Retreats and Programming for Fall 2024
The Murphy Center, founded in 2014, is celebrating 10 years of opportunities to deepen one’s prayer life and find God in all things The graces of our ministry and mission encourage participants to discern how and where God might be inviting greater openness to growth; leading to an increase in faith, hope and love All are welcome!
Monthly Spiritual Direction - An ongoing invitation for people of all faith backgrounds to continue your prayer journey and discover where and how God is inviting you All seekers welcome – no religious background necessary
Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (SEEL) - This 32-week adaptation of the Spiritual Exercises begins in September and ends in May with participants committing to daily prayer, monthly meetings with other participants, and frequent meetings with a Spiritual Director who will act as a guide through the Spiritual Exercises
Ten-Week Ignatian Encounter - Once a week for ten weeks, this one-on-one prayer journey walking with a trained spiritual director is available to students who are interested in deepening their relationship with God No prior experience with Ignatian spirituality is necessary
Aging With Grace - Open to retirees of all faiths, Aging with Grace meets weekly on zoom beginning September 18 Assigned readings and personal reflection guide participants through an exploration of the spiritual dynamics of growing older Participants will be asked to purchase The Wisdom of Tenderness by Brennan Manning Registration fee for this program is $40 To register by mail, contact NMigacz@fairfield edu
Men’s Spirituality Group - The Men’s Spirituality Group meets monthly on Saturday mornings at MCIS Those gathered, spend time reflecting upon a piece of scripture and then sharing how it is reflected in their lives
Advent Retreat for Women - Mark your calendar! The Women’s Advent Retreat is scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, December 11, 2024 Registration information will be sent out in early November
Advent Reflections – You are invited to join our online Advent Reflection series beginning the first Sunday of Advent These audio reflections are free and open to faculty, staff, alumni and friends of Fairfield University and Fairfield Prep More information and registration will be sent out in November
AMDG Retreat - MCIS offers a three day silent retreat, February 28-March 2, 2025 held at Mercy by the Sea in Madison, CT A limited number of spaces are available for faculty, staff and students The retreat includes daily meetings with a spiritual director and presentations of key aspects of Ignatian Spirituality Please contact MCIS to register
For more information and to register for programs, email mcis@fairfield edu
The Center sees close to 500 people monthly for spiritual direction
The Murphy Center is located in a building that formerly housed the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, a religious order 1 2 3
Murphy Center for Ignatian Spirituality @murphycenterfairfieldu
The Center leads over 500 student athletes facilitating 20 retreats every year for every team