Above: Coast Capital Branded Wraps - Small
Branding that Says Something. UNIQUE | SUSTAINABLE | BRANDED
Nature Bee Beeswax Wraps are a convenient, vibrant, and long-lasting alternative to plastic wrap. Nature Bee offers a branding solution that promotes your company with sustainability and elevates its most integral core values. We are for organizations that pride themselves on community, accountability and sustainability. A custom branded Nature Bee Beeswax Wrap is an incredible way of getting your brand into the hands and homes of loyal customers, employees, and partners, all while highlighting the importance of sustainability. With care, your banded Nature Bee Wrap will last in the kitchens and homes of its recipient for up to a full year. That is branding that lasts. A Nielson study revealed that 81% of their global respondents felt companies must be charged with supporting the health of our environment and ecosystems.
Made from 100% cotton, Vancouver Island sourced beeswax, pine tree resin, and jojoba oil, each wrap is crafted, folded and packaged with love in Victoria BC Canada. We are making durable, convenient and fun wraps that bring colour to kitchens and help reduce single-use plastic waste from entering landfills and oceans. These custom wraps are perfect for storing leftovers or packing a snack on the go. The average Nature Bee Beeswax Wrap is used 300 times with good care. That’s an average of 900 to 3,600 pieces of plastic wrap being prevented from entering our oceans and landfills, per user, per year. Not only are we preventing single-use plastic waste, but we are also reducing food waste by keeping good food fresher for longer. Food in a Nature Bee Beeswax Wrap lasts 3x longer than it naturally would.
Above: UVic Branded Wraps - Small
Nature Bee was founded in 2018 by Vancouver Island local and Queen Bee, Katie Gamble. Nature Bee started as a final project at the end of her Bachelor of Commerce Degree at the University of Victoria where it quickly turned into something much more. Katie was overwhelmed by the year-over-year production of wasteful single-use plastics and wanted to make a change. As a natural entrepreneur, Katie continued with Nature Bee to bring vibrant and convenient plastic wrap alternatives to homes everywhere. Katie and the growing Nature Bee Community believe that small improvements in consumption and behaviour will make big changes to our environment. Today Nature Bee is receiving overwhelming support from organizations that want to bring their branding to the next level. We are helping organizations give meaningful and valuable goods, without negatively impacting the environment. By collaborating with organizations, we aim to reduce plastic waste in our oceans and landfills while supporting the goals and values of our partners.
Katie Gamble, Founder Nature Bee Beeswax Wraps
Your Branded Beeswax Wraps. Smart, environmentally and socially equitable branding that speaks to your organization’s values. COLOUR
We will customize your wraps based on your colour preference. Send us your company colours and we will customize accordingly.
Your custom beeswax wraps will have your logo or design on it to help grow brand recognition. We can do company logos, anniversary logos, event-specific logos, custom designs and more.
We can also customize the packaging to match your brand needs. If you would like something specific written on the package let us know and we will do our best to accommodate.
Whether you’re a big company with thousands of employees or a small business looking for unique ways to grow, we can meet your needs.
We offer sizes in small (20*20), medium (25*25), and large (35*35). Smalls are perfect for small snacks; mediums are best for half-cut veggies, cheese, and covering bowls; larges are perfect for sandwiches, covering containers, and bundling loose veggies.
Our Happy Customers
the planet friendly alternative to plastic wrap
Fairware T: +1.604.732.3247 E: W: 178 West 3rd Avenue Vancouver BC v5y1e9