2018-2019 Donor Impact Report a tradition of giving
contents 1 Letter from the President of the Board of Trustees 2 Board of Trustees 3 Bronson Society 4 Financials 5 FCDS Annual Fund 6 Annual Fund Donors 15 Parents’ Association
administration 2018-2019 John R. Munro, Jr. Head of School Maureen Bartolomeo Director of Finance and Operations Ally Bates Co-Director of Enrollment, Marketing & Communications Terilyn Esse Interim Director of Development Brad Fallon Director of Athletics Porter Hill Head of Lower School Margot Pearce Head of Upper School Richard Runkel Co-Director of Enrollment, Admissions & Secondary School Deborah Sullinger Head of Middle School Pen Vineyard Dean of Students
Cover photography by Carolyn Russo
letter from the president of the board of trustees
Dear FCDS community, A year of innovation. A year of participation. A year of dedication. A year of celebration. Last year began with a rigorous and successful Head of School search and ended on a sundrenched morning in June at the 82nd commencement exercises. The School unanimously appointed Jon Deveaux as the 11th leader of Fairfield Country Day School, we launched the Boys Lab to leverage our expertise in boys’ education, and we applauded all of our 2019 graduates who matriculated to exceptional secondary schools. Our success as a school is also measured by the support of our community. I am thrilled to report that for the fourth consecutive year the Annual Fund has enjoyed 100% participation from parents, faculty and staff, and trustees. The spring gala, in honor of our long-time Head of School John Munro, raised a record-breaking $260,000 in one evening. In total, FCDS raised over $1.3 million last year, the largest amount of funds raised in almost a decade.
As we look ahead to an exciting new school year with our new Head of School Jon Deveaux, I ask each of you to think about how to get involved with FCDS. No contribution is too small, and if you are looking for a role to play, please contact me to discuss. Despite general challenges to independent schools, we are operating from an historic position of strength, with a world-class faculty and a visionary leader in Jon. Never in my tenure as a parent or board member have I felt so confident in our School. It is time to harness this positive momentum and take FCDS to the next level. It is time to turn the dial to 11 and we need to do that as a community. To this end, we will be reaching out next fall to engage in a community-wide discussion about our next strategic plan. This will be an opportunity for us to double down on our strengths and identify and address weaknesses and external challenges. This will be an open and inclusive process and will only be successful to the extent of your participation. I look forward to beginning this next chapter with you. With gratitude,
Patrick Shaw President, Board of Trustees
As you’ll see on the pages that follow, your loyal spirit of generosity has a direct impact on each boy’s education at FCDS. It is for this reason that our traditional Annual Report has been renamed the 2018-19 Donor Impact Report to reflect the influence of each and every donor. With this summary of financials, we graciously recognize the remarkable dedication of our community and celebrate this year of innovation and participation. FCDS | 2018-2019 | With Gratitude 1
fcds board of trustees 2018-2019 Patrick Shaw President Robert D. Russo ’90 Vice President Kevin Harmon Treasurer Tara Burke Secretary
new trustees 2019-2020
Taylor Baldwin Cheryl L. Bundy Kai Bynum Virginia K. Cargill Sheila Clancy Megan Foley Jeff Gardner Sunil Garga Mark Hale Annie Zimmerli-Haskel Brian Lawlor Sandra Lugar Kim Meier Leslie Noland James B. Vose ’67 Richard B. Vose ’99 Lauren Kelly-Weiss
Robert Bowman and his wife Jen live in Westport with their five children; Owen ’19, Charlie ’22, Annabelle, Maxwell, and Annie. Rob joined JP Morgan in 1993 and was noted as “Best of the Buy Side” by the Wall Street Journal and as a “Top Gun” by Brendan Wood International. Rob holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from Rutgers and an MBA from NYU. Rob was a member of the Westport YMCA’s Board of Directors from 2009 to 2016 and a member of their Board of Trustees since 2016. Rob also coaches for the Westport Soccer Association and the Westport Basketball Association. William Huntington is a senior-level executive at Ralph Lauren Corporation. Bill’s career spans 25 years building brands and developing businesses in the wholesale and retail sectors. A skilled operator, Bill excels at optimizing organizational structure, talent and process, unlocking business opportunities and positioning brands for commercial success and market leadership. Bill graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Miami University. Bill and his wife Kristin live in Southport with their son William ’20 and daughter Hollis.
by the numbers 2018-2019 21 Trustees
14 Current Parents 10 Past Parents 3 Alumni 1 Head of Another Independent School
2 FCDS | 2018-2019 | With Gratitude
10 Executive Committee Meetings 25 Board Meeting Hours 8 Board Committees
100% Contributed to the Annual Fund
the bronson society While every gift made to Fairfield Country Day School celebrates a spirit of generosity, the members of our leadership giving circles, The Bronson Society, exemplify a unique passion and commitment to the mission and vision of our School. In recognition of our top donors, The Bronson Society is our most prestigious donor recognition category, honoring the leadership and extraordinary support of those who give an annual gift of $5000 or more. FCDS gratefully applauds these benefactors at our annual November celebration, The Bronson Society Reception.
the 2018 bronson award It’s a special commitment of leadership, involvement, and personal resources that distinguish each Bronson Award recipient. Following the dedication of those awarded this honor in years past, Missy and Kevin Harmon continue to exemplify what it truly means to be part of The Bronson Society. As the 2018 Bronson Award recipients, the Harmons have made an indelible impact on our School in many important and lasting ways over the past decade. “The Harmons have always been willing to go above and beyond,” explains Patrick Shaw, Board President. Kevin joined the Board of Trustees in 2012 and served as Treasurer of the Board from 2016-2019. Missy volunteered in and out of the classroom and was Co-President of the Parents’ Association in 2017-2018. In addition to the time, talent and resources that the Harmons have given to FCDS, they also generously supported the 75th Anniversary Capital Campaign. We thank Missy and Kevin for their dedication to FCDS and extend our heartfelt thanks to trustee Kim Meier for graciously hosting the Bronson Society Reception for the second consecutive year.
bronson award recipients 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
Missy and Kevin Harmon Pam and Mark Beaudoin Sheila Clancy Gerald Pearce, Sr. ’60 Gerald Pearce, Jr. ’84 Finley and Patrick Shaw Cindy and Rob Citrone Frances and Alan Offenberg Virginia Cargill Mary and Frode Foss-Skiftesvik Megan and Larry Foley Susan and John Akers Bailey and Jim Haas Dorothy and John Payne ’55 Mary and Kevin Cunningham Patti and Tom Keegan Barbara and Gary Johnson Anne and David Ward Lauri and Michael Friedland Fluer and Bill Rueckert Whitney and Jim Vose ’67 Betsy and John Perkin Jeanne and David Rosow Fran and Worthington Johnson
(l to r) Board of Trustees President Patrick Shaw, Kevin and Missy Harmon, and Head of School John R. Munro, Jr. FCDS | 2018-2019 | With Gratitude 3
financials 2019
financial information Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2019
e om c n gI
Op e
rat in
Annual Giving*
Annual Giving (unrestricted) $468,669
Tuition Income $8,768,908
Other Income $241,159
Ope rat in g
Other Fundraising $269,487
e ens p Ex
Physical Plant $851,646
Financial Aid $1,486,600 Administration $648,621 Instructional $424,080
Salaries & Benefits $5,771,795
Food Service $355,877 Other Expenses $297,224 Interest on Debt $5,982
Paige ’62 Legacy Fund
2019 Spring Fundraiser
$614,917 John R. Munro, Jr. Scholarship Fund
Total Giving 2018-2019 *Includes unrestricted and restricted gifts
$9,030,619 Total Endowment
development committee 2018-2019 Tara Burke, Chair
4 FCDS | 2018-2019 | With Gratitude
Taylor Baldwin
Megan Foley
Richard Vose ’99
Lauren Kelly-Weiss
fcds annual fund Strength in numbers is the goal of each Annual Fund and participation from parents, faculty, trustees and alumni make all the difference. Every gift to the Annual Fund profoundly impacts the story of each and every Fairfield Country Day School boy. On behalf of all FCDS students, we extend our deepest gratitude for your contributions. Your gifts provide a vital source of unrestricted income which elevates all aspects of life on campus and ensure that we have the resources necessary to provide a transformative academic experience.
was raised during the
2018-2019 Annual Fund.
annual fund volunteers The success of the Annual Fund each year is driven in large part by the enthusiasm, dedication and hard work of our volunteers. With their help, we have reached another milestone — our fourth consecutive year of 100 percent parent participation. Thank you to this stellar group of parents! Tara Burke, Chair Elizabeth Courtney Megan Foley Adrienne Johnston Renee Lucarelli Alessandra Moore Andrea Shantz Lauren Kelly-Weiss
100% Parent Participation 100% Trustee Participation 100% Faculty & Staff Participation 451 Donors FCDS | 2018-2019 | With Gratitude 5
donors by category
6 FCDS | 2018-2019 | With Gratitude
crusaders | $2,500 – $4,999
the bronson society Those who donate $5,000 or more to the Annual Fund.
head of school | $25,000 + Ms. Sheila Clancy Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mr. James L. Haskel and Mrs. Ann Zimmerli-Haskel Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Owens
1936 | $15,000 – $24,999 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowman Mr. Jeffrey Gardner and Ms. Nina Andreyev Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lawlor
blue door | $10,000 – $14,999 Mr. and Mrs. Tim Burke Ms. Kim Meier Mr. Richard S. Perkin, II ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shaw
windmill | $5,000 – $9,999 Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Adams Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Allott Bank of America Mr. Pavel Chernyshov and Ms. Anastasia Gorgutsa Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dryden Mr. and Mrs. Frode Foss-Skiftesvik Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Fredericks Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Garvey Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Rob Hess Mr. and Mrs. William Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lucarelli, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lugar Mr. and Mrs. Charl Malan Mr. Damien Marshall and Ms. Irene Ricci Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mason Mr. and Mrs. James A. Michaelson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew O’Gorman Mr. and Mrs. David A. Perdue, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scinto Mr. Jan Unger and Ms. Joan Cook Unger Ms. Alexandra Wallace Mr. Chris Weiss and Mrs. Lauren Kelly-Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Brian Worrell Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Yin
Mr. Santiago Alfageme and Ms. Leah Gambal Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bachner Mr. Anthony J. Bavedas Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Blasius Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burchill Mrs. Virginia K. Cargill Mr. and Mrs. Felix T. Charney Mr. and Mrs. James G. Conzelman, III ’77 Mr. James Elkus and Ms. Elizabeth Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Fabro Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fox Mr. Nathaniel W. Gibbons ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gold The Grace Jones Richardson Trust Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Harkey Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kodweis Mr. and Mrs. Marc Lauricella Mr. and Mrs. Sergei Lemberg Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCaffery Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Muhlhauser Mr. and Mrs. Craig Muhlhauser Mr. and Mrs. Ted E. Orenstein Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Palmisano Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ’84 Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Edward Repking Mr. Peter L. Richardson ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Sarathi Roy Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Russo, III ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Schiller Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Shantz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Keith J. Stephan Mr. and Mrs. James B. Vose ’67 Mr. and Mrs. John Whitaker
blue/white | $1,000 – $2,499 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Abercrombie Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Ambrifi Ameriprise Financial, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Bartol ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Sean Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Berges BlackRock Matching Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Paul Block Mr. and Mrs. William P. Bundy
years of consecutive giving ............................ 5-9 years ......................... 10-14 years ...................... 15-19 years ................... 20-24 years ................ 25+ years
FCDS | 2018-2019 | With Gratitude 7
donors by category Mr. Kai Bynum C. E. Floyd Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Rajeev Chennattu Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Clarke Mr. and Mrs. William M. Denkin Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dicconson Mr. and Mrs. Alex Dudley Mr. Christopher Eykyn Ms. Susannah Eykyn Mr. Philip Ficks ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Justin Friesen Mrs. Stephanie B. Frost Mr. and Mrs. Sunil Garga Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gnadinger Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Grodd Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Guthman Steven M. Heffer, M.D. and Heena Sultan, M.D. Dr. Mark Hotchkiss and Ms. Marcia S. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Howe Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Hublitz Mr. and Mrs. William P. Huntington Mr. and Mrs. Christos Kantzas Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kelly Mr. Christopher Larsen ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Mauricio Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mcdonald Mr. Sean J. McManus ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Adam S. Mocciolo Mr. and Mrs. John R. Munro, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Nemec Mr. Samuel V. Niles ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Noland Mr. and Mrs. Mark Oravec Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Paige ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Poling Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Prendergast Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Reed Mr. and Mrs. John Riley Mr. James G. Roccas and Ms. Lisa Ho Mr. and Mrs. William D. Rueckert Mr. and Mrs. James T. Sage Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Scheetz Mr. and Mrs. Alon Shein Mr. David M. Smith ’70 Mr. Michael Spellacy and Ms. Stephanie Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Spencer Mr. Ted Sprinkle and Ms. Cynthia Schmitt-Sprinkle Mr. and Mrs. Eric Staub Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Sullivan UBS Mr. Waqas Wajahat and Ms. Shari Jones
years of consecutive giving ............................ 5-9 years ......................... 10-14 years ...................... 15-19 years ................... 20-24 years ................ 25+ years
8 FCDS | 2018-2019 | With Gratitude
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Weiss Mr. Heberton L. Williams ’82 Mr. Ransom C. Wilson ’71 Dr. Derek Yach and Dr. Yasmin von Schirnding
blazers | $1 – $999 Anonymous (3) Abbott Laboratories Fund Mr. and Mrs. Luke Adovasio Mr. Steve Aikenhead ’55 AmazonSmile Foundation Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Aid to Education Program Mr. Robert H. Anstett ’99 Mr. Jonathan Atwood Ms. Lorelei Atwood Mr. and Mrs. William B. Auer Mr. Nicholas W. Auer ’08 Mr. Tyler P. Auer ’00 Mr. and Mrs. DePaul Avant Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Baker Mr. and Mrs. William Balamaci Mr. Thomas W. Balamaci ’93 Ms. Taylor Baldwin Mr. Paul Ballou Mr. James Balmer and Ms. Mary Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Craig Balocca Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barnaby Ms. Kelly C. Barr Mr. John F. Barry, III ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Barry ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bartolomeo Mr. Marshall M. Bassick, Jr. ’54 Ms. Allyson M. Bates Dr. and Mrs. Joshua E. Baum Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Bavedas ’93 Ms. Catherine Bergstrom Mr. and Mrs. Travis Berry Mr. Tyler J. Bierman ’17 Mr. Edwin J. Blair ’49 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Bowman, Jr. Mr. Edward Boyle and Ms. Ellen Ringle Boyle Ms. Mary Bradley Ms. Mary M. Bradley Mr. Duncan B. Briggs Ms. Namisha Brown Mr. Blake Burchill ’18 Mr. Jeffrey P. Bush ’78 Mrs. Shirley Bush Mr. Quinn A. Cahill ’13 Mr. and Mrs. David L. Calfee Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Callanan Ms. Rebecca Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Justin Cathcart Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ceconi Mr. and Mrs. Jean E. Cedon Mr. and Mrs. Marc L. Cesaratto Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cichella Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Clavelli Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Collins Mr. John S. Colosimo ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Colosimo Mr. Louis A. Colosimo ’14
Mr. and Mrs. Ogden Confer Ms. Grace Connell Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cooper, III ’87 Mr. Sawyer C. Coseglia ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Courtney Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cowles Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cowles Mr. Carrigan Cullinan ’18 John and Britney Cullinan Mr. Jeffrey Currie Mr. Anastase P. Dacey ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Dacey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald DeFosset, III Mr. Damon C. DiMauro ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. W. Boulton Dixon Mr. Peter Doering, Jr. ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doering, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Dollinger Mr. and Mrs. John Dorman Mr. Matthew DuCharme Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Endemann Energy Income Partners, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Pieter Engel Mr. Douglas E. Ente ’69 Mr. Jack Esse ’17 Mr. Benjamin S. Fainlight ’06 Mr. Nicholas Fainlight ’08 Mr. Brad Fallon Mr. Eric Farber and Ms. Marlowe Mitchell Mr. James M. Farr Mr. Grayson M. Fertig ’95 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fertig, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tristan G. Fields Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius T. Finnegan, IV Ms. Maureen Finnegan Mr. and Mrs. Seth Firmender Mr. and Mrs. Sean Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Damon Fleming Mr. Peter W. Floeckher, Jr. ’64 Ms. Jessica Floissac-Blake Mr. and Mrs. Ian Forrest Mr. Mark W. Foster ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Franklin Mr. Ferdinand H. Frassinelli ’73 Mr. Thomas Freer Mr. Ian A. Frost ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gabriel Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gage Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Gale Ms. Julie Gannon Mr. Mark Gannon Mr. Phil Gardner Mr. Steve Garnett Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Gates Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geary Dr. Harold I. Genvert ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Gerges Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gilligan Mr. and Mrs. John Giordano Mr. and Mrs. William Gnadinger Mr. David Godzisz Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program Mr. Mathew Goldsmith and Ms. Cheryl Guibone Ms. Cynthia Gomez Mr. Roger C. Goodspeed ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gravanis Mr. James M. Graves ’49
Mr. Stephen Gray and Ms. Ashley Pressler Mr. and Mrs. Scott Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. James Greenwood Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grodd Mr. Gavin W. Guterl ’17 Ms. Cynthia Harmon Ms. Margaret E. Hemenway Mr. and Mrs. Porter Hill Mr. Andrew M. Hoffman ’76 Mr. and Mrs. George V. Hogan, Jr. Mr. Scott Hood ’71 Mr. John D. Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Barclay G. Howe Mr. Archibald R. Hoxton, III ’58 Mr. Finn F. Hublitz ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hull Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Hutton Mr. Zachary I. K. Hutton ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hyde Mr. Noel Hynd ’62 Mr. Angelo M. Iasiello, II ’80 Mr. Emilio J. Iasiello, III ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Isola Mr. Andrew R. Johnson ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Johnson Mr. Gray A. Johnson ’12 Mr. James C. Johnson ’09 Mr. Worthington Johnson, Jr. ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Jere Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Johnston Mr. Richard S. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jordan JWJ Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kaufmann Mr. Gerrit M. Keator ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kimball Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klabonski Mr. and Mrs. Adam Klyver Ms. Rosamond Koether and Mr. Brian Stephanak Mr. Joseph D. Koizim ’03 Mr. Matthew C. Koizim ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Laganza Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Laganza, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Lahey, III ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Lamb, III Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Langdon Mr. and Mrs. Mark Langston Mr. Cooper M. Lee ’18 Mr. George Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Littrell Mr. Thomas Lloyd ’69 Mr. Matt LoGuercio and Alison Hong, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Lord Mr. Kevin Mabley and Ms. Beth Negron Mr. David S. MacAllaster ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Macri Mr. Robert Makuch Mr. and Mrs. Neil R. Martell Mr. and Mrs. Randy Master Ms. Irma Matuk Mr. and Mrs. Greg L. McCubbin Mr. and Mrs. Brandon McCue Dr. Bruce S. McEwen Mrs. Nancy McEwen Mr. and Mrs. John A. McKenna, Jr. Mr. Henry F. Merritt and Dr. Jane Hamilton-Merritt Mr. Schuyler H. F. Merritt ’01
Mr. and Mrs. Don Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Millard ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller Mrs. Lorraine Miller Mrs. Monica Mills Mr. and Mrs. Jason Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Moore ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Moore Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Moriarty ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morris Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Morse ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Musico Mr. and Mrs. James Noland Mr. William H. Noland ’13 Mrs. Frances O’Neill Oracle Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Orben Mr. Ted Orben ’15 Mr. Charles F. Oudin, III ’73 Mr. Howard T. Owens, III ’83 Mr. Leroy Owens Mr. Day L. Patterson ’58 Mr. Geoffrey S. Payne ’61 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Payne ’55 Mr. Charles B. Pearce ’15 Mr. Christopher T. Perkin ’88 Ms. Phoumalai P. Perrone Mr. David M. Perry ’69 Mr. and Mrs. James Phillipson Mr. and Mrs. Phoukhao Phouangphiarith Mrs. Scarlett M. Pipkin PNC Bank Matching Gift Program Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pomeroy Mr. Christopher J. Popadic ’90 Ms. Andrea Pouliet-Rourke Mr. and Mrs. Phil Prapopulos Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Prior Mr. Timothy Prister ’17 Prudential Financial, Inc. Mr. Drake A. Quental ’16 Mrs. Gail A. Rauch Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Redgate, III Ms. Carol Reed Mrs. Helen A. Reed Mr. Jon H. Ringel ’80 Mr. Richard S. Ritzel, II ’99 Mr. Blake W. Robinson ’62 Mr. and Mrs. George Roccas Mr. Joseph W. Rocco, Jr. and Ms. Arlyne E. Russo Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Rosemberg Mr. Cameron J. Ross-MacCormack ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Rothbaum Ms. Gail E. Rourke Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Runkel Mr. and Mrs. Helmut K. Schmale Mr. and Mrs. Seth Schwartz Mr. Ross Sealfon Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Shalhoub Mr. and Mrs. Rajesh Sharma Mr. B. Robert Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sherman Mr. and Mrs. John M. Shostak
Mr. and Mrs. Aun Singapore Mr. and Mrs. George Skurja Mr. Andrew E. Slade ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Smalley Dr. Andrew J. T. Smith and Ms. Andrea E. Mills Ms. H. Melanie Smith Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Smokler Ms. Starr W. Snead Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Solazzo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Springall Mr. Cole A. Sprinkle ’16 Mr. Alexander Staikos ’19 Mr. and Mrs. John Staikos Mr. Christopher C. Stevens ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Stevens Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. Stovell Mr. David K. Sturges ’57 Mr. John A. Sturges, Jr. ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Stutz Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Sullinger Mr. David J. Sullivan, III and Dr. Gioia J. Riccio Mr. and Mrs. George J. Swander Mr. Zachary J. Swander ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Erik Swenson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Targowski Mr. and Mrs. Scott Telesz Mrs. Harriette A. Terbell Ms. Mariann Thomas and Mr. David Tavolacci Mr. H. Lawrence Thompson, IV ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thompson Mr. Radclyffe F. Thompson ’59 Ms. Stephanie Thompson Igor Turok, M.D. and Zinaida Turok, M.D. Ms. Ursula D. Van Arnam Mr. David T. Van Cott and Christine E. Van Cott, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Van Ess ’03 Mr. Neftali Velasquez and Ms. Carmen Mendivil Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Vereen Mr. and Mrs. James G. Verrillo Mr. and Mrs. Jason Victor Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Vigilante Ms. Barbara Viner Mr. John P. Vineyard, IV Mr. Robert D. Vitalo and Ms. Jacqueline Montras Jeffrey Von Kohorn, Ph.D. Mr. Richard B. Vose ’99 Mr. and Mrs. John Ward Mr. John W. Watkins ’69 Ms. Harriet Weiss Master Watson F. Weiss ’26 Wells Fargo Matching Gift Program Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Whinery Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wilder Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams Mr. and Mrs. David S. Wiswell ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Wiswell ’67 Ms. Barbara Wood Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wood Mr. Christopher J. Wright ’88 Ms. Patricia Wright Mr. and Mrs. Pratap Yagnik Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Yasner Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Zaremba Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Zev
FCDS | 2018-2019 | With Gratitude 9
100% parent giving by class
Parent Participation For the Fourth Consecutive Year!
Thank you parents for your support of the Annual Fund! Contributions come in all sizes and every gift makes a difference to the boys and teachers at FCDS.
10 FCDS | 2018-2019 | With Gratitude
giving by constituency trustee
faculty & staff
former faculty & staff
Ms. Taylor Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. William P. Bundy Mr. and Mrs. Tim Burke Mr. Kai Bynum Mrs. Virginia K. Cargill Ms. Sheila Clancy Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mr. Jeffrey Gardner and Ms. Nina Andreyev Mr. and Mrs. Sunil Garga Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Harmon Mr. James L. Haskel and Mrs. Ann Zimmerli-Haskel Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lawlor Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lugar Ms. Kim Meier Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Noland Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Russo, III ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. James B. Vose ’67 Mr. Richard B. Vose ’99 Mr. Chris Weiss and Mrs. Lauren Kelly-Weiss
Mr. James Balmer and Ms. Mary Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Craig Balocca Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barnaby Ms. Kelly C. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bartolomeo Ms. Allyson M. Bates Ms. Catherine Bergstrom Mr. and Mrs. Travis Berry Mr. Duncan B. Briggs Mr. and Mrs. Justin Cathcart Ms. Grace Connell Britney and John Cullinan Mr. and Mrs. John Dorman Mr. and Mrs. Matthew DuCharme Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Esse Mr. Brad Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Franklin Mr. Thomas Freer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gabriel Mr. and Mrs. Steve Garnett Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geary Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Gerges Mr. and Mrs. Scott Greenberg Ms. Margaret E. Hemenway Mr. and Mrs. Porter Hill Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hull Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Isola Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kimball Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klabonski Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Littrell Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Lord Mr. and Mrs. Greg L. McCubbin Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Millard ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Morse ’86 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Munro, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Musico Mrs. Frances O’Neill Mr. Leroy Owens Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. James Phillipson Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Redgate, III Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Runkel Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. George Skurja Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Sullinger Mr. and Mrs. James J. Van Ess ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Vigilante Ms. Barbara Viner Mr. John P. Vineyard, IV Jeffrey Von Kohorn, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Bavedas ’93 Mr. James M. Farr Mr. John D. Hoover Mr. Richard S. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kaufmann Mr. George Lewis Mr. and Mrs. John A. McKenna, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Moore Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Paige ’62 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Payne ’55 Mrs. Gail A. Rauch Mrs. Helen A. Reed Mr. and Mrs. John Riley Mr. and Mrs. John M. Shostak Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Stutz Mr. Robert D. Vitalo and Ms. Jacqueline Montras Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Yasner
past trustee Mr. and Mrs. William B. Auer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bachner Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Baker Mr. and Mrs. William Balamaci Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Barry ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Colosimo Mr. and Mrs. James G. Conzelman, III ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Esse Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Frode Foss-Skiftesvik Mrs. Stephanie B. Frost Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Garvey Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Moriarty ’70 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Payne ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. William D. Rueckert Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Solazzo Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. Stovell Mr. and Mrs. James G. Verrillo Mr. and Mrs. David S. Ward
“FCDS continues to warm our hearts and we are happy to continue our support.” – K ATHLEEN GARV EY, PAST TRUSTEE, P ’11, ’11, AND ’14
current student Master Murphy Burke ’25 Master Watson F. Weiss ’26
grandparent Mr. and Mrs. Michael Abercrombie Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Bowman, Jr. Ms. Mary Bradley Ms. Mary M. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Ogden Confer Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cowles Mr. and Mrs. W. Boulton Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Dollinger Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Endemann Ms. Maureen Finnegan Mr. Phil Gardner Mr. and Mrs. John Giordano Mr. and Mrs. William Gnadinger Mr. David Godzisz Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grodd Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Guthman Mr. and Mrs. Barclay G. Howe Mr. and Mrs. Jere Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Laganza, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Neil R. Martell Dr. Bruce S. McEwen Mrs. Nancy McEwen Mr. and Mrs. Don Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller Mrs. Lorraine Miller Mrs. Monica Mills Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morris Mr. and Mrs. Craig Muhlhauser Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy Mr. and Mrs. James Noland Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Paige ’62
FCDS | 2018-2019 | With Gratitude 11
paige ’62 legacy fund
Class of 2019
Mr. and Mrs. Phoukhao Phouangphiarith Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pomeroy Ms. Carol Reed Mr. and Mrs. George Roccas Ms. Gail E. Rourke Mr. Robert Shaw Ms. H. Melanie Smith Mr. and Mrs. John Ward Ms. Harriet Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Pratap Yagnik Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Zaremba
past parent / past grandparent Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. William B. Auer Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Baker Mr. and Mrs. William Balamaci Ms. Taylor Baldwin Mr. Paul Ballou Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Barry ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Bartol ’81 Mr. Anthony J. Bavedas Mrs. Shirley Bush Mr. and Mrs. David L. Calfee Mrs. Virginia K. Cargill Mr. and Mrs. Louis Colosimo Mr. and Mrs. James G. Conzelman, III ’77 Britney and John Cullinan Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Dacey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doering, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fertig, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frode Foss-Skiftesvik Mrs. Stephanie B. Frost Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Garvey Ms. Cynthia Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hull The Hutton Family Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kimball Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klabonski Ms. Rosamond Koether and Mr. Brian Stephanak Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lawlor Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. MacDonald
12 FCDS | 2018-2019 | With Gratitude
The Paige ’62 Legacy Fund is an endowed fund that provides financial resources to allow our faculty and staff to take advantage of a wide range of professional development opportunities. The fund is named after retired Head of Upper School and FCDS alum Cliff Paige ’62. This fund celebrates our graduates and recognizes the legacy they leave behind. For this reason, it is a tradition for the parents of the ninth grade class to make their Annual Fund contribution to the Paige’62 Legacy Fund.
Mr. Robert Makuch Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Mauricio Mr. and Mrs. Brandon McCue Mr. Henry F. Merritt and Dr. Jane Hamilton-Merritt Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Millard ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Moore ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Moriarty ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Oravec Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Paige ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Palmisano Mr. and Mrs. John B. Payne ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ’84 Mrs. Scarlett M. Pipkin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell Mrs. Gail A. Rauch Mr. Joseph W. Rocco, Jr. and Ms. Arlyne E. Russo Mr. and Mrs. William D. Rueckert Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Runkel Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Scheetz Mr. and Mrs. Helmut K. Schmale Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. George Skurja Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Smalley Ms. H. Melanie Smith Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Solazzo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Springall Mr. Ted Sprinkle and Ms. Cynthia Schmitt-Sprinkle Mr. and Mrs. John Staikos Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Stevens Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. Stovell Mr. David J. Sullivan, III and Dr. Gioia J. Riccio Mr. and Mrs. George J. Swander Mrs. Harriette A. Terbell Mr. and Mrs. James G. Verrillo Mr. and Mrs. James B. Vose ’67 Mr. Waqas Wajahat and Ms. Shari Jones Mr. and Mrs. David S. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Whinery Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wilder Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Wiswell ’67 Dr. Derek Yach and Dr. Yasmin von Schirnding
friend / corporation Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Callanan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Gates Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gilligan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Prior Mr. Ross Sealfon Ms. Starr W. Snead Ms. Stephanie Thompson Ms. Ursula D. Van Arnam
foundation AmazonSmile Foundation The Grace Jones Richardson Trust JWJ Family Foundation, Inc. The Perkin Fund
matching gift company Abbott Laboratories Fund Ameriprise Financial, Inc. Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Aid to Education Program Bank of America BlackRock Matching Gift Fund Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation Energy Income Partners, LLC Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program Oracle Corporation Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program PNC Bank Matching Gift Program Prudential Financial, Inc. UBS Wells Fargo Matching Gift Program
Your support is greatly appreciated. We have made every effort to publish the names of all donors accurately. However, if there is an error, please accept our sincere apology and please notify the Development Office so that we may correct our records.
alumni giving by decade 1940s
Mr. Edwin J. Blair ’49 Mr. James M. Graves ’49
Mr. Angelo M. Iasiello, II ’80 Mr. Jon H. Ringel ’80 Mr. Perry L. Bartol ’81 Mr. Samuel V. Niles ’81 Mr. Heberton L. Williams ’82 Mr. Edward V. Lahey, III ’83 Mr. Howard T. Owens, III ’83 Mr. Emilio J. Iasiello, III ’84 Mr. Gerald G. Pearce, Jr. ’84 Mr. Gregory J. Millard ’86 Mr. Stephen L. Morse ’86 Mr. James E. Cooper, Jr. ’87 Mr. Christopher T. Perkin ’88 Mr. Christopher J. Wright ’88
1950s Mr. Christopher Larsen ’52 Mr. Gerrit M. Keator ’53 Mr. Marshall M. Bassick, Jr. ’54 Mr. Steve Aikenhead ’55 Mr. John B. Payne ’55 Mr. Mark W. Foster ’57 Mr. David K. Sturges ’57 Mr. Archibald R. Hoxton, III ’58 Mr. Day L. Patterson ’58 Mr. Radclyffe F. Thompson ’59
1960s Mr. Geoffrey S. Payne ’61 Mr. Noel Hynd ’62 Mr. Clifford E. Paige ’62 Mr. Blake W. Robinson ’62 Mr. John A. Sturges, Jr. ’62 Mr. Peter W. Floeckher, Jr. ’64 Mr. Phil Ficks ’65 Mr. Roger C. Goodspeed ’66 Mr. Worthington Johnson, Jr. ’66 Mr. John F. Barry, III ’67 Mr. Douglas G. Moore ’67 Mr. James B. Vose ’67 Mr. Peter S. Wiswell ’67 Dr. Harold I. Genvert ’68 Mr. Peter L. Richardson ’68 Mr. Douglas E. Ente ’69 Mr. Thomas Lloyd ’69 Mr. David M. Perry ’69 Mr. John W. Watkins ’69
1990s Mr. Christopher J. Popadic ’90 Mr. Robert D. Russo, III ’90 Mr. H. Lawrence Thompson, IV ’91 Mr. Thomas W. Balamaci ’93 Mr. Gregory J. Bavedas ’93 Mr. Grayson M. Fertig ’95 Mr. Richard S. Perkin, II ’96 Mr. Robert H. Anstett ’99 Mr. Richard S. Ritzel, II ’99 Mr. Zachary J. Swander ’99 Mr. Richard B. Vose ’99 Mr. David S. Wiswell ’99
Mr. Matthew C. Koizim ’00 Mr. Cameron J. Ross-MacCormack ’00 Mr. Schuyler H.F. Merritt ’01 Mr. Christopher C. Stevens ’02 Mr. Joseph D. Koizim ’03 Mr. James J. Van Ess ’03 Mr. Benjamin S. Fainlight ’06 Mr. Andrew R. Johnson ’07 Mr. Nicholas W. Auer ’08 Mr. Nicholas Fainlight ’08 Mr. Zachary I. K. Hutton ’08 Mr. James C. Johnson ’09 Mr. Andrew E. Slade ’09
2010s Mr. Peter Doering, Jr. ’12 Mr. Gray A. Johnson ’12 Mr. Quinn A. Cahill ’13 Mr. Ian A. Frost ’13 Mr. William H. Noland ’13 Mr. Louis A. Colosimo ’14 Mr. Sawyer C. Coseglia ’15 Mr. Ted Orben ’15 Mr. Charles B. Pearce ’15 Mr. John S. Colosimo ’16 Mr. Drake A. Quental ’16 Mr. Cole A. Sprinkle ’16 Mr. Tyler J. Bierman ’17 Mr. Jack Esse ’17 Mr. Gavin W. Guterl ’17 Mr. Timothy Prister ’17 Mr. Blake Burchill ’18 Mr. Carrigan Cullinan ’18 Mr. Finn F. Hublitz ’18 Mr. Cooper M. Lee ’18 Mr. Alexander Staikos ’19
Mr. Tyler P. Auer ’00 Mr. Anastase P. Dacey ’00
Circa 1949
1970s Mr. Sean J. McManus ’70 Mr. Robert F. Moriarty ’70 Mr. David M. Smith ’70 Mr. Nathaniel W. Gibbons ’71 Mr. Scott Hood ’71 Mr. Ransom C. Wilson ’71 Mr. Michael F. Barry ’73 Mr. Ferdinand H. Frassinelli ’73 Mr. David S. MacAllaster ’73 Mr. Charles F. Oudin, III ’73 Mr. Damon C. DiMauro ’76 Mr. Andrew M. Hoffman ’76 Mr. James G. Conzelman, III ’77 Mr. Jeffrey P. Bush ’78
FCDS | 2018-2019 | With Gratitude 13
the john r. munro, jr. scholarship fund To honor John’s commitment to attracting a diverse community of learners and to celebrate his combined fifteen year tenure at FCDS, the Board of Trustees created The John R. Munro, Jr. Scholarship Fund. This fund was established to provide tuition assistance to qualified students who otherwise would not be able to meet the financial requirements of an independent school education. We thank all of you who so generously donated to his lasting legacy. Mr. Ian L. Anderson ’13 Mrs. Lisa R. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bartolomeo Mr. and Mrs. William P. Bundy Mr. and Mrs. Tim Burke Mr. Kai Bynum Mrs. Virginia K. Cargill Ms. Sheila Clancy Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Esse Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Frode Foss-Skiftesvik Mrs. Stephanie B. Frost Mr. Jeffrey Gardner and Ms. Nina Andreyev Mr. and Mrs. Sunil Garga Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Garvey
14 FCDS | 2018-2019 | With Gratitude
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Haas Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Harmon Mr. James L. Haskel and Mrs. Ann Zimmerli-Haskel Ms. Margaret E. Hemenway Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lawlor Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lugar Mr. Robert Makuch Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. John A. McKenna, Jr. Ms. Kim Meier Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Nemec Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Noland
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Oldershaw Mrs. Frances O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. John B. Payne ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Poling Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Russo, III ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Solazzo Mr. John P. Vineyard, IV Jeffrey Von Kohorn, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Vose ’67 Mr. Richard B. Vose ’99 Mr. Chris Weiss and Mrs. Lauren Kelly-Weiss
fcds parents’ association Simply put, The Fairfield Country Day School Parents’ Association is the heart of our community. This group of committed parents synergizes the gifts of time, talent, and service that are so abundant in our School. Through events, fundraisers, activities and overall parent involvement, your support expands the opportunities that define the FCDS experience. We are profoundly grateful to all of our parents who give so selflessly to our School.
(l to r) Constance Bennett and Adriane Sherman
2018-2019 parents’ association executive board Constance Bennett and Adriane Sherman Co-Presidents Kelly Jacobson and Andrea Shantz Co-Vice Presidents Caroline Gravanis Secretary Joanne Mason Treasurer
2018-2019 parents’ association committee chairs Thank you to all those parents who volunteered their time to FCDS during the 2018-2019 school year. Your acts of generosity are what make us thrive as a community. Special Event Committee Chairs Bingo Night: Trish Block Book Fair: Alison Allott and Peggy Stephan Day of Service: Kelly Jacobson FCDS Cares 5K Road Race: Sarah Berges and Tammy Dryden Gala Fundraiser: Sarah Hale, Amy Owens, and Kelly Scinto Homecoming: Suzanne Fredericks Luncheon: Trish Block and Olivia Charney Performing Arts: Melanie Master and Mary Sullivan Socials: Sheila Clancy, Ashley Pressler Gray, Kim Meier, and Alessandra Moore Teacher/Staff Appreciation: Genevieve Swenson and Alexi Whitaker Welcome Breakfast: Constance Bennett and Adriane Sherman Winter Dance: Shana Baum and Tammy Dryden
General Committee Chairs Admissions: Kirsten Murphy Annual Fund: Tara Burke Class Ambassador Coordinators: Kelly Jacobson and Andrea Shantz Communications: Leslie Noland Crusaders Closet / School Store: Suzanne Burchill and Caroline Gravanis Diversity: Beth Negron and Jacqueline Stevens Picture Day: Lori Langdon Speaker Series: Colleen Lahey Sunshine Committee: Carolyn Russo New Family Welcome: Kelly Jacobson and Andrea Shantz Wellness: Elizabeth Courtney, Suzy Nemec, and Melissa O’Gorman FCDS | 2018-2019 | With Gratitude 15
fcds parents’ association
spring 2019 fundraiser Live music, food trucks, tie-dye, and our own, John Munro, live on stage! More than 150 members of the FCDS community — parents, faculty and friends — had a backstage pass on April 26th to “The Munro Experience — Tribute Tour” to celebrate and honor John Munro’s fifteen year tenure as FCDS’ outgoing Head of School. Held at Fairfield Theater Company and staged by the FCDS Parents’ Association, the concert-themed extravaganza had party-goers rocking on the dance floor to some of John’s favorite hits. Kudos go out to our committee chairs — Amy Owens, Sarah Hale, and Kelly Scinto — for fine-tuning every last detail and gathering an awesome group of volunteers and committee chairs.
(above, l to r) Event Co-Chairs Amy Owens, Sarah Hale, and Kelly Scinto (bottom, l to r) Beth, Izzy, John and Grace Munro
16 FCDS | 2018-2019 | With Gratitude
The positive energy translated into the largest night of fundraising in our School’s history with over $260,000 raised to benefit FCDS. The paddle raise portion of the event generated over $92,000, thanks in large part to a $50,000 match made by Amy and Kevin Owens.
o te t u b tri
ur $262,52 6R ai
22% Underwriting & Donations
d se
munro experi en the ce
Thank you to everyone who sponsored, donated, bid, and attended! Your support of FCDS is a true testament to the strength and commitment of community.
29% Live Auction
16% Silent Auction 33% Paddle Raise
Gig Center All-Stars with John Munro on the bass guitar
the munro experience tribute tour sponsors and underwriters Michelle & Andrew Adams Ash Creek Enterprises B and B Transportation, Inc Sarah & Patrick Berges Jen & Rob Bowman Carpet-Right Company C.E. Floyd Company, Inc. Championship Turf Services Olivia & Felix Charney Nina & Jeff Clarke Adrienne & Jim Conzelman ’77 Tammy & Michael Dryden Kim & Justin Friesen Nina Andreyev & Jeff Gardner Industrial & Commercial Cleaning Contractors, LLC Stephanie & John Kodweis Dana & Brian Lawlor Lis Reed, BHHS NE Properties Kim Meier MetroGuard, Inc. Jennifer & Adam Mocciolo Amy & Kevin Owens Peterman Architects, Inc. Jennifer & Doug Poling Pullman & Comley, LLC Roland P. Wauthier & Co., Inc. Santa Energy, Inc. Schwartz Hannum PC Kelly & Rob Scinto Andrea & Andrew Shantz Liz & Rick Solazzo The Megan & Larry Foley Family Foundation Alex Wallace Lauren Kelly-Weiss & Chris Weiss Alexi & John Whitaker Kate & Brian Worrell
FCDS | 2018-2019 | With Gratitude 17