Play it Safe! The spring sunshine is here, summer is on its way and things are back in full swing at Fairwinds Golf Club, but is your game—and maybe your back—a little rusty? Hélène Delisle, our Head of Golf Instruction, has some words of wisdom to help prevent injuries that would keep you from enjoying your game.
the CHIP TIP...
Golf is a low-impact sport, but things can go wrong. It is our backs, shoulders and elbows that are most likely to sustain an injury due to the game, but happily most can be prevented. Poor flexibility is a leading cause of golf injury, so along with working on your putting, and spending time at the driving range, simple practices like developing a pre- and post-game stretching routine are must-do’s. According to “more than 80% of golfers spend less than 10 minutes warming up before a round. And those who did warm up had less than half the incidence of injuries of those who did not warm up before playing.”
Hélène Delisle Head of Instruction, Fairwinds Golf Club
"...more than 80% of golfers spend less than 10 minutes warming up before a round...”
SOME WAYS TO LOWER YOUR RISK OF INJURIES FROM GOLF Warm up prior to your game. If you are not
Lift and carry clubs carefully. Use your
comfortable doing so at the course, start your routine before you leave home.
legs, not your back, to heave that golf bag out of your vehicle.
Incorporate strength training into your
Be aware of the lay of the land to avoid
personal fitness program.
Stretch, stretch, stretch! Build up your endurance. Daily aerobic
activity will improve your health and your game. And luckily, we have some great hikes and biking in the Fairwinds area, along with a well-equipped fitness centre.
hitting objects—other than the ball—with your club as you swing.
Choose proper footwear. Wear golf
shoes with short cleats that are comfortable and provide support.
Beware of sun exposure. The rules are
the same as those for the beach… wear a hat, slap on sunscreen, and stay hydrated!
If you do not already have a golf fitness routine, there are many resources available to draw from including online videos and courses. You may also want to consider the services of a certified fitness trainer specializing in golf, who will assist in developing the fitness program, and pre- and post-game routine best suited to you. Most importantly, please remember that if you do injure yourself, make sure you give the site of the injury the care and attention it deserves! And see a healthcare professional if it is acute, or doesn’t improve with appropriate care, rest and time.
Healthy golfing everyone!
requires a few basic adjustments to your body and stance. With the help of a golf instructor and a little practice, you can perfect your chipping. Put your hands lower on the grip and your feet closer to the ball. Your ball position is best two inches behind the middle of your stance. Stand close enough to the ball so that when you raise the heel of your club, the toe is down. Use an accelerating swing by making a follow-through about 20% longer than your back swing, using a rhythmic, smooth and steady swing. Keep your wrists firm. Put more weight on your front foot (left for right handed golfers) and keep your hands in front of the club face. At the end of your swing you should be able to hold a glass of wine on your clubface. 25 PASSIONS | SPRING-SUMMER 2021