills while enjoying stories, songs and activities. Age 3-5 with adult.
Thursday, May 18, 10:30 Toddler Time Join us for stories, songs and activities while you foster early literacy skills. Age 2-3 with adult. Thursday, May 18, 12:30 Thursday Afternoon Reading Group Undaunted Courage by Steven Ambrose. Adults.* Saturday, May 20, 10:30 Math Magic in May Build your kids' math skills with family fun activities. All ages.
Saturday, May 13, 10:30 Family Storytime Enjoy stories, songs and activities chosen for families. Age 2-6 with adult. Saturday, May 13, 2:30 Microsoft Access Introduction to creating, modifying and mastering your own databases using Microsoft Access. Age 13 and up. Monday, May 15, 7:00 Pajama Storytime Wear PJs and bring a stuffed friend to hear bedtime stories. Age 2-6 with adult. Tuesday, May 16, 7:00 Tuesday Evening Book Discussion Washington's Crossing by David Hackett Fischer. Adults Wednesday, May 17, 4:30 Make and Take Reuse materials and craft supplies to make your own masterpiece. Age 6-12.
Don’t forget to register...
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
Monday, May 22, 10:15, 11:15 Music and Movin' with Miss Susan Sing and move to music with your little ones. Cosponsored by Friends of the City of Fairfax Regional Library. Age 6 months-5 years with adult. Monday, May 22, 7:00 Teen Book Preview Teens: Learn about great new books to read this summer. Age 12-18. Wednesday, May 24, 4:00-6:00 Mo Mania! Drop in for activities, crafts and stories celebrating Mo Willems' books. All ages.* Wednesday, May 31, 4:30 Bilingual Storytime: Spanish & English Build your child's early literacy skills while enjoying stories, songs and activities. Age 3-5 with adult. Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
Dolley Madison Library 1244 Oak Ridge Ave. McLean, VA 22101 703-356-0770 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Mondays, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 10:00 Tuesdays in May, 10:00, 11:00 Wednesdays in May, 10:00, 11:00 Saturdays in May, 10:00 One-on-One English Conversation Practice Practice speaking English with a volunteer partner, all levels welcome— limit is one session per week per person. Adults. Mondays, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 10:30 Bouncing Babies Rhymes, songs and stories for you and your baby to build an early literacy foundation. Birth-11 months with caregiver. Tuesdays, May 2, 16, 23, 30, 10:30 Tiny Toddlers Early literacy storytime with stories, songs and activities. Age 1-2 with caregiver. Tuesdays in May, 1:00 Wednesdays in May, 7:00 Thursdays, May 4, 18, 25, 1:00 Monday, May 8, 7:00 English Conversation Group Practice conversational English in a group setting. Adults.* Tuesday, May 2, 2:00 Mobile Tech Tuesday at Dolley Learn basic or advanced mobile device functions with your own smartphone or tablet. Space is limited: registration recommended. Adults.
Tuesdays in May, 7:00 Saturdays in May, 10:00, 11:00 One-on-One Computer/Microsoft Office training One on One tutoring to learn basic computer and Internet skills, or master Microsoft Office programs. Adults. Wednesdays, May 3, 10, 17, 24, 10:30 Treasured Three to Fives Early literacy storytime with stories, songs and activities. Age 3-5 with caregiver. Thursday, May 4, 11:00 "And the Winner Is…" Book Club Join writer-scholar Amanda Holmes Duffy for a discussion of Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee. Adults.* Tuesday, May 9, 7:00 For Children's Sake Informational session to answer questions about becoming a foster parent in Fairfax County. Adults. Tuesday, May 16, 4:30 Magic Tree House Book Club Join Jack and Annie on a Magic Tree House adventure with book discussions, games and activities. Check with Library staff for the current title. Age 6-8.
Wednesday, May 31, 10:30 Butterflies and Dragonflies Riverbend Park introduces us to butterflies and dragonflies. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Dolley Madison Library. Age 3-5.
George Mason Regional Library 7001 Little River Turnpike Annandale, VA 22003 703-256-3800 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Internet Tutoring Enhance your internet, computer and Microsoft Office skills working oneon-one with a tutor. Please call ahead for availability and to register for a session. Adults. Tuesdays in May, 2:00, 7:00 One-on-one Research and Writing Tutoring Learn research tips, improve your writing and work on a current writing or research project. Bring a copy to the session. High school-adult. Wednesday, May 3, 7:00 Yarn-Aholics Join us to discuss, learn and share knitting and crochet ideas and projects. Adults.*
Saturday, May 20, 12:00 Dolley Madison's Birthday Celebrate Dolley Madison's birthday with a visit to the library, a sweet treat and some fun facts about her. All ages. Thursday, May 25, 7:00 Model Investment Club Learn about investing following an investment club model. New visitors welcome. Adults.
Thursday, May 4, 10:30 Bouncin' Baby Storytime Short stories and songs for you and your baby. Caregivers provided with boardbooks and time to socialize with other adults. Age 5-18 months. Fridays in May, 4:45 LEGOs in the Library Use your imagination and make new friends. Age 6-12.* Continued on next page
Saturday, May 6, 2:00 Strings in the Library Join us for a musical performance by the Annandale Strings chamber orchestra. All ages. Saturdays, May 6, 13, 27, 2:30 Drop-in Junior Chess Club Play and learn new moves. Age 8-14.* Monday, May 8, 10:15, 11:15 Music and Movin' with Miss Susan Songs and dance designed to enhance your child's early literacy and fine motor skills. Cosponsored by the Friends of George Mason Regional Library. Age 9 months-5 years. Monday, May 8, 7:00 Make It Monday Craft Bring buttons of all shapes and sizes to create with and share. Adults. Tuesdays, May 9, 16, 23, 30, 2:00 Thursdays, May 11, 18, 25, 2:00 English Conversation Group Practice and improve your English. Adults.* Tuesday, May 9, 7:00 Community Healing through Literature Attorney Alejandra Rueda tells the impact of a community service sentence on teens who committed racially-charged vandalism. Age 16 and up. Wednesdays, May 10, 24, 31, 1:45 Chair Yoga Gentle and mindful yoga taught by a Yoga Alliance-registered instructor. Older adults. Wednesday, May 10, 7:00 Library Board of Trustees Meeting A maximum of 10 people may speak during the public comment period. To sign up, call 703-324-8324. Adults.* Thursday, May 11, 10:30 Toddler Storytime Enjoy short stories, songs and fingerplays. Age 2-5 with adult.
Thursday, May 11, 7:00 Jong-i jeobgi: Traditional Korean Paper Folding Art Create your own beautiful Korean origami project. Instructor: Myungok Kim. Adults. Saturday, May 13, 10:00 Know Your Muslim Neighbor Come meet your Muslim neighbor, celebrate diversity, meet new people and taste international delicacies. All ages. Monday, May 15, 10:30 Playdate Cafe Join other caregivers to socialize while the kids enjoy a variety of activities. All ages with adult.* Tuesday, May 16, 10:30 DUPLO® Tuesday Encourage your child's creativity and imagination with DUPLO® building blocks. Age 2-5 with adult.
Thursday, May 18, 7:00 Local History at the Library: Camp Alger and a Local Epidemic Learn about an historic typhoid epidemic and disastrous march to Manassas, by Burke Historical Society. Adults. Saturday, May 20, 10:30 Saturday Drop-in Storytime Bring your family for storytime at the library. Age 6 months-6 years with adult.* Tuesday, May 23, 10:15, 11:00 Count with Me Stories and activities will reinforce your child's numbering skills. Age 2-3 with adult. Wednesday, May 31, 7:00 Choice in Life, Choice in Death: Medical Aid-in-Dying in Virginia Representatives from Compassion and Choices will speak about efforts in Virginia to authorize medical aidin-dying so that terminally ill adults have access to all end-of-life options. Adults.
Great Falls Library Tuesday, May 16, 7:00 Color Me Calm Join us for a relaxing evening of grown up coloring. Supplies provided. Adults. Thursday, May 18, 10:30 Creative Play Encourage your child's creativity and imagination with soft building blocks. Age 2-5 with adult. Thursday, May 18, 2:00 George Mason Book Discussion Group Join us to discuss Elephant Company by Vicki Constantine Croke. Adults.
Don’t forget to register...
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
9830 Georgetown Pike Great Falls, VA 22066 703-757-8560 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Library Tech Help Get all your library related technology questions answered. No prior experience required. Adults. Mondays in May, 10:30 Baby Lapsit Join us for stories, songs, rhymes and fingerplays while building an early literacy foundation. Birth-24 months with caregiver.
Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
Mondays, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 1:00 Spanish Chat Informal conversation in Spanish. Adults.
Monday, May 1, 4:30 The STEAM Team Learn about science, technology, engineering, art and math through a hands on experiment. Age 6-12. Tuesdays in May, 10:30 Little Learners Get ready to read with interactive stories, play, songs, dance and crafts. Caregiver attendance optional but encouraged. Age 4-5. Wednesdays, May 3, 10, 24, 31, 10:30 Toddler Time A high energy program featuring stories, songs, dance and activities. Age 2-3 with caregiver. Wednesdays, May 3, 10, 24, 31, 4:30 Pokémon League Drop-in and play Pokémon with your friends. Age 5-15. Thursday, May 4, 4:30 May the 4th Be With You Celebrate the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire with crafts and activities. Age 5-13. Thursday, May 4, 7:00 From Sundials to Satellites to GPS National Air and Space Museum lecturer Paul Ceruzzi will give a history of GPS and show how it has grown far beyond the expectations of its creators. Adults. Friday, May 5, 12, 26, 10:00 Playdate Cafe Adults with children come to play and have coffee and meet new friends.
Saturday, May 6, 4:00 Dedication of the Marge Gersic Meeting Room Great Falls joins together to remember the life of library and community supporter Marge Gersic. All ages. Monday, May 8, 4:30 Kids' Craft Hour: Fire Breathing Dragon Use ordinary household items and a dose of creativity to make your own fire breathing dragon. Age 5-12. Thursday, May 11, 11:00, 7:00 Thursday, May 25, 12:00 Great Falls Writers Group Support group for writers. Adults. Thursday, May 11, 5:00 Young Inventors: LittleBits Use your imagination and electronic building blocks to create anything from simple circuits to robots. Age 8-18. Friday, May 12, 1:00 Foreign Policy Association's Great Decisions Program Learn about foreign policy issues in a seminar atmosphere. Cosponsored by the Great Falls Senior Center. Adults. Wednesday, May 17, 10:30 Morning Book Group Call branch for title. Adults. Thursday, May 18, 7:30 Evening Book Group Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer by James L. Swanson. Adults. Friday, May 19, 10:00-6:00 Saturday, May 20, 10:00-5:00 Friends of the Great Falls Library Used Book Sale Sale of gently used books to benefit Great Falls Library. All ages. Thursday, May 25, 7:15 DaVinci Drone and Coders Meet-Up Learn about building, maintaining, customizing and coding drones. All levels welcome. All ages.
Saturday, May 27, 1:00 Bee Keeping for Kids Learn about bees and bee keeping. Age 5-12.
Herndon Fortnightly Library 768 Center St. Herndon, VA 20170 703-437-8855 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Mondays, May 1, 8, 15, 10:30 Toddlers and Twos Early literacy storytime with stories, songs and activities. Age 19-36 months with adult. Tuesday, May 2, 10:30 Precious Preschoolers Join us for stories, songs and science: an early literacy and STEAM program. Age 3-5 with adult. Thursday, May 4, 4:30 LEGO® Club Have fun and use problem-solving skills to create with lots of LEGO® bricks (STEAM). Age 5-12. Saturdays, May 6, 20, 27, 10:30-11:30 Dog Tales Read aloud to a trained therapy dog with your own book or one from the library. Call or sign up online for a 15-minute session. Age 5-12. Saturdays, May 6, 13, 20, 10:30 GIVE-Growth and Inspiration through Volunteering and Education Volunteers from Thomas Jefferson H.S. and South Lakes H.S. tutor younger students in all subjects. School age. Continued on next page
Monday, May 8, 7:00 Writers Group All levels welcome; receive support and feedback. The group reviews works-in-progress from up to 3 members each month. Adults. Tuesday, May 9, 10:30 Riverbend Park for PreschoolersCicadas and Fireflies! Cosponsored by the Friends of the Reston Library (STEAM). Age 3-5 with adult.
Saturday, May 27, 11:30 Saturday Morning Live for Preschoolers Join us for crafts, puppetry, gross motor games, storytime, music and movement, cooking and more. Families welcome. Age 3-6 with adult.
John Marshall Library Closed for renovation.
Wednesday, May 10, 10:30 Babytime Rhymes, songs, stories with music for you and your baby to build an early literacy foundation. Birth-18 months with adult. Saturday, May 13, 10:30 Ikebana Flower Arranging for Kids Make a flower creation using the art of Ikebana and take your creation home. Age 6-12. Wednesday, May 17, 10:30 Babytime Rhymes, songs and stories to building an early literacy foundation. Birth-18 months with adult. Thursday, May 18, 4:30 All Things STEAM Children have fun learning about STEAM with a new topic each month. Grades K-5. Friday, May 19, 10:30 Sensory Music Class: "Wee Got The Beat, Too!" Kids with sensory needs learn socialization through music, rhymes, songs and movement. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Reston Library. Age 6 months-5 years with adult. Tuesday, May 23, 10:30 Blocks and Bricks Build and create using wood blocks and LEGO® DUPLOS (STEAM). Age 3-5 with adult.
Fridays in May, 10:00 English Conversation Group Practice your English conversation skills in a friendly and encouraging group. Adults.* Fridays in May, 1:00 Basic Computer Skills Training Learn basic computer skills with our one-on-one technology volunteers. Adults. Fridays in May, 2:00 Keeping Up With Kids-Learn About Flickr, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter & Skype Learn the basics with one-on-one technology volunteers about social networking tools to help you stay in touch with kids and grandkids. Adults.
Kings Park Library 9000 Burke Lake Rd. Burke, VA 22015 703-978-5600 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Mondays in May, 2:30 Spanish Conversation Group Practice and improve your Spanish with a native speaker. Adults.* Tuesdays in May, 10:30 Polish Conversation Group Practice and improve your Polish with a native speaker. All levels welcome. Adults.* Thursday, May 4, 10:00-8:00 Friday, May 5, 10:00-6:00 Saturday, May 6, 10:00-5:00 Friends of the Kings Park Library Used Book Sale Proceeds go to support the Library. During peak attendance we may ask you to park strollers outside the main book sale area for safety/convenience of all shoppers. All ages.
10 Don’t forget to register...
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
Saturdays in May, 10:00 Master Gardeners Plant Clinic Experts from the county will host plant clinics each Saturday morning through the summer to answer gardening questions. Adults.* Saturday, May 6, 11:00 Kings Park Library Teen Advisory Board (TAB) Meeting Teen volunteers develop library programs and services as well as leadership skills. Age 13-18. Monday, May 8, 4:30 Science & Stories Intro to science topics with stories, songs, nonfiction and mini-experiments. Age 4-6 with adult. Tuesday, May 9, 10:30 Preschool Storytime Stories, songs and fun for your preschooler. Age 3-5 with adult. Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
Tuesday, May 9, 4:30-6:00 Paws to Read Practice reading to a trained therapy dog. Call or sign up online for a 15-minute session. Age 6-12 with adult. Tuesday, May 9, 7:00 Calling All Guys Book discussion group for boys. Swindle by Gordon Korman. Age 9-12 with adult. Thursdays, May 11, 18, 1:30 Gentle Yoga Chair yoga: Stretching and breathing exercises to relieve stress, calm the mind and increase mobility and balance. No yoga mat needed. Older adults. Thursday, May 11, 7:00 Kings Park Gardening SeriesNorthern Virginia Native Gardening Learn the beauty and benefits of adding indigenous plants to your home garden and landscape with Plant NoVA Natives. Adults and teens.* Saturday, May 13, 10:30 Sensory Storytime Multi-sensory storytime geared to children with special needs featuring stories and songs with social interaction. Age 2-4 with adult. Saturday, May 13, 11:30 Sensory Storytime-Section 2 Multi-sensory storytime geared to children with special needs featuring stories, songs and social interaction. Age 5-9 with adult. Monday, May 15, 22, 5:30 Learn to Create 3-D Prints with Tinkercad In this 2-part class, you'll learn how to make 3-D objects and create your own design to be printed. Bring a charged laptop. Some laptops will be available. Teens and adults.
Monday, May 15, 7:00 Let's Hear It for the Girls! All girls book discussion group. Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson. Age 9-12. Tuesday, May 16, 1:00 Great Decisions Seminar Roundtable discussion of U.S. foreign policy. Topic: Conflict in the South China Sea. Adults. Tuesday, May 16, 1:30 Afternoon Book Discussion Group Harriet Tubman: The Road to Freedom by Catherine Clinton. Adults.* Tuesday, May 16, 4:30 LEGOs in the Library Use your imagination and make friends with LEGO® bricks free build. LEGOs provided by the Friends of the Kings Park Library. Age 5-12. Tuesday, May 16, 6:30 Evening Book Discussion Group Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson. Adults.* Wednesday, May 17, 10:30 Small Oneders Rhymes, stories, songs and activities for you and your toddler. Age 12-23 months with adult. Wednesday, May 17, 4:30 Youth Sketching and Watercolor Painting Club Enjoy sketching and watercolor tips from a local artist. Materials supplied. Age 9-16. Thursday, May 18, 7:00 Author Event: Herman Herst, Jr. The final book of Herman Herst, Jr., Put a Stamp On It!, will be presented by his son, Kenneth. Adults and teens.*
Friday, May 19, 2:00 Genealogy with the Virginia Room, Session 3 Learn genealogy research fundamentals in three sessions. Explore all types of records and documents in the library and online. A Virginia Room program. Adults. Saturday, May 20, 11:00 Kings Park Library Teen Advisory Board (TAB) Meeting Teen volunteers develop library programs and services as well as leadership skills. Age 13-18. Tuesday, May 23, 7:00 Pokémon Club Bring your Pokémon trading cards to trade or play. Age 6-12.* Thursday, May 25, 7:00 Family Movie Night: “Moana” Relax and enjoy a new Disney family classic. All ages.* Wednesday, May 31, 4:30 Chess Club Learn openings, strategies, tactics, and more paired with others of similar skill. Cosponsored by Friends of the Kings Park Library. Age 8-16.
Kingstowne Library 6500 Landsdowne Centre Alexandria, VA 22315 703-339-4610 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Mondays in May, 6:30, 7:00 Tuesdays in May, 12:00, 12:30, 1:00 Internet and MS Office One-on-One One-on-one sessions with a technology volunteer. Call to schedule. Adults. Continued on next page
Tuesday, May 2, 10:30 Early Words Early Literacy program with stories and songs. Age 12-23 months with adult. Tuesdays in May, 1:30 Genealogy One-on-One Discover your family history with a genealogy volunteer using library online resources. Call for an appointment. Adults. Wednesdays in May, 10:15 Thursdays in May, 2:00, 7:00 English Conversation Conversation group for people learning English. Adults.* Wednesday, May 3, 12:15 Daytime Book Discussion Everybody's Fool by Richard Russo. Adults.* Thursday, May 4, 6:30 Books & Brews Book Club Please contact branch for title. Meetings at Forge Brew Works, 8532 Terminal Road, Lorton, 22079. Adults. Monday, May 8, 10:30 Terrific Twos Early Literacy program with stories and songs. Age 2 with adult. Tuesday, May 9, 7:00 Second Tuesday Book Group The Road to Little Dribbling by Bill Bryson. Adults.*
Thursday, May 11, 7:00, 7:30 Social Media Demystified One-on-one introduction to using social media. Call or stop by to make an appointment. Adults. Friday, May 12, 10:30, 11:15 Wee Got The Beat Activities that foster learning, social skills and creativity. Register for one of two timeslots. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Kingstowne Library. Age 6 months-5 years with caregiver. Saturday, May 13, 10:00-5:00 Friends of the Kingstowne Library Book Sale Gems and finds for all readers. All ages.* Tuesday, May 16, 10:30 Dance to the Music A drop-in program of dance, music and song allows you to come for a few minutes or up to one hour. Age 2-4 years with adult.* Friday, May 19, 10:30 Child & Me Yoga Breathing exercises, poses, music and storytime guide you through a fun time together. Bring a yoga mat or beach towel. Age 1-3 years with adult.
Lorton Library 9520 Richmond Highway Lorton, VA 22079 703-339-7385 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday, May 1, 6:30 STEAM Team: Fall for Gravity Explore the concept of gravity through hands-on science experiments. Age 6-12. Tuesdays in May, 10:30 Fridays in May, 10:30 English Conversation Group Practice speaking English with others and improve your skills. Adults.* Wednesdays, May 3, 10, 17, 24, 11:00 Terrific Two to Fives Interactive storytime with books, songs, rhymes and more. Age 2-5 with adult.
Saturday, May 20, 12:30-1:30 Wag a Tale Register for a 15-minute session to read aloud to one of our therapy dogs. Age 5-12.
Wednesday, May 10, 10:30 Friday, May 26, 10:30 Baby & Me Babies learn and develop from play, socialization and the sharing of books. Age 1-11 months with adult. Wednesday, May 10, 2:00 Kingstowne Center for Active Adults (KNCAA) Book Group The Director by David Ignatius. Meets next door at KNCAA. Cosponsored by KNCAA. Adults.*
Monday, May 22, 10:30 Rainbow Readers Early Literacy program with stories and songs for children. Age 3-5 years with adult.
Saturday, May 20, 2:00 Photographs, Letters, Ledgers and More! Learn about the Virginia Room’s historical Fairfax County collections and preservation techniques. Adults.
Don’t forget to register...
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
Wednesdays in May, 1:00 Not Another Home Movie Work with a filmmaker to create your own digital story with your own equipment in this free five-week course. Adults. Thursday, May 4, 1:00-9:00 All Day Star Wars Celebration Drop-in anytime and enjoy Star Wars activities and crafts. May the 4th be with you! All ages.* Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
Thursday, May 4, 7:00 Jammin' Book Party Explore fun stories and games. Snacks provided. Age 9-12. Saturdays in May, 12:00 One-On-One Computer/Technology Help One-hour session with a technology volunteer; help with basic computer skills, navigating the Internet and eReaders. Call for appointment. Adults. Monday, May 8, 11:00 Babies & Tots Songs, rhymes, a story and more. Birth-23 months with adult. Thursdays, May 11, 18, 25, 6:00 Homework Help Drop-in homework help for students up through 12th grade.* Saturday, May 13, 9:00 Second Saturdays with Supervisor Storck Meet your Board of Supervisors representative Dan Storck to discuss your concerns. Adults. Saturday, May 13, 2:00 Lorton Junior Chess Club Practice chess and learn new moves. Age 8-12.* Monday, May 15, 1:00 Personal Safety Workshop Fairfax County Police share crime prevention tips for the workplace and public spaces. Adults. Monday, May 15, 7:00 Lorton Evening Book Conversations Book Discussion. Call Library for title. Adults.* Saturday, May 20, 11:00-12:00 Paws to Read Practice reading aloud to a trained therapy dog. 15-minute sessions available. Age 6-12.
Saturday, May 27, 11:00 Pint-Sized Prom: Under the Sea Put on fancy clothes for dance, games, crafts and light refreshments at an ocean-themed prom. Age 3-7 with adult.
Martha Washington Library 6614 Fort Hunt Rd. Alexandria, VA 22307 703-768-6700 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. One-On-One Internet/Computer Training One-hour session with a tech volunteer for basic computer skills and navigating the Internet. Call for appointment. Adults. Monday, May 1, 10:30 Baby and Me! Stories, songs and movement to build an early literacy foundation. Birth-12 months with adult. Monday, May 1, 12:00 Storytime @ MT Vernon REC Join us for stories and fun at the Mount Vernon Rec Center. Age 2-5. Monday, May 1, 7:00 Cliffhanger Book Club Bring your library card to check out the book and find out what happens next. Snacks provided. Grades 5-6. Tuesday, May 2, 10:30 A to Zoo Storytime Fun stories and activities for preschool children. Age 3-5 with adult. Friday, May 5, 10:00-5:00 Saturday, May 6, 10:00-4:00 Martha Washington Spring Book Sale Shop for semi-annual book sale bargains. Cosponsored by the Friends of
the Martha Washington Library. All ages.* Tuesday, May 9, 7:00 Martha's Tuesday Evening Book Discussion Group The Wright Brothers by David McCullough. Adults.* Wednesdays, May 10, 23, 10:30 2s and 3s Together Books, songs and fun activities for toddlers. Age 2-3 with adult. Thursday, May 11, 1:30 Library Afternoon After pre-school stories, activities and fun. Age 3-5 with adult. Saturday, May 13, 10:30 Mother's Day Surprise Make a gift for someone special in your life. Grades K-6. Saturday, May 13, 2:00 Annandale Strings Spring Concert The Annandale Strings will present their spring concert. All ages. Monday, May 15, 10:30 Small Wonders Stories, songs and movement to build an early literacy foundation. Age 13-23 months with adult. Monday, May 15, 7:00 Cliffhanger Book Club Too Bring your library card to check out the book and find out what happens next! Snacks provided. Grades 3-4. Tuesday, May 16, 12:30 Researching Your Fairfax County Property Virginia Room staff demonstrate how to research your property in Fairfax county. Adults. Continued on next page
Wednesday, May 17, 10:30 Stories and More Fun with stories, crafts and activities. Age 3-5 with adult. Thursday, May 18, 7:00 Martha's Poetry Discussion Group Discuss the poetry of Billy Collins. Adults.*
Oakton Library 10304 Lynnhaven Place Oakton, VA 22124 703-242-4020 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Mondays, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 10:30 English Conversation English practice for non-native speakers. Adults.* Saturday, May 20, 1:00 Gardening with Our Deer Friends Rather than using repellents, Green Spring Master Gardeners will help you select deer resistant plants. Adults. Monday, May 22, 4:30-5:30 Read to the Dog Read to a therapy dog. Signup for one 15-minute session. Space limited; cancel if can’t attend. Grades 1-6.
Tuesdays in May, 11:00 Computer One-on-One Internet basics, E-Mail, Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Adults. Tuesdays in May, 12:30 Canasta Group Enjoy socializing, while you play Canasta. Adults.* Tuesdays in May, 1:30, 6:30 Thursdays in May, 1:30 English Conversation One-on-One English practice for a non-native speaker with a library volunteer. Call for appointment. Adults.
Tuesday, May 23, 7:00 Mystery Writers Panel Local mystery writers Donna Andrews, Ellen Crosby, John Gilstrap, Alan Orloff and Art Taylor will discuss their books. Sales and book signing. Cosponsored by Hooray for Books. Adults.*
Tuesday, May 2, 7:00 Home Buying Basics What every new home buyer needs to know from planning to financing, to shopping to buying. Adults.
Thursday, May 25, 4:30 Teen Sketching and Watercolor Painting Club Enjoy sketching and watercolor tips from a local artist. Materials supplied. Age 12-16.
Wednesday, May 3, 10:30 DUPLO®! Read! Build! Play! DUPLO® storytime to build early literacy skills for reading success. Age 18-36 months with adult.
Saturday, May 27, 2:00 Martha's Family Movie Matinee Enjoy the family flick "Sing" (PG, 108 minutes). Snacks provided by the Friends of the Martha Washington Library. All ages.*
Wednesdays in May, 10:30 eBook/eReader Instruction Learn how to access library ebooks and eaudiobooks with your PC or device. Adults.*
Don’t forget to register...
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
Friday, May 5, 10:30 Exploring the Inner Artist Foster creative confidence through the art-making process; explore different media. Age 3-5 with adult. Saturdays in May, 10:00 Plant Clinic Master Gardeners provide answers to questions on plants, insects, soil tests and more. Adults.* Tuesday, May 9, 7:00 Money Matters Monthly discussion is on personal finance and investing; May selection is Charlie Munger by Tren Griffin. Adults.* Wednesday, May 10, 10:30, 11:30 Small Wonders Short stories for you and your child. Age 13-23 months with adult. Wednesday, May 10, 1:00 Mystery Book Club Help unravel a whodunit thriller; May selection is Listening Woman by Tony Hillerman. Adults.* Saturday, May 13, 10:30 Full STEAM Ahead Each month we focus on one STEAM concept with stories and activities. Age 4-6 with adult. Monday, May 15, 4:30 LEGOs in the Library Have fun and make new friends. Hundreds of LEGOs await your creativity. Age 5-12.* Tuesday, May 16, 2:30 Job Club Discuss and learn skills to help you get a job and succeed in the workplace. Adults, age 17 and older. Wednesday, May 17, 10:30 Toddler Tales Stories and activities for you and your toddler. Age 2-3 with adult.
Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
Thursday, May 18, 7:00 Oakton Book Discussion Group The May selection is Heroes of the Frontier by David Eggers. Adults.* Friday, May 19, 4:30 Exploring the Inner Artist Foster creative confidence through the art-making process; explore different media. Age 6-12. Tuesday, May 23, 12:00 Homeschool Literature Group: High School Consider new points of view; discuss books with other high school-aged home school students. Read A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.* Tuesday, May 23, 12:00 Homeschool Literature Group: Middle School Enjoy new friends and discuss award-winning, classic literature. Read: Enchantress from the Stars by Sylvia Engdahl. Age 12-14.*
Patrick Henry Library 101 Maple Ave. East Vienna, VA 22180 703-938-0405 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Through Monday, May 15, All Day Vienna Arts Society-Spring Exhibition Artists display artwork with a spring theme in the Patrick Henry meeting room. All ages.*
Tuesday, May 30, 7:00 Yoga Storytime Enjoy bedtime stories, stretching and simple yoga poses. Bring a mat or towel; wear comfortable clothes. Age 4-8. Wednesday, May 31, 10:30 Playdate Cafe Toys and play space for children. Birth-5 with adult.*
Monday, May 8, 1:00 Knitting Group for All Bring your knitting projects, share tips and enjoy conversation. Adults.* Monday, May 8, 4:00-5:00 Woof and Paws-Read to a Dog Sign up for one 15-minute session to read with a therapy dog. Age 6-12.
Drop-in Computer Tutoring A volunteer tutor is available certain hours to assist you in setting up an email account and using the Internet and basic software. Drop-in help only. Call for schedule. Adults.*
Tuesday, May 9, 7:00 Adult Coloring De-stress and meet new people while working on detailed coloring pages. Materials provided. Adults and teens.*
One-to-One English Conversation Practice English conversation skills with a library volunteer. Call for schedule. Adults.
Wednesday, May 10, 5:00 Teddy Bear Camp Out Bring your stuffed animal, read to him and don’t forget your PJs. Age 3-5 with adult.
Monday, May 1, 10:30 Treasured Threes-Fives Join us for stories, songs and rhymes. Age 3-5 with adult.
Saturday, May 27, 10:30 Chinese Dance Enjoy fantastic Chinese and Taiwanese dance by the Fairfax Chinese Dance Troupe. All ages.
Saturday, May 6, 1:00 Havana Hardball: Featuring Local Author César Brioso Meet the author of Havana Hardball and learn about 1947, a landmark year in baseball. Books available for sale and signing. Adults and teens.
Wednesday, May 3, 4:00 First Wednesdays with Supervisor Hudgins Stop by and share any concern you may have on any issue with Supervisor Cathy Hudgins. Adults.* Fridays in May, 10:00 English Conversation Group Practice your English conversation skills in a group. Adults.* Saturday, May 6, 10:30 Babies and Books Join us for stories, songs and rhymes. Birth-23 months with adult.
Thursday, May 11, 2:00 Teddy Bear Camp Out: Pick Up Pick up your stuffed animal and discover what mischief they got into during the night. All ages. Thursday, May 11, 7:30 Tiananmen Ascending Meet local author Britt Alan whose thriller warns of the threat of unchecked Chinese regional aggression. Books available for sale and signing. Adults. Fridays, May 12, 26, 3:30 Pokémon League Learn and play. Age 5-18.* Monday, May 15, 10:00 Vienna VIP Support for individuals with vision impairments. Adults.* Continued on next page
Monday, May 15, 7:00 "Not Just for Teens" Are you an adult who loves YA lit? If so, join us for discussion and fun. May's title is Book of a Thousand Days by Shannon Hale. Tuesday, May 16, 10:30 Small Wonders Join us for an early literacy-enhanced storytime, featuring stories, rhymes, songs and activities for you and your child. Age 12-23 months with adult. Tuesday, May 16, 1:00 Non-profits and Foundation Directory Theresa Benincasa, PhD, from the Fairfax County Office of Public Private Partnerships, demonstrates the benefits of Foundation Directory Online. Find grants, grantmakers and more. Adults. Thursday, May 18, 1:00 Classic Books Discussion Group Join writer/scholar Amanda Holmes Duffy for a discussion of 1984 by George Orwell. Adults and teens.* Thursday, May 18, 4:00-5:00 Woof and Paws-Read to a Dog Sign up for a 15-minute session to read to a reading therapy dog. Age 6-12. Saturday, May 20, 10:30 Tuesday, May 30, 10:30 Playdate Cafe Join other caregivers to socialize while the kids play with toys. Birth-5 with adult. Monday, May 22, 10:30 Toddlin' Twos Join us for stories, songs and rhymes. Age 2 with adult. Monday, May 22, 7:00 Goodnight, Sleep Tight Come in your pajamas and join us for stories and songs. All ages.
Wednesday, May 24, 11:30 Rock-a-Bye Baby Enjoy an early literacy-enhanced storytime, featuring rhymes, stories and songs. Birth-12 months with adult.
Wednesdays, May 3, 10, 24, 31, 7:00 English Conversation Join our group to practice your English conversation. Adults.*
Thursday, May 25, 1:00 Patrick Henry Book Club Pardonable Lies: A Maisie Dobbs Novel by Jaqueline Winspear. Adults.* Wednesday, May 31, 1:30 Picture Book Time Join us for stories, songs and rhymes. Age 2-5 with adult.
Pohick Regional Library 6450 Sydenstricker Rd. Burke, VA 22015 703-644-7333 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday, May 1, 7:00 Fall Prevention: Making the Home Safer for You and Your Loved One Learn from an expert about practical changes you can make to prevent safety problems in your home. Adults. Tuesday, May 2, 10:30 Stories for 3-5's: Ducks! Enjoy stories and songs about our quacking friends to build early literacy skills. Age 3-5 with adult. Tuesdays, May 2, 9, 6:30-8:00 Learning English with Computers Learn English using free Internet resources. Must attend all classes; homework will be assigned. Adults. Wednesday, May 3, 10:30 Kid Science: It's Electric Learn about electricity through stories, activities and experiments. Age 4-6 with adult.
Don’t forget to register...
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
Wednesday, May 3, 7:00 Pohick Writers' Roundtable Discuss your work with other writers. Adults.* Thursdays in May 4, 10:00 Walk-in Tech Help Clinic Help with eBooks, mobile devices and basic computer skills. Bring device, account IDs and passwords. Adults.* Thursday, May 4, 3:00-5:00 Crafternoon Craft Group Bring your current craft project and join your neighbors for a relaxing afternoon of handicrafts and conversation. Light refreshments available. Adults.* Saturday, May 6, 10:30-12:00 Adventures with Sphero Robots Learn to use Sphero robots and team up to build an obstacle course for a relay race. Prizes. Grades 4-6. Sundays, May 7, 14, 28, 1:00-4:00 Fairfax County Master Gardeners Plant Clinic Experts answer your gardening questions Sunday afternoons through the summer. Adults.* Monday, May 8, 10:30 Babies Blossoming: Fun at the Beach Enjoy songs and stories for baby and you at the beach and build early literacy skills. Birth-11 months with adult.
Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
Tuesday, May 9, 7:00-8:30 First Time Home Buying Workshop Learn the fundamentals of the home buying process. Adults. Wednesday, May 10, 10:30 Small Oneders Enjoy stories and rhymes for you and your toddler while building early literacy skills. Age 12-23 months with adult.
Tuesday, May 23, 10:30 Tales for Twos: Bugs and Butterflies Stories, rhymes and songs about butterflies and bugs to build early literacy skills. Age 24-35 months with adult. Tuesday, May 23, 7:00 Bedtime Stories Bring a favorite stuffed animal, wear your PJs and enjoy nighttime stories and music. Age 3-6 with adult.
Thursday, May 11, 4:30 Chess Club Learn openings, strategies and tactics. Players paired with others of similar skill. Cosponsored by Friends of the Pohick Regional Library. Age 8-16.
Thursday, May 25, 7:00 Workplace Jerks! Author Dale Paulson helps job hunters show their good workplace attitudes supplementing job skills. Books available for sale and signing. Adults.
Saturday, May 13, 1:00-2:00 Read to the Dog Read to a trained therapy dog. Call or sign up online for a 15-minute session. Age 6-12.
Friday, May 26, 10:30 Fun Flicks Watch movies based on children's books with snacks provided. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Pohick Regional Library. All ages.
Tuesday, May 16, 7:00 Pohick Evening Book Discussion Group The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. Adults.* Thursday, May 18, 1:00-6:00 Friends of the Pohick Regional Library Preview Book Sale Join the Friends for a members-only preview. New members may join at the door. All ages.*
Friday, May 26, 6:00-9:00 Game On! Food, flicks, gaming and Friday night fun. Grades 6-12. Sunday, May 28, 3:30 Burke Centre Historical Society Presents: The Civil War among Local Civilians Learn about Civil War hardships county residents endured by Union and Confederate forces. Adults.*
Friday, May 19, 10:00-5:00 Saturday, May 20, 10:00-4:00 Sunday, May 21, 1:00-4:00 Friends of the Pohick Regional Library Book Sale Join the Friends for the semiannual book sale; large selection of gently used books. All ages.* Monday, May 22, 4:30 Our First Book Club Boys and girls discuss a book. Read John Philip Duck by Patricia Polacco. Grades K-2.
Tuesday, May 30, 10:30 Math Adventures Join us for a story and activity about math to build math and early literacy skills. Age 3-5 with adult.
Reston Regional Library 11925 Bowman Towne Dr. Reston, VA 20190 703-689-2700 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuesday, May 2, 10:30 Toddler Storytime Join us for fun stories, songs and finger plays. Age 2 with adult. Tuesdays in May, 7:00 Spanchats Join our Spanish conversation group. All levels from beginner to fluent are welcome. Adults.* Wednesdays, May 3, 17, 10:30 Monday, May 8, 10:30 Tuesdays, May 16, 23, 10:30 Baby Lapsit Enjoy nursery rhymes, songs and stories to build an early literacy foundation. Birth-11 months with adult. Thursday, May 4, 10:30 Gymboree Music II Dance and sing to a new musical style each month. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Reston Regional Library. Age 16-18 months with adult. Thursdays in May, 6:00 Homework Help Teen volunteers help peers and younger students with their homework. Age 11-18. Thursday, May 4, 7:00 Millennials Book Club Read: The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith. Adults early 20s-early 30s.* Continued on next page
Friday, May 5, 2:00 VIP Reston Support for individuals with vision impairment. Adults. Saturday, May 6, 11:00 Kids Flicks: “The Good Dinosaur” Enjoy a family movie at the library. All ages.* Saturday, May 6, 2:00 Cinema Classics: “Sunset Boulevard” A faded silent-film star draws a downon-his-luck screenwriter into her fantasy world. Adults and teens. Monday, May 8, 6:30 Rock Your Runway: Financial Fitness and Empowerment for Women First in series focused on women's financial fitness. Adults. Tuesday, May 9, 10:30 Baby Steps Storytime A special storytime for you and your child. Age 12-23 months with adult.
Tuesday, May 9, 2:00 Stroke Awareness with Specialists on Call Specialists on Call will present a program on stroke awareness and prevention. Adults. Tuesday, May 9, 7:00-8:00 Read to the Dog Read to a trained therapy dog; call or signup online for a 15-minute session. Age 5-11. Wednesday, May 10, 10:30 Wednesday Morning Book Club This month's title is The Orphan Master's Son by Adam Johnson. Adults. Wednesday, May 10, 7:00 Understanding Medicare A Medicare expert will explain what Medicare covers, supplemental plans and more. Please register. Adults 64 and up.
Thursday, May 11, 10:30 Musical Teddy Bears with Miss Susan Enjoy dancing and playing instruments. Bring a favorite stuffed animal or meet Miss Susan’s. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Reston Regional Library. Age 9-24 months with adult. Thursday, May 11, 7:00 Color Me Happy Turn loose your inner artist in our adult coloring session. Choose from our collection of intricate designs. Materials provided, or bring your own. Adults. Friday, May 12, 10:30 Flannel Friday Early literacy-enhanced storytime has flannel stories, rhymes and songs. Age 3-5 with adult. Saturday, May 13, 12:00 YA Writing Workshop Teens–join the YA Workshop and share your creative writing. Age 13-18.
English as a Second Language Program at Reston Regional Library ONE-TO-ONE ENGLISH CONVERSATION Multiple one-on-one practice sessions with a volunteer are available each week. Sign up begins every Monday at 1 p.m. at the information desk or by phone. PRE-BEGINNERS With Maureen, Wednesdays, 10-11 a.m. BEGINNERS With Sandra, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10-11 a.m. With Ivan, Fridays, 10-11 a.m. INTERMEDIATE With Richard C., Mondays, 10-11 a.m. With Juanita, Mondays, 4:30-5:30 p.m. With Susan, Wednesdays, 1-2 p.m. With Sharoni, Wednesdays, 2-3 p.m.
Don’t forget to register...
ADVANCED With Richard C., Thursdays, 10-11:30 a.m. With Mary, Fridays, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. CONVERSATION & PRONUNCIATION With Richard C., Mondays, 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. VOCABULARY BUILDING With Sharoni, Mondays, 12:30-1:30 p.m. SPEAK & WRITE With Sandy, Mondays, 1:30-3 p.m. DIALOGS & GRAMMAR With Judy, Tuesdays, 11:15-12:30 p.m. PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING With Sandy, Thursdays, 1-2:30 p.m.
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
Saturday, May 13, 2:00 Japan's Secret WWII Invasion Plan Local historian Jim Lewis shares the little known story of Japan's secret plans to invade the United States mainland during World War II. Adults.* Monday, May 15, 10:30 Gymboree Music I Discover melody, pitch and rhythm while building a repertoire of joyful songs. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Reston Regional Library. Age 6-16 months with adult.
Tuesday, May 16, 4:30 Kids Art Class Learn how to paint like one of the great artists of the 20th century. This month: Pablo Picasso. Age 8-10. Wednesday, May 17, 7:00 Age Is Just a Number Dr. Evelyn Felluca from Reston Hospital Center discusses how to delay the aging effects of menopause and look and feel better as you grow older. Adults. Thursday, May 18, 10:30 Sensory Friendly Storytime A multi-sensory storytime geared to children on the autism spectrum or sensitive to sensory overload. Birth-5 with adult. Thursday, May 18, 4:30 Geronimo Stilton Book Discussion Learn about Geronimo Stilton’s latest antics in A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo. Age 8-10. Friday, May 19, 2:00 Great Decisions Series Watch a film, then discuss "U.S. Foreign Policy and Petroleum." Discussion materials available at the Info Desk two weeks before event. Light refreshments served. Adults.
Saturday, May 20, 11:00 Frying Pan Farm Park at Reston Library Learn about farming changes, meet our rabbit, hear a story and make a craft to take home. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Reston Regional Library. Age 6-11. Saturday, May 20, 1:00 First Ladies and Scandals in the City Elaine Flynn brings Teddy Roosevelts daughter, Alice, to life as she presents Scandals in the City. All ages. Thursday, May 25, 10:30 Little Twisters Storytime Yoga Read and act out a children's book using yoga poses and movement with a certified children's yoga teacher. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Reston Regional Library. Age 3-5 with adult. Thursday, May 25, 7:00 Dollars and Sense A group discussion on business leaders and markets. Read: The Innovators by Walter Issacson. Adults. Thursday, May 25, 7:00 Teen Advisory Board (TAB) Meeting Be part of a leadership experience; share your ideas about making the library a great place for teens. Age 13-18.*
Friday, May 26, 10:30 Read! Build! Play! Read a story, build with DUPLOs and play with friends while building early literacy skills. Age 3-5 with adult. Saturday, May 27, 11:00 Codeducate Comes to Reston Regional Library Join us for fun workshops and learn how to code. Bring your computer and let the coding begin. Age 10-18.
Richard Byrd Library 7250 Commerce Street Springfield, VA 22150 703-451-8055 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuesdays, May 2, 9, 16, 23, 10:00-1:00 Neighborhood Plant Clinic Fairfax Master Gardeners pros give tips and advice. Adults.* Tuesdays in May, 7:00 English Conversation Group Practice and improve your English. Adults.* Wednesday, May 3, 10:30 Romp and Rhyme Join us for stories and songs. Birth-11 months with adult. Wednesday, May 3, 11:30 Sensory Storytime A welcoming storytime geared to children with special needs and children who are sensitive to sensory overload. Birth-3 with adult. Thursday, May 4, 7:00 Springfield Writers' Group Share your work, give and receive feedback in a supportive setting. Adults.* Saturday, May 6, 10:30 Point A to Point B Two partners will have to work together to get a box from Point A to Point B. Age 2-5 with adult. Monday, May 8, 7:00 Basic Computer Skills Learn basic computer skills: using your mouse/keyboard, manage internet settings, operate a USB drive and more. Adults and older adults. Continued on next page
Wednesday, May 10, 10:30 Let's Go Fishing! Join us for stories and activities about fishing. Age 3-5 with adult. Thursday, May 11, 1:30 Afternoon Book Club Join our afternoon book club and make new friends. This month's title: Plainsong by Kent Haruf. Adults.*
Monday, May 15, 4:30 Hidden Pond Monday: Pond Life Presented by the Hidden Pond Nature Center. Cosponsored by the Friends of Richard Byrd Library. Age 6-12. Tuesday, May 16, 7:00 Classics Book Club This month's title: The Secret Sharer by Joseph Conrad. Adults.* Tuesday, May 16, 7:00 Letters, Ledgers, Photos and More A primer on how to preserve your heirloom photographs and documents. Adults. Wednesday, May 17, 10:30 Fun With Ones Enjoy books, songs and rhymes in a special storytime just for ones. Age 1223 months with adult. Thursday, May 18, 7:00 Springfield Writers' Group Share your work, give and receive feedback in a supportive setting. Adults.* Saturday, May 20, 1:00 Coder DOJO: Teaching Kids to Code at Richard Byrd Library Learn to code, create websites, apps and games. Limited computers so bring a laptop just in case. Parent must be present if under 10 years old. Must register. Age 7-17.
Monday, May 22, 7:00 Home Buying Basics Learn what every home buyer needs to know from planning and financing to closing on your home. Adults.
Thursdays in May 4, 10:30, 7:00 Fridays in May, 10:30 English Conversation Conversation group for people learning English. Adults.
Tuesday, May 23, 7:00 Bedtime Storytime Wear your PJs, bring a stuffed animal and enjoy bedtime stories and music. Birth-5 with adult.
Monday, May 8, 7:30 Books and Ideas We’ll read and discuss The Boys in the Boat by Daniel Brown. Adults.*
Wednesday, May 24, 10:30 Time for Twos Join us for a storytime focused on early literacy skills just for twos. Age 2 with adult.
Sherwood Regional Library 2501 Sherwood Hall Ln. Alexandria, VA 22306 703-765-3645 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Basic Personalized Computer Tutoring One-hour sessions with a technology volunteer. Call for appointment. Adults. Monday, May 1, 4:30 Flashlight Readers Book discussion group. Read Summer of the Gypsy Moths by Sara Pennypacker. Age 8-12. Tuesday, May 2, 10:30 Sensory Friendly Storytime A multi-sensory storytime geared to children with special needs, kids on the autism spectrum or sensitive to sensory overload. Birth-3 with adult. Tuesday, May 2, 6:45 Sherwood Poetry Read-Around Share your poems in a small group setting on the 1st Tuesday of each month. Adults.
Don’t forget to register...
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
Tuesdays, May 9, 23, 10:00 Harmony Heritage Singers Bi-monthly rehearsals of the Harmony Heritage Singers. Open to all ages. Wednesday, May 10, 10:30 Rising Words, Rising Images Book discussion. Kindred by Octavia Butler. Age 13-18. Friday, May 12, 10:30 One Story Wonder Join us for a story followed by indoor play. Age 2-5 with adult.
Monday, May 15, 10:15 DMV 2GO Mobile Unit (Mobile Bus) The DMV comes to you at Sherwood. Services include drivers' licenses, ID Cards, vehicle titles and registrations to name a few. Adults. Tuesday, May 16, 10:30 Book Buddies Storytime Stories, fingerplays and songs. Age 3-5 with adult. Tuesday, May 16, 6:30 Wednesday, May 17, 6:30 Introduction to Excel Learn about data entry, row and column control, data formatting, sorting, formulas and page layout. Two-day class. Must know how to use mouse and keyboard. Adults. Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
Tuesday, May 16, 7:00 Harambee Book Discussion: Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi. Adults.
Mondays, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 3:30 Paws to Read with Jam-Jam Practice reading with our trained therapy dog. Age 5 and up.*
Saturday, May 13, 3:30 Paws to Read Get some practice reading to our trained therapy dog. Age 5 and up.*
Thursday, May 18, 10:30 Little Explorers Storytime Join us for an early literacy-enhanced storytime featuring rhymes, stories and songs. Birth-2 years with adult.
Tuesdays in May, 6:30 Thursdays in May, 4:30 Practice Your English Conversation group for people learning English. Adults.*
Monday, May 15, 7:00 Caregiving 101: Prepare to Care Learn how to form a caregiving team to benefit your loved one, make a plan, find support and still care for yourself. Presented by AARP and the Fairfax Area Agency on Aging. Adults.
Tuesday, May 2, 16, 4:45 Kids' Chess Club Learn to play chess. All skill levels welcome. Age 8-12.
Saturday, May 20, 2:00 FOOD: The Who, What, Where, When and Why Program on food, why we need it, calories for varied age groups, labeling, processed foods, additives, fast foods and hygiene. Adults. Thursday, May 25, 10:30 Child & Me Yoga Stories, songs and poses to teach techniques for breathing, moving, and relaxing. Bring a yoga mat or beach towel. Cosponsored by the Friends of Sherwood Regional Library. Age 1-3 with adult.
Thomas Jefferson Library 7415 Arlington Boulevard Falls Church, VA 22042 703-573-1060 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. eBook Office Hours Call for an appointment; get your eBook questions answered. Bring your eBook reader and library card. Adults.
Wednesday, May 3, 10:30 Time for Twos Early literacy storytime with songs, stories and activities. Age 2-3 with adult. Monday, May 8, 4:30 Flashlight Readers Too Book club, new members welcome. Choose your favorite Roald Dahl book(s). Age 8-12. Tuesday, May 9, 4:30 LEGOs in the Library Come create and build; LEGOs provided. Cosponsored by Thomas Jefferson Friends. Age 6-12. Tuesday, May 9, 7:00 Writers' Group Share work for mutual tips. Adults.* Wednesday, May 10, 10:30 Preschool Storytime Songs and activities to build a strong literacy foundation for preschoolers. Age 3-5 with adult.
Saturday, May 13, 11:00 Crooning with the Critters The Goodlife Theater features puppets, live music and lots of songs about animals. All ages.
Tuesday, May 16, 10:30 Music and Movin' with Miss Susan Enjoy a celebration of music and movement. Cosponsored by the Friends of George Mason Regional Library. Age 9 months-5 years with adult. Tuesday, May 16, 7:00 Color Me Calm Relieve your stress and discover your inner artist. Coloring pages and colored pencils provided. Adults. Wednesday, May 17, 10:30 Small Wonders Rhymes, stories and songs for you and your baby to build an early literacy foundation. Age 12-23 months with adult. Thursday, May 18, 1:00 Book Discussion Group Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro. Adult. Thursday, May 18, 7:00 Starlight Storytime Songs, stories and activities to build a strong literacy foundation for preschoolers. Age 2-5 with adult. Tuesday, May 30, 10:30 Music and Movin' with Miss Susan Enjoy a celebration of music and movement. Cosponsored by the Friends of George Mason Regional Library. Age 9 months-5 years with adult. Continued on next page
Woodrow Wilson Library
Tuesday, May 30, 4:30 Decorate Your Own Flower Pot Join Clay Cafe and decorate your own flower pot, ready for pick up in two weeks. Cosponsored by Thomas Jefferson Friends. Age 6-12.
Tysons-Pimmit Regional Library (Temporary Site) 7700 Leesburg Pike, Suite 134 Falls Church, VA 22043 703-790-8088 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sat.: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Saturdays in May, 10:00-2:00 Small Book Sale Saturdays Friends of the Tysons-Pimmit Library host a small book sale down the hall from the temporary location of the Tysons-Pimmit Regional Library at 7700 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22043 Suite 137. All ages. Tuesday, May 16, 6:30 Mystery Book Club— Discussion Group This month's title: Look to the Lady by Margery Allingham. Meets at St Paul's Lutheran Church, 7426 Idylwood Road, Falls Church. New members welcome. Adults. Tuesday, May 30, 7:00 Booktalk for Booklovers This month's title: The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin. Meets at St Paul's Lutheran Church, 7426 Idylwood Road, Falls Church. Adults.
6101 Knollwood Dr. Falls Church, VA 22041 703-820-8774 | TTY: 711 Mon. - Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. One-on-One Technology Tutor One-on-one sessions with a technology volunteer. Times and days vary. Call the library to schedule an appointment (703-820-8774). Adults. Monday, May 1, 10:15, 11:00 Music and Movin' with Miss Susan Sing, move and have fun. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Woodrow Wilson Library. Age 6 months-5 years with adult.
Thursday, May 4, 4:00 Coloring For All May is the time to color using spring and summer colors. Some supplies provided. All ages. Fridays, May 5, 26, 10:00 Woodrow Play Dates Adults with children come to play, have coffee and meet new friends. Birth-5 years with caregiver. Tuesdays, May 9, 16, 10:30 Baby and Me Storytime Books, rhymes and interactive fun for babies and caregivers. Birth-23 months with adult. Saturday, May 13, 10:00 Community Science Fair Come enjoy science fair projects on display by our local community students. All ages.
Mondays, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 4:30 Game Day Learn and play board and card games; you can even bring your own game to play with others. All ages.
Wednesday, May 17, 10:30 Mother Goose Storytime This interactive story time includes books, rhymes and activities. Age 3-4 with adult.
Tuesdays, May 2, 9, 7:00 Introduction to Computer Coding A six-week class on coding limited to 5 students. Bring your own laptop or contact the Info Desk. Teens and adults.
Thursday, May 18, 7:30 What's in the Virginia Room? Explore the wealth of documents from maps, photographs and books to newspapers, family history resources, military and genealogy holdings for Virginia. All ages.
Wednesday, May 3, 10:30 Bird and Pets Storytime An interactive storytime about birds and pets; includes books and activities. Age 2-3 with adult. Wednesdays in May, 1:00 English Conversation Group Practice and improve your English. Adults.* Wednesdays in May, 4:00 Chess Club Learn chess from experienced instructors, all levels invited. Age 7-15.
Don’t forget to register...
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
Saturday, May 20, 11:00 50th Anniversary Open House Celebrate our 50th with face painting, 3-D printer demonstrations and light refreshments. Curious George visits after 1:00 p.m. All ages. Thursday, May 25, 6:30 Movie Night at the Library Join us for Disney's live action movie, “The Jungle Book." Rated PG. All ages. Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
MAY BOOK SALES Money raised during Friends-sponsored used book sales supports the library.** CENTREVILLE REGIONAL LIBRARY Thursday, May 4, 3 – 8:30 p.m. Friday, May 5, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Saturday, May 6, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sunday, May 7, 1 – 3 p.m.
Thursday, May 4, 6 – 9 p.m. (members only presale) Friday, May 5, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Saturday, May 6, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sunday, May 7, 1 – 4 p.m.
Friday, May 19, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Saturday, May 20, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Thursday, May 4,10 a.m. – 8 p.m. Friday, May 5, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Saturday, May 6, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday, May 13, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
MARTHA WASHINGTON LIBRARY Friday, May 5, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday, May 6, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Thursday, May 18, 1 – 6 p.m. (members only presale) Friday, May 19, 10 am. – 5 p.m. Saturday, May 20, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Sunday, May 21, 1 – 4 p.m.
**See for ongoing book sales.
Plant Clinics Master Gardeners provide horticultural tips, information, techniques and advice to home gardeners. Check the library website or calendar of events for location, dates and times.
Enhance Your Library with a donation to Fairfax Library Foundation Gifts to the Foundation support programs of Fairfax County Public Library such as: • • • • •
Ready to Read Early Literacy The New American Initiative 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Author Presentations Scholarships, and more!
Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible. To learn more visit:
Marketing and Communications, Fairfax County Public Library, 12000 Government Center Pkwy., Suite 324, Fairfax, VA 22035, 703-324-3100. ©2016 Fairfax County Public Library.
A Fairfax County, Va., publication May 2017 To receive this information in alternative formats call 703-324-8380 or TTY 703-324-8365. Printed on recycled paper
Editorial Staff: Mary Mulrenan Ted Kavich Bobbie Conners Nancy Gravatt
Graphics Staff: Gwen Jones Whitney Chambers