The Fairfield Awards Dinner Journal

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AWARDS DINNER Celebrating a Tradition of Opportunity


“ The proper education of youth will mean improvement for the whole world,” — Pedro de Ribadeneira, S.J., (1527-1611), biographer of St. Ignatius of Loyola, in a letter to King Philip ll of Spain.

Many of Fairfield’s alumni were the first in their families to attend college and come from diverse social and economic backgrounds. And many of our alumni were only able to attend our University because generosity towards Fairfield made it financially possible. Doors were opened, careers, families and lifelong friendships launched, all in the spirit of the magis. At the same time, we seek to attract top students through merit awards and other scholarships that will allow them support for academic research and projects. These awards build Fairfield’s reputation as a destination University for students of unique promise and ability. Jesuit education has always been inspired by this vision — to form men and women to become leaders in business, the arts, the sciences and medicine; persons of integrity who will go out and transform their communities for the better. Providing a superior education to men and women regardless of their circumstances is a proud Fairfield tradition. It is in our DNA.



OPENING REMARKS Spencer Thibodeau ’10

GREETING FROM THE CHAIRS Maureen Errity Bujno ’90 and Timothy E. Lane ’85, P’16




David W. Frassinelli MS ’92 INTRODUCTION BY


Joseph and Mary Carlucci P’18, ’10, ’09 INTRODUCTION BY


Thomas J. Fanning, Sr. ’78, P’10, ’06 INTRODUCTION BY



Aliyah Phipps ’18

CONCLUDING REMARKS Maureen Errity Bujno ’90 and Timothy E. Lane ’85, P’16


GREETINGS FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Friends: What a pleasure it is for me to be here with you at Fairfield University’s 30th Annual Awards Dinner. The Fairfield Awards Dinner has provided essential financial and institutional support to so many scholarship recipients throughout our proud history. Fairfield is a special University — the modern, Jesuit and Catholic University — internationally recognized as a University “on the rise” and ranked among the best masters/comprehensive institutions in the country. This is a critical moment in our young history as the world asks us to evolve to meet a rapidly changing context. The students of today are of all ages and backgrounds. They need us to reach out to them through a variety of platforms, and they need knowledge and capacity to tackle not just the challenges of today but to thrive in the newly emerging, multi-disciplinary fields of tomorrow. Thankfully, we are a University that is eager and particularly well suited to adapt to and to fulfill the promise of this exciting new world. The Jesuit and Catholic tradition of service to others will always remain at the heart of everything that we do at Fairfield. When St. Ignatius decided to found his first school in Messina, in 1547, he did so because he understood that developing young persons of promise through education and personal formation was the best way to transform the world for the better. Fairfield is always informed by Ignatius’ originating vision: to open doors and provide opportunities to people of promise who need our assistance, and to do so out of the magis — a commitment to excellence — for the Greater Glory of God. The Fairfield Awards Dinner stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to this foundational and defining dimension of our character as an institution — that we are a community that forms men and women for others in the hope they pursue lives of social justice and productive citizenship. Thank you for joining us tonight in this joyous spirit, as we honor tonight’s honorees, all of whom are exemplary members of our community, and thank you all for your commitment to our common purpose! Warmest Regards,

Mark R. Nemec, PhD President


Maureen has over 27 years of business experience with Deloitte including work with the Mergers and Acquisitions Services group and the Audit practice. She is currently a managing director in the Center for Board Effectiveness for Deloitte LLP. In 2017 and in 2016, Maureen was recognized by NACD Directorship magazine as one of the top 100 influential professionals in corporate governance and in the boardroom. She is a CPA in New York and a member of the AICPA. Maureen is a former member of the board of directors of the YMCA, West Side, New York City, and also former President and ex-officio member of the Fairfield University Alumni Association and board of directors. She earned her BS in accounting from Fairfield.

TIMOTHY E. LANE ’85, P’16 President & CEO, Emeriti Retirement Health and Managing Director, TIAA

Tim is the president & CEO of Emeriti Retirement Health and managing director of TIAA, focusing on the retirement healthcare savings market. He joined TIAA in 1986 and has held a variety of management and business development roles, including the launch of TIAA’s 529 college savings business. Tim and his wife Rose are both Fairfield graduates and have four children; their daughter Mairin graduated from Fairfield in 2016. He and his family live in Montvale, N.J., where Tim is serving his fourth term as a member of the Borough Council. He is a past committee chair of Fairfield’s Trustees Advisory Council, and served on the Board of the American Association of Community Colleges. Tim has a BA in history from Fairfield.


JOSEPH AND MARY CARLUCCI, P’18,’10,’09 Co-Chairs, Parent Leadership Council


s co-chairs of the Parents Leadership Council and hosts of many memorable student send-offs, Joe and Mary’s passion and commitment to Fairfield University is an inspiration to all. Stag pride is a family affair for the Carluccis as their son, senior Ryan Carlucci ’18 follows in the footsteps of alumni brothers Nicholas Carlucci ’10 and Patrick Carlucci ’09. In addition, Mary and Joe Carlucci have made a Fairfield education possible for other deserving students, through the establishment of an endowed scholarship. It is Fairfield’s identity as a Catholic, Jesuit university along with its commitment to a quality liberal arts education and its close proximity to the beach and New York City that appealed to their oldest son, Patrick, when he first walked onto Fairfield’s campus for a tour.

“We are most proud that Jesuit education has inspired our sons to use their talents and abilities to not only be strong men, good husbands, and fathers, but to also be moral and ethical leaders and citizens with faith, compassion, kindness, and respect for others.” “Its appeal went beyond the beauty of the campus and its welcoming environment,” Mary said. “It was the experiences that were available to students in and out of the classroom. Our sons credit Fairfield, and are grateful for their lifelong friendships, for helping them realize their individual potential and abilities.” As parents, the Carluccis have seen how each of their three sons developed as learners and students in their respective chosen fields during their years at Fairfield and said they appreciate how well Fairfield has cultivated their sons’ development and prepared them for their careers. “We are most proud that Jesuit education has inspired our sons to use their talents and abilities to not only be strong men, good husbands, and fathers, but to also be moral and ethical leaders and citizens with faith, compassion, kindness, and respect for others.”


DAVID W. FRASSINELLI MS’92 Vice President of Facilities Management


ince arriving at Fairfield University in 2008, David Frassinelli, vice president of Facilities Management, has been responsible for campus operations as well as capital planning and construction. Campus operations encompasses all elements of managing the 210-acre physical plant from snow removal to landscaping. The Facilities Department has a talented staff of grounds crew, painters, plumbers, carpenters and electricians who respond to over 17,000 work orders annually in Fairfield’s 2.262 million square-feet of buildings. Facilities also manages custodial services with ABM, trash removal and a number of other key vendors. The physical plant is often compared to a small city that never sleeps.

“This award is a particular honor because of my family’s long history with the University. My father was a field engineer on Berchman’s Hall, the first new building at Fairfield University. I also appreciate that the award is an acknowledgement of all of the hard work done on a daily basis by the men and women in the facilities department.” David Frassinelli has overseen the construction or renovation of more than half a million square-feet of campus facilities including a $60 million residential building program, Rafferty Stadium, and the $22 million Recreation Complex. Projects completed in the last year include the $19 million Tully Dining Expansion, the $31 million Center for Nursing and Health Sciences, and a 379 car parking garage. Projects in construction include a 200 bed dormitory and the $42 million new Dolan School of Business. Fairfield will be starting another wave of major construction projects that will provide housing, an Academic Commons, and other renovations to a number of academic facilities. In 2011, David was awarded the Association of General Contractors Private Owner of The Year. David’s undergraduate degree is from Dartmouth College and he holds a certificate in construction management from Stanford University as well as a master’s degree in finance from Fairfield University. When not at work on campus, David is sharpening his skills as a crossword aficionado, but the bulk of his free time is spent with his two off-the-track thoroughbred racehorses. “This award is a particular honor because of my family’s long history with the University. My father was a field engineer on Berchman’s Hall, the first new building at Fairfield University. I also appreciate that the award is an acknowledgement of all of the hard work done on a daily basis by the men and women in the facilities department as well as our ABM associates.”


THOMAS J. FANNING, SR. ’78, P’10, ’06 Founder and Managing Partner, Heritage Strategies LLC


homas’s most recent post as chair of the Dolan School of Business (DSB) Advisory Board is just one of countless ways he has given back to his alma mater. He has served on the Trustees Advisory Council, and he has also served several times as a reunion committee chair and volunteer. Further, Thomas is an avid Fairfield admissions advocate, consistently promoting the University in his professional network as founder and managing partner of Heritage Strategies LLC, and in his personal life, sharing his alma mater with two children, Tom Fanning Jr. ’10 and Heather Fanning Geyer ’06.

“If alumni can take part in mentorship opportunities for our students, it becomes a key component of advancing the Fairfield experience into the future,” Fanning said. “Everyone will be a lot better if we share our life experiences and learn from each other.” Fanning, a 1978 Fairfield University graduate and certified estate planner, began his career within the I.F.D. division of CIGNA, a $60 billion financial services leader. Recognizing that his high-net-worth clientele desired more sophisticated and focused planning, Fanning partnered with two former CIGNA colleagues in 1990 and established one of the top national life insurance brokerage firms in the country representing some of America’s most prominent families. In 2002, Fanning’s former partnership was acquired by National Financial Partners, a NYSE listed company, where he remained as president until reacquiring his practice and establishing Heritage Strategies LLC in 2009. Subsequently, Heritage Strategies LLC became one of 155 member firms of M Financial Group. In addition, he is a founder and director of Gold Coast Bank and most recently acquired the franchise rights to PDQ for the majority of the Tri-State area. As chair of the DSB Advisory Council at Fairfield, Thomas believes by staying involved and involving other alumni the University can only become stronger. “If alumni can take part in mentorship opportunities for our students, it becomes a key component of advancing the Fairfield experience into the future,” Fanning said. “Everyone will be a lot better if we share our life experiences and learn from each other.” Over the last four years, Thomas has made it his mission to develop other advisory councils to include more alumni, involve all advisory board members in the mentorship program for students, and personally devote countless hours to mentoring students himself so they too will give back one day.


KATHLEEN A. MURPHY ’84 President, Personal Investing, Fidelity Investments


summa cum laude graduate of Fairfield with a BA in economics and political science, Kathleen is president of Fidelity Personal Investing, which provides a full range of investment and financial planning services to millions of individual investors, including wealth management, retirement planning and brokerage. She also oversees Fidelity’s life insurance and annuities business, its workplace savings business for tax-exempt organizations, all of the firm’s brand and advertising programs, and Fidelity’s digital programs. Prior to coming to Fidelity, Murphy was CEO of ING U.S. Wealth Management. Before that, she spent 15 years at Aetna, working in a variety of positions including general counsel and chief compliance officer at Aetna Financial Services.

“Fairfield University gave me access to incredibly smart, accomplished and committed professionals who cared deeply about the students and their holistic development, which is part of the Jesuit tradition.” Murphy is a regular on “top” business lists, including Fortune magazine’s “50 Most Powerful Women in American Business,” joining the likes of Sheryl Sandberg and Oprah Winfrey. She has also been named one of the “Wall Street Top 50” and “Business 100” by Irish America magazine and one of the “25 Most Powerful Women in Finance” by US Banker, to name just a few. Murphy traces much of what drives her today back to her education at Fairfield. A Wallingford, Conn. native, Murphy completed her undergraduate degree in three years, graduating summa cum laude with a double major in economics and political science. In addition to guiding how Murphy leads at work, Jesuit teachings have influenced her active volunteer work, much of which has been focused on helping children. Among other boards, Murphy was previously the chair of the Children’s Trust Fund in Connecticut as well as a board member of America’s Promise Alliance. Today, she is on the board of the National Football Foundation, as well as Cathedral High School and St. Sebastian’s School, both in Massachusetts. “Fairfield University gave me access to incredibly smart, accomplished and committed professionals who cared deeply about the students and their holistic development, which is part of the Jesuit tradition,” Murphy said, reflecting on her time as a student at Fairfield. “It also helped instill in me a moral and spiritual foundation that allows me to see the world through a broad lens and embody the importance of contributing positively to others in all that I do.”

AWARDS DINNER SPEAKERS SPENCER THIBODEAU ’10 A Portland, Maine native, Spencer currently serves on the Portland City Council after being elected at the age of 27. Spencer Chairs the Sustainability and Transportation Committee and is a member of the Economic Development Committee. Spencer also works as an attorney at Verrill Dana, LLP in the firm’s real estate practice group, focusing on commercial and residential real estate matters, title matters and leasing, among others. While at Fairfield Spencer was a FUSA senator and volunteered for President Barack Obama’s campaign in 2007. After graduating from Northeastern Law School in the spring of 2013, Thibodeau returned to Portland to practice law. Thibodeau retains close ties with Fairfield and when asked why he responded: “Being involved with Fairfield is important,” Thibodeau said. “I always welcome the opportunity to come back. The students are so impressive, and it is always interesting to see how they interact with their school community. While Fairfield alumni are separated by years from current students, our experiences are largely the same. It is a unique experience that we all share.” Thibodeau plans to continue to serve his community and will always call Fairfield his second home.

ALIYAH PHIPPS ’18 A senior Chinese Studies and communication double major at Fairfield, Aliyah serves as co-president of the National Foreign Language Honor Society Alpha Mu Gamma, a member of Fairfield’s newly founded Black Student Union, and as a global ambassador and student intern in the Study Abroad Office. A Bronx, New York native, Aliyah has also been an orientation leader to incoming first-year students and co-captain of the Fairfield Cheerleading Team. After graduation, she plans to attend graduate school in Beijing, China, and is interested in pursuing global politics and interpersonal/intercultural communication and relations. “After I graduate I plan to attend graduate school back in Beijing, China. This is a career path I could only dream about four short years ago. However, now thanks to Fairfield and the generosity of so many people — including the care of the faculty and staff of the University, I will be able to do just that,” Phipps said. “I cannot believe that in just a few weeks I will be graduating from my home for the past couple of years, but I am proud to say that I made it, and I will definitely be back. I know how important the Multicultural scholarship has been for me, and for so many of my fellow students — all of whom have been transformed by the Fairfield experience.”

MEET A FEW OF OUR STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS SAFIRAH FEQUIERE ’18 Major: Double Major in Political Science & American Studies Hometown: Trumbull, Conn.

“My experience as an undergraduate at Fairfield University has been nothing short of amazing. The University has very strong core values and a great social environment, which made me the person that I am today. Not only was I able to find my true self here, but Fairfield also allowed me to create myself.”

JEFF DEJEAN ’18 Major: Electrical Engineering Minor: Math Hometown: Bridgeport, Conn.

“I am thankful for your contribution to my education at Fairfield University. With your help, I am able to pursue a college education and a chance of achieving my dream. With your help, I met a lot of close friends who I consider part of my family. Words cannot describe how thankful I am.”

ARIELA RODRIGUEZ ’20 Major: Accounting Hometown: Bridgeport, Conn.

“I am grateful to be recognized for my hard work and dedication during my time here at Fairfield. I am majoring in accounting, and may double major in Finance and minor in Entrepreneurial studies. I am considering using my knowledge gained at Fairfield to start my own company.”

MEET A FEW OF OUR ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS As we look back on 30 years of the Fairfield Awards Dinner, we reflect on the accomplishments of the hundreds of students who have benefited from your generosity. Here is a look at just a few of those recipients and what they’re doing today.

JULIO MARTINEZ ’07 Osterman & Company, Inc.

“The four years at Fairfield University was a period of self-discovery. Through the Jesuit teachings, I was able to grow in faith and understand God’s purpose for my life. I came from a family where everyone dropped out in high school and I had very little support as an orphan. I grew up in foster care and was practically homeless my senior year of high school. Being a Fairfield graduate has provided numerous opportunities over the course of my career. For starters, having a double major from the Dolan School of Business gave me the competitive edge when it came to applying for jobs. As important, I have been fortunate to network with notable professionals within the Fairfield community. Their continual support and encouragement has contributed to my ongoing success.”

PETER OTOKI ’08 MUFG, U.S. Wholesale and Investment Bank

“Fairfield has a great reputation of attracting and building leaders who excel in almost every field. If you haven’t heard of Fairfield, you’ve definitely heard of the Jesuits and their significant impact across math, engineering, charity, and politics. No matter a person’s race, religion, or creed, people want to work with those who are good, intelligent, honest, and hardworking. Fairfield has developed a reputation of producing graduates who are nothing short of that reputation, which has helped open doors for me. It is a reputation I work hard to maintain.”

MEET A FEW OF OUR ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS ERICKA ROJAS ’08 U.S. Agency for International Development in the Latin American and Caribbean Bureau

“I am a proud Fairfield University alumna of the Class of 2008. I was born in Washington, D.C. and raised by a single father who immigrated from Guatemala. I was raised to focus on my studies to one day gain a highereducation to pursue a respectable career — something my dad and my paternal grandparents dreamed of when arriving to the nation’s capital. I knew Fairfield was God’s calling from the moment my dad and I stepped on campus when we were immediately welcomed by members of the community. The warmth and kindness shown by the Fairfield community left a lasting impact and helped to shape the person I am today.”

KEVIN BENNETT ’02 Vice President, Financial Crime Compliance at Goldman Sachs & Co.

Fairfield University Multicultural Scholarships have helped to provide opportunity and access to thousands of talented and hardworking ethnic minority students over the years by making the opportunity of a top-tiered education accessible. It is a noble effort that is in keeping with the Christian ideal of service and kindness to others, and is to be commended and supported. When I chose to go to Fairfield in 1998, I was not sure where the tuition, room, and board was going to come from. The Alumni Multicultural Scholarship made a difference for me and I am forever grateful for the opportunity it provided. Let’s keep paying it forward.”

FAIRFIELD UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Good evening: It has been an honor and great pleasure to serve as the Fairfield University Alumni Association President for the past two years. What a time to be a Stag! There have been so many extraordinary developments in such a short period of time including the arrival of our new President Mark Nemec — whose bold vision will catapult Fairfield to the next level. As Alumni Association President, I’m proud to say that I’ve spent a lot of time with alumni, parents, and friends whose dedication to giving back to current Fairfield students never fails to inspire. Tonight, the 30th anniversary of the Fairfield Awards Dinner, is a key moment to reflect on the impact of the dinner. Scholarship and helping others is the bedrock on which our community is built and it fills me with gratitude to be a part of what we have achieved together. The Awards Dinner is a wonderful night to showcase the spirit of Fairfield. It gives us a chance to highlight outstanding individuals for their achievements in service, humanitarian action, and professional development. Tonight reinforces that we all lift each other up. I’m humbled by the work of our honorees this evening and raise my glass to all of you in attendance.

Stay in Touch We invite you to learn more about the many networking, educational and volunteer opportunities available to our alumni and parents. There’s something for everyone to show their Stag Pride and stay connected to Fairfield!

Thank you for the opportunity to serve and I hope you continue to connect and thrive. @stagsalumni

Kind regards, @fairfieldualumni

fairfield university alumni

John Pagano MBA’04, MS’06 Alumni Association President fairfielduniversityalumni

THE FAIRFIELD AWARDS DINNER 2018 CO-CHAIRS Maureen Errity Bujno ’90 Timothy E. Lane ’85, P’16

COMMITTEE Jessica L. Baehr ’04, MBA’11 Robert Berchem, Esq, ’62, P’92 Robert Z. Brandy ’15 Jorge A. Chiluisa ’89, MBA’06, P’21, ’20 Nicholas J. Carlucci ’10 Patrick J. Carlucci ’09 J. Paul Caulfield ’96 Thomas Clements ’09 Marc D’Angelillio ’06 Andrew M. Davis ’89 John D. Fallon ’90 Scott W. and Susan M. Fredrickson ’82 Heather Fanning Geyer ’06 Michael S. Guarnieri ’84 Kevin J. Guinan ’95 Adrienne A. Johnson ’91 Edward F. Kiernan III ’92 James M. Knopf ’16 Matthew C. Kramer ’96 Mairin J. Lane ’16 Bryan L. LeClerc, Esq, ’84 Thomas A. Luglio ’86, P’18 Madeline G. Malloy ’17 John J. Manganiello ’97 Matthew C. McLaughlin ’89 Kristin Dodge McMahon ’87, P’21, ’20 Andrew C. McMahon ’13 Claretta S. Mills ’16 John R. O’Neill ’71, P’08 Peter Otoki ’08 John Pagano MBA’04, MS’06 John G. Phelan Jr. ’89 Gary J. Raniolo ’09 Justin M. Rindos ’05 Matthew L. Ryder ’07 Joseph Solimine Jr. ’89 Cynthia L. Stack ’80 John M. Sweeney ’94 John T. Tiene ’11


* Alumni Professional Achievement Award ** Alumni Service Award ~ Distinguished Faculty/Administrator Award v Honorary Alumnus/Alumna + The Fairfield Award or Alumni Humanitarian Award ++ Parent Leadership Award

2017 Douglas W. Hammond ’86* Robert M. McMahon ’87, P’20** Katherine A. Schwab, PhD ~



2016 Patricia E. Glassford ’85* Andrew M. Davis ’89** Matthew McLaughlin ’89** Joseph Solimine Jr. ’89** Carol Ann Maxwell, P’02 ~ George E. Diffley, P’97, ’96 v William and Margaret Atwell, P’08 ++





2015 Brian P. Hull ’80, P’13 * Elner L. Morrell ’81, P’03 ** Mark C. Reed, Ed.D. ’96 ~


2014 Joyce M. Phillips ’74 * Nancy A. Altobello ’80 ** Shelley A. Phelan, PhD ~ 2013

Carlos M. Cardoso ’81 * Robert L. Berchem ’62, P’92 ** Eugene P. Doris ~ Nancy Lynch, P’95 v James P. and Linda C. Slattery, P’92 and the Slattery Family +


Paul J. Huston ’82 * Jack L. Kelly ’67, P’96 ** Ellen M. Umansky, PhD ~


William P. Egan ’67, P’99 * John C. Meditz ’70 ** Jeanne M. Novotny, RN, PhD, FANN ~

Joseph A. DiMenna ’80 * John R. O’Neill ’71, P’08 ** Thomas E. Conine Jr., PhD, P’07, ’05 ~ Christopher C. Quick ’79 * William J. Crean Jr. ’91 ** Edward J. Deak, PhD, P’98 ~ Stephen M. Lessing ’76* Carolyn Vermont ’82, MA’84** Philip Eliasoph, PhD ~

The Honorable William J. Lavery ’59* Laura A. Incerto ’81** Rev. Thomas J. Regan, S.J. ~ Jean D. Larosiliere ’85* Kevin M. Conlisk ’66, P’91** John J. Boitano, PhD, P’98, ’88, ’86 ~ Eileen Clarkin Rominger ’76* B. Maxwell O’Meara ’52** Winston M. Tellis, PhD, MA’69 ~ Rev. Aloysius P. Kelley, S.J. v

Michele Macauda ’78, P’09 * Larry C. Rafferty ’64, P’03 ** Rev. Charles H. Allen, S.J. ~ Paula Donovan ’77, MA’88 +










Christopher J. McCormick ’78 * Mary-Margaret Walsh ’84 ** Judy Primavera, PhD ~

David H. Chafey Jr. ’76* John G. Swanhaus Jr. ’67** Mary Frances A.H. Malone, PhD ~ Donald A. Browne, Esq. ’55, P’82* Robert K. Monk ’60** Suzanne MacAvoy, R.N., Ed.D. ~

Geralyn Radowiecki Spollett ’76 * Joseph D. Sargent ’59, P’89, ’86* Rev. W. Laurence O’Neil, S.J., MA’61, CT ’72 ** Richard J. Badolato, Esq. ’62** William J. Lucas ’69 ~ Stephen P. Jakab ’62, MA’74 ~ Jorge L. Figueredo ’82 * Rosellen Walsh Schnurr ’74 ** Barbara D. Kiernan, MA’90, P’02, ’94 ~ Charles and Helen Dolan, P’86, ’85 v Maive F. Scully ’76 * Arthur C. Laske Jr. ’51, P’83 ** Kurt C. Schlichting, PhD ’70 ~ Rev. Victor F. Leeber, S.J. v

Robert W. Landmesser ’71* Edward M. Gleason ’62** Orin L. Grossman, PhD ~ Robert D. Russo Sr., MD v Joellin R. Comerford ’74* William P. Egan ’67, P’99** Rev. Joseph F. MacDonnell, S.J. ~


Patricia M. Joyce, MD ’75* James D. Fitzpatrick ’70, MA’72** Joan G. Walters, PhD ~


Francis J. Tedesco, MD ’65* Paul C. Dunn ’57, P’90, ’86** Rev. William F. Carr, S.J. ~


J. Michael Farren, Esq. ’77* Janet A. Canepa ’82** John A. Barone, PhD ~ Prof. Carmen F. Donnarumma v


Robert J. Murphy Jr. ’71* Bruce M. Howard ’73, MA’79** The Jesuit Community ~ Dorothy Bennett v


Thomas E. McKinney ’72* Roger M. Lynch ’63, P’95** Leo F. O’Connor, PhD ~ Rev. Thomas A. McGrath, S.J. v


James J. Bigham ’59* Patrick J. Waide Jr. ’59** Rev. Henry J. Murphy, S.J. ~



David J. McCarthy Jr., PhD ’57* Barbara Stuart, MA’78, CAS’80** Prof. Walter Petry ~ John M. Hickson ’52 ~ Alphonsus J. Donahue v


J. Jeffrey Campbell ’65* Edward R. Fitzgerald ’62, P’94** Rev. James H. Coughlin, S.J. ~ John A. Barone, PhD v


E. Gerald Corrigan, PhD ’63* Paul T. Barnes ’67, MA’70** Prof. Chester Stuart ~ L. William Miles, P’95, ’85 v


Philip J. Guerin Jr., MD ’59, P’95, ’91, ’88, ’86* Patrick Carolan, MD ’59, P’85** Rev. Thomas McGrath, S.J. ~ Rev. George Mahan, S.J. v



James F. Stapleton, Esq. ’54* Bronislaw S. Orlowski ’53**


Joseph G. McGann ’51* Joseph G. McGann ’51**


Charles E. Schaefer ’55* Robert K. Marconi ’54**


Frank J. Bepko Jr., MD ’51* William J. George, DDS ’52**


J. Edward Caldwell, Esq. ’51* John C. Welch ’54**


Harry M. Marmion, PhD ’53* Leonard S. Paoletta, Esq. ’56, P’88, ’86**



Robert J. DelVecchio, MD ’52* John T. Mullady ’51**


Leonard S. Paoletta, Esq. ’56, P’88, ’86* Joseph F. Berardino ’72** Edward M. Dew, PhD ~ Prof. Mario Guarcello v

Paul K. Rudd ’62* Gerald E. Malafronte ’56** Donald J. Ross, PhD, P’91, ’86 ~


Jerome J. Burke ’62* Donald S. Lupo ’62** Prof. Carmen F. Donnarumma ~

T. Paul Tremont, Esq. ’55* Francis J. Zaino, DDS ’66, P’96** Lisa H. Newton, PhD ~

Patrick J. Waide Jr. ’59* Kenneth F. Catandella, DDS ’57**

Charles Rose ’53, P’83, ’80* William J. Kramer, Esq. ’60, P’96, ’85, ’83** Prof. Arthur R. Riel Jr. ~ Gilbert and Dorothy Larson v

Thomas J. Connors Jr. ’64, MA’67* The Honorable Raymond J. Dearie ’66* Robert J. Brennan Jr., Esq. ’65, P’93, ’91** Rev. William H. Hohmann, S.J. ~ T. Gerald Magner Jr. ’64, P’89** William E. O’Brien v Rev. Donald D. Lynch, S.J. ~





Patrick Jordan ’65* Walter J. Zackrison ’54** Prof. Arsene Croteau ~

David J. McCarthy Jr., Esq. ’57* Clement F. Naples, Esq. ’53**



Philip S. Backus ’53* James F. Stapleton, Esq. ’54**


Peter S. Amenta, PhD ’52* Edward R. Flannery ’51**


Joseph W. Annunziata, PhD ’60* Richard P. Bepko, Esq. ’53**


John E. Klimas, MD ’53* Bronislaw S. Orlowski ’53**

FAIRFIELD UNIVERSITY 2017–18 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Nancy A. Altobello ’80 Global Vice Chair, Talent Ernst & Young

Timothy J. Conway ’76 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer NewStar Financial, Inc.

Ceasar Nicholas Anquillare ’78, JP Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Winchester Capital

William C. Crager ’86, P’19 Co-Founder & President Envestnet, Inc.

William L. Atwell, P’08 Managing Director Atwell Partners LLC

Sheila Kearney Davidson ’83, Vice Chair Executive Vice President, Chief Legal Officer & General Counsel New York Life Insurance Company

Rev. John F. Baldovin, S.J. Professor of Historical and Liturgical Theology Boston College School of Theology and Ministry Rev. Terrence A. Baum, S.J. Alumni Chaplain St. Xavier High School Mark J. Beckwith ’80 Joseph R. Bronson ’70 CEO/Principal The Bronson Group, LLC Strategic Advisor Cowen & Company Kevin P. Cannon ’80, P’20 CEO Zweig-DiMenna Associates LLC Carlos M. Cardoso ’81 Principal CMPC Advisors

Christopher C. Desmarais ’93 Managing Director Gabelli Asset Management Inc. Rev. Terrence P. Devino, S.J. Retreat and Spiritual Director Eastern Point Retreat House Douglas W. Hammond ’86 Chairman and CEO NFP Kelly Simon Hondru ’01 Director KJ Investment LLC Rev. Gregory A. Kalscheur, S.J. Dean, Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences Boston College Robin Kanarek ’96 President Kanarek Family Foundation

Frank J. Carroll, III ’89, Chair Susan Robinson King MA’73 Managing Director Dean and John Thomas Kerr Oaktree Capital Management, L.P. Distinguished Professor School of Media and Journalism Rev. George E. Collins, S.J. University of North Carolina, Retreat Director & Pastoral Ministry Loyola Retreat Center Chapel Hill

Claire M. Knopf, P’16 Katherine N. Lapp ’78 Executive Vice President Harvard University Stephen M. Lessing ’76 Managing Director Barclays

Katie Jacobs Robinson ’89 Delaware North Companies Marianne Dolan Weber, P’16 Manager MLC Ventures LLC James D. Wehr ’79 CEO, Retired The Phoenix Companies

Bill McIntosh, P’92,’86 Andrew J. McMahon ’89, P’19, ’13 Executive Vice President The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America

TRUSTEES EMERITI E. Gerald Corrigan ’63

John C. Meditz ’70 Managing Director & Co-Founder Horizon-Kinetics, LLC

Rev. Aloysius P. Kelley, S.J. President Emeritus

Elner L. Morrell ’81, P’03 Director, Clinical Architecture UnitedHealthcare IS Robert J. Murphy Jr. ’71 Vice President ABC News Mark R. Nemec, PhD President Fairfield University Gavin G. O’Connor ’88 Biff J. O’Reilly ’80, P’11 President PBS Capital Rev. Stephen A. Privett, S.J. President Verbum Dei High School Christopher C. Quick ’79 Vice Chairman, Retired Bank of America

Charles F. Dolan, P’86,’85

Roger M. Lynch ’63, P’95 Rev. Jeffrey P. von Arx, S.J. President Emeritus


We are proud to support Fairfield University and The Multicultural Scholarship Fund and pleased to join them in the honoring of Kathleen Murphy ’84 Tom Fanning, Sr. ’78, P’10, ’06 David Frassinelli MS’92 Mary and Joe Carlucci, P’18, ’10, ’09 Susan and Frank ’89 Carroll




{ Doug ’86 and Patricia Hammond Proudly Support Fairfield University’s commitment to diversity and Salute this year’s Award Winners Kathleen A. Murphy ’84 Thomas J. Fanning, Sr. ’78, P’10, ’06 David W. Frassinelli MA’92 Joseph and Mary Carlucci, P’18, ’10, ’09



h Congratulations to This year’s honorees:

Kathleen A. Murphy ’84 Thomas J. Fanning, Sr. ’78, P10, ’06 David W. Frassinelli MA’92 Joseph and Mary Carlucci, P’18, ’10, ’09 Best wishes from The Lessing Family



Here’s to your continued accomplishments EY is pleased to congratulate Fairfield University’s 2018 Award honorees: Alumni Professional Achievement Award:

Kathleen A. Murphy ’84 Alumni Service Award:

Thomas J. Fanning, Sr. ’78, P’10, ’06 David W. Frassinelli MA’92 Parent Leadership Award:

Joseph and Mary Carlucci P’18, ’10, ’09

© 2018 EYGM Limited. All Rights Reserved.

Distinguished Faculty/Administrator Award:


Extending Congratulations to the 2018 Honorees Alumni Professional Achievement Award

Kathleen A. Murphy ’84 Alumni Service Award

Thomas J. Fanning, Sr. ’78, P’10, ’06 Distinguished Faculty/Administrator Award

David W. Frassinelli MS’92 Parent Leadership Award

Joseph and Mary Carlucci, P’18, ’10, ’09

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Heritage Strategies is proud to support Fairfield University and congratulates this year’s honorees Kathleen A. Murphy ’84 David W. Frassinelli MS’92 Joseph and Mary Carlucci, P’18, ’10, ’09 Thomas J. Fanning, Sr. ’78, P’10, ’06


Broadridge proudly supports the Fairfield Awards Dinner Congratulations to the 2018 alumni honorees!

Alumni Professional Achievement Award

Kathleen A. Murphy ’84 President, Personal Investing, Fidelity Investments

Alumni Services Award Thomas J. Fanning, Sr. ’78, P’10, ‘06 Founder, Heritage Strategies LLC Founder and Director, Gold Coast Bank Franchisee, PDQ

© 2018 Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc., Broadridge and the Broadridge logo are registered trademarks of Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.

Communications Technology Data and Analytics


Siena Lending Group and the Chiluisas proudly sponsor The 2018 Fairfield Awards Dinner and the Chiluisa Family Scholarship Siena Lending Group leverages the underlying value of working capital assets and machinery & equipment to tailor innovative and flexible solutions for middle market businesses: • • • • •

Rapid Growth Turnaround and Restructuring Management and LBOs Acquisition Other Special Situations For more information, please contact Jorge Chiluisa at


With grateful appreciation, we would like to thank the community of Fairfield University. Fairfield University has provided our 3 sons, Patrick ’09 and his wife, Rachael (Seibold) ’09, Nicholas ’10 and his wife Caity (Barber) ’10 and Ryan ’18 with a strong and challenging Jesuit liberal arts education. During their four years as students at Fairfield, each of our sons and daughters-in-law have established lifelong relationships with fun, kind, and compassionate friends. They have gleaned the knowledge and opportunities available at the University to prepare them for successful careers. They have been the beneficiaries of living and learning in an environment that has nurtured their faith through the guidance of Jesuit values; inspired them to serve and respect others; and encouraged them to be moral and ethical members of society.

Thank You, Fairfield University.

–Joe and Mary Carlucci, P’18, ’10, ’09


h Brian ’80 and Laura Hull P’13 Congratulations on this Wonderful Recognition ALUMNI PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD

Kathleen A. Murphy ’84 ALUMNI SERVICE AWARD



Joseph and Mary Carlucci, P’18, ’10, ’09 Thank You for your Loyalty and Dedication



Kathy & John ’71 O’Neill, P’08 & Family are pleased to support Fairfield University and Congratulate the Honorees at the 2018 Fairfield Awards Dinner

Kathleen A. Murphy ’84 Thomas J. Fanning, Sr. ’78, P’10, ’06 David W. Frassinelli MA’92 Joseph and Mary Carlucci, P’18, ’10, ’09


Knowledge can take you places For over 75 years, Fairfield University has been providing higher education to students as well as fostering ethical and religious values. We are proud to support their efforts and congratulate this year’s Fairfield University Award recipients on their outstanding achievements.

© 2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership. All rights reserved.

441954-2018-Fairfield University Awards Dinner 2018 Ad.indd 1

4/2/2018 5:07:20 PM


Marion Peckham Egan School of Nursing & Health Studies

Congratulations, David Frassinelli, on receiving the Distinguished Faculty/Administrator Award


TIAA is proud to serve Fairfield University. Congratulations to this year’s honorees.

ABM is proud to support Fairfield University

ABM congratulates David Frassinelli and all Fairfield Award Winners for recognition of their great achievements. Š2018 ABM Industries Inc.


Encouraging education. Empowering students. We share your commitment. KPMG LLP is proud to support The Fairfield University Awards Dinner, and we congratulate the honorees for their outstanding service and commitment to making a difference.

© 2018 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. NDPPS 757733

Congratulations to all of the 2018 Fairfield Awards Dinner Award recipients Tim and Rose Lane ’85, P’16 Mairin Lane ’16



5 Congratulations to this year’s honorees. Your collective dedication to Fairfield truly sets you apart! Congratulations on these well-deserved awards. We are fortunate to know you. Linda and Paul ’82 Huston


Congratulations to Kathleen A. Murphy, Alumni Professional Achievement Award Honoree and All the 2018 Honorees

From Your Friends At

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75 Broad Street, Milford, CT 06460 Phone: 203-783-1200


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Congratulations to: KATHLEEN A. MURPHY ’84


JOSEPH AND MARY CARLUCCI, P’18, ’10, ’09 From the LOME Girls, Class of 1983



Christopher and Catherine Desmarais ’93 Congratulate the 2018 Honorees Kathleen A. Murphy Thomas J. Fanning, Sr. David W. Frassinelli Joseph & Mary Carlucci

Education for an Inspired Life

Congratulations to the 2018 Honorees KATHLEEN A. MURPHY ’84 THOMAS J. FANNING, SR. ’78, P’10, ’06 DAVID W. FRASSINELLI MA’92 JOSEPH and MARY CARLUCCI, P’18, ’10, ’09 and to 30 years of Award Winners!

Patti & John Glassford ’85

Charles F. Dolan School of Business Completion: Fall 2019

Congratulations David Frassinelli on being honored with a 2018 Fairfield University Distinguished Faculty / Administrative Award!


New Student Residence Hall Completion: Summer 2018

Atlanta GA Boston MA Glastonbury CT Syracuse NY 860 657.8077

Congratulations to our dear friends, Mary and Joe Carlucci, P’18, ’10, ’09! Many thanks for your commitment to Fairfield. Congratulations to our classmate Tom Fanning, Sr. ’78, P’10, ’06, and to Kathleen Murphy ’84 and David Frassinelli MS’92 for your accomplishments and distinguished service to Fairfield. The Ollwerthers Beth ’79, Bob ’78, Cate and Sean, and Jonathan ’10







Alumni Association

The Fairfield University Alumni Association The Fairfield University Alumni Association congratulates the 2018 Awards Dinner Honorees congratulates the 2018 Awards Dinner Honorees

KATHLEEN A. MURPHY ’84 Alumni K Professional ATHLEEN A. Achievement MURPHY ’84 Award Alumni Professional Achievement Award THOMAS J. FANNING, SR. ’78, P’10, ’06 Service J. FANNING , SR.Award ’78, P’10, ’06 THOMASAlumni Alumni Service Award DAVID W. FRASSINELLI MS’92 Distinguished W. FRASSINELLI MS’92 Award DAVID Faculty/Administrator Distinguished Faculty/Administrator Award JOSEPH & MARY CARLUCCI, P’18, ’10, ’09 Award’10, ’09 JOSEPH Parent & MARYLeadership CARLUCCI, P’18, Parent Leadership Award Thank you for your commitment and dedication to Fairfield! Thank you for your commitment and dedication to Fairfield!

“Once A Stag, ALWAYS A Stag!” “Once A Stag, ALWAYS A Stag!”

We proudly salute Thomas J. Fanning, Sr.


for his commitment to excellence.

Castagna Realty.indd 1

3/26/18 2:20 PM

{ Congratulations to THOMAS J. FANNING, SR. ’78, P’10, ’06 The Alumni Service Award Recipient For All His Outstanding Work with Fairfield University Congratulations!

Chris and Ann Quick


David Frassinelli Congratulations on receiving the Distinguished Faculty/Administrator Award A well-deserved tribute With best wishes from the Facilities Committee of the Fairfield University Board of Trustees


PAC Group

is proud to support Fairfield University and the 2018 Honorees for their outstanding dedication and commitment

‌.building a positive experience 126 South Main Street, Torrington, CT 860.485.9363

Proskauer and Jay D. Waxenberg are proud to support the

Fairfield Awards Dinner and joins in congratulating

Thomas J. Fanning, Sr. ’78, P’10, P’06 Alumni Service Award

and all of the award recipients

Beijing | Boca Raton | Boston | Chicago | Hong Kong | London | Los Angeles | New Orleans New York | Newark | Paris | São Paulo | Washington, D.C. Proskauer Rose LLP | Eleven Times Square, New York, NY 10036-8299 | 212.969.3000 | Attorney Advertising

Congratulations to Thomas J. Fanning, Sr. Founding Partner Heritage Strategies, LLC Founder and Director Gold Coast Bank for his invaluable contribution toward the betterment of our community.

w w w. g c b n y. c o m





Craig Koenigsberg and Peter Glass ’97 Congratulate

Thomas J. Fanning, Sr. For his devotion and dedication to Fairfield University An honor well deserved!

Congratulations to Tom Fanning for this Special Recognition by his Alma Mater Jim Hynes Chairman of the Board, Iona College and Close Friend


h Congratulations to the 2018 Honorees Especially our dear friend

Tom Fanning Fondly, Tom ’78 and Mary Walsh Rosellen ’74 and Bob ’74 Schnurr Marianne ’88 and Jake Saladino



Congratulations to Joe and Mary Carlucci, P’18, ’10, ’09 on receiving the Parent Leadership Award Well Deserved! Steve and Mimi Barber, P’10


Tommy, Congratulations on your outstanding achievement. We are proud of you and grateful for your friendship. Tom and Jeanmarie Scaturro


{ Congratulations and Best Wishes to this years Distinguished Honorees: THOMAS J. FANNING, SR. ’78, P’10, ’06 Alumni Service Award KATHLEEN A. MURPHY ’84 Alumni Professional Achievement Award We admire your professional achievements and your generosity to the University and to the Community. Bob & Peggy Gartland


h Gavin & Marybeth O’Connor ’88 congratulate all the honorees:

Kathleen A. Murphy ’84 Thomas J. Fanning, Sr. ’78, P’10, ’06 David W. Frassinelli MA’92 Joseph and Mary Carlucci, P’18, ’10, ’09 and are proud to support Fairfield University and the Multicultural Scholarship Fund


To an outstanding friend, fellow SFH Board Member and dedicated Estate & Business planning “Guru” Congratulations Tom for being honored with Fairfield University’s

“Alumni Service Award” Dom & Cathy Camera

Mike Andrews Scholarship Fund Never Forget

To All who Donated — Thanks a Million

First Long Island Investors, LLC congratulates our friend

Thomas J. Fanning, Sr. on receiving The Fairfield Alumni Service Award

FIRST LONG ISLAND INVESTORS, LLC Trust ◈ Service ◈ Performance ◈ Since 1983 516-935-1200 ◈



CONGRATULATIONS Wales-Darby Inc. is pleased to recognize

Thomas J. Fanning, Sr.

as the recipient of The Fairfield Alumni Service Award NEW YORK

2910 Express Drive South Islandia, NY 11749 Call: 631.585.6800 Email:


5B Powder Horn Drive Warren, NJ 07059 Call: 732.560.1001 Email:


THOMAS FANNING as recipient of

2018 ALUMNI SERVICE AWARD The Minicozzi Family

The Meltzer Lippe Foundation is proud to support Fairfield University’s Awards Dinner honoring

THOMAS J. FANNING, SR. in recognition for his dedication and commitment to the University

The Meltzer Lippe Foundation is supported by the law firm of Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein & Breitstone, LLP.

Peter and Dorette Sacripanti proudly congratulate Tom Fanning for receiving the 2018 Fairfield University Alumni Service Award


Nicolock and Roberto Nicolia, Jr. Class of ’10, would like to congratulate Thomas J. Fanning, Sr. and the other 2018 Fairfield Award Recipients.

Congratulations to our parents

Joseph and Mary Carlucci Recipients of the 2018 Parent Leadership Award Thank you for your love and support and for making our Fairfield journeys possible! Patrick ’09, Nicholas ’10, Ryan ’18

Congratulations Tom Fanning With best wishes from The Filone Family


Thomas J. Fanning, Sr. ’78, P’10, ’06 Recipient of the 2018 Alumni Service Award Congratulations, Tom, on this well-deserved honor. With best wishes, Pattie and Bob Friemann

A great education comes from great leaders. Congratulations to David Frassinelli MS’92 who exemplifies dedication to world-class facilities for scholarship and personal growth.

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Joins in Celebrating Fairfield University’s 30th Awards Dinner Congratulations 2018 Honorees: Kathleen Murphy • Thomas Fanning, Sr. • David Frassinelli • Joseph & Mary Carlucci

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Day Pitney

is proud to support

Fairfield University and the

Fairfield Awards Dinner Congratulations to all of tonight’s honorees BOSTON CONNECTICUT FLORIDA NEW JERSEY NEW YORK WASHINGTON,DC |

John D. Talio 914-953-5368

Congratulations to

Tom Fanning, Sr.

on a terrific accomplishment. Â

John R. Repetti, CPA Partner, Citrin Cooperman Founder and Director, Gold Coast Bank

Congratulations to Thomas Fanning, Sr. and to all of the Honorees on the recognition of your contributions to Fairfield University The Davino Family Sal Davino and Sandi Davino Niccolai, P’20

Congratulations and Best Wishes

Established 1866

Congratulations to Thomas J. Fanning, Sr. ’78 as the recipient of the 2018 Alumni Service Award

Counselors At Law

Well Deserved!

Daniel F. Murphy Jr. James E. McGrath, III PUTNEY, TWOMBLY, HALL & HIRSON LLP

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Congrats Tommy. Not bad for a guy who fries chicken! Thanks for being a great partner. Sincerely, Your friends at PDQ

Congratulations to all the well-deserving honorees at this year’s event, especially to our good friend Thomas J. Fanning. Go Stags! Marc and Kathleen Salerno ’94

The Class of 1990

Congratulates our friends

David W. Frassinelli Distinguished Faculty/Administrator Award


Maureen Errity Bujno ’90 Co-chair, 2018 Fairfield Awards Dinner

Thomas J. Fanning, Sr. Alumni Service Award

Thank you for your leadership and commitment to Fairfield!



1073 North Benson Road


Fairfield, Connecticut 06824-5195




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