FCDS 2012-2013 Annual Report

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Annual Report 2012-2013

The FCDS Impact

Board of Trustees 2012-2013 President James D. Haas Vice President Mark Beaudoin Treasurer Alan Offenberg Secretary Elizabeth Solazzo Cheryl Bundy Virginia Cargill Sheila Clancy James Conzelman ’77 Terilyn Esse Simon Fenner Lawrence Foley Stephanie Frost Kathleen Garvey Kevin Harmon Brian McGrath Michael Paliotta Gerald Pearce, Jr. ’84 Jennifer Poling Patrick Shaw James Vose ’67 Dan Zelson

New Trustees 2013-2014 Brandon Hall is the co-founder and principal of Forstone Capital, LLC, a full service real estate investment firm located in Darien, CT. Brandon is also a managing partner of the restaurant Harlan Social in Stamford, CT. He serves as a Commissioner of the Downtown Special Services District for Bridgeport, CT and is a board member of the suburban New York and Connecticut chapter of NAIOP, a commercial real estate development association. Brandon has been a Class Captain for the FCDS Annual Fund in 2011 and 2012. He is a graduate of Cornell University. Brandon and his wife, Blair, live in Westport with their five children, Carter and Luke who are in first and third grade at FCDS, and three daughters. Taylor Purdy has been an active member of the local community having served on the Board of the Westport Young Women’s League and a volunteer for Near & Far Aid. For several years Taylor co-hosted a nationally syndicated radio talk show on The Lifestyle Talk Radio Network, where she discussed current events and parenting. At FCDS Taylor has been a Room Parent, Co-Chaired the PA Annual Fundraiser, and was recently the Co-President of the Parents’ Association. Taylor graduated from Barnard College and received an MS in Education and Social Policy from Northwestern University. Taylor, and her husband, Tom, live in Fairfield with their three children, a daughter and two sons, Henry, FCDS Class of ’11 and Cameron a current seventh grader. Tom Bachner is a Senior Client Advisor at Bridgewater, LLC. Prior to joining Bridgewater, Tom served in the US government for ten years in a variety of intelligence related roles, and served three tours abroad in Eastern Europe. After leaving government service and earning an MBA, Tom was a strategy consultant for Arthur D. Little, focusing on corporate financial strategy. Tom has a BA from Yale in political science, where he also played on the varsity hockey team for three years, and an MBA from the University of Texas, Austin. At FCDS Tom has been a Class Captain for the Annual Fund. Tom and his wife Katie live in Weston with their four boys, Noah sixth grade, Gus fourth grade, and twins Barrett and Davis in first grade.

Contents 2 Letter from the Headmaster 3 Letter from the Treasurer Our Mission

Administration 2013-2014

Fairfield Country Day School provides an educational community dedicated to the personal growth and intellectual development of boys. Our balanced and challenging program is designed to help each student expand his desire and ability to acquire knowledge, stimulate his curiosity and creativity, and enhance his self esteem and respect for others. Each boy’s individual development is encouraged in an environment that anticipates the future while appreciating the past.

Headmaster John R. Munro, Jr.

Published By: FCDS Development Office Phone: 203-259-2723 Fax: 203-259-3249 Email: Ellen.Keogh@fairfieldcountryday.org Web: www.fairfieldcountryday.org Design: Imagemark, LLC. www.imagemark.net Photography: Robert Lisak www.robertlisak.com Barbara Viner

Head of Upper School Clifford Paige ’62 Head of Middle School Margot Pearce Head of Lower School Bill Mulcahy Director of Studies Deborah Sullinger Director of Admissions Richard Runkel Director of Finance & Operations Maureen Bartolomeo Director of Development Ellen H. Keogh Director of Athletics Brad Fallon Upper School Dean of Students George Lewis Learning Commons Coordinator Marie Mitchell

This annual report is printed on paper made with 30% post consumer waste fiber processed with environmental chlorine-free sources and certified by Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC®) to the Chain of Custody standard.

4 Treasurer’s Report

Development Committee

5 75th Anniversary Capital Campaign 7 75th Anniversary Capital Campaign Donors 8 Bronson Award 2012

Bronson Award Recipient List

9 What is the Annual Fund?

FCDS Annual Fund Highlights


Annual Fund Donors

24 Parents’ Association Spring 2013 Fundraiser 25 Gregory Society

Letter from the Headmaster Dear FCDS Community, An annual report publishes numbers – operating budgets, voluntary contributions and endowment statements. You will find all of that information in this annual report but you will also find that our numbers can tell the story of the educational journey of boys ages 4 to 15. What does an FCDS education look like at age 4, age 7, age 12, age 14? All of our efforts to ensure that we have a solid financial base are for the sole objective of providing an excellent education for these boys at all ages. It is an amazing opportunity we have as educators to work with boys at such an impressionable time in their development. Seeing the span of ages from Pre-K to Ninth Grade and the growth throughout a County Day education is powerful. Throughout this annual report you will see the impact of an FCDS education at all ages. What is accomplished each year though is not done in isolation amongst faculty and staff. It is the collaborative efforts of the entire Country Day community – parents, trustees, alumni, grandparents, past parents and friends who give of their time and resources to make it possible for every boy to experience the benefits of a Country Day education. Our Country Day numbers also tell the story of a school completing its 76th year of educating boys and preparing for future generations of Fairfield Country Day students. As you will read in more detail on page 5, we are thrilled to launch the public phase of the 75th Anniversary Capital Campaign. Our goal is to raise $7,000,000 which is needed for the facility enhancements and endowment growth identified in the strategic plan of 2009. Thanks to the extraordinary generosity of our leadership donors I am honored to report that we have raised $5,825,250 to date. I look forward to the entire community coming together this year to help us reach this ambitious goal. On behalf of all Country Day students, from our youngest Pre-K boys to our mature ninth graders, thank you for your support of their educational journey. Your commitment, in time, resources and spirit, makes it possible for our boys to receive an excellent education at a critically formative time in their lives.

Sincerely, John R. Munro, Jr. Headmaster

2 FCDS Annual Report 2012-13

Letter from the Treasurer Dear FCDS Family and Friends, Fairfield Country Day’s growth phase continued in the 2012-2103 fiscal year. Notable achievements included the opening of the Middle School wing, the school-wide implementation of the new technology plan, and the commitment to transform the library into the Learning Commons. I am pleased to note that these accomplishments were realized alongside strong financial results and the Finance Committee’s continued prudent management of the school’s finances. The support from the FCDS community in the early phases of the 75th Anniversary Capital Campaign was also a critical component to the school’s successes, and will remain so going forward. In addition to the facility improvements, a primary goal of the Capital Campaign is to grow the school’s endowment. Under the careful oversight of the Investment Committee, the endowment grew 18% to its current value of $7,250,000. A continued commitment to the endowment is critical to safeguarding the future of the school and providing curricular enhancements at FCDS. We are grateful to all of you who have supported the Capital Campaign to date and look forward to the participation of the entire community to drive the success of this important fundraising effort that will benefit each boy at Country Day. Heading into 2013-2014, we remain committed to optimizing the school’s financial performance, maintaining a conservative balance sheet, minimizing tuition increases and supporting the faculty and administration with the resources necessary to provide your boys with the finest education available. On behalf of the Board of Trustees and all of the students and faculty who benefit from your commitment to Fairfield Country Day, thank you very much for your support. Sincerely, Alan Offenberg Treasurer

3 FCDS Annual Report 2012-13

Treasurer’s Report

Operating Expenses 2013

Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2013

Operating Income 2013 8,125,400 91%

Tuition Income

Salaries and Benefits

5,249,493 56%

Physical Plant

1,717,591 18%

Financial Aid

1,083,500 12%


413,527 4%


356,664 4%

Annual Giving (unrestricted)*

435,188 5%

Food Services

318,194 3%

Other Income

303,538 3%

Other Expenses

218,195 2%

Other Fundraising

122,834 1%

Interest on Debt

73,272 <.1%





Excess of Expenses Over Income ($443,476)

* Includes non-cash depreciation





12% 3% 4%

3% 1%


<.1% 2%

Total Voluntary Giving 2012-2013 as of June 30, 2013

Kathleen Garvey, Chair

Annual Giving *


Cheryl Bundy

Parents’ Association Gift


Terilyn Esse

75th Anniversary Campaign TOTAL VOLUNTARY GIVING


Development Committee 2012-2013

* Includes unrestricted and restricted gifts

FCDS Annual Report 2012-13

1,629,750 $2,199,813

Stephanie Frost Jim Vose

Honoring Our Tradition, Building Our Future

75th Anniversary Capital Campaign Investing in the Future of Fairfield Country Day School

Campaign Progress

As we step into our next 75 years, we are asking the entire Fairfield Country Day School community to support this extraordinary campaign. Join us at this transformative moment to change the lives of today’s boys and secure the future for generations to come.

Campaign Goal

$7,000,000 Current Campaign Total

Capital Projects Our capital improvements are taking place in three phases, allowing us to rigorously assess our needs on an ongoing basis and ensure the most effective stewardship of our resources. Phase One (Completed Summer ’09): Phase One involved the renovation of the Lower School Division and upgrades to our playing fields. These projects were funded out of the general operating budget.

Phase Two (Completed Summer ’12): Phase Two involved the renovation and expansion of our Middle School and Science Wing. This phase was supported by capital campaign gifts from the Board of Trustees and a small group of generous leadership donors.

Phase Three (Summer ’13): Construction of the Learning Commons was recently completed this past August. This phase was supported by capital campaign gifts from the Board of Trustees and a small group of generous leadership donors.

Endowment Our endowment growth will allow us to make substantial investments in new program development, faculty salaries and benefits, scholarship support for qualified students, and the financial stability and security of the school. Our goals for endowment growth will be met only through the extraordinary generosity of the entire FCDS community.

$5,825,250* * Includes all gifts and pledges received as of November 2, 2013

$5 $4 $3

To Raise Raised To Date (in millions)

$2 $1 $0 Capital Projects



FCDS Annual Report 2012-13

75th Anniversary Capital Campaign

The campaign outcomes will impact every boy at FCDS, and are tied to the following curriculum initiatives: ■■




Middle School Division: The successful launch of our Middle School division is now fully integrated into our community and our facility thanks to the construction of the new Middle School wing. This new space, open as of September 2012, adds new classrooms to create a learning environment best suited to the developmental needs of boys in grades four, five, and six. Science and Technology: FCDS has a tradition of innovation in our science and technology programs. As part of the Middle School wing expansion, we renovated and upgraded science classrooms to reflect advances in our curriculum. As part of our new technology plan, we are integrating technology more fully into every aspect of the academic experience at every grade level. Learning Commons: This past summer we transformed the library into a Learning Commons – an inviting, shared learning space that combined the former Library and Computer Lab. The Learning Commons is an open space concept that accommodates our earliest readers to our most technologically advanced ninth graders. It includes a distance learning lab, sound recording studio, and center for video editing. The distance learning lab, or “global classroom” will support recent partnerships between FCDS and schools in Spain and Japan, along with future endeavors as we expand our connection with cultures across the world. This flexible, adaptable space will benefit every boy at Country Day. Programs and Faculty: Our endowment makes day-to-day life at Country Day possible, ensuring that every boy receives a high quality education under the instruction of expert faculty. Income from our endowment supports new program development, faculty salaries and benefits, and scholarships. The endowment strengthens the financial security of the school and provides relief for the general operating budget. Currently, Country Day’s endowment lags significantly behind those of peer independent schools in the region.

Legacy of Our Shared Commitment


For 75 years, our community’s dedication to and generous involvement with our school has provided the physical and fiscal resources for Fairfield Country Day School to be an exceptional school for boys.

FCDS Annual Report 2012-13

1961 Dining room and kitchen added (now the current Green Family art and music wing).

Steering Committee Co-Chair, 75th Anniversary Campaign Kathleen L. Garvey Co-Chair, 75th Anniversary Campaign Larry Foley Co-Chair, 75th Anniversary Campaign James D. Haas Headmaster John R. Munro, Jr. Virginia Cargill Sheila Clancy James Conzelman ’77 Terilyn Esse Kyle Hublitz Ellen Keogh Alan Offenberg Gerry Pearce, Jr. ’84 Jocelyn Pearson Patrick and Finley Shaw Jim Vose ’67

1986 50th Anniversary Capital Campaign funds the 4th and 5th grade classroom wing and builds endowment.

1989 Fairfield Country Day Skating Rink is built through the generosity and efforts of the Rosow Family and Worthington Johnson.

75th Anniversary Capital Campaign Donors* Honoring Our Tradition, Building Our Future Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. John F. Akers Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bachner Ms. Catherine Balkun Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Bates Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Beaudoin Mr. and Mrs. William S. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. William Brasser Mr. and Mrs. William Paul Bundy Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burchill Mr. and Mrs. W. Murray Buttner Mr. and Mrs. James Cahill Mrs. Virginia K. Cargill Mr. and Mrs. Robert Citrone Ms. Sheila Clancy Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Louis Colosimo Mr. and Mrs. James G. Conzelman, III ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Craig, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Jared Dermont Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doering, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Duffy, III Mr. Donald M. Dunbar Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Eckert Mr. and Mrs. Brian Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Esse Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Eykyn Mr. and Mrs. Simon Fenner Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Frode Foss-Skiftesvik Mr. and Mrs. David Friezo

Mrs. Stephanie B. Frost Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gault GE Foundation Mrs. James P. Gillies Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program Mr. Mark Grayson and Ms. Sarah Houghton Mr. and Mrs. James D. Haas Mr. and Mrs. Brandon P. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Halpern Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. James L. Haskel Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hatton Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Hublitz Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kessler Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kodweis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kreitler Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kuchta Mr. and Mrs. Richard Laferriere, II Mr. and Mrs. James F. Lavelle Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lowsley-Williams Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mason Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. R. Pierre McGuire Mr. Sean J. McManus ’70 Ms. Kim Meier Mr. and Mrs. William Meury Michael & Susan Dell Foundation Morgan Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Moriarty Mr. and Mrs. John R. Munro, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Noland

1996 Realizing Our Vision Capital Campaign raises over $7 million to build a new gym, the Rosow Family Auditorium, Ryan Family Computer Room, and Marsilio Family Dining Room, renovate classrooms, and add $1 million to the endowment.

2003 & 2006 New endowment funds of nearly $3 million are raised through two campaigns— the One Vision Two Schools: Boys School and the Robert Vitalo Endowment for Professional Development.

Northern Tier Energy, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Offenberg Mr. and Mrs. Frederick O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Orben Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Oricoli Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Paliotta Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Stan Pearson Mr. Thorne L. Perkin ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Poling Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rosow, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sarathi Roy Mr. and Mrs. William D. Rueckert Mr. and Mrs. Howard Saffan Ms. Michelle Sagalyn Samson Capital Advisors Mr. and Mrs. Christian Sauska Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sires Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Solazzo Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stapleton Mr. Edward E. Stone ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Swanson Mr. and Mrs. William Sweedler Mr. Jonathan M. Terbell ’02 The Stone Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Thompson Mrs. Genevieve Tucker Mr. and Mrs. James B. Vose ’67 Wells Fargo Matching Gift Program Mr. and Mrs. Albert Winslow Dr. Derek Yach and Dr. Yasmin von Schirnding Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zelson * List as of November 2, 2013

2008 Athletic fields renovation, including Blair Field and Curtis Field.

2009 Lower School wing renovation provides a new 1st grade classroom, dedicated areas for learning specialists, and classroom upgrades.


FCDS Annual Report 2012-13

2012 Bronson Award Recipient Virginia Cargill Left to right: Jim Haas, Virginia Cargill, and John Munro

Bronson Award Recipients 2012

Virginia Cargill

The purpose of the Bronson Award is to honor a member of the Fairfield Country Day community who through their dedication to Country Day has shaped our school in lasting and impactful ways. The dedication of Virginia Cargill to FCDS certainly exceeds the parameters for Bronson Award recognition.


Frode and Mary Foss-Skiftesvik


Larry and Megan Foley


John and Susan Akers

Virginia’s two sons, Bill and Stephen, are FCDS graduates, Classes of 2004 and 2005 respectively. Although, Virginia and her late husband, Bill Cargill, were no strangers to FCDS; Bill Cargill was also a Country Day alumnus, Class of 1971.


Jim and Bailey Haas


John and Dorothy Payne


Mary and Kevin Cunningham


Tom and Patti Keegan Gary and Barbara Johnson


David and Anny Ward Michael and Lauri Friedland


Bill and Fleur Rueckert


Jim and Whitney Vose


John and Betsy Perkin

Since September 1994 when Virginia began her role as an FCDS parent, she has given of herself tirelessly throughout the ensuing 18 years. Even after her youngest son’s graduation in 2005, Virginia remained dedicated to Country Day through her ongoing role on the Board of Trustees. Virginia has served on the Board of Trustees since 2000 in many capacities including, President of the Board, Chair of the Development Committee, Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee and the Marketing Committee.


There have been few FCDS parents whose commitment to help Country Day be the best school for boys can equal that of Virginia’s. Her gifts of time, knowledge and resources have truly impacted FCDS in positive and lasting ways, an extremely worthy recipient of the 2012 Bronson Award.

FCDS Annual Report 2012-13

2000 David and Jeanne Rosow Worthington and Fran Johnson

The FCDS Impact: development of strong relationships

What is the Annual Fund?


Total raised in unrestricted and restricted gifts. Of the total raised‌

$211,210 Like most independent schools, Fairfield Country Day School conducts an annual appeal each school year to raise unrestricted funds that are allocated to the operating budget. These funds close the gap between tuition income and operating expenses. Annual fund contributions account for approximately 6% of the general operating budget. Support of the annual fund is critical to meet some of the immediate financial needs of school. Every student benefits from a strong annual fund in their daily experiences at FCDS.

was contributed by current parents with 70% participating


was contributed by trustees with 100% participating


was contributed by current grandparents and past parents

100% of the faculty and staff supported the FCDS Annual Fund. FCDS alumni participation increased for the fourth consecutive year.


FCDS Annual Report 2012-13

The FCDS Impact: developing critical thinking skills in small peer groups

Annual Fund Donors 2012-2013 Thank you to all of last year’s Annual Fund donors. Each of your contributions impacted the educational experience of every Country Day student. You made it possible to continue the legacy of being an excellent school for boys. Donors by Category Leadership Gift $25,000 + Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Ferris Bronson Society Headmaster’s Circle $15,000 + Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mr. and Mrs. James D. Haas Mr. and Mrs. Marc R. Hruschka Bronson Society Gold $10,000 + Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Esse Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Garvey Mr. and Mrs. Ned C. Lautenbach Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Offenberg Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wright Bronson Society Silver $5,000 + Mr. and Mrs. William Brasser Mr. and Mrs. William Paul Bundy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Citrone Ms. Sheila Clancy Mrs. F. George du Pont Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Eykyn Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lawlor Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Oricoli Mr. and Mrs. John Riley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sires Mr. and Mrs. John Staikos

Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Stonehouse Mr. and Mrs. William Sweedler Mr. and Mrs. Jason Tremont Mr. and Mrs. Brian Worrell Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zelson Bronson Society Bronze $2,500 + Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. John F. Akers Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bachner Ms. Catherine H. Balkun Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Beaudoin Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bilyard Mr. and Mrs. James Cahill Mrs. Virginia K. Cargill Mr. and Mrs. Louis Colosimo Mr. and Mrs. James G. Conzelman, III ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Craig, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeVellis Mr. and Mrs. Frode Foss-Skiftesvik Mr. and Mrs. David Friezo The Grace Jones Richardson Trust Mr. and Mrs. Brandon P. Hall Mr. Worthington Johnson, Jr. ’66 JWJ Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Brian McGrath Mr. Sean J. McManus ’70 Ms. Kim Meier Mr. and Mrs. William Meury


FCDS Annual Report 2012-13

Annual Fund Donors 2012-2013 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Oravec Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Paliotta Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Palmisano Mr. Andreas G. Papadatos and Ms. Brenda C. Thickett Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Prister Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Purdy Mr. Peter L. Richardson ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Santoro Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Scheetz Mr. and Mrs. Josh Schott Mr. and Mrs. Andy Strober Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trudeau Mr. and Mrs. James B. Vose ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Winslow Dr. Derek Yach and Dr. Yasmin von Schirnding


Crusaders Club $1,000 + Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Bavedas Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Blasius Mr. Edward Boyle and Ms. Ellen Ringle Boyle Mr. Eric Braun and Ms. Alice Chen Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burchill Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Burki Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cherry, III Dr. Richard H. Clarida and Ms. Polly M. Barry Mr. and Mrs. Joseph De Meneses, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jared Dermont Mr. Grant F. Dougherty Mr. Michael Dougherty and Ms. Stacy Fierce Mr. and Mrs. Brian Edmonds Mr. Phil Ficks ’65 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Flaherty Mrs. Stephanie B. Frost Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gault Mr. Nathaniel W. Gibbons ’71 Mr. Mathew Goldsmith and Ms. Cheryl Guibone Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Halpern

FCDS Annual Report 2012-13

Mr. Emilio J. Iasiello, III ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kodweis Mr. John D. Koizim and Ms. Martha Castillo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kreitler Mr. and Mrs. Richard Laferriere, II Mr. Daniel J. A. Lewis ’06 Mrs. Joan Lewis Mr. Jonathan S. Lewis ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Marlowe Mr. and Mrs. David McKane Mr. and Mrs. John R. Munro, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Noland Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Paul Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Penske Mr. Christopher J. Popadic ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Quental Mr. and Mrs. Michael Riffice Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rosow Mr. and Mrs. William D. Rueckert Mr. Robert D. Russo, III ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Sjodin Mr. and Mrs. Steve Smyth Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Solazzo Mr. Ted Sprinkle and Ms. Cynthia Schmitt-Sprinkle Mr. David J. Sullivan, III and Dr. Gioia J. Riccio The Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Thompson Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Tuohy, IV Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Whiteley Blue-White Club $500 + Mr. James Aselta and Ms. Barbara Creagh Mr. and Mrs. Alex Conroy Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doering, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dryden Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Ferdinand, III Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Finley Mr. and Mrs. David L. Friedline Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Giacobbe Ms. Cynthia Harmon

Mr. John D. Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jannotta Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Kelly Ms. Ellen H. Keogh Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Langdon Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Larsen ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Latshaw Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lee Mr. and Mrs. John P. McNicholas Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Millard ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Samuel V. Niles ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Oudin, III ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Panico Mr. and Mrs. Claude Parenteau Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Poling Mrs. Helen Reed Mr. Joseph W. Rocco, Jr. and Ms. Arlyne E. Russo Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Rosow ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Tim Schramm Mr. Reid H. Stewart ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Sweeny Mr. Curt R. Tobey and Ms. Elizabeth V. Myer-Tobey Mr. Hunter C. Tremaine ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vayda Mr. David R. White ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Randall White Mr. Robert Withers and Ms. Anita Black Blazers $1-499 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Abercrombie Mr. Donald S. Aikenhead ’55 Mrs. Pauline Akers Mr. Scott F. Akers ’80 Mr. Christopher J. Albanese ’07 Mr. Louis F. Albanese, II ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Allen Mr. Robert H. Anstett ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Antonucci Mr. Alexander T. Auer ’10 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Auer Mr. Nicholas W. Auer ’08 Mr. Donald Austin ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Baker Mr. and Mrs. William Balamaci Mr. Paul Ballou

The FCDS Impact: a strong, balanced athletic experience

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Balocca Mr. and Mrs. Craig Balocca Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Baluha Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barnaby Ms. Kelly C. Barr Mr. and Mrs. John F. Barry, III ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Barry ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bartolomeo Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Bavedas ’93 Ms. Catherine Bergstrom Mr. and Mrs. Travis Berry Mr. Edwin J. Blair ’51 Dr. Daniel Bordea and Dr. Mihaela Costin Mr. Robert P. Brodersen ’82 Ms. Helmi Bromley and Mr. Douglas Zarookian Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brown Mr. and Mrs. Rashid L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Michael Buono Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Buono Commander Arde A. Burki USN Ret and Mrs. Barbara Burki

Mr. Bradford W. Bush ’76 Mr. Jeffrey P. Bush ’78 Mrs. Shirley Bush Mr. and Mrs. E. Robert Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Justin Cathcart Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Chen Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cichella Mrs. Candace A. Clarkson Mrs. Amalia Colosimo Mr. and Mrs. James Conopask Mrs. Virginia Crosby Ms. Jesse Crouch Mr. James H. Crowley, IV ’91 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Crowley, III Mr. Joseph C. Crowley ’97 Mr. and Mrs. John Cullinan Mr. and Mrs. Josef Cumpelik Mr. Peter H. Daly ’68 Mr. Damon C. DiMauro ’76 Mr. John Dorman Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Duffy, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Duffy, III Mr. John A. Edmonds ’12 Mr. Timothy B. Edmonds ’10 Mr. W. Brewster Ely, IV ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Brad Fallon Mr. and Mrs. John Fallon Mr. and Mrs. R. Lindwood Faxon Ms. Diana Fernandez Mr. Grayson M. Fertig ’95 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fertig, Jr. Mr. Edward J. Fiddler ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel E. Figueroa Mr. Ryan G. Foss-Skiftesvik ’07 Mr. Mark W. Foster ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Franklin Mr. Ferdinand H. Frassinelli ’73 Mr. Thomas Freer Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Friezo Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gabriel Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gage Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gavel

13 FCDS Annual Report 2012-13

Annual Fund Donors 2012-2013 Dr. Harold I. Genvert ’68 Mrs. Paul Gibian Mrs. James P. Gillies Mr. Roger C. Goodspeed ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Goodwin Dr. and Mrs. David Gottlieb Mr. and Mrs. Steve Graham Mr. and Mrs. James M. Graves ’49 Mr. Alexander L. Gray ’82 Mr. Elliot W. Gray ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Gray Mrs. Lee S. Hagelin Dr. Heather Hamilton Ms. Damienne Harfouche

14 FCDS Annual Report 2012-13

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harrington Ms. Shannon Hartney Mr. and Mrs. James L. Haskel Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hawley Mr. Brian A. Helderman ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Helderman Ms. Margaret E. Hemenway Mr. Christopher H. Heyn ’07 Mr. Scott M. Horvath ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Housey Mr. Archibald R. Hoxton, III ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Hublitz Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hull Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Hutton

Mr. Zachary I. K. Hutton ’08 Mr. Noel Hynd ’62 Mr. Angelo M. Iasiello, II ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jaffin Mr. and Mrs. Colin Jeavons Mr. Andrew R. Johnson ’07 Mr. Gray A. Johnson ’12 Mr. James C. Johnson ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kaufmann Mr. Gerrit M. Keator ’53 Mr. Bronson L. Kelly ’07 Mr. LaMar Kennedy Mr. Blake D. Keogh ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kimball Mr. Jeffrey T. Kimberly ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Kirven, III

The FCDS Impact: developing curious minds in ways that boys learn best

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klabonski Mr. and Mrs. Steven Klemenz Mr. Nathaniel J. Klingher ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Adam Klyver Mr. Johanan T. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Simon Knott Mr. Matthew C. Koizim ’00 Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Kutcher Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Lahey, III ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Stan Lamour Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Landesman Mr. George Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Littrell Dr. George B. Longstreth, III ’53 Mr. Albert J. LoSchiavo Mr. David S. MacAllaster ’73 Mr. and Mrs. M. William Macey, Jr. Mr. Jeffrey B. Madwed ’73 Mr. Piotr Marczewski and Ms. Magdalena Pertynska Mr. and Mrs. Neil R. Martell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mazza Mr. and Mrs. Greg L. McCubbin Mr. Bruce L. McDermott and Ms. Sally Schwartz-McDermott Mr. Matthew D. McDermott ’13 Ms. Joan McFarlane Mr. Donald L. McGloon ’40 Mr. and Mrs. Richard E McGrath Mr. and Mrs. R. Pierre McGuire Mr. and Mrs. John A. McKenna, Jr. Mr. Henry F. Merritt and Dr. Jane Hamilton-Merritt Mrs. Charles E.F. Millard Mr. Douglas G. Moore, Jr. ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Moriarty ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Morse ’86 Mr. and Mrs. William Mulcahy Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Musico Ms. Mary Nelson and Mr. James Balmer Mr. Nicholas Niles, III ’80 Mr. and Mrs. James Noland Mr. Harry S. Oakley, Jr. Mr. Brian O’Connor Mrs. Lucinda O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Oldershaw

Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Loughlin Mr. Collin P. O’Neill ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Owens Mr. and Mrs. Steve Owens Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Paige ’62 Mr. Daniel A. Paliotta ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paliotta Mr. Michael J. Paliotta, Jr. ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Panich Mr. Day L. Patterson ’58 Mrs. Gretchen M. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Paul ’87 Mr. J. D. Paxton ’39 Mr. Geoffrey S. Payne ’61 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Payne ’55 Mr. Christopher T. Perkin ’88 Mr. Richard S. Perkin, II ’96 Mr. and Mrs. David M. Perry ’69 Mr. Michael G. Proctor ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Purcell Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Raney Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ratcliffe Mr. Michael J. Recchia ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Redgate, III Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Reiling Mr. Michael D. Rhea, Sr. Mr. Frank J. Riccio, II ’72 Mr. Colton A. Riley ’99 Mr. Richard S. Ritzel, II ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Ritzel, Jr. Mr. Blake W. Robinson ’62 Mr. Cleveland D. Rueckert ’99 Mr. John E. Runkel ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Runkel Dr. and Mrs. Allen Schlein Mr. and Mrs. Helmut K. Schmale Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Seymour Mr. Stephen F. Seymour ’07 Mr. and Mrs. B. Robert Shaw Mrs. Mary M. Sherts Mrs. Janet D. Shostak Mr. John S. Shoup ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Craig Simmonds Mr. David W. Sinclair ’72 Mr. Curtis A. Sjodin ’07 Mr. Eric J. Sjodin ’08 Mr. William D. Sjodin ’11

Mr. and Mrs. George Skurja Mr. Andrew E. Slade ’09 Mr. William C. Slade ’11 Ms. Annette Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smyth Mrs. Starr W. Snead Mr. Garrett K. Spitzer ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Springall Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stageman Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stanton Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stapleton Mrs. Margaret B. Stearns Mr. Christopher C. Stevens ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Stevens Mr. Stephen G. Stonehouse, III ’13 Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. Stovell Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sturges, Jr. ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Stutz Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Sullinger Mr. Patrick Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. George J. Swander Mr. Zachary J. Swander ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Symons Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Terbell Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Mr. H. Lawrence Thompson, IV ’91 The Rev. and Mrs. Henry L. Thompson, III Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thompson Mr. Radclyffe F. Thompson ’59 Mr. and Mrs. James Tilley Mr. and Mrs. Vincent S. Tirola Mr. Peter J. Tweedley ’08 Mr. and Mrs. James G. Verrillo Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Vigilante Mrs. Barbara Viner Mr. John Vineyard, IV Mr. Robert D. Vitalo and Ms. Jacqueline Montras Mr. Jeb Walker Ms. Sheltry Ward Mr. John W. Watkins ’69 Mr. George C. Whiteley, III Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wilder Mr. Christopher J. Wright ’88 Ms. Patricia Wright Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Yasner Mr. Vladimir Zeman


FCDS Annual Report 2012-13

Annual Fund Donors 2012-2013 Alumni Giving by Class Class Of 1939 Mr. J. D. Paxton Class Of 1940 Mr. Donald L. McGloon Class Of 1949 Mr. James M. Graves Class of 1951 Mr. Edwin J. Blair Class of 1952 Mr. Christopher Larsen Class of 1953 Mr. Gerrit M. Keator Dr. George B. Longstreth, II Class of 1955 Mr. Donald S. Aikenhead Mr. John B. Payne Class of 1957 Mr. Mark W. Foster Class of 1958 Mr. Archibald R. Hoxton, III Mr. Day L. Patterson Class of 1959 Mr. Radclyffe F. Thompson Class of 1960 Mr. Gerald G. Pearce Class of 1961 Mr. Geoffrey S. Payne Mr. John S. Shoup


Class of 1962 Mr. W. Brewster Ely, IV Mr. Noel Hynd

FCDS Annual Report 2012-13

Class of 1974 Mr. Edward J. Fiddler

Mr. Clifford E. Paige Mr. Blake W. Robinson Mr. John A. Sturges, Jr.

Class of 1976 Mr. Bradford W. Bush Mr. Damon C. DiMauro

Class of 1965 Mr. Phil Ficks

Class of 1977 Mr. James G. Conzelman, III

Class of 1966 Mr. Roger C. Goodspeed Mr. Worthington Johnson, Jr.

Class of 1978 Mr. Jeffrey P. Bush

Class of 1967 Mr. John F. Barry, III Mr. James B. Vose Class of 1968 Mr. Peter H. Daly Dr. Harold I. Genvert Mr. Peter L. Richardson Class of 1969 Mr. David M. Perry Mr. John W. Watkins Class of 1970 Mr. Sean J. McManus Mr. Robert F. Moriarty Class of 1971 Mr. Nathaniel W. Gibbons Class of 1972 Mr. Donald Austin Mr. Michael G. Proctor Mr. Frank J. Riccio, II Mr. David W. Sinclair Class of 1973 Mr. Michael F. Barry Mr. Ferdinand H. Frassinelli Mr. David S. MacAllaster Mr. Jeffrey B. Madwed Mr. Charles F. Oudin, III

Class of 1979 Mr. Garrett K. Spitzer Class of 1980 Mr. Scott F. Akers Mr. Angelo M. Iasiello, II Mr. Nicholas Niles, III Class of 1981 Mr. Samuel V. Niles Class of 1982 Mr. Robert P. Brodersen Mr. Alexander L. Gray Class of 1983 Mr. Edward V. Lahey, III Class of 1984 Mr. Emilio J. Iasiello, III Mr. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. Class of 1986 Mr. Elliot W. Gray Mr. Gregory J. Millard Mr. Stephen L. Morse Mr. Christopher D. Rosow Class of 1987 Mr. Matthew R. Paul Class of 1988 Mr. Christopher T. Perkin Mr. Reid H. Stewart Mr. Christopher J. Wright

The FCDS Impact: inspiring creativity and imagination

Annual Fund Donors 2012-2013

Class of 2001 Mr. Louis F. Albanese, II

Class of 1990 Mr. Christopher J. Popadic Mr. Robert D. Russo, III

Class of 1997 Mr. Joseph C. Crowley Mr. Scott M. Horvath

Class of 2002 Mr. Jonathan S. Lewis Mr. Christopher C. Stevens

Class of 1991 Mr. James H. Crowley, IV Mr. H. Lawrence Thompson, IV Mr. Hunter C. Tremaine

Class of 1998 Mr. Blake D. Keogh

Class of 2004 Mr. Douglas G. Moore, Jr. Mr. Michael J. Recchia

Class of 1993 Mr. Gregory J. Bavedas Class of 1995 Mr. Grayson M. Fertig Class of 1996 Mr. Jeffrey T. Kimberly Mr. Richard S. Perkin, II

Class of 1999 Mr. Robert H. Anstett Mr. Colten A. Riley Mr. Richard S. Ritzel, II Mr. Cleveland D. Rueckert Mr. Zachary J. Swander Class of 2000 Mr. Matthew C. Koizim

Class of 2006 Mr. Daniel J. A. Lewis Class of 2007 Mr. Christopher J. Albanese Mr. Ryan G. Foss-Skiftesvik Mr. Christopher H. Heyn Mr. Andrew R. Johnson Mr. Bronson L. Kelly

The FCDS Impact: engaging in collaborative learning

18 FCDS Annual Report 2012-13

Mr. John E. Runkel Mr. Stephen F. Seymour Mr. Curtis A. Sjodin Class of 2008 Mr. Nicholas W. Auer Mr. Zachary I. K. Hutton Mr. Nathaniel J. Klingher Mr. Michael J. Paliotta, Jr. Mr. Eric J. Sjodin Mr. Peter J. Tweedley Class of 2009 Mr. Brian A. Helderman Mr. James C. Johnson Mr. Andrew E. Slade Class of 2010 Mr. Alexander T. Auer Mr. Timothy B. Edmonds Mr. Daniel A. Paliotta Mr. David R. White Class of 2011 Mr. William D. Sjodin Mr. William C. Slade Class of 2012 Mr. John A. Edmonds Mr. Gray A. Johnson Mr. Johanan T. Knight Mr. Collin P. O’Neill Class of 2013 Mr. Matthew D. McDermott Mr. Stephen G. Stonehouse, III

Parent Giving by Class Ninth Grade 68% Participation Mr. and Mrs. William Brasser Mr. and Mrs. James Cahill Mr. and Mrs. James G. Conzelman, III ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Craig, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Duffy, III Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley

Annual Fund 2012-2013 Parent Class Captains Annual Fund Chair Louis Colosimo Thanks very much to the annual fund class captains for their successful efforts. Matt Paul Tom Bachner Brandon Hall Joe De Meneses

John Kodweis Sam Cargill Sam Gault Ted Sprinkle

Mrs. Stephanie B. Frost Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Noland Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stapleton Mr. and Mrs. William Sweedler Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Sweeny Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Albert Winslow Eighth Grade 62% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Louis Colosimo Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Duffy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel E. Figueroa Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Garvey Mr. and Mrs. James D. Haas Ms. Damienne Harfouche Mr. and Mrs. William Meury Mr. and Mrs. Steve Owens Mr. and Mrs. Claude Parenteau Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Sjodin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trudeau Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Tuohy, IV Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Whiteley Mr. Robert Withers and Ms. Anita Black Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zelson Mr. Vladimir Zeman Seventh Grade 67% Participation Anonymous (1) Mrs. Pauline Akers

Andy Strober Charlie Allen Bill Stapelton Rob Maquat

Ed Tuohy Bill Meury Tommy Craig Al Winslow

Mr. Scott F. Akers ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bilyard Mr. Edward Boyle and Ms. Ellen Ringle Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Rashid L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Buono Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Duffy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ferris Mr. and Mrs. Colin Jeavons Mr. LaMar Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Scott Marlowe Ms. Joan McFarlane Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Millard ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Offenberg Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Loughlin Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Oricoli Mr. and Mrs. Richard Panico Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Paul ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Riffice Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sires Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stapleton Sixth Grade 69% Participation Mrs. Pauline Akers Mr. Scott F. Akers ’80 Ms. Catherine H. Balkun Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brown Mr. and Mrs. William Paul Bundy

19 FCDS Annual Report 2012-13

Annual Fund Donors 2012-2013 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Colosimo Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Adam Klyver Mr. and Mrs. William Meury Mr. and Mrs. Mark Oravec Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Purdy Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Quental Mr. and Mrs. Josh Schott Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shaw Mr. Ted Sprinkle and Ms. Cynthia Schmitt-Sprinkle Mr. and Mrs. Andy Strober Mr. and Mrs. William Sweedler Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Whiteley Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zelson


Fifth Grade 73% Participation Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bachner Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Blasius Mr. and Mrs. Robert Citrone Mr. and Mrs. James Conopask Mr. and Mrs. James G. Conzelman, III ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeVellis Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Duffy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Esse Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Ferdinand, III Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Ferris Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gage Mr. Mathew Goldsmith and Ms. Cheryl Guibone Ms. Danienne Harfouche Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Kirven, III Mr. and Mrs. Adam Klyver Mr. and Mrs. R. Pierre McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Prister Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Rosow ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thompson Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Tuohy, IV Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vayda Mr. Valdimir Zeman

FCDS Annual Report 2012-13

Fourth Grade 60% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burchill Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Burki Mr. and Mrs. John Cullinan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Eykyn Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gault Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Giacobbe Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Hublitz Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lee Mr. Piotr Marczewski and Ms. Magdalena Pertynska Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Paliotta Mr. Andreas G. Papadatos and Ms. Brenda Thickett Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Paul ’87 Mr. David J. Sullivan, III and Dr. Gioia J. Riccio Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Dr. Derek Yach and Dr. Yasmin von Schirnding Third Grade 84% Participation Anonymous (1) Mr. James Aselta and Ms. Barbara Creagh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bachner Mr. and Mrs. Craig Balocca Dr. Daniel Bordea and Dr. Mihaela Costin Mr. Eric Braun and Ms. Alice Chen Mr. and Mrs. William Paul Bundy Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cichella Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeVellis Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Duffy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Halpern Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. James L. Haskel Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Noland Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Raney Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Reiling Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Rosow ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Santoro Mr. and Mrs. John Staikos

Second Grade 78% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barnaby Ms. Sheila Clancy Mr. and Mrs. David L. Friedline Mr. and Mrs. Brandon P. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Marc R. Hruschka Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Hublitz Mr. and Mrs. Adam Klyver Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kodweis Mr. and Mrs. Richard Laferriere, II Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Lahey, III ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Langdon Mr. and Mrs. Chris Moore Mr. and Mrs. Peter Santoro Ms. Patricia Wright First Grade 89% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burchill Mr. and Mrs. Todd Esse Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gage Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hull Mr. and Mrs. Stan Lamour Mr. and Mrs. Peter Latshaw Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Steve Smyth Kindergarten 70% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bachner Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barnaby Ms. Sheila Clancy Mr. and Mrs. Jared Dermont Mr. and Mrs. David Friezo Mr. and Mrs. Brandon P. Hall Mr. and Mrs. James L. Haskel Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jannotta Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kodweis Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lawlor Ms. Kim Meier Mr. and Mrs. Jason Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Paul ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Raney Mr. and Mrs. John Riley Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vayda Mr. and Mrs. Brian Worrell

Pre-K 36% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dryden Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Eykyn Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Lahey, III ’83 Ms. Kim Meier

Giving by Constituency Trustee Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Beaudoin Mr. and Mrs. William Paul Bundy Mrs. Virginia K. Cargill Ms. Sheila Clancy Mr. and Mrs. James G. Conzelman, III ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Esse Mr. and Mrs. Simon Fenner Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mrs. Stephanie B. Frost Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Garvey Mr. and Mrs. James D. Haas Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Offenberg Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Paliotta Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Poling Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Solazzo Mr. and Mrs. James B. Vose ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zelson Past Trustee Mr. and Mrs. John F. Akers Mr. and Mrs. William B. Auer Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Baker Mr. and Mrs. William Balamaci Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Barry ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cherry, III Mr. and Mrs. Louis Colosimo Mr. and Mrs. Alex Conroy Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Frode Foss-Skiftesvik Mrs. James P. Gillies Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kreitler Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Moriarty ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Oldershaw Mr. and Mrs. John B. Payne ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce ’60 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rosow Mr. and Mrs. William D. Rueckert Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. Stovell Mr. and Mrs. James G. Verrillo Faculty & Staff Mr. and Mrs. Craig Balocca Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Baluha Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barnaby Ms. Kelly C. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bartolomeo Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Bavedas ’93 Ms. Catherine Bergstrom Mr. and Mrs. Travis Berry Ms. Helmi Bromley and Mr. Douglas Zarookian Mr. and Mrs. Justin Cathcart Ms. Jesse Crouch Mr. and Mrs. John Cullinan Mr. and Mrs. John Dorman Mr. and Mrs. Brad Fallon Mr. and Mrs. John Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Franklin Mr. Thomas Freer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gabriel Mr. and Mrs. Steve Graham Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harrington Ms. Shannon Hartney Ms. Margaret E. Hemenway Mr. John D. Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hull Mr. Blake D. Keogh ’98 Ms. Ellen H. Keogh Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kimball Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klabonski Mr. George Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Littrell Mr. Albert J. LoSchiavo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mazza Mr. and Mrs. Greg L. McCubbin Mr. and Mrs. John A. McKenna, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Millard ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Mitchell

The FCDS Impact: ability to use technology to facilitate learning


FCDS Annual Report 2012-13

Annual Fund Donors 2012-2013 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Moore Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Morse ’86 Mr. and Mrs. William Mulcahy Mr. and Mrs. John R. Munro, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Musico Ms. Mary Nelson and Mr. James Balmer Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Owens Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Paige ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Redgate, III Mr. and Mrs. John Riley Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Runkel Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. George Skurja Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Sullinger Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Symons

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Vigilante Mrs. Barbara Viner Mr. John Vineyard, IV Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Yasner Former Faculty & Staff Mr. and Mrs. Rob Clarkson Ms. Lee S. Hagelin Dr. Heather Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hawley Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kaufmann Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. John B. Payne ’55 Mrs. Helen Reed Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Rosow ’86 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Shostak Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Sjodin Mrs. Margaret B. Stearns

Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Stutz Mr. Robert D. Vitalo and Ms. Jacqueline Montras Grandparent Mr. and Mrs. Michael Abercrombie Mr. and Mrs. John F. Akers Mr. and Mrs. Frank Antonucci Mr. Paul Ballou Mr. and Mrs. Charles Balocca Mr. and Mrs. Michael Buono Commander Arde A. Burki USN Ret and Mrs. Barbara Burki Mr. and Mrs. E. Robert Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Chen Mrs. Amalia Colosimo Mrs. Virginia Crosby Mr. and Mrs. Josef Cumpelik Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Curtis Ms. Diana Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gavel Mr. and Mrs. Peter Goodwin

The FCDS Impact: the strength of community is reinforced in many ways

22 FCDS Annual Report 2012-13

Dr. and Mrs. David Gottlieb Ms. Cynthia Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jaffin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kimball Mr. and Mrs. Ned C. Lautenbach Mr. and Mrs. Neil R. Martell Mr. and Mrs. David McKane Mrs. Charles E.F. Millard Mr. and Mrs. James Noland Mr. Harry S. Oakley, Jr. Mr. Brian O’Connor Mrs. Lucinda O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paliotta Mr. and Mrs. Michael Panich Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Paul Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Penske Mr. and Mrs. Frank Purcell Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rosow Mr. and Mrs. Helmut K. Schmale Mr. and Mrs. Tim Schramm Mr. and Mrs. B. Robert Shaw Mrs. Mary M. Sherts Ms. Annette Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smyth Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stageman Mr. Patrick Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. James Tilley Mr. Jeb Walker Ms. Sheltry Ward Mr. George C. Whiteley, III Past Parent / Past Grandparent Mr. and Mrs. John F. Akers Mr. and Mrs. William B. Auer Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Baker Mr. and Mrs. William Balamaci Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Barry ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Bavedas Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Beaudoin Mrs. Shirley Bush Mrs. Virginia K. Cargill Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cherry, III Dr. Richard H. Clarida and Ms. Polly M. Barry Mr. and Mrs. Alex Conroy Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Crawford Mr. and Mrs. James H. Crowley, III

Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doering, Sr. Mrs. F. George du Pont Mr. and Mrs. R. Lindwood Faxon Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fertig, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Finley Mr. and Mrs. James P. Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Frode Foss-Skiftesvik Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Friezo Mrs. Paul Gibian Mrs. James P. Gillies Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Gray Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hawley Mr. and Mrs. Mark Helderman Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heumann Mr. and Mrs. Paul Housey Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Hutton Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Kelly Ms. Ellen H. Keogh Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klabonski Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Simon Knott Mr. John D. Koizim and Ms. Martha Castillo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kreitler Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Kutcher Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Landesman Mrs. Joan Lewis Mr. and Mrs. M. William Macey, Jr. Mr. Bruce L. McDermott and Ms. Sally Schwartz-McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Brian McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Richard E McGrath Mr. and Mrs. John P. McNicholas Mr. Henry F. Merritt and Dr. Jane Hamilton-Merritt Mrs. Charles E.F. Millard Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Moriarty ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Oldershaw Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Paige ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Palmisano Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Paul Mr. and Mrs. John B. Payne ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Poling Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ratcliffe Mr. Michael D. Rhea, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Ritzel, Jr.

Mr. Joseph W. Rocco, Jr. and Ms. Arlyne E. Russo Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rosow Mr. and Mrs. William D. Rueckert Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Runkel Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Scheetz Dr. and Mrs. Allen Schlein Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Craig Simmonds Mr. and Mrs. George Skurja Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Solazzo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Springall Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stanton Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Stonehouse Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. Stovell Mr. and Mrs. George J. Swander Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Terbell The Rev. and Mrs. Henry L. Thompson, III Mr. and Mrs. Vincent S. Tirola Mr. Curt R. Tobey and Ms. Elizabeth V. Myer-Tobey Mr. and Mrs. James G. Verrillo Mr. and Mrs. James B. Vose ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Randall White Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wilder Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wright Matching Gift Companies Abbott Laboratories Fund Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Aid to Education Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation Compass Group International, LLC GE Foundation Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program Pitney Bowes Foundations The Grace Jones Richardson Trust JWJ Family Foundation The Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, Inc. Your support is greatly appreciated and we have made every effort to publish the names of all donors accurately. However, if there is an error please accept our sincere apology and please notify the Development Office so that we may correct our records.


FCDS Annual Report 2012-13

Parents’ Association Spring 2013 Fundraiser Thank you to all of the parents who contributed to the success of last year’s Spring Fundraiser held at the Fairfield Theater Company. A special thanks to Heidi Kuchta, chair of the event, and the many volunteers who helped make it a fun evening with terrific fundraising results, raising $119,000!

24 FCDS Annual Report 2012-13

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bachner Ms. Catherine H. Balkun Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Beaudoin Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Blasius BMW of Bridgeport Dr. Daniel Bordea and Dr. Mihaela Costin Mr. Edward Boyle and Ms. Ellen Ringel Boyle Mr. and Ms. Eric Braun Ms. Helmi Bromley and Mr. Douglas Zarookian Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brown Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Buono Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Burki Mr. and Mrs. Robert Citrone Ms. Sheila Clancy Mr. and Mrs. James G. Conzelman, III ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Craig, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Currie Mr. and Mrs. Joseph De Meneses, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeVellis Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dryden Mr. and Mrs. Brian Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Ferdinand, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Max Fried Mr. and Mrs. David L. Friedline Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Garvey Mr. Mathew Goldsmith and Ms. Michelle Guibone Mr. Mark Grayson and Ms. Sarah Hougton Mr. and Mrs. James D. Haas Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. James L. Haskel Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kane Mr. and Mrs. Christos Kantzas Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kodweis Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kuchta Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Lahey, III ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lawlor

Mr. and Ms. Matt LoGuercio Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mason Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. R. Pierre McGuire Ms. Kim Meier Mr. and Mrs. William Meury Northern Tier Energy, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Offenberg Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Paliotta Mr. Andreas Papadatos and Ms. Brenda Thickett Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Paul ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell Mr. and Mrs. Phil Prapopulos Mr. and Mrs. Tom Purdy Mr. and Mrs. Michael Riffice Mr. Charles B. Ruger Mr. and Mrs. Seth Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Shanahan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sires Mr. and Mrs. Richard Solazzo Mr. and Mrs. John Staikos Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. David Sussman Mr. and Mrs. James Wackerman Mrs. Judith S. Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Albert Winslow Mr. and Mrs. Brian Worrell Dr. Derek Yach and Dr. Yasmin von Schirnding Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zelson

The Gregory Society is named in honor of Fairfield Country Day School’s founding headmaster, Laurence W. (“Pope”) Gregory, who served as headmaster from 1936 until his death in 1946. The Gregory Society recognizes those individuals who have made provisions for Fairfield Country Day in their estate plans. You can help preserve the spirit of Fairfield Country Day School well into the future by becoming a member of the Gregory Society. There are many types of gifts that are recognized by the Gregory Society and prove to be financially beneficial to both the donor and the school. For more information about the Gregory Society please contact Ellen H. Keogh, Director of Development, at Ellen.Keogh@fairfieldcountryday.org.

Fairfield Country Day School 2970 Bronson Road Fairfield, CT 06824 Address service requested


Permit No. 825

The FCDS Impact: a foundation to excel


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