Narrative 1

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Creation scene one: beginnings Scene One of this story, from Genesis 1, is a poetic account told by the ancient Israelites for many generations… and it begins like this: The creator… a great and mysterious being called God formed the earth and heavens above. While the earth was still shapeless and empty, God’s Spirit hovered over the surface of the dark waters. As God spoke, order was given to chaos… and creation began to take shape. God created light… and pushed back the darkness. God separated the sky from the oceans and seas… and gathered the waters, allowing dry land to appear. God made plants, flowers, and trees grow… all with seeds in them so they could reproduce themselves. God created the sun, the moon, and the stars… setting the days, months, and seasons into motion. God formed all kinds of creatures… fish that swim in the seas, birds that fly through the air, and wild animals that run and crawl across the land. Looking at this creation, God said, “This is good!” Then God created another kind of creature: human beings. God created both men and women to reflect God’s own image. And God blessed the humans and said to them, “Continue my creative work. Start a family and take care of all living things.” [pause] Looking at all of this wonderful creation, God said, “This is VERY good!” Then God rested… and set aside a day in each week for humans to rest and enjoy being with God.

scene two: first humans Scene Two, from Genesis 2, gives a closer view of the creation of humans. It begins like this: While the plants and trees were still just seeds in the soil, God caused water to mist from the ground and start their growth. Then God took dirt from the earth and used it to form a human being. When God breathed breath into the human’s nostrils, suddenly he came to life! He’d be known as Adam, which means ground or dirt. And God planted a beautiful garden, filled with all kinds of plants and trees and delicious fruit. Sparkling rivers flowed through the center of this garden. God gave Adam great responsibility: to work in the garden and care for all living things. God even brought each kind of animal right to Adam so he could give them names! In the middle of this garden stood two special trees: the Tree of Life, and the Tree of knowing Good and Evil. God told Adam, “Enjoy the fruit from any tree - except for one. If you eat fruit from the Tree of Knowing Good and Evil, you will die.” [pause] Later God said to Adam, “It’s not good for you to be alone. I will make a partner that is just right for you!” So God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep, removed one of his sides, and filled in the place it had been taken from. Then, God used Adam’s side to form the first woman. When God brought her to Adam, Adam shouted, “At last!” Adam would soon call his new companion Eve, meaning giver of life. Adam and Eve were joined together as one. Although they were naked, they never felt ashamed. [pause] And God would come and walk with them in the cool of the day.

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