Philanthropy Booklet 2018

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A Tradition of Support A Guide to Giving and Volunteering at FCDS

Mission Statement Fairfield Country Day School provides an educational community dedicated to the personal growth and intellectual development of boys. Our balanced and challenging program is designed to help each student expand his desire and ability to acquire knowledge, stimulate his curiosity and creativity, and enhance his self-esteem and respect for others. Each boy’s individual development is encouraged in an environment that anticipates the future while appreciating the past.

Community Involvement Independent schools depend on the generosity of all members of their community to be successful. FCDS is effective because of the focused efforts of a well-organized and talented group of volunteers. The dedication of our volunteers, from the Board of Trustees to the Parents’ Association, guarantees our position as an academic leader now and in the future.

Photography by Meghan Capozzi Rowe (cover); Robert A. Lisak (facing page)

There are many ways for families to get involved at FCDS, from joining the Parents’ Association (PA), chaperoning a field trip, helping with school plays or special events, assisting with fundraising, or engaging in community outreach. Volunteering is beneficial to the school and allows you to connect with other parents and gain a deeper understanding of the lives of our students. Supporting the school with meaningful financial donations is another critical aspect of family participation. Giving back to the school allows you to appreciate more fully the school’s mission and how it is being realized. We hope you find the following information on ways to be an active participant in the FCDS community useful.


Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present. Albert Camus


Parents’ Association and Ways to Volunteer The FCDS Parents’ Association (PA) provides volunteer support and assistance to the school, raises funds to provide important resources for the students, teachers, and classrooms, and provides fellowship and friendship among FCDS families. Each year, PA sponsored events enrich the students’ lives and help provide needed funds for the school. Participating in PA activities and volunteering your time is an important way for families to support Country Day. PA activities and volunteer opportunities include: ■■



School Store


Bingo Night


Performing Arts


Room Parents




Spring Gala


Picture Day


Book Fair



Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day


Crusader’s Corner


Instant Replay


Teacher and Staff Appreciation Breakfasts


School Dances


Day of Service

Tradition of Support Fairfield Country Day School relies on financial contributions from all members of our community, including current parents, alumni, parents of alumni, grandparents, faculty, staff, and friends; to meet operating costs and provide an incredible educational experience for our boys. Charitable gifts support the people, programs, and resources that make our school unique — talented and dedicated faculty, state-of-the-art technology, and exceptional offerings from athletics to arts. Each child at Country Day receives personal attention, which garners greater intellectual stimulation. This approach helps our boys reach a higher level of achievement, both academically and outside the classroom.

The following information is intended to help our school community understand the fundraising appeals made by FCDS and the importance of giving in response. We need everyone’s help to build upon the culture of philanthropy that supports our school’s vision. Your participation helps protect the investment our community has been making for over 80 years, and makes sure that future generations of FCDS boys have the same opportunities to excel as academic leaders.


Photography by Matthew S. Burdick / Peter Baker Studios

Tuition doesn’t cover the cost of an FCDS education. This balance is typical of independent schools, and isn’t unique to Country Day. At most day schools, tuition covers approximately 80 percent of the cost of educating a student.

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Theodore Roosevelt

Annual Fund The Annual Fund is the cornerstone of philanthropy at FCDS. This charitable resource sustains a Country Day education by providing money for the school’s operating expenses. This annual fundraiser begins at the start of each school year and runs to June 30th. FCDS relies on these unrestricted contributions to provide significant program support. Annual Fund gifts have an immediate and direct benefit to each student as well as each faculty and staff member. Your Annual Fund gift makes a difference by supporting:



Our focus on academic distinction Competitive salaries and benefits to attract and retain the best faculty Classrooms equipped with state-of-the art educational tools and technology initiatives


Enrichment activities


Community service initiatives and programs


A vibrant, diverse community


Our beautiful campus and facilities

Participation from our community is essential to the success of the Annual Fund. Making a charitable gift is a clear vote of confidence, a sign that you support our school and our mission. We are fortunate to have historically high levels of contributions from our many constituents, which sends the message to our boys that we are all willing to support the school.


Photography by Robert A. Lisak


Annual Fund Giving Levels We publish our Annual Report each fall and recognize all donors at the following levels:

Headmaster’s Circle Leadership Blue Door Bronson Society Crusaders Blue/White Blazers

$25,000 + $15,000 - $24,999 $10,000 - $14,999 $5,000 - $9,999 $2,500 - $4,999 $1,000 - $2,499 $1 - $999

Donors who contribute at the Bronson Society level or higher are invited to a special reception each year recognizing their generosity to the School.

No gift is too small.

We appreciate all contributions. Everyone benefits when everyone gives. Contributions may be made online at and are tax-deductible as permitted by law.

Capital Giving An Investment in Our Future Capital gifts are typically designated for a specific purpose or initiative, such as facility renovations, building construction, or to help grow our endowment. Gifts to the endowment and capital projects are vital to ensuring Country Day’s long-term financial stability and maintaining our ability to provide an excellent learning environment for our students. Capital Campaign Support At key points in Country Day’s history, generous parents, alumni, and friends have joined together to support our school — and our boys’ education — by making facility, programmatic, and endowment growth possible. Country Day students and faculty benefit from this support on a daily basis. Past contributions have created and enhanced a learning environment designed for today’s boys and the ways in which they learn best. During a capital campaign, families may be asked for a significant gift to support a clearly identified critical need. Schools tend to conduct a capital campaign every three to five years. It is important to note that FCDS would continue to ask for your Annual Fund gift during a campaign, because the school must still meet our operating costs every year.


Endowment Giving Fairfield Country Day School’s endowment is typical of most independent schools, consisting of a collection of unrestricted and restricted assets, including scholarship funds. Endowment gifts support the long-term fiscal stability of our school. While the bulk of the fund’s principal is kept intact, a portion of the reserve is utilized to support operations each year. This flexibility makes the endowment an additional source of income for the school, along with the Annual Fund, tuition, and auxiliary programs. Endowment growth helps the school keep tuition increases at a minimum while continuing to provide excellent programs and exceptional faculty and staff for our students. Graduating Class Endowment — Paige ’62 Legacy Fund This special permanent fund honors the legacy of the boys in each graduating class. All gifts made by parents of 9th grade students are added to this fund to help build our endowment. In celebrating all that our graduating 9th graders have learned during their years at FCDS, this special fund helps ensure that future classes have the same extraordinary opportunities at Country Day and that each year’s graduates have an impact on our school for years to come.


Ways to Give – THANK YOU! By Check Checks should be made payable to Fairfield Country Day School or FCDS and mailed to the attention of the Development Office. By Credit Card (online or by phone) 1234 5678 9101 2345

Credit card donations can be made online at You may also call the Development Office at 203-259-2723 to provide credit card information. By Wire Gifts may be wired from your bank account to FCDS. Please call the Development Office at 203-259-2723 for details. Stocks Gifts of stock allow donors to avoid paying capital gains taxes and qualify for a charitable gift deduction. Please contact the Development Office at 203-259-2723 for information on making a gift of stock. Matching Gifts Matching gift programs are charitable giving programs in which companies match donations made by employees to eligible nonprofit organizations. By taking advantage of your employer’s matching gift program, you can significantly increase the amount and impact of your gift.


Planned Giving Individuals who have named Fairfield Country Day in their estate plans are recognized as members in our Gregory Society. FCDS established the Gregory Society, named in honor of our founder, Laurence P. (“Pope”) Gregory, who served as headmaster from1936 until his death in 1946.

Including Country Day in your will and making a gift through a bequest can be a creative and tax-wise way to meet both Country Day’s needs and your own philanthropic goals. You can act now and help preserve the spirit of FCDS well into the future. For more information please contact the Development Office at or 203-259-2723.


How would you like to contribute to Fairfield Country Day School?

Everything that Country Day is today was made possible through the generosity of parents, alumni, and friends who care deeply about Fairfield Country Day. Your gifts of time and resources will ensure that this continues to be a wonderful, meaningful place of growth and learning for decades to come.


Photography by Meghan Capozzi Rowe

What legacy would you like to leave for your children?

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