Free Events October
! e e l i b u J y r a r b i L A : e t a Save the D Saturday, October 18, 5 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. City of Fairfax Regional Library 10360 North Street, Fairfax Fairfax Library Foundation’s 6th annual fundraiser to enhance library programs and services! Enrich the library in your community by supporting this anniversary celebration with our sponsors and other library lovers and enjoy live and silent auctions, cocktails, delectable hors d’oeuvres, music and more. For tickets and information, visit
Featured guest speaker Gary Noesner, author of Stalling for Time: My Life as an FBI Hostage Negotiator. Books available for sale and signing.
Also inside:
Book Clubs • Book Sales • Computer and eBook clinics • Children’s events
Burke Centre Library 5935 Freds Oak Road Burke, VA 22015 703-249-1520 | TTY: 711 Mon.–Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 1, 10:30 Read! Build! Play! Let’s read a story, build with Duplos® and play with friends! Age 3-5 with adult. Saturday, Oct. 4, 11:00 Teen Book Club At this initial meeting we will select fiction and memoir titles and choose a name for the club. Bring friends, your library card and some snacks to share. Age 13-18.
Friday, Oct. 10, 1:00 ANCESTORS 101: Library Edition Learn about the wealth of genealogical data available on ancestry, including census, immigration, military and vital records. Adults. Saturdays, Oct. 11 & 25, 10:30 Teen Advisory Board Meeting TAB is a group of young adult volunteers who meet twice a month to plan and implement projects that will benefit the library and the community. To apply please contact nancy.klein@ for an application. Age 13-18. Tuesday, Oct. 14, 7:00 Computer Forensics Sneak a peek into the secret world of computer forensics with Bob Osgood, retired FBI agent and current GMU professor. Adults.
Mondays, Oct. 6, 20, 27, 7:00 English Conversation Group Gloria Monick,, 703-250-0877. Thursday, Oct. 9, 6:30 Teen Volunteer Information Night This presentation will show teens how to find agencies in need of volunteers and explore upcoming volunteer opportunities including VolunteerFest. Hear from teens involved the Volunteer Fairfax Youth Advisory Board and get connected with the Youth Service Learning Directory to make volunteering a reality with impact for this school year and beyond! Age 12-18. Friday, Oct. 10, 10:30 Classic Tales Stories, songs and activities. Age 3-5 with adult.
Monday, Oct. 20, 4:00 Magic Tree House Club Let’s read and discuss the eighth story in the series Midnight on the Moon by Mary Pope Osborne. Print copies are available at the library service desk. Age 6-8. Wednesday, Oct. 22, 10:30 My Gym: Babies Develop your child’s large motor skills with physical exercise designed for babies. 12-23 months with adult. Wednesday, Oct. 22, 11:30 My Gym: Toddlers Develop your child’s large motor skills with physical exercise designed for toddlers. Age 2 with adult. Thursday, Oct. 23, 2:30 My Gym: Preschool Develop your child’s large motor skills with physical exercise designed for preschoolers. Age 3-5 with adult. Thursday, Oct. 23, 4:00 My Gym: School Age Develop large motor skills, learn basic gymnastics and have fun! Presented by local My Gym instructor. Age 6-12.
Wednesday, Oct. 15, 10:30 PJ Library Book Buddies Join us as we read selections from the PJ Library and make a craft to take home. PJ Library provides families with a free treasury of Jewish books and music each month. Contact for more information. 6 months-5 years with adult. Saturday, Oct. 18, 10:30 Teen Writer’s Group Do you enjoy writing fiction, poetry, nonfiction and/or memoirs? Join us for this new teen writer’s group to share and discuss works in progress. Teen volunteer facilitates. Age 13-18.
Don’t forget to register...
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
Friday, Oct. 24, 10:30 S. T. E. M. Storytime Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (S. T. E. M.). Each month we will focus on one of the STEM subjects with stories, songs and activities for preschoolers. Age 4-5 with adult. Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
Monday, Oct. 27, 4:00 39 Clues Book Club We will read and do activities pertaining to The 39 Clues book series. The series follows Amy Cahill and her brother, Dan, as they travel the world to hunt for clues. The second adventure is One False Note by Gordon Korman.
Saturday, Oct. 4, 2:00 Great Books and Great Times — 75 Years at Our Library Join storyteller Gary Lloyd for a walk through the history of the Fairfax County Public Library over the past 75 years with an emphasis on Centreville. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Centreville Regional Library. All ages.
Tuesday, Oct. 28, 1:30 Short Book Conversations Lively discussion of The Mezzanine by Nicholson Baker. Adults.
Saturdays, Oct. 4 & 25, 3:30 Practice Your English Conversation Group — Saturdays English conversation practice opportunity for adult learners of English. Volunteer-led program.
Wednesday, Oct. 29, 10:30 Small Wonders Build your child’s early literacy skills with stories, songs and play! Age 1-2 with adult.
Centreville Regional Library 14200 St. Germain Dr. Centreville, VA 20121 703-830-2223 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Basic Internet and Microsoft Office Tutoring Call for an appointment with a technology volunteer. Adults.
Wednesday, Oct. 1, 7:00 Thursday, Oct. 23, 7:00 Starlight Storytime Stories and fun for the whole family. Pajamas and stuffed friends welcome! Age 4-8.
Monday, Oct. 6, 11:00 Saturday, Oct. 25, 10:30 Thriving Three to Fives Stories and activities. Age 3-5 with adult. Mondays, Oct. 6 & 27, 7:00 ESL Book Club Adults learning English meet to discuss a book chosen by the group. Ask for title. Adults.* Wednesday, Oct. 8, 11:00 Thursday, Oct. 23, 11:00 Time for Tots Stories and activities. Age 2-3 with adult. Thursday, Oct. 9, 11:00 Small Wonders Stories and activities. 13-23 months with adult. Thursday, Oct. 9, 7:00 Civil War Lecture Battle of New Market Heights/ Chaffin’s Farm by author and historian James Price. Cosponsored by the Bull Run Civil War Round Table. Adults plus school age & up.*
Thursday Oct. 16, 6:00 - 8:00 Friends of Centreville Library Fall Book Pre-Sale Friends pre-sale. Find bargains and treasures. All ages.* Friday, Oct. 17, 10:00 - 6:00 Saturday, Oct. 18, 10:00 - 5:00 Sunday, Oct. 19, 1:00 - 3:00 Friends of Centreville Library Fall Book Sale Find bargains and treasures. All ages.* Monday, Oct. 27, 1:00 Sully Book Club Title to be determined. Adults.* Monday, Oct. 27, 7:30 5th & 6th Grade Book Club Join us for the start of a new book club at Centreville Library. October’s book selection is One Came Home by Amy Timberlake. Copies will be available at the information desk. Grades 5 & 6. Wednesday, Oct. 29, 7:00 A Novel Society Poetry selections. Adults.* Wednesday, Oct. 29, 7:00 Carve Your Own Pumpkin Carve your own unique jack-o-lantern! Pumpkins and carving supplies will be provided. Sponsored by the Friends of the Centreville Regional Library. Age 12-18. Thursday, Oct. 30, 11:00 Halloween Parade Halloween-themed stories and activities. Costumes are encouraged and there will be a costume parade following the program. Age 2-5 with adult. Thursday, Oct. 30, 7:00 Alan Rems’ South Pacific Cauldron Author Alan Rems will share World War II military history battle campaigns fought in the South Pacific.
Chantilly Regional Library 4000 Stringfellow Rd Chantilly, VA 20151 703-502-3883 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Basic Internet and Microsoft Office Tutoring Get one-on-one help with computers, basic Microsoft Office applications and navigating the Internet. Call the library to schedule an appointment. Adults. Book-a-Librarian Reserve a free 30-minute session with a professional librarian for personalized research help. Call branch to request an appointment. One-on-One English Conversation Practice Practice your English with an ESL volunteer. Register in person only. Call branch for details. Adults. Wednesdays, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 29, 10:30 & 11:30 Read! Build! Play!: Duplo® Storytime Duplo® play storytime to help develop and reinforce early literacy skills. Have fun with your little one while building early literacy foundations for reading success. 18-35 months with adult. Wednesday, Oct. 1, 7:00 Mystery Book Club Mystery book discussion group. Ask for title. Adults.*
Saturday, Oct. 4, 10:30 Kaleidoscope Storytime: An Adaptive Storytime Family sensory storytime focusing on the strengths and adapting to children on the autism spectrum and with other developmental challenges. Stories, songs and movement in a welcoming atmosphere. All ages. Saturday, Oct. 4, 11:00 ESL Book Club Adults learning English meet to discuss a book chosen by the group. Ask for title. Adults.*
Tuesdays, Oct. 7, 14, 28, 10:30 Thursdays, Oct. 9, 16, 30, 7:00 English Conversation Group Practice your English with other students. Adults. Tuesdays, Oct. 7, 14, 28, 10:30 & 11:30 Toddlin’ Twos Early literacy storytime with stories, songs and activities. Age 2 with caregiver.
Monday, Oct. 6, 10:30 Wednesdays, Oct. 8, 15, 29, 3:00 Bouncin’ Babies Rhymes, songs, stories and activities for you and your baby. Build an early literacy foundation for your child while enjoying time together. Birth-11 months with caregiver. Monday, Oct. 6, 11:30 Wednesdays, Oct. 8, 15, 29, 4:00 Small Wonders Rhymes, songs, stories and activities for you and your baby. Build an early literacy foundation for your child while enjoying time together. 12-23 months with caregiver. Monday, Oct. 6, 2:00 Ready for School Storytime Early literacy storytime program for children ready to be on their own without caregivers or siblings. Age 4-5. Mondays, Oct. 6 & 27, 6:45 Writers of Chantilly Share your work, and give and receive feedback in a supportive setting. Adults.*
Don’t forget to register...
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
Tuesday, Oct. 7, 4:00 TBC Teen Book Club A book discussion group for teens. Ask for title. Grades 7-9. Tuesdays, Oct. 7 & 28, 7:00 Pajama Party Bring your favorite cuddly friend and a blanket. Wear your pajamas and get ready for a rockin’ good time. Age 3-5 with caregiver. Wednesday, Oct. 8, 7:30 Chantilly Book Discussion Group Ask for title. Adults.* Thursday, Oct. 9, 5:00 Saturday, Oct. 11, 2:00 Wednesday, Oct. 29, 1:00 eBook Help Get your eBook questions answered. No prior experience required. Please bring your tablet or eReader and library card. Adults.
Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
Saturday, Oct. 11, 12:30 Lego® Mania K-2 Come show off your Lego® building skills! Grades K-2. Tuesday, Oct. 14, 4:00 Magic and Mayhem A sci-fi/fantasy book discussion group for girls and boys. We’ll be discussing The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. Grades 6-8. Tuesday, Oct. 14, 7:00 Introduction to Arduinos and Circuit Boards This is a basic introduction class to learn about how to download software to Arduino (circuit boards) kits. The trainer will be a Reston Nova Labs member. Please come prepared with your laptop computer so that you may download the program using the Library’s wireless system. Kits will be provided free for use in the class. They will be available for purchase for $60.00 after class. Age 8-12 WITH parent (no exceptions).
Friday, Oct. 24, 10:00 Saturday, Oct. 25, 10:00 Sunday, Oct. 26, 1:00 Friends of Chantilly Fall Book Sale Find bargains and treasures. Cash, check or credit card. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Chantilly Regional Library. All ages.*
City of Fairfax Regional Library 10360 North Street Fairfax, VA 22030 703-293-6227 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. One-on-One English Conversation Practice Practice speaking English with a volunteer partner. Call for an appointment. Adults. Personalized Internet/Microsoft Office Tutoring Learn how to use the Web or increase your skills. Call for appointment. Age 13 & up. Wednesdays in Oct., 10:30 English Conversation Group Practice speaking English with others and improve your skills. Adults.* Wednesdays in Oct., 7:00 Fridays in Oct., 2:00 Saturdays in Oct., 2:00 Genealogy Help Desk Bring your family history stumpers to the experts. Accomplished genealogists and library staff will be on hand to assist you. Ask at the Virginia Room desk or call 703-2936227, option 6. Adults. Thursdays in Oct., 6:00 Mondays, Oct. 6, 20, 27, 11:00 Tuesdays in Oct., 2:00 Library Tech Help Get your library-related electronic resources questions answered. Includes help with eBooks and compatible devices. Adults.*
Tuesdays in Oct., 7:00 English Conversation Group Practice speaking English with others and improve your skills. Adults.* Friday, Oct. 10, 6:00 - 11:00 Late Night in the Virginia Room Join fellow researchers and genealogists for after-hours research. Staff will be on hand to connect you with resources and teach classes. Register for Late Night and classes separately. Adults. Friday, Oct. 10, 6:00 Researching the History of Your Fairfax County House Learn how to research the history of your Fairfax County home and property. Discover more about the former owners of your land. This class is offered during “Late Night in the Virginia Room.” Adults. Friday, Oct. 10, 7:30 Introduction to Ancestry Library Edition Come learn about the wealth of genealogical data available on ancestry, including census, immigration, military and vital records. This class is offered during “Late Night in the Virginia Room.” Adults. Saturday, Oct. 11, 2:30 Microsoft Access Introduction to creating, modifying and mastering your own databases using Microsoft’s Access program. Adults. Thursday, Oct. 16, 10:30 Toddler Time Join us for stories, songs and activities. Library staff share with children a love for books, and parents learn to cultivate early literacy skills. Age 2-3 with adult. Continued on next page
Thursday, Oct. 16, 1:00 Afternoon Reading Group Molok’ai by Alan Brennert. Adults.* Monday, Oct. 20, 10:30 PJ Library Book Buddies Enjoy Jewish storybooks from the PJ Library and make a craft. Cosponsored by JCC of Northern Virginia. 6 months-5 years with adult. Mondays, Oct. 20 & 27, 4:30 Crazy 8s Math Club Join Bedtime Math’s Crazy 8s, where you’ll build stuff, run and jump, make music, make a mess … it’s a totally new kind of math club. You’ll get to do mischief-making activities like Glow-in-the-Dark Geometry, Bouncy Dice and Toilet Paper Olympics. Cosponsored by Bedtime Math. Grades K-2. Monday, Oct. 20, 4:30 Tuesday, Oct. 21, 4:30 Thursday, Oct. 23, 4:30 Saturday, Oct. 25, 10:30 Tales to Tails Need practice reading? Read aloud to a friendly, trained therapy dog. Age 6-12. Tuesday, Oct. 21, 7:30 Evening Book Discussion Five Came Back by Mark Harris. Adults. Wednesday, Oct. 22, 4:30 Brain Games at the Library Have fun and win prizes with our board games and card games that challenge your thinking and build your skills. Age 8-12.
Thursday, Oct. 23, 10:30 Mother Goose Storytime Come enjoy stories, songs and fingerplay and lay a foundation of early literacy skills for your baby. Birth-23 months with adult. Thursday, Oct. 23, 1:00 Using Online Resources Learn to use the library’s online databases. Journals, magazines and encyclopedias can all be accessed from home with your library card! You may bring a tablet or laptop with you. Adults. Saturday, Oct. 25, 3:00 Take Control of Your Blood Sugar Registered nurse and certified health counselor Anita Capizzi discusses how to lower blood sugar levels naturally through simple diet and lifestyle changes. Adults. Monday, Oct. 27, 10:30 & 11:30 Music and Movin’ with Miss Susan Celebrate nursery rhymes through puppets, song, instrument play and more! Cosponsored by Friends of the City of Fairfax Regional Library. 6 months-5 years with adult. Wednesday, Oct. 29, 4:00 Bilingual Storytime Bilingual storytime in English and Spanish. Build your child’s early literacy skills while enjoying stories, songs and activities. Age 3-5 with adult. Thursday, Oct. 30, 10:30 Preschool Storytime Build your child’s early literacy skills while enjoying stories, songs and activities. Age 3-5 with adult. Thursday, Oct. 30, 2:00 Genealogy Databases Search for your ancestors using the library’s genealogy databases and other free Internet databases. Adults.
Don’t forget to register...
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
Dolley Madison Library 1244 Oak Ridge Ave. McLean, VA 22101 703-356-0770 | TTY: 711 Mon.–Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 1, 10:30 Treasured Three to Fives Join us for an early literacy enhanced storytime featuring stories, rhymes and songs. Age 3-5 with adult. Wednesdays in Oct., 1:00 Monday, Oct. 6, 7:00 English Conversation Group Practice your English in a conversational setting. Adults. Saturdays in Oct., 10:00 Tuesdays, Oct. 14, 21, 28, 10:00 Wednesdays, Oct. 15, 22, 29, 10:00 Thursdays, Oct. 16, 23, 30, 10:00 Fridays, Oct. 17, 24, 31, 10:00 Mondays, Oct. 20 & 27, 10:00 In-Person Absentee Voting Call branch for hours. For detailed information, contact the Office of Elections at 703-324-4735. Adults.* Monday, Oct. 6, 10:30 Bouncing Babies Join us for an early literacy enhanced storytime, featuring rhymes, stories and songs. Birth-12 months with adult. Tuesday, Oct. 7, 10:30 Parenting Coaching Workshop The third in our fall series of parenting coaching workshop presented by Lara Fayed Akhras, CPC and ELI MP. Adults only.
Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
Tuesdays in Oct., 11:00 Improve Your English Skills Get focused help with reading, writing, speaking and listening. Adults. Wednesday, Oct. 8, 10:30 Toddling Twos and Threes Join us for an early literacy enhanced storytime featuring stories, rhymes and songs. Age 2-3 with adult.
Tuesday, Oct. 14, 7:00 Book Discussion Group Ask for book title at the circulation desk. Adults.*
George Mason Regional Library 7001 Little River Turnpike Annandale, VA 22003 703-256-3800 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Internet Tutoring Learn how to enhance your Internet search skills working one-on-one with a tutor. Please call ahead for availability of tutor. Adults. Saturday, Oct. 4, 2:00 Take Control of Your Blood Sugar Registered nurse and certified health counselor Anita Capizzi will discuss ways to lower your blood sugar levels naturally through simple diet and lifestyle changes. Adults.
Tuesday, Oct. 7, 10:30 Lapsit Storytime Enjoy short stories, songs and fingerplay for you and your baby. This program models reading aloud for caregivers as they introduce books to their babies. Birth-23 months. Tuesdays in Oct., 2:00 Thursdays, Oct. 16, 23, 30, 2:00 English Conversation Group Practice and improve your English. Adults.* Thursday, Oct. 9, 10:30 Wednesday, Oct. 29, 10:30 Wednesday, Oct. 22, 1:30 Toddler Storytime Print awareness, vocabulary, letter knowledge and phonological awareness; introduce and reinforce your toddler’s early literacy skills with stories, songs and fingerplay. Age 2 with caregiver. Fridays, Oct. 10 & 24, 4:00 Legos® in the Library Hundreds of Legos® await you and your creativity! All are welcome. No registrations. Cosponsored by the Friends of George Mason. Age 5-12.
Thursday, Oct. 16, 10:30 Preschool Storytime Prepare your child for kindergarten with stories that emphasizes narrative skills, vocabulary and letter knowledge. Age 3-5 with caregiver. Thursday, Oct. 16, 2:00 George Mason Book Discussion Group Join us for a book discussion of African Diary by Bill Bryson. Saturday, Oct. 18, 10:30 Halloween Rocks! An upbeat, non-scary, interactive show about all the fun we have with Halloween. Singing, dancing and using our imagination. All ages. Saturday, Oct. 18, 2:00 Meet the Author Robert F. Dorr Robert Dorr, author of several books on the history of American airmen in World War II, will be here to discuss his book Mission to Berlin. Books will be available for sale and signing. Adults. Monday, Oct. 20, 7:00 Meditation for Optimum Well-Being Meditation has been said to help the body, mind and spirit. Gerry Gorman, who has been meditating daily for 30 years, will teach a simple meditation technique that can help you in all aspects of your life. Adults.
Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2:00 Social Media Basics — Facebook, Twitter, Skype & Facetime During this workshop, we’ll show you how to create accounts and use key features of the two most popular social media sites — Facebook and Twitter. And you’ll learn how to video chat using Skype and Facetime. Please bring your charged devices (laptop, tablet and/or smartphone). Adults.
Great Falls Library 9830 Georgetown Pike Great Falls, VA 22066 703-757-8560 | TTY: 711 Mon. – Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 1, 10:30 Babies and Books Storytime Join us for stories, songs and activities. Birth-2 with adult. Wednesdays in Oct., 2:00 ESL Conversation Group Practice English in this casual conversation group. Wednesdays in Oct., 4:30 Pokémon League Come play Pokémon with your friends! Age 5-15.* Fridays in Oct., 1:00 Drop-In Chess and Backgammon All skill levels welcome.*
Saturday, Oct. 4, 10:30 Saturday Storytime — Spanish Edition Local children’s author Tracey Kyle will read her book Gazpacho for Nacho followed by fun bilingual activities! Age 3-8. Saturday, Oct. 4, 2:00 Tuesday, Oct. 21, 4:30 Lego® Club Drop in and play with Legos®! Age 3 & up.*
Mondays, Oct. 6, 20, 27, 1:00 Spanish Conversation Group Practice Spanish as a foreign language in this casual conversation group. Thursday, Oct. 9, 11:00 Thursday, Oct. 23, 7:00 Great Falls Writers Group Support group for writers. Thursdays, Oct. 9, 16, 23, 30, 4:30 Reading Buddies Grab a book, grab a buddy! Beginning readers and teens practice reading together.
Friday, Oct. 24, 10:00 Playdate Cafe Toys and play space for children, coffee and conversation for grownups.* Wednesday, Oct. 29, 10:30 Ukulele Phil and the Hula Kids Halloween Show Kids, wear your costumes and sing and dance to some spooky tunes!
Herndon Fortnightly Library 768 Center St. Herndon, VA 20170 703-437-8855 | TTY: 711 Mon.–Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 9, 6:00 Friday, Oct. 10, 10:00 Saturday, Oct. 11, 10:00 Friends of Great Falls Library Book Sale Book sale to benefit the Great Falls Library.
Basic Internet and Microsoft Office Tutoring Get one-on-one help with computers, basic Microsoft Office applications and navigating the Internet. Call the library to schedule an appointment. Adults.
Wednesday, Oct. 15, 10:30 Morning Book Group Call branch for title.
Learn to Use Library eBooks and eAudioBooks One-on-one instruction on accessing library eBooks and eAudioBooks. Call branch to schedule an appointment. Adults.
Thursday, Oct. 16, 7:30 Evening Book Group Call branch for title. Monday, Oct. 20, 10:30 Preschool Storytime Join us for stories, songs and activities. Age 3-5 with adult. Monday, Oct. 20, 5:30 Kids Book Club The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. Age 8-12.
Don’t forget to register...
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
Wednesday, Oct. 1, 11:00 Wonderful Ones Autumn Adventures: We’ll explore the wonders of fall creatures and foliage with books, songs and rhymes. 12-23 months with adult. Monday, Oct. 6, 11:00 Terrific Twos Fall Frolicks: Enjoy fall fun with books, songs and rhymes. Age 2 with adult. Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
Wednesday, Oct. 8, 11:00 Preschool Storytime Boost your child’s early literacy skills at our fall festival of pumpkins, animals and colorful leaves in books, rhymes and songs. Age 3-5 with adult. Thursdays, Oct. 16 & 30, 4:30 Crazy 8’s Math Club New afterschool club that will get kids fired up about math. Eight sessions of hands-on, mischief-making activities. Math is cool after school! Register for each program. Grades K-2. Monday, Oct. 20, 7:00 Writers Group All levels of writing experience are welcome to join our group to receive support and feedback. The group reviews works-in-progress from up to three members each month. Adults. Wednesday, Oct. 22, 11:00 Young Science Explorers All aboard for a S. T. E. A. M. (science, technology, engineering, art and math) storytime where we’ll explore the reasons for the seasons and animal hibernation. Includes handson, interactive activities. Age 3-5 with adult.
John Marshall Library 6209 Rose Hill Dr. Alexandria, VA 22310 703-971-0010 | TTY: 711 Mon.–Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 4, 12:30 - 1:30 Saturday, Oct. 18, 1:00 - 2:00 Read to the Dog Need a little practice reading out loud or do you just love dogs? Register to read to one of our reading therapy dogs. For readers age 5 & up. Monday, Oct. 6, 10:30 Fun for 2’s & 3’s — “Fire, Fire, Fire.” Stories and activities that feature a visit from the fire fighters from the Franconia Fire Station. Age 2-3 with adult.
Wednesday, Oct. 8, 10:30 Toddler Time Come for an early literacy storytime. Birth-23 months with adult. Thursdays, Oct. 9, 16, 23, 30, 2:00 English Conversation Practice your English in a relaxed setting. Adults.*
Wednesday, Oct. 29, 11:00 Halloween Storytime From ghoulies and ghosties and longlegged beasties to things that go bump in the night, delight in Halloween stories, songs and crafts. Come trickor-treat in the library, and wear your costume, too. 12 months-5 years.
Saturday, Oct. 11, 10:30 Bats, Spiders and Owls, Oh My Learn about “Halloween Animals” from the naturalists from Huntley Meadows Park. These scary critters are really not scary. They are good to have around. Learn about why they are important. All ages.
Thursday, Oct. 9, 7:00 Take a Break from Stress with Meditation Join us for a relaxing and informative workshop by Gerry Gorman and learn some simple relaxation and meditation techniques. Adults.
Wednesday, Oct. 15, 10:30 A to Zoo Stories and activities. Age 3-5 with adult. Thursday, Oct. 16, 7:15 Book Discussion Group Call branch for title. Adults.* Saturday, Oct. 18, 10:30 Valerie Tripp: American Girl Author Meet Valerie Tripp, author of more than 30 American Girl books. Kit Kittredge will make an appearance. Books available for sale and signing. Refreshments. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Kingstowne Library and the Friends of the John Marshall Library. Age 6-adult. Wednesday, Oct. 22, 10:30 Fun for 2’s & 3’s — Halloween Parade Stories and activities. Age 2-3 with adult. Monday, Oct. 27, 10:30 A to Zoo — Halloween Parade Stories and activities. Age 3-5 with adult.
Kings Park Library 9000 Burke Lake Rd. Burke, VA 22015 703-978-5600 | TTY: 711 Mon.–Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Wednesdays in Oct., 11:00 Fridays in Oct., 2:00 Keeping Up with Kids — Learn About Flickr, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Skype Learn the basics with our one-onone technology volunteer about the social networking tools that can help you stay in touch with your kids and grandkids. Adults.
Saturday, Oct. 4, 2:00 Author Event — Young House Love Nationally acclaimed authors John and Sherry Petersik will discuss their book Young House Love: 243 Ways to Paint, Craft, Update and Show Your House Some Love. Book sales to follow. Adults. Monday, Oct. 6, 10:30 Jolly Jack-o-Lanterns Storytime Stories, songs and fun about pumpkins and fall for preschoolers. Age 3-5 with adult.
Wednesday, Oct. 8, 7:00 Library Board of Trustees Meeting Board meeting and Friends recognition. A maximum of 10 people may speak during the public comment period. To sign up to speak, call 703324-8324. Adults.*
Wednesdays in Oct., 12:00 eBook Clinic Learn to use the library’s eBook collection and compatible eBook readers with our one-on-one technology volunteer. Registration required. Adults. Wednesdays, Oct. 1 & 15, 4:00 Legos® in the Library Use your imagination and make friends with our Lego® bricks free build. Legos® provided by Friends of the Kings Park Library. Age 6-12.* Fridays in Oct., 1:00 Basic Computer Skills Training Learn basic computer skills with our one-on-one technology volunteers. Adults.
Thursday, Oct. 9, 1:30 Gentle Yoga Chair yoga: stretching and breathing exercises designed to relieve stress, calm the mind, and increase mobility and balance. No yoga mat needed. Designed for adults 55 and over. Thursday, Oct. 9, 7:00 Global Warming Indicators of global warming, basic science, extreme weather events and global systems impacted will be discussed, as well as “what you can do.” Adults and teens. Saturday, Oct. 11, 10:00 Los Quetzales Mexican Dance Ensemble Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with traditional music and dancing by Los Quetzales. All ages.
10 Don’t forget to register...
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
Tuesday, Oct. 14, 7:00 Calling All Guys Book discussion group for boys. The Rolling Stones by Robert A. Heinlein. Age 8-12 with adult. Thursday, Oct. 16, 7:00 Civil War Spies and Soldiers in Washington, D.C. Professional guide Carol Bessette conducts a virtual tour of people, places and events during the tumultuous Civil War years in the District, when Washington was a war city full of Union troops, runaway slaves and Confederate spies. Monday, Oct. 20, 4:30 - 5:30 Paws to Read Practice reading with Grace, a trained therapy dog. Call or sign up online for a 15-minute session. Age 6-12 with adult. Monday, Oct. 20, 7:00 Let’s Hear It for the Girls! All-girl book discussion group. Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Age 9-12 with adult female. Tuesday, Oct. 21, 10:30 Small Oneders Rhymes, stories, songs and activities for you and your toddler. 12-23 months with adult. Tuesday, Oct. 21, 1:30 Afternoon Book Discussion Group Boom! Voices of the Sixties: Personal Reflections on the ’60s and Today by Tom Brokaw. Adults.* Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2:00 Great Decisions Seminar Roundtable discussion of U.S. foreign policy. Topic: U.S. trade policy. Adults.
Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
Tuesday, Oct. 21, 4:30 - 5:30 Paws to Read Practice reading with Fenton, a trained therapy dog. Call or sign up online for a 15-minute session. Age 6-12 with adult. Tuesday, Oct. 21, 6:30 Evening Book Discussion Group Citizens of London: The Americans Who Stood with Britain in Its Darkest, Finest Hour by Lynn Olson. Adults.* Tuesday, Oct. 28, 7:00 Pokémon Club Bring your Pokémon trading cards to trade or play the Pokémon game. Age 6-12.* Wednesday, Oct. 29, 10:30 Terrific Twos and Threes Storytime with a focus on early literacy skills. Age 2-3 with adult.
Wednesday, Oct. 1, 12:15 Daytime Book Discussion In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. Adults.* Saturdays in Oct., 10:30 - 11:30 Wag a Tale Need a little practice reading or just love dogs? Register to read to one of our therapy dogs. Age 5-12. Monday, Oct. 6, 10:30 Early Words Early literacy program with stories and songs. 12-23 months with adult. Tuesday, Oct. 7, 7:00 Sweet Dreams Stories and songs for children and their families. All ages.
Kingstowne Library
Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2:00 KNCAA Book Group Defining Jacob by William Landay. Meet next door at Kingstowne Center for Active Adults (KNCAA). Cosponsored by KNCAA. Adults.* Thursdays, Oct. 9, 16, 23, 30, 7:00 English Conversation Conversation group for people learning English. Adults.* Saturday, Oct. 11, 10:00 - 3:00 Friends of the Kingstowne Library Book Sale Gems and finds for all readers. All ages. Tuesday, Oct. 14, 7:00 Second Tuesday Book Group Call branch for title or visit the group’s blog at secondtuesdaybookgroup. Adults.* Continued on next page
6500 Landsdowne Centre Alexandria, VA 22315 703-339-4610 | TTY: 711 Mon.–Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Genealogy One-on-One Tutorial One-on-one sessions with a genealogy volunteer using library online resources. Call for an appointment. Adults. One-on-One Internet/ Computer Training One-on-one sessions with a technology volunteer. Call for an appointment. Wednesdays in Oct., 10:15 English Conversation Conversation group for people learning English. Adults.*
Friday, Oct. 17, 10:30 Child and Me Yoga Family union through yoga. Breathing exercises, poses, music and storytime will be used to guide you through a fun time together. Please bring a yoga mat or beach towel. Age 1-3 with adult.
Lorton Library 9520 Richmond Highway Lorton, VA 22079 703-339-7385 | TTY: 711 Mon.–Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
County Public Library over the past 75 years with an emphasis on Lorton. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Lorton Library. All ages. Thursdays, Oct. 16, 23, 30, 6:00 Homework Help Drop-in homework help for students up to 8th grade.*
Saturday, Oct. 4, 11:00 Storybook Quilt Listen to a story associated with a quilt and learn to how to design and put together a quilt. Age 6-12.
Tuesday, Oct. 21, 7:00 Friends Quarterly Meeting Friends of the Kingstowne Library quarterly meeting. Thursday, Oct. 23, 7:00 Meagan Spooner and Ami Kaufmann Ever wondered what would happen if Star Trek and Titanic were combined? Authors Ami Kaufmann and Meagan Spooner, the minds behind These Broken Stars and the soon-to-be-released This Shattered World, have done just that! And this is your chance to meet them via a special Skype session. And if you are lucky, you might be going home with some special SWAG souvenirs! Age 12-18. Monday, Oct. 27, 10:30 Rainbow Readers Early literacy storytime with stories and songs. Age 3-5 with adult.
Saturday, Oct. 18, 11:00 - 12:00 Paws to Read Practice reading aloud to a trained therapy dog. Fifteen-minute sessions available. Age 6-12. Saturday, Oct. 4, 2:00 Lorton Junior Chess Club Practice chess and learn new moves. Age 8-12.* Tuesdays in Oct., 10:30 & 5:15 English Conversation Group Practice your English conversation skills. Adults.* Wednesday, Oct. 8, 11:00 Apples, Pumpkins, Peas and Corn Stories and activities about harvest. Age 2-3 with adult. Thursday, Oct. 9, 7:00 Jammin’ Book Party Explore fun stories and games. Snacks provided. Age 9-12. Saturday, Oct. 11, 2:00 Great Books and Great Times — 75 Years at Our Library Join storyteller Gary Lloyd for a walk through the history of the Fairfax
Don’t forget to register...
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
Monday, Oct. 20, 11:00 Small Wonders Stories and activities. 12-23 months with adult. Monday, Oct. 20, 7:00 Lorton Evening Book Conversations Book discussion. Call library for title. Adults.* Wednesday, Oct. 22, 11:00 Best Friends Stories and activities about friendship. Age 3-5 with adult. Wednesday, Oct. 29, 11:00 Lighters and Matches Are Tools for Grown-ups Only Puppet show about fire safety, presented by the Fairfax County Fire Department. Age 3-5 with adult.
Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
Martha Washington Library 6614 Fort Hunt Rd. Alexandria, VA 22307 703-768-6700 | TTY: 711 Mon.–Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday, Oct. 6, 7:00 Cliffhanger Book Club This read-aloud event is guaranteed to leave you in suspense. Bring your library card so you can find out what happens next! Light refreshments provided by the Friends of the Martha Washington Library. Age 9-11. Tuesday, Oct. 7, 7:00 American Homeland Security Join us for a discussion on homeland security presented by Kyle Brady, a full-time professional in homeland security and graduate student in Pennsylvania State University’s Homeland Security program. Adults. Tuesdays in Oct., 8:00 One-on-One Internet/ Computer Training One-hour session with a technology volunteer for help with basic computer skills and navigating the Internet. Call for an appointment. Adults.
Thursdays, Oct. 9 & 23, 6:00 One-on-One Internet/ Computer Training Thirty-minute session with a technology volunteer for help with basic computer skills and navigating the Internet. Call for an appointment. Adults. Thursday, Oct. 9, 7:00 Martha’s Family Movie Call or visit for film title. Refreshments provided by the Friends of the Martha Washington Library. All ages. Saturday, Oct. 11, 1:00 Beautiful Bulbs for All Seasons Green Spring Master Gardeners present information on how to select, plant and care for your bulbs. Adults. Tuesday, Oct. 14, 7:00 Martha’s Tuesday Evening Book Discussion Group Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Adults.* Thursday, Oct. 16, 7:00 Martha’s Poetry Discussion Group The poetry of A.E. Stallings. Adults.* Saturday, Oct. 18, 10:30 Potomac Poets Series The Poetry Society of Virginia, Northern Region, presents Potomac Poets Series. An open mic will follow the featured readings. Adult.* Monday, Oct. 20, 7:00 Boo! It’s Halloween Stories, songs and fun activities to celebrate Halloween. Age 1-5 with adult.
Saturday, Oct. 25, 10:00 Anniversary Celebration Open House Celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Fairfax County Public Library with music, stories, history and more. Call or visit for schedule of events. Saturday, Oct. 25, 10:30 Great Books and Great Times — 75 Years at Our Library Join storyteller Gary Lloyd for a walk through the history of the Fairfax County Public Library over the past 75 years with an emphasis on Alexandria. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Martha Washington Library. All ages. Monday, Oct. 27, 10:30 For Baby and Me Stories, activities and songs to share with your little one. 13-23 months with adult. Tuesday, Oct. 28, 7:00 Martha’s Mystery Book Discussion Group Murder in Passy by Cara Black. Adults.*
Continued on next page
Oakton Library 10304 Lynnhaven Place Oakton, VA 22124 703-242-4020 | TTY: 711 Mon.–Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 1, 10:30 Duplo® Read, Build, Play! New Duplo® play storytime to help develop and reinforce early literacy skills. Have fun with your little one while building early literacy foundations for reading success. 18-36 months with adult.
Saturday, Oct. 4, 10:30 Saturday Storytime Join us for stories and songs. Age 2-5. Mondays, Oct. 6, 20, 27, 10:30 English Conversation English practice for non-native speakers. Adults. Tuesdays in Oct., 1:30 English Conversation One-on-One English practice for a non-native speaker with a library volunteer. Call for appointment. Adults. Wednesdays, Oct. 8 & 29, 10:30 Toddler Tales Stories and activities for you and your toddler. Age 2-3 with adult.
Thursday, Oct. 9, 7:00 A Bailar Salsa, cha cha cha and more — fun Latin dance and music for the whole family with Cantare, Latin American Music. Cosponsored by the Fairfax Library Foundation. All ages.
Patrick Henry Library 101 Maple Ave. East Vienna, VA 22180 703-938-0405 | TTY: 711 Mon.–Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. One-on-One Computer Tutoring Work with a volunteer tutor to learn about using the Internet, setting up an email account and using basic software. Call for appointment. Adults.
Tuesday, Oct. 14, 7:00 Money Matters Explore the importance of money and the economy at every stage of life. October’s title is The Smartest Portfolio You’ll Every Own by Daniel Solin. Adults. Thursday, Oct. 16, 1:00 - 9:00 Friday, Oct. 17, 10:00 - 6:00 Saturday, Oct. 18, 10:00 - 5:00 Book Sale Wide selection in excellent condition. Cosponsored by the Friends of Oakton Library. Proceeds benefit the library. All ages.* Wednesday, Oct. 22, 10:30 Small Wonders Short stories for you and your child. 13-23 months with adult. Wednesday, Oct. 22, 1:00 Mystery Book Club Join in the monthly unraveling of a whodunit or thriller. The October title is Baltimore Blues by Laura Lippman. Adults. Thursday, Oct. 23, 7:00 Oakton Book Discussion Group Come and join Oakton’s book discussion group. We will discuss The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. Adults.*
Don’t forget to register...
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
Saturday, Oct. 4, 10:00 - 5:00 Sunday, Oct. 5, 11:00 Book Sale Friends of Patrick Henry Library sponsor a semi-annual used book sale to benefit our branch.* Monday, Oct. 6, 11:30 Tuesday, Oct. 14, 11:30 Wednesday, Oct. 22, 11:30 Rock-a-Bye Baby Join us for an early literacy enhanced storytime featuring rhymes, stories and songs. Birth-12 months with adult. Monday, Oct. 6, 4:00 - 5:00 Woof, and Paws — Read to a Dog Need a little reading help? Sign up to read with a reading therapy dog. Age 6-12. Tuesday, Oct. 7, 10:30 Wednesday, Oct. 15, 10:30 Small Wonders Join us for an early literacy enhanced storytime featuring stories, rhymes, songs and activities for you and your child. 12-23 months with caregiver. Wednesday, Oct. 8, 5:00 Teddy Bear Camp Out Did you ever wonder what your stuffed animals do at night? Bring
Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
your “second” favorite stuffed animal to a library camp out! Begin the night with bedtime stories and then tuck your stuffed animal into bed so they can begin the camp out. Don’t forget to wear your pajamas! All ages. Thursday, Oct. 9, 1:30 Teddy Bear Camp Out: Pick Up Pick up your stuffed animal and discover what mischief they got into during the night. All ages. Fridays, Oct. 10, 17, 24, 31, 10:00 English Conversation Group Practice your English conversation skills in a group. Adults.* Fridays, Oct. 10, 17, 24, 31, 3:00 Pokémon League Learn and play. Age 5-18.* Wednesday, Oct. 15, 4:00 Spooky Stories: Bunnicula The Monroe’s new bunny has a secret ... a spooky little secret. Will Harold (the family dog) be able to unfold this mystery? Join us to discuss Bunnicula: A Rabbit Tale of Mystery by James and Deborah Howe. Age 8-12. Thursday, Oct. 16, 1:00 Classic Books Discussion Group Join writer/scholar Amanda Holmes Duffy for a discussion of The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson. Adults and teens.* Thursday, Oct. 16, 5:30 Teen Advisory Board Give your input on what you want the library offer you. Participants must be willing to meet once a month. Teens.
Saturday, Oct. 18, 10:00 - 11:00 Woof, and Paws — Read to a Dog Need a little reading help? Sign up to read with a reading therapy dog. Age 6-12.
Thursday, Oct. 30, 1:00 Patrick Henry Book Club Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg. Adults.
Monday, Oct. 20, 10:00 Vienna VIP Support for individuals with vision impairments. Adults.* Monday, Oct. 20, 6:00 Community Helpers: Vienna Police Ever wondered what exactly a police officer does? Meet Officer Gary Lose from the Vienna Police Department to learn what the police can do to help you, check out a police cruiser and get tips for a safe Halloween. School age. Tuesday, Oct. 21, 10:30 Monday, Oct. 27, 10:30 Toddlin’ Twos Join us for an early literacy enhanced storytime featuring stories and songs. Age 2 with adult. Thursday, Oct. 23, 7:00 “Not Just for Teens” Adult Book Club Are you an adult who loves YA lit? If so, join us for discussion, fun and dessert. Call the library for more information. Adults. Saturday, Oct. 25, 10:30 Not So Scarry Richard Scarry Who says Halloween has to be scary? Join us for stories, songs and rhymes celebrating the Scarry man himself. All ages. Wednesday, Oct. 29, 10:30 Treasured Threes to Fives Join us for stories and songs. Age 3-5 with adult.
Thursday, Oct. 30, 7:00 DIY Teen: Día de los Muertos Celebrate Día de los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead, at the library by crafting tissue paper flowers and decorating calavera (skull) masks. Teens.
Pohick Regional Library 6450 Sydenstricker Rd. Burke, VA 22015 703-644-7333 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. eBook Basic Training Help with downloading library eBooks. Bring your device and its account ID and password. Call to schedule a session. Adults. Wednesdays in Oct. 1, 7:00 Pohick English Conversation Group Practice English with others and improve your skills. Adults.* Wednesday, Oct. 1, 7:00 Pohick Writers’ Roundtable Discuss your work with other writers. Adults.* Continued on next page
Saturday, Oct. 4, 1:00 - 2:00 Read to the Dog Read aloud to a trained therapy dog. Call or sign up online for a 15-minute session. Age 6-12. Tuesday, Oct. 7, 10:30 Tales for Twos: Dinosaurs! Join us for stories, rhymes and songs about dinosaurs. 24-35 months with adult. Wednesday, Oct. 8, 10:30 Small Oneders Stories, songs and activities. 12-23 months with adult.
Thursdays, Oct. 9, 16, 23, 30, 10:00 - 12:00 Walk-in eBook & Computer Clinic. Help with downloading library eBooks. Bring your device and its account ID and password. Help with basic computer skills. Adults.*
Thursday, Oct. 9, 10:30 Kid Science: It’s Electric! Stories, activities and experiments about electricity. Age 4-6 with adult.
Saturday, Oct. 11, 10:30 Legos® @ the Library Thousands of Legos® await you and your creativity. Come with friends or make new ones while you create. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Pohick Regional Library. Age 5-10. Tuesday, Oct. 14, 1:00 Pohick Daytime Book Discussion Group The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. Adults.*
VIRGINIA ROOM Are you a history buff? Interested in your family tree? Check out the resources at the Virginia Room at the City of Fairfax Regional Library: • Military history (Civil War and Colonial records) • Maps • Special genealogy databases • Government documents • Local history and much, much more
For more information, see the library’s website Select “Locations and Hours” and “Virginia Room” or call 703-293-6227.
Don’t forget to register...
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
Monday, Oct. 27, 10:30 Stories for Three to Fives: Halloween Fun Stories, songs and activities filled with Halloween fun. Come in your costume (optional) and join our Halloween parade. Age 3-5 with adult. Tuesday, Oct. 14, 7:30 Erik Dobell: The Mind Invader “Psychic Magician” Erik Dobell reads minds, moves objects telepathically and predicts the future ... or does he? Cosponsored by the Friends of Pohick Regional Library. Age 12-18.
Tuesday, Oct. 28, 7:00 Eric Energy: Halloween Blast Join Eric Energy for explosive Halloween experiments, like ghostly air and bubbling potions. Cosponsored by the Friends of Pohick Regional Library. Age 6-12.
Wednesday, Oct. 15, 10:30 Babies Blossoming Join us for songs, rhymes, stories and activities for infants. Birth-11 months with adult. Monday, Oct. 20, 10:30 Tales for Twos: Alphabet Antics Join us for stories, songs and activities about the alphabet. 24-35 months with adult. Monday, Oct. 20, 4:00 Chess Club Learn openings, strategy, tactics and more. Players paired with others of similar skill. Drop in anytime. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Pohick Regional Library. Age 8-16.* Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2:00 Zinio: eMagazines at Your Local Library Learn how to use Zinio to access free digital magazines. Age 13-adult.*
Reston Regional Library 11925 Bowman Towne Dr. Reston, VA 20190 703-689-2700 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. One-to-One English Conversation Practice your English conversation skills with a volunteer. Adult. One-to-one English Conversation Practice your conversation skills with a volunteer. Call to register Mondays after 1:00 p.m. Adults. Wednesdays in Oct., 11:00 ESL for Intermediate Students Join Richard’s Wednesday conversational group. Adults.
Thursday, Oct. 30, 10:30 Fun Flicks Watch movies based on children’s books. Call for titles. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Pohick Regional Library. All ages. Thursday, Oct. 30, 7:00 Bedtime Stories: Halloween Fun! Join us for bedtime stories, songs and activities about Halloween. Come in your costume (optional) and join our Halloween parade. Age 3-6 with adult.
Tuesday, Oct. 21, 7:00 Pohick Evening Book Discussion Group Moloka’i by Alan Brennert. Adults.*
Wednesdays in Oct., 1:00 ESL for Intermediate Students Join Susan’s Wednesday conversational group. Wednesdays in Oct., 6:30 ESL for Intermediate Students Join Marilyn’s Wednesday conversational group. Wednesday, Oct. 1, 6:30 ESL: Grammar and Vocabulary for Intermediate Students First session of Paul’s 12-week ESL course takes place on Wednesday, Oct. 1. All other sessions will be on Thursdays, 6:30 to 8:15 p.m. The course teaches the basic rules of English grammar and contains vocabulary-building exercises. Regular attendance is required! Call the information desk to sign up. Adults. Continued on next page
Fridays in Oct., 10:00 ESL for Beginners Join Elayne’s Friday conversational group. Adults.
Mondays, Oct. 6, 20, 27, 10:00 ESL for Intermediate Students Join Sharoni’s Monday conversational group.
Tuesdays in Oct., 10:00 ESL for Beginners Join Elayne’s Tuesday conversational group. Adults.
Fridays in Oct., 11:00 Let’s Talk — ESL for Intermediate Students Join Richard’s Friday conversational group. Adults.
Mondays, Oct. 6, 20, 27, 10:30 Rock ’N’ Roll Experience the developmental benefits of music through singing and dancing in a sensory-rich environment while using age-appropriate instruments, such as shakers and handbells. Cosponsored by the Friends of Reston Regional Library. No younger or older siblings permitted. 6-18 months with adult.
Tuesday, Oct. 7, 10:30 Storytime for Threes to Fives Early literacy program with stories and activities. Age 3-5 with adult.
Friday, Oct. 3, 2:00 VIP Reston Support group for visually impaired persons. Adults.* Saturday, Oct. 4, 2:30 A Bailar Salsa, cha cha cha and more — fun Latin dance and music for the whole family with Cantare, Latin American Music. Cosponsored by the Fairfax Library Foundation. All ages. Sundays in Oct., 2:00 The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century: A Film History of World War I A six-part series led by Dr. Harry Butowsky, research historian and professor of history at George Mason University. The series will examine the troubling truths and profound issues of World War I that still impact the world 100 years later. You may attend all or any of the sessions. Cosponsored by the Friends of Reston Regional Library.
Mondays, Oct. 6, 20, 27, 11:00 ESL for Intermediate Students Join Richard’s Monday conversational group.
Mondays in Oct., 3:00 ESL: U.S. Citizenship Exam for Intermediate Students Join Molly in this 12-week course that teaches speaking and writing skills on the basis of selected topics of U.S. history and government. Regular attendance is required!
Tuesdays in Oct., 1:00 ESL: Speak and Write for Intermediate Students Join Sandy’s weekly class. Tuesday, Oct. 7, 7:00 Meditation for Optimum Well-Being People have been practicing meditation for centuries and today it is recognized as a way to help the body, mind and spirit. Join Gerry Gorman, who has been meditating daily for 30 years, to learn a simple meditation technique that can help you in all aspects of your life. Adults. Wednesday, Oct. 8, 10:30 Wednesday Book Club The title for this week’s discussion is After This by Alice McDermott. Adults.
Mondays in Oct., 4:30 ESL for Intermediate Students Join Juanita’s Monday conversational group.
Wednesday, Oct. 8, 7:30 75th Anniversary Book Club Join writer/scholar Amanda Holmes Duffy for a discussion of The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, the best-selling novel in 1939 — the year the Fairfax County Public Library system first opened its doors. Adults and teens.*
Tuesdays in Oct., 10:00 ESL for Advanced Students Join Bob’s Tuesday conversational group.
Thursdays, Oct. 9, 16, 23, 10:00 ESL for Advanced Students Join Richard’s Thursday conversational group. Adults.
Don’t forget to register...
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
Thursday, Oct. 9, 1:00 ESL Pronunciation and Speaking for Intermediate Students Join Sandy’s weekly class. Thursday, Oct. 9, 4:00 - 5:00 Reading Buddies Reading Buddies encourage children to read in a fun, low-stress environment. Bring your own book or choose a book from the library. Call or sign up online for a 15-minute session. Age 6-9. Thursdays, Oct. 9, 16, 23, 30, 6:30 ESL: Grammar and Vocabulary for Intermediate Students Join Paul in this 12-week course that meets on Thursdays. The course teaches the basic rules of English grammar and contains vocabularybuilding exercises. Regular attendance is required!
Tuesday, Oct. 14, 7:00 - 8:00 Read to the Dog Read aloud to a trained therapy dog. Bring your own book or choose one from the library. Call or sign up online for a 15-minute session. Age 5-11. Wednesday, Oct. 15, 10:30 Ballet Class Marisa Bain of Bain Dance teaches basic motor skills, coordination, balance and rhythm. Cosponsored by the Friends of Reston Regional Library. No younger or older siblings allowed. Age 3-4 with adult. Thursdays, Oct. 16, 23, 30, 1:00 ESL: Pronunciation and Speaking for Intermediate Students Join Sandy’s weekly class.
Saturday, Oct. 11, 10:30 Frying Pan Farm at Reston Regional Library Come meet a farm animal, learn all about the fall harvest and make a cool craft. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Reston Regional Library. Age 6-11. Tuesday, Oct. 14, 10:30 Wednesday, Oct. 22, 10:30 Toddler Storytime Join us for stories, songs and fingerplay. Age 2 with adult.
Thursday, Oct. 16, 4:00 Kid’s Graphic Novel Book Club Join us for lively discussions of the best in graphic novels. This month’s title is BigFoot Boy by J. Torres. Books are available for checkout at the children’s desk. Age 8-10. Thursday, Oct. 16, 7:00 Calling All Poets An open mic evening for all poetry lovers. Share your own work or that of a favorite poet.
Saturday, Oct. 18, 2:00 Finding Wholesale Happiness in a Retail World Author, public speaker and media personality Jeff Yeager (the Ultimate Cheapskate) delivers practical and even life-changing advice about money, happiness and our consumer culture — and he uses a Costco-size laugh track in doing so. Books available for sale and signing. Seating is limited. Registration is highly recommended. Cosponsored by The Friends of Reston Regional Library. Tuesday, Oct. 21, 10:30 Baby Steps Storytime Interactive story time for you and your child. 12-23 months with adult. Tuesday, Oct. 21, 7:00 Director’s Choice Book Club Sam Clay, director of Fairfax County Library, leads a monthly book discussion. The title this month is David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants by Malcolm Gladwell. Thursday, Oct. 23, 4:00 Picture This! Create illustrations inspired by books. Learn to appreciate the descriptive power of words and draw pictures reflecting your unique imagination. Aspiring writers and artists will both benefit from this hands-on workshop inspired by the book Fish Is Fish by Leo Lionni. Bring paper, drawing pencils and an eraser. Age 8-10.
Continued on next page
Saturday, Oct. 25, 11:00 Halloween Science Spectacular A wild and wacky scientist will have you mesmerized by the combination of some of his greatest eye-catching Halloween experiments. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Reston Regional Library. Age 6-12. Tuesday, Oct. 28, 10:30 Baby Lapsit Enjoy nursery rhymes, songs and stories. Build an early literacy foundation for your child while enjoying time together. Birth-11 months with adult.
Richard Byrd Library 7250 Commerce Street Springfield, VA 22150 703-451-8055 | TTY: 711 Mon.–Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. eBooks Learn how to browse the collection, check out books, and download to PC, Mac and eBook readers. Call the library to schedule an appointment. Adults. Saturday, Oct. 4, 10:30 A Bailar Salsa, cha cha cha and more — fun Latin dance and music for the whole family with Cantare, Latin American Music. Cosponsored by the Fairfax Library Foundation. All ages.
Wednesday, Oct. 29, 7:00 Boo! It’s Halloween Storytime Wear your costume and trick or treat down to the library for family fun and frights. All ages. Thursday, Oct. 30, 10:00 - 9:00 Friday, Oct. 31, 10:00 - 6:00 Puzzle Sale The Friends of the Reston Regional Library are holding a sale of gently used jigsaw puzzles and games at the library. All proceeds from the sale benefit the Reston Regional Library. Friday, Oct. 31, 1:30 Great Decisions Series Join us for the roundtable discussion on the U.S. foreign policy process. The topic for October is China’s Foreign Policy. Discussion materials will be available two weeks before the event.
Saturday, Oct. 4, 2:30 - 4:30 GIVE Free Tutoring Orientation Parents, students and high school volunteers are invited to learn about GIVE’s peer mentoring program. Participants will meet in the library every weekend. Information and registration: 2:30 - 3:30, parents and students K-6; 3:30 - 4:30, tutors.* Tuesday, Oct. 7, 7:00 Bedtime Storytime Come in your pajamas, bring your favorite stuffed animal, and enjoy bedtime stories and music. Birth-5 with adult. Tuesdays in Oct., 7:00 English Conversation Group Practice and improve your English. Adults.*
Don’t forget to register...
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
Thursday, Oct. 9, 1:00 Afternoon Book Club Do you enjoy reading and appreciate the company of other book lovers? Join our afternoon book club, make new friends and chat about books. This month’s title: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. Adults.* Wednesday, Oct. 15, 10:30 Fun with Ones Enjoy books, songs and rhymes in a special storytime just for ones. Age 1 with adult. Thursday, Oct. 16, 7:00 Springfield Writers’ Group Share your work, and give and receive feedback in a supportive setting. Adults.* Saturday, Oct. 18, 10:30 Great Books and Great Times — 75 Years at Our Library Join storyteller Gary Lloyd for a walk through the history of the Fairfax County Public Library over the past 75 years with an emphasis on Springfield. Cosponsored by the Fairfax Library Foundation. All ages.
Monday, Oct. 20, 4:30 Hidden Pond Monday Presented by the staff of Hidden Pond Nature Center. Cosponsored by the Friends of Richard Byrd Library. Age 6-12.
Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
Tuesday, Oct. 21, 7:00 Classics Book Club Title to be announced. Adults.*
Wednesday, Oct. 22, 10:30 P Is for Pumpkin Join us for fun stories and activities. Age 3-5 with adult. Wednesday, Oct. 29, 10:30 Time for Twos Join us for a storytime focusing on early literacy skills just for twos. Age 2 with adult.
Sherwood Regional Library 2501 Sherwood Hall Ln. Alexandria, VA 22306 703-765-3645 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Basic Personalized Computer Tutoring One-hour sessions with a technology volunteer. Call for appointment. Adults. Wednesdays, Oct. 1 & 15, 4:30 - 5:30 Reading Buddies Exercise your reading muscles! Kids in grades 1-4 can spend 15 minutes reading with an older reading buddy. You can do it just for fun or for a serious reading workout. Age 5-10.
Fridays in Oct., 10:30 Saturdays in Oct., 10:30 Thursdays, Oct. 9, 16, 23, 30, 10:30 & 7:00 English Conversation Conversation group for people learning English. Adults.* Saturdays, Oct. 4 & 18, 1:00 NaNoWriYer Writers Group Inspired by National Novel Writing Month, this group will explore new avenues of writing, including fiction and nonfiction. Adults.* Monday, Oct. 6, 10:30 Terrific Twos and Threes Stories, fingerplay and songs. Age 2-3 with adult. Monday, Oct. 6, 7:30 Books and Ideas Book discussion. Lie Down in Darkness by William Styron. Adults.* Tuesday, Oct. 7, 10:30 Small Wonders Stories, fingerplay and songs. 12-23 months with adult. Tuesday, Oct. 7, 6:45 Sherwood Poetry Read-Around Share your favorite poems — your own, or a work by your favorite poet — in a small group setting. Peter Lattu, formerly of Olssen’s Books, will facilitate. Adults.* Wednesday, Oct. 8, 10:30 Rising Words, Rising Images Book discussion. Beowulf by Anonymous. Age 13-18. Wednesday, Oct. 15, 6:30 Teen Volunteer Information Night Do you need to earn community service hours for school and don’t
know how to get started? If so, Volunteer Fairfax can help! This presentation will show teens how to find agencies in need of volunteers and explore upcoming volunteer opportunities including VolunteerFest. Hear from teens involved the Volunteer Fairfax Youth Advisory Board and get connected with the Youth Service Learning Directory to make volunteering a reality with impact for this school year and beyond! Age 12-18. Saturday, October 18, 11:00 Make Your Own Book Learn how to make your own book or journal for Teen Read Week. Age 12-18. Monday, Oct. 20, 4:30 The Flashlight Readers Book club. Age 8-12. Tuesday, Oct. 21, 7:00 Harambee Readers Book discussion. Call for title. Adults.* Wednesday, Oct. 22, 7:00 Homebrewing 101 Matt Rose from Forge Brew Works in Lorton will provide a beginner’s lesson on homebrewing. Learn the basics for brewing your own beer. Thursday, Oct. 23, 10:30 Preschool Storytime Join us for stories, songs and fingerplay. Ages 3-5 with adult. Thursday, Oct. 30, 7:00 Evening Storytime Join us for stories, songs and fingerplay. Pajamas and stuffed animals welcome. All ages. Continued on next page
Thomas Jefferson Library 7415 Arlington Boulevard Falls Church, VA 22042 703-573-1060 | TTY: 711 Mon.–Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. October Teen Book Scavenger Hunt Know your way around the teen section? Prove it for a sweet prize! One entry per teen. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Thomas Jefferson Library. Age 12-19. Wednesday, Oct. 1, 10:30 Time for Twos Early literacy storytime with songs, stories and activities. Age 2-3 with adult.
Monday, Oct. 6, 7:30 LGBTQ Teen Book Group Book Group for LGBTQ teens and allies. This month’s selection is Ask the Passengers by A.S. King. Age 12-18.* Tuesdays in Oct., 4:00 Kids’ Chess Club Learn to play chess. Note new time and new age group. Age 7-14. Tuesdays in Oct., 6:30 Thursdays, Oct. 9, 16, 23, 30, 4:30 Practice Your English English Conversation group for people learning English. Adults. Wednesday, Oct. 8, 10:30 Preschool Storytime Songs, stories and activities to build a strong literacy foundation for preschoolers. Age 3-5 with adult. Thursdays, Oct. 9, 16, 23, 30, 3:00 One-on-One Computer Tutoring Adults.
Saturdays in Oct., 1:00 eBook Office Hours Get your eBook questions answered. Bring your eBook reader and library card. Adults. Mondays, Oct. 6, 20, 27, 3:30 Paws to Read Mondays with Jam-Jam Get some reading practice with JamJam, our trained therapy dog. Age 5 & up.* Mondays, Oct. 6, 20, 27, 3:30 Practice Your English Conversation group for people learning English. Adults.
Saturday, Oct. 11, 11:00 Your Career GPS Deborah Parker will give a free presentation on career alignment, networking, goal setting and performance to help you keep moving forward in spite of inevitable professional or personal setbacks. Adults. Saturday, Oct. 11, 3:30 Paws to Read Saturdays with Dakota Get some reading practice with Dakota, our trained therapy dog. Age 5 & up.*
Don’t forget to register...
You can register online and also call or visit the branch beginning two weeks before the event. Make arrangements for sign language interpreters, listening systems or real-time captioning at least two weeks in advance at the branch where the event takes place.
Tuesday, Oct. 14, 7:00 Writers’ Group Sharing work for mutual tips. Adults. Wednesday, Oct. 15, 10:30 Small Oneders Rhymes, stories, songs and activities for you and your baby. Build an early literacy foundation for your child while enjoying time together. 12-23 months with adult. Thursday, Oct. 16, 1:30 Book Discussion Group The Vagrants: A Novel by Yiyun Li. Adults. Wednesday, Oct. 22, 10:30 Music and Movin’ with Miss Susan Join Miss Susan for music and activities for toddlers, caregivers and parents. 9 months-5 years.
Tysons-Pimmit Regional Library 7584 Leesburg Pike Falls Church, VA 22043 703-790-8088 | TTY: 711 Sun.: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Mon. - Thurs.: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Fri.: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Personalized eBook/eReader Instruction Call for an appointment with a trained staff member to learn more about your eReader and downloading eBooks. Adults. Wednesdays in Oct., 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 2:45, 3:30 Mondays, Oct. 6, 20, 27, 1:00 Tuesdays in Oct., 5:30 Thursdays, Oct. 9, 16, 23, 30, 5:00 One-on-One English Conversation Practice
Events subject to change. Check the library’s website for up-to-date listings. * = No registration necessary
Practice speaking English with a volunteer partner. Call for appointment. Limit one appointment per person per week. Adults. Saturday, Oct. 4, 10:00 - 4:00 Friends of the Tysons-Pimmit Library Book Sale A special collection by the Friends of the Tysons-Pimmit Regional Library. All ages.*
Sunday, Oct. 5, 1:00 Friends of the Library Book Sale Come take advantage of the deals to be had as the Friends of the TysonsPimmit Regional Library offer a “Books by the Bag” special! All ages.* Mondays, Oct. 6, 20, 27, 1:00 Personalized Internet Training A one-hour one-on-one Internet training session with a technology volunteer. Call for appointment. Adults. Tuesdays, Oct. 7 & 21, 10:30 Tuesday Storytime Join us for stories, songs and activities. 18-24 months with caregiver. Tuesdays in Oct., 2:00 & 2:45 Personalized Internet Training A 45-minute one-on-one Internet training session with a technology volunteer. Call for appointment. Adults. Tuesdays in Oct., 6:30 English Conversation Group Practice speaking English with other students. Volunteer led. Adults.*
Wednesday, Oct. 8, 10:30 Uno, Dos, Tres con Andres Sing along with music from Andres! Birth-10 with caregiver.
Saturday, Oct. 11, 1:00 Exploring the Spirit World Author, medium and ghost investigator Rob Gutro discusses the spirit world and how both people and pet spirits communicate and make themselves known. Books available for sale and signing. Teens-adults. Wednesday, Oct. 15, 7:00 Model Investment Club of Northern Virginia Learn more about investing following an investment club model. This group will meet on the third Wednesday all year. New visitors welcome. Adults.* Saturday, Oct. 18, 10:30 Legos® in the Library Come join the fun and make some Lego® creations! Age 5-12. Tuesday, Oct. 21, 6:30 Mystery Book Discussion Please join the mystery book discussion group. Ask at the information desk for title. Adults.* Wednesday, Oct. 22, 10:30 ABC’s of Low Vision Enhancement Learn about practical solutions for living with low vision. Presented by Dr. Suleiman Alibhai, director of the Prevention of Blindness Society’s Low Vision Learning Center and Burt Levy, owner of Beyond Specs and the White Cane. Adults.
Wednesday, Oct. 22, 10:30 Free Vision Screening In conjunction with the ABC’s of Low Vision Enhancement program, the Society The Prevention of Blindness Society of Metropolitan Washington is providing free vision screenings. Adults. Saturday, Oct. 25, 10:30 Your Best Health: From Vision to Success Create your path to optimal wellness as we discuss exercise basics, healthy eating essentials, the seven habits of highly happy people, and how to set enlivening, fun and achievable health and wellness goals. Presented by ACSM Health Fitness Specialist Veronica Goff. Adults. Tuesday, Oct. 28, 7:00 Book Talk for Book Lovers Book discussion. Please ask for title at the information desk. Adults.* Thursday, Oct. 30, 10:30 Small Wonders Join us for stories, songs and activities. Birth-1 with caregiver.
Woodrow Wilson Library 6066 Leesburg Pike, Main Level Falls Church, VA 22041 703-820-8774 | TTY: 711 Mon.–Tues.: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Wed. & Fri.: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thurs.: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. Sat.: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. While in their temporary library location, Woodrow Wilson Library will not be scheduling events.
October is Foundation Month Discover what you can do to enhance your library today with the Fairfax Library Foundation! • Donate Funds
• Buy Books
• Volunteer Time
Your tax-deductible contributions support these areas of focus: • Ready to Read Early Literacy Outreach • Changing Lives Through Literature • Presentations • Scholarships • Books and Materials
UW #8906
CFC #89943
12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 329 Fairfax, VA 22035 703-324-8300 VA tax contribution code: #205501
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Marketing and Communications, Fairfax County Public Library, 12000 Government Center Pkwy., Suite 324, Fairfax, VA 22035, 703-324-3100. ©2014 Fairfax County Public Library.
A Fairfax County, Va., publication September 2014 To receive this information in alternative formats call 703-324-8380 or TTY 703-324-8365. Printed on recycled paper
Editorial Staff: Mary Mulrenan Ted Kavich Bobbie Conners
Graphics Staff: Angela Byrne Gwen Jones