FCDS Annual Report 2014-2015

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Stewardship Annual Report 2014-2015

Board of Trustees 2014-2015

New Trustees 2015-2016 Leslie Noland earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Speech Communication from The University of Georgia. After college she worked for Lincoln Financial Advisors in Atlanta from 1993-1999. She retired from her role as Vice President of the Employee Benefits Division to focus her energy on her family and community. She currently serves on the Friends of Pediatrics Board at Bridgeport Hospital and is the Philanthropic Liaison to the Bridgeport Rescue Mission for the National Charity League. She also donates her time to the Community Plates organization. Leslie is actively involved at FCDS, having served as Co-President of the PA, chairwoman of the Spring Gala in 2014, and Chair of the Admissions Committee. Leslie and her husband Pat reside in Fairfield and have three children: sons William ’13 and Christopher ’20 and daughter Hallie.

Mark Beaudoin President Patrick Shaw Vice President Alan Offenberg Treasurer Sheila Clancy Secretary

Thomas Bachner Taylor Baldwin Cheryl Bundy Virginia Cargill Cindy Citrone Terilyn Esse Simon Fenner Lawrence Foley Kathleen Garvey James Haas

Brandon Hall Kevin Harmon Brian Lawlor Gerald Pearce, Jr. ’84 Elizabeth Solazzo James Vose ’67 Daniel Zelson

Robert D. Russo, III ‘90 is the founder of Russo & Associates, LLC, Attorneys at Law, a firm of community lawyers practicing property and small business law with offices in Southport and Darien, CT. Rob is also a former State Senator from the towns of Bridgeport, Trumbull, and Monroe. Prior to his time in the Senate, Rob served as the deputy Chief of Staff to Congressman Christopher Shays and the Director of Governor Jodi Rell’s Fairfield County office. He has taught introduction to American Government at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield for six years. Rob spent ten years at Fairfield Country Day School and then attended Choate Rosemary Hall, Georgetown University, and Fordham Law School. Rob previously served on the Boards of the American Red Cross of Mid-Fairfield County, Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo, and the Men’s Board of the Center for Women and Families. He currently serves on the Board of the Pequot Library. He is also a member of the Fairfield Rotary and a volunteer for the Bridgeport School Volunteer Association. Rob is an instrument rated, multi-engine, private pilot who flies regularly. Most importantly, he is happily married to Carolyn Russo with whom he has twin boys.

Administration 2015-2016 John R. Munro, Jr. Headmaster Richard Runkel Head of Upper School

Our Mission Fairfield Country Day School provides an educational community dedicated to the personal growth and intellectual development of boys. Our balanced and challenging program is designed to help each student expand his desire and ability to acquire knowledge, stimulate his curiosity and creativity, and enhance his self-esteem and respect for others. Each boy’s individual development is encouraged in an environment that anticipates the future while appreciating the past.

Published by the Development Office: Cathy Bergstrom Alison Harle Lauren Mulcahy P: 203-259-2723 F: 203-259-3249 E: development@fairfieldcountryday.org www.fairfieldcountryday.org

Contents 2 Letter from the Headmaster 3 Letter from the Treasurer 4 Treasurer’s Report Development Committee

Margot Pearce Head of Middle School

5 75th Anniversary

Bill Mulcahy Head of Lower School

6 Capital Campaign Donors

Maureen Bartolomeo Director of Finance and Operations Brad Fallon Director of Athletics Alison Harle Director of Development Joe Isola Director of Admissions

Capital Campaign

8 Bronson Award 2014 Bronson Award Recipient List

9 What is the Annual Fund? FCDS Annual Fund Highlights


Annual Fund Donors

21 Cliff Paige ’62 Retires 22 Paige ’62 Legacy Fund

Deborah Sullinger Director of Studies

24 Parents’ Association

Marie Mitchell Coordinator of Academic Technology

25 Gregory Society

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Printing: Graphic Management Partners

Photography: Robert Lisak / www.robertlisak.com Lauren Mulcahy Robert Norman Barbara Viner

Spring 2015 Fundraiser

This annual report is printed on paper made with 30% post consumer waste fiber processed with environmental chlorine-free sources and certified by Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) to the Chain of Custody standard.

Dear FCDS Community, As you read through the pages of the FCDS Annual Report, I hope that you will be as struck as I am by the depth of support for our school. More than numbers, the information reflects a community that is engaged, involved, and invested. At back-to-school night I spoke about character development and how it is part of our Strategic Plan. There is a strong emphasis at Country Day on creating a balanced curriculum for our boys. Equally as important to academic growth is our emphasis on our students’ moral growth. The school-wide stewardship program provides age-appropriate community service opportunities for students to address the needs of others while learning about underlying social issues.

Letter from the Headmaster John R. Munro, Jr.

The goal of the stewardship program encourages students to engage in activities that enhance their leadership skills and develop strong character traits such as empathy, patience, open-mindedness, and courage. Starting in Pre-Kindergarten, boys are involved in a myriad of service projects. Last year, our fourth graders donated over 500 gently used books to Barnum School in Bridgeport and U.S. Africa Partnership; the ninth grade delivered twenty-four heavy boxes of food to the Mercy Learning Center; the sixth grade boys formed a strong partnership with the students at the Adam J. Lewis Preschool in Bridgeport; and through the hoop/ skate-a-thon the boys raised $13,885 for the Make-a-Wish Foundation. By participating in hands-on service projects, we hope to instill a passion for service in our boys that will last a lifetime. I look forward to the year ahead as we continue to develop the “whole boy”: socially, emotionally, and morally. Thank you for your generosity and for sharing the lesson of giving with your family. It is with gratitude and a humble spirit that I share with you the 2014-2015 Annual Report. Sincerely, John R. Munro, Jr. Headmaster

2 FCDS Annual Report 2014-15

Letter from the Treasurer Alan Offenberg

Dear FCDS Family and Friends, I am pleased to present you with a report on FCDS’ 2014-2015 fiscal year. This was a very solid year for us with strong enrollment, an enhanced curriculum, continued investment in human resources and physical infrastructure, and tremendous support for the Annual Fund. We are thankful for the dedication and involvement of the entire FCDS community, and sincerely appreciate your continued support of the School. FCDS’ financial performance continues to be healthy, and the commitment to conservative oversight of the School’s finances remains a hallmark of the Board of Trustees. In addition, we achieved meaningful progress towards meeting the goals outlined in the 2014-2019 Strategic Plan, which will enable FCDS to maintain its current standard of excellence and position the School for long-term success. The School’s secure financial position is reliant on several components. At the top of that list for any independent school is enrollment, and I’m thrilled to report that enrollment at FCDS is robust and growing. The investments made over the last several years in the School’s physical plant, faculty and administrators, as well as the continued advancement of our stellar curriculum have strengthened FCDS’ already sound position. However, ongoing support from the FCDS community is essential since successfully achieving our objectives for FCDS requires resources beyond those provided by tuition.

Moving forward, your continued, consistent support of the Annual Fund and Capital Campaigns will be essential for us to better serve our boys and expand the opportunities available to them as part of the Country Day experience. As we move into 2015-2016, we maintain our commitment to preserve FCDS’ vigorous financial performance by conservatively managing the School’s finances while providing the faculty and administration with the resources required to deliver an exceptional education to your boys. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, faculty, administration, and the boys, thank you for your dedication and generosity to Fairfield Country Day. Sincerely, Alan Offenberg Treasurer FCDS Annual Report 2014-15 3

Treasurer’s Report 2015 Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2015




Total Voluntary Giving 2014-2015

Operating Expenses

Operating Income

as of June 30, 2015 11%


Annual Giving *

4% 5% 1%



75th Anniversary Campaign

<.5% 3%




Operating Income Tuition Income

Operating Expenses 9,059,437 91%

Annual Giving (unrestricted)


Other Income

420,314 4%



7,814 1% $9,907,153


Salaries and Benefits

5,660,963 53%

Physical Plant*

2,154,869 20%

Financial Aid

1,182,900 11%


547,903 5%


508,250 5%

Food Services

351,365 3%

Other Expenses


Interest on Debt


51,736 <.5%

TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE $10,750,601 Excess of Expenses Over Income ($843,448)

* Includes unrestricted and restricted gifts

Development Committee 2014-2015 Kathleen Garvey (Chair) Taylor Baldwin Cindy Citrone Terilyn Esse (Annual Fund Chair) Brandon Hall

* Includes non-cash depreciation 4 FCDS Annual Report 2014-15

Gerald Pearce, Jr. ’84

75th Anniversary Campaign A Look Back

Completed Capital Projects

The 2014-2015 school year marked the closing of the 75th Anniversary Capital Campaign. Through the generosity of everyone who participated, we not only exceeded our goal for this Campaign, but we were able to complete many of the capital improvements that were necessary to improve the experience for today’s boys and ensure a solid foundation for the future of Country Day.

Your support made it possible for us to: ■■ Renovate and expand the Middle School and Science Wing ■■ Build the Cliff Paige ’62 Learning Commons ■■ Enhance the Professional Development Program ■■ Increase our Endowment The 75th Anniversary Capital Campaign, which included the Paige ’62 Legacy Fund, made it possible for us to grow our endowment, which is necessary to fund new program development, support faculty salaries and benefits, increase our ability to build financial partnerships with qualified students, and provide the school with the flexibility to meet needs as they arise.

Campaign Goal $7,000,000 Total Raised at Close of Campaign

$7,466,601 FCDS Annual Report 2014-15 5

75th Anniversary Capital Campaign Donors Anonymous (4) Mrs. Susan Akers Mr. James S. Albrittain-Ross ’99 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Aid to Education Program Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Anderson Mr. Patrick Ashe and Ms. Ashley Farrar Mr. and Mrs. William B. Auer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bachner Ms. Catherine H. Balkun Mr. James Balmer and Ms. Mary Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Baluha Bank of America Mr. Christopher Barbuto and Dr. Dianne Duffey Ms. Kelly C. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Bartol ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bartolomeo Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Bates Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Beaudoin Mr. and Mrs. Brad Berggren Ms. Catherine Bergstrom Mr. and Mrs. Travis Berry Dr. Daniel Bordea and Dr. Mihaela Costin Ms. Helmi Bromley and Mr. Douglas Zarookian Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brown Mr. Granville M. Brumbaugh, Jr. ’43 Mr. and Mrs. William P. Bundy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Burchill, IV Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burchill Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Burki Mr. Bradford W. Bush ’76 Mr. and Mrs. W. Murray Buttner Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Cargill ’76 Mrs. Virginia K. Cargill Mr. and Mrs. Justin Cathcart Mr. and Mrs. Jean E. Cedon Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Chen Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cichella Mr. and Mrs. Robert Citrone Ms. Sheila Clancy 6 FCDS Annual Report 2014-15

Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Louis Colosimo Mr. and Mrs. James G. Conzelman, III ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Craley Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Crawford Ms. Jesse Crouch Mr. and Mrs. John Cullinan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Currie Mrs. Ellen Curtis Mr. Arthur E. de Cordova, III ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Jared J. Dermont Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeVellis Mr. and Mrs. John Dorman Mr. Donald M. Dunbar Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Eckert Mr. and Mrs. Brian Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Esse Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Eykyn Mr. and Mrs. John Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Simon Fenner Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Ferdinand, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert FitzPatrick Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Frode Foss-Skiftesvik Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Franklin Mr. Thomas Freer Mr. and Mrs. David Friezo Mrs. Stephanie B. Frost Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gault GE Foundation Dr. Harold I. Genvert ’68 Mrs. James P. Gillies Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program Mr. Roger C. Goodspeed ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Goodwin Mr. Mark Grayson and Ms. Sarah Houghton Mr. Brendhan J. Haas ’05

Mr. Dylan J. Haas ’06 Mr. Gavin M. Haas ’14 Mr. and Mrs. James D. Haas Mr. William R. Haas ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Brandon P. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Halpern Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Rick Harrington Mr. and Mrs. James L. Haskel Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hatton Ms. Margaret E. Hemenway Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Hublitz Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hull Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jannotta Mr. and Mrs. Colin Jeavons Mr. and Mrs. Christos Kantzas Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Kelly Mr. LaMar Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kimball Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klabonski Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kodweis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kreitler Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kuchta Mr. W. Bruce Kueffner ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Laferriere, II Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Langdon Mr. and Mrs. James F. Lavelle Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lawlor Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Littrell Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mason Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mazza Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. R. Pierre McGuire Mr. and Mrs. John A. McKenna, Jr. Mr. Sean J. McManus ’70

Ms. Kim Meier Mr. and Mrs. William Meury Michael & Susan Dell Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Millard ’86 Mrs. Charles E.F. Millard Mr. and Mrs. Jason Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Chris Moore Morgan Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Moriarty ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Morse ’86 Mr. and Mrs. William Mulcahy Mr. and Mrs. John R. Munro, Jr. Mr. Kent Nee and Ms. Virginia Morris Northern Tier Energy, LLC Mr. Harry S. Oakley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Offenberg Mrs. Frances O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Mark Oravec Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Orben Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Oricoli Mr. Charles F. Oudin, III ’73 Mr. Leroy Owens Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Paige ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Paliotta Mr. Andreas G. Papadatos and Ms. Brenda C. Thickett Mr. and Mrs. John B. Payne ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce ’60

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Stan F. Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Roger Penske Mr. Thorne L. Perkin ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Poling Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Prister Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ratcliffe Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Reiling Mr. and Mrs. Michael Riffice Mr. and Mrs. John Riley Mr. Roger W. Risley ’72 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rosow, Jr. ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Sarathi Roy Mr. and Mrs. William D. Rueckert Mr. and Mrs. Howard Saffan Mr. and Mrs. Christian Sauska Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shaw Mrs. Mary M. Sherts Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sires Mr. and Mrs. George Skurja Mr. Mark P. Smith ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Smyth Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Solazzo Mr. Michael Spellacy and Ms. Stephanie Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. John Staikos

Mrs. Margaret B. Stearns Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Stevens Mr. Edward E. Stone ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Andy Strober Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Sullinger Mr. David J. Sullivan, III and Dr. Gioia J. Riccio Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. David Sussman Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Swanson Mr. and Mrs. William Sweedler Mr. Jonathan M. Terbell ’02 Mr. Charles Thomas ’61 Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Tuohy, IV UBS Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Vigilante Mrs. Barbara Viner Mr. John Vineyard, IV Mr. and Mrs. James B. Vose ’67 Mr. John W. Watkins ’69 Wells Fargo Matching Gift Program Mr. and Mrs. Randall White Mr. Heberton L. Williams ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Worrell Mr. Christopher J. Wright ’88 Dr. Derek Yach and Dr. Yasmin von Schirnding Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Yasner Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zelson FCDS Annual Report 2014-15 7

2014 Bronson Award Recipient Finley and Patrick Shaw P ’16, ’21

Bronson Award Recipients

The Bronson Award was established to recognize members of the Country Day community whose dedication to the school reflects the generous spirit of the Bronson Family. Each year we celebrate their legacy by honoring an individual or individuals, who embody the Bronson’s philanthropic spirit. The 2014-15 award was presented to Patrick and Finley Shaw.


Patrick and Finley Shaw


Rob and Cindy Citrone Alan and Frances Offenberg


Virginia Cargill


Frode and Mary Foss-Skiftesvik


Larry and Megan Foley


John and Susan Akers


Jim and Bailey Haas


John and Dorothy Payne


Kevin and Mary Cunningham


Tom and Patti Keegan Gary and Barbara Johnson


David and Anny Ward Michael and Lauri Friedland


Bill and Fleur Rueckert


Jim and Whitney Vose


John and Betsy Perkin

Finley and Patrick joined our community in 2007. They are the proud parents of alum Malcolm ’16 and current student, Chappy ’21. Finley is unable to say no when it comes to volunteering at FCDS. She has been an active member of the Parents’ Association for several years and helps run the Crusaders’ Corner. She co-chaired our 2014 Spring Gala and helped run the Middle and Upper School dances last year. We look forward to having her on board as the new co-chair of the PA for the 2015-16 school year. She never seems to rest! Patrick joined the Board of Trustees in 2010. During the past two years, Patrick has served as the Board’s Vice President and chaired our Governance Committee. He also successfully coordinated the development of our new Strategic Plan, and now co-chairs the Implementation Committee that will guarantee that we successfully execute the goals of the Strategic Plan. The Shaw’s have been incredibly generous to Country Day. They support the Annual Fund every year and were leaders in our 75th Anniversary Campaign. We are thankful to them for making FCDS a priority and setting such a wonderful example for our boys.

2000 David and Jeanne Rosow Worthington and Fran Johnson 8 FCDS Annual Report 2014-15

The FCDS Annual Fund – What is it? Like most independent schools, Fairfield Country Day School conducts an annual appeal each school year to raise unrestricted funds that are allocated to the operating budget of the school. These funds help to close the gap between tuition income and operating expenses. Gifts to the Annual Fund account for approximately 4% of our operating needs and help to ensure that FCDS is able to provide each boy with the remarkable opportunities that are the hallmarks of the Country Day experience. Every student benefits from the Annual Fund. For more information on the Annual Fund and other frequently asked questions, please visit: www.fairfieldcountryday.org/Philanthropy or contact the Development Office at 203-259-2723. Thank you for your dedication and continued loyalty to Fairfield Country Day.

$437,073 Total raised in unrestricted and restricted gifts. Of the total‌ $241,901

was contributed by current parents with 65% participating


was contributed by trustees with 100% participating


participation from our faculty and staff

FCDS Annual Report 2014-15 9

Annual Fund Donors Thank You to Everyone who Participated in the 2014-2015 Annual Fund. Whether this was your first year of giving or your twenty-fifth, your generosity enables our boys and the School to continue to thrive. Donors to the Annual Fund provide unrestricted support that enables FCDS to fulfill its mission and provide an outstanding education for boys. Your support allows us to give them a voice; whether through public speaking, performing in a concert or play, cheering on their teammates, or building relationships over family style lunches. Your gift makes a difference for each student. Thank you for your dedication and continued support of Fairfield Country Day.

Donors by Category Headmaster’s Circle ($25,000 + ) Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Huber Leadership ($15,000 + ) Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mr. and Mrs. James L. Haskel Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Offenberg Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Peel Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shaw Blue Door ($10,000 + ) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Citrone Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lawlor Bronson Society ($5,000 + ) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bachner Ms. Catherine H. Balkun Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Beaudoin Ms. Sheila Clancy Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Esse Mr. Jeffrey Gardner and Ms. Nina Andreyev Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Garvey Mr. and Mrs. James D. Haas Mr. and Mrs. Rob Hess Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kuchta

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Laferriere, II Mr. and Mrs. Ned C. Lautenbach Mr. and Mrs. Matt Lugar Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mascolo Mr. and Mrs. William Meury Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell Mr. Michael Spellacy and Ms. Stephanie Rosenthal Mr. David J. Sullivan, III and Dr. Gioia J. Riccio Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zelson Crusaders ($2,500 + ) Mr. and Mrs. William P. Bundy Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burchill Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Burki Mrs. Virginia K. Cargill Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeVellis Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Eykyn Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Fabro Mr. and Mrs. Simon Fenner Mr. Nathaniel W. Gibbons ’71 The Grace Jones Richardson Trust Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gunn Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Brandon P. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Halpern Mr. and Mrs. William Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lau

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. MacDonald Ms. Kim Meier Michael & Susan Dell Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark Oravec Mr. and Mrs. Ted E. Orenstein Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Palmisano Mr. Andreas G. Papadatos and Ms. Brenda C. Thickett Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ’84 Mr. Charles Pennington and Ms. Susan Zhang Mr. Peter L. Richardson ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sires Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Solazzo Mr. and Mrs. John Staikos Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. James B. Vose ’67 Mr. and Mrs. David Waldman Mr. and Mrs. Christian Wymbs Blue/White ($1,000 + ) American Express Giving Program Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ashkinos Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Bartol ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Blasius Mr. and Mrs. Paul Block Dr. Daniel Bordea and Dr. Mihaela Costin Mr. Edward Boyle and Ms. Ellen Ringle Boyle Mr. Eric Braun and Ms. Alice Chen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Cargill ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Jared J. Dermont Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunleavy Mr. James Elkus and Ms. Elizabeth Ewing The Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Pieter Engel Mr. and Mrs. Raul Feliciano Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Ferdinand, III Mr. Phil Ficks ’65 Mr. and Mrs. David Friezo Mrs. Stephanie B. Frost Mr. and Mrs. Sunil Garga FCDS Annual Report 2014-15 11

Annual Fund Donors 2014-2015

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gault Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jannotta Mr. Worthington Johnson, Jr. ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jordan JWJ Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Christos Kantzas Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kodweis Mr. Chad LaBonte and Ms. Erin Rossitto Mrs. Joan Lewis Mr. Damien Marshall and Ms. Irene Ricci Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mason Mr. and Mrs. J. Matthew McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Muhlhauser Mr. and Mrs. John R. Munro, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Shannon O’Callaghan

12 FCDS Annual Report 2014-15

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Owens Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Paliotta Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce ’60 Mr. and Mrs. John Riley Mr. and Mrs. Tim Rogers Mr. and Mrs. William D. Rueckert Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Scheetz Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Terbell Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Thompson Mr. John M. Tremaine, Jr. ’90 Mr. Waqas Wajahat and Ms. Shari Jones Mr. Chris Weiss and Mrs. Lauren Kelly-Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wright Dr. Derek Yach and Dr. Yasmin von Schirnding

Blazers ($1 + ) Anonymous (2) Abbott Laboratories Fund Mr. Mohamed Abdelsadek and Mrs. Nancy Mahmoud Mr. and Mrs. Michael Abercrombie Mr. Steve Aikenhead ’55 Mr. Scott F. Akers ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Dan Alecia Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Aid to Education Program Mr. Robert H. Anstett ’99 Mr. Patrick Ashe and Ms. Ashley Farrar Mr. Alexander T. Auer ’10 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Auer Mr. Nicholas W. Auer ’08 Mr. Delbert Auray Mr. Donald Austin ’72 Mr. Todd Azadian Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Baker Mr. and Mrs. William Balamaci Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Ballou Mr. Paul Ballou Mr. James Balmer and Ms. Mary Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Craig Balocca Bank of America Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barnaby Ms. Kelly C. Barr Mr. John F. Barry, III ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bartolomeo Mr. Marshall M. Bassick, Jr. ’54 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Bates Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Bavedas ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Joel Beck Ms. Catherine Bergstrom Mr. and Mrs. Travis Berry Mr. Edwin J. Blair ’51 Ms. Jessica Blake Mr. Derek D. Bloom ’86 Mr. Gregory T. Bloom ’84 Ms. Mary Bradley Ms. Mary M. Bradley Mr. James Bremm and Mr. Jason Konschnik

Mr. Duncan B. Briggs Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brockmann Mr. Robert P. Brodersen ’82 Ms. Helmi Bromley and Mr. Douglas Zarookian Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brown Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Burchill, IV Mr. and Mrs. Tim Burke Mr. Bradford W. Bush ’76 Mr. Jeffrey P. Bush ’78 Mrs. Shirley Bush Mr. and Mrs. James Cahill Mr. Quinn A. Cahill ’13 Mr. and Mrs. David L. Calfee Mr. and Mrs. Justin Cathcart Mrs. Lucille M. Ceruzzi Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Chen Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cichella Mr. Timothy W. Clark ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Clarke Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Collins Mr. and Mrs. Louis Colosimo Mr. Ian K. Connelly ’13 Mr. and Mrs. James G. Conzelman, III ’77 Mr. Nicholas R. Conzelman ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cowles Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cowles Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Craley Ms. Jesse Crouch Mr. James H. Crowley, IV ’91 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Crowley, III Mr. Joseph C. Crowley ’97 Mr. and Mrs. John Cullinan Ms. Elizabeth B. Currier Mr. John T. Curtis, II ’74 Mr. Alexander G. Dacey ’00 Mr. Anastase P. Dacey ’00 Mr. Peter H. Daly ’68 Mr. and Mrs. James Dean Mr. James H. L. Dean ’08 Mr. and Mrs. John Dorman Ms. Suzanne O’Toole and Mr. Keith Douglas

Mrs. Anne Drake Mrs. Olivia H. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Eckert Mr. and Mrs. Howard Elkus Mr. W. Brewster Ely, IV ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Endemann Mr. Douglas E. Ente ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Jens J. Ernberg Mr. Brad Fallon Mr. and Mrs. John Fallon Mr. James M. Farr Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Feroleto ’79 Mr. Grayson M. Fertig ’95 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fertig, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert FitzPatrick Mr. and Mrs. James P. Flaherty Mr. Peter W. Floeckher, Jr. ’64 Mr. Mark W. Foster ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fox Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Franklin Mr. Ferdinand H. Frassinelli ’73 Mr. Thomas Freer Mr. Ian A. Frost ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fuligni Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gabriel Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gage Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gannon Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gavel GE Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geary Dr. Harold I. Genvert ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Drew Gniazdowski Mr. Mathew Goldsmith and Ms. Cheryl Guibone Mr. Roger C. Goodspeed ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Graham Mr. James M. Graves ’49 Mr. Alexander L. Gray ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Guterl, II Ms. Alison Harle Ms. Cynthia Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Rick Harrington

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hawley ’56 Ms. Margaret E. Hemenway Mr. Andrew M. Hoffman ’76 Mr. John D. Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Hublitz Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hull Mr. Noel Hynd ’62 Mr. Angelo M. Iasiello, II ’80 Mr. Emilio J. Iasiello, III ’84 Mr. John A. Jensen, III ’94 Mr. Andrew R. Johnson ’07 Mr. Gray A. Johnson ’12 Mr. James C. Johnson ’09 Mr. Gerrit M. Keator ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kimball Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klabonski Mr. and Mrs. Steven Klemenz Mr. Joseph D. Koizim ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kral Mr. Charles M. Kreitler ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Stan Lamour Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Langdon Mr. Christopher Larsen ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Latshaw Mr. George Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Littrell Mr. Albert J. LoSchiavo Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Mascolo Mr. and Mrs. Randy Master Mr. and Mrs. John Maximin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mazza Mr. and Mrs. Greg L. McCubbin Mr. Donald L. McGloon ’40 Mr. and Mrs. R. Pierre McGuire Mr. and Mrs. John A. McKenna, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John P. McNicholas Mr. David E. Menard ’05 Microsoft Matching Gift Program Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Millard ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Mitchell Mr. Douglas G. Moore, Jr. ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Moore FCDS Annual Report 2014-15 13

Annual Fund Donors 2014-2015

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Moriarty ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Morse ’86 Mr. and Mrs. William Mulcahy Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Musico Mr. Nicholas Niles, III ’80 Mr. Samuel V. Niles ’81 Mr. Panagiotis Ninios and Ms. Lori Belcastro Mr. and Mrs. James Noland Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Noland Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Obuchowski Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Oldershaw Mrs. Frances O’Neill Mr. Charles F. Oudin, III ’73 Mr. John G. Oudin ’74 Mr. Leroy Owens Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Paige ’62 Mr. Day L. Patterson ’58 Mr. Charles B. Payne ’98 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Payne ’55 Mr. Christopher T. Perkin ’88 Mr. David M. Perry ’69 Mr. and Mrs. James Phillipson Mrs. Scarlett M. Pipkin Mr. Thomas K. Purdy and Ms. Taylor Baldwin Ms. Iris Quinones Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Redgate, III Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Reiling Mr. Jon H. Ringel ’80 Mr. Collin C. Rissolo ’11 Mr. Richard S. Ritzel, II ’99 Mr. Joseph W. Rocco, Jr. and Ms. Arlyne E. Russo Mr. John E. Runkel ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Runkel Mr. Samuel P. Runkel ’11 Mr. John G. Russell Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Russo Mr. and Mrs. Helmut K. Schmale Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. B. Robert Shaw Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Sheppard Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sherman 14 FCDS Annual Report 2014-15

Mrs. Mary M. Sherts Mr. John S. Shoup ’61 Mr. David W. Sinclair ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Aun Singapore Mr. and Mrs. George Skurja Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Smalley Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smyth Mrs. Starr W. Snead Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Springall Mr. Ted Sprinkle and Ms. Cynthia Schmitt-Sprinkle Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stageman Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Stevens Mr. Reid H. Stewart ’88 Mr. Stephen G. Stonehouse, III ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Andy Strober Mr. John A. Sturges, Jr. ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Sullinger Mr. and Mrs. George J. Swander Mr. Zachary J. Swander ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Erik Swenson

Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Vincent S. Tirola Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Torre-Tasso Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Tuohy, IV Dr. David M. Van Ess and Dr. Diane M. Gallo-Van Ess Mr. and Mrs. James J. Van Ess ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Vigilante Mrs. Barbara Viner Mr. John Vineyard, IV Jeffrey Von Kohorn, Ph.D. Ms. Jessica Waldman Mr. Jonathan D. T. Ward ’99 Mr. Nicholas H. L. Ward ’06 Ms. Sheltry Ward Mr. John W. Watkins ’69 Mr. John C. Welch, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wilder Mrs. Judith S. Wilkinson Ms. Barbara Wood Ms. Patricia Wright

Alumni Giving by Decade 1940s Mr. Donald L. McGloon ’40 Mr. James M. Graves ’49

1970s Mr. Robert F. Moriarty ’70 v Mr. Nathaniel W. Gibbons ’71 v Mr. Donald Austin ’72 Mr. David W. Sinclair ’72 Mr. Ferdinand H. Frassinelli ’73 v Mr. Charles F. Oudin, III ’73 v Mr. John T. Curtis, II ’74 Mr. John G. Oudin ’74 Mr. Bradford W. Bush ’76 Mr. Samuel W. Cargill ’76 Mr. Andrew M. Hoffman ’76 Mr. James G. Conzelman, III ’77 v Mr. Jeffrey P. Bush ’78 v Mr. Thomas Feroleto ’79

1950s Mr. Edwin J. Blair ’51 i Mr. Christopher Larsen ’52 v Mr. Gerrit M. Keator ’53 i Mr. Marshall M. Bassick, Jr. ’54 Mr. Steve Aikenhead ’55 v Mr. John B. Payne ’55 s Mr. James M. Hawley ’56 Mr. Mark W. Foster ’57 i Mr. Day L. Patterson ’58 1960s Mr. Gerald G. Pearce ’60 Mr. John S. Shoup ’61 Mr. W. Brewster Ely, IV ’62 v Mr. Noel Hynd ’62 Mr. Clifford E. Paige ’62 i Mr. John A. Sturges, Jr. ’62 v Mr. Peter W. Floeckher, Jr. ’64 Mr. Phil Ficks ’65 Mr. Roger C. Goodspeed ’66 v Mr. Worthington Johnson, Jr. ’66 v Mr. John F. Barry, III ’67 i Mr. James B. Vose ’67 s Mr. Timothy W. Clark ’68 Mr. Peter H. Daly ’68 v Dr. Harold I. Genvert ’68 v Mr. Peter L. Richardson ’68 i Mr. Douglas E. Ente ’69 Mr. David M. Perry ’69 v Mr. John W. Watkins ’69 i

Years of consecutive giving:

s = 25+ years

1980s Mr. Scott F. Akers ’80 Mr. Angelo M. Iasiello, II ’80 v Mr. Nicholas Niles, III ’80 Mr. Jon H. Ringel ’80 Mr. Perry L. Bartol ’81 Mr. Samuel V. Niles ’81 Mr. Robert P. Brodersen ’82 i Mr. Alexander L. Gray ’82 Mr. Gregory T. Bloom ’84 Mr. Emilio J. Iasiello, III ’84 i Mr. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ’84 v Mr. Derek D. Bloom ’86 Mr. Gregory J. Millard ’86 i Mr. Stephen L. Morse ’86 i Mr. Christopher T. Perkin ’88 v Mr. Reid H. Stewart ’88 i

v = 10+ years

1990s Mr. John M. Tremaine, Jr. ’90 Mr. James H. Crowley, IV ’91 v Mr. Gregory J. Bavedas ’93 Mr. John A. Jensen, III ’94 Mr. Grayson M. Fertig ’95 v Mr. Joseph C. Crowley ’97 v Mr. Charles B. Payne ’98 Mr. Robert H. Anstett ’99 i Mr. Richard S. Ritzel, II ’99 Mr. Zachary J. Swander ’99 v Mr. Jonathan D. T. Ward ’99 2000s Mr. Alexander G. Dacey ’00 Mr. Anastase P. Dacey ’00 Mr. Joseph D. Koizim ’03 Mr. James J. Van Ess ’03 Mr. Douglas G. Moore, Jr. ’04 Mr. Charles M. Kreitler ’05 Mr. David E. Menard ’05 Mr. Nicholas H. L. Ward ’06 Mr. Andrew R. Johnson ’07 i Mr. John E. Runkel ’07 i Mr. Nicholas W. Auer ’08 Mr. James H. L. Dean ’08 Mr. James C. Johnson ’09 i 2010s Mr. Alexander T. Auer ’10 Mr. Collin C. Rissolo ’11 Mr. Samuel P. Runkel ’11 Mr. Gray A. Johnson ’12 Mr. Quinn A. Cahill ’13 Mr. Ian K. Connelly ’13 Mr. Nicholas R. Conzelman ’13 Mr. Ian A. Frost ’13 Mr. Stephen G. Stonehouse, III ’13

i = 5+ years FCDS Annual Report 2014-15 15

Annual Fund Donors 2014-2015

Parent Giving by Class Class of 2015 35% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kral Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Millard ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Offenberg Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Loughlin Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sires Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zachery Class of 2016 61% Participation Anonymous (1) Mr. Scott F. Akers ’80 Mr. Delbert Auray Mr. Todd Azadian Ms. Catherine H. Balkun Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Ballou Mr. Edward Boyle and Ms. Ellen Ringle Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brown Mr. and Mrs. William P. Bundy Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mr. and Mrs. William Meury Mr. and Mrs. Mark Oravec Mr. Thomas K. Purdy and Ms. Taylor Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Tim Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shaw Mr. Ted Sprinkle and Ms. Cynthia Schmitt-Sprinkle Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Torre-Tasso Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zelson Class of 2017 71% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bachner Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Bartol ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Blasius Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Burchill, IV 16 FCDS Annual Report 2014-15

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Citrone Mr. and Mrs. James G. Conzelman, III ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Craley Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeVellis Mr. Keith Douglas and Ms. Suzanne O’Toole Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Eckert Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Esse Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Ferdinand, III Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fuligni Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gage Mr. Mathew Goldsmith and Ms. Cheryl Guibone Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Guterl, II Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lau Mr. and Mrs. R. Pierre McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Spencer Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Tuohy, IV Mr. and Mrs. Christian Wymbs Class of 2018 71% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Dan Alecia Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Beaudoin Mr. and Mrs. Joel Beck Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burchill Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Burki Mr. and Mrs. Michael Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Cargill ’76 Mr. and Mrs. John Cullinan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunleavy Mr. and Mrs. Jens J. Ernberg Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Eykyn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Feroleto ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fox Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gault Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gunn Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Hublitz Mr. Chad LaBonte and Ms. Erin Rossitto Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mascolo Mr. and Mrs. John Maximin Mr. and Mrs. J. Matthew McCormick

Mr. and Mrs. Shannon O’Callaghan Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Paliotta Mr. Andreas G. Papadatos and Ms. Brenda C. Thickett Mr. Charles Pennington and Ms. Susan Zhang Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Smalley Mr. David J. Sullivan, III and Dr. Gioia J. Riccio Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Mr. Waqas Wajahat and Ms. Shari Jones Dr. Derek Yach and Dr. Yasmin von Schirnding Class of 2019 89% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bachner Mr. and Mrs. Craig Balocca Ms. Jessica Blake Dr. Daniel Bordea and Dr. Mihaela Costin Mr. Eric Braun and Ms. Alice Chen Mr. and Mrs. William P. Bundy Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cichella Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeVellis Mr. and Mrs. Simon Fenner Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Halpern Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. James L. Haskel Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Huber Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mason Mr. and Mrs. Randy Master Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Noland Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Peel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Reiling Mr. Michael Spellacy and Ms. Stephanie Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. John Staikos Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. David Waldman Ms. Barbara Wood Class of 2020 73% Participation Mr. Patrick Ashe and Ms. Ashley Farrar

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ashkinos Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barnaby Ms. Sheila Clancy Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cowles Mr. Keith Douglas and Ms. Suzanne O’Toole Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Fabro Mr. and Mrs. Brandon P. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Rob Hess Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Hublitz Mr. and Mrs. William Hughes Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kodweis Mr. and Mrs. Richard Laferriere, II Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Langdon Mr. Damien Marshall and Ms. Irene Ricci Mr. and Mrs. Chris Moore Mr. Panagiotis Ninios and Ms. Lori Belcastro Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Sheehan Ms. Patricia Wright Class of 2021 93% Participation Mr. Mohamed Abdelsadek and Mrs. Nancy Mahmoud Mr. James Bremm and Mr. Jason Konschnik Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burchill Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Collins Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Esse Mr. and Mrs. Robert FitzPatrick Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gage Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hull Mr. and Mrs. Stan Lamour Mr. and Mrs. Peter Latshaw Mr. and Mrs. Randy Master Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Erik Swenson Class of 2022 77% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bachner Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barnaby Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Bates Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brockmann FCDS Annual Report 2014-15 17

Annual Fund Donors 2014-2015

Ms. Sheila Clancy Mr. and Mrs. Jared J. Dermont Mr. and Mrs. David Friezo Mr. and Mrs. Sunil Garga Mr. and Mrs. Brandon P. Hall Mr. and Mrs. James L. Haskel Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jannotta Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kodweis Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kuchta Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lawlor Mr. and Mrs. Matt Lugar Mr. Damien Marshall and Ms. Irene Ricci Ms. Kim Meier Mr. and Mrs. Jason Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Muhlhauser Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Murphy Mr. and Mrs. John Riley Mr. Michael Spellacy and Ms. Stephanie Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sullivan Class of 2023 56% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Paul Block Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Eykyn Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gannon Mr. and Mrs. Christos Kantzas Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kuchta Mr. and Mrs. Stan Lamour Ms. Kim Meier Mr. and Mrs. Aun Singapore Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Spencer Class of 2024 59% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Jared J. Dermont Mr. James Elkus and Ms. Elizabeth Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Pieter Engel Mr. and Mrs. Raul Feliciano Mr. and Mrs. Robert FitzPatrick Mr. Jeffrey Gardner and Ms. Nina Andreyev 18 FCDS Annual Report 2014-15

Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Ted E. Orenstein Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Owens Mr. Chris Weiss and Mrs. Lauren Kelly-Weiss Class of 2025 62% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Tim Burke Mr. and Mrs. Raul Feliciano Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Matt Lugar

Giving by Constituency Trustee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bachner Ms. Taylor Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Beaudoin Mr. and Mrs. William P. Bundy Mrs. Virginia K. Cargill Mr. and Mrs. Robert Citrone Ms. Sheila Clancy Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Esse Mr. and Mrs. Simon Fenner Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Garvey Mr. and Mrs. James D. Haas Mr. and Mrs. Brandon P. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lawlor Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Offenberg Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Solazzo Mr. and Mrs. James B. Vose ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zelson Past Trustee Mr. and Mrs. William B. Auer Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Baker

Mr. and Mrs. William Balamaci Mr. and Mrs. Louis Colosimo Mr. and Mrs. James G. Conzelman, III ’77 Mrs. Stephanie B. Frost Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Moriarty ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Oldershaw Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Paliotta Mr. and Mrs. John B. Payne ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce ’60 Mr. and Mrs. William D. Rueckert Mrs. Judith S. Wilkinson Faculty & Staff Mr. James Balmer and Ms. Mary Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Craig Balocca Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barnaby Ms. Kelly C. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bartolomeo Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Bavedas ’93 Ms. Catherine Bergstrom Mr. and Mrs. Travis Berry Mr. Duncan B. Briggs Ms. Helmi Bromley and Mr. Douglas Zarookian Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Burchill, IV Mr. and Mrs. Justin Cathcart Ms. Jesse Crouch Mr. and Mrs. John Cullinan Mr. and Mrs. John Dorman Mr. Brad Fallon Mr. and Mrs. John Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Franklin Mr. Thomas Freer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gabriel Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geary Mr. and Mrs. Drew Gniazdowski Mr. and Mrs. Steve Graham Mr. and Mrs. Scott Greenberg Ms. Alison Harle Mr. and Mrs. Rick Harrington Ms. Margaret E. Hemenway Mr. John D. Hoover

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hull Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kimball Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klabonski Mr. George Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Littrell Mr. Albert J. LoSchiavo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mazza Mr. and Mrs. Greg L. McCubbin Mr. and Mrs. John A. McKenna, Jr. Mr. David E. Menard ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Millard ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Chris Moore Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Morse ’86 Mr. and Mrs. William Mulcahy Mr. and Mrs. John R. Munro, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Musico Mrs. Frances O’Neill Mr. Leroy Owens Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Paige ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. James Phillipson

Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Redgate, III Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Runkel Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. George Skurja Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Sullinger Mr. and Mrs. James J. Van Ess ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Vigilante Mrs. Barbara Viner Mr. John Vineyard, IV Jeffrey Von Kohorn, Ph.D. Former Faculty & Staff Mr. James M. Farr Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hawley ’56 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Payne ’55 Mr. and Mrs. John Riley Grandparent Mr. and Mrs. Michael Abercrombie Mr. Paul Ballou Ms. Mary Bradley

Ms. Mary Bradley Mrs. Lucille M. Ceruzzi Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Chen Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cowles Mr. and Mrs. Howard Elkus Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Endemann Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gavel Ms. Cynthia Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kimball Mr. and Mrs. Ned C. Lautenbach Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Mascolo Mr. and Mrs. James Noland Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Obuchowski Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Helmut K. Schmale Mr. and Mrs. B. Robert Shaw Mrs. Mary M. Sherts Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smyth Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stageman Ms. Jessica Waldman Ms. Sheltry Ward Mr. John C. Welch, Jr. FCDS Annual Report 2014-15 19

Annual Fund Donors 2014-2015

Past Parent / Past Grandparent Mr. and Mrs. William B. Auer Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Baker Mr. and Mrs. William Balamaci Mrs. Shirley Bush Mr. and Mrs. James Cahill Mr. and Mrs. David L. Calfee Mrs. Virginia K. Cargill Mr. and Mrs. Louis Colosimo Mr. and Mrs. James H. Crowley, III Mr. and Mrs. James Dean Mrs. Olivia H. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fertig, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Flaherty Mrs. Stephanie B. Frost Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Garvey Mr. and Mrs. James D. Haas Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hawley ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klabonski Mrs. Joan Lewis

Mr. and Mrs. John P. McNicholas Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Moriarty ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Oldershaw Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Paige ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Palmisano Mr. and Mrs. John B. Payne ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce ’60 Mrs. Scarlett M. Pipkin Ms. Iris Quinones Mr. Joseph W. Rocco, Jr. and Ms. Arlyne E. Russo Mr. and Mrs. William D. Rueckert Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Runkel Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Russo Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Scheetz Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Sheppard Mr. and Mrs. George Skurja Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Solazzo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Springall Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Stevens

Mr. and Mrs. Andy Strober Mr. and Mrs. George J. Swander Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Terbell Mr. and Mrs. Vincent S. Tirola Dr. David M. Van Ess and Dr. Diane M. Gallo-Van Ess Mr. and Mrs. James B. Vose ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wilder Mrs. Judith S. Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wright Friends Anonymous Ms. Elizabeth B. Currier Mrs. Anne Drake Mr. and Mrs. Steven Klemenz Mr. John G. Russell Mrs. Starr W. Snead Matching Gift Company Abbott Laboratories Fund American Express Giving Program Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Aid to Education Program Bank of America Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation The Compass Group GE Foundation Michael & Susan Dell Foundation Microsoft Matching Gift Program Wells Fargo Matching Gift Program Foundations The Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, Inc. The Grace Jones Richardson Trust JWJ Family Foundation

Your support is greatly appreciated and we have made every effort to publish the names of all donors accurately. However, if there is an error please accept our sincere apology and please notify the Development Office so that we may correct our records. 20 FCDS Annual Report 2014-15

Cliff Paige ’62 Retires as Head of Upper School The End of an Era The 2014-2015 school year marked Cliff Paige’s final year as the Head of Upper School. Cliff has been part of the FCDS family for more than sixty years — twenty-eight of them as a teacher and administrator. He has touched the lives of many, which was evident in the celebrations for Cliff throughout last year. Alumni, parents, past parents, and friends wrote memories and notes that were compiled and put into an album for Cliff. There was a constant theme among all the notes — Cliff had impacted their lives. He was touted as a wonderful teacher, mentor, coach, and friend. Cliff’s impact on the community is evident in all the ways in which people wanted to celebrate and honor him. In addition to the memory book, faculty wrote and recited poems about Cliff, the holiday concerts were dedicated to him, alumni returned for his last graduation, the spring gala reflected Cliff’s love of Miami, and there were even large cardboard cut-outs of Cliff’s head at our sports games! It is hard to adequately recognize a man who gave so much to FCDS. From the hours he spent creating the schedule to the relationships he formed with students and faculty, Cliff is a legend who will forever be remembered for his impact at FCDS. When Cliff was asked to reflect back on this past year at FCDS this is what he had to say:

“My last year at Fairfield Country Day School was a wonderful experience in so many different ways. We had a great ninth grade, an exceptional faculty and staff, and lots of ’Country Day‘ spirit.”

“My year began with a great math class, an exceptional soccer team, a vibrant e-blotter staff, and friends who supported and cared about me in every way possible. I was determined to take the time to appreciate all the details of my job, and it was very easy to do this. I put a little extra effort into the schedule, the daily lunch seatings, the e-blotter, Bingo night, and the Valentine’s assembly. I enjoyed every minute of the public speaking contests, the concerts, the Miami trip, and the musical.”

“The Beach Boys concert with my friends, the Parents’ Association gala, and graduation were fantastic times for me to reflect on an incredible period of my life. My time at FCDS began in September of 1954 when I was a 1st grader. What a great journey it has been.” FCDS Annual Report 2014-15 21

Cliff Paige ’62 Fund We are thrilled to honor Cliff Paige ’62 by creating an endowed fund in his name. Cliff has been part of the FCDS family for more than sixty years and has touched the lives of many. He has played a significant role in the success of Country Day, from maintaining cherished traditions, such as the student-faculty lunches and walking through the Blue Door, to implementing cutting edge practices such as laptop integration with our curriculum. Cliff embodies the mission of Country Day each and every day. It brings us great pride to establish a fund in his honor. The Paige ’62 Legacy Fund, which began as part of the 75th Anniversary Capital Campaign, is an endowed fund that will support our talented faculty and staff in ways above and beyond professional development. We have already put it to good use by completing much needed renovations to some of our faculty housing. The fund honors Cliff’s legacy and provides necessary support to our teachers, who in turn support our boys and guide their character development and academic growth. The resources from the Paige ’62 Legacy Fund will dramatically impact our faculty experience, just as Cliff has impacted countless lives throughout his vibrant career at Country Day.

22 FCDS Annual Report 2014-15

Fund Donors Anonymous (2) Ms. Pauline Akers Mr. Scott F. Akers ’80 Mrs. Susan Akers Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Albanese Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Anderson Mr. Robert H. Anstett ’99 Mr. Tyler P. Auer ’00 Mr. Todd Azadian Mr. and Mrs. William Balamaci Bank of America Drs. Violette and Philip Barasch Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bartolomeo Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Beaudoin Ms. Catherine Bergstrom Mr. Derek D. Bloom ’86 Mr. Gregory T. Bloom ’84 Mr. and Mrs. William S. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. William Brasser Dr. and Mrs. Dante Brittis Mr. William L. Buck Mr. and Mrs. David Burton Mr. and Mrs. James Cahill Mr. Charles Cahn, III Mrs. Virginia K. Cargill Mr. and Mrs. Remy Charmoz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Citrone Ms. Sheila Clancy Mr. and Mrs. Louis Colosimo Mr. and Mrs. James G. Conzelman, III ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Craig, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Crowley, III Mr. James H. Crowley, IV ’91 Mr. Joseph C. Crowley ’97 Mr. and Mrs. John Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D’Addario Mr. James H. L. Dean ’08 Mr. Christopher B. Dennison ’02

To date the Paige ’62 Legacy Fund has raised over

$997,010! Mr. Peter A. DiNardo ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doering, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Duffy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Duffy, III Mr. W. Brewster Ely, IV ’62 Mr. Grayson M. Fertig ’95 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fertig, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Frode Foss-Skiftesvik Mr. Ryan G. Foss-Skiftesvik ’07 Mr. Sean N. Foss-Skiftesvik ’08 Mr. Ian A. Frost ’13 Mrs. Jane B. Frost Mrs. Stephanie B. Frost Mr. Griffith B. Fulton ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Gau GE Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James D. Haas Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hawley ’56 Mr. Brian A. Helderman ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Huebsch Mr. Noel Hynd ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kaufmann Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Keegan

Ms. Jocelyn Keith Mr. and Mrs. Vince Kelly Mr. John D. Koizim and Ms. Martha Castillo Mr. Matthew C. Koizim ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kreitler Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Kutcher Mrs. Joan Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lowsley-Williams Mr. David S. MacAllaster ’73 Mr. and Mrs. M. William Macey, Jr. Ms. Joan McFarlane Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. John P. McNicholas Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Millard ’86 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Munro, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Neal Dr. and Mrs. Charles G. Newton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Noland Mr. and Mrs. Bob O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Offenberg Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Oldershaw Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Loughlin Mr. and Mrs. Frederick O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Paige ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Paliotta Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Palmisano

Mr. Charles B. Payne ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ’84 Mr. Tucker N. Pearson ’08 Mr. Richard S. Perkin, II ’96 Mr. Andrew J. Pikul ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Pikul Mrs. Scarlett M. Pipkin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rafferty Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ratcliffe Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Ritzel, Jr. Mr. Samuel P. Runkel ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Russo Ms. Michelle Sagalyn Samson Capital Advisors Mr. Edward V. V. Sands ’62 Mr. Curtis P. Sarles ’93 Mr. and Mrs. David G. Sarles Mr. Jesse T. Sarles ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Scheetz Dr. and Mrs. Allen Schlein Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Sheppard Mr. and Mrs. Brandon W. Shreve Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Sjodin Mr. David M. Smith ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Solazzo Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stapleton The Stearns Family Mr. Stephen G. Stonehouse, III ’13 Mr. John A. Sturges, Jr. ’62 Mr. John A. Sullivan ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Thompson Mr. and Mrs. James G. Verrillo Mr. Jonathan D. T. Ward ’99 Mr. Nicholas H. L. Ward ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Randall White Mr. and Mrs. Albert Winslow Mr. Robert Withers and Ms. Anita Black Dr. and Mrs. Abraham Yale Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zachery Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zelson FCDS Annual Report 2014-15 23

FCDS Parents’ Association FCDS parents play a critical role in their sons’ education and in the success of the School. Recognizing the importance of the parent/school relationship, the FCDS Parents’ Association has created a strong partnership so that families feel connected to the School. The PA actively encourages parent participation and offers many ways to get involved. From the speaker series to the Book Fair, being a room parent, helping in the Learning Commons, or attending and helping at PA sponsored social events; there are a number of opportunities available to suit your schedule and interests. Parents often say that their own lives, along with their sons’, are enriched by giving back.

Parents’ Association Spring 2015 Fundraiser What a night! More than 300 people attended the Parents’ Association Spring Gala to honor and celebrate FCDS icon, Cliff Paige ’62. Event chair, Amy Whiteley, with the help of fellow parents Siri Burki and Shari Jones, and grandparent Chickie Fay, truly captured the spirit of Cliff with their Miami themed event which featured live music, food trucks, and even a small beach. Thank you to everyone who participated in the event which supported the Cliff Paige ’62 Fund.

Fundraiser Donors Ms. Pauline Akers Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bachner Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Beaudoin Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bilyard Dr. Daniel Bordea and Dr. Mihaela Costin Mr. Edward Boyle and Ms. Ellen Ringle Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brown Mr. and Mrs. Michael Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Cargill ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Citrone Ms. Sheila Clancy Mr. and Mrs. James G. Conzelman, III ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cowles Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Currie 24 FCDS Annual Report 2014-15

Mr. James Elkus and Ms. Elizabeth Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Fabro Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fay Mr. and Mrs. Simon Fenner Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mr. and Mrs. David L. Friedline Mr. and Mrs. David Friezo Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gannon Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gunn Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. James L. Haskel Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heumann Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Huber Mr. and Mrs. William Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Keegan Mr. John D. Koizim and Ms. Martha Castillo Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kral Mr. Chad LaBonte and Ms. Erin Rossitto Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lawlor Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lee Mr. Matt LoGuercio and Ms. Alison Hong Mr. and Mrs. Matt Lugar Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. MacDonald Mr. Damien Marshall and Ms. Irene Ricci Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mason Mr. and Mrs. R. Pierre McGuire Mr. and Mrs. William Meury Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Muhlhauser Mr. and Mrs. Shannon O’Callaghan Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Offenberg Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Oricoli

2014-2015 Parents’ Association Executive Board Co-Presidents: Katie Bachner and Teresa Fenner Co-Vice Presidents: Kelly Laferriere and Finley Shaw Treasurer: Dana Lawlor / Secretary: Stephanie Kodweis

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Paliotta Mr. and Mrs. William F. Parry Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce ’60 Mr. Charles Pennington and Ms. Susan Zhang Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rosow Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Solazzo Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Spencer Mr. Ted Sprinkle and Ms. Cynthia Schmitt-Sprinkle Mr. and Mrs. John Staikos Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Stonehouse Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. Stovell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thompson Mr. Robert D. Vitalo and Ms. Jacqueline Montras Jeffrey Von Kohorn, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Vose ’67 Mr. and Mrs. James Wackerman Mr. Waqas Wajahat and Ms. Shari Jones Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Whiteley Dr. Derek Yach and Dr. Yasmin von Schirnding Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zelson

The Gregory Society is named in honor of Fairfield Country Day School’s founding headmaster, Laurence W. (“Pope”) Gregory, who served as headmaster from 1936 until his death in 1946. The Gregory Society recognizes those individuals who have made provisions for Fairfield Country Day in their estate plans. You can help preserve the spirit of Fairfield Country Day School well into the future by becoming a member of the Gregory Society. There are many types of gifts that are recognized by the Gregory Society and prove to be financially beneficial to both the donor and the school. For more information about the Gregory Society please contact the Development Office at 203-259-2723.

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Stewardship The efforts of our FCDS boys in the community throughout the school year

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