FCDS 2009-2010 Annual Report

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It Matters to Them‌

Annual Report 2009-2010

Highpoint Pictures

Board of Trustees 2009-2010

President Virginia K. Cargill Vice President James D. Haas Secretary Mary R. Cunningham Treasurer Frode Foss-Skiftesvik Mark Beaudoin Louis Colosimo James Conzelman III ’77

Donald Dunbar Lawrence G. Foley Stephanie B. Frost Kathleen Garvey Michael Huebsch Pennie Kelly Dawn Kreitler Brian McGrath Robert F. Moriarty ’70 Gerry Pearce, Jr. ’84 Jennifer Poling David A. Rosow, Jr. ’85 James B. Vose ’67 Dan Zelson

New Trustees 2010 -2011 Cheryl Bundy is a salesperson with The Riverside Realty Group in Westport and Brown Harris Stevens in Manhattan. Prior to her real estate career, Cheryl had a substantial career in the non profit world both as a Development Director and Board member for numerous charities. Cheryl and her husband, Bill have three children: Kate, Will (4th grade), and Ben (1st grade) at FCDS. Michael J. Paliotta is a Managing Director and Head of the U.S. Institutional Equity Sales at Credit Suisse. Michael currently serves on the Board of Trustees of Manhattan College and has been very active at FCDS as an Annual Fund Class Captain. Michael and his wife Trish live in Westport and have four children, three of whom are Country Day boys – Michael Jr. ’06, Daniel ’09, and Will (2nd grade). Liz Solazzo is a Chartered Financial Analyst currently with Hudson Advisor Services. Liz was Co-President of the FCDS Parents’ Association in 2009, served as an Annual Fund Class Captain for many years, and was a member of the FCDS Strategic Plan Committee. Liz and her husband Rick live in Fairfield. They have two sons. Michael is in the 7th grade at FCDS and Peter, a member of the FCDS Class of 2010, currently attends Philips Academy Andover.

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Annual Report 2009-2010

Administration 2010-2011

Contents Letter from the Chair Board of Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Letter from the Treasurer Board of Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Treasurer’s Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Headmaster John R. Munro, Jr.

Voluntary Giving Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Scholarship Golf Tournament. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Head of Upper School Clifford Paige ’62

Parents’ Association. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Annual Fund Donors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Campaign Pledge Payments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Head of Lower School Deborah Sullinger

Gregory Society. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Our Mission Fairfield Country Day School provides an educational community dedicated to the personal growth and intellectual development of boys. Our balanced and challenging program is designed to help each student expand his desire and ability to acquire knowledge, stimulate his curiosity and creativity, and enhance his self esteem and respect for others. Each boy’s individual development is encouraged in an environment that anticipates the future while appreciating the past.

Director of Admissions Richard Runkel Director of Finance & Operations Maureen Bartolomeo

Director of Athletics Brad Fallon Dean of Students George Lewis

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Director of Development Ellen H. Keogh

Dean of Academic Affairs Gina Falcone-Panza

Published By: FCDS Development Office Phone: 203-259-2723 Fax: 203-259-3249 Email: Ellen.Keogh@fcdsmail.org Web: www.fairfieldcountryday.org Credits: Design: Imagemark, LLC. imagemark.net Cover Photography: Peter Baker Studios peterbakerstudios.com

It Matters to Them…

that they are able to pursue their artistic interests.

Letter from the Chair Board of Trustees Dear Country Day Family and Friends, The past year was an exciting and reaffirming time for FCDS. Under the leadership and guidance of interim headmaster Robert Kaufmann, FCDS flourished in all aspects of school life. Academic and athletic accomplishments were plentiful, the athletic field renovation project was completed with the dedication of the John Curtis Field, the new Foley Family Science Room was completed, an international exchange program was launched with four Upper School boys studying in Spain for six weeks, and the FCDS community worked diligently and successfully on the search for a new headmaster. Following a thorough and extensive search, the Board of Trustees appointed John R. Munro, Jr. as the ninth Headmaster of Fairfield Country Day School. John brings significant and broad experience in elementary education, and a proven ability to connect with students and earn the respect of his faculty. Throughout all of our endeavors this past year we continued to focus on our boys. Fairfield Country Day makes it possible for boys to receive an excellent education within a community of educators who are committed to each student’s personal and intellectual growth. Whether it is a teacher deciding how best to help a student, or


Fairfield Country Day School / Annual Report 2009-2010

the Search Committee identifying the right headmaster candidate, each decision — large and small — is focused on the key criteria of what is best for our boys. In this annual report you will see how your generosity impacts every aspect of the experience the boys have at FCDS. Your gifts to the Annual Fund, the Parents’ Asscociation fundraising events and the Scholarship Golf Tournament provided immediate and long-lasting benefits to Country Day’s students. Thank you for your decision to support FCDS, your gift and participation matters and is most appreciated. You are making a difference. This new school year promises to be another exciting year as John R. Munro, Jr. becomes Headmaster, we continue to pursue all elements of our strategic plan and we begin planning for the school’s upcoming 75th anniversary in 2011-2012. We will celebrate our strong history as a leader in boys’ education and reaffirm our commitment to remaining at the forefront of educating boys for the next 75 years. We look forward to your continued support and participation. Sincerely, Virginia K. Cargill PP ’04, ’05 Chair, Board of Trustees

Letter from the Treasurer Board of Trustees Dear FCDS Friends, Throughout this annual report, you will see examples of how your generosity impacts the education of all Country Day students. Voluntary support combined with careful fiscal management continues to ensure that the needs of our boys are met while maintaining the financial integrity of the school. In line with the current strategic plan, the main focus for the 2009-2010 school year was to prepare a capital development plan to complete improvements to existing grounds and buildings, add new facilities, support the technology program, and maintain a conservative balance sheet. We have continued our program of improvements to our facilities this summer by converting the old wood shop into a fully functioning science room, the Foley Family Science Room, that will accommodate all fifth and sixth grade science classes. Smartboards have also been installed in the Lower School Science Room, allowing us to add to the curriculum and supplement with internet resources. Our continued leadership in technology is further evidenced by the introduction of iPads for ninth graders and their teachers for the 2010-11 school year as a result of a generous gift from a Country Day family. The iPads will complement the

laptop program and enhance the educational experience for our ninth graders. The school’s balance sheet remains conservative. As of June 30, 2010, the school had low interest financing of $2.1 million. The endowment amounted to $5.7 million reflecting an increase of 8.7% for the year. This growth made it possible to transfer over $110,000 from endowment earnings to the operating fund to fulfill endowment purposes of scholarship, faculty professional development and recognition, transportation funding, speaker fees, and general operations. As the stewards of your trust, the Board and the administration are committed to providing a secure financial environment that allows the school to pursue its mission: “To provide an educational community dedicated to the personal growth and intellectual development of boys”. We appreciate your support in our collaborative efforts and we look forward to continued success in the upcoming school year. Sincerely, Frode Foss-Skiftesvik PP ’07, ’08 Treasurer, Board of Trustees

It Matters to Them…

that they learn from teachers who are fully dedicated to their growth. Fairfield Country Day School / Annual Report 2009-2010


Treasurer’s Report

Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010

Operating Income Tuition income Annual Giving (unrestricted)* Other income Other fundraising

$7,690,495 406,792 256,680 77,070

Total Operating Income


Total Operating Expense

$4,873,426 1,540,493 841,200 465,121 301,546 305,514 162,272 27,140 $8,516,712

Excess of income over expenses

2009–2010 Total Voluntary Giving Annual Fund Scholarship Golf Tournament Parents Association


Fairfield Country Day School / Annual Report 2009-2010

1% 5%


4% 2%


5% 10% 57% 18%


$418,785 * $55,595 $77,070 ** $551,450

* Unrestricted and restricted gifts ** Includes the net proceeds from the spring fundraiser, and the end-of-year Parents Association gift to the school Development Committee Kathleen Garvey, Chair Mark Beaudoin Louis Colosimo Frode Foss Skiftesvik Stephanie Frost Pennie Kelly Jennifer Poling David Rosow, Jr. ‘85 Dan Zelson

Operating Expense Salaries & Benefits 57% Physical Plant 18% Financial Aid 10% Administration 5% Instructional 4% Food Services 4% Other Expenses 2%


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Operating Expense Salaries and benefits Physical plant Financial aid Administration Instructional Food Services Other expenses Interest on debt

Operating Income Tuition Income 91% Annual Giving (unrestricted)* 5% Other Income 3% Other Fundraising 1%

17th Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament raises over $55,000 Thank you to all of the Sponsors and Supporters of our Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament. Your support has an immediate and long-lasting impact in providing financial assistance to deserving students. Title Sponsor The Lawrence and Megan Foley Family Foundation, Inc.

Advertisers Ash Creek Enterprises, LLC C. E. Floyd Fairfield Motor Cars I. C. C. C., LLC The Kaufman Fuel Company ThreeBeans Design and Building

Hole Sponsors Peterman Architects, Inc. Ritch, Greenberg & Hassan PC Windsong Brands LLC

Housatonic Paper & Supply Mark and Pennie Kelly National Refrigeration Service Group Rink and Racquet Ltd. The Rueckert Family J. P. Salmini Co., Inc. The Seymour Family

Golf Cart Sponsors Ash Creek Enterprises, LLC Aqua-Lawn, Inc. Autuori Electric LLC Beachside of CT Soccer Crystal Rock Water John E. Dunn ‘86

Contributors The Colosimo Family The Kreitler Foundation, Inc. Metroguard, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John Payne Mr. and Mrs. William D. Rueckert Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Shaw

Tournament Committee Dawn Kreitler, Co-Chair David Rosow, Jr. ‘85, Co-Chair Jim and Mary Reilly Anne Willie Mary Cunningham Jocelyn Pearson Melissa Norton

Parents’ Association Spring Fundraiser “FCDS Goes Green” was a big success! Thanks to co-chairs Adrienne Conzelman, Taylor Purdy, and Amy Whiteley, the Parents’ Association fundraiser was a great event. The financial results far exceeded its goal, raising over $70,000. The online auction that preceeded the event was a terrific success with active bidding up to the last minute. The ”FCDS Goes Green” party included a live auction of FCDS wishlist items, which included curriculum materials to enhance the environmental science program at FCDS.

FCDS Goes Green Co-Chairs: Adrienne Conzelman, Amy Whiteley, and Taylor Purdy.

Fairfield Country Day School / Annual Report 2009-2010


It Matters to Them‌

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that you supported FCDS in 2009-2010. Thank you!


Fairfield Country Day School / Annual Report 2009-2010

2009-2010 Annual Fund Donors Donors By Category Leadership Gift $25,000 + Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ferris Bronson Society Headmaster’s Circle $15,000 + Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Frode Foss-Skiftesvik Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Garvey Mr. and Mrs. James D. Haas Bronson Society Gold $10,000 + Anonymous Dr. Richard Clarida and Ms. Polly M. Barry Mr. and Mrs. Alan Offenberg Bronson Society Silver $5,000 + Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Beaudoin Mr. Randall Bingham Mrs. Virginia K. Cargill Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott Mr. and Mrs. David Friezo Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Huebsch Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kamerschen Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Purdy Mr. and Mrs. James B. Vose ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zelson Bronson Society Bronze $2,500 + Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. John F. Akers Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bachner Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Barry ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. William P. Bundy Ms. Sheila Clancy Mr. and Mrs. Louis Colosimo Mr. and Mrs. James G. Conzelman III ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Craig Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Crawford

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Daliere Mr. and Mrs. Brian Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Esse The Grace Jones Richardson Trust Mr. and Mrs. Wesley J. Harrington ‘75 Mr. Worthington Johnson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kreitler Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. George Martin Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. David McKane Mr. and Mrs. Sean J. McManus ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. William Meury Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Mulroy Mr. and Mrs. Ted Orenstein Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Paige Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Palmisano Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Pearce ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Stan F. Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Poling Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell Mr. and Mrs. James Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rosow, Jr. ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Savino Mr. Michael Scavone and Ms. Nancy Tenenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Scheetz Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shaw Mr. Michael Smith and Ms. Kate Wootton-Smith Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Swanson The JWJ Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David S. Ward Crusaders Club $1,000 + Anonymous Mr. Duncan Adamson and Ms. Nina Marill Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Ballou Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Bartol ‘81 Mr. Robert Brandt and Ms. Deborah Barnett-Brandt Dr. and Mrs. Dante Brittis Mr. and Mrs. James Cahill Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cardello Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Scott Davidson

The Bronson Award The Bronson Society Award was established to recognize members of the Country Day community whose dedication to the school reflects the generous spirit of the Bronson family. The Bronsons were concerned and involved citizens of their community. They gave generously of themselves to improve the lives of others. In bestowing the annual Bronson Award, the school wishes to honor and thank individuals whose contributions — both financial and temporal — have shaped our school in significant and lasting ways. The 2009 Bronson Award was presented to Susan and John Akers: past trustee, past parents, and current grandparents of Curtis Sjodin ’06, Eric Sjodin ’07, Will Sjodin ’11, Alec Sjodin ’14, Jack Akers ’15, Evan Akers ’16, Sam Klyver ’16, Brooks Klyver ’17, and Nicholas Klyver ’20. Susan and John Akers, recipients of the 2009 Bronson Award.

Mr. Donald M. Dunbar and Dr. Susan F. Dunbar Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Eckert Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Eykyn Mr. and Mrs. Simon Fenner Mr. Donald Fierce Mrs. Stephanie B. Frost

Fairfield Country Day School / Annual Report 2009-2010


Blue-White Club $500 + Mr. Peter Baron Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caione Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Carapezzi Mr. and Mrs. Josef Cumpelik Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Finley Mr. A. Peter Foote Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hatton Mr. and Mrs. Paul Housey Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Hublitz Mr. and Mrs. Randall Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Keogh Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Larsen ‘52 Mr. Michael Lowsley-Williams and Ms. Erin Clancy Lowsley-Williams Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. MacInnis Mr. Bruce McDermott and Ms. Sally Schwartz McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. McKelvie Mr. and Mrs. John P. McNicholas Dr. and Mrs. Leland Miles Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Millard ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Munro, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Patrick Nerbonne Mr. and Mrs. Samuel V. Niles ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Noland Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O’Donnell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. Owens III ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Claude Parenteau Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Paul

Mr. and Mrs. John Payne ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Raney Mrs. Helen Reed Mr. Scott Reichhelm ‘73 Mr. Joseph W. Rocco, Jr. and Ms. Arlyne E. Russo Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Runkel Mr. and Mrs. Tim Schramm Mrs. Nancy R. Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. George Skurja Mr. and Mrs. Edward Slade Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Spencer Mr. David J. Sullivan III and Dr. Gioia J. Riccio The Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter C. Tremaine Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van de Berghe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Glen F. Wisher Mr. Robert Withers and Ms. Anita Black Blazers $1-499 Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Abercrombie Mr. D. S. Aikenhead ‘55 Mrs. Pauline Akers Mr. Christopher J. Albanese ‘07 Mr. Louis F. Albanese II ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Anderson Mr. Robert H. Anstett ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Auer Mr. Nicholas W. Auer ‘08 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Baker Mr. and Mrs. William Balamaci Mr. Paul Ballou Mr. James Balmer and Ms. Mary Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Craig Balocca

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2009-2010 Annual Fund Donors

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gault Mr. Mark Grayson and Ms. Sarah Houghton Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Guterl Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. James L. Haskel Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Heck, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Helderman Mr. John D. Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kaufmann Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Maquat Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mason Mrs. Nancy Mulholland Conroy Mr. and Mrs. Frederick O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Paliotta Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Payne Master Mitchell J. Payne Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Riffice Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Rosow ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rosow Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sires Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sjodin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Smalls Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Solazzo Mr. Michael Spellacy and Ms. Stephanie Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Thompson Mr. Curt R. Tobey and Ms. Elizabeth V. Myer-Tobey Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Tuohy IV Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Whiteley Mr. Lee Williams ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Winslow


Fairfield Country Day School / Annual Report 2009-2010


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Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Baluha Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barnaby Ms. Kelly C. Barr Mr. and Mrs. John F. Barry III ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bartolomeo Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Bassick, Jr. ‘54 Ms. Clara Baur Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Bebon Ms. Gail H. Beckham Mr. and Mrs. R. Kelsey Biggers, Jr. ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Blair ‘51 Mr. Eric Braun and Ms. Alice Chen Ms. Emily M. Brewster Ms. Helmi Bromley and Mr. Douglas Zarookian Mr. and Mrs. Rashid L. Brown Mrs. Cathy Buckley Mr. Christopher Burgner ‘87 Commander Arde A. Burki USN Ret and Mrs. Barbara Burki Mr. and Mrs. David Burton Master Joshua D. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Bradford W. Bush ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Bush ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Bush Mrs. Charles M. Butler Mr. Michael A. Byelas ‘82 Mr. Michael A. Cahill ‘06 Mr. and Mrs. David L. Calfee Mr. Wesley W. Carpenter ‘99 Mr. Charles G. Carroll ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. Jean E. Cedon Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Chen Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cichella Mr. and Mrs. Robert Citrone Mr. Robert N. Citrone ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Clark Mr. and Mrs. Rob Clarkson Mrs. Amalia Colosimo Mrs. Nancy Corbett Foote Master George C. Crawford Mr. James H. Crowley IV ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Crowley III Mr. Joseph C. Crowley ‘97 Mr. and Mrs. John Curtis Mr. and Mrs. John T. Curtis II ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Daly ‘68 Mr. Radley H. Daly* Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Davidson, Jr. ‘90 Mr. James H. L. Dean ‘08 Mr. Arthur E. deCordova III ‘75 Ms. Leah DeSabia

Mr. and Mrs. Damon C. DiMauro ‘76 Dr. Judith E. Doctor Mr. Christopher J. Dolan ‘91 Mr. John Dorman Mr. and Mrs. William B. Duffy III Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Dutt Mr. James Elovich Mr. and Mrs. W. Brewster Ely IV ‘62 Mr. Prisco Panza and Mrs. Gina Falcone-Panza Mr. and Mrs. Brad Fallon Mr. John Fallon Mr. Todd J. Farrell ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. R. Lindwood Faxon Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fedak III Ms. Diana Fernandez Mr. Grayson M. Fertig ‘95 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fertig, Jr. Mr. Phil Ficks ‘65 Mr. and Mrs. Damon Fleming Mr. and Mrs. James K. Flicker Mr. Peter W. Floeckher, Jr. ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand H. Frassinelli ‘73 Mr. Thomas Freer Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gavel Dr. and Mrs. Harold I. Genvert ‘68 Mr. Nathaniel W. Gibbons ‘71 Mrs. James P. Gillies Mr. and Mrs. Norwick B. H. Goodspeed ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Norwick R. Goodspeed

Mr. Roger C. Goodspeed ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. George Gowen Mr. and Mrs. James M. Graves ‘49 Mr. and Mrs. Elliot W. Gray ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery L. Grice Mr. and Mrs. R. Drummond Grinalds Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hallgarten Mr. and Mrs. Rick Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Haskel Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hawley Mr. and Mrs. Keith Haydon Mr. Brian A. Helderman ‘09 Ms. Margaret E. Hemenway Mr. Christopher H. Heyn ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Howson Mrs. Archibald R. Hoxton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hull Mr. Zachary I. K. Hutton ‘08 Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Hyde Mr. and Mrs. Angelo M. Iasiello II ‘80 Mr. James C. Johnson ‘09 Mr. and The Rev. Mrs. Gerrit M. Keator ‘53 Mr. Blake D. Keogh ‘98 Mr. Devin M. Keogh ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Kirven III Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klabonski Mr. Michael Klingher and Dr. Lindsay Schine Mr. and Mrs. Adam Klyver Mr. and Mrs. Simon Knott Mr. Matthew C. Koizim ‘00

Fairfield Country Day School / Annual Report 2009-2010


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2009-2010 Annual Fund Donors Mr. Niles S. Krieger ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. William G. Kuhns Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Landesman ‘96 Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Landesman Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lane Mr. John Lauter Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis Mrs. Julia B. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Littrell Dr. and Mrs. George B. Longstreth III ‘53 Mr. Albert J. Loschiavo Mr. and Mrs. Coleman R. Lyons, Jr. Mr. Coleman R. Lyons III ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Archie F. MacAllaster Mr. David S. MacAllaster ‘73 Mrs. Anne MacDougall and Mr. Gil Einstein Mr. William B. Martin Mrs. Vera Maximin Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. McGloon ‘40 Mr. and Mrs. Peter McGonagle Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. John A. McKenna, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kieran McTague Mr. Henry F. Merritt and Dr. Jane Hamilton-Merritt Mr. Schuyler H. F. Merritt ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. Marcus D. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Jason Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Moore ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Moore Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Morgan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Moriarty ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Morse ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Musico Mr. Julian Myer-Smith ‘06 Mr. C. Parker Newton ‘98 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Niles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Norton

Mrs. Lucinda O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. James H. Oldershaw ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Oudin III ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Owens Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Paige ‘62 Mr. Michael J. Paliotta, Jr. ‘08 Ms. Catherine Pallin Mr. and Mrs. Rolando Pantoja Mr. Rolando E. Pantoja and Ms. Rosemary Q. Barry Mr. and Mrs. Day L. Patterson ‘58 Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Paul ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Paxton ‘39 Mr. Charles B. Payne ‘98 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Perkin ‘88 Mr. Richard S. Perkin II ‘96 Mr. and Mrs. David M. Perry ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Petrasy Mrs. Scarlett M. Pipkin Mr. Christopher J. Popadic ‘90 Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Power Mr. and Mrs. John R. Preston Ms. Iris Quinones Mr. and Mrs. Chris Raney Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ratcliffe Mr. and Mrs. William Regan Dr. and Mrs. Glen Reznikoff Mrs. Gioia Riccio Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Riedell Mr. and Mrs. John Riley Mr. Jon H. Ringel ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Risley Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Risley ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Blake W. Robinson ‘62 Mr. Charles W. Rocco ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Rowins Mr. David C. Ruddy ‘99 Mr. Cleveland D. Rueckert ‘99 Mr. John E. Runkel ‘07 Mrs. Patti Runkel

10 Fairfield Country Day School / Annual Report 2009-2010

Ms. Michelle Sagalyn Dr. and Mrs. Allen Schlein Dr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Selleck Mr. Stephen F. Seymour ‘07 Mrs. Mary M. Sherts Mr. and Mrs. Craig Simmonds Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Simmonds Ms. Jenna F. Simpson Mr. Curtis A. Sjodin ‘07 Mr. Andrew E. Slade ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith Ms. H. Melanie Smith Mrs. Starr W. Snead Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Soboeiro ‘80 Ms. Joan Solazzo Mr. and Mrs. Garrett K. Spitzer ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Springall Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stageman Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stanton Mrs. Margaret Stearns Mr. Christopher C. Stevens ‘02 Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Stevens Mr. Reid H. Stewart ‘88 Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. Stovell Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sturges, Jr. ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Stutz Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Sullinger Mr. and Mrs. George J. Swander Mr. Zachary J. Swander ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tarzian Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tarzian Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tate Ms. Lynn Tenenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Terbell Ms. Joan S. Terranova Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Mr. Michael J. Thomas ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence Thompson IV ‘91 Mrs. Richard Van de Berghe Mr. and Mrs. William VanOllefen

Mr. Christopher M. Verrillo ‘02 Mr. Jeffrey J. Verrillo ‘00 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Vigilante Mrs. Barbara Viner Mr. Robert D. Vitalo and Ms.Jacqueline Montras Mr. and Mrs. William F. Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wilder Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wilkinson Mrs. Rose Williams Dr. Derek Yach and Dr. Yasmin von Schirnding Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Yasner Mr. and Mrs. Martin Zagarinsky Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir Zeman

Alumni Giving by class Class of 1939 Mr. J. D. Paxton Class of 1940 Mr. Donald L. McGloon Class of 1949 Mr. James M. Graves Class of 1951 Mr. Edwin J. Blair

Mr. Clifford E. Paige Mr. Blake W. Robinson Mr. John A. Sturges, Jr. Class of 1964 Mr. Peter W. Floeckher, Jr. Mr. Norwick B. H. Goodspeed Mr. Michael D. Moore Class of 1965 Mr. Phil Ficks Class of 1966 Mr. Roger C. Goodspeed Mr. Worthington Johnson, Jr. Class of 1967 Mr. John F. Barry III Mr. James B. Vose

Class of 1971 Mr. Nathaniel W. Gibbons Class of 1972 Mr. Roger W. Risley Class of 1973 Mr. Michael F. Barry Mr. Ferdinand H. Frassinelli Mr. David S. MacAllaster Mr. Charles F. Oudin III Mr. Scott Reichhelm Class of 1975 Mr. Arthur E. deCordova III Mr. and Mrs. Wesley J. Harrington Class of 1976 Mr. Bradford W. Bush Mr. Damon C. DiMauro

Class of 1968 Mr. Peter H. Daly Dr. Harold I. Genvert Mr. Peter L. Richardson

Class of 1977 Mr. James G. Conzelman III Mr. John T. Curtis II

Class of 1969 Mr. David M. Perry

Class of 1978 Mr. Jeffrey P. Bush

Class of 1970 Mr. R. Kelsey Biggers, Jr. Mr. Sean J. McManus Mr. Robert F. Moriarty

Class of 1979 Mr. Garrett K. Spitzer

Class of 1952 Mr. Christopher Larsen Class of 1953 Mr. Gerrit M. Keator Dr. George B. Longstreth III Class of 1954 Mr. Marshall M. Bassick, Jr. Class of 1955 Mr. D. S. Aikenhead Mr. John B. Payne Class of 1958 Mr. Day L. Patterson Class of 1960 Mr. Gerald G. Pearce Class of 1962 Mr. W. Brewster Ely IV

It Matters to Them…

that alumni continue to be an important part of the school’s life. Fairfield Country Day School / Annual Report 2009-2010


2009-2010 Annual Fund Donors

It Matters to Them‌

that the spirit of Country Day is shared by all. Class of 1980 Mr. Angelo M. Iasiello II Mr. Jon H. Ringel Dr. Michael F. Soboeiro Class of 1981 Mr. Perry L. Bartol Mr. Samuel V. Niles Class of 1982 Mr. Michael A. Byelas Mr. Lee Williams

Class of 1988 Mr. James H. Oldershaw Mr. Gregory B. Pearce Mr. Christopher T. Perkin Mr. Reid H. Stewart Class of 1990 Mr. Robert R. Davidson, Jr. Mr. Christopher J. Popadic

Class of 1983 Mr. Howard T. Owens III

Class of 1991 Mr. James H. Crowley IV Mr. Christopher J. Dolan Mr. H. Lawrence Thompson IV Mr. Hunter C. Tremaine

Class of 1984 Mr. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr.

Class of 1995 Mr. Grayson M. Fertig

Class of 1985 Mr. David A. Rosow, Jr.

Class of 1996 Mr. Kevin M. Landesman Mr. Richard S. Perkin II

Class of 1986 Mr. Elliot W. Gray Mr. Gregory Millard Mr. Stephen L. Morse Mr. Christopher D. Rosow Class of 1987 Mr. Christopher Burgner Mr. Matthew R. Paul

Class of 1997 Mr. Joseph C. Crowley Class of 1998 Mr. Blake D. Keogh Mr. C. Parker Newton Mr. Charles B. Payne

Class of 1999 Mr. Robert H. Anstett Mr. Wesley W. Carpenter Mr. Coleman R. Lyons III Mr. David C. Ruddy Mr. Cleveland D. Rueckert Mr. Zachary J. Swander Class of 2000 Mr. Matthew C. Koizim Mr. Jeffrey J. Verrillo Class of 2001 Mr. Louis F. Albanese II Mr. Schuyler H. F. Merritt Mr. Michael J. Thomas Class of 2002 Mr. Christopher C. Stevens Mr. Christopher M. Verrillo Class of 2003 Mr. Charles G. Carroll

Photos by Peter Baker Studios

Class of 2004 Mr. Devin M. Keogh Mr. Charles W. Rocco

12 Fairfield Country Day School / Annual Report 2009-2010

Class of 2007 Mr. Christopher J. Albanese Mr. Todd J. Farrell Mr. Christopher H. Heyn Mr. Niles S. Krieger Mr. John E. Runkel Mr. Stephen F. Seymour Mr. Curtis A. Sjodin Class of 2008 Mr. Nicholas W. Auer Mr. James H. L. Dean Mr. Zachary I. K. Hutton Mr. Michael J. Paliotta, Jr. Class of 2009 Mr. Robert N. Citrone Mr. Brian A. Helderman Mr. James C. Johnson Mr. Andrew E. Slade

parent giving by Class Class of 2010 80% Participation Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Carapezzi Mr. and Mrs. James K. Flicker Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Heck, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Hyde Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O’Donnell, Jr. Mr. Rolando E. Pantoja and Ms. Rosemary Q. Barry Class of 2011 73% Participation Mr. Robert Brandt and Ms. Deborah Barnett-Brandt Dr. and Mrs. Dante Brittis Mr. and Mrs. David Burton Dr. Richard Clarida and Ms. Polly M. Barry Mrs. Nancy Corbett Foote Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Finley Mr. A. Peter Foote Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Garvey Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery L. Grice

Highpoint Pictures

Class of 2006 Mr. Michael A. Cahill Mr. Julian Myer-Smith

It Matters to Them…

that they have received an excellent academic foundation, preparing them for future intellectual growth. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley J. Harrington ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. John P. McNicholas Mr. and Mrs. Claude Parenteau Ms. Iris Quinones Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Runkel Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Scheetz Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Craig Simmonds Mr. and Mrs. George Skurja Mr. and Mrs. Edward Slade Mr. Curt R. Tobey and Ms. Elizabeth V. Myer-Tobey Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van de Berghe, Jr. Class of 2012 64% Participation Anonymous Mr. Duncan Adamson and Ms. Nina Marill Mr. and Mrs. Brian Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. James K. Flicker Mr. Mark Grayson and Ms. Sarah Houghton Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. McKelvie Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Mulroy Mr. and Mrs. Frederick O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Paige Mr. and Mrs. James Reilly Dr. and Mrs. Glen Reznikoff Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zelson

Class of 2013 72% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Anderson Mr. and Mrs. James Cahill Mr. and Mrs. James G. Conzelman III ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Craig Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. William B. Duffy III Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mrs. Stephanie B. Frost Mr. and Mrs. Paul Housey Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klabonski Mr. Michael Lowsley-Williams and Ms. Erin Clancy Lowsley-Williams Mr. Bruce McDermott and Ms. Sally Schwartz McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Noland Mr. and Mrs. Alan Offenberg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Purdy Ms. Michelle Sagalyn Mr. and Mrs. Craig Simmonds Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Solazzo Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Swanson Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Albert Winslow Mr. and Mrs. Glen F. Wisher Class of 2014 70% Participation Anonymous Mr. Randall Bingham Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caione

Fairfield Country Day School / Annual Report 2009-2010


2009-2010 Annual Fund Donors

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Colosimo Mr. and Mrs. Brian Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. David Friezo Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Garvey Mr. and Mrs. James D. Haas Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hallgarten Mr. and Mrs. Randall Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kessler Mr. Michael Lowsley-Williams and Ms. Erin Clancy Lowsley-Williams Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Maquat Mr. and Mrs. William Meury Mr. and Mrs. Claude Parenteau Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Payne Mr. and Mrs. Stan F. Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Savino Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Tuohy IV Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Whiteley Mr. Robert Withers and Ms. Anita Black Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zelson Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir Zeman Class of 2015 65% Participation Anonymous Mrs. Pauline Akers Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Rashid L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. David Burton Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Eckert Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ferris Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. George Martin Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Millard ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Alan Offenberg Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Paul ‘87

2009-2010 Parent Annual Fund Co-Chairs Mark Beaudoin and Louis Colosimo Thank you to the annual fund parent volunteers who served as class captains: Christopher Rosow Cheryl Bundy Mike Paliotta Scott Davidson Tom Purdy Bill Meury Christopher Eckert Brian Edmonds

Michael LeBlanc Vlad Zeman Jon Kane Rob Maquat Alan Offenberg Gretchen Keefe Michael Crawford Rolando Pantoja

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Riffice Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sires

Mr. Michael Smith and Ms. Kate Wootton-Smith Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Whiteley Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zelson

Class of 2016 68% Participation Mrs. Pauline Akers Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Ballou Mrs. Cathy Buckley Mr. and Mrs. William Paul Bundy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cardello Mr. and Mrs. Jean E. Cedon Mr. and Mrs. Louis Colosimo Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Adam Klyver Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Maquat Mr. and Mrs. William Meury Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Purdy Mr. Michael Scavone and Ms. Nancy Tenenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shaw

Class of 2017 76% Participation Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bachner Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Beaudoin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Citrone Mr. and Mrs. James G. Conzelman III ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Eckert Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Esse Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ferris Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Guterl Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Kirven III Mr. and Mrs. Adam Klyver Mr. John Lauter Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Rosow ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Smalls Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tarzian Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Tuohy IV Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir Zeman Class of 2018 52% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Barry ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Daliere Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Eykyn

14 Fairfield Country Day School / Annual Report 2009-2010

Class of 2019 90% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bachner Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Ballou Mr. and Mrs. Craig Balocca Mr. Eric Braun and Ms. Alice Chen Mr. and Mrs. William Paul Bundy Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cichella Ms. Sheila Clancy Mr. and Mrs. Simon Fenner Mr. and Mrs. Damon Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. James L. Haskel Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mason Mr. and Mrs. Peter McGonagle Mr. and Mrs. Ted Orenstein Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Raney Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Rosow ‘86 Mr. Michael Spellacy and Ms. Stephanie Rosenthal

giving By Constituency Trustee Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Beaudoin Mrs. Virginia K. Cargill Mr. and Mrs. Louis Colosimo Mr. and Mrs. James G. Conzelman III ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Cunningham Mr. Donald M. Dunbar and Dr. Susan F. Dunbar Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Frode Foss-Skiftesvik Mrs. Stephanie B. Frost

Peter Baker Studios

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gault Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Hublitz Mrs. Vera Maximin Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Paliotta Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Paul ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Pearce ‘88 Mr. Michael Smith and Ms. Kate Wootton-Smith Mr. David J. Sullivan III and Dr. Gioia J. Riccio Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Dr. Derek Yach and Dr. Yasmin von Schirnding

It Matters to Them…

that they have teachers who care about their academic development. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Garvey Mr. and Mrs. James D. Haas Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Huebsch Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kreitler Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Moriarty ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Poling Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rosow, Jr. ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. James B. Vose ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zelson Past Trustee Mr. and Mrs. John F. Akers Mr. and Mrs. William B. Auer Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Baker Mr. and Mrs. William Balamaci Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Barry ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Curtis Mrs. James P. Gillies Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Leland Miles Mrs. Nancy Mulholland Conroy Mr. and Mrs. John B. Payne ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rosow Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. Stovell Mr. and Mrs. David S. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wilkinson

Faculty & Staff Anonymous Mr. James Balmer and Ms. Mary Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Craig Balocca Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Baluha Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barnaby Ms. Kelly C. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bartolomeo Ms. Emily M. Brewster Ms. Helmi Bromley and Mr. Douglas Zarookian Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Clark Ms. Leah DeSabia Mr. John Dorman Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Dutt Mr. Prisco Panza and Mrs. Gina Falcone-Panza Mr. and Mrs. Brad Fallon Mr. John Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fedak III Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Franklin Mr. Thomas Freer Mr. and Mrs. Rick Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Keith Haydon Ms. Margaret E. Hemenway Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hull Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kaufmann Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Keogh Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klabonski Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lane Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis

Fairfield Country Day School / Annual Report 2009-2010


2009-2010 Annual Fund Donors

It Matters to Them…

that grandparents are a part of the FCDS community. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Littrell Mr. Albert J. Loschiavo Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. John A. McKenna, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kieran McTague Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Millard ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Marcus D. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Jason Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Chris Moore Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Morse ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Musico Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Owens Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Paige ‘62 Ms. Catherine Pallin Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Riedell Mr. and Mrs. John Riley Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Runkel Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Seymour Ms. Jenna F. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. George Skurja Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Sullinger Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Vigilante Mrs. Barbara Viner Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Yasner Former Faculty & Staff Mr. and Mrs. Rob Clarkson Mr. and Mrs. John Curtis Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hawley ‘56 Mr. John D. Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Landesman ‘96 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Munro, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. John B. Payne ‘55

Mrs. Helen Reed Mr. and Mrs. Richard Risley Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Rosow ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Sjodin Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith Mrs. Margaret Stearns Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Stutz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tate Mr. Robert D. Vitalo and Ms. Jacqueline Montras Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Michael Abercrombie Mr. and Mrs. John F. Akers Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Auer Mr. Paul Ballou Mr. Peter Baron Ms. Clara Baur Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Bebon Commander Arde A. Burki USN Ret and Mrs. Barbara Burki Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Chen Mrs. Amalia Colosimo Mr. and Mrs. Josef Cumpelik Mr. James Elovich Mr. and Mrs. R. Lindwood Faxon Ms. Diana Fernandez Mr. Donald Fierce Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gavel Mr. and Mrs. George Gowen Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Haskel Mr. and Mrs. John A. Howson Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kamerschen Mr. and Mrs. William G. Kuhns Mrs. Anne MacDougall and Mr. Gil Einstein

16 Fairfield Country Day School / Annual Report 2009-2010

Mr. William B. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. David McKane Mr. and Mrs. G. Patrick Nerbonne Mrs. Lucinda O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Rolando Pantoja Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Paul Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Petrasy Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Power Mr. and Mrs. Chris Raney Mr. and Mrs. William Regan Mrs. Gioia Riccio Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Rowins Mrs. Patti Runkel Mr. and Mrs. Tim Schramm Mrs. Nancy R. Schwartz Mrs. Mary M. Sherts Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Simmonds Ms. Joan Solazzo Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stageman Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tarzian Ms. Lynn Tenenbaum Mrs. Richard Van de Berghe Mr. and Mrs. William VanOllefen Mrs. Rose Williams Mr. and Mrs. Martin Zagarinsky Past Parent Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. John F. Akers Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Baker Mr. and Mrs. William Balamaci Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Bebon Ms. Gail H. Beckham Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Bush Mrs. Charles M. Butler Mr. and Mrs. David L. Calfee Mrs. Virginia K. Cargill Mr. and Mrs. James H. Crowley III Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. John Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Curtis Mr. Radley H. Daly * Dr. Judith E. Doctor Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fertig, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frode Foss-Skiftesvik Mrs. James P. Gillies Mr. and Mrs. Norwick R. Goodspeed Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Gray Mr. and Mrs. R. Drummond Grinalds Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hatton Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hawley ‘56 *deceased

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Helderman Mrs. Archibald R. Hoxton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Huebsch Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Keogh Mr. Michael Klingher and Dr. Lindsay Schine Mr. and Mrs. Simon Knott Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kreitler Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Landesman Mrs. Julia B. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Coleman R. Lyons, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Archie F. MacAllaster Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. MacInnis Mr. and Mrs. Richard McGrath Mr. Henry F. Merritt and Dr. Jane Hamilton-Merritt Dr. and Mrs. Leland Miles Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Moore ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Morgan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Moriarty ‘70 Mrs. Nancy Mulholland Conroy Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Niles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Norton Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Paige ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Palmisano Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Paul Mr. and Mrs. John B. Payne ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce ‘60 Mrs. Scarlett M. Pipkin Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Poling Mr. and Mrs. John R. Preston Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ratcliffe Mrs. Gioia Riccio Mr. and Mrs. Richard Risley Mr. Joseph W. Rocco, Jr. and Ms. Arlyne E. Russo

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rosow Dr. and Mrs. Allen Schlein Dr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Selleck Ms. H. Melanie Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Springall Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stanton Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Stevens Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. Stovell Mr. and Mrs. George J. Swander Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tate Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Terbell Ms. Joan S. Terranova Mr. and Mrs. James B. Vose ‘67 Mr. and Mrs. David S. Ward Mr. and Mrs. William F. Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wilder Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wilkinson Friend Mrs. Starr W. Snead

Campaign GIFTS and Pledge Payments Robert D. Vitalo Endowment for Professional Development Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Bertram Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Keegan Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Moriarty ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rosow Mr. and Mrs. William D. Rueckert Mr. Edward E. Stone ‘76 The Stone Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James G. Verrillo Mr. and Mrs. James B. Vose ‘67

Foundation The Grace Jones Richardson Trust The Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, Inc. The JWJ Family Foundation

Current Student Master Joshua D. Burton Master George C. Crawford Matching Gift Companies Alliance Bernstein L.P. Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Aid to Education Program Bank of America The Compass Group International, LLC General Electric General Re Corporation ITW Foundation Morgan Stanley Towers Perrin Wells Fargo Community Support

Gift-in-Kind Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Beaudoin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Citrone

Your support is greatly appreciated and we have made every effort to publish the names of all donors accurately. However, if there is an error please accept our sincere apology and please notify the Development Office so that we may correct our records.

The Gregory Society is named in honor of Fairfield Country Day School’s founding headmaster, Laurence W. (“Pope”) Gregory, who served as headmaster from 1936 until his death in 1946. Membership in the Gregory Society recognizes those individuals who have made provisions for Fairfield Country Day in their estate plans. You can help preserve the spirit of Fairfield Country Day School well into the future by becoming a member of the Gregory Society. There are many types of gifts that are recognized by the Gregory Society and prove to be financially beneficial to both the donor and the school. For more information about the Gregory Society please contact Ellen H. Keogh, Director of Development, at Ellen. Keogh@fcdsmail.org.

Fairfield Country Day School / Annual Report 2009-2010



Fairfield Country Day School 2970 Bronson Road Fairfield, CT 06824

Peter Baker Studios

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